Recruitment, selection and reception of personnel. Selection for the position from among the few best candidates. organization of competitions for filling vacancies and informing about available vacancies and conditions for participation in the competition of employees of the enterprise

Hiring an employee is the final phase of recruitment and selection of personnel. In the process of hiring, the final definition and consolidation of the future relationship between the employer and the employee takes place. It involves strict observance of the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, departmental and other acts relating to labor relations. In addition, it should be borne in mind that enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership operate in market conditions and that the status of an employee in them may be different. He can be a shareholder of the company and at the same time work here, that is, be either a working owner or an employee. An employee as an owner has at least three basic rights:

To participate in the management of the affairs of the company (in accordance with the type and number of shares it has);

For dividends;

For the liquidation quota.

As an employee, he obeys the rules of the internal labor regulations, performs the official duties assigned to him in accordance with the established requirements.

Already at the stage of the selection interview, there is also a discussion of the contract. It should be remembered that contract negotiation is part of the hiring process and takes place both before and after the hiring decision is made. Therefore, offers made during the interview, even verbally, are part of the contract. You must know exactly what you are authorized to offer. Otherwise, you can put the organization in an uncomfortable and legally difficult position, and yourself in a situation where you can be subject to disciplinary action.

If the interview at least partially, is the "sale" of the work to the candidate, then the "sale" transaction must be completed accordingly. Typically, the term "contract" means a legal agreement between two parties. Any contract implies that someone makes an offer, someone else accepts it. The conclusion of the employment contract assumes that:

Your offer to someone to do the job has been accepted;

You manage the employee doing the work (personally or with the help of another employee);

You instruct him what to do;

You instruct him how to do it;

this work is part of your normal job.

The approximate amount of information about the terms and conditions of the contract that is provided to the employee includes the following information:

Names of parties (employer and employee);

Job title;

Date of commencement of work (and date of termination of the contract, if this contract is concluded for a fixed period);

Tariff rate or an indication of the method of calculating wages;

The frequency of remuneration (weekly, monthly or other - normal working hours);

Holidays and their payment

Rules for issuing passes in connection with illness or accident and their payment;

Scheme for calculating the pension and an indication of whether it applies to the employee state system pension insurance or not covered;

Complaints procedure;

The period for which the employee must receive a notice or statement of termination of work before its actual termination.

The contract must contain all of the items listed and may refer the employee to other documents.

The recruitment of personnel is made in accordance with Art. 17 Labor Code

RF, which provides for three types of labor agreement (contract):

An employment contract (contract) for an indefinite period, according to which they are usually hired in state and municipal enterprises;

A fixed-term employment contract (contract) concluded for a fixed period and becoming more common in an emerging market;

Employment contract (contract) for the period of performance of a certain work.

Each organization (firm) in accordance with Art. 130 Labor Code of the Russian Federation to establish their own labor regime, clearly regulating the relationship between the employee and the employer, improving its image and increasing its attractiveness in the labor market, develops internal labor regulations with the following sections:

1. General Provisions.

2. The procedure for hiring and dismissing employees.

3. Rights and obligations of the employer and employees

4. Work time and rest time.

5. Encouragement for success in work.

6. Disciplinary sanctions for violations of labor discipline,

7. Responsibility of the employer and employees, etc.

Separately, in the rules can be distinguished due to the relevance for a number of

enterprises sections on confidentiality and authorship of inventions created in the process of labor. Here you can also determine the procedure for storing valuable information, employee inventions and handing them over to the employer, as well as sanctions for non-compliance with the rules.

The final stage of registration of relations is the signing employment contract(contract) and issuance of an order (instruction) for persons who signed an employment contract (contract).

An employment contract (contract) must contain:

1. Duration of activity.

2. Obligations arising from labor relations.

3. Trial period.

4. Rights and responsibilities

5. Remuneration system and social guarantees

6. Reimbursement for travel expenses

7. Reception of gifts, souvenirs.

8. Criteria for evaluating work.

9. Use of results of activity and inventions of the worker.

10. Tariff agreements and the main provisions of the internal labor regulations.

11. Providing overalls.

12. Additional services.

Especially the manager, is necessary condition success of any organization. Selection new employees for vacant positions begins with the development of a set of requirements for the candidate, including professional, personal, medical and other requirements, which are already formed on the basis of job duties and job description.

System search, selection And recruitment characterized by a comprehensive approach to the quality of human resources. Final goal implementation of this system - the maximum coincidence of the expectations of the new employee and management. World practice shows that even in the best firms they coincide in no more than 30% of cases.

For job search for a specific workplace They use internal sources first, and only then external ones. External sources exist in the labor market. They allow you to find candidates for a vacancy outside the organization, while internal sources make it possible to move employees of the organization, connected by legal and psychological contracts with the organization, more or less familiar with the internal world of the organization. With a relatively long work experience in the organization, employees are also carriers of the organizational culture.

Channels that help to use internal sources can be:

  • creation of a personnel reserve for promotion;
  • announcements about hiring or competition for a vacancy in the internal media;
  • offers to graduates of educational institutions and centers undergoing internships at this enterprise;
  • transfers, relocations, including job combinations, etc. Channels that help to use external sources can be:
  • announcements of vacancies by the organization at the front office or with the involvement of agents (a case is known when an entrepreneur from the United States collected good group employees walking the streets big city with a shield "Looking for workers");
  • announcements of vacancies by the organization through the media (including Internet resources);
  • specialized publications and announcements about specialists through the mass media;
  • appeal to organizations involved in employment;
  • information about specialists from related enterprises;
  • application to universities and specialized educational establishments(colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, etc.);
  • petitions of employees of the enterprise who are familiar with external specialists.

For feedback to candidates, it is desirable to provide them brief information about future work. For the greatest awareness of candidates, personnel services need to:

  • formulate and publish the main requirements for the employee;
  • familiarize all applicants with the procedure for interacting with the personnel department after the initial selection of a candidate for the proposed position.

The procedure for processing appeals (applications) of applicants by personnel services at the stage of searching (attracting) candidates:

  • receipt of an appeal (application, resume, personal personnel record sheet, certification sheet, etc.);
  • accounting (registration);
  • analysis of submitted documents and, if necessary, request additional information about the applicant;
  • referral to the appropriate department;
  • consideration in the department;
  • return to HR;
  • development of an agreed opinion of the personnel department and the department to which the document was sent;
  • refusal or invitation to an interview.

After studying the personal data submitted by the candidates and making a decision to invite the candidate for an interview, the most crucial period for personnel services begins - the period of personnel selection. It includes several consecutive steps:

1. Registration in the prescribed manner of personal and autobiographical data.
2. Analysis of references and track record.
3. Interview.
4. Examination of professional suitability, including business and personal qualities.
5. Medical control and hardware research.
6. Analysis of test results and making a conclusion on professional suitability.
7. Making a hiring decision.

At each stage of selection, some applicants are eliminated due to non-compliance with certain requirements, or they themselves refuse the procedure, making other decisions. The use of all stages ensures a minimum of errors in the selection of personnel. The higher the job level of the manager-applicant, the greater the need to go through all the steps.

In our opinion, not all steps should be carried out by personnel services, since only the heads of departments in which there are vacancies know best of all the necessary requirements for a candidate. Therefore, some stages must be coordinated with the immediate future leaders of the candidates, and the final decision should be passed directly to them.

Stage 1. Registration in the prescribed manner of personal and autobiographical data. Applicants who have passed the preliminary selection draw up in accordance with the established procedure a personal sheet for personnel records (CV), autobiography and fill out a questionnaire. The number of items in the questionnaire should be minimal, they should contain information that most affects the performance and quality of the applicant's future work. Questionnaire items should be formulated in a neutral style and suggest any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer the question. The questionnaire should be adapted for each workplace.

Stage 2. Analysis of references and track record. At this stage, it is carefully studied and analyzed achievement list each applicant and prepare questions for the interview. This work is carried out both by the personnel department and by the management of the department, production, site where the applicants are planned to work. In addition, at this stage, a situation may arise, especially for high-ranking managerial positions, when a review of the applicant from a previous job is required. Feedback can be requested and received both orally and in writing.

Stage 3. Interview. Work at this stage can be organized different ways. For some activities, it is preferable that candidates come to the personnel department, for others - to the immediate supervisor of the future work. In such cases, an HR specialist or line manager conducts a preliminary screening interview with all candidates, after which the selected applicants can proceed to the next stage. According to the results of the interview, persons are selected who, according to formal indicators, meet certain qualification requirements.

There are several approaches to organizing an interview. This could be an interview.

  • according to a pre-prepared scheme;
  • poorly formalized;
  • performed without special training.

The purpose of a conversation of any type is one - to collect the necessary information about the personal and business qualities of the candidate, to verify documentary information in direct contact. The interview is usually conducted by a representative of the company's personnel management service and a representative of the department, department, section, service where there is a vacant position for which the employee is selected.

When conducting an interview, you must adhere to the following basic socio-psychological requirements:

  • have a pre-prepared conversation plan;
  • at the very beginning of the interview, try to relieve the candidate's possible tension, the style of the interview should be friendly, encouraging;
  • allow the candidate to speak (it is desirable that the candidate speaks more than the interviewer);
  • when the conversation deviates from the main direction, to know for what purpose it was done and what information was received;
  • to be objective, to move away from one's own preferences, especially regarding personal qualities candidate (this mainly applies to personnel officers, since the candidate is not selected for their department, but for the sections of the enterprise and a certain manager);
  • make a conclusion only after the end of the interview. An experienced interviewer can rely on intuition, but be sure to take into account their possible biases;
  • coordinate the impressions of HR managers with the future immediate supervisor of the candidate.

The conclusion on the results of the interview is written in any form, its main conclusions are briefly presented in the approval sheet of the candidate's questionnaire.

Stage 4. Examination of professional suitability. Appraisal of professional suitability is carried out during the selection of personnel in the recruitment process. Such an examination can also be periodically carried out for working employees during their certification and selection for the reserve for promotion. Surveying can be done in two ways. The first method is limited to the determination of professional suitability. In the second method, the correspondence of the business, personal and professional qualities of the employee to the requirements of the proposed position, workplace is established.

Professional suitability- this is the compliance of the employee in terms of professional qualities with the requirements of a particular workplace, official duties. justified professional selection must be preceded by:

  • determination of the list of professionally important qualities necessary for the performance of the relevant professional activity and subject to measurement and evaluation (psychogram);
  • development of methods and organizational procedures for determining the professional suitability of applicants during selection in the recruitment process;
  • organization of a special office and training of specialists for professional selection.

Professional research consists in studying and analyzing the conditions, content and dangers a certain kind jobs or a particular profession.

The professiogram as the end result of a professiographic study contains a list of professionally important qualities and requirements that an employee must have for the successful (productive and safe) performance of a given type of work (a given profession or position) and the degree of their severity. For each type of requirements and qualities, specialists and psychologists develop special tests aimed at assessing the level of their development, as well as the abilities and mindset necessary for the employee to perform tasks effectively. In the specialized literature, more than four hundred terms are used to characterize a person as a person and an individual.

The conducted studies allow us to identify and recommend four groups of professional qualities that correlate with the success of the activity:

A) Professional knowledge:

  • general professional knowledge;
  • knowledge, skills, skills of safe performance of operations (works, functions) included in job duties;
  • knowledge and skills that allow to identify (diagnose), prevent and eliminate dangerous (extreme) situations.

    B) Business qualities:

  • discipline, responsibility;
  • honesty, conscientiousness;
  • competence;
  • initiative;
  • purposefulness, perseverance;
  • autonomy, determination.

    C) Individual psychological and personal qualities:

  • motivational orientation;
  • level of intellectual development;
  • emotional and neuropsychic stability;
  • attention (volume, stability, distribution, switching);
  • memory (long-term, operational);
  • thinking (features of mental activity, ability to learn);
  • flexibility in communication, style of interpersonal behavior;
  • tendency to abuse alcohol (drugs).

    D) Psychophysiological qualities:

  • endurance, performance;
  • visual acuity;
  • eye gauge;
  • color perception;
  • hearing acuity;
  • sound differentiation;
  • odor differentiation;
  • simple and complex sensorimotor reaction (speed, accuracy).

The above list of professionally important qualities is indicative. When conducting professiographic research on specific types of activities and specific jobs, appropriate adjustments are made to the list or, if necessary, it is specially formed new list qualities.

To assess professionally important qualities, it is recommended following methods Keywords: examination, expert assessments, psychological testing, instrumental measurements.

Exam- a method based on checking the level of professional knowledge, abilities, skills by oral or written testing on test questions (test tasks) compiled in a standard form. The methodology for conducting the exam includes a description of the procedures for conducting it and evaluating the results.

Expert assessments- a method based on a generalization of the characteristics of the qualities of the subject, obtained by interviewing a certain circle of people who know the person being assessed well: the immediate supervisor, colleagues, subordinates, etc. It includes a survey (interviews, filling out questionnaires), processing and evaluation of the results of the survey.

Psychological testing- a method of psychological diagnostics that uses standardized questions and tasks (tests) that have a certain scale of values. It includes selection of standardized tests, adapted questionnaires, testing procedure and evaluation of results.

Instrumental measurements- a method based on the direct measurement of qualities (for example, reaction speed) or physiological parameters using hardware, description of measurements and interpretation of data.

For psychological testing, as a rule, computer standardized research batteries are used. The choice of psychodiagnostic sets of such studies largely depends on the competence of personnel officers and on the goals and objectives of personnel selection. Psychological testing should be carried out by an employee with a psychological education. In our opinion, it is unacceptable to conduct psychological testing by employees of personnel services who do not have knowledge in the field of psychology. Such testing is purely formal and dangerous if the results are not properly disclosed.

Based on the results of psychological testing, a conclusion is made, which is briefly presented in the list of approvals. The conclusion for internal use (it is not distributed among employees) is recommended to be detailed, reflecting in it the main individual psychological characteristics of the person being tested, his strengths and weak sides, possible difficulties adaptation period, etc.

Recruitment is the final phase of the search and selection of personnel. In the process of hiring, the final clarification of the upcoming relationship between the employer and the employee takes place.

Write down the basic rules and conditions of your work. Are they all clear to you? Suppose you are interviewing your successor, what will you offer him or her - the same conditions as yours? How rigid are they and to what extent can they be deviated from?

Was it easy for you to complete this task? Human memory is limited, and the text of the contract in many enterprises is so complicated that when discussing a contract during an interview, it would be good to have the relevant documents on hand.

Stage 5. Medical control and hardware research. Often, enterprises have a special medical control for the workers. Therefore, all applicants for a vacancy undergo a medical examination according to the parameters developed for certain professions. In addition, medical control during the selection of candidates is carried out to eliminate possible misunderstandings, for example, filing complaints by employees about compensation for loss of health at work, as well as to prevent the recruitment of carriers of infectious diseases. Medical and psychological control is carried out on the basis of approved methods with the use of special instruments and equipment.

recruitment organizational

A person has always been one of the most significant resources of an organization. The quality of this resource, that is, the level of development and motivation of the staff, directly affects the competitive advantages, as well as the strategic prospects and capabilities of the organization. A competitive enterprise strives for the most efficient use potential and capabilities of its employees, creating favorable conditions for the successful work and continuous development of their staff.

In this regard, the problem of staff motivation occupies one of the central places in the management system, acting directly and direct cause labor behavior of people. Motivation is one of the main functions of the activity of any manager, and it is with its help that the impact on the personnel of the enterprise is exerted. But in modern conditions it is quite difficult to provide the necessary level of staff motivation. It is necessary to competently approach this issue already on initial stage work - at the stage of recruitment. Recruitment of personnel of the required professional and qualification level today is an integral part of the formation of the labor potential of the enterprise. Recruitment of personnel of the required professional and qualification level today is an integral part of the formation of labor potential in an organization, as it gives it the opportunity to hire a motivated employee to solve the tasks, and not adjust the motivation system to the existing staff.

The choice of recruitment methods depends on various kinds factors: situation on the labor market, regional and sectoral affiliation of the organization, its strategic and tactical goals, stages life cycle, features of the structure and organizational culture of the enterprise, the specifics of the vacant position, etc. In the process of recruiting, it is necessary to assess the level of professional skills, abilities and knowledge of the applicant, the possibilities of his potential in accordance with the long-term tasks of the organization. This is a rather time-consuming and complicated process for a number of reasons.

First, often the heads of organizations continue to rely on intuition, recommendations from relatives and partners in the recruitment process. As a result, the ability of a particular employee to effectively help solve the tasks set is not adequately assessed.

Secondly, there is no single methodological basis for individual technologies or their fragments used in the selection of personnel by management entities (HR departments of organizations, recruitment agencies, private recruiters, etc.). Obviously, the science of personnel management itself is quite young, therefore, the problem of personnel selection, approaches to its solution have not yet received proper development. For more full understanding methodology of personnel selection, it is necessary to analyze the conceptual apparatus of the science of personnel management and its related areas, as well as to clarify the very concept of selection - personnel.

In the literature on personnel selection, one can find many definitions of this concept: - personnel selection can be defined as a process of studying candidates; - a decision-making process, at the end of which are those candidates who have emerged from the circle of candidates as the most qualified. Based on them this definition, classic The final stage of any controlled process - decision making - here acts as the main one, replacing all the traditionally previous stages. Therefore, in our opinion, a more precise definition, reflecting not only the result, but also the process itself, is as follows: recruitment is a process in which an organization selects a person or persons from the list of applicants that are best suited according to the criteria defined for a vacant position.

Next, it is necessary to disclose the concept of a system for searching, selecting and hiring personnel and the basic principles of its formation and functioning. Like any system, the recruitment system is characterized by its components and internal links between them. It contains a number of subsystems available for analysis.

Regarding the personnel selection system we are considering, it should be noted that it operates in a complex external environment and interacts with it. Recruitment as a system is inherent in the presence of links with the external environment, so we can say that this system is open, artificially created social system. It is also included in the formations of a higher order. Its participation in more ramified systems determines its function, reflecting its purpose and purpose of existence. The function of the system is set externally and shows what role this system in the overall, more complex system of which it is a part. The function of the system is divided into subfunctions performed by subsystems or components.

Thus, the function of the recruitment system as an element of the personnel management system is to ensure timely satisfaction of the organization's needs for personnel. This refers to current and prospective, quantitative and qualitative indicators of labor potential. In addition to the function, the system may have a goal - the desired outputs of the system or the results of its activities. The purpose of the recruitment system is to find a candidate whose professional and personal qualities and characteristics meet the requirements of the vacant position and the organization as a whole.

At the input of the system under consideration are candidates for a vacant position, information about their characteristics, personal and professional qualities. The output is information about candidates whose characteristics and qualities meet the requirements of the vacant position. Each output is an input to another system, which ensures the selection of the best of them and its adaptation in the team.

An important role here is played by the rules for transforming inputs into outputs, i.e. a subsystem of the philosophy of personnel selection, including conceptual approaches, principles of selection and forms of its provision.

Thus, the philosophy of selection is the methodological principles underlying the functioning of the system. Feedback system is manifested in the fact that the result of the previous action - the output of the system - affects the subsequent course of the process: the results of the selection affect the functioning common system functioning of the organization.

Determining the subject and object of the recruitment system can cause a number of difficulties, since both the employer and the applicant are equal parties to the relationship, each of which pursues its own goals.

Applicant in this case is a controlled subsystem - the object of the selection system, and the subject is the employer, acting as control system. The employer (managing subsystem) develops and applies methods of controlling the applicant (object). From this we can conclude that recruitment is a system that is a combination of recruitment methods, as well as the target subsystem and subsystem of the selection philosophy. These components are interconnected and interact with each other, they function in order to meet the organization's need for personnel.

The key elements of the system that ensure the search, selection and hiring of personnel are the leading principles, stages and philosophy of selection. First of all, it is necessary to outline the principles that must be observed regardless of which recruitment system an organization uses. The following principles of personnel selection are distinguished:

the principle of planning is expressed in the fact that all recruitment activities are carried out systematically, based on the planned needs of the enterprise and must be consistent with the organization's development strategy and its future prospects;

The principle of alternative means that the organization seeks to attract as many applicants as possible, increasing the likelihood of selecting the most suitable candidates;

The principle of active selection permanent job with candidates for vacancies, application active methods personnel search.

The company interacts with educational institutions as well as with other firms through establishing personal contacts with students and professionals, while the company, as a rule, is interested not only in good academic performance, but also in the interests and goals of applicants.

These principles are implemented in the recruitment system, which in turn is based on various methods recruitment. Modern level The development of the theory and practice of personnel management makes it possible to apply a variety of methods for recruiting employees, to use multi-level recruitment systems that cover all aspects of the personality. As a rule, there are a number of stages in the formation of a selection system in an organization.

1. In accordance with the strategy and objectives, first of all, the quantitative need of the organization for personnel is determined. Distinguish between the current (the optimal number of employees necessary for the successful operation of the organization) and long-term (the number of employees for the further implementation of the company's strategy) need for personnel.

2. The organization must develop job descriptions, which summarize the main tasks, the required education and work skills, the boundaries of responsibility and the authority of the employee. To do this, the content of the work should be studied in detail.

3. Based on the analysis of a vacant position, a profile of requirements for a future employee is formed. He is detailed description the “ideal” employee for the position. At this stage, the skills, knowledge, qualifications, practical experience, traits of character and qualities that are necessary to complete the tasks.

4. For each of the vacancies, a selection and recruitment philosophy is formed that meets the organization's strategy in the field of work with personnel. There are several options here.

Hiring to match or search " new blood". The employer determines for what purposes he hires an employee - so that he first of all fits well into the team and corporate culture of the organization, or so that his new ideas and decisions make fundamental changes in the organization's activities. In the first case we are talking about the philosophy of compliance, when the candidate's experience and knowledge are of the greatest value. The philosophy of "new blood" is used when there is a need to make changes in the work, which are most often caused by financial crises, product diversification, sharp shifts in competitive positions and external conditions. It should be noted that the implementation of the philosophy of "new blood" is associated with certain difficulties - in fact, in practice it is quite difficult to determine the true qualities of a candidate, despite the variety of existing techniques and selection methods.

Current job or long-term career. When using the philosophy of "current work", the company focuses on momentary needs and requirements for work. This approach is typical, first of all, when hiring production workers and specialists from the administrative and economic department. The philosophy of "long-term career" requires from the candidate such qualities as adaptability to change, flexibility, focus on results in long term. But even here, some problems are inevitable: the search for employees who can adapt to new situations and influence the situation is quite problematic. It is also quite difficult to identify and assess the potential of a candidate who will be useful to the organization in the long term. Moreover, the price of the so-called multifunctional labor force is much higher, which can cause a number of problems in the process of socialization of a new employee.

Trained or being trained personnel. Most often, the organization considers this dilemma from an economic standpoint. Obviously, in order to save money on education and training, it is beneficial for it to hire already trained staff. However, employers often hire untrained workers, guided by the fact that it is much easier to train workers than to retrain when the candidate has already developed a certain style of work and ideas about the effectiveness of his work.

The formation of a recruitment system involves a choice between external and internal sources.

In the first case, the organization evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of its employees who have the desire, ability and ability to fill a vacancy.

In the second case, it focuses on external sources of recruitment.

The choice of one or another approach affects not only the methods of recruitment, but also the image of the organization, its attractiveness from applicants, as well as the level of costs that it incurs in connection with the selection of personnel.

Thus, based on the chosen philosophy, the personnel selection system consists of various methods of finding and selecting employees. Depending on the approaches to selection, the methods chosen by the organization have certain specific features.

Exist various points view of the components included in the system of search, selection and recruitment of personnel. The authors consider the process of meeting the organization's need for personnel both as a set of individual elements and as a set of interrelated measures. For example, V.R. Vesnin in the process of selecting applicants and studying their compliance functional duties specific position includes:

· initial acquaintance with candidates;

collection and processing of information about them according to a certain scheme;

assessment of qualities and characteristics;

Comparison of these qualities of candidates with the requirements of a vacant position;

Comparison of applicants for the same position and selection of the most suitable one;

Approval and hiring of candidates, conclusion of employment contracts with them.

Professional selection of personnel in an organization involves a number of the following stages:

Formation of the personnel commission;

development of requirements for candidates based on the specifics of the vacant job;

Publication of announcements about the competition in the media;

· medical examination candidates;

assessment of the psychological stability of candidates;

exploration of interests, hobbies and bad habits candidates;

· ranking of candidates and drawing up the final list;

Approval of a candidate for a vacant position;

conclusion of an employment contract with a candidate;

· Preparation of relevant documents in the personnel department.

In his opinion, based on the results of the above stages, the line manager or hiring manager makes the final decision on hiring. When selecting and hiring personnel, the following sequence of stages is advisable:

Obtaining personal data of the applicant;

conducting an interview;

Checking professional suitability, including business and personal qualities;

medical control;

Decision and preparation of materials for hiring.

In addition, a number of authors consider it necessary to highlight such factors as the qualitative and quantitative needs for personnel, as well as the adaptation of a new employee to a new position. Generalization of positions various specialists on the issue under consideration made it possible to form a comprehensive list of components included in the system of search, selection and recruitment of personnel:

1. Personnel planning (determining the qualitative and quantitative needs for personnel);

2. Analysis of the situation in the external and internal labor markets, including indicators characterizing the attractiveness of the workplace and the structure of the candidate market;

3. Establishment of competitors in the labor market;

4. Definition of core competencies and requirements for candidates;

5. Formulation of the recruitment philosophy;

6. Selection of sources (external and internal), as well as methods of personnel search;

7. Specification of the flow of candidates;

8. Choice of method and selection procedure;

9. Analysis of the selection results and making the final decision;

10. Hiring a new employee and his professional adaptation.

Recruitment is a complex process, on which the well-being of the organization and the prospects for its development largely depend. Therefore, when forming a personnel selection system and choosing methods and tools, it should be considered as complex system, which is constituent element the overall system of functioning of the organization.

The results of personnel selection - system outputs - are the inputs of a multi-level system of enterprise activity.

The purpose of the recruitment system is to select a candidate, professional and personal characteristics and the qualities of which best meet the requirements of the vacant position and the organization as a whole.

Like any system, the recruitment system consists of many elements: a set of recruitment methods, a set of goals and principles, as well as a selection philosophy. Therefore, it is necessary to study and evaluate not only the results (outputs) of the system, but also consider the selection of personnel as a process consisting of successive stages.

When forming a recruitment system in an organization, it is also necessary to form a recruitment philosophy for each vacancy.

Depending on the goals of the organization and its development strategy, it can take various forms: orientation to changes in the organization or the qualitative performance of standard tasks, long-term development or current work, orientation to the potential or knowledge and experience of the candidate.

Formation of the philosophy of selection also involves the choice between external and internal sources of selection of candidates. The choice of one or another recruiting philosophy directly affects not only the recruitment methods at the enterprise, but also the image of the organization, its attractiveness from applicants, as well as the level of costs incurred by the company in connection with the selection of personnel.

So, one of the most important sectors of the formation of labor resources is the selection of personnel. And like any process occurring in a company, it requires effective management and a systematic approach.

The main goal of the recruitment process is the timely completion of the organization with effectively working personnel in the right quantity to achieve the strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise.

The selection process consists of a number of successive stages:

1. Determining the need for personnel, opening relevant vacancies.

2. Analysis of documents submitted by applicants.

3. Preliminary conversation (by phone or at a meeting) in order to get acquainted with the candidate. At this stage, you can learn more about his education, work experience, get an idea of ​​​​communication skills.

4. Familiarization with the resume of the candidate and / or filling out the questionnaire. Usually, the questionnaire includes questions of a personal nature (date and place of birth, address, education, etc.) related to previous jobs, education, hobbies. Often there are questions aimed at determining the level of self-esteem, attitudes towards various phenomena of social life, etc.

5. Interview. Interviewing a candidate, to some extent structured and formalized, can be conducted orally or in writing.

6. Testing (psychological, psychophysiological, professional, intellectual), tests. In each specific case, a special program testing (the so-called "test battery"), corresponding to a specific vacancy. Testing can be individual or as part of a group, carried out on one day or over several.

7. Checking recommendations. Often, from the previous manager or colleagues of the candidate, you can not only find out any information about the applicant, but also get useful information about what this person is strong in or what problems there may be with him. However, the previous supervisor or any of the former colleagues a candidate may be biased in his assessment, especially if "did not agree with him in his views."

8. Analysis of the results.

9. Making a decision on the suitability of the candidate for employment and presenting it to the manager.

10. Preparation of a draft employment contract. In case of a positive decision on hiring, the employee is informed of the list required documents, the date of discussion of the draft employment contract is agreed with him. By this date, on the basis of a standard employment contract, a project is drawn up, taking into account all the features of a particular position, which receives the approval of the head of the unit.

11. Conclusion of an employment contract and execution of necessary documents.

A specialist who manages the selection of a candidate for a certain position must clearly understand the essence of the work process, the duties of the employee, the degree of responsibility, working conditions, as well as the goals and objectives that are set for this position. For this, a workplace analysis is carried out. The technologies for collecting and analyzing information about the workplace are very diverse, however, at the end of this process, it is necessary to obtain information about:

1. The field of activity of a specialist, his goals and objectives and the degree of responsibility.

2. The essence and nature of the work process.

3. The list of production operations and the time for their implementation by a specialist.

4. Conditions for organizing this workplace.

5. Qualification and personal requirements for a specialist.

In practice, for the analysis of the workplace, as a rule, the following methods are used (methods are arranged according to the frequency of use):

1. Documentary - job descriptions, questionnaires, regulations on structural divisions, etc.;

2. Interviews with line managers, specialists holding similar positions and other categories of employees;

3. Observations made by the recruiter.

The result of the work at this stage is a list of psychological, qualification and organizational requirements for this specialist.

There are many sources of recruitment. Therefore, at this stage, the recruiter approaches the issue of analyzing and evaluating sources of attraction. Analysis and evaluation is carried out on the basis of a number of the following criteria:

1. Strategic and operational goals of the organization for the formation of the workforce of the organization. An example is a situation where the strategy predetermines the source of attracting specialists by moving within the organization. Based on this, external sources are not considered in principle;

2. Economic evaluation of sources. A number of alternative combinations of recruitment sources are being prepared, which allow solving the tasks of recruiting personnel with the same level of quality. The assessment is made based on the criteria for the cost part of the option, the timing of the selection, etc. This analysis represents a certain difficulty, since not all types of resources used in the selection of personnel are subject to accounting. In addition, monetary value certain types resources, such as the time of a company recruiter, is hampered by a lack of precise methods estimates.

3. Choice of sources of personnel attraction. Based on the above stages, the selection of sources for attracting specialists or a combination of them is made. The main rule that should be followed in this choice is the rule of minimizing costs. Thus, the choice stops at the option that gives the maximum effect at the same selection costs.

4. Planning of sources of personnel attraction. Each of the sources of attracting personnel has features of action, both in the temporal aspect and in the organizational aspect. Therefore, it is important to plan for their use. For each source, a list of specific actions is determined, linking them with deadlines in order to attract required amount candidates of a given quality level.

In the course of using sources of personnel attraction, the organization begins to receive information about potential candidates. This stage is very important, since even the most serious and systematic actions up to this point will be in vain if the procedure for attracting specialists is not properly planned and implemented.

The organization must decide for itself the issues of the form of application of specialists to the organization, the procedure for recording and systematizing data on candidates, and notifying those who applied about the results of the application. The system for attracting candidates works effectively under the conditions of a well-established procedure for receiving, processing, evaluating and making a decision regarding the received information about the candidate.

An important goal of this stage is to create a reserve of candidates to meet the organization's future staffing needs.

Selection of candidates. This stage describes the most wide range organization's choice the right specialist. There are the most various descriptions stages of this process, however, there can be no universal classification, since the stages of selection are determined by the specifics of the position, the characteristics of the organization, the state of the labor market and many other factors. The main thing that a recruiter should remember is that during the selection, a kind of acquaintance of a number of people takes place external environment with the organization. At proper organization This process achieves another goal of knowledge in the labor market about the level of a given employer. Guided by its own selection considerations, each enterprise uses either the full set of selection methods or some of them.

The proposed methodology most comprehensively reflects the essence of the system of search, selection and recruitment of personnel. It should help to increase the efficiency of the organization, since the main task in the selection of personnel is to identify the employee’s labor potential, determine the completeness of its implementation, establish the employee’s compliance with the vacant position, and also to assess the value of the employee for the organization and to motivate his effective work activity. . Only by determining the ratio of competencies and motivators of each individual employee, understanding what motivates him to work, what motives underlie his actions, you can develop effective system forms and methods of managing them. Based on this knowledge, the management of the organization will be able to form a new or correct existing system personnel management.

Personnel movement. Regulation labor activity

Hiring is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates with the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization.

Recruitment begins with the search and identification of candidates both within the firm and outside it. The most common sources of recruitment are:

People who accidentally came in looking for work;

Newspaper ads

Educational institutions (schools, technical schools, colleges, institutes, etc.;

employment services;

Private recruitment agencies;

Announcements on radio and television;



Search within the organization . Before entering the labor market, most organizations try to find a candidate in “their own house”. The most common internal search methods are advertisements vacant position in internal means information: newspapers of the enterprise, wall newspapers, specially published information sheets, as well as an appeal to the heads of departments with a request to nominate candidates and analysis of personal files in order to select employees with the required characteristics.

Recruitment with the help of employees. The personnel department may turn to the employees of the enterprise with a request to provide assistance and engage in an informal search for candidates among relatives and friends. This method is attractive, firstly, by its low costs, and secondly, by achieving a fairly high degree of compatibility of candidates with the organization through close contacts with its representatives. Its shortcomings are associated with “informality” – ordinary employees are not professionals in the field of candidate selection, do not always have sufficient information about the workplace, remuneration and other working conditions, and are often not objective in relation to the potential of people close to them. Using this method of attracting candidates can lead to the development of nepotism and nepotism, phenomena that do not contribute to the progress of the organization in any society.

Benefits of attracting employees through internal sources:

Opportunities for career advancement;

Increasing the degree of attachment to the organization;

The socio-psychological climate in the team is improving;

No significant financial resources are required;

The level of remuneration in the organization remains stable;

There is an increase in the young staff of this organization, the rapid filling of the vacant position, without adaptation.

The use of internal sources of recruitment makes it possible to ensure the “transparency” of personnel policy, a high degree of manageability, the possibility of planning this process and purposeful staff development. The problem of employing own personnel is being solved, the motivation and degree of job satisfaction among employees are increasing. If the translation into new position coincides with the desire of the applicant himself, then the growth of labor productivity increases. The organization has the ability to avoid excessive staff turnover.

Disadvantages of internal sources of recruitment:

The appearance of familiarity in solving business issues;

Decreased activity of an ordinary employee applying for the position of a manager;

Perhaps the emergence of tension and rivalry in the team in the event of the appearance of several applicants for the position;

Might just not be necessary people for the proposed position;

The quantitative need for personnel is not satisfied, because only a qualitative need is satisfied;

Internal search often encounters resistance from department heads seeking to “hide” the best employees and keep them for yourself.

External search . TO external ways recruitment include: self-proclaimed candidates; announcements in external media sources; contacting employment agencies, specialized consulting firms; visits to institutions, etc.

Self-revealed candidates. Almost any organization receives letters, telephone and other requests from people who are looking for work. Having no need for their labor in currently, the organization should not simply refuse such offers, it is necessary to maintain a database of these people, their knowledge and classification can be useful in the future. Maintaining such a database is inexpensive and allows representatives of reserve candidates to be on hand. In order to increase the number of self-appearing candidates, some organizations hold Days open doors, inviting everyone to get acquainted with their products, production facilities, working conditions.

Media announcements TV, radio, press. Main advantage this method– wide coverage of the population at relatively low initial costs. The disadvantages are back side Advantages – media advertisements can lead to a huge influx of candidates, most of whom will not have the required characteristics. Analysis of applications and initial selection can turn into a time-consuming and laborious undertaking. This method is successfully used for the selection of mass professions, such as construction workers for the construction of a new facility. To attract specialists, advertisements are placed in specialized literature, for example, financial or accounting publications, if a company needs a financial director. This focus of the search limits the number of potential candidates, provides more high level their professionalism and greatly facilitates the subsequent selection.

Departure to institutes and other educational institutions. Many leading organizations constantly use this method to attract "fresh blood" - young professionals. Departure to educational institutions, as a rule, includes speeches of the highest level representing the organization, video films, product demonstrations, answers to students' questions. After the presentation of the organization, its representatives conduct interviews with students who have shown interest in order to assess the potential opportunities for their work in the organization. This method is very effective in attracting a certain type of candidate - young professionals. Interviews with company representatives allow you to create a search for candidates whose degree of selection is much higher than with other methods, which reduces time and financial costs at later stages of selection. At the same time, the scope of this method is limited - it is unlikely that anyone will go to the institute to look for a senior and middle manager or a general director.

State employment agencies. The governments of most modern countries contribute to increasing the level of employment of the population, creating for this purpose special bodies engaged in finding work for citizens who have applied for help. In Ukraine, such organizations are called employment services. Each organization has a database containing information about registered people: age, education, qualifications, professional level, interesting work. Organizations engaged in the search for employees have access to this database. Usage government agencies makes it possible to conduct a focused search for candidates at low cost. However, this method rarely provides a wide coverage of potential candidates, since it is mainly certain categories of the population that apply to employment agencies, primarily the unemployed returning from maternity leave women, housewives.

Private recruitment agencies. Recruitment today has become a booming industry. There are hundreds of private companies specializing in this area. In the West, the turnover of many of similar companies exceeded billions of dollars. Each agency has its own database, and also carries out a special search for candidates in accordance with the requirements of the client. Payment for the services of agencies is made, as a rule, in case of successful selection of candidates and represents a certain percentage of its annual wages- 30-50%. Private agencies provide enough high quality candidates, their compliance with the requirements of the client and thus greatly facilitate the further selection process. High costs are a limiting factor wide application this method, which is used in cases of searching for managers and specialists. Not infrequently, such agencies are also used to search for temporary employees.

A manifestation of the work of private agencies today is recruiting (“hunting” for brains). The main activity of recruitment agencies of recruiting firms is to poach the best minds and specialists from firm to firm under the order. Basically, “hunting” comes down to luring money. If the firm is not new to recruiting, it already has a list of the largest and smartest top managers with an indication of their salaries and can guide the customer in terms of the amount that the candidate may be interested in.