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The key to the subconscious. Three magic words - the secret of secrets Anderson Ewell

Penetrating the subconscious

Penetrating the subconscious

Specialists who help people cope with psychological difficulties delve deep into the client's subconscious and recall forgotten memories to find “pain points” in the past that caused strong negative emotions. After this, with the help of conscious thinking, a person can objectively evaluate these “pain points” and understand the inconsistency of the psychological problems associated with them. This method is very effective, although it produces very different results. Sometimes, unfortunately, such a procedure can lead to tragedy. It happens that the subconscious mind detects serious “denial” on the part of conscious thinking, when a person, encountering his past, experiences severe fear, turning into hysteria or depression, since a powerful emotional conflict arises.

Penetrating into the subconscious, we discover a number of inexplicable phenomena. Under deep hypnosis, patients describe sensations that can only be experienced while in the mother's womb. Some people also describe situations and times that they simply could not witness. What is this? Past life? Being in another person's body? Telepathy? Psychologists sometimes attribute such things to malfunctions in the work of the subconscious, but the very existence of such phenomena is not questioned.

Nowadays, the subconscious has become a fascinating attraction in the scientific arena. What was once taken for hoaxes and tricks is now being studied in scientific laboratories. Under the close attention of scientists are hypnotists, clairvoyants and psychics who predict the future and read minds. Data about them, obtained and analyzed in all possible ways, indicate one thing: the subconscious is a powerful tool for constructing the world. It penetrates through space and time, transforms thought into reality and carries all the accumulated knowledge. And every person has this treasure!

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Subconscious The subconscious memory stores a tremendous amount of information - images, conclusions, feelings and much more, which the conscious mind does not remember at all. This vast repository of knowledge beyond consciousness carries with it a powerful hidden force that

The term “subconscious” itself indicates that which is behind consciousness and is not subject to human control. The possibilities of the subconscious are enormous, but in order to use them, you need to learn how to enter it.

The subconscious has been actively studied since the century before last. Despite many years of efforts by scientists, it has not yet been possible to penetrate all its secrets. But the majority of researchers agree on one thing - the subconscious cannot be influenced by force. It cannot be forced to believe in anything; it does not obey orders. At the same time, you can establish a dialogue with him.

The easiest way to communicate with the subconscious is to use a pendulum. Making a pendulum is very simple - hang a small weight on a thread about thirty centimeters long. It is best to use something pointed and narrow - for example, an automatic bullet with an eye soldered to it. But any weight will do, since nothing depends on it in this technique. For example, you can successfully use a wedding ring.

First you need to teach your subconscious mind to answer questions. Hold the weight by the string in front of you, with your elbow resting on the table. Ask a question to which you know the answer. For example, “Is it daytime?” Watch how the pendulum reacts. Typically, the answer “yes” is considered to be the movement of the pendulum back and forth, and the answer “no” is considered to be moving left and right. After making sure that the dialogue is established and the subconscious is giving answers, you can start asking questions that interest you. At the same time, it is important not to swing the pendulum on purpose, not to keep the desired answer in mind in advance. If the subconscious mind gives an answer to some questions that contradicts your opinion, then everything is in order, this is a normal phenomenon. The subconscious does not always agree with your conscious choice. There is another very effective technique for communicating with the subconscious, but it requires some skill. It is most convenient to perform it before going to bed, while already lying in bed. Imagine some kind of natural landscape - for example, a forest near a river. You walk along the path along the shore, then climb the slope. You go a little deeper into the forest and see a log house. Don't try to imagine what this house should be like - what it will be like, it will be like this. It’s the same with the landscape - for some it will be beautiful, while others will see gloomy forest wilds. The features of the landscape and the house speak about the qualities of your subconscious. Near the house you will see a bench, a person, a man or a woman, will sit on it. This is your subconscious. Say hello, sit next to each other and start chatting. Ask your interlocutor questions and listen to his answers. For ease of communication, you can give him a name or ask him what his name is.

You can learn to use your subconscious mind effectively by starting with simple exercises. For example, give him the task of waking you up at a precise time. If you are used to waking up at 7 o'clock in the morning, let your subconscious mind wake you up at 6 o'clock 52 minutes. The subconscious does not need to be persuaded, just tell it: “Please wake me up at 6:52” and forget about it. Have peace of mind that the task will be completed. You can give the subconscious other tasks in the same way. For example, you have some choice to make and you don’t know what to do. Invite your subconscious to find the answer and tell it to you at such and such a time. The more often you turn to the subconscious, the better the results will be. Starting with insignificant little things, you will gradually accustom your subconscious to work and over time you will be able to solve very serious problems with its help.

. People ask where you get the information from; you probably copy it from other places, or as they say among SEOs, you rewrite, that is, rewrite the text in your own words.

Today I want to reveal a secret, this secret is called the power of the subconscious, that is, I draw all practically information from the subconscious, ask questions to the subconscious, drown out the consciousness for a while and catch fragments of thoughts, which I then put on paper - the whole secret is this. This is not difficult to learn, you just need to drown out and catch fragments of thoughts that flash through your head and put together a single picture like a puzzle.

Of course, it is necessary, just like on the Internet in a browser, to ask the question correctly, because our subconscious may not understand the question correctly and answer completely out of place, for this you need to ask clear questions and hear clear answers.

A lot of different literature has been written on the topic of the subconscious - these are books such as How the subconscious can do everything, The power of the subconscious, The Source of the subconscious... A huge number of books have actually been written! The main thing is not to drown in this volume of information and not to fill your head with unnecessary information on this topic. The most important thing when you read a book is to be able to understand whether it is worth reading, that is, whether the author is pouring water, that is, by passing through the text with peripheral vision, as some do, determine whether it is worth reading or not!

For example, in a book, I first look at the table of contents, then I look at the last pages, the middle of the book, and then just the beginning.

How to Open the Subconscious with Automatic Writing

  • This method of contacting the subconscious is suitable for absolutely everyone - you just need to be emotionally calm and stop the train of thought. Our thoughts also impose so-called micro-movements on the body, so the fewer thoughts in your head and the calmer you are, the better. You also need to relax your whole body well, to do this, just walk throughout your whole body, examine all your thoughts for blocks, tightness, tension and try to relieve tension in these places, you can simply take deep breaths and exhales, imagining that the place where tension relaxes . After you reach the peak of relaxation. Stop your train of thought.
  • Catch all the thoughts that try to burst into your head without invitation.
  • Also, the main condition is that no one bothers you, you should preferably be left alone in the room.
  • Having met all the conditions for successfully establishing contact with your subconscious, we proceed directly to practice, in order to open the door to your subconscious, you also need to play it safe and read some prayer that you know, preferably, of course, the Lord’s Prayer, because the most powerful prayer of all known prayers . But even better, you pray in your own words. Why is this you ask? This is in case you don’t accidentally call up any spirits, so it may happen that instead of contacting your subconscious, you can establish contact with the world of spirits or some other entities. Don't be afraid, if you pray you have nothing to fear. This can only happen to people who are emotionally unstable.
  • Therefore, your emotional state needs to be put in order.
  • When you sit down at the table, relax, take a pen and paper and ask a question that interests you, it is advisable at the first stage to ask questions that imply a Yes or No answer. Ask a question and fix the pen on the paper, perhaps the pen will begin to write on its own, perhaps you will receive an answer in the form of a fragment of some thought. But something will happen anyway. Perhaps nothing will happen, it will take practice.
  • Before starting practice, I also recommend simply writing on paper, untraining your hand so that it becomes working.

What questions can you ask the subconscious?

First, of course, you need to practice and ask questions that will answer Yes or No. Then you can move on to more complex multi-valued answers, which already imply some kind of description of what you want to know, a kind of essay. First, it will be possible to go with a text that is not connected in any way, in short, bilibirdistics in one word. But when the bridge between consciousness and subconscious gets better and better, then there will be a better understanding of what our subconscious gives you.

The work of the subconscious is still not fully understood; how does it work? How does it interact with our subconscious? What happens when a person is born and dies, because a huge layer of information is stored in the subconscious, both from past lives and the present.

In the subconscious, all information is stored like in our computer on a hard drive, that is, it is arranged in sectors, one sector is responsible, for example, for the past, the other for the present, for the emotional state, our victories, our joys, and there are a huge number of such files. You can also compare it with a large library, and what is the largest library in the world located in Washington, so this library is resting in comparison with the amount of information that is stored in your subconscious.

Your subconscious is like a huge flash drive with a trillion terabytes of information.

Clearing negative information from the subconscious

Also, our subcortex contains various negative information, which also affects us, our behavior, cooks up our character, our blocks. Of course, you need to get rid of all this, for this you need to develop spiritually, become conscious of this

Removing negativity from the subconscious

Of course, it’s not for you to clean the house, after all, we have been filling our superconsciousness with various rubbish for more than one year, in fact, of course, a huge number of techniques are through hypnosis, various meditative techniques - this is the so-called karma - yoga. But having achieved this, a person gains freedom in consciousness and lightness, as if a veil is removed from the eyes and a kind of enlightenment begins.

There is a ritual in Africa when a person who wants to be cleansed of negativity is placed in a coffin, an air tube, telephone or other connection is left, and they are buried, so that the person is completely cleansed of everything that has accumulated in his subconscious. A kind of dying and then rebirth. Having dug it out after a certain time, a person seems to be reborn in a new body and his life begins to be in full swing. Of course, I don’t suggest that you do this in any case, this is more suitable for various African tribes, we are civilized people, civilized methods are more suitable for us.

For example, read

But that’s all for today, of course, this is the topic of more than one article; you can write a whole book on this topic of how to open your subconscious, which I will certainly write in the very near future.

What do you think about how you can open your subconscious? How to clear it of all the negativity that accumulates in our head? Maybe you have your own ways of doing this or maybe some prerequisites, I’d really like to know your opinion, leave comments, I’m very interested!