The Kremlin is looking for a new position for Governor Vorobyov. Vorobiev Andrey Yurievich resigns as governor






In 2013, the appointment of Vorobyov to the position of acting governor of the Moscow region was considered by the overwhelming majority of the population, municipal authorities and the country's leadership as a successful personnel decision and a chance for a promising leader to take government positions at the federal level. By the end of his first term, Vorobiev is one hundred percent associated with inadequate self-PR, dubious connections and swollen corruption, an official fixated on his own commercial interests with claims to the highest political post in the country.


While still only in the status of a contender for the post of acting governor of the Moscow region, Vorobyov had already launched a vigorous commercial activity. The object of his interests was housing construction. He quickly exchanged the power of the acting first official of the region for shares in the largest construction companies in the region in exchange for government services on his behalf and without delay began creating his own company - Samolet Development.

Only in the first year of his governorship, in various ways, with his personal assistance, this company received land plots for housing construction throughout the region: Leninsky, Odintsovo, Lyuberetsky districts, Krasnogorsk.

Pursuing the commercial interests of the companies under his control, Vorobiev immediately unleashed administrative wars, starting the so-called “municipal reform”. The essence of Vorobyov’s reform is reduced to the destruction of local self-government through the consolidation of the administrative division of the territories of the Moscow region and the placement of loyal officials. This allows him to freely develop land for any purpose, by any means and without taking into account the interests of the local population.

The conductor of the interests of the regional official in commercial structures was his brother, along with his long-time partner and family member Kenin. They are the ones who promote the interests of controlled companies in the regional government. To conceal Vorobyov's direct participation in the business, a nominal partner close to Vorobyov was appointed - Igor Yevtushevsky, who had previously been fired from the Basic Element company due to suspicions of multimillion-dollar theft at the Olympic site in Sochi and participation in actions at Bolotnaya and financing opposition actions.


As everyone well knows, along with the purchase of apartments in houses, future residents should have the opportunity to take their children to kindergarten and school, drive to the territory of the new district on their own road, have the opportunity to visit the clinic and much more, and the budget of the municipality should be taken into account on the balance sheet of these very social objects and roads built by the developer.

But not Samolet Development. Samolet Development is not going to fulfill its obligations and transfer the due to residents: kindergartens, schools, clinics and other facilities that burden the pocket of the Samolet Development company, which is close to the heart of Governor Vorobyov.

Who will stop them? Why does Samolet Development continue to receive construction permits and profits from the sale of apartments and does not transfer social facilities to municipalities? The answer lies on the surface.

Firstly, the real owner of the Samolet company is Vorobiev, and not the fake and hastily invented Kenin and Yevtushevsky. With its appearance in 2012, Samolet Development received an indulgence from the governor for all types of sins.

Secondly, it is possible not to build, since the officials appointed by Vorobyov during the “municipal reform” or bought by the Samolet company are interested in forgetting about the obligations of his company and the social facilities and jobs needed for the population.

Thirdly, Samolet Development simply does NOT have money for the construction of social infrastructure. It is no secret that the Samolet company was in such a hurry to collect money from the sale of apartments during the allotted governor’s term that it sold them and is now selling them at prices below the market.

The money from the constructed apartments has already been withdrawn, because there is no need to build anything other than apartments, the development companies in the documents are disposable, their founders are offshore, and Samolet Development is nothing more than a name.

It is already a fact that all the constructed social and other infrastructure facilities have placed a multi-billion dollar burden on the regional budget, and ultimately on the entire population. The damage from the infrastructure scam of the Samolet Development company in the Moscow region exceeds tens of billions of rubles.


Rumors about the transfer of Governor Vorobyov have been circulating for a long time, but they have only now become a reality. At an intensified pace in the company of friends, Vorobyova puts away everything that she has acquired through backbreaking labor. In a hurry, the land is registered, the cadastral value is underestimated, decrees are issued, permits are issued, loyal officials are appointed and regional medals are distributed. Work is in full swing. But the main thing that Governor Vorobyov’s friends say is that he is not resigning, he is one of his own and can only go for a promotion, which means development will continue on Russian soil.

At a TASS press conference, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was asked what he thought about the situation in the Moscow region.

Vladimir Volfovich’s opinion about the Moscow region is the most negative. Why is Vorobyov a governor today? Because his dad is a senator, he was the first deputy in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. That is, relatives go to power. Personnel policy remained the same, Soviet: party nomenklatura. There is no CPSU, there is “United Russia”. There is no Secretary General, there is a President. There is no Central Committee of the CPSU, there is a presidential administration, in which everyone already knows who will be the next governor, as Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes.

The region should be liquidated altogether, it was done by the communists so that there would be more delegations to the congress, they say, we gave you the region, and now let your delegation vote for those who created this region.

In Moscow the population is already almost 15 million, Moscow Region - 6-7 million, add a little more to Moscow by including the neighboring Ryazan, Kaluga, Vladimir regions, uniting them into one subject. We take the garbage to them, they go to work with us, we relax with them, this is already one region.

Why is there such disgrace in the Moscow region? There is the most expensive land in the world, its value is tens of billions of dollars, it can’t be more expensive. And of course it’s easy to make money there, and the mansions are the most expensive there. From time immemorial, the tsar did not feed the capital region, but under Soviet rule they did. Here is a wonderful state farm named after Lenin, state farms were built around Moscow, they fed the Kremlin, and they had the best equipment, the best cows, the best fertilizers, the best people. And now they live on this capital and say: these are the achievements. We have successes even under capitalism, but these are the successes of the party nomenklatura, so that they have the best cucumbers, tomatoes, and meat. He (Vorobiev) is not suitable for this area as a governor, Vladimir Volfovich saw him as a deputy, the leader of the United Russia faction, he did not evoke positive emotions. And he is not waging any fight, as there were landfills, so it is. Wait, Balashikha is closed now - they will open it next year. There will be landfills everywhere, there will be mafia everywhere, Vladimir Volfovich had a nephew, he died, he was brought to death at the age of 46. He wanted to do business in Odintsovo. How it happened: he starts doing something - shaking hands, the car was taken away, dead cats are thrown home as a reminder that we will soon remove you. When it came to murder, he himself died. But they still took everything away: the car, the store, they took everything away. What business? Crime. It’s all the governor, doesn’t he know what’s happening?! He knows everything, everyone is connected. Vladimir Zhirinovsky has already suggested: if we want to restore order, we need to arrest the entire administration at the same time. The LDPR is the only party that honestly criticizes. There is only one problem: single-mandate deputies protect the governor. This is not just a bond with crime, it is a bond with representative power. Nothing can be achieved in the Duma in the Moscow region. The deputies, about 8 of them, are probably there and they are completely with the governor. This is a problem that there is no separation of powers, mafia structures operate, but the worst crime is in the Moscow region, where all the terrorists from Central Asia are based. You need to check all the dachas, all the houses and buildings. At night, declare an alarm and at 6 am carry out an inspection of all houses in the Moscow region, and you will see how many bandits, swindlers, Central Asian terrorists there are and their elimination is a good task for the army. The Moscow region cannot do without an army.

The most criminal, the most disgusting region is Moscow and the governor needs to be removed like Luzhkov, due to lack of trust, believes Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky.

City coordinator Mytishchi, candidate for deputy of the Council of Deputies of the city. Mytishchi in single-mandate electoral district No. 16 (Perlovka and the built-up fields of NIIOH) Alexey Mushin said: “Vladimir Volfovich expressed the point of view that is often voiced by residents of the Moscow region who come to receive receptions at the Mytishchi organization of the LDPR. Residents are unhappy with the total development of the Moscow region and the destruction of agricultural fields. The people are dissatisfied with the governor's policies and want changes. But a dialogue between the governor and residents has not yet been established.”

The Mytishchi organization LDPR believes that only in dialogue with residents can the authorities pursue democratic policies and in order to avoid a Russian revolt on the territory of the Moscow Region, the governor needs to listen to the voice of the residents.

And Savchenko has spots. The governor of the Moscow region is mired in garbage. Poltavchenko vs. Tsukanov. The head of Kuzbass is accused of loving coal. Gleb Nikitin rules. Dead souls of the Kaliningrad governor.

1. Belgorod media are outraged by the low rating of Governor Yevgeny Savchenko. The Mediatron publication reports: “In the all-Russian media rating of heads of constituent entities, the Belgorod governor moved up two places and ended up in media reputation at the end of November 2017. in 74th place out of 85 possible, scoring 40 times less points than the leaders of the ranking.” In turn, the federal publication Sobesednik reported on the results of an audit of the financing of Yevgeny Savchenko’s election campaign, which, according to Sobesednik, did not contain entirely legitimate sources.

2. The scandal unfolds around the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov. The wanted head of the Serpukhov region, Alexander Shestun, revealed the secret of the conflict with the governor of the Moscow region. In 2015 Andrei Vorobyov wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin asking him to allow the closure of landfills in the Moscow region, since they have exhausted their capacity and are located near residential buildings. Putin imposed a resolution, and garbage began to be transported to another solid waste landfill, Lesnaya, in excess of the norm. At the same time, Lesnaya also had to be closed. The head of the district who revealed the scheme is wanted.

3. In the Northern capital, the conflict between the inner circle of the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko and the entourage of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Tsukanov is becoming increasingly public. While the situation is unfolding around the publication, which is headed by the chairman of the board of directors of Azhur-Media, Andrei Konstantinov, who is also an adviser to Governor Georgy Poltavchenko. According to the publication “Moika 78”: “The security forces were given the command to cut off the publication’s information channels from law enforcement agencies and begin studying the personal lives of the members of the Azhur team.” The conflict began to flare up after the “wrong” interpretation of the results of the meeting between Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, Vice-Governor Konstantin Serov and Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko.

4. Loud scandals in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Two regional leaders of political parties were involved in them. Detained while drunk driving and acting. Secretary of the regional branch of United Russia, State Duma deputy Vadim Bulavinov. Prior to this, the head of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the A Just Russia party, Alexander Bochkarev, was detained for questioning by the Investigative Committee. Information has emerged that the acting governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, is behind the scandals with Bochkarev and Bulavinov, News NN correspondents believe.

5. Residents of the Kemerovo region may raise new protests against Governor Aman Tuleyev. The regional authorities transferred about 100 hectares of land for coal mining. Most of this territory is covered with forest, next to it there is a lake popular among tourists, reports 14 residents of Kuzbass submitted complaints from residents of the Novokuznetsk region to the Siberian Embassy of the President of the Russian Federation. They also held a picket at which they demanded the resignation of Kemerovo governor Aman Tuleyev.

6. “Dead souls” can have a bad impact on the reputation of Kaliningrad governor Anton Alikhanov. Another procurement scandal for the regional Ministry of Health has reached the federal level. Application for preferential drug coverage for 2017. compiled without taking into account real needs. The Ministry of Health did not update the federal register of patients for whose treatment expensive drugs were purchased. As a result, medications in the period from 2013 to 2017. were purchased for citizens who had already left the region or died. The Telegram channel “Kaliningrad Observer” notes: “... The situation in regional healthcare is constantly becoming the subject of attention of various bodies and has a negative impact on Alikhanov’s position in various ratings.”

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This time the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, also made it to the Club of Regions. Experts have noticed that people criticize the head of the Moscow region mainly for environmental problems and for defrauded shareholders. They came to the fore, however, according to experts, in total he publicly fell into disgrace with the people seven times.

His first “misfortune,” judging by the rating, was massive complaints from residents of the region about numerous violations of laws committed by MosObleIRTs LLC. According to the complainants, this private company, registered in the city of Protvino, is like a “pocket” of the regional leadership and takes on a lot. He interferes with his powers and performs functions not provided for by law.

At the same time, this cheerful bunch arbitrarily and unreasonably limits the time for receiving meter readings. And on top of that, private traders hide money transferred by the public in obscure bank accounts. In this case, so-called “transit” technologies are used, which makes it possible to direct resources anywhere and to anyone. The result is debts to resource companies.

The second informational reason for Vorobyov’s sadness was the scandal surrounding the shareholders of the Western Gates of the Capital residential complex, who, after 16 years of waiting for their problems to be solved, began a hunger strike. As they say, some minister came and even the vice-governor visited, but then they disappeared along with the promised “agreement.” Pedaled, as they say, it's a shame to the public Maria Pogrebnyak, wife of the famous football player Pavel Pogrebnyak ( It was she who stood up for the shareholders and recorded her indignant appeal personally to Vorobyov.

The unrest in and around Kolomna, associated with a large-scale increase in the flow of garbage to landfills, caused a great resonance to the detriment of the image of the first person of the Moscow region. People are already fed up with problems over the Volovichi landfill, and they are about to be loaded with hundreds of thousands more tons every year. In addition to all this, there is also a waste incineration plant in historical Kolomna. And then Vorobyov also came under the indignant information shot fired by Anatoly Talitskikh, a member of the Kolomna Officers’ Union.

But this officer's shot was not the last. The specialists who compiled the rating of “targets” also noted the speeches of Chekhov City Council deputy Nikolai Dizhur. In February, he spoke frankly more than once on this same, as political scientists say, “toxic” topic and harshly criticized the governor for the environmental problems that he is creating through his ministers.

Vorobyov should also be concerned about the alarming speeches in Chernogolovka. Even experts analyzing the situation in the Vladimir region noted that a rally was held there against the construction of a landfill near the settlement of Filippovskoye. As the compilers noted, among the governor’s “misfortunes” were protests by residents of the Moscow region against the construction of the Vinogradovo-Boltino-Tarasovka highway.

The compassionate creators of the rating write that they want to help governors and their “specialized deputies.” They will supposedly sit, evaluate their image in the media and “once again” think whether they are doing everything right and “what is the reason for their information misfortunes.” It is impossible to say how other regional leaders will react, but Vorobiev is unlikely to pay serious attention to these messages.

After all, recently the head of the Russian Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, announced to the whole country that, in connection with violations of election legislation, she would personally send a letter to Andrei Vorobyov. This seventh “hit” of the governor in this rating was caused by complaints from residents. They are outraged that people wearing uniforms with party symbols go to voter rounds.

And we can already guess how the governor will treat his political “misfortunes” in the Moscow region in early autumn. It is unlikely that in the remaining six months he will seriously engage in solving environmental and other problems in order to achieve a positive vote on his candidacy. More likely, people in uniform will appear on voters' doorsteps again. It doesn’t matter what party they are equipped with, but despite this, in many cities and villages there will definitely not be a forgiven Sunday on the day of the gubernatorial elections.

It is no secret that the region has been rocked for several months now by Andrei Vorobyov’s reform efforts to transform municipal districts into urban districts, and has also been rocked by rumors of the governor’s imminent resignation.

Never before has there been such an illiterate and incompetent governor in the Moscow region,” says Mikhail Burdin, head of the Chekhov branch of the public movement “Civil Forum of Local Self-Government.” “We were deprived of the right to directly select the heads of municipalities. Today, to please the governor and at his whim, local self-government has been destroyed. Urban and rural settlements are being forcibly transformed into urban districts. In fact, we can say that the Moscow region itself is being destroyed before our eyes, and most importantly, democracy and civil society.

In the meantime, the leaders of the movement began an action under the slogan: Down with the dictatorship of Vorobyov!

Down with the dictatorship of Vorobyov - under this slogan, an indefinite collection of signatures began for the resignation of the governor of the Moscow region.

The expansion of Governor Vorobyov near Moscow, aimed at destroying local self-government, which residents of the region have been actively opposing for 6 months, provoked a new phase of confrontation.

It is no secret that the region has been shaken for several months by the reform efforts of Andrei Vorobyov to transform municipal districts into urban districts, and has also been rocked by rumors about the imminent resignation of the governor..jpg" alt="65024611857de586258fe5f8017ab8a5.jpg" />!}

In the first case, Vorobyov’s reform actions have already yielded negative results. Almost all rural settlements, at hearings of general plans, were faced with the fact that total construction was planned on their territory: residential complexes, logistics centers, highways. And near the village of Molodi, Chekhov district, Vorobyov even signed a document allowing the destruction of a historical monument, the place where the Battle of Molodin took place. Now, regarding the planned construction of a logistics complex on this field, the investigative committee has begun an investigation.

As for the rumors about Vorobyov’s imminent resignation, it is better to call it the hopes and aspirations of citizens.

Never before has there been such an illiterate and incompetent governor in the Moscow region,” says Mikhail Burdin, head of the Chekhov branch of the public movement “Civil Forum of Local Self-Government.” “We were deprived of the right to directly select the heads of municipalities. Today, to please the governor and at his whim, local self-government has been destroyed. Urban and rural settlements are being forcibly transformed into urban districts. In fact, we can say that the Moscow region itself is being destroyed before our eyes, and most importantly, democracy and civil society..jpg" alt="a9d0d2b6306a8682e3f582102203c475.jpg" />!}

May 5 became an important day for the entire public movement “Civic Forum of Local Self-Government,” organized six months ago to preserve local self-government.

Two important events contributed to this.

First of all, 147 rural deputies and heads of municipalities appealed to the President of Russia demanding the resignation of Andrei Vorobyov. Their signatures were transferred to the presidential reception by the chairman of the public movement, Nikolai Dizhur.

After which the “civil forum of local self-government” held a meeting at which the heads of municipal departments decided to begin collecting signatures of citizens for the resignation of the governor of the Moscow region.

This initiative is not accidental. Residents of the region have repeatedly contacted the public movement asking where they can leave their autograph and their details, demanding that Andrei Vorobyov be removed from his position.

There are many reasons for popular discontent.

Some are outraged by the forest amnesty “pushed” by Vorobyov, older people are still indignant about the abolition of preferential travel in Moscow, activists of the “People’s Chamber” are trumpeting about the bloated staff of the governor’s government and the ineffectiveness of its work, and ordinary citizens are shocked by the mentioned general plans and PZZ, which destroy the private sector and allow land to be confiscated.

By the way, the movement “Civil Forum of Local Self-Government” decided to support the protest of Muscovites against the renovation law.

The violation of the rights of citizens, the deprivation of their private property, and most importantly, the dictatorial methods of Governor Vorobyov and Mayor Sobyanin united the residents of the capital and the Moscow region.

In turn, the leaders of the civil forum will turn to Muscovites for support, since many of them have dachas in the Moscow region and will very soon feel for themselves what Vorobyov’s policy is leading to.

The indefinite collection of signatures for the resignation of Governor Vorobyov has begun. It seems that soon an agreement will be reached to begin collecting signatures for the resignation of Mayor Sobyanin and then these two actions will merge together.

In the meantime, the leaders of the movement began an action under the slogan: Down with Vorobyov’s dictatorship!.jpg" alt="a1da7d849c13048d4c4508f76ebb9d9f.jpg" />!}

    Adopted on first reading

    Yesterday, May 24, 2017, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill on the so-called “forest amnesty”. The bill “On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in order to eliminate contradictions in the information in state registers” will allow one to pull off one of the biggest scams of the century, legalize all illegal buildings erected on forest lands, and allow one to turn a blind eye to numerous and long-term crimes of forest destruction , for the restoration of which,