Pharmacological properties of viburnum, recipes for juice, tea, decoction, tinctures for various diseases. Kalina. Description, composition, beneficial properties and recipes for preparing viburnum

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been very popular in the field of folk treatment: viburnum, lingonberry, ginseng, St. John's wort, lemon balm and many others. When it comes to sour berries, many people first of all remember viburnum. After all, the fruits of this plant actually have a rather specific taste, in which the acid borders on a bitter aftertaste. This puts some off from constant consumption of viburnum, but red viburnum combines two contradictory features: beneficial properties that few would dare to dispute, and a far from sweet taste.

The ancient Slavs knew about the benefits of this plant, and they associated many legends and beliefs with it. Thus, viburnum is a red berry that symbolized the beauty and purity of the fair sex. That is why she was not only present at all wedding tables, but also decorated the bride’s outfit. But if a person strokes the tree itself, he will definitely be happy and lucky. Viburnum gets its name from the bright red color that the berry begins to acquire in early autumn. At the same time, it seems that the berries seem to be heating up under the warm rays of the sun.

Viburnum is classified as a member of the honeysuckle family and has more than a hundred varieties. There are also cultivated varieties that are bred by breeders for various purposes. For example, such a varietal variety as “Bulldonezh” has a purely decorative purpose, since it has beautiful snow-white inflorescences of large size, and fruits are not formed on such a plant.

The shrub, the berries of which are used in the treatment of many diseases, is called common viburnum and has a height of at least one and a half meters. And in good conditions, the plant can even reach four meters in height. At the same time, not only the fruits of viburnum are considered useful, but also the flowers and bark.

Folk healer - viburnum bush

Viburnum viburnum has beneficial properties in such quantities that it can compete with many other gifts of nature. Even in the old days, folk healers associated the use of shrubs with great benefits. To do this, in early spring, the bark is harvested and used:

  • to stop internal bleeding,
  • for gastrointestinal disorders,
  • for liver and kidney diseases,
  • for the treatment of sclerosis and tuberculosis.

A decoction of viburnum bark has remarkable antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is quite successfully used for colds and infectious diseases. This folk remedy calms well and reduces the risk of seizures, therefore it is widely used for various nervous disorders.

At the end of spring, viburnum bushes begin to bloom profusely and show the whole world the beauty of their snow-white tassels. These flowers not only attract the eyes of aesthetes, but also have many useful properties. A decoction prepared from flowering viburnum tassels is used for various bleeding and inflammatory processes. This remedy not only stimulates increased sweating, which is important for colds, but also improves appetite.

How can you prepare viburnum fruits for future use?

In autumn, beautiful, juicy red berries ripen on the bush. Knowing about the multiple medicinal properties of these fruits, which grow on the bushes for a relatively short period, people have invented several ways through which viburnum can be consumed all year round.

viburnum fruits

Thus, berries can be harvested by drying. Viburnum does not tolerate very high temperatures, so it must be dried in conditions where the thermometer does not rise above 50 degrees Celsius. Only then will the berries be able to retain maximum beneficial properties.

Another widely used method of harvesting is freezing viburnum fruits. For this purpose, it is recommended to collect berries in whole clusters and always during their full ripening period. The collected gifts of nature should be placed in the freezer, having previously placed them in a plastic bag. In extreme cold conditions, frozen berries will be just as healthy as fresh ones.

Medicinal properties of viburnum

The widespread use of the viburnum bush for medicinal purposes is explained by the numerous beneficial properties of red viburnum. What exactly are the substances that make this plant so beneficial? Here is a description of the beneficial properties of all the vitamins and minerals contained in viburnum:

Vitamin A

  • increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • stimulates the growth and strength of bone tissue, maintains healthy teeth and hair;
  • normalizes all metabolic processes in the body;
  • activates the formation of new cells, thereby slowing down the aging process;
  • improves vision and prevents various eye diseases;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns.

Vitamin C

  • strengthens human immunity;
  • stimulates cell regeneration when the integrity of external and internal tissues is damaged;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • thins the blood and reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • prevents allergic reactions.

Vitamin E

  • participates in metabolism and prevents the destruction of cell membranes;
  • has a preventive effect on the development of vascular atherosclerosis;
  • has a good cosmetic effect: nourishes the skin, has a positive effect on hair and nails.

Vitamin K

  • improves the digestion process;
  • activates brain activity and improves mental abilities;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and muscular system.

Vitamin P

  • increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels;
  • helps reduce blood pressure;
  • regulates the activity of the adrenal cortex and the process of urination;
  • has an analgesic effect and prevents the formation of edema.


  • participates in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues;
  • accompanies the process of hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia.


  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • takes an active part in hematopoiesis;
  • stimulates physical activity and mental abilities;
  • gives strength to bones and teeth.


  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stimulates the growth of cartilage tissue, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis and arthritis;
  • improves the body's protective functions.


  • accelerates the process of skin regeneration;
  • participates in the destruction of harmful microorganisms;
  • is a natural immune modulator;
  • improves metabolism.

In addition to the above vitamins and minerals, viburnum contains many other equally useful elements. Thus, it has long been known that viburnum berries are characterized by a high content of organic acids:

  • valerian,
  • vinegar,
  • formic,
  • oil,
  • linoleic and others.

All of them are needed by the body in reasonable quantities. In addition, viburnum bark contains a very important substance - the glycoside viburnin. It is of invaluable benefit to humans, as it has a remarkable hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Also, the bark, leaves and roots of viburnum contain useful tannins, pectin, essential oils and resins.

viburnum flowers

This unique composition of viburnum fully justifies its widespread use in the treatment of a huge number of diseases and in the prevention of their occurrence. Viburnum is used not only in folk treatment, but also in officially recognized medicine. After all, the constituent components of these berries are successfully used in the manufacture of many medicines.

How to use viburnum for treatment?

viburnum juice

Over the years, people have discovered more and more new recipes for preparing medicinal products from viburnum. Let's talk about the most common and effective of them.

  1. You can eat viburnum fruits in their original form. Eating small bunches of berries every day will help the heart function properly, as well as reduce swelling. Eating viburnum in this way is only possible during a certain season. Therefore, in the fall, when the bushes are decorated with clusters of berries, do not miss the moment and try to enjoy these tart and sour, but very healthy fruits every day.
  2. Viburnum juice has beneficial properties in the same quantity as the pulp itself. Therefore, many healers very often recommend drinking it in its pure form or with added sugar. This way you can alleviate your condition with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and colitis.
  3. In order to maintain your immunity throughout the year, it is best to use pre-frozen viburnum. To do this, remove the berries from the freezer, pour boiling water over them, and then rub through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with honey in equal parts. You should take one tablespoon of this medicine every day on an empty stomach.
  4. The combination of viburnum and honey is also useful for diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia). Just to do this, the mixture needs to be poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. You need to drink half a glass of this decoction before each meal.
  5. For colds and sore throats, it is recommended to use dried berries. Grind a small amount of them, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a warm place for two to three hours to infuse. After straining, the tincture is ready for use. Drink it in tablespoons three times a day. The same remedy can be used to gargle. If you suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, you can regularly drink tea brewed with dried viburnum berries.

red viburnum berries

If bleeding occurs for various reasons, of course, you should immediately consult a doctor. Together with the remedies recommended by a specialist, an infusion from the bark of the viburnum bush can alleviate your condition. Pour two tablespoons of crushed bark into half a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink the infusion three times a day, 50 ml.

Viburnum seeds also have many advantages: beneficial properties and a healing effect are achieved for many ailments. It is very useful to swallow a dozen viburnum seeds daily. This will help get rid of stones and sand in the body. In this case, the bones should be taken one at a time during the day, and not all at one time. They are also a natural antioxidant and at a high level are able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. If you eat viburnum berries along with the bone core, you can significantly improve the functioning of your heart.

Kalina is not for everyone

viburnum tincture

Like any other medicine, viburnum berry and contraindications are inseparable from each other.

Thus, the use of viburnum in any form is not recommended for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that these berries contain substances very similar to hormones. And their excess in the body can stimulate premature birth or cause numerous disorders in the unborn baby. People who have low blood pressure or serious diseases of the blood and kidneys should also be careful.

Thus, viburnum is not just a plant, but a unique medicine that will make your life healthy and fulfilling. Therefore, do not neglect these sour red berries. Enjoy the gifts that nature cordially offers you, and be healthy.

There are few people who do not know about the beneficial properties that it has on human immunity in general and in the treatment of colds.

However, these are not the only advantages; besides, not only other parts have therapeutic effects. The range of applications of this berry crop is wide.

You can verify this by reading our material, in which we will talk in detail about red viburnum, its beneficial properties and contraindications for use.

Vitamins and minerals in red berries

is a shrubby plant from the Adoxaceae family, which produces spherical berries of red, yellow and black color with a sweetish-bitterish-sour taste.

There are approximately 200 species in the world, but not all of them bear edible fruit. Some of them are used only for a purpose. Viburnum is also used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

The medicinal properties of berries have been known since ancient times. This is explained simply - they contain over 10 different organic acids, resins, alcohols, tannins, sugars, pectin, essential oils, tannin, viburnin.

In addition, viburnum is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

The vitamin composition of berries is as follows:

  • carotene (provitamin A);
  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • E (alpha tocopherol).
The following minerals are present in viburnum: Fe (iron), P (phosphorus), Zn (zinc), Cr (chromium), I (iodine), Se (selenium), Cu (copper), Mn (manganese).

Did you know? There is no other plant in the world, except viburnum, whose fruits would have heart-shaped seeds..

Beneficial features

Both viburnum fruits and flowers, as well as the bark of the plant, have beneficial properties.


The berries are used to make juice, decoctions and teas.

It also participates in the processes of rejuvenation of the body, promotes rapid cell regeneration, and has an anti-edematous effect.
Viburnum contains over 90% of the daily requirement for the human body of vitamin C. This means that the berries promote better absorption of iron, increase the resistance of the immune system against viral and colds, eliminate vitamin deficiency, help strengthen the blood capillaries in the nose, as well as strengthen the gums.

The most powerful antioxidant - vitamin E, which is part of red berries, helps cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances, normalizes the functioning of the sex glands and heart.

Did you know? If you compare the amount of vitamin C in viburnum, and, then the latter berry has the most of it. Viburnum contains 82 mg per 100 g of product, which is 91.1% of the daily requirement for humans, in - 40 mg (44.4%), and in black currant - 200 mg (222.2%).

Decoction and tea from viburnum fruits are good for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: tonsillitis, bronchitis, sore throat. They are recommended for pneumonia.

Pectins and tannins, consumed together with berries, help improve the functioning of the digestive system and cleanse the liver.
Juice from the berries is used to prevent headaches, migraines, and hypertension.

Berry-based products are drunk as an astringent and diuretic; they relieve excess swelling and have an antipyretic effect.


Flower decoctions are recommended for various types of inflammation and bleeding. They are used to increase appetite, reduce sweating, restore voice and heal vocal cords.

They also help stabilize the condition and relieve pain in acute gastritis in people with low acidity.

In cosmetology, products from viburnum flowers are used to strengthen the growth of hair, nails, and improve facial skin tone.


Viburnum bark contains resins, essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, glycosides, and organic acids. Products based on it help:

  • cope with various skin diseases;
  • have a hemostatic effect;
  • accelerate the healing process for ulcers and hemorrhoids;
  • help cope with nervous disorders and fatigue;
  • relieve spasms.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

The berries are harvested in the first and second months of autumn. However, it is believed that the best time to collect viburnum will be the period immediately after the first frost.

At this time, the fruits will have the highest concentration of nutrients, and they will also not be so bitter. The berries are cut in clusters, along with the stem. They can be stored in the refrigerator for some time.

To dry the berries, the bunches are laid out on paper in a cool room. They will have to remain in this position for 5-10 days. Then they will need to be placed in an oven heated to a temperature of 50°C and dried.
Dry berries should be stored in bags made of natural fabrics in places where light and moisture do not penetrate.

You can easily preserve the nutrients in viburnum if you place the berries in a jar and fill them to the top with sugar. Close the container with a lid. This product, stored in the refrigerator, can be used for six months.
Viburnum juice is prepared from washed and well-dried berries. They are lightly pounded, and then mixed with sugar in equal parts and ground. The juice is poured into glass containers and stored in. The longer it sits, the more bitterness will leave it.

You can also prepare juice by boiling the berries. For 1 kg of fruit, take 1 liter of water and a glass of sugar. The mixture is cooked until the berries are soft. Then the berries are squeezed out and infused for some time. The juice is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Please note that viburnum juice has both beneficial properties and contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it uncontrollably and in excessive doses.

The bark for medicinal products is harvested in April, in the phase after sap flow.

Flowers are collected between May and June. They are dried and stored in glass jars or fabric bags.

Application of medicinal properties in folk medicine

People have known for a long time that red viburnum, its berries, flowers and bark have beneficial properties; since then, many have appeared that are used to treat a wide range of diseases. We present a selection of the most effective ones in this section.

To strengthen the immune system

We wrote above about how to make juice. The tea is prepared as follows: brew the fruit (a tablespoon) with boiling water (200 ml). Leave to infuse for two hours.

For the purpose of prevention, drink half a glass twice a day. For medicinal purposes, it can be consumed more often – up to three times a day.

A mixture of viburnum (100 g), lemon (one piece), leaves (200 g), and a small portion, crushed in a blender or minced through a meat grinder, is very effective as a general tonic. Oil (200 g) and (200 g) are added to it. The product is applied one tablespoon after meals.

To calm the nervous system

Since viburnum bark contains valeric acid, an infusion from it can relieve nervous tension and eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome.

Grind the bark, mix 2-3 tablespoons with (tablespoon). Simmer for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then leave under the lid for 50-60 minutes. Take a tablespoon before meals for a week.

Fatigue will be relieved if you take a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of viburnum bark and chamomile before going to bed. Mix chamomile flowers with bark powder in equal parts.

Place a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Then simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain before use.

For sore throat

Frequent gargling with an infusion of flowers and berries will help relieve a sore throat due to a sore throat. To prepare it, take equal parts of flowers and berries, pour boiling water over it and leave for 3-4 hours. For rinsing, use half a glass.

Viburnum-honey compresses are also sometimes used, which are placed on the throat twice a day for an hour.

For a cold

For colds, in addition to viburnum tea, decoction and juice from berries, you can brew the bark. Here are some recipes for decoctions:

For bronchitis and pneumonia

For bronchitis and pneumonia, take decoctions of berries and bark. They liquefy and remove mucus.

A tablespoon of red berries is ground and added to a glass of hot honey. The product is infused for 5-6 hours. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A tablespoon of crushed bark is mixed with the same amount of herbs:, flowers. Then add a glass of boiling water. After waiting half an hour, drink the product 30 minutes before meals, a quarter glass.

For chronic cough

A decoction of berries (100 g/400 ml of water), boiled for half an hour, with the addition of ½ cup of honey, will help cope with a cough. Take two tablespoons of it, waiting 30 minutes after eating.

For headaches

Frequent headaches can be eliminated by regularly drinking viburnum juice with the addition of honey.

Hypertension is another disease that viburnum helps with. It is good to take viburnum juice. The product is prepared from juice squeezed from half a kilo of berries, a decoction of already squeezed berries (pour 100 ml of water and boil for five minutes), a tablespoon of honey. After cooking, eat two tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.

You can also try a product based on bush shoots. They are crushed and mixed with motherwort, valerian root, brewed with boiling water and boiled for a couple of minutes.

For liver diseases

Viburnum with honey is an excellent liver cleanser. Pour half a kilogram of fruit with a small amount of water and boil. The fruits should soften. Then they are rubbed through a sieve and honey (250 ml) is added.

The course of admission is two weeks. Eat a couple of tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

For constipation

Viburnum is an amazing berry, because various remedies based on it can help with both constipation and diarrhea. You can forget about constipation by eating 40 berries mixed with honey.

You can also grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, separate a teaspoon of powder and place it in 200 ml of boiling water. After 10 minutes, you can drink the product twice daily, mixing it with sugar or honey for taste.

For diarrhea

A remedy made from viburnum fruits and honey will help strengthen the stool. The fruits (a couple of tablespoons) are placed in ½ cup of honey. Then the mixture is heated over low heat for 10 minutes, while it needs to be stirred.

After the mixture has cooled, eat it one tablespoon at a time throughout the day, at regular intervals.

For gastritis

Two tablespoons of fruit, brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours, will help alleviate the condition of gastritis. This remedy is taken two tablespoons five times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For stomach ulcers

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are quite serious diseases that require complex treatment. Viburnum-based products can only be used as additional therapy.
Berries (a tablespoon) are crushed and placed in ½ cup of chilled boiled water. Insist for 112 hours. Then drink a tablespoon before meals.

Important! If you have a serious disease of any internal organ, then before using it for medicinal purposes you should consult your doctor, since even such a seemingly innocent remedy as viburnum with honey can have both beneficial properties and contraindications.

For skin diseases

Boils, ulcers, eczema - it also helps to get rid of these troubles. In this case, it is applied externally. Moisten gauze with viburnum juice and apply to problem areas for 1-2 hours.

You will need several such compresses throughout the day. The initial course of treatment is 14-18 days. Then you should take a break of seven days. There must be at least three courses.

To speed up the healing of skin diseases, lotions are made from viburnum decoction: a tablespoon of berries is placed in ½ cup of boiled chilled water and allowed to stand for 6-8 hours.
Before use, add a tablespoon of honey. The lotions are applied for an hour in the mornings and evenings.

For sweaty feet

Viburnum bark is an excellent remedy for eliminating excessive sweating. Place a tablespoon of fine bark in 200 ml of water and cook over low heat after boiling for 10 minutes.

When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it is used to wipe the soles of the feet.

In addition to the diseases described, it must be said that viburnum is considered a female berry. After all, it helps with some female diseases.
Viburnum has medicinal properties, however, it also has contraindications for women with heavy and painful menstruation and uterine bleeding. You can take an alcohol tincture from the bark.

It is prepared from four tablespoons of bark, diluted in a glass of alcohol (70%), which are infused for 10 days in a place without light. You should drink it twice a day, a tablespoon.

The use of viburnum in home cosmetology

Viburnum is very beneficial for facial skin. Products based on it and viburnum juice tone it, rejuvenate it, make it more elastic and clean. If you have any problems such as rashes, you can simply wipe your face with viburnum juice every day.

Such rubbing also helps to make freckles and age spots less noticeable.

The juice can be mixed with honey, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, lemon juice, and eggs.

There are several recipes for face masks that use juice, berries and flowers. From wrinkles. Mix the fruits (three tablespoons), olive oil (dessert spoon), honey (teaspoon), egg yolk. It is better to use a blender for mixing. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Then wash off with water or herbal decoction.

From rashes. Combine viburnum juice with sour cream in equal proportions. Wash after 20 minutes.

Moisturizing. Combine viburnum juice (two tablespoons), glycerin (one tablespoon), honey (teaspoon), olive oil (teaspoon), flour. Apply the mixture to your face for 10-20 minutes.

Toning lotion. Place the flowers (two tablespoons) in boiling water (200 ml) and leave for two hours. Strain and use to wipe the skin.

Important! All masks can be applied to the face only after allergy tests have been carried out on the skin in the area of ​​the elbow. The product should be applied in a small amount to this delicate area. If no adverse reactions occur within half an hour, the mask can be used on the face.


Viburnum-based products can be both beneficial and harmful. They should not be taken:

  • hypotensive patients, since it tends to lower blood pressure;
  • those who have increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • people with gout and arthritis - viburnum can worsen the condition of the joints;
  • prone to thrombosis;
  • In case of long-term use, pregnant women have a risk of provoking premature birth;
  • people with a history of kidney disease.
Excessive consumption of vitamin C with viburnum can also provoke a local allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Viburnum, in the absence of contraindications, must be consumed during periods of mass epidemics of viral diseases.

The healing berry viburnum has long been valued among people for its healing abilities. This fairly common plant delights with snow-white flowers in the spring, and at the end of autumn with the blazing red berries against the backdrop of sleeping nature. The properties of viburnum are widely used in folk medicine, not only its fruits, but also leaves, flowers, and even bark. The highest concentration of active phytonutrients, of course, is found in the red, sour berries that hang so temptingly on the bunches.

Composition of viburnum berries

Viburnum owes all its healing qualities to its composition, rich in nutrients. The high content of ascorbic acid and other powerful antioxidants makes the berries an indispensable aid in the fight against colds, especially during flu epidemics. The body recovering from any serious illness also needs high doses of vitamin C. In terms of the content of this substance, viburnum is significantly ahead of apples, sauerkraut and citrus fruits.

Viburnum contains vitamins (carotene, tocopherol, K, P), trace elements and minerals (zinc, sodium, manganese, calcium, molybdenum, cobalt, phosphorus, nickel, zirconium, titanium, vanadium, potassium, magnesium), essential amino acids (in quantity 13 pcs., with a predominance of alanine, serine and glutamic acid), phytosterols, tannins, resins, sugars, organic acids, cahetins, essential oils, pectins, flavonoids, anthocyanins.

Medicinal properties of viburnum

The plant exhibits astringent, antimicrobial, wound-healing, diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic, tonic and restorative effects.

Fresh berries, juice and viburnum tea (infusion) are a complete dietary product that improves the functioning of the heart muscle, normalizes blood composition, exhibits anticonvulsant and sedative properties.

The excellent composition of the berries makes it advisable to use viburnum tea during the following diseases: tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, including those caused by nicotine addiction, chronic cough.

Systematic consumption of water extracts (tea, decoction, infusion) based on viburnum improves immunity and helps the body effectively resist infections.

Due to the presence of pectin compounds and tannins in viburnum, the berries effectively improve the performance of the digestive system, increasing appetite and stimulating the production of gastric juice, and also help cleanse the body of dangerous salts of heavy metals, toxic substances, breakdown products and “bad” cholesterol.

The P-active compounds (rutin) present in the berries normalize the elasticity and permeability of capillaries, and also stimulate the activation of oxidative processes occurring in tissues.

The bark of the plant is rich in the glycoside viburnin, which exhibits an active ability to constrict blood vessels and increase the tone of the uterine muscles. In medical practice, preparations based on viburnum bark are successfully used as a hemostatic agent, especially in the postpartum period or during uterine bleeding.

Collection, storage and use of berries

Viburnum is cut in September and early October. However, if the clusters of berries are left on the tree until the first frost, the bitterness will almost completely disappear from them. Viburnum should be stored without picking it off the brushes in the refrigerator, on the balcony, veranda or attic. The fruits lend themselves perfectly to freezing, practically without losing their healing properties.

Frozen viburnum is used for filling pies and for preserving sauerkraut. It is used to make jelly, jam, jellies, compotes, and added to gravies and sauces. Regular inclusion of berries (in any form) in the diet is an excellent prevention of many diseases and fortification of the body, which is especially important in winter and early spring.


Like every herbal remedy, viburnum has a number of contraindications due to its chemical composition: gout, pregnancy, increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots, increased acidity, hypotension. Uncontrolled use of viburnum is undesirable, since abuse of ascorbic acid can cause a rash on the body.

Use in folk medicine

➡ An infusion of fresh or dried viburnum flowers helps with scrofula and various skin rashes.

➡ Fresh berries are used as a natural and safe laxative.

➡ Viburnum juice together with honey effectively lowers blood pressure, is used for peptic ulcers, and for many diseases caused by metabolic disorders: acne, eczema, furunculosis, pustular skin lesions.

➡ Bathing babies in a decoction of viburnum bark and twigs helps get rid of allergies.

➡ Viburnum tea helps with dysbiosis.

➡ Berries boiled for 10 minutes in natural honey are a proven anti-cold, hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory agent. Take a dessert spoon three times a day.

➡ Fruits ground with sugar help with overexcitation of the nervous system.

To summarize, it can be noted that viburnum, the medicinal properties of which are undeniable, can help with many problems in the body. By using natural remedies, you significantly improve your quality of life, prolong your youth and strengthen your health.

Red viburnum is good for everyone! In spring, its bushes are strewn with caps of white flowers; in summer they delight with lush greenery. By autumn, clusters of bright shiny berries ripen, which taste good and are very healthy.

Today, large shrubs of this plant can be seen not only in the wild. Viburnum has many fans among summer residents; the crop is used in urban landscaping and is grown to obtain medicinal raw materials.

The healing properties of viburnum have long been noticed by humans and have been used in folk medicine for many centuries. Modern studies of the composition of berries and other parts of the plant have helped to fully evaluate its capabilities and scope of application.

Composition of viburnum berries and their beneficial properties

Viburnum is a rare plant, all parts of which are saturated with a variety of bioactive substances.

Ripe fruits and their seeds, flowers and leaves, branches and bark are used as medicinal raw materials in folk and traditional medicine. The most extensive scope of application is for bark and berries.

The round, juicy fruits of red viburnum contain:

  • a wide range of carbohydrates, the main ones being fructose and glucose;
  • polysaccharides;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pectins;
  • organic acids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • bitterness;
  • essential oil;
  • minerals with a predominance of potassium salts.

The seeds inside the fruit are also not devoid of beneficial properties and valuable components, the main ones of which are fatty acids. Having turned red at the end of summer or early September, the fruits are technically ready for harvest, but at this time their taste is dominated by sharp, bitter and tart notes.

To truly feel the beauty and beneficial properties of viburnum berries, they are collected after the first frost, and then pickled, dried, and frozen. For medicinal purposes, decoctions and infusions are prepared based on the berries, lotions, rinses, ointments and compresses are made.

Delicious fruits are loved by chefs. The berries are used to make marmalade, liqueurs and wines, make jelly, and use them as a filling for pies and an additive for sauerkraut.

Due to the content of minerals, vitamins, organic acids and sugars beneficial to the body, as well as other components, fresh fruits and products based on them are used as:

  • an excellent general tonic for the prevention of respiratory diseases and seasonal viral infections;
  • diaphoretic for fever;
  • mild natural laxative;
  • decongestant and diuretic for kidney and liver diseases, metabolic disorders and the desire to get rid of extra pounds;
  • soothing, antipruritic for dermatitis;
  • wound healing drug.

The fruits of red viburnum have the ability to stimulate heart contractions, relieve cramps and spasms, and relieve inflammation. Among the medicinal properties of red viburnum is the ability to gently soothe, improving sleep and increasing performance.

By including viburnum berries in your menu, you can stabilize and return acidity in the stomach and intestines to normal. Fruits help remove toxins from the body, reduce cholesterol levels and resist the development of atherosclerosis.

Traditional medicine recommends viburnum as a means of combating diseases of the stomach and liver, and also as an antitumor drug for cancer problems. Cosmetologists value viburnum and its fruits as a safe way to lighten age spots, freckles and the face as a whole.

The anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and soothing properties of red viburnum are used for acne.

Viburnum bark: beneficial properties and composition

Viburnum bark is an equally valuable medicinal raw material. Compared to fruits, it contains fewer carbohydrates, but is rich in:

  • resins;
  • organic acids that make up the essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • saponins;
  • tannins and other bioactive substances.

The maximum amount of nutrients in the red bark accumulates by May. At this time it is collected and dried. For medicinal purposes, decoctions, water and alcohol infusions are made from this plant material, which take on the following properties from the bark:

  • calming, sedative, hypotensive;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing.

For gynecological problems, the bark helps to reduce discomfort during menstruation and menopause, reduce the intensity or stop uterine bleeding. A decoction of the bark is used for hemorrhoids and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During times of stress, depression, or vice versa, neurotic conditions accompanied by increased excitability, infusion of viburnum bark has a calming effect. The beneficial properties of viburnum and its bark are irreplaceable:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • at ;
  • during colds and respiratory diseases accompanied by cough, sore throat, rhinitis;
  • for gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontal disease as an oral rinse;
  • with atherosclerosis.

The presence of tannins, organic acids and vitamins make viburnum bark useful in the treatment of many inflammatory and infectious processes on the skin.

Red viburnum: contraindications for use

Despite the considerable health benefits of viburnum, the harm from its improper or excessive use can be very significant.

Bioactive substances, which are rich in all parts of the medicinal plant, can worsen your health or lead to complications of the disease:

  • with hypotension, causing an even greater decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, nausea and other unpleasant consequences;
  • during pregnancy, increasing the tone of the uterus and stimulating premature labor;
  • if you have a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance to viburnum;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • for gout and arthritis;
  • with an increased rate of blood clotting and the risk of thrombosis;
  • during exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Given the many beneficial properties of viburnum, contraindications to its use should not be neglected, especially during such crucial moments as pregnancy, the postpartum period, and breastfeeding.

During breastfeeding, fresh viburnum berries and bark-based preparations can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Due to its high activity, natural medicine is not recommended for infants and young children.

The juice contains the quintessence of beneficial substances from berries, fruits and vegetables. Moreover, different types of such drinks have different effects on the body. There is even such a science - juice therapy, whose specialists suggest using juices for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of ailments. But when using such drinks, you need to remember that each of them has certain contraindications for use. And the topic of our conversation today will be viburnum juice, we will consider its beneficial properties and contraindications and how to take such a drink.

Viburnum is a well-known shrub that has been used since ancient times as a valuable medicinal plant. In therapeutic practice, healers use different parts of such a culture - flowers, berries, bark, and leaves. The juice obtained from viburnum berries can also bring great benefits to humans.

What are the benefits of viburnum juice??

This healthy drink is a source of many valuable substances. It saturates the body with a significant amount of ascorbic acid; it is believed that the healing drink contains an order of magnitude more vitamin C than citrus fruits. In addition, red juice is a source of provitamin A, tocopherol, vitamins P and K.

This wonderful drink also contains a number of minerals, such as vanadium, potassium, calcium, iron, etc. The juice obtained from ripe viburnum fruits is rich in tannins, phytoncides and pectins, a number of organic acids and other unique useful particles.

Viburnum juice remarkably strengthens the immune system, increases the body's defenses and helps get rid of various ailments. Its use allows you to achieve an expectorant effect when coughing and makes it possible to slightly reduce temperature readings during fever. Due to its antitussive properties, viburnum juice should be taken for hacking coughs, including whooping cough.

Such a valuable drink can be useful to readers of Popular Health during the off-season; it remarkably prevents the occurrence of hypovitaminosis. And healers claim that this drink may also be valuable due to its antioxidant activity - the ability to prevent cancer and slow down premature aging.

There is evidence that healing viburnum juice can prevent the development of allergic diseases. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, cleanses the blood of excess “bad” cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, helps normalize heart rate in patients with arrhythmia, and also helps lower blood pressure.

Among other things, viburnum juice improves the functioning of the digestive tract. This healing drink activates the production of digestive juice, helping patients with the hypoacid form of gastritis; in addition, it improves appetite and accelerates the absorption of food. Viburnum juice is good at optimizing metabolic processes; it is believed that its consumption helps to lose excess weight.

Some doctors claim that such a drink will benefit patients with polyps in the stomach and prevent their degeneration into malignant ones.

Among other things, viburnum juice is useful for patients with epilepsy, hysteria and menopausal neuroses.

In some cases, healing juice can be used externally; for example, it is recommended to use it to treat skin ailments (acne, lichen and eczema). Also, this product will help cope with age spots or freckles, lightening them. Viburnum juice should be used to apply lotions or simply to wipe the skin.

How to take viburnum juice correctly?

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to use viburnum juice sparingly. So, it must be combined with honey, maintaining equal proportions and taking one to three tablespoons up to four times a day.

When treating various ailments, the single amount of viburnum juice consumed can be gradually increased to fifty milliliters.

But it is better not to drink the healing drink in larger quantities, so as not to harm your health.

Harm of viburnum juice

This healing drink has some contraindications for use. Thus, its use may provoke the occurrence of reactions of individual intolerance (allergy), which must be taken into account during initial consumption.

It is better not to drink viburnum juice for women carrying a child, so as not to provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. And when breastfeeding, it is better to avoid it due to its high allergenicity.

As for other contraindications, it is better not to use such a healthy drink for those who suffer from increased acidity of digestive juice, as well as erosions, gastritis, and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract.

In addition, juice from viburnum fruits can harm people suffering from arthritis and gout, because it contains quite a lot of purines.

Experienced doctors advise against this method of treatment for all patients with increased blood clotting (with a tendency to thrombosis) and with urolithiasis.

Another contraindication to the use of a medicinal drink is the presence of hypotension (low blood pressure). It is also important to consider that this product should be used by everyone without exception in moderation.

It would be a good idea to discuss the advisability of therapy with viburnum and its juice in advance with your doctor, so as not to harm your health.