Benign tumor of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs. Cough and difficulty breathing. Possible causes of intestinal cancer in dogs

Which is characterized by the appearance of malignant, benign tumor, formed from epithelial cells mucous membrane of the affected organ or from non-epithelial cellular structures. The tumor process develops in any part of the stomach and can spread to other internal organs (lungs, liver, esophagus). Tumors in the stomach of dogs are primary and secondary (metastases). As a rule, the disease is detected in older animals, after five to seven years.

The development of the oncological process in the stomach of animals is facilitated by the rapid uncontrolled division of gene-mutating cellular structures, which displace, destroy healthy cells, lead to functional malfunctions in the affected organ. Cellular mutations occur at the DNA level. Cancer cells As their number increases, they unite into groups (tumors) and form daughter formations - metastases.

Important! The main danger of cancer is that early stages The development of the disease is practically asymptomatic. Therefore, unfortunately, in most cases, cancer causes the death of pets.

Causes of gastric cancer in dogs:

  • age-related changes;
  • genetic mutations, hereditary predisposition;
  • poor quality, unbalanced diet;
  • long-term radioactive and radiation exposure;
  • neoplasms, oncoviruses;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • polyps in the stomach;
  • constant entry of carcinogens into the body.

Stomach cancer can develop in dogs against the background of chronic, indolent pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases. So, chronic gastritis, low acidity stomach, colitis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer. Some viral diseases, infections, invasive diseases can also cause cancer in animals. According to statistics, males are more susceptible to cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.

Regarding breed predisposition, gastric cancer is most often diagnosed in sheltie, collie, chao-chao, Belgian Shepherds, Great Danes, Bordeaux dogs, Newfoundlands, American Staff Terriers, English Bulldogs, and other representatives of giant breeds of dogs with a loose constitution.

Clinical signs, manifestations

Symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages are nonspecific and mild. Intensity of manifestation clinical picture depends on age individual characteristics, stages, localization of the oncological process, histology of cancer.

Important! As a rule, the tumor process develops in the stomach gradually. Symptoms are absent or mild. Therefore, it is possible to determine cancer at an early stage only after conducting a number of diagnostic studies.

In dogs, they are detected in the stomach according to morphological, histological features adenocarcinomas, mesenchymal tumors, lymphomas, leiomyomas, leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, histiocytic sarcomas, plasmacytomas.

Symptoms of stomach cancer:

  • severe violations digestive processes(nausea, vomiting, constipation);
  • decline, total loss appetite;
  • weakness, apathy, depression;
  • decreased activity, drowsiness;
  • pain on palpation in the peritoneum, epigastric region;
  • cachexia, polydipsia;
  • unpleasant sharp specific odor from the mouth;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • violation heart rate, labored breathing;
  • sudden weight loss, exhaustion;
  • flatulence;
  • hypoglycemia (decreased sugar levels in the bloodstream);
  • metabolic disorder.

As it progresses pathological processes in the stomach, in the vomit, stool pieces of undigested food are noticeable, blood clots, inclusions, foam. The feces emit a foul odor and turn black, brown-brown color. Dogs often vomit bile after eating. Debilitating vomiting occurs spontaneously, several times a day. IN advanced stages The pet completely refuses food, looks very depressed, and refuses to go for a walk due to severe painful cramps in the stomach.

In case of metastasis, the functioning of the affected internal organs is disrupted.

Diagnosis, treatment

To put accurate diagnosis if oncology is suspected, dogs are prescribed serological studies, CT, MRI. IN mandatory carry out ultrasound examination peritoneal cavity, fluoroscopy, enoscopy, gastroscopy, gastrobiopsy, diagnostic laparatomy, which will allow tissue to be taken for biopsy (biopsy).

If you start therapy in the early stages, in the absence of metastases, if the oncological process has a benign course, the prognosis in most cases is favorable.

Treatment for stomach cancer can be:

  • complex;
  • combined;
  • surgical.

Therapeutic therapy for primary formations involves a surgical operation (partial gastrectomy), in which the entire tumor and part of the healthy tissue are removed, which will avoid relapses. For large tumors, gastric bypass is performed.

If the course of cancer is malignant, in addition to surgery, additional healing techniques– wave, radio, radiation and chemotherapy. To improve the quality of life, animals are prescribed symptomatic medications.

Radial, wave therapy often helps with lymphomas, unresectable forms of the tumor.

Important! If the tumor has metastasized, the prognosis is poor. General restorative and supportive therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy are prescribed to slow down the progression of the cancer process.

At malignant carcinomas, which often grow into other organs (lungs, liver), the life expectancy of dogs with similar diagnosis is no more than five to eight months.

Intestinal tumors are uncommon in veterinary practice. In most cases, the resulting formations are of a malignant nature and appear in older animals. age group(6-9 years old).

No specific factor predisposing to intestinal neoplasia has been identified in dogs.

Most often, tumors affect the large intestine.

Types of tumors

Adenocarcinoma is the most common intestinal tumor. Most often located in duodenum, large intestine and rectum. The tumor is characterized by rapid, extremely aggressive growth, frequent metastasis to regional The lymph nodes, liver and lungs. At the time of contacting veterinary clinic approximately half of the animals already develop metastases.

Intestinal adenoma It is less common in dogs and usually presents as polypoid lesions in the large intestine and rectum. The tumor is benign.

Lymphoma of the intestine- an aggressive tumor that quickly spreads throughout gastrointestinal tract. Often infiltrates organs located near the intestines (for example, the liver).

Leiomyoma And leiomyosarcoma- tumors originating from intestinal smooth muscle. Identified in thin section intestines, cecum. Half of the dogs develop localized peritonitis when these tumors rupture. Characterized by frequent metastasis.

Mastocytoma. Dogs are predisposed dwarf breeds. Characterized by 100% metastasis to regional lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, and lungs. The tumor is characterized by the appearance of erosive lesions on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


The clinical picture depends on the location of the tumor, the presence of metastases or paraneoplastic syndrome (hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia).

Contrast radiography can detect deformation, thickening of the intestinal wall, the appearance ulcerative defects, abnormal position intestinal loops, narrowing of the intestinal lumen.

Ultrasound abdominal cavity is also carried out to identify the tumor process.

Most reliable method diagnostics - endoscopy. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, requires certain preparation of the patient. Also, using an endoscope, you can take a piece of the tumor (biopsy) for further histological examination.

Intestinal tumors are uncommon in veterinary practice. In most cases, the resulting formations are of a malignant nature and appear in animals of the older age group (6-9 years).

No specific factor predisposing to intestinal neoplasia has been identified in dogs.

Most often, tumors affect the large intestine.

Types of tumors

Adenocarcinoma is the most common intestinal tumor. Most often located in the duodenum, large intestine and rectum. The tumor is characterized by rapid, extremely aggressive growth, frequent metastasis to regional lymph nodes, liver and lungs. At the time of contacting the veterinary clinic, approximately half of the animals have already developed metastases.

Intestinal adenoma It is less common in dogs and usually presents as polypoid lesions in the large intestine and rectum. The tumor is benign.

Lymphoma of the intestine- an aggressive tumor that quickly spreads throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Often infiltrates organs located near the intestines (for example, the liver).

Leiomyoma And leiomyosarcoma- tumors originating from intestinal smooth muscle. They are detected in the small intestine, the cecum. Half of the dogs develop localized peritonitis when these tumors rupture. Characterized by frequent metastasis.

Mastocytoma. Dogs of dwarf breeds are predisposed. Characterized by 100% metastasis to regional lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, and lungs. The tumor is characterized by the appearance of erosive lesions on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


The clinical picture depends on the location of the tumor, the presence of metastases or paraneoplastic syndrome (hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia).

Contrast radiography can detect deformation, thickening of the intestinal wall, the appearance of ulcerative defects, abnormal position of intestinal loops, and narrowing of the intestinal lumen.

An abdominal ultrasound is also performed to identify the tumor process.

The most reliable diagnostic method is endoscopy. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and requires certain preparation of the patient. Also, using an endoscope, you can take a piece of the tumor (biopsy) for further histological examination.

Leymyosarcoma is rare view cancerous tumor, it arises in smooth fabrics stomach and intestines. The disease is very dangerous and painful. It most often affects older dogs (6 years and older). All breeds are equally susceptible to leimiosarcoma of the stomach and intestines. This type of cancer often metastasizes to the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the body.


Most symptoms relate to the gastrointestinal tract. Among them:

  • weight loss;

  • blood in feces (hematochezia);

    accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestines (flatulence);

    rumbling in the stomach;

    false painful urge to defecate.


The exact cause of this type of cancer is currently unknown.


You will need to provide your doctor detailed history dog diseases and list of symptoms. The doctor will conduct a complete physical examination of the animal, take biochemical analysis blood and urine analysis, and will also perform a count blood cells. Usually the results of these tests are normal. However, some dogs at an advanced stage of the disease may have some abnormalities: anemia, increased level white blood cells (leukocytosis) and reduced level blood glucose (hypoglycemia).

Other diagnostic procedures include x-rays and ultrasound examinations of the abdomen, which can determine whether changes have occurred in the stomach or intestinal walls (for example, thickening of the walls). The veterinarian will also take a biopsy sample of the affected tissue to confirm the diagnosis.


The main treatment for this type of cancer remains surgery. The doctor will remove the tumor and some healthy tissue around it. The presence of metastases plays a critical role in prognosis.

Further observation

If the tumor has metastasized to other organs, the prognosis is unfavorable, and, most likely, the animal will only be able to live for a few months. Sometimes surgery gives the dog a chance to survive, but requires the tumor to be completely removed.

After surgery, you will need to bring your pet in for a checkup, as well as x-rays and ultrasounds every three months. Some dogs require special, easy-to-digest food and pain medications during recovery. Follow your veterinarian's instructions closely and ensure that your pet does not experience any further vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or pain.