Live cough medicine. How safe and effective is the use of coltsfoot during pregnancy? Is it possible for pregnant women to have mother and stepmother

Expecting a child for any woman is a crucial moment in her life. Therefore, expectant mothers are very attentive to medications prescribed by gynecologists, preferring to replace them with natural medicines when treating various diseases. Almost 50% of women expecting children have various chronic diseases, usually worsening during pregnancy, which is a completely natural process during pregnancy. Of course, this situation interferes with the normal bearing and birth of a healthy child, as it causes a negative impact on the intrauterine development and growth of the child.

Medicinal plants, in particular, coltsfoot during pregnancy are a safe natural gift for the expectant mother for the successful completion of the entire period of waiting for the child. Quite often, an exacerbation during pregnancy such as pyelonephritis occurs, which is observed in half of all women expecting the birth of a child. The coltsfoot plant will help to successfully overcome the exacerbation of an existing disease.

If a woman is carrying a child during the cold autumn-winter period, then colds or viral diseases will certainly overtake her. As a rule, such diseases are accompanied by a debilitating cough. A dry hacking cough that occurs with bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis is an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon for a pregnant woman. Medicinal herbal preparations will come to the rescue, especially coltsfoot during pregnancy. Equal ratios of pine buds, plantain leaves, chamomile and, of course, coltsfoot will help. Take 2 tablespoons of the collected composition of medicinal plants, pour them with two glasses of boiling water, leave to heat for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then strain the resulting medicine and take a third of a glass three times a day.

If the cough that overcomes you due to bronchitis or pneumonia requires the mandatory use of medication, then add to such medications an herbal mixture consisting of three tablespoons of coltsfoot, brewed in two glasses of boiling water. To effectively infuse the medicine, you will need a thermos. The preparation time for the medicine will take approximately 30 minutes. After straining the herbal mixture, take it one third of a glass three times a day with the addition of natural bee honey.

Of course, to preserve the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child, contact with people carrying viral diseases should be significantly reduced. An infusion prepared from coltsfoot during pregnancy is an excellent means of preventing such diseases. Herbalists strongly recommend using an infusion from the coltsfoot plant for daily instillation into the nasal passages, 7 drops in each nostril.

If, despite all the precautions, you still get sick, you develop a fever, it is the mother and stepmother who will help you. To prepare an effective and completely safe medicine, you will need to take 2 tablespoons of dry raspberries, 4 tablespoons of coltsfoot plant, 3 tablespoons of plantain. Such a medicinal collection, including coltsfoot, during pregnancy is a wonderful remedy that allows you to get rid of fever without the use of synthetic antipyretic drugs and other conventional medications that can seriously harm the unborn baby.

Despite all the exceptional benefits of medicinal plants used in combination and alone during pregnancy, you should never self-medicate. Be sure to discuss with your gynecologist the possibility of using the coltsfoot plant during pregnancy. Perhaps it is contraindicated for you for some reason. The risk in your position is dangerous and impractical.

On the advice of the same pregnant women, you should not get carried away with herbal teas. Sometimes coltsfoot tea drunk to improve health is dangerous for the mother and unborn child due to the high content of some alkaloids contained in the plant, especially seneciphylline. In any case, you will not find better advice than that of a qualified gynecologist. Take care of your health!

Mother and stepmother is a medicinal plant known since ancient times; it has the Latin name “tussilago”, which means “isolating cough”. In their works, its healing properties are mentioned by world-famous Hippocrates, Dioscorides and other scientists of the ancient world.

This plant is one of the few that is recognized and used in the manufacture of medicines in traditional medicine. When conducting research on the properties of the plant, it was proven that it has no contraindications, with the exception of possible allergic reactions with a rather low probability of occurrence.

It is in this regard that doctors often recommend using it to treat various diseases during pregnancy, instead of medications. Mother and stepmother is usually used as part of various preparations for the treatment of certain diseases.

Mother and stepmother during pregnancy

No matter how careful a woman carrying a child is, it is very difficult to protect herself from a viral infection in the midst of mass morbidity. Very often, acute respiratory diseases are accompanied by a severe cough, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

Fees, which include mother and stepmother, will help get rid of it. Herbal medicine will help with fever and fever. As a preventative against colds, herbal therapists recommend instilling 5-6 drops per day of mother and stepmother infusion purchased at a pharmacy several times a day.

If pyelonephritis worsens or occurs in a pregnant woman, you should also seek the help of your mother and stepmother. There are healing infusions with this plant for the treatment of mastitis; they are used for both internal and external use.

Every woman always looks forward to the birth of her child. During this period, you need to avoid colds and other diseases, but it is not always possible to do this. Since most pharmaceutical drugs are contraindicated, expectant mothers have to resort to folk remedies based on herbs.

Coltsfoot is one of the most suitable options; it is used during pregnancy during colds, external skin problems, and also for inflammatory processes of the kidneys. For treatment, the plant's flowers and leaves are used, from which tea and tinctures are prepared.

During pregnancy 1st trimester

It is advisable to take herbal tinctures from coltsfoot in the first trimester of pregnancy with extreme caution and in small doses. This is due to the fact that the formation of the child begins, and any kind of overdose can be harmful. To prepare a weak antipyretic and expectorant, you will need a combination of coltsfoot with other herbs of similar action.

  1. Take 0.5 tablespoons of dry coltsfoot grass, plantain, pine buds and pour two glasses of boiling water (at this stage of pregnancy, three glasses are possible).
  2. Heat exclusively in a steam bath for a little less than an hour, and strain through a sieve after cooling.
  3. Take a decoction of 600-700 milliliters 3-4 times a day.

Important! Be extremely careful, consult a gynecologist before using the product. Not all herbs included in the decoction may be suitable for you.

During pregnancy 2nd trimester

The second trimester is a slightly easier period. If at this time a cold occurs, a severe cough, runny nose and fever bother you, you can make tea and decoction from coltsfoot a little stronger. For very high temperatures, use a tea recipe.

Antipyretic tea is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 4 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves, 4-5 flowers of coltsfoot, plantain and oregano (for safety reasons, you can reduce the amount by a third).
  2. Pour in warm water (about 400 milliliters) and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour into a thermos and let it brew for about three hours, but no more.
  4. Strain and drink the entire amount throughout the day.

Note! Any tea or decoction should not be consumed for more than one week. Between such treatments, the period of refusal to take the drug should be at least one month.

Against cough

  • coltsfoot;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • young pine buds (necessarily collected in early spring);
  • plantain grass.

This collection is taken in the amount of four or five teaspoons, poured into a thermos with two glasses of boiled purified water. It is recommended to infuse the decoction for at least 2 hours. Take 4-5 times a day in the amount of 60-70 grams, preferably after meals.

Note! If for some reason this tincture is not recommended, you can use it to gargle or rinse the nasopharynx. In this case, the amount of herbal tea can be doubled.


Contraindications for the use of herbs include the following:

  • diseases of various types and severity of the liver;
  • individual intolerance to grass;
  • having an allergy to grass;
  • when using coltsfoot as part of any collection, if any of the herbs are contraindicated;
  • do not take unless recommended by a doctor.

Important! These contraindications apply exclusively to oral administration.

Regarding tinctures for external use, you can make a very strong decoction and treat facial skin from inflammatory processes.

Is it possible..

Quite often, women ask: “Can I take coltsfoot during pregnancy?” Doctors answer this question this way:

“Coltsfoot during pregnancy is one of the most accessible and harmless traditional medicines. Its use is prohibited in very rare cases - mainly due to the factor of individual intolerance.

Thanks to taking the herb during pregnancy, the body is saturated with vitamins A, C, PP, K, and receives a good supply of potassium, bromine, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. With the help of coltsfoot you can get rid of inflammatory skin diseases and acne. This herb is the best prevention of inflammatory processes of the kidneys and colds.

You can buy mother and stepmother herbal teas at any pharmacy without a prescription. Before use, it is necessary to clarify all the pros and cons with a doctor, and then neither the mother nor the child will receive harm, but only benefit. Pregnancy is a short-term process and you need to take care of yourself.

The medicinal properties of coltsfoot are based on the action of the components contained in the leaves and flowers. Since the plant first blooms and then forms leaves, beneficial characteristics and contraindications should be considered for each type of raw material separately.

The yellow inflorescences of coltsfoot contain tannins, vitamin C, P, and triterpine alcohols, which enhance the effect of the biologically active components of the plant. It is also worth highlighting phytosterols, sitosterols, which strengthen cell membranes, and firadiol, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Components such as arnidol and heptacosane restore immunity, carotenoids and taraxanthins improve the condition of the hair. Stigmasterol is a plant raw material in the production of hormones.

Coltsfoot has long been used in folk medicine. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant determine which diseases it can be used to cure.

Additionally, the leaves are rich in the following components:

  • tussilagin, dilutes and removes mucus from the bronchi;
  • organic acids, improving metabolic processes;
  • dextrin, covering the inflamed surface with a thin protective film;
  • inulin, helping to reproduce beneficial microflora in the food tract;
  • flavonoids, strengthening the vascular system.

Based on the components of the chemical composition of coltsfoot, its contraindications and medicinal properties are determined, which are based on auxiliary methods treatment for the following diseases:

  • inflammatory lesions of the respiratory organs;
  • viral diseases caused by colds;
  • diseases of the bile-producing organs;
  • damage to the genitourinary system;
  • infectious diseases of the mouth and tongue;
  • heart disease, hypertension;
  • disorders of the vascular system, deep and superficial veins.

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Preparation and combination with other herbs

Flower baskets without a stem and leaves with a petiole no more than 3 cm are harvested at different times. The plant blooms as soon as the snow melts. Yellow baskets are collected in the morning when the dew has dried. Place the raw materials in a room out of direct sunlight, but well ventilated.

Flowers are laid out on paper in 1 layer. Dry, constantly turning, until the moisture completely disappears. You can store the coltsfoot color for up to two years in a paper bag or dark glass jar.

The leaves of the plant are harvested of medium size without damage to the surface by pests. The prepared raw materials are laid out in a thin layer in the shade. Constant access to clean air is required. Readiness is determined by the fragility of the sheet.

The plant material can be crushed to make it easier to measure portions when preparing medicines. Sometimes the leaves are simply rolled into a tube, especially for preparing compresses and baths. Raw materials are stored for 3 years.

After drying, it is best to chop the coltsfoot to make it more convenient to measure in future use.

Medicinal use of the plant is allowed in mono- and complex formulations. In this case, drugs are combined according to their characteristic properties, emphasizing and improving the therapeutic effect of each other.

The most commonly used:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • yarrow;
  • series;
  • berries and leaves of raspberries, viburnum, strawberries;
  • plantain;
  • pine buds;
  • calendula flowers;
  • roots of licorice, burdock, elecampane;
  • birch buds.

Indications for use

Having studied the characteristics of the coltsfoot plant, medicinal properties and contraindications, you can prepare and use medicinal preparations at home. The people's treasury is full of accessible recipes for almost any disease of the human body.

Coltsfoot is used to treat colds

Respiratory diseases and viral infections

Let's consider recipes for the treatment of cough and respiratory lesions:

  • It is recommended to take 2-3 grams of leaf powder per day with a large volume of unflavored water.

Taking the medicine increases the body's immune defense, counteracting colds and viral attacks. The course of treatment is 1 week.

  • For bronchitis with a strong cough, but without an increase in body temperature, you need to make warm compresses on the chest and back area from coltsfoot leaves preserved in alcohol.

Place several fresh or dry leaves of the plant in a bowl with vodka or diluted alcohol and leave for 6-7 hours. Keep the compress until the leaves dry, wrapped in a warm blanket. Repeat the procedure at night for 7 days.

The expectorant effect occurs when the flower infusion of coltsfoot is consumed every 3-4 hours. Treatment is effective for the first 5 days.

  • Colds and runny nose go away faster if you drip the juice from the leaves of the plant into your nose twice a day.
  • Prepare a healing mixture from plants taken in equal parts (linden flowers, raspberries, coltsfoot grass, anise seeds). Brew the composition with boiling water (1 liter), boil for 5 minutes, leave until warm. Drink half a glass of medicine after meals.
  • During a sore throat, steam inhalation of a decoction of leaves with chamomile flowers has a good effect.

Diseases of the gallbladder and urinary tract

For inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract, it is recommended to take medicines with coltsfoot:

  • Divide a glass of decoction over 2 days, take 60 ml in the morning and evening.
  • Tea made from the flower heads of the plant brings relief from cholecystitis. The course of treatment is 1 week.

  • Taking pure juice squeezed from the leaves of the plant helps with acute or chronic cystitis. Dosage regimen: take a sip of liquid 30 minutes after eating. The treatment course is 5-7 days.
  • For acute cystitis, it is recommended to brew 30 grams of a mixture of flowers and leaves in a liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Take 100 ml warm every 4 hours. Relief occurs after a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Recipes for cystitis can be used by men with inflammation of the prostate.

Skin damage

First aid for sunburn is provided with frozen cubes of coltsfoot juice. You can also use the healing properties of cooled leaves by applying them to the affected area with the glossy side. There are no contraindications for this procedure.

Small open wound surfaces are effectively cured with compresses made from leaf pulp:

  • grind fresh leaves until smooth;
  • apply the mixture to sterile gauze in a layer of 1-2 cm;
  • apply a compress to the wound, leave for 30 minutes;
  • dry the surface and bandage.


For a malignant breast tumor, it is necessary to apply compresses from coltsfoot leaves. First, spread a layer of honey on the glossy side of the raw leaf of the plant, and then apply it to the problem area. Cover the top with flannel cloth and keep the compress for 1 hour.

Dry leaves of the plant are pre-steamed in hot water or steamed. The procedure is carried out every other day, alternating a compress with a bandage of salt water (100 grams of sea salt is dissolved in a liter of unboiled water). The solution can be used several times by moistening a lotion cloth in it.

Useful article:

Baldness, dandruff

For hair loss and partial baldness, rubbing a strong decoction of coltsfoot or its squeezed juice into the roots of the hair follicles helps. It is recommended to do the procedure daily so that the medicinal properties of the plant are fully manifested. You can improve the condition of your hair by rinsing it with warm broth after washing.

You need to mix equal amounts of fresh leaves of stinging nettle, mint or lemon balm, coltsfoot. Crush the herbs until smooth and squeeze out the plant juice. It is advisable to lubricate the hair roots during each wash.

Oral diseases

A decoction of the flowers and leaves of the spring plant has antiseptic and softening properties. This effect is used when rinsing the mouth if inflammatory diseases of the gums, lips, teeth, and tongue are detected.

It is recommended to do the procedures at intervals of 3-4 hours. A good result is achieved with gingivitis, stomatitis, gumboils, and intense toothache. You can add 1 teaspoon of table or sea salt to the decoction or infusion of the herb to disinfect the oral cavity.

If you have a severe toothache, you can try fumigating the sore spot with smoke from the leaves of the plant:

  • choose a whole dried coltsfoot leaf;
  • roll it up like a cigar;
  • set fire to one end, inserting the second into the mouth;
  • take a puff, not inhaling the smoke into the lungs, but holding it in the mouth;
  • a weak analgesic effect appears.

Boosting immunity

Drinking teas and decoctions from the whole coltsfoot plant helps restore strength and strengthen the body's defenses against the penetration of pathogens.

Decoctions and teas with coltsfoot help boost immunity
  • dessert spoon of bee honey;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger or fresh root vegetable shavings;
  • 2 buds of cloves and 1-2 peas of allspice;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • slice of lemon or orange.

Supplements improve human immunity.

Contraindications for use

Each medicinal plant (including coltsfoot with its own medicinal properties) has a number of contraindications:

  • Internal use of medicinal drugs during pregnancy at any stage is not recommended;
  • if there is a delay in menstruation, the use of coltsfoot can cause bleeding;
  • It is forbidden to be treated internally with folk remedies while feeding the baby with breast milk;
  • long-term use of drugs from the flowers of the plant has a negative effect on the liver, so you should not overestimate the dose and treat for longer than 21 days;
  • people with liver failure or alcoholics at any stage of the disease are contraindicated to take the medicine internally;
  • If individual intolerance is noted, you should not treat coltsfoot on your own.

Children under 2 years of age are prohibited from taking coltsfoot, despite its medicinal properties, which is why it is so important to take into account contraindications, and children under 12 years of age should be treated only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

The upper and lower parts of the leaves of the plant are very different in appearance. The white coating on the bottom warms the palm when touched, like maternal warmth. The coolness and shine of the outside is associated with the stepmother's attitude.

The plant has the same dual effect on human health: it can help cure a disease or worsen the condition. That's why Medicines should be used with caution, strictly following time-tested recipes.

Methods of use at home

In folk medicine, the following coltsfoot preparations are used, taking into account all its medicinal properties and contraindications:

  • Flower tea: Pour 5-6 grams of dry raw materials with a full glass of boiling water. Leave for 10-12 minutes. It is recommended to take 100 ml twice a day to separate sputum. The same recipe helps with dry cough and colds.
  • Water infusion made from a tablespoon of crushed dry plant leaves and a glass of boiling water. The infusion process lasts 40 minutes. The medicine is used 50 ml 4-5 times throughout the day after meals.

  • Decoction Prepare by boiling at low heat 15 grams of dried coltsfoot leaves in 240-250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Then the composition is infused for half an hour. The medicine is taken orally, 15 ml before meals. To prepare a strong decoction for external use, double the amount of dry herb.
  • For applications It is necessary to grind the fresh leaves of the plant to a mushy state. Apply the composition, laid out on gauze in a layer of 1-2 cm, to the problem area.
  • Steam inhalation produced for colds without increasing body temperature. It is recommended to bend over a container with a hot decoction of the plant, cover your head with a terry towel and breathe intensively with your open mouth.

Alcohol infusion of plant flowers

An alcoholic tincture of flowers is used for external treatment of skin diseases. You can infuse flower baskets in vodka:

  • fill a glass container with flowers;
  • pour vodka and keep for 2-3 weeks in a dark place;
  • then you need to strain the liquid.

The affected surface is lubricated with a composition that relieves pain and reduces the inflammatory process.

Useful article:

Cough syrup for children

Cough syrup for children over 3 years of age is easily made:

  • Mix 500 grams of fresh plant leaves, granulated sugar and yarrow herb intensively;
  • pour the mixture into small dark glass containers;
  • put in a cool place for 1 month;
  • strain the liquid medicine;
  • apply 15 ml once a day for any type of cough.

Compress during lactation

A compress of fresh coltsfoot leaves is prepared by soaking the raw material in hot cream until soft.

The procedure has a preventive effect when there is a threat of mastitis.

Foot baths

To prepare a bath, take a glass of crushed dry leaves and flowers, brew the raw material with two liters of boiling water. After infusion (30 minutes), pour the preparation into the bath.

This article contains the most effective ways:

An ancient recipe for tuberculosis

A remedy that helps cure inflammation and pulmonary tuberculosis is prepared in the following way:

  • grind fresh leaves in a blender;
  • Place in glass or ceramic dishes (3 liter capacity) in layers of equal thickness with sugar;
  • put the filled container in a cool place for 2 months;
  • mix the resulting homogeneous mass with liquid honey in a ratio of 2:1.

Preparations with coltsfoot: Breast fees No. 1 and No. 2

The peculiarity of chest collections is ideally selected plants with similar characteristics, which together help the body cope with colds and remove mucus and phlegm from the respiratory organs.

Breast collection No. 1 contains coltsfoot leaves, oregano herb and marshmallow rhizome. When prescribing tea, the medicinal properties and contraindications of each component are taken into account as much as possible. Composition No. 2 additionally added plantain leaves and licorice roots.

Collections are produced in the form of filtered bags with a single dose of medicinal tea, which must be brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. As an expectorant, drink 100 ml of tea 3-4 times a day. In this case, the course of treatment should not exceed 14 days.

Syrups from Evalar, Natur Product, Green Doctor

The main active ingredients are coltsfoot and yarrow herb, the medicinal properties of which complement each other. The product is considered a dietary supplement, therefore it is used in the complex treatment of colds.

Caution must be exercised if you have high blood sugar, as syrups contain a lot of glucose.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that treating coughs in children under 12 years of age is harmful. Medicines have different effects on the body of an adult and a child, even with the same diagnosis.

Codeine, which is part of the product, suppresses cough syndrome, but does not treat colds. As a result, the child’s hysterical cough stops, but there is a danger of respiratory paralysis. The pediatrician recommends using only proven products in accordance with the prescription of the attending physician and in compliance with the dosage.

Anti-Cough tablets

The drug has a pronounced expectorant effect. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women are not recommended to take.

Composition of the drug:

  • Licorice roots help to expectorate mucus, clearing the lungs and bronchi. Contraindications: hypertension, cardiac and renal pathology.
  • Ginger root increases the body's resistance to disease. It is undesirable to use in case of surges in blood pressure or acute diseases of internal organs.
  • Parmelia lichen promotes the release of mucus from organs. Contraindications: tendency to constipation and blood clots.
  • Thyme has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, high blood pressure, heart and kidney problems.

The medicinal properties of coltsfoot are used in full in the preparation. It is necessary to take into account not only contraindications, but also the fact that “Anti-cough” tablets bring relief only with complex treatment with medications and folk remedies.

Powder in fat capsules from Econika

Coltsfoot suppositories inserted into the anus or vagina are characterized by accelerated release of the drug into the blood.

The Econika company produces powder in a fat capsule. Melting at normal body temperature, the candle releases active components, which, bypassing the stomach and liver, are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body.

Treatment is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia, catarrh;
  • laryngitis, tracheitis, sore throat, accompanied by sore throat and severe cough;
  • scrofula, asthma attacks, whooping cough.

The course of treatment with coltsfoot suppositories is carried out in stages, alternating 10 days of admission with a 5-day break. The medicinal properties of the drug when administered rectally are more pronounced, and there are much fewer contraindications for use, since the substance does not enter the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or pancreas.

The plant is not used in official medicine. Only with complex folk treatment of various colds does it have a healing effect.

Coltsfoot - medicinal properties and contraindications:

Treatment with coltsfoot:

If the plant was also called two-faced grass, river grass, early grass and mother grass, do not be surprised, all these names are synonymous. The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for many centuries. And although the range of its healing effects is multifaceted, it cannot be considered so harmless.

Should I take coltsfoot during pregnancy?

You can start with the fact that the plant contains special substances - alkaloids. It cannot be said that their effect on the body has been fully studied, but it is known that when these substances accumulate, the liver is destroyed. Therefore, it is believed that this herb cannot be used for a long time.

Coltsfoot has an excellent expectorant effect, softens, envelops, relieves inflammation, and is considered a good antiseptic

  • Alkaloids are able to penetrate the placenta, thereby disrupting the healthy development of the fetus;
  • If the plant is used internally, the pregnancy may end in miscarriage or stillbirth;
  • Newborn babies may die if the expectant mother drank sedatives or herbal infusions with her coltsfoot during pregnancy.

In some countries, for example, coltsfoot is completely excluded from free sale; it is used only under strict medical supervision.

Therefore, it is prohibited to use coltsfoot orally during pregnancy. But external use is quite possible. In this case, it may be useful for the treatment of acne, as well as skin inflammation. It is also suitable as a product that nourishes hair well.

Is coltsfoot allowed during breastfeeding?

For the same reason, coltsfoot is prohibited during lactation. When breastfeeding, you cannot use grass because of the same alkaloids. These substances have a hepatotoxic effect on the body, which is why long-term use of these substances is prohibited. If a person has liver disease, coltsfoot is strictly prohibited.

Relatively safe for colds during lactation:

But decoctions of buckthorn, elecampane, decoction of ephedra, valerian and ginseng tea have clear contraindications during lactation. Wormwood decoction is also dangerous. If a cough appears, a young mother should tell the doctor that she is breastfeeding, and she will be prescribed a gentle, safe treatment.

For beautiful hair: coltsfoot during pregnancy

In terms of hair health, the plant is multifunctional. It prevents hair loss, stimulates growth, and fights split ends. It perfectly nourishes and refreshes hair, strengthens hair follicles.

Coltsfoot has long been famous for its miraculous properties

You can make a decoction of nettle and coltsfoot:

You can take dry raw materials, or you can use fresh ones, prepared yourself. The instructions are simple: place the herbs in an enamel pan, cover with cool water, and let them sit for 10 minutes. Then bring the mixture to a boil, and keep the future broth for a minute over low heat. Then remove from heat and, without opening the lid, strain. The decoction is ready. Use it after your usual hair washing ritual - rinse for two minutes, after which there is no need to rinse off any remaining residue.

Alternative to coltsfoot during pregnancy: if you have a cold

Some expectant mothers are so worried about their health that they look for some American and Japanese drugs, as if they are the most harmless, without paying attention to simple, understandable and truly safe recipes. And the determining factor will not be the choice of medications, but the observance of conditions conducive to recovery.

If you have a cold during pregnancy:

  • Rest and plenty of fluids should be a priority - drink more water and warm tea, rest as soon as possible;
  • Don’t overheat - if you are wrapped up and even lying under a blanket, the temperature may rise further;
  • You can gargle with a salt solution or a soda solution, and this can be done at any stage of pregnancy;
  • Inhalations can be done with saline solution or mineral water;
  • Miramistin is also considered safe - you can irrigate a pregnant woman’s sore throat with it three times a day.

The most dangerous time for colds is the first trimester. Why is that? During this period, the placenta is just beginning to form. Therefore, there is still a high probability that the virus will reach the fetus, and this is dangerous, including, and can lead to miscarriage.

As soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy, a regime of maximum care for herself is activated. During the cold season, appear less in crowded places, wash your hands after any coming from the street, and fortify your diet. Make sure there is humidified air in the room so that it does not get hot.

Are mother and stepmother useful during pregnancy (video)

Traditional medicine saves the day in many situations, but there are recipes that the expectant mother should forget about. So coltsfoot is a prohibited product during pregnancy. It is allowed for external use, but only according to a doctor’s indications and in the exact dosage, with the necessary precautions.

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The basic rules here are:

  • early breastfeeding;

Herbal recipes

There are also herbs with the opposite effect, reducing lactation: Sage to stop lactation.

Along with consuming lactogenic herbs, try to offer your baby your breast more often. Be sure that in this case your baby will receive exactly the amount of milk that he needs.

I read and learn so many new things. If such access to information had existed 30 years ago, when we were still raising our children, there would not have been so many artificial people. I remember that the milk disappeared, and my daughter was only 2 months old, and the doctor did not offer anything other than kefir from the dairy kitchen. But perhaps lactation would have improved if I knew more about different remedies. Now with my grandchildren, it’s like I’m discovering a new world. Thank you for such good advice.

What herbs can you drink while breastfeeding?

What herbs can you drink while breastfeeding?

Women during breastfeeding limit themselves in many ways. This applies not only to food, but also to drinks, namely herbal teas. After all, many herbs provoke allergic reactions. But this does not mean that you need to give up all drinks and drink only filtered water. Some herbs have a beneficial effect on the body of lactating women and their children. The main thing is to find out which ones?

Useful herbs for breastfeeding

There are no absolutely safe herbs, because any plant can provoke allergies in a mother or her child. To avoid side effects, you need to observe moderation in everything, and consult your doctor before using a new decoction.

Relatively safe herbs for breastfeeding:

  • Chamomile is a useful medicinal plant that relieves inflammation, reduces fever, and stimulates the body's defenses. Chamomile decoction helps to cope with colds; it is used for rinsing, douching, and inhalation. Chamomile is good for babies, it reduces the symptoms of colic, improves digestion, calms, and normalizes sleep. It is recommended to drink weak tea for no longer than 14 days.
  • Young nettle saturates the body with vitamins, stimulates the immune system, and increases hemoglobin levels. For this reason, a decoction of nettles is indicated for anemia and loss of strength. The plant increases the production of breast milk and improves its nutritional quality. Nettle eliminates swelling, normalizes stool, and helps stop postpartum bleeding. After drinking nettle tea, you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition.
  • Fennel (pharmaceutical dill) has a choleretic effect, eliminates spasms, and negatively affects pathogens. The plant improves digestion, exhibits sedative properties, and stimulates lactation. Pharmaceutical dill is used to relieve colic and normalize intestinal function. It is forbidden to drink fennel tea only if you are hypersensitive to its components. After use, you need to monitor the child’s reaction.
  • Icelandic cetraria helps get rid of respiratory diseases that are accompanied by cough (inflammation of the bronchi and lungs). A decoction of the plant eliminates inflammation of the digestive tract. Before use, you should consult your doctor.
  • Calendula has an antimicrobial effect, and therefore it is used for acute tonsillitis.
  • Eucalyptus helps fight infectious, inflammatory and colds (sore throat, cough, etc.). In addition, the plant demonstrates calming properties.
  • The rhizome of Potentilla erecta has a bactericidal, astringent effect, stops bleeding, and eliminates inflammation. A decoction of the roots of the plant helps with inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, acute tonsillitis, etc.). The product has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs.

In addition, a lactating woman can drink tea made from lemon balm, linden, raspberry leaves, currants, hops, caraway, etc. Before using any plants, you should consult a doctor, since the risk of side effects (in the mother or child) always exists.

Harmful herbs

When drinking herbal teas during lactation, you should strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the doctor. Doctors recommend avoiding herbs that stimulate hormone production or affect hormone levels. This restriction applies to plants with an intense laxative and sedative effect.

List of plants that negatively affect a newborn and lactating woman:

  • A decoction of buckthorn is used to normalize stool, eliminate kidney and cardiac edema, postmenopausal disorders, etc. However, this plant is contraindicated during lactation, as the likelihood of side effects in a nursing mother and child increases.
  • Mother and stepmother is contraindicated during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the plant contains alkaloids.
  • Elecampane is a powerful diuretic that reduces milk production. After 7 days of regular use of the decoction, lactation ends.
  • A decoction of ephedra (coniferous shrub) is strictly forbidden to drink during lactation. The plant contains the alkaloid ephedrine, which causes headaches, nausea, vomiting, and disrupts the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs.
  • Ginseng tea is prohibited for nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. The biologically active components of the plant accumulate in the tissues of the body, increase blood pressure, and cause dizziness and nausea.
  • Valerian is one of the most effective sedatives. However, the herbal remedy is dangerous for a newborn; the risk of allergic reactions and constipation increases. The child becomes too lethargic or, conversely, overexcited.
  • Wormwood decoction contains toxic substances that negatively affect the newborn. The plant causes an allergic reaction, disrupts the gastrointestinal tract, causes hallucinations, and convulsions. In addition, wormwood makes milk bitter and reduces milk production.

During lactation, it is also prohibited to use star anise, sophora, and licorice for making drinks. According to doctors, mint reduces milk production due to the menthol content in it. Teas with black walnut, chickweed, parsley, sorrel, and oregano are also contraindicated, as they suppress lactation and are harmful to health. Read about which teas are suitable for increasing breast milk production and how to prepare them in the article

Herbal teas to increase lactation

Often, nursing mothers experience hypolactation (insufficient milk production). You can increase milk production with the help of nettle, fennel, anise, cumin, etc. Herbal tea will help improve lactation:

  • 40 g of nettle, 3 g of dill seeds are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. After 60 minutes, the liquid is filtered and taken three times a day.
  • You need to mix nettle, lemon balm, sweet clover, fennel fruits (25 g each) with 5 g of dill seeds. Dry raw materials are poured into 3 liters of boiling water, infused, then filtered and consumed.
  • Take 20 g of anise, nettle, dandelion, caraway, mix, pour 2 liters of boiling water.
  • 5 g of anise seeds are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left to steep. After 60 minutes, filter and take 50 ml three times.
  • 20 dry nettles are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, after 20 minutes the broth is filtered, and 25 ml are drunk three times in 24 hours.

These herbal remedies help mothers increase breast milk production and prolong lactation for a long time. However, before using such drugs for breastfeeding, you should obtain a doctor’s permission.

To ensure that drinking herbal tea during breastfeeding brings only positive emotions, a woman must follow the following rules:

  • Herbal tea is introduced into the diet in small portions, while you need to pay attention to the condition of the baby and your own.
  • It is recommended to use weak teas, as a concentrated decoction can provoke an allergic reaction in infants.
  • A lactating woman can drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea per day. This safe dose of the drink will not harm the mother and child.
  • It is recommended to consume decoctions without sugar or with a minimum amount of it. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with fructose.

Thus, herbs during lactation are not always beneficial. Many plants contain toxic substances that negatively affect the newborn and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using medicinal plants, you should consult a doctor. The drink should be introduced into the diet with caution and the child’s condition should be monitored. If your behavior changes or a rash appears, you should stop drinking herbal tea and contact your pediatrician.

Breastfeeding - herbs for lactation and maternal health | Our healthy baby

The benefits of breastfeeding are impossible to list. Medical researchers have recently fully agreed with the old truth that babies who are breastfed have strong immunity and developed mental abilities. How can you not trust your body and nature when, after the birth of a child, the female mammary glands begin to produce milk?

Breastfeeding is a reflex that is naturally carried out by our body, but minor problems with feeding still occur, especially among inexperienced mothers.

The herbal remedies discussed in this article are safe to use while breastfeeding. Some components of the herbs will pass into the milk, but will not harm the baby.

Herbs that stimulate lactation:

  • Marshmallow (root)
  • Slippery elm (bark)
  • Knikus the blessed
  • Stinging nettle
  • Alfalfa
  • Common raspberry (leaves)
  • Oats (straw)
  • Dandelion officinalis (root and leaves; leaves can be used as a vegetable seasoning or in salads)

Take them in the form of infusions: g (1-2 tablespoons) of dry herbs per liter of water or tinctures: drops 2-4 times a day. The plants on the list stimulate the secretion of the mammary glands. In addition, most of these herbs improve mood, eliminate mild forms of depression and improve the composition of breast milk.

Collection for a nursing mother. Provides general relaxation and good digestion during the postpartum period and helps withstand the “emotional storm” that hormonal changes generate, and also facilitates postpartum contractions.

  • 8 parts dried chamomile flowers
  • 8 parts dried catnip
  • 2 parts fennel seeds
  • 4 parts dried nettle
  • 1 part lavender flowers

Mix all the herbs. Place 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass vessel, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Strain. You can also use a stronger infusion. Drink 4 glasses a day.

Probably one of the main questions that plague breastfeeding mothers is whether they have enough milk? Typically, women who eat well, drink plenty of fluids, and breastfeed frequently will produce enough milk. If there is still little milk, the function of the mammary glands can be stimulated (with good nutrition and rest). If the baby is gaining weight well, then we can definitely say that he has enough milk. Another sign of adequate nutrition is 6-8 wet diapers per day and normal bowel movements.

A nursing mother should drink at least two liters of liquid daily: water, herbal teas. Be sure to eat fresh fruit and vegetable juices and broth. To produce milk, the body requires an appropriate amount of fluid. If you don't drink enough, it can cause depression and fatigue. During this period, the body must be supported with foods containing calcium and iron.

Certain types of foods are believed to promote milk production. These include: barley, oats, beets, carrots (especially carrot juice), pumpkin, almonds, avocado, dark rice, leafy green vegetables, edible seaweed. All over the world, thick cereal soups and porridges are used to increase lactation.

One of the ancient means of promoting milk production is beer. It is rich in calories, and the hops it contains, like alcohol, are good for relieving stress. The non-alcoholic beer that has appeared now has approximately the same beneficial properties as regular beer. If breastfeeding is causing you stress, herbs can help relieve it. Chamomile, catnip, hops, lemon balm and lavender provide a gentle relaxing effect on the body and mind, allowing you to feed your baby with peace of mind. Drink herbal infusions with honey or sugar.

If you use herbal remedies while breastfeeding, you should be more careful about the dosage of the product and its effect on the baby’s body. It is best to consult a specialist with experience in using herbs during this period. The smaller the baby and the more breast milk he receives, the more careful you should be in choosing products. Avoid stimulating herbs that affect the hormonal system, strong laxatives and sedatives.

The plants listed in this list can negatively affect the baby’s vital functions and the lactation process:

  • Calamus marsh
  • Arnica montana
  • Common barberry
  • Periwinkle
  • Colchicum autumnalis (avoid internal use)
  • Borago (borage)
  • Damiana
  • Zhoster laxative
  • Ipecacuanha
  • Alder buckthorn
  • May lily of the valley
  • Lobelia
  • Mandrake
  • Coltsfoot
  • Juniper fruits
  • Nutmeg (small quantities ok)
  • Comfrey officinalis
  • mistletoe
  • Butternut
  • male fern
  • Spring primrose (primrose officinalis)
  • Tansy
  • Wormwood
  • Rhubarb Tangut
  • Rue
  • Sassaparilla
  • Senna
  • cohosh
  • Phytolacca
  • Cotton root
  • Salvia officinalis
  • Ephedra

Sore nipples

This is one of the problems of breastfeeding. When cracks appear in such delicate tissue, it is very worrying, especially for young mothers who are trying to breastfeed for the first time. Some soreness in the first few days after birth is completely normal and common. After some time, the skin will become stronger and the nipples will stop hurting. Sometimes pain occurs due to incorrect positioning of the baby at the breast. Your baby's mouth should cover the nipple and the dark areola surrounding it, not just the tip. If you think this is the reason, consult an experienced breastfeeding mother.

Another common cause of sore nipples is thrush. This is an infectious disease of the mucous membranes, caused by yeast-like fungi, which develops when air circulation is disrupted and in a humid environment. Stop using pads and, if possible, go braless until the thrush clears up. Fungal infection loves a moist environment, and it is difficult to get rid of it with ointments. It causes itching and pain. One way to combat thrush is to lubricate your nipples with plain unsweetened yogurt. You can also apply yogurt to your child's mouth.

How to reduce nipple soreness. Pain during breastfeeding can be relieved by the following:

  • An ointment based on comfrey root and calendula heals cracked nipples, eliminates dryness and redness.
  • Cocoa butter, almond oil, vitamin E oil solution or lanolin have the same properties. Keep in mind that lanolin sometimes causes allergies - in this case, use other products. Before feeding, thoroughly wipe your breasts of any remaining oil.
  • Aloe-based gel promotes the healing of cracks. It has a bitter taste, so rinse your breasts before feeding.
  • It is useful to arrange air and sun baths for the mammary glands for 20 minutes a day. If it's cold outside or you can't find a private place, use sunlight from a window.
  • If your nipples hurt very badly during feeding, try to give your baby only one breast during the day, and heal the other during this time. This will not affect the baby's nutrition, but will give time for the cracks to heal.


Milk flows to the nipples through ducts - small channels inside the mammary gland. Due to overfilling with milk, as well as due to compression of the breasts during sleep or wearing a tight bra, these channels lose their patency. The ducts can become inflamed quickly and unexpectedly. A lump appears inside the breast, the skin over the hardened area turns red, and red streaks appear on it. These symptoms are followed by chills, fever, dizziness, and nausea - these are signs of mastitis. It can be prevented, and if treatment is started immediately, then everything goes away within a day. Without treatment, breast abscess and more serious systemic infection may develop.

Mastitis is more likely to develop in mothers who are overworked and tired. This may be because they do not allow enough time for feeding and do not allow the baby to suck all the milk from the breast. Or maybe fatigue reduces immunity. Blocked ducts often occur in those mothers who do not drink enough fluids and eat poorly. If any of the signs of breast inflammation appear, you need to quit whatever you are doing! Put on loose, comfortable, warm clothes, go to bed or sit in a cozy chair with your child, and drink a cup of hot tea or broth.

If you develop a fever or other signs of infection during the first weeks after giving birth, consult your doctor immediately. Fever accompanied by abdominal pain and foul-smelling vaginal discharge may indicate inflammation of the uterus, which is extremely dangerous. Seek medical attention immediately.

Rest, drinking and eating, and frequently placing the baby on the sore breast are the first means to eliminate mastitis and prevent inflammatory processes. Using the recommendations offered below, you will feel an improvement in 6-12 hours, and a full recovery will occur in a day. Over the next few days, you may still feel slight discomfort (pain, like after a bruise). In this case, continue taking internal remedies until you feel completely better.

  • Drink a large glass of water (at least at room temperature) every hour throughout the day. This is extremely important! To relieve inner tension, take a sip of catnip tea.
  • Eat well; thick cereal and vegetable soups are especially useful during this period.
  • Daytime sleep and home routine are necessary. Avoid receiving guests until complete recovery. Fatigue may renew the problem.
  • Place your baby on the sore breast frequently to improve milk flow. This is inconvenient, but it affects a speedy recovery. For a baby, feeding milk from an inflamed breast is completely safe. However, if the abscess occurs near the nipple, give the baby the other breast and express milk manually on the affected side.
  • Use compresses and warm baths, gently massaging the clogged area towards the nipple. Compresses can be made from infusions of ginger root, chamomile, marshmallow root, burdock root and violet leaves. If you don't have any of these herbs, just hot water will do.
  • Apply grated raw potatoes two to three times a day. This is a wonderful remedy - it relieves pain, reduces blocked ducts and inflammation, and is almost always available in the house. Remove the grated mass after 20 minutes, after it becomes warm.
  • Take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of Echinacea tincture every 2-4 hours, depending on the severity of the condition. After all painful symptoms disappear, the drug should be taken for another day.
  • Take 500 mg of vitamin C every 2-4 hours. Don't be alarmed if your baby's stool becomes looser.
  • If you have a fever, drink an infusion of black elderberry flowers and spearmint (1 tablespoon of each herb per liter of water, leave for 20 minutes). Continue drinking it (up to 2 liters) until you sweat. Stay in bed under the covers.
  • If an abscess occurs, follow the instructions in the appropriate section. Many abscesses can be treated at home, but in serious cases you should contact an experienced specialist.

What herbs increase lactation: list of the best

Every mother is concerned about whether her beloved child is getting enough breast milk. Among natural lactogenic agents, herbs for increasing lactation stand out.

A few words about the benefits of breastfeeding

Discussions about the benefits of breastfeeding have long died down in the medical community, and now even infant formula manufacturers consider it their duty to warn consumers that the ideal food for babies is mother's milk.

Its chemical and biological composition is optimal for the immature intestines of a newborn. It best satisfies the baby's nutritional needs and also gives the baby reliable protection against infections.

And the process of breastfeeding itself brings a lot of joy to the mother, promotes better contact and has a beneficial effect on the mental development of the child.

But even when a young mother realizes all the benefits of breastfeeding, her sincere desire to breastfeed her baby is often crossed out by the problem of lack of milk.

How to improve breastfeeding

Data from numerous studies show that only 5% of women cannot breastfeed a child for physiological reasons.

In most cases, all that is required for long and successful breastfeeding is the correct initiation and maintenance of the lactation mechanism.

The basic rules here are:

  • early breastfeeding;
  • offer your baby breastfeeding on demand, not on an hourly basis;
  • mandatory night feedings;
  • feeding a newborn exclusively with mother's milk, without adding infant formula to the diet;
  • the mother’s peace of mind and her confidence in her ability to feed the baby.

If these principles are followed, the process of breastfeeding occurs naturally and harmoniously, and artificial measures to increase lactation are usually not required.

When do you need products to increase lactation?

There are situations when the amount of milk needs to be increased artificially. This usually happens when mistakes were made at the stage of launching lactation mechanisms.

During a caesarean section or postpartum complications in the mother, the baby is fed formula for the first few days or weeks of his life, so switching him to breastfeeding requires considerable effort.

But even with a properly adjusted breastfeeding mechanism, there are situations when the amount of milk needs to be increased.

The development and growth of a child occurs in leaps and bounds during certain periods (usually the 3rd-6th week, as well as the 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th months). At this time, the baby’s need for milk increases sharply, and the mother’s breast does not have time to instantly adapt to the increased needs. Typically, such lactation crises last 3-4 days, and the problem is easily resolved by more frequent breastfeeding.

Mild natural remedies will also help improve lactation.

Let's look at the indicators by which a young mother can determine that her baby really doesn't have enough milk and it's time to take action:

  • the child’s weight increases slightly over a long period of time or remains at the same level;
  • after feeding, the baby does not calm down, continues to be nervous, and does not let go of the breast;
  • the number of wet diapers per day is significantly reduced;
  • The baby's urine becomes dark in color and has a pungent odor.

Herbs that increase milk supply

If a mother has realized that the problem of lack of milk is really urgent for her, along with other methods, she can use the following herbs to enhance lactation:

  • nettle – improves the quality of milk, helps restore the uterus;
  • fennel - in addition to stimulating lactation, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and reduces gas formation, so it is recommended to use it in combination with fenugreek to minimize the side effects of the latter;
  • raspberry leaves - are high in niacin and other vitamins, help restore the uterus after childbirth;
  • borage (borage) – normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, due to which lactation increases;
  • alfalfa (alpha-alpha grass) is another herb useful for nursing mothers, it is high in vitamin K, and therefore stops bleeding;
  • fenugreek (fenugreek or helba) is one of the most powerful lactogenic agents; for example, it is even used to produce milk in women who feed adopted children;
  • thistle (Knikus pharmaciens) – additional bonus: treatment of mild forms of postpartum depression, beneficial effect on the health of the liver and digestive system;
  • goat's rue (galega or goat's rue) - this herb can increase milk production by 50%;
  • chamomile - rarely causes allergies, has a mild sedative effect;
  • hops – soothes, reducing the risk of milk loss for psychological reasons.

Other herbs to increase lactation that rarely cause side effects when the dosage is followed:

In addition to the lactogenic effect, herbs have an additional positive effect on the body of mother and baby. For example, cumin, dill and anise are effective against colic in newborns.

In addition, the listed plants will enrich the diet of a nursing woman with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Ways to use lactogenic herbs

Today, pharmacies and supermarkets offer a wide selection of teas and infusions that increase milk production for nursing mothers.

The most convenient form is granulated instant teas.

Their disadvantage is that, in addition to the herbs themselves, they also contain various additives, sugars and flavorings that can cause allergies in the baby.

In addition, the technology for manufacturing granules involves multi-stage processing of raw materials, and as a result, most of the valuable components lose their beneficial properties.

You can purchase packaged supplements to enhance lactation; they are also quite convenient to use. However, they have a serious disadvantage: the raw materials are of insufficient quality.

If you have time, the best option would be to make lactogenic mixtures yourself, using herbs from the pharmacy or your own preparations. The advantage of this method is that you will know exactly what components are included in your tea, and you will be able to select the composition and proportions yourself.

Please note that you should not include too many herbs at the same time. It’s better to start with one or two components and then experiment with adding new ones, focusing on your reaction and the baby’s reaction.

Herbal recipes

Here are some popular recipes for herbal teas that increase the amount of breast milk.

  1. 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and 1/2 tsp. dill seed, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for one hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. nettle herbs, lemon balm and sweet clover, fennel flowers, add 1 tsp. dill seed. Pour the resulting mixture into 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew and drink like tea throughout the day.
  3. Take anise, cumin, nettle and dandelion root in equal proportions. Brew at the rate of 1 tsp. mixture per glass of boiling water.
  4. 1 tsp. Brew anise fruits and leave for one hour. Take 3-4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Pour 20 g of dried nettle leaves with a liter of boiling water. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

These and other herbal recipes, if taken with all precautions, will help new mothers increase milk production and maintain breastfeeding for a long time.

Side effects of herbs that increase milk production

If you suffer from a lack of milk, this does not mean that your first action should be to make an herbal mixture.

Be sure to check with your doctor about possible side effects. This will help reduce the risk of allergies and other unpleasant symptoms.

  1. Fenugreek causes increased gas formation in some nursing mothers. And its ability to lower blood sugar levels is a direct contraindication for diabetics. In some cases, this herb also causes diarrhea. Is a strong allergen, especially if you suffer from a negative reaction to peanuts.
  2. Borage is generally not recommended for long-term use by nursing women, as it contains an alkaloid that is harmful to the liver.
  3. Hops, when taken for a long time, causes severe depression, so it is also not included in the list of herbs recommended for a nursing woman.
  4. Fennel can also cause allergies, including seizures and breathing problems in infants.
  5. Many people confuse anise with star anise. The second is extremely dangerous for the baby’s health, so taking it while breastfeeding is strictly prohibited.

A clear understanding of the reasons for decreased lactation will allow you to more accurately select the most effective herbs that increase milk production.

What herbs are not allowed during lactation?

These herbs can not only negatively affect lactation, they are dangerous for your baby:

Of course, this is not a complete list of dangerous plants, so be careful.

Herbs during breastfeeding

When a woman breastfeeds her baby, she often hears “This is impossible,” “This is harmful.” So let's figure out what herbs and what effect they have on a nursing mother, breast milk and baby. In the article we will consider the following herbs: rose hips, chamomile, motherwort, chicory, nettle, mint, sage, fennel, licorice, oregano.

Rose hip

Rose hips (root, flowers and fruits) are very often used for medicinal purposes. During breastfeeding, rosehip decoction has a beneficial effect on the body of a nursing mother.

Rose hips are very dangerous for newborn babies. The decoction has a diuretic effect; beneficial substances are washed out of the small body. Rose hips can also cause allergies in a child. Therefore, rosehip is not the best remedy for a baby, but a mother can use a decoction of this herb when feeding her baby.

Rose hips are rich in vitamins; they contain iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium. Rosehip decoction can be consumed after childbirth; it will slow down bleeding, help remove excess fluid from the body, improve kidney function, and increase lactation.

When feeding a baby, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction some time before feeding, then the milk supply increases. And with milk, the nursing mother transfers vitamins to the baby, which entered her body with rosehip decoction. This decoction also helps strengthen the immune system, improves metabolism and tones.


There are conflicting opinions regarding the benefits of using chamomile decoction.

Chamomile may be the best medicine for a nursing mother. But you still need to consult a doctor. The course of herbal treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Chamomile hour is considered the best remedy for increasing lactation. However, there is also an opinion that when drinking a strong decoction, lactation, on the contrary, decreases.

So, chamomile is useful for a nursing mother:

  • as a gargle, douching, inhalation, etc.;
  • in the form of tea at night (not strong). For newborns, chamomile is useful for painful colic and intestinal problems, for calming, and also for normalizing the baby's sleep. But first you need to consult a doctor, because chamomile, like many other herbs, can become an allergen.


    In the life of a nursing mother, sometimes you just need to calm down, get some sleep, lower your blood pressure - and here motherwort comes to the rescue. A nursing mother should be careful about what she takes. That's all? What enters her body is passed on to the baby through her milk.

    And in this case, motherwort should be taken in tablets or in the form of a herbal decoction, because the infusion contains a certain amount of alcohol, which the baby does not need at all.

    Before consuming motherwort, you should consult a doctor, with his help you will determine the correct dose and course of treatment, thereby avoiding undesirable consequences.

    An overdose of motherwort can cause headaches, extreme drowsiness, nausea, increased thirst, and dizziness in a nursing mother. If you notice these symptoms, you should stop taking motherwort and consult a doctor.

    It is permissible for infants to take motherwort in small doses through breast milk (not infusion with alcohol), or in cases of hyperactivity of the baby, motherwort can be added to the bath to calm it down. Otherwise, the use of infusion for a newborn is prohibited.


    Coffee is the favorite drink of many women, however, if you are a nursing mother, you need to give it up. Then chicory becomes a substitute for coffee. Chicory tastes almost the same as coffee, but without the caffeine. Therefore, a nursing mother can drink chicory, because it does not have a negative effect on the baby, but only if there are no contraindications from the doctor.

    The benefit of chicory lies in the fact that the microelements contained in it contribute to an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and tonic effect; when consumed, digestion and appetite improve.

    Doctors have different opinions about chicory for a nursing mother. Supporters of a strict diet are categorically against taking chicory, although in the modern world such restrictions are practically no longer applied. However, it is also not recommended to abuse the drink, because it, like any other herb, can cause allergies, in which case the help of a doctor is necessary.

    The effect of chicory on lactation has not yet been studied in modern medicine, so before drinking this drink, a nursing mother should think about the possible consequences.

    For a newborn, the transmitted properties of chicory through breast milk are considered harmless, unless he has a personal intolerance.


    A nursing mother needs good lactation, but it can be very difficult to establish. Doctors often recommend using a decoction of young nettles to increase lactation. You can buy dried nettle at the pharmacy. Discuss the dose and course with your doctor.

    In addition to its beneficial effect on milk production, nettle also has other beneficial properties. Nettle decoction is a good medicine for swelling, constipation, and postpartum bleeding. After childbirth, a nursing mother's hemoglobin often drops, and in this case, a nettle decoction comes to the rescue. Another decoction can be taken when tired and lack of sleep.

    Nettle contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins that have a positive effect on the baby. Together with milk, the baby will absorb vitamin A, K, E, as well as calcium, iron, honey, magnesium. Nettle decoction perfectly strengthens the body of mother and child, increasing its resistance to bacteria.

    Nettle should be administered little by little, as it can become an allergen. If a rash appears on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.

    Peppermint tea has a calming effect and many people cannot resist its aroma. But it is strictly forbidden for a nursing mother to abuse mint. The plant reduces lactation. If your lactation is not yet stable, then you don’t even have to think about mint, but established excessive lactation can only be “shattered” by huge doses of menthol. We are talking about mint not only as a herb, but also about mint candies, gingerbread cookies, and medicines containing mint.

    Before using the product, check to see if it contains menthol.

    Menthol is very dangerous for a newborn. If a large amount of the substance is consumed, the child may experience vomiting and convulsions.

    It happens that a nursing mother has an irresistible desire to drink a cup of herbal tea, in this case doctors recommend giving preference to chamomile. Chamomile, like mint, has a calming effect, but does not have a detrimental effect on lactation.

    Well, if you really really want to feel the taste of mint, then just add a couple of fresh leaves to your green tea for a few minutes. In this case, there will not be a large amount of menthol in the tea, but the pleasant aroma will remain.


    Sage is an effective solution to many women's problems. The duration of the breastfeeding stage is different for each mother. One waits until the breast milk disappears on its own, while the other gradually tries to wean the baby off the breast. Then she needs to get rid of milk. A decoction of sage is perfect to help.

    Sage reduces the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, and thereby stops lactation. Doctors recommend taking herbal decoction of sage for several days so that cessation of lactation is painless for the mother. If pain, burning or lumps appear in the chest, you should consult a doctor.


    The perennial fennel plant looks like dill, and its fruits taste very sweet. Fennel has long been used as food and as a medicine.

    Useful properties of fennel:

  • has a choleretic effect;
  • is an antispasmodic;
  • exhibits an antibacterial effect;
  • promotes digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

    The beneficial properties of the plant have a positive effect on a nursing mother, but you should not overuse fennel, as it increases lactation. Also, fennel should not be taken if there are personal contraindications.

    Fennel is not dangerous for a newborn in the form of a herbal decoction, medicines based on fennel essential oil and in the form of “dill water”. Discuss dosages with your doctor.

    If, when used on the baby’s body, a rash appears, then the plant is contraindicated for the child; its use should be stopped and consult a doctor for help. But fennel causes such allergic reactions very rarely.

    In general, newborns tolerate the medicinal plant well; it is often used to relieve gas in newborns.


    Licorice root has been used medicinally for many years.

    Licorice has an antihistamine, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory effect, the plant restores water balance in the human body. It has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune and nervous systems and is a good tonic. It is an excellent medicine for sore throat.

    Licorice is prohibited for breastfeeding women. In its action, this medicinal plant is similar to sage - it stops lactation.

    For a child over two years old, licorice root in the form of syrup is an excellent cough medicine, but such medicine is contraindicated for a newborn.


    The perennial plant oregano attracts the attention of many women with its wonderful aroma. Oregano is used both for food and for medicinal purposes.

    The plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, diaphoretic, and diuretic effects. Preparations based on oregano are used as antispasmodics, expectorants, to stop bleeding and to stabilize digestion.

    However, the use of decoctions and infusions of the plant during breastfeeding is prohibited. It is also contraindicated for newborns.

    Oregano can be consumed in the form of a weak tea to increase lactation, but only under medical supervision. After lactation is restored, stop using immediately.

    Take care of your health and the health of your baby. Remember: not all herbal infusions are safe during breastfeeding.

    Simple remedies to increase lactation

    The main nutrition for every baby is breast milk. This is what helps the child develop a strong immune system. Lactation depends not only on the activity of hormones, but also on many other factors. Many breastfeeding mothers worry about a lack of milk, because sometimes the complex process of producing breast milk can fail. It is worth taking seriously the choice of a lactogenic drug, because any folk remedy or tea to increase lactation can affect the condition of the woman and child.

    In what situations does the body need help?

    Feeding is the most important factor responsible for the health of the baby. There are many different signs that indicate a lack of milk. It is worth taking measures to improve lactation in the following cases:

    • Negative result of the “wet diaper test”. The result is considered negative if the baby pees less than 12 times in 24 hours.
    • Reducing the child's weight. During regular examinations at the clinic, a specialist notes weight loss.
    • Malaise. The baby is weak, inactive, sleeps for a long time, the skin is pale.

    If the baby is active and gaining weight normally, there is no need to use tea to increase lactation, as this can lead to hyperlactation. It has an extremely negative effect on the mother's body.

    What herbs affect lactation

    One of the most effective means for increasing the amount of breast milk is herbal tea. For a long time, nursing mothers have been recommended to take infusions with a lactogenic effect. However, not all herbs have a direct effect on the production process.

    As a rule, pharmacy fees include:

    • Caraway. A spice that has an indirect effect on the process of milk production and improves the general condition of the body.
    • Basil. It affects the functioning of the mammary glands due to the content of a small amount of estrogen, and does not provoke unexpected reactions.
    • Rosemary. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and supports the mother’s body during breastfeeding.
    • Fennel is most often used in lactation teas. It has an active effect on milk production.
    • Horse chestnut. At the clinical level, the ability of this plant to have a positive effect on milk production has been proven.
    • Kelp. Saturates the body with useful microelements and minerals, but does not have a direct effect on lactation. One of the largest sources of iodine.
    • Fenugreek. Suitable for improving lactation due to the presence of diogestin in its composition - a phytoestrogen of natural origin.
    • Ginseng. To prepare lactation drinks, I use the roots of the plant, which contain natural estrogen.
    • Dill seeds. Useful for lactation due to its general strengthening effect.

    Despite the fact that herbal infusions have a beneficial effect on the body of a young mother, in some cases their use can be not only unjustified, but also dangerous. Therefore, it is best to first consult with a specialist.

    Best Recipes

    There are many different variations of means to improve lactation. Many teas can be prepared independently at home. This drink will be a decoction of various herbs that can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    As for the use of regular tea during breastfeeding, its quantity during this period should be limited. It does not affect the volume of milk, but may deteriorate its composition.

    The most effective infusions that can be drunk while feeding are prepared according to the following recipes:

    • Nettle. When breastfeeding, tea from the leaves of this plant is used. It normalizes lactation and additionally protects the body from various viruses and infections. To prepare the drink, pour boiling water (220-250 ml) over a tablespoon of crushed leaves and infuse for 5-10 minutes. After cooling, the drink is filtered and consumed throughout the day. Nettle not only promotes lactation, but also improves metabolism and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    • Melissa. The drink made from this plant is one of the most popular; it helps calm the body and speed up the flow of milk. When breastfeeding, lemon balm is brewed as follows: one teaspoon of dry crushed leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. After this, the tea is filtered and consumed in small portions.
    • Oregano. This is the most popular plant that mothers use to make tea. This is due to the fact that oregano is very easy to brew during breastfeeding and has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Two tablespoons of flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, after which the broth is cooled and filtered.
    • The drink, which includes chamomile and nettle for lactation, has proven itself well. It is extremely simple to prepare. You need to mix medicinal herbs in equal proportions and pour 4 tablespoons of the collection with a liter of boiling water. Then boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat and cool. Before use, the decoction must be strained. Take it 3 times a day in small portions.

    Rules for drinking lactation tea

    It is very important that the baby’s mother drinks herbal tea as carefully as possible, since some plants, in case of individual intolerance, can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. In addition, the child may experience stomach upsets.

    • You must use the drink strictly following the recommendations.
    • Under no circumstances should the dosage be exceeded without consulting a specialist.
    • When drinking tea for the first time, the portion should be small. After this, you need to observe the baby’s reaction. If an allergic reaction occurs after feeding, you need to change the infusion.
    • You can try several different herbal teas and choose the best option.
    • The best time to take lactation herbal tea is morning and night. In the evening, you should give preference to sedative preparations.
    • The drink should be drunk warm. This relaxes the milk ducts and makes feeding easier.
    • You should not get carried away with tea and take it for more than 7-10 days, as this may provoke the development of a negative reaction.

    Herbal teas to increase lactation are a real salvation for mothers who have encountered difficulties with breastfeeding. But do not forget that such drinks are medicinal, so before starting to use teas, you should consult a doctor.