Atenolol - instructions for use and composition, indications, release form and price. Other possible negative reactions. Release form and composition

IN home medicine cabinet even healthy person A set of medications necessary for extreme situations is always available. If someone in the family has a “chronicle”, the standard ones: “iodine, peroxide, painkillers, sedatives, yes” will not do.

Hypertensive patients and concurrent heart patients often have atenolol on hand. When the heart “ran wild”, and even responded with pain, atenolol is a good helper, sometimes irreplaceable.

Atenolol: types, indications, instructions for use

Trade name of the drug and its active substance- match up. Atenolol. This is the first of the drugs in the line. Based on this line, manufacturers from other companies later launched the production of a similar pharmaceutical product.

Atenolol is available in a dosage of 0.1 g (tablets) and half of this dose - 0.05 g. In milligrams these are respectively: 100 and 50.

Tablets of a different dosage – 25 mg – also appeared on sale.

The tablets do not contain any active ingredient pure form. There are always excipients in which these milligrams of medication are distributed. The first, familiar to the older generation, atenolol contains them only in the core, has no shell, and the composition of the drug includes a minimum of additives.

Other companies that took over the production of this drug added a shell. A quantitative (qualitative too) composition has been added chemical substances included in the tablet. The shell contains its components.

The group represented by the drug is beta-blockers.


Action typical of beta blockers. Atenolol acts selectively, not on the entire body, but in a targeted manner: cardioselectively. Its purpose: to influence the heart and nourish it coronary vessels, help circulatory system hearts to cope with the load. Or relieve, or more often – prevent – ​​an attack of angina pectoris.

Taking atenolol on the first day reduces cardiac output. Reflexively react to this peripheral vessels, their resistance increases. The effect is not curative, but not catastrophic. With continued use, the condition of the blood vessels becomes the same within 24, maximum 72, hours.

Further treatment with atenolol reduces this resistance even compared to the former before the first dose. This reduces blood pressure (antihypertensive effect) and evens out the rhythm in those suffering from arrhythmia.

Provides medicine and antianginal - relieving ischemic symptoms(pain, shortness of breath) action. Atenolol does not have analgesic properties. The pain goes away because its cause is eliminated. This important point. It’s not just that the symptom is stopped, the healing process occurs.

The scheme is as follows: the medicine has a gentle effect on beta1-adrenergic receptors of the heart and its blood vessels. This reduces the myocardium's need for oxygen, even under stress - physical or emotional. The flow of oxygen is increased at this time, so the drug acts through the nervous system. The volume of blood circulation per unit of time – minute (IOC) decreases. This entails a decrease in both quantities blood pressure– less systolic and diastolic.

The myocardial conduction system receives a smaller excitation signal. This stops tachycardia and different kinds extrasystoles. The heart rate slows down, the rhythm of contractions evens out. The heart rate after taking atenolol does not decrease sharply, within about an hour. An abrupt change, the transition from tachycardia to almost bradycardia, is dangerous for the myocardium. The drug works - gently, this is also a plus.

As a result, the heart is protected, oxygen starvation it does not experience, there is no overload. Are blocked dangerous species arrhythmias. The patient's condition is normalized and stabilized.

The action of atenolol specifically affects beta1-adrenergic receptors. There are also beta2-adrenergic receptors in the body.

They regulate the work:

Beta2-adrenergic receptors control metabolic processes (carbohydrate metabolism).

Atenolol in the doses recommended in the instructions for use and prescribed by the doctor does not interfere with the functioning of type 2 adrenergic receptors. Exceeding the dosage can block these receptors, so the maximum is 100 mg, and you should not take more.


The drug is absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract, but not completely; approximately half of the active substance enters the bloodstream. If circumstances require fast action, the tablet is placed under the tongue. There, the mucous membrane has many vessels, and the drug directly enters through them - into the bloodstream.

Traditionally, the use of atenolol is indicated - orally. Sublingual (sublingual) method - only for emergency conditions when other drugs are unavailable for some reason.

When administered orally (internally, through the mouth), the desired (maximum) concentration of the drug is reached in the blood within two hours of administration. Blood proteins partially, up to 15%, bind the active substance. The liver is not involved in the metabolism of atenolol. It is excreted by the kidneys. The right job the drug has already been made in the body, and up to 100% is excreted (sometimes less - up to 85%) - in the same, unchanged form.


Atenolol's indications for use are few, but very important.

Arterial hypertension. At regular use pressure stabilization occurs gently but reliably. The drug is used at the initial, first, stage of the disease and at the second. It also helps in combination with drugs from other groups in the treatment of the third stage of hypertension.

That is, according to the instructions for use, in which the patient is looking for what pressure atenolol helps with, it is recommended to use it up to values ​​of 180/110.

But, taken sublingually, crushed under the tongue, it will also help with “over two hundred.” Moreover, it will help – quickly, although they consider him “slow”. The release form is important here: without the shell, the medicine will start working immediately.

The method of consumption is also important: when atenolol is absorbed into the blood from the sublingual vessels, it will act much faster. This property makes atenolol without a shell a valuable assistant in stopping an attack of ischemic heart disease, paroxysm of tachycardia and hypertensive crisis. These pathologies can occur simultaneously or separately; the drug is effective in both cases.

Prevention of angina attacks. When the heart is protected, the likelihood of an attack is almost eliminated. The myocardium has enough nutrition, its tissues and blood vessels do not experience overload. Atenolol acts this way at rest and during physical activity.
Tachycardia. By reducing the heart rate, atenolol directly affects tachycardia, eliminates it, and the rhythm returns to normal values.

There is this type of rhythm disturbance: paroxysmal tachycardia. With this disease, even against the background of habitual bradycardia, paroxysms (attacks) of tachycardia may occur. Conventional treatment difficult: beta blockers slow down the rhythm, and the patient’s rhythm is initially rare.

But at the time of an attack, it is atenolol that can help if taken sublingually. The action will be quick but short-lived. Which is exactly what is needed, because long-acting medications are dangerous: after an attack, the usual slow rhythm will be established. It is impossible to reduce it even more. Therefore, oral (inside) use is not suitable. Only under the tongue.

Extrasystole. Special value atenolol is that the medicine, the price of which remains symbolic - a little more than 10 rubles - saves lives. It prevents violations heart rate. Not only tachycardia - extrasystole. Supraventricular and life-threatening: ventricular.

If erratic extrasystoles occur in a patient who does not constantly take atenolol, and there is medicine, you need to take it. Also - sublingually. This is important for those who cannot tolerate antiarrhythmics from other groups and compositions.

Drug intolerance has become common. If atenolol is well tolerated, it can save the life of someone who is considered more effective means"do not go".


Individual sensitivity. Intolerance to the drug or sensitivity to its components. The latter began to be observed more often with the advent of atenolol analogues.

The body accepts the active substance itself without problems, but fillers or those included in the shell chemical elements, can easily provoke allergies.

Each company that undertakes to produce medicine tries to add its own “signature touch”, new component. They claim that this is an improvement, a protection, an additional therapeutic effect. This is not always the case. Patients who are heavily inundated with the chemicals of medications often cannot assimilate this new and improved drug without an allergic reaction.

Atenolol nycomed, an analogue of the primary form, has the same indications for use as atenolol (for hypertension, tachycardia and other indications). There is only one active ingredient, atenolol. It is generally accepted that, produced by a reputable company, atenolol nycomed is devoid of part side effects. It has a shell that will protect the stomach. And it will make the effect of the drug softer.

Look at the original instructions for atenolol nycomed: in terms of use, it is a complete analogue of just atenolol. But the sensitivity of the body may vary, as well as the composition of the excipients.

The medicine itself (of any brand and name: atenolol, atenolol belupo or nycomed) and analogues of the drug have a harsh effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is enough to take it sublingually once - it will become clear how much. A crushed drug that gets on the tongue or buccal mucosa causes a burn. It is clear that this happens to the gastrointestinal mucosa in any part of it. The membrane will dissolve, atenolol will injure the mucous membrane.

Additional substances of the shells are different. In simple atenolol, the Ozone shell contains titanium oxide, polyvinyl alcohol, and other chemical elements (opadry, macrogol).

The instructions for atenolol nycomed indicate: the shell, among others, contains propylene glycol and hypromellose. These additions will not cause harm to some, and may even help. And someone may not tolerate just one component, reacting with an allergic reaction.

Additives and brands have greatly increased the cost of the drug; the price of atenolol nycomed is 6 to 10 times higher than its predecessor. Production in Germany seems better to the consumer than domestic medicine. The Russian manufacturer (Zhigulevsk) only doubled the price for the same 30 coated tablets. The name remained the same.

Atenolol Belupo has similar instructions in terms of application, this is the same drug, only produced in Croatia. There are representative offices of this pharmaceutical company in Russia. Some additives replicate German ones, and there are also pharmaceutical finds of their own: carnauba wax, disodium edetate dihydrate.

It is worth paying attention to the fact: coated medicines are definitely not helpful in an extreme situation. Note: initially, atenolol was not intended for force majeure.

If you think about it: what are atenolol tablets prescribed for? For blood pressure and prophylactically for angina pectoris. But still, you can use simple domestic, cheap atenolol with a minimum of fillers and how ambulance. But the more expensive “gentle” forms are not allowed. Only prevention is their task. The shell will “reduce speed” and can aggravate an already dangerous condition.

Bradycardia. The rhythm is pathologically slow; it is impossible to reduce the heart rate, which atenolol does. Guideline contraindications: heart rate less than 60. The exception is described above: “Indications. Tachycardia".

SSSU. Pacemaker weakness sinus node, or its dysfunction does not tolerate the intervention of beta-blockers. Contractions of the heart parts in this pathology are chaotic, the effect of atenolol cannot be predicted.

Decompensated or acute CHF. The drug increases left gastric load and diastolic blood pressure at the beginning of treatment, this is dangerous in these cases. The left ventricle of the heart is already overloaded in hypertensive patients, and therefore is compensatedly enlarged.

The heart does not fully relax: the pressure at the moment of supposed relaxation (diastole) is significantly increased. Enhancing this effect with atenolol, even for a short time, is a risk. At constant reception will arise oxygen deficiency myocardium.

Cardiomegaly (bovine heart). Myocardial muscles enlarge, become decrepit, and other methods of assistance are used here. Conductivity is impaired, it is not advisable to act on it with beta blockers, it can cause severe - even irreparable - consequences.

Low blood pressure (hypotension). Especially if it’s dangerous during a heart attack. Even if there is no heart attack, it can happen. Low pressure, with weak blood vessels in patients with arterial hypertension or heart disease, will not provide blood flow sufficient to nourish the myocardium and brain. The likelihood of vascular accidents increases.

Taking MAO inhibitors. Combination with atenolol is unacceptable. This combination is fraught with severe orthostatic hypotension.

Do not take the drug if:

Under supervision, with caution if installed:

Pregnant and elderly people should be especially careful when using it. Prescribed according to vital indications, carefully monitoring the condition.

Application and dosage

Once a day, before meals. The minimum initial dose is 50 mg. The usual therapeutic dose with normal tolerance is 100 mg. Conclusions about effectiveness – after two weeks. 100 mg – maximum, if they exist kidney problems, reduce the dosage by half.

Side effects

Drug interactions

Dangerous when combined with:

special instructions

It is necessary to regularly monitor when taking atenolol:

You should not stop the medicine abruptly, this will worsen the condition and the symptoms may worsen:

  1. Hypertension;

Before operations with anesthesia, the medicine will be stopped earlier. Pause – two days, then only anesthesia.

The interval between the administration of verapamil and the administration of Atenolol is 48 hours.


Analogs of atenolol, its absolute twins, even the instructions for use are the same, only the prices differ, sometimes the names, and reviews from cardiologists and patients. Here are the analogues:

Prescription release.

At convulsive syndrome intravenous infusion is indicated. Dialysis effective.


In patients taking Atenolol, allergen extracts for skin tests, and allergens for immunotherapy significantly increase the risk of developing severe systemic anaphylaxis. Risk anaphylactic reactions increases with intravenous administration X-ray contrast agents.

A fall blood pressure and cardiodepressive effects are observed with intravenous infusion of phenytoin, as well as with the use of drugs for inhalation general anesthesia. The drug can mask the signs of developing hypoglycemia at simultaneous use oral hypoglycemic agents, insulin.

Atenolol reduces the clearance of xanthines. Estrogens, glucocorticosteroids, NSAIDs, BMCC, guanfacine, cardiac glycosides, amiodarone, and many antiarrhythmic medications increase the likelihood of developing atrioventricular block, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, and worsening heart failure.

Hydralazine, sympatholytics, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, BMCC can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Atenolol prolongs the duration of action of coumarins, non-depolarizing muscle relaxants. Neuroleptics, sedatives, sleeping pills, ethanol, tetracyclic and tricyclic antidepressants enhance the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.

The simultaneous administration of MAO inhibitors is unacceptable due to the risk of hypotension. Impaired peripheral circulation is observed when using medications with non-hydrogenated ergot alkaloids.

Terms of sale

Requires a prescription.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

No more than three years.

special instructions

Taking the drug should be accompanied by regular measurements, determination of pulse, sugar level in persons with diabetes mellitus .

Elderly patients are advised to periodically monitor the condition of the renal system. The doctor needs to instruct the patient and teach him how to measure heart rate correctly. In 20% of patients with angina, adrenergic blockers do not provide the desired effect due to severe coronary atherosclerosis with a low ischemic threshold, impaired subendocardial blood flow .

In patients with nicotine addiction the effectiveness of Atenolol is significantly lower than in patients who do not smoke. During therapy, there may be a decrease in the production of tear fluid, which should be warned about in patients who wear contact lenses.

The drug may mask the clinical picture of thyrotoxicosis (tachycardia). Abrupt withdrawal of the drug in patients with is unacceptable due to the risk of increasing the severity of the symptoms of the disease. Atenolol is able to mask tachycardia during hypoglycemia. The medication is discontinued several days before the planned general anesthesia with ether or chloroform. IN otherwise the patient is selected a drug for general anesthesia that has minimal inotropic effects.

Intravenous administration of atropine eliminates reciprocal activation vagus nerve. The drug can be prescribed to patients with bronchospastic pathology in case of ineffectiveness or intolerance to other antihypertensive drugs with strict adherence to the dosage regimen.

When developing in older people arterial hypotension, increasing bradycardia, ventricular arrhythmia, bronchospasm, severe violations in the liver and kidneys, the dosage of the drug is reduced or therapy is completely stopped. With the development of depression medicine are replaced. Abrupt withdrawal can cause myocardial infarction, a severe form of arrhythmia. The drug is discontinued by gradually reducing the dosage over two weeks.

Before determining the level of normetanephrine, catecholamines, antinuclear body titers, and vanillylmandelic acid, Atenolol is discontinued. The medication affects the control of vehicles.

Recipe in Latin:

Rp: Atenololi 0.05
D.t. d. N 30 in tab.
S. 1 tablet 1 time per day.

During pregnancy

Use with caution. Contraindicated during lactation.

If you are pregnant, prescribing medication is justified if absolutely necessary.

Atenolol's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogs of Atenolol are: Atenobene , Atenova , Atenol , Tenolol.

Reviews of Atenolol

The drug is effective for hypertension and arrhythmia, and is quite inexpensive. However, side effects are common, such as hallucinations and a decrease in blood sugar. Reviews of Atenolol Nycomed are generally better than those of drugs produced by other manufacturers.

Reviews during pregnancy are generally positive; those who used the medication mostly did not notice any side effects. However, it should be remembered that according to the results of clinical studies, such side effects on the fetus are very possible.

Atenolol price, where to buy

Price Atenolol 25 mg, 30 tablets - 17 rubles.

50 mg, 30 pcs - 21 rubles.

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Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Atenolol

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS Code


Characteristics of the substance Atenolol

Crystalline powder. Soluble in water (26.5 mg/ml - at a temperature of 37 °C), well - in a 1M solution of hydrochloric acid (300 mg/ml - at a temperature of 25 °C) and poorly - in chloroform (3 mg/ml - at a temperature 25 °C).


pharmachologic effect- antianginal, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic.

Selectively blocks beta 1-adrenergic receptors, does not have membrane stabilizing and internal sympathomimetic activity. Inhibits central sympathetic impulses, weakens the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to catecholamines, and inhibits renin secretion. Reduces heart rate at rest and during physical activity. The negative chronotropic effect appears after 1 hour, reaches a maximum after 2-4 hours and continues up to 24 hours. Reduces cardiac output, SBP and DBP, reduces orthostatic tachycardia. The antihypertensive effect lasts 24 hours, stabilizes when regular intake by the end of 2 weeks. Reduces myocardial oxygen demand, but at the expense of increased tension muscle fibers ventricles and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure may increase oxygen demand, especially in patients with chronic heart failure. Suppresses the automaticity of the sinus node, lengthens the refractory period, slows down conduction through the AV node. Increases the survival rate of patients who have had myocardial infarction (reduces the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias and angina attacks). Slightly reduces vital function lungs, practically does not weaken the bronchodilating effect of isoproterenol.

After oral administration, about 50% is absorbed, slightly more in older people. Cmax is achieved after 2-4 hours, binding to plasma proteins is 6-16%. Poorly penetrates the BBB, passes through the placental barrier and into breast milk. Practically not metabolized in the liver, excreted by the kidneys through glomerular filtration (85%). T1/2 - 6-7 hours, increases in elderly patients. Impaired renal function is accompanied by prolongation of T1/2 and cumulation: the ability to cumulate is manifested when creatinine Cl is below 35 ml/min/1.73 m2 (dosage reduction is necessary).

Long-term use is accompanied by vacuolization of the epithelium duodenum in dogs (15 mg/kg/day) and the development of degenerative processes in the myocardium of male rats (300 mg/kg/day). In experiments on rats (18 months) and mice (24 months) at a dose of 300 mg/kg/day it has no carcinogenic effect. At doses of 500 and 1500 mg/kg/day (rats) increases the incidence of benign tumors adrenal medulla, anterior pituitary adenoma, breast fibroadenoma (female), parafollicular cell carcinoma thyroid gland(males). Carrying out a cytogenetic test (in vivo) and the Ames test did not reveal mutagenic properties. In male and female rats, doses 100 times higher than the MRDC did not have an adverse effect on fertility. At a dose of 50 mg/kg/day, it increases the incidence of embryo/fetal resorption in rats.

Application of the substance Atenolol

Arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, acute heart attack myocardium (with stable hemodynamic parameters), tachycardia: sinus, atrial, ventricular, paroxysmal, etc., extrasystole, atrial flutter and fibrillation, hyperkinetic cardiac syndrome, prolapse mitral valve, neurocirculatory dystonia hypertensive type; complex therapy hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, essential tremor; migraine (prevention).


Hypersensitivity, sinus bradycardia(heart rate less than 50 beats/min), sinoatrial block, sick sinus syndrome, AV block II-III degrees, arterial hypotension(SBP less than 90 mm Hg), acute or chronic heart failure in the stage of decompensation, cardiogenic shock, peripheral circulatory disorders, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Restrictions on use

Diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (emphysema, bronchial asthma), liver and/or kidney dysfunction, myasthenia gravis, depression, psoriasis, pheochromocytoma, metabolic acidosis, children's (efficacy and safety have not been determined) and elderly age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Side effects of the substance Atenolol

From the outside nervous system and sense organs: increased fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, drowsiness or insomnia, nightmares, depression, anxiety, confusion, or momentary loss memory, hallucinations, weakening reactivity, paresthesia, convulsions; blurred vision, decreased secretion of saliva and tear fluid, conjunctivitis.

From the outside of cardio-vascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): bradycardia, palpitations, myocardial conduction disturbances, AV block, arrhythmias, weakened myocardial contractility, heart failure, hypotension, syncope, Raynaud's phenomenon, vasculitis, chest pain, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis.

From the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, liver dysfunction.

From the outside respiratory system: shortness of breath, laryngo- and bronchospasm.

Allergic reactions: itching, rash, erythema, urticaria, psoriasis-like and dystrophic changes skin.

Other: reversible alopecia, hyperhidrosis, cold extremities, myasthenia gravis, decreased libido, impotence, Peyronie's disease, changes in enzyme activity, bilirubin levels, withdrawal syndrome, hypothyroid state, hypoglycemia.


Antiarrhythmic and anesthetics enhance the cardiodepressive effect (increases the risk of developing bradycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension, heart failure). Reserpine, methyldopa, clonidine, guanfacine, cardiac glycosides potentiate the negative chrono-, dromo- and bathmotropic effect, insulin and other antidiabetic drugs - hypoglycemia. NSAIDs, estrogens, sympathomimetics, xanthines weaken hypotensive effect, absorption, increase - sympatholytics, nitroglycerin, hydralazine and other antihypertensive drugs, antacids - slow down absorption. Cimetidine inhibits metabolism. Prolongs the effect of antidepolarizing muscle relaxants, the anticoagulant effect of coumarins. Tri/tetracyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, hypnotics and alcohol potentiate CNS depression. Incompatible with MAO inhibitors.


Symptoms: bradycardia, AV block II-III degree, heart failure, respiratory failure, hypotension, bronchospasm, hypoglycemia.

Treatment: gastric lavage and administration of adsorbents; symptomatic therapy: atropine, isoprenaline, orciprenaline, cardiac glycosides or glucagon, diuretics, vasopressors (dopamine, dobutamine or norepinephrine), selective beta-agonists, glucose solution (iv), installation of an artificial pacemaker. Dialysis is possible.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Atenolol

Treatment is carried out with regular medical supervision. Before starting therapy, heart failure should be compensated. During treatment, monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels is necessary (dosage adjustment of antidiabetic drugs is possible) and monitoring for the appearance of symptoms of heart failure.

Use with caution when working for drivers Vehicle and people whose profession is related to increased concentration attention. It is recommended to avoid alcohol intake during therapy.

In patients with diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism, it may mask tachycardia caused by hypoglycemia or thyrotoxicosis. For pheochromocytoma, alpha-adrenolytics should be used simultaneously. It is possible that the severity of the hypersensitivity reaction may increase and the absence of effect from usual doses of epinephrine against the background of a burdened allergic history.

In case of increasing bradycardia (less than 50 beats/min), hypotension (SBP below 100 mm Hg), AV block, bronchospasm, ventricular arrhythmias, severe impairment of liver and kidney function in elderly patients, it is necessary to reduce the dose or stop treatment. Therapy should be discontinued gradually, reducing the dose, over 10-14 days. Patients with coronary artery disease should be closely monitored during drug withdrawal. Atenolol should be discontinued 48 hours before the procedure. surgical intervention using general anesthesia (chloroform or ether) or choose an anesthetic with the least negative inotropic effect.

Interactions with other active ingredients

Trade names

Name The value of the Vyshkowski Index ®

The range of goods in the pharmacy is now simply huge, new drugs appear daily, and helpful information information about such new products is often contradictory. You can understand in more detail the principle of action of a drug such as atenolol and study the instructions for its use in the information in our article. Indications and contraindications, as well as features of use in the treatment of cardiovascular and hypertension diseases are described below.

Description of the drug

This happens due to selective blocking nerve impulses in the heart muscle. Volume decreases cardiac output blood, because the drug atenolol reduces blood pressure.

The drug is available in tablet form, from 14 to 100 tablets per package. Depending on the manufacturer, the following types of this drug are distinguished.

Forms of release of the drug

  1. Atenolol nycomed is available in two concentrations of the active substance. Labeling AB55 indicates a content of 50 mg active substance. The AB57 mark on the tablets indicates increased content- 100 mg. Atenolol nycomed, according to reviews, is considered the most convenient form of release. Sold in plastic bottles of 30 tablets each. The price of atenolol nycomed varies from 40 rubles per bottle.
  2. Atenolol belupo contains three types of dosages of the active substance. These are 25, 50 and 100 mg respectively. Atenolol 25 mg is intended for the prevention of heart attack and a gradual reduction in blood pressure. It is also prescribed as replacement therapy when switching to another drug. Atenolol 50 and 100 mg, respectively, are used in the treatment of heart diseases. It is produced in blisters of 14 pieces (dosage 100 mg), as well as 30 tablets (dosage 50 and 100 mg). average cost from 29 rubles and above.

Taking atenolol must be agreed with your doctor. It is worth considering that this drug has its own characteristics. The effect of atenolol is different wide range Therefore, monitoring the patient’s condition is mandatory.

If side effects and deterioration occur, you should not abruptly discontinue the medicine; it is best to replace it with an analogue. List possible options Similar medications are also listed in the further information.

How to take atenolol:

  • Required before meals.
  • Do not chew atenolol tablets.
  • The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, usually from 25 to 50 mg per day, gradually increasing the single concentration.
  • The maximum daily dose of the drug is 200 mg.
  • It is best to take atenolol in the morning with Not big amount ordinary water.
  • Stopping should be done gradually; the single dose is reduced over two weeks.

In case of any changes in your health after taking the drug, be sure to inform your doctor. Despite high efficiency, if there is a high risk of negative reactions. In addition, the instructions for atenolol imply some features of administration that may not be suitable in your case.

Instructions for use of atenolol

Treatment is cardiac - vascular diseases cannot occur with just one drug. For this, only complex therapy will provide maximum benefit. Instructions for use and price of atenolol are discussed below, as well as possible contraindications and side effects. Possible analogues in some cases, exceed the effectiveness of a drug that is now considered obsolete.

Indications for use

  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction.
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Agitation.
  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Essential and senile tremor.
  • Mitral valve prolapse.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Neurotic hypertensive syndrome.

In addition, instructions for use and reviews of atenolol indicate the possibility of treating diseases endocrine system, but this requires consultation with a specialist and passing the appropriate tests. Self-medication in any case is unjustified due to the occurrence of side effects.

Indications for atenolol include mandatory control blood sugar and blood pressure levels, so it’s not worth the risk.

Contraindications for taking atenolol

Like any other medicine, the drug has its own specifics. At the same time, the list of contraindications is quite impressive, which must be taken into account when taking atenolol. By providing complete information about your health, availability chronic diseases and other features you can expect maximum benefit from taking the drug. In some cases, its use can only aggravate the situation, so it makes sense to choose a similar medicine without harm to the patient’s condition.

When taking atenolol is prohibited:

  • Atenolol during pregnancy is prescribed only in extreme cases when reception of analogues is impossible.
  • Children are also prohibited from administering the drug.
  • Cannot be used during lactation similar drugs, since they completely pass into breast milk.
  • Atenolol for blood pressure cannot be prescribed for reduced level HELL.
  • Chronic renal and heart failure.
  • Bradycardia is a slow heart rate.
  • Bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis are also a contraindication to taking atenolol.

In any case, the prescription of atenolol should be made exclusively by a specialist - a cardiologist. If taking the drug is accompanied by negative reactions in the body, you should not stop taking it yourself. In the case of arrhythmia and angina pectoris, this may worsen the patient's condition. Dose reduction should occur by no more than 25% daily.

Features of the effect of the drug

Currently, the drug is considered outdated and less effective compared to analogues. The disadvantages of taking it are associated primarily with a large number of contraindications, as well as a high risk of side effects.

In order for the medicine to bring only benefit, it is best to carry out such treatment in inpatient conditions when it is possible to continuously monitor the patient’s condition. During the period of use, it is advisable to monitor blood sugar levels, blood pressure and heart rate. ABOUT Providing such opportunities at home is very problematic, so the medicine is now used quite rarely.

Important points when using atenolol:

  • The simultaneous use of anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drugs sharply increases the risk of arrhythmia.
  • Under no circumstances should you combine taking this medication with drinking alcohol.
  • Atenolol affects the reaction rate, so it is used with caution in patients separate group professions (drivers, operators of mechanized devices, etc.).
  • In case of surgery, atenolol should be discontinued as soon as possible, replacing it with a drug of similar effect.
  • After the recommended course of treatment, you should not abruptly stop taking the medication. The dosage is gradually reduced over two weeks.
  • In elderly patients, strict control over renal function is necessary.
  • Smoking significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  • IN in some cases An individual reaction to the composition of the drug may occur.
  • Restriction is mandatory physical activity during treatment.

By following these rules, you can count on the effective effects of atenolol, reviews of which are mostly positive.

  1. The tablets must be stored in a dry place without the threat of increased temperature and direct sunlight.
  2. It is imperative to limit children’s access to this medicine, because the instructions for atenolol and its analogues imply a huge list side effects. T
  3. You should also protect yourself from the possibility of overdose by using proven methods of reminding you to take your medication.

Side effects of taking atenolol

A characteristic feature of the use of atenolol is considered high risk occurrence of negative reactions. Long-term use of drugs in this group can cause weakness and nausea, which usually go away on their own when the single dose of the drug is adjusted.

From the gastrointestinal tract, these symptoms are supplemented painful sensations in the stomach area, less often - vomiting and diarrhea.

Any changes in the body after starting to take the medicine should be reported to your doctor. Sometimes it helps to replace atenolol with Concor - an analogue that is as close as possible to its effects.

Less frequently reported cases of bronchospasm during treatment with atenolol. Typically, such situations develop against the background of problems in the respiratory system.

Other possible negative reactions:

  • Shortness of breath during physical activity.
  • Skin allergic reactions.
  • Painful sensations in the liver area.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Decreased libido in women and temporary impotence in men.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Depressive states.

An overdose of the drug causes a serious threat to the health and life of the patient. In this case, the patient may lose consciousness, have convulsions and breathing problems.

If a child accidentally drinks the pill, the stomach should be rinsed immediately and the patient should be observed in a hospital setting.

What can replace the drug?

If it is not possible to take atenolol, optimal solution- use analogues this drug. Replacement or refusal of medication must be agreed upon with the attending physician, who will decide on worthy alternative. A list of possible “candidates” is presented below.

Atenolol analogues:

  • Azoprol retard.
  • Nitrogen.
  • Anepro.
  • Athenobene.
  • Atenova.
  • Betak.
  • Betacord.
  • Betalok.
  • Betalok zok.
  • Bicard.
  • Biprolol.
  • Bisocard.
  • Bisoprevel.
  • Bisoprol.
  • Bisoprolol.
  • Bisoprofar.
  • Bisostad.
  • Breviblock.
  • Vasocardin.
  • Dorez.
  • Corbis.
  • Corvitol.
  • Coronary
  • Lokren.
  • Metablock.
  • Metokor.
  • Metoprol.
  • Metoprolol.
  • Metoprolol tartrate.
  • Nebil.
  • Nebivolol.
  • Nebicard.
  • Nebikor.
  • Nebilet.
  • Nebilong.
  • Nodon.
  • Tenolol.
  • Egilok.
  • Emzok.

The list of similar drugs is quite large, not all of them exactly repeat the functions of atenolol. That is why the best option There will be a preliminary consultation with a doctor on this issue.

The price of atenolol and its analogues is not too high, from about 30 to 150 rubles. At the same time, you should count on long-term use drug, which will also affect the cost of treatment.

The article describes the drug Atenolol, its instructions for use, release forms, pharmacological properties drug, indications for use, composition, possible side effect on the human body and other aspects of this drug.

Atenolol is a well-known drug used to treat heart disease and high blood pressure.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Atenolol

Atenolol belongs to the group of selective β-blockers that block receptors sensitive to adrenaline. The drug performs the function of blocking nerve impulses in the heart muscle, which in turn reduces the frequency and power of heart contractions.

Atenolol lowers the upper and lower values pressure, its antihypertensive effect lasts a day after administration. The result becomes permanently stable with regular use of the medicine after 2 weeks.

Antianginal action. The frequency of contraction of the heart muscle decreases, and accordingly its need for oxygen saturation decreases. But the need to saturate the myocardium with oxygen increases due to increased diastolic pressure and load on the smooth muscle ventricles.

Antiarrhythmic effect. The work of the heart muscle is stabilized, tachycardia is eliminated. Atenolol affects the conductivity of impulses in the direction of its decrease and reduces myocardial contractions. Because of this, the number of arrhythmia attacks becomes less.

Composition and release form

Part medicinal product active ingredient included - atenolol 50 mg or 100 mg, additional substances necessary for the preparation of the medicinal product - basic magnesium carbonate, corn starch, potato starch, magnesium stearate, steatite.

Atenolol is produced in the form of tablets in blisters according to 10 and 20 pcs. cardboard packaging can hold 30 or 50 tablets.

What doctors say about hypertension

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V.:

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension results in a heart attack or stroke and death. Currently, approximately two thirds of patients die within the first 5 years of disease progression.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to reduce blood pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

Indications for use of Atenolol

Atenolol is used to treat heart diseases and various pathologies:

  • Ischemic disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.
  • Hypertonic disease.
  • Arrhythmias of various types.
  • Hereditary idiopathic tremor, tremor in abstinence syndrome.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia of various types.
  • Reduction of muscles at the mitral valve.
  • Atrial flutter.

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The drug Atenolol is NOT prescribed:

  • Bradycardia (slow heart rate less than 60 beats per minute).
  • Cardiogenic shock ( a sharp decline ability of the myocardium to contract).
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Chronic heart failure.
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.
  • Variant angina.
  • Atrioventricular block 2 and 3 degrees, sinoatrial block.
  • Significant increase in the heart, its mass and size.
  • Changes acid-base balance body.
  • In case of taking a group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
  • Children under 18 years of age.

Requires special precautions when taking the drug in case of disorders of neuromuscular conduction, diabetes mellitus, low blood glucose levels, psoriasis, spasm of small arteries of the arms, liver and kidney dysfunction, in cases depressive disorders and older people.

Alcohol compatibility

During pregnancy and lactation

Atenolol is not prescribed to pregnant women, because the active substance penetrates the placenta and can harm the health of the child, can cause developmental delays, premature birth or fetal death. In the first two trimesters, taking the drug is strictly contraindicated.

If it is necessary to use the drug in the third trimester of pregnancy, the woman should be under regular medical supervision. Taking the drug in the third trimester is possible only if the expected benefit for the mother is several times greater possible harm for a child.

During breastfeeding, when taking Atenolol, you need to transfer the child to artificial feeding during the course of treatment.

Indications for use

Atenolol tablets are taken orally with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to crush the tablet and take it before meals. People who smoke have less effect from the drug.

During treatment, the patient must regularly monitor blood pressure and pulse levels, blood glucose levels, and check the kidneys. In case of deviation from the norm, you should consult a doctor.

If necessary surgical intervention with the use of anesthesia, 48 hours before the operation it is necessary to stop taking Atenolol.

If depression appears, use of the drug is discontinued. Spontaneous discontinuation of Atenonol is not recommended. This can provoke severe arrhythmia and myocardial infarction. The appointment is canceled in stages under the supervision of a doctor. The dose of Atenolol is reduced by 25% every 3-4 days for two weeks.

Abrupt cessation of use may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Attacks of angina.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • The occurrence of arrhythmia.
  • The appearance of hypertension, etc.


Atenolol dosage

The dosage of Atenolol is selected by a specialist taking into account the degree of the patient’s disease, depending on the indications for which treatment is necessary, taking into account existing pathologies and individual intolerance.

The maximum daily dose is 200 mg in one or more doses during treatment, as maintenance therapy, the maximum dosage is 25 mg per day.

  1. Angina pectoris– initial dosage – 50 mg of the drug once a day. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 weeks. If the desired effect is not achieved after a week of taking Atenolol, the dosage is increased to 100 mg of the drug per day. Subsequent dose increases are not recommended. This can cause significant side effects of the drug.
  2. Arterial hypertension– starting dose: 50 mg per day. Later, the dose is increased to 100 mg at a time to obtain the expected therapeutic effect.
  3. Kidney failuredaily dose set at 50 mg, can be increased to 100 mg per day. Patients on hemodialysis are prescribed 25-50 mg of Atenolol under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Cardiac ischemia– daily dose is 50 mg.

In older people, upon appearance adverse reactions on Atenolol, such as bronchial spasm, heart pain, renal failure The dosage of the drug should be reduced or discontinued completely.


In case of exceeding maximum dose medical product Atenolol may cause the following reactions: decreased heart contractions, decreased blood pressure, difficulty breathing, dizziness, arrhythmia, seizures.

To provide assistance in case of an overdose, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach, induce vomiting, give the patient absorbent drugs. In case of spasms, the bronchus is injected bronchodilators intravenously or by inhalation. In cases of premature muscle contractions, it is used lidocaine, with a decrease in blood pressure and the absence of pulmonary edema, they are administered plasma replacement solutions. In extreme cases, carry out dialysis.

Side effects of the drug Atenolol

The bulk of the side effects of Atenolol are manifested in mild form and goes away within two to three weeks. In case of overdose side effect substances are enhanced.

Atenolol has similar side effects:

  1. Cordially vascular system. Bradycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension, decreased number of heartbeats, heart pain, etc.
  2. Nervous system: loss of concentration, memory complications, slow reactions, headaches, lightheadedness, asomnia or lethargy, anxiety, fear, depression, seizures.
  3. Digestive system. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, changes in taste buds, liver dysfunction.
  4. Hormonal system. Increased blood glucose levels in insulin-independent people and vice versa. Decreased libido, potency.
  5. Respiratory system. Spasms of the bronchi, larynx, breathing problems, difficulty breathing, possible respiratory arrest.
  6. Organs of vision. Poor visual acuity, pain, eye infections.
  7. Allergic reactions. Rashes on skin of various nature, itching and burning of the skin, increased sweating, psoriasis.
  8. Other reactions. Pain in the back muscles and joints.

The drug Atenolol has pronounced syndrome cancellations, therefore it is necessary to comply step-by-step scheme stopping taking the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Atenolol may have certain effects on the human body when taken in parallel with other drugs, namely:

  • Increases the effect of insulin on the concentration of glucose in the blood towards its decrease; increases the effect of diuretics, nitrates and other antihypertensive drugs.
  • Combined use with Diltiazem, Phenytoin has a depressant effect on the heart and can cause it to stop when administered intravenously.
  • With Methyldop, Reserpine, etc., the chance of bradycardia and impaired conduction of impulses increases.
  • The effect of Atenolol is reduced in combination with the use of estrogens, glucocorticosteroids, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Atenolol increases the toxicity of lidocaine by reducing excretion from the body.
  • Mutual enhancement of Atenolol and Phenothiazine, mutual inhibition with Theophyllin and Euphyllin.
  • Risk of hazardous allergic reactions at simultaneous use with various allergens that are used for skin test diagnostics.
  • Strengthens sedative effect sleeping pills, sedatives and antidepressants.