Low hemoglobin - causes, symptoms, consequences in women. Diseases that cause a decrease in hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin in children

Low hemoglobin or anemia is a condition in which the content of adequate red cells (erythrocytes) in the blood decreases. Why does the level of hemoglobin decrease, what is the threat of a decrease in this protein? And what to do if you have low hemoglobin?

What is hemoglobin?

Human blood is made up of plasma and cells: erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leukocytes (white blood cells). Red blood cells carry oxygen, without which cells cannot exist, and white blood cells protect the body from harmful microorganisms.

Red blood cells contain iron-containing protein - hemoglobin. Its structure contains an iron ion, which, when combined with oxygen, makes our blood red. Moving around circulatory system Through the lungs, iron combines with oxygen and delivers it to all parts of the body. Following in the opposite direction, hemoglobin is taken from the cells carbon dioxide and carries it through the veins to the lungs.

What is a normal hemoglobin level?

Hemoglobin levels are slightly different for men and women.

What are the dangers of low hemoglobin levels?

If hemoglobin levels are low, tissues and organs begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. This condition is called anemia or iron deficiency anemia. Signs of anemia are easy to recognize:

  • Weakness
  • Pallor
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Heart murmur
  • Dyspnea
  • Constantly cold hands and feet
  • Fainting

In addition, with anemia there may be such manifestations as cracks on the lips, sharp muscle weakness, hair loss, brittle nails and an addiction to particular odors that other people find unpleasant.

Why does hemoglobin decrease?

  • The cause of a decrease in hemoglobin is most often dysfunctional uterine bleeding with hormonal changes in the body, blood loss during childbirth and operations.
  • Poor diet and stress can also cause iron deficiency anemia. The risk group, in particular, includes people who constantly resort to diets to lose weight.
  • Iron deficiency anemia can also develop due to a disruption in the absorption of iron in the intestine. Similar condition occurs with chronic entritis (inflammation of the colon), as well as after intestinal surgery, during which part of the intestine is removed.
  • Low hemoglobin levels may be congenital condition and is often observed in older people.

How to restore hemoglobin levels?

“In order to increase hemoglobin, enter intodiet meat products low-fat varieties. Consume as many freshly squeezed juices as possible, especially pomegranate juice. Increase your stay time fresh air», - says general practitioner Alexander Maksimenko.

The following will also help replenish iron reserves in the body:

  • Fish (including caviar)
  • Dairy
  • Whole grains

In order for the body to easily accept protein, it must be combined with carbohydrates contained in vegetables and fruits. Add more parsley and dill to salads. Drink less tea and coffee. They contain substances that flush iron from the body. This diet will help replenish and increase hemoglobin.

However, if low hemoglobin persists for a long time, this means that the disease has formed, then diet alone is not enough. In this case, iron deficiency is compensated with the help of medicines.

Drug treatment

Today, there are many iron supplements that restore hemoglobin levels. However, when taking pills there may be unpleasant side effects. side effects from the outside gastrointestinal tract such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Therefore, injections are often prescribed to treat iron deficiency anemia.

When treating, it is very important to observe the dosage, since excess iron in the body can cause other unpleasant illness- hemosiderosis. This is why taking iron supplements on your own is not recommended.

Remember that it is not so difficult to develop anemia, but increasing hemoglobin is much more difficult.

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood manifests itself and different people differently.
In some cases, the decrease in hemoglobin may be almost unnoticeable, and the presence of deviations from the norm can only be detected by taking a blood test.

The most common manifestation of a decrease in hemoglobin is increased fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness. This occurs because it leads to insufficient oxygen supply internal organs and systems. As a result metabolic processes slow down and the person lacks energy. IN severe cases, when hemoglobin levels drop to critically low levels, lethargy and depression of functions may occur immune system, infectious syndrome, digestive disorders. A decrease in hemoglobin is dangerous; this leads to growth and development.

Long-term hemoglobin deficiency leads to shortness of breath when moving (due to lack of oxygen), pale skin, and puffiness of the face. The skin of such people becomes dry, painful cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, and hair falls out. Chronic hemolytic anemia manifested by yellowness of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera of the eyes. In such patients, the urine turns red or Brown color, cholelithiasis appears, may form trophic ulcers.

The normal level of hemoglobin in the blood is 120-140 g/l in women and 135-160 g/l in men.

If hemoglobin decreases too much, fainting, dizziness, tinnitus and disorientation may occur. This condition may also be accompanied by a perversion of taste and olfactory preferences. This creates an appetite for substances such as chalk, coal, lime, and paper. A person may be attracted by the smell of kerosene and exhaust gases. External manifestations may, in addition, be supplemented by a change in the appearance of the nails; transverse or longitudinal stripes appear on their surface, the shape of the nails does not become concave.

Consequences for internal organs

If the hemoglobin level long time low, constant shortage oxygen without adequate treatment inevitably leads to dysfunction of internal organs, primarily the heart, liver and kidneys. Symptoms of low hemoglobin can also be atrophy of the mucous membrane of the esophagus (lack of oxygen leads to its drying out) and pharynx, spasm of the initial part of the esophagus and other signs that can only be detected during a medical examination.

A blood test is an indicator of a person’s health, allowing the doctor to identify disturbances in the functionality of the body. An important indicator A blood test considers hemoglobin, which is responsible for the condition of the blood and the number of red blood cells (red cells) in it. In the case when the number of red blood cells is reduced, it makes sense to talk about low hemoglobin or medical term development of anemia or anemia.

According to medical indicators, low hemoglobin occurs in 50% of the population. Children under 5 years of age, adolescents, elderly people and pregnant women are at risk. What is hemoglobin, how important is it for our health, what are the causes and consequences of low hemoglobin, and how to increase hemoglobin in the blood? Let's try to figure it out!

What is hemoglobin?

Human blood consists of plasma and cells: erythrocytes (red blood cells) and leukocytes (white blood cells). Red blood cells have the ability to transport oxygen to internal organs, and white blood cells protect our body from pathogenic and harmful microorganisms. It is in red blood cells that an iron-containing protein is present, which is called hemoglobin. Its structure contains an iron ion, which, when combined with oxygen, turns our blood red.

Moving through the lungs through the circulatory system, white blood cells combine with oxygen and enter all parts of the human body. After which the reverse process occurs, which consists of red blood cells taking carbon dioxide from the cells and carrying it through the veins to the lungs. If the transport of hemoglobin is impaired and the internal organs do not receive enough oxygen, then the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood decreases with the subsequent development of anemia. Anemia or low hemoglobin is a disease characterized by a decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood.

Hemoglobin: normal values

A person’s well-being and health depend on the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If hemoglobin levels are below normal, then we're talking about about anemia, which is considered quite dangerous and dangerous disease. The level of hemoglobin in the blood depends on the gender and age of the person. So for men normal indicator it is considered 135 - 160g/l. For women - 120 - 140 g/l, and for children 120 - 140 g/l. During pregnancy, hemoglobin may be slightly lower than normal, but if it is less than 110 g/l, then you should consult a doctor. Low hemoglobin - symptoms in women are much more pronounced than in men, especially during pregnancy or lactation.

Causes of low hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin is not uncommon these days. Most often this is due to a low standard of living, incorrect or poor-quality nutrition, when the human body enters with food minimum quantity gland. In addition, there are quite a few reasons that can lead to reduced hemoglobin:

  • increased need for iron: period of intensive growth in children;
  • heavy menstruation cause iron loss in women;
  • postoperative period;
  • the period after suffering injuries and fractures;
  • postpartum period in women;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • diseases characterized by blood loss: nosebleeds, peptic ulcer, chronic hemorrhoids and others;
  • blood diseases;
  • intestinal diseases in which iron absorption is impaired: enteritis, colitis;
  • oncological diseases of various origins;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • chronic internal diseases infectious origin;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • blood loss during childbirth;
  • stress, long-term depression;
  • diets for weight loss;
  • starvation;
  • elderly age.

Based on the above reasons, we can conclude that there are quite a lot of them. In addition, low hemoglobin is much more common in women than in men, but in any case, if clinical analysis blood abnormalities are detected, the cause needs to be identified. Having eliminated the root cause, hemoglobin in the blood will return to normal.

Causes of low hemoglobin in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences a large number of changes that are also reflected in the state of the blood. In addition, the growth and development of the fetus depends on the amount of nutrients and oxygen that reaches the fetus through the umbilical cord. If hemoglobin is low during pregnancy, then the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and useful substances, which can negatively affect not only its development, but can also lead to fetal death and termination of pregnancy. The reasons for low hemoglobin in women are often hidden in physiology. However, if the hemoglobin level is below 110-100 g/l, then you need to consult a doctor and take your health seriously. There are several reasons that can provoke a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • unbalanced diet of the expectant mother;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular vascular system, liver and kidneys;
  • early or late toxicosis;
  • short interval between pregnancies.

During pregnancy, a woman needs to especially monitor her health, nutrition and remember that she is responsible not only for her health, but also the health of the unborn child.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

If the hemoglobin level is slightly below normal, the person does not feel visible signs. When the level of hemoglobin in the blood is less than 100 - 90 g/l, the following symptoms may appear:

  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent or recurrent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy, increased fatigue;
  • decreased concentration;
  • darkening in the eyes (floaters before the eyes);
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • blueness under the eyes;
  • small cracks in the corners of the lips;
  • decreased taste;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • the appearance of bruises even with a slight injury;
  • pale skin, gums.

Since with low hemoglobin the body tissues do not receive enough oxygen, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, tachycardia, and heart pain may occur. In more severe cases, the heart may become enlarged, leading to the development of heart failure. A sign of low hemoglobin may be pale skin and blueness under the eyes. Children who are diagnosed with anemia get tired quickly, have difficulty perceiving and remembering any information. In addition, such children are often exposed to poisoning and viral diseases.

Consequences of low hemoglobin

A slight decrease in hemoglobin below normal does not cause serious complications, but if the readings are about 100 or below 90 g/l, then you need to immediately find and eliminate the cause. Low hemoglobin in the blood can cause negative complications And severe consequences. The main complications that can manifest against the background of anemia are the following diseases and disorders.

  • decreased immunity;
  • liver enlargement;
  • anemia of various classifications;
  • growth retardation, mental development;
  • fatigue increases;
  • risk of developing cardiomyopathy;
  • development of heart failure;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • disruption nervous system: increased irritability, tearfulness, lethargy, panic attacks.

With reduced hemoglobin, epithelial tissues, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract suffer. People suffering from low hemoglobin often complain of intestinal problems, their skin is too sensitive to external stimuli, which leads to the development skin diseases. In addition, the development of anemia often causes a decrease in immunity, which leads to frequent ARVI and other viral diseases.

Consequences of low hemoglobin in pregnant women

The amount of hemoglobin in the blood is very important for women during pregnancy. After all, with its help, the fetus receives important nutrients, as well as oxygen. If pregnant women have hemoglobin below normal, then there is a risk of developing the following complications:

  • hypoxia (suffocation) of the fetus;
  • delay in fetal development and growth;
  • late toxicosis;
  • premature birth;
  • untimely discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • complications during childbirth: bleeding, a long period recovery after childbirth.

In addition, many doctors are confident that low hemoglobin in a woman during childbirth can negatively affect the child’s health in the future. Such children do poorly at school, often get sick, suffer various pathologies internal organs. Therefore, if during pregnancy it is below normal, treatment under the supervision of a doctor is extremely necessary.

How to increase hemoglobin

Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause. Sometimes the process of treating anemia can take a long time. for a long time, so you need to be patient. If the hemoglobin in the body is lowered slightly below normal, it can be raised with the help of foods that contain a sufficient amount of iron. In more serious situations, the doctor prescribes drug treatment. A blood test will help monitor treatment. Iron supplements (Heferol, Ferroplex, Ferlatum and others) will help increase hemoglobin.

The doctor also prescribes vitamin therapy: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, folic acid. If the cause of anemia is related to internal violations or diseases, then therapeutic treatment complex and aimed at both treating the underlying disease and increasing hemoglobin in the blood. The course of treatment can be from 2 to 6 months. The prognosis is positive in most cases.

Nutrition for low hemoglobin

Despite taking medications to treat anemia, patients need to monitor their diet and carefully review their diet. The following foods will help replenish iron in the body:

  • white chicken meat, fresh fish, beef tongue, kidneys;
  • buckwheat, beans, peas;
  • vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, onions, beets, pumpkin, parsley;
  • fruits: apples, pomegranates, bananas, plums, peaches, persimmons, apricots, pears;
  • berries: black currant, strawberry, cranberry, blueberry;
  • pomegranate and carrot juice;
  • nuts, egg yolk, seafood, dried fruits, dark chocolate.

The diet of people with low iron levels in the blood should be balanced and healthy. It is important to remember that only A complex approach to treat anemia will help increase the amount of iron in the blood.

Hemoglobin is a complex protein that can bind oxygen molecules and deliver them to all tissues of our body. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells - red blood cells.

When their number decreases, the body’s supply of oxygen necessary for the flow of biochemical reactions in all our cells. Therefore, with its deficiency, our body suffers. A feeling of fatigue appears, and the skin takes on a pale, bloodless hue. Therefore, one of the names for this condition is anemia, or anemia in other words.

Why this disorder occurs and how to increase hemoglobin if it decreases we will discuss in this article.

Causes of anemia

Anemia is often caused by a lack of iron in the body - so-called iron deficiency anemia. Its cause may be an insufficient amount of iron-containing foods in the daily diet, heavy menstruation, postpartum and postoperative periods, bleeding of various types.

At the same time, iron deficiency anemia can occur both against the background of existing diseases and contribute to their development.

Vitamin B12 deficiency and severe dietary restrictions during weight loss through strict diets can also lead to the development of anemia.

The process of iron absorption in the intestines can be disrupted due to dysbiosis, which can also cause a decrease in the amount blood cells. Sometimes a decrease in hemoglobin is accompanying symptom serious blood diseases treated by a hematologist.


Among the main signs of low hemoglobin are dizziness, pale skin, weakness, drowsiness, headaches, low blood pressure, and lack of appetite.

A person constantly feels tired and wants to rest, sleep, and warm up. Skin they may be cold to the touch. An unhealthy appearance appears with a lack of natural pink shades skin.

Frequent viral diseases, muscle pain, tinnitus and cold extremities (arms and legs) can also be symptoms of changes in blood hemoglobin levels. And if you have at least one of the above signs, you should consult a doctor to get a referral for a blood test, which will show all the main indicators, including hemoglobin.

What is the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood?

Normally, hemoglobin in the blood has the following values:
For men - 130-140 g/l.
For women - 120-130 g/l
For pregnant and nursing mothers - 120-140 g/l.

If the indicators are below normal, but there are no serious illnesses, you can raise your hemoglobin level quite easily on your own at home using the methods listed below.

Diet for low hemoglobin

If low level red blood cells in the blood is caused by poor nutrition, should be included in daily menu iron-rich foods.

First of all, this:

  • beef liver and tongue;
  • strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and black currants;
  • grenades;
  • beans;
  • green apples.

Daily iron requirements vary by gender and age. The table below shows the indicators daily requirement in iron for men and women of different ages:

To increase blood hemoglobin, you can add red fish, caviar, seafood, and egg yolk to your diet.

Pears, beets, carrots and juices from these components, dill and parsley, whites will also help to increase the number of red blood cells quickly enough dried mushrooms, nuts and dried fruits, peas and other legumes. Don't forget about one of the most healthy cereals- millet. The iron content in buckwheat reaches 31 mg per 100 g of product.

The table below shows the iron content in various products nutrition.

Animal products


Vegetable products




Pork liver


Swiss cheese

Tahini halva

Brewer's yeast


Beef liver

Fresh mushrooms

Beef kidneys

Sunflower halva

Millet groats

Beef tongue

Rabbit meat

Sea kale

Turkey meat

Dried apples


Dried pear




Chicken meat


Chicken egg

Rose hip

Chum salmon caviar

Dried mushrooms



Sea fish



Wheat groats

Breast milk

Wheat flour

Buckwheat flour

Egg white

Cow's milk

Dried apricots

Red apples



Black currant

Apples are fresh.




White bread


Fried potato


Boiled potatoes







Nuts with honey and lemon for hemoglobin

For iron deficiency, a mixture of walnuts, dried fruits, honey and lemon.

To prepare this mixture, take two hundred grams of dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, prunes, and one lemon along with zest. Mix all ingredients and pass through a meat grinder. Fill with honey.

Take one tablespoon three times a day.

Vitamin infusion of rose hips

Vitamin infusion from rose hips increases hemoglobin well.

To prepare it, take a handful of fresh or dry fruits and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for one night. In the morning, strain and add honey to taste.

You need to drink the infusion several times a day before meals, 0.5 cups.

Dietary restrictions for anemia

For anemia, you should not only include in your daily diet products with high content iron, but also try to avoid certain foods during the entire recovery period normal level blood hemoglobin.

In order for the iron that enters our body with food to be better absorbed, attention should be paid to vitamins.

Vitamins for hemoglobin

  1. rosehip;
  2. sweet bell pepper;
  3. lemon

The table below shows how much vitamin C is found in various foods:

Product Name

Product Name


Fruits and berries



Canned green peas


Fresh green peas

White cabbage





Potatoes are stale

Freshly picked potatoes

Green onion

Garden strawberries

Sweet green pepper


Sweet red pepper


Tomato juice

Red currants

Tomato paste

Black currant

Red tomatoes

Dried rose hips

Apples, Antonovka

Northern apples

Southern apples


Mare's milk

Goat milk

Cow's milk

As you can see, the absolute record holders for vitamin C content are rose hips, black currants, red Bell pepper and horseradish.

In some cases, additional vitamin C or vitamin B12 is prescribed in tablets or injections. Typically, such vitamin therapy takes 1.5-2 months. If the desired effect is not achieved, the use is extended for another couple of months, slightly reducing the dosage.

Regular meals

Often the cause of anemia is irregular nutrition, which includes “snacks” on the go, which are common for many working people.

Even if you eat iron-rich foods occasionally without eating regularly desired effect will be very difficult to achieve. The key to recovery is complete Three meals a day. At the same time, food should be healthy and varied.

Walking in the fresh air helps improve well-being and normalize work of cardio-vascular system. So don't forget to take regular walks to replenish your oxygen supplies.

The word “walk” should be understood as active walking, and not sitting on a bench with a newspaper.

Walking in the fresh air is a great way to prevent anemia.

Iron supplements

You can increase hemoglobin in the blood using the above methods in the absence of serious problems with health. In these cases, hemoglobin can be raised using the methods listed above, without resorting to medications.

But in some cases, a specialist may prescribe iron supplements in tablets or injections.

Most often in this case, Actiferrin, Hemofer, Ferronal, Totema, Tardiferron, Ferrlecit, Ferronate, Heferol, Hemohelper, Sorbifer, Ferlatum or Maltofer are prescribed.

Never self-medicate and take medications only as prescribed by your doctor. When taking them, the dosage is very important, taking into account individual characteristics, which can only be determined by a specialist based on the results laboratory research blood.

Remember that iron supplements are usually taken in the afternoon, without chewing, an hour before meals.

The following principles for taking iron supplements should be observed:

  1. do not take iron supplements together with Levomycetin, calcium supplements, Tetracycline, which interfere with the absorption of iron;
  2. while taking iron-containing medications, also take agents that improve iron absorption - vitamin C (ascorbic acid), sorbitol, succinic acid, as well as vitamins A, E, B1, B6;
  3. the dose of the drug must be strictly selected by calculation for each specific patient;
  4. the course of treatment should not be less than 1.5-2 months.

The effect of therapy depends on a number of factors and begins to appear after 3-4 weeks of treatment. And don’t forget that comprehensive measures will help increase hemoglobin. Therefore, carefully review not only your diet, but also your lifestyle - give up bad habits, sign up for a gym or swimming pool, do yoga or aerobic training.

All this will give positive effect and you will forget about weakness, tachycardia and begin to live a life full of strength and energy.

Hemoglobin is a complex chemical compound protein with the element iron, which is present in red blood cells. Hemoglobin function in human body is one of the most important - it is involved in the delivery of oxygen molecules to all tissues and organs of the body.

Oxygen is an indispensable element for ensuring the vital activity of a living being; it takes part in the receipt and exchange of energy and the conduct of reduction reactions. The action of hemoglobin is based on the capture of oxygen in the lungs, further oxidation and transfer of it to all structures of the body.

When hemoglobin is reduced, this means the onset of oxygen depletion of all cells of the body and weakening of the immune system. To prevent hemoglobin in the blood from falling below normal, you need to know what to do if there is a lack of iron in the body. Let's figure out in what cases the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, what its norms are different people and what ways to increase the deficiency of this substance at home.

Hemoglobin norm

A person’s well-being and health depend on the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If hemoglobin levels are below normal, then we are talking about anemia, which is considered a rather formidable and dangerous disease.

The level of hemoglobin in the blood depends on the gender of the person:

  • In children, the hemoglobin content is normal, as in adults: before birth, HbA begins to be synthesized, which by the year of life practically replaces the fetal hemoglobin that served the child during intrauterine development.
  • In women from 115 to 145 g/l (during pregnancy from 110 g/l);
  • In men, from 130 to 160 g/l.

According to the amount of decrease in hemoglobin, iron deficiency anemia comes in several degrees:

  • mild (hemoglobin content from 110 g/l to 90 g/l);
  • medium (hemoglobin content from 90 g/l to 70 g/l);
  • severe (hemoglobin content less than 70 g/l).

Latent anemia (hidden) also occurs. It is characterized by the normal presence of hemoglobin in red blood cells against the background of a decrease serum iron. At the same time, the symptoms of its decrease appear quite clearly. This condition is often typical for women during pregnancy.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

In addition to a blood test, which immediately reveals a lack of this important protein in the body, there are a number of symptoms: based on them, you can independently assume a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

In men and women these are the following signs:

  • general weakness of the body, drowsiness;
  • pale skin, sometimes it even seems “transparent”;
  • bluish lips;
  • the skin becomes dry and begins to peel;
  • in particularly advanced cases, nails begin to break and hair falls out;
  • For children, the main sign of hemoglobin deficiency is frequent illness.

Once you recognize the symptoms of low hemoglobin in adults, you can successfully bring it back to normal without the help of doctors. But first, you need to know the reasons that reduce the content of this important element in the blood.

Causes of low hemoglobin

Why is hemoglobin low in adults, what does this mean? The body can lose hemoglobin by various reasons. This happens most quickly with blood loss - both obvious and hidden. Obvious bleeding occurs with heavy and long menstruation in women (more than five days), various wounds, injuries or operations.

Poor nutrition with insufficient amounts of animal proteins, vitamins and microelements leads to. Low hemoglobin often occurs in people who promote vegetarianism or who have been on a diet for a long time. IN childhood anemia develops with unbalanced or insufficient nutrition.

Hidden bleeding is possible with some gastrointestinal diseases, pathologies of women's reproductive system(, etc.). To a decrease in hemoglobin and short life red blood cells can lead autoimmune diseases, infections or hereditary diseases.


In adults, a decrease in hemoglobin concentration leads to the body not receiving the required amount of oxygen. Violated general state patients and the above-described complaints appear.

  1. The consequence of this may be a decrease in immunity and, as a result, an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases.
  2. In most cases it is observed fast fatiguability person and constant weakness.
  3. may cause deformation in epithelial tissues human – mucous membrane respiratory tract, oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and upper protective layers skin.
  4. Anemia often causes nervous system disorders: irritability, causeless mood swings, and reduced concentration.

In addition, with anemia, there may be such manifestations as cracked lips, severe muscle weakness, hair loss, brittle nails and an addiction to special odors that other people find unpleasant.

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy is a common occurrence for expectant mothers. A significant deviation from the norm can negatively affect the health of both mother and baby. This is fraught with the following complications:

  • hypotension of the uterus (decreased contractility of its muscles);
  • hypoxia ( oxygen starvation fetus);
  • delay or even cessation of fetal growth and development;
  • low birth weight;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory and nervous systems.

In addition, many doctors are confident that low hemoglobin in a woman during childbirth can negatively affect the child’s health in the future. Such children do poorly at school, often get sick, and suffer from various pathologies of internal organs. Therefore, if during pregnancy it is below normal, treatment under the supervision of a doctor is extremely necessary.

How to increase hemoglobin?

What to do? In order to increase hemoglobin in the blood, you need to know the reason for its drop, just in case. You can consume foods that increase hemoglobin (iron, B vitamins) as much as you like, but if they are not properly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, then you may not achieve success.

The main pathogenetic method of therapy is taking iron-containing drugs (Heferol, Ferroplex, Ferlatum and others). As a rule, oral forms are prescribed, but in severe cases the drugs are recommended to be administered parenterally. Treatment of patients prone to intestinal dysfunction involves the parallel administration of enzyme and coating drugs.

If the prescribed medications are well tolerated, they are used in maximum doses followed by maintenance therapy with dosage reduction over several months. At the same time, be sure to monitor the level of iron in red blood cells and blood serum. If necessary, vitamin B12, B9 and ascorbic acid are also prescribed. In severe cases, they resort to transfusion of whole blood or red blood cells.

Iron supplements for low hemoglobin in adults

Drugs to increase hemoglobin are prescribed only by a doctor and, of course, under his strict supervision. This is due to the presence side effects after taking medications, including: nausea, stomach irritability, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting.

Very common and popular are the following drugs increasing hemoglobin in the blood:

  1. Ferro foil;
  2. Sorbifer Durules;
  3. Ferretab;
  4. Ferrum lek;
  5. Hemopher drops;
  6. Totema;
  7. Maltofer.

The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to three months. Wherein visible result occurs after approximately 2-3 weeks of taking the medication. If the composition does not contain ascorbic acid, then it is necessary to additionally take vitamin C up to 0.3 g per day.

If low hemoglobin is detected and treated with tablets, it is forbidden to simultaneously drink products containing calcium, since they are antagonists. Therefore, you should not drink iron with milk, green milk or coffee.


Products that promote nutritional therapy for low hemoglobin include:

  1. Varieties of red meat - rabbit, beef.
  2. White meat chicken.
  3. Beef tongue, beef liver.
  4. Egg yolks.
  5. Seafood, fish.
  6. Legumes.
  7. Buckwheat and other cereals.
  8. Carrots, beets, dark green vegetables.
  9. Walnuts.
  10. Pomegranate, apples and berries with high content vitamin C.

In no case should you take such a diet with low hemoglobin too literally and switch to proteins alone - it is difficult for the body to assimilate all this. Be sure to garnish the meat with vegetables and herbs, and eat coarse porridge for breakfast. As a supplement to your diet to increase hemoglobin, you can recommend drinking juices - grape, pomegranate, carrot, beetroot, apple.

At the same time, to improve the absorption of iron, you should minimize the consumption of dairy products, fatty foods, flour products, green tea and coffee.