Treatment of staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus - treatment, symptoms and photos. Staphylococcus aureus in healthy people

Ball-shaped. They are called Staphylococcus aureus because, when viewed under a microscope, they have a characteristic golden color due to carotenoid pigments. This is a whole class of bacteria. These microbes are the cause of many serious diseases and infections. Staphylococcus aureus is at the top of the list of pathogens that are most often infected in medical institutions (sometimes with fatal). The peculiarity of this bacterium is its resistance to most antibiotics and disinfectants, which complicates treatment, and preventive actions makes them ineffective.


Approximately 20% of people are carriers of colonies of this microbe, which are localized on the mucous membranes and skin. However, only a few get sick. The cause of the disease is the activation of microbes due to the entry of new, more aggressive strains into the body, weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis, etc. To identify these bacteria in the body, an analysis (culture) is carried out for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. The rate of microorganisms in the contents is zero.

Staphylococcal toxins

Staphylococcus aureus in the process of life excretes very strong poisons, which cause various diseases in people. For example, exfoliatin is very dangerous for newborns. It affects the epidermis, causing the appearance of blisters similar to burns. Staphylococcus poisons can lead to toxic shock. One of the most common diseases associated with waste products of Staphylococcus aureus is food poisoning. Their enterotoxins cause vomiting, abdominal pain and severe diarrhea. These bacteria multiply in food, and poisons accumulate in food. Moreover heat treatment may destroy staphylococci, but enterotoxins will not go away. The pathogen Staphylococcus aureus provokes the development of various abscesses, carbuncles and boils, pneumonia, eczema, pyoderma, cholecystitis, meningitis, peritonitis and many other pathologies. A very dangerous and difficult to treat disease is staphylococcal sepsis.

Staphylococcus aureus: treatment

Staphylococcus aureus is very resistant to antibacterial drugs, so the diseases they cause are very difficult to treat. The basis of treatment is antibiotic therapy using strong drugs different groups(“Levofloxacin”, “Methicillin”, etc.), before this it is necessary to do a culture and determine the sensitivity of pathogens to various drugs. Treatment should be prescribed based on these results. For purulent wounds and abscesses, the surgical method is used. Very important for successful treatment is to increase the patient's immunity. For this purpose they are appointed various immunomodulators. It should be understood that diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus are very serious, so in no case should you self-medicate. Uncontrolled and ill-considered reception different antibiotics can lead to bacteria developing resistance to all antibacterial drugs.

- a type of spherical gram-positive bacteria from the genus Staphylococcus. According to medical statistics, up to 40% of the human population are carriers of this pathogen. Favorite locations are the nasopharynx, respiratory tract, and skin.

Historical reference

Staphylococcus aureus- bacterial sowing

The bacterium was isolated in purulent masses from a post-operative wound in the 19th century. Distinctive feature this representative opportunistic flora– its bright color due to the presence of carotenoid pigments.

The bacterium has increased endurance. She's not afraid of straight lines sun rays, survives contact with 100% ethanol and hydrogen peroxide, resistant to many types of antibiotics and antibacterial substances.

Important! It is not staphylococcus itself that is dangerous, but the diseases it causes. When decreasing immune defense the pathogen begins to colonize the mucous membranes. Simple contact with the skin during normal operation protective cells are not dangerous to health.

Routes of infection by pathogen

Staphylococcus aureus is a representative opportunistic pathogen and lives on the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, infection can occur exogenously.

Methods of transmission of staphylococcus:

  • airborne;
  • household – use of common objects;
  • airborne dust – a microorganism is capable of existing in a dust cloud. Inhalation of contaminated air causes infection;
  • fecal-oral – non-compliance with hygiene rules, “dirty hands” disease;
  • contact during medical procedures – when using poorly processed medical instruments. In addition, equipment can be colonized by strains resistant to antibacterial agents.

Degree of damage to the body

Staphylococcus aureus - scrofula in a baby

IN medical practice There are 4 degrees of damage by a pathogenic microorganism. Based on the data bacterial culture blood, urine or sputum, the doctor determines the patient’s management tactics.

Degrees of damage by Staphylococcus aureus:

  • At the first stage, the pathogen is detected in the nasopharynx, on the skin, in reproductive organs. There is no inflammatory process. In this case, aggressive therapy is not required; sanitation of the colonized area is sufficient.
  • In the second degree, examination of other organs and systems is recommended. Especially if the patient has any complaints. Recommended local treatment and drug therapy wide range actions.
  • At the third degree, the risk of developing an inflammatory process increases. The doctor will insist on antibacterial and immunostimulating therapy.
  • The fourth degree requires an antibiogram. Drugs are selected according to the results of the analysis. Additionally, immunomodulators and vitamin complexes are prescribed.

The division into stages is quite arbitrary. Since under the influence of provoking factors the number of microorganisms colonizing the body increases.

Treatment tactics

Doctor collecting material for bacterial culture

When affected by a pathogenic organism, it is not the disease that is caused by it that is treated. General principle therapy is the use of antibiotics and antibacterial agents.

At the initial stage, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed. If treatment is ineffective, adjustment of prescriptions is indicated according to the results of bacterial culture and antibiogram.

What the doctor will prescribe:

  1. Cephalosporin drugs - Cefazolin, Cephalexin, Cefix, Zatsef, Cefatoxime. This group has a bacteriostatic effect, suppressing the division of pathogenic flora. Tablet and injection forms of medicines are used.
  2. Synthetic antibiotics of the penicillin series - Oxacillin, Methicillin - are active against staphylococci resistant to benzylpenicillin and phenoxymethylpenicillin. Used for bacterial infection of the nasopharynx, meningitis, skin and intestinal lesions.
  3. Glycopeptide antibiotics – if cephalosporin drugs are ineffective. A typical representative is Vancomycin, Teicoplanin, Fuzidin, Linezolid.

In addition to antibiotics, the doctor will prescribe drugs from the sulfonamide group - Biseptol, Bisept.

Antibacterial drugs

Depending on the disease caused by staphylococcal flora, the use of local antiseptics is indicated. These can be ointments, solutions for local treatment, douching in gynecological practice. With frequent relapses of staphylococcal infections, these drugs should be in your home medicine cabinet.

List of antibacterial agents that suppress pathogenic flora:

  • Furacilin solution;
  • St. John's wort in the form of a decoction or tincture;
  • Bactroban in ointment form;
  • Hexachlorophene ointment;
  • Chlorophyllipt alcohol and oil infusion;
  • Lysozyme;
  • Rivanol;
  • Boric acid;
  • Lugol's solution in glycerin;
  • Iodine 3 and 5%;
  • Povidone-iodine-based suppositories;
  • Potassium permanganate in solution;
  • Methylene blue;
  • Octenisept;
  • Fukortsin.

During periods of decreased immune defense of the body and the proven presence of staphylococcal flora, it is recommended to use local antiseptics as a means of prevention.


You can become infected with staphylococcus without proper hygiene

Important! A certain type of bacteriophage acts only on certain type bacterial agent and does not affect other cells. To eliminate Staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcal and pyobacteriophage watered are produced.

The indication for the use of drugs in this group is the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococcus:

  1. pathologies of ENT organs, lungs, bronchi;
  2. surgical infections - wound suppuration, phlegmon, abscesses, mastitis, paraproctitis;
  3. urogenital diseases – nephritis, urethritis, colpitis;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases - intestinal infections;
  5. treatment of postoperative wounds;
  6. prevention of hospital infections.

Drugs in this group are used in conjunction with antibacterial agents or as monotherapy for antibiotic intolerance.

Bacteriophages are used as follows:

  • locally – wound treatment, vaginal sanitation;
  • orally – for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • rectally - administered using - in case of damage to the intestines, perianal area.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. The standard course is from 7 to 20 days. Contraindications to the use of bacteriophage:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. children's age up to 7 years.

Cases of overdose are not described in medical literature. Information about side effects There are no bacteriophages.


An effective remedy for treating staphylococcal infections is oil and alcohol solution Chlorophyllipta. The drug even works against antibiotic-resistant strains. Chlorophyllipt is used for rinsing, irrigating wounds, and instilling.

The course of treatment ranges from 7 to 14 days. The use of the drug does not exclude therapy with other drugs.

Other recipes traditional medicine:

  • Black currant - the berries have a bactericidal effect on pathogenic flora, increase the body's resistance to the pathogen. You should take 1 glass of black currant 3 times a day. The course of treatment ranges from 2 to 6 weeks.
  • Tincture.
  • Propolis is crushed and poured with alcohol or vodka. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  • Alcohol tincture has a powerful bactericidal effect. Use for external processing wound
  • Apricot puree is rich in natural phytoncides that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Fresh pulp is applied to purulent wounds, puree is taken orally 2 times a day.
  • Sage and burdock - decoctions of these herbs have proven themselves in the treatment of staphylococcal infections. For 5 g of plant mass you will need 1 glass of boiling water. Pour. Let it brew. Place in the nose or use as a gargle 3-4 times a day.

The use of traditional medicine recipes should be discussed with your doctor. They are allowed in complex therapy, but not how the only way treatment.


β-toxin or sphingomyelinase is detected in approximately a quarter of all pathogenic staphylococci. β-toxin is capable of causing the destruction of red blood cells ( red blood cells), and also lead to the proliferation of fibroblasts ( migration of fibroblasts into the inflammatory focus). This toxin becomes most active at low temperatures.

γ-toxin is a two-component hemolysin that has moderate activity. It is worth noting that the bloodstream contains substances that block the action of γ-toxin ( sulfur-containing molecules are capable of inhibiting one of the components of the γ-toxin).

δ-toxin is a low molecular weight compound with detergent properties. Exposure of a cell to δ-toxin leads to disruption of cell integrity by various mechanisms ( basically there is a disruption of the relationship between the lipids of the cell membrane).

  • Exfoliative toxins. In total, there are 2 types of exfoliative toxins – exfoliant A and exfoliant B. Exfoliative toxins are detected in 2–5% of cases. Exfoliants are capable of destroying intercellular connections in one of the layers of the skin ( granular layer of the epidermis), and also lead to detachment of the stratum corneum ( the most superficial layer of skin). These toxins can act locally and systemically. IN the latter case this can lead to scalded skin syndrome ( the appearance of areas of redness on the body, as well as large blisters). It is worth noting that exfoliants are able to bind several molecules involved in the immune response at once ( exfoliative toxins exhibit properties of superantigens).
  • Toxic shock syndrome toxin (formerly called enterotoxin F) is a toxin that causes the development of toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome refers to acutely occurring multisystem organ damage ( several organs are affected at once) with fever, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders ( diarrhea), skin rash. It is worth noting that toxic shock syndrome toxin can only be produced in rare cases by Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Leukocidin or Panton-Valentine toxin capable of attacking some white blood cells ( neutrophils and macrophages). The effect of leukocidin on the cell leads to disruption of the water-electrolyte balance, which increases the concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the cell ( cAMP). These disorders underlie the mechanism of occurrence of staphylococcal diarrhea in food poisoning from products infected with Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Enterotoxins. In total, there are 6 classes of enterotoxins - A, B, C1, C2, D and E. Enterotoxins are toxins that attack human intestinal cells. Enterotoxins are low molecular weight proteins ( proteins), which are well tolerated elevated temperature. It should be noted that it is enterotoxins that lead to the development food poisoning by type of intoxication. In most cases, these poisonings can be caused by enterotoxins A and D. The effect of any of the enterotoxins on the body manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, diarrhea, fever and muscle spasm. These disorders are caused by the superantigenic properties of enterotoxins. IN in this case Excessive synthesis of interleukin-2 occurs, which leads to this intoxication of the body. Enterotoxins can lead to an increase in the tone of intestinal smooth muscles and increase motility ( contractions of the intestines to move food along) gastrointestinal tract.


Staphylococcal enzymes have a diverse effect. Also, the enzymes that staphylococci produce are called “aggression and defense” factors. It should be noted that not all enzymes are pathogenicity factors.

The following staphylococcal enzymes are isolated:

  • Catalase is an enzyme that can destroy hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is capable of releasing the oxygen radical and oxidizing the cell wall of the microorganism, leading to its destruction ( lysis).
  • β-lactamase is able to effectively combat and neutralize β-lactam antibiotics ( a group of antibiotics that are united by the presence of a β-lactam ring). It is worth noting that β-lactamase is very common among the population of pathogenic staphylococci. In some strains of staphylococci it is found increased resistance in relation to methicillin ( antibiotic) and other chemotherapy drugs.
  • Lipase is an enzyme that facilitates the attachment and penetration of bacteria into the human body. Lipase is capable of destroying fat fractions and, in some cases, penetrating sebum V hair follicle (location of the hair root) and in sebaceous glands.
  • Hyaluronidase has the ability to increase tissue permeability, which contributes to the further spread of staphylococci in the body. The action of hyaluronidase is aimed at the breakdown of complex carbohydrates ( mucopolysaccharides), which are part of the intercellular substance of connective tissue, and are also found in bones, in vitreous body and in the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • DNAase is an enzyme that cleaves double-stranded DNA molecule ( Deoxyribonucleic acid) into fragments. During exposure to DNase, the cell loses its genetic material and the ability to synthesize enzymes for its own needs.
  • Fibrinolysin or plasmin. Fibrinolysin is a staphylococcal enzyme that is capable of dissolving fibrin threads. In some cases, blood clots are performed protective function and prevent bacteria from entering other tissues.
  • Staphylokinase is an enzyme that converts plasminogen to plasmin ( when exposed to staphylokinase, the proenzyme plasminogen transforms into active form- plasmin). Plasmin can break down extremely efficiently large clots blood, which act as an obstacle to the further advancement of staphylococci.
  • Phosphatase is an enzyme that accelerates the breakdown of esters phosphoric acid. Staphylococcal acid phosphatase is generally responsible for the virulence of the bacterium. This enzyme can be located on the outer membrane, and the location of the phosphatase depends on the acidity of the environment.
  • Proteinase staphylococcus is capable of breaking down proteins into amino acids ( protein denaturation). Proteinase has the ability to inactivate certain antibodies, suppressing the body's immune response.
  • Lecithinase is an extracellular enzyme that breaks down lecithin ( fat-like substance that is part of the cell wall) into simpler components ( phosphocholine and diglycerides).
  • Coagulase or plasmacoagulase. Coagulase is the main factor in the pathogenicity of staphylococcus. Coagulase can cause blood plasma clotting. This enzyme can form a thrombin-like substance that interacts with prothrombin and envelops the bacterium in a fibrin film. The formed fibrin film has significant resistance and serves as an additional capsule for staphylococcus.

Groups of staphylococci depending on the presence of coagulase

Pathogenicity Coagulase-positive staphylococci Coagulase-negative staphylococci
Opportunistic staphylococci that live on the skin and mucous membranes of humans and animals S. intermedius, S. hyicus S. capitis, S. warneri, S. cohnii, S. xylosis, S. sciuri, S. simulans, S. arlettae, S. auricularis, S. carnosus, S. caseolyticus, S. gallinarum, S. kloosii, S. caprae, S. equorum, S. lentus, S. saccharolyticus, S. schleiferi, S. lugdunensis, S. chromogenes.
Pathogenic staphylococci, causing diseases in humans S. aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus) S. saprophyticus ( saprophyticstaphylococcus), S. epidermidis ( epidermalstaphylococcus), S. haemolyticus ( hemolytic staphylococcus).


Adhesins are surface layer proteins that are responsible for attaching staphylococcus to mucous membranes and connective tissue ( ligaments, tendons, joints, cartilages are some of the representatives of connective tissue), as well as to the intercellular substance. The ability to attach to tissues is associated with hydrophobicity ( property of cells to avoid contact with water), and the higher it is, the better these properties are manifested.

Adhesins have specificity for certain substances ( tropism) in organism. So, on the mucous membranes this substance is mucin ( a substance that is part of the secretion of all mucous glands), and in connective tissue – proteoglycan ( intercellular substance of connective tissue). Adhesins are capable of binding fibronectin ( complex extracellular substance), thereby improving the process of attachment to tissues.

It is worth noting that most components of the cell wall of pathogenic staphylococci, as well as their toxins, can lead to allergic reactions slow and immediate type (anaphylactic shock, Arthus phenomenon, etc.). Clinically this manifests itself in the form of dermatitis ( inflammatory disease skin ), bronchospastic syndrome (spasm of bronchial smooth muscles, which manifests itself as shortness of breath) etc.

Method of infection with staphylococcus

Diseases caused by staphylococci can be of the nature of autoinfection ( entry of bacteria into the body through damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes), since staphylococci are permanent inhabitants of human skin and mucous membranes. Infection can also occur through contact with household items or by eating contaminated food. This method of infection is called exogenous.

It is worth noting that important In the mechanism of transmission of staphylococci, they are attributed to the carriage of pathogenic staphylococci. The term “carrier” refers to the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the body that do not cause any clinical manifestations of the disease. There are two types of carriage of pathogenic staphylococci - temporary and permanent. The main danger are represented by people who are permanent carriers of pathogenic staphylococcus. In this category of people, pathogenic staphylococci are detected in large quantities, which are present for a long time on the mucous membranes and in the skin. It is still not entirely clear why long-term carriage of pathogenic staphylococcus occurs. Some scientists associate this with a weakening of local immunity with a decrease in the titer of immunoglobulin A ( a decrease in the concentration of one of the types of antibodies that are responsible for the immune response). There is also a hypothesis that explains the long-term carriage of pathogenic staphylococcus with impaired functioning of the mucous membrane.

The following mechanisms of transmission of staphylococci are distinguished:

  • contact and household mechanism;
  • air-droplet mechanism;
  • air-dust mechanism;
  • nutritional mechanism;
  • artificial mechanism.

Contact and household mechanism

The contact-household mechanism of transmission of infection occurs due to the entry of bacteria from the skin and mucous membranes to various items life and everyday life. This route of transmission of infection is associated with the use of common household items ( towel, toys, etc.). To implement the contact-household route of transmission, a susceptible organism is required ( When bacteria are introduced, the human body reacts with a clinically significant disease or carriage). The contact-household transmission mechanism is a special case contact path transmission of infection ( direct contact with skin).

Airborne mechanism

The airborne transmission mechanism is based on inhalation of air containing microorganisms. This transmission mechanism becomes possible when bacteria are isolated in environment along with exhaled air ( for organ disease breathing apparatus ). Selection pathogenic bacteria can be carried out through breathing, coughing and sneezing.

Air-dust mechanism

The airborne dust mechanism of transmission of staphylococcal infection is a special case of the airborne droplet mechanism. The air-dust mechanism is realized when long-term storage bacteria in dust.

Nutritional mechanism

With the alimentary mechanism ( fecal-oral mechanism) transmission, the release of staphylococci occurs from an infected organism through bowel movements or vomiting. Penetration of bacteria into a susceptible organism occurs through oral cavity when eating contaminated food ( presence of microorganisms in food). After this, the staphylococcus again colonizes digestive tract new owner. As a rule, contamination of food products with staphylococci occurs due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules - insufficient hand cleaning. Also, this mechanism can be carried out as a result of carriage of a staphylococcal infection in a food industry worker.

Artificial mechanism

The artificial transmission mechanism is characterized by the penetration of pathogenic staphylococcus into the human body through insufficiently sterilized ( sterilization is a method of processing medical instruments and equipment to completely destroy all microorganisms) medical instruments. As a rule, this can happen during the use of various instrumental methods diagnostics ( for example, bronchoscopy). Also, in some cases, the penetration of staphylococcus into the body is observed during surgical operations.

It is worth noting that medical equipment and instruments may not be completely sterile due to the fact that staphylococcus is resistant to some types of disinfectants ( chemicals that have an antimicrobial effect). Also, the cause of the artificial transmission mechanism may be the incompetence or negligence of medical personnel.

What diseases does Staphylococcus aureus cause?

Staphylococcus aureus is capable of infecting most tissues of the human body. In total, there are more than a hundred diseases that are caused by staphylococcal infection. Staphylococcal infection is characterized by the presence of many various mechanisms, transmission routes and factors.

Staphylococcus aureus can penetrate extremely easily through minor damage skin and mucous membranes into the body. Staphylococcal infection can lead to various diseases– starting from acne ( acne) and ending with peritonitis ( inflammatory process of the peritoneum), endocarditis ( inflammation of the inner lining of the heart) and sepsis, which has a mortality rate of around 80%. In most cases, staphylococcal infection develops against the background of a decrease in local or general immunity, for example, after acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).

The following symptoms are characteristic of staphylococcal sepsis:

  • increase in body temperature to 39 – 40°C;
  • intense headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin pustular rash;
  • increase in heart rate to 140 beats per minute;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • rave.
In sepsis caused by staphylococcal infection, purulent lesions intestines, liver, membranes of the brain, as well as lungs ( abscesses). Mortality in adults can reach significant numbers in the case of inadequate antibiotic therapy without taking into account the antibiogram.

The main cause of the development of many is Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteria settle on mucous membranes and skin. These gram-positive bacteria are capable of producing toxins that destroy cells. Children, as well as adults with weakened immune systems and the elderly are more susceptible to staphylococcal infection.

Staphylococcus is a microorganism that is shaped like a ball and, when it enters the body, causes purulent and inflammatory diseases. The size of the bacterium ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 microns. It is a gram-positive and nonmotile bacterium.

There are more than 20 types of staphylococci. Some species settle in the microflora, are located on the skin and mucous membranes and do not cause.

Once in the blood, Staphylococcus aureus promotes blood clotting. Since microbes are located inside microthrombi, then for immune system become hidden. As a result, blood poisoning occurs - staphylococcal sepsis. Also, bacteria can penetrate into any part and organ of a person and contribute to the development of the inflammatory process.

Most often, of all types of microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent various diseases.

The habitat of the bacterium is the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, in rare cases gastrointestinal tract. Staphylococcus is found in the area armpits or groin.

There are several grades of Staphylococcus aureus. Detection of grade 3 or 4 staphylococcus is normal and is observed in acceptable quantities on the mucous membranes and skin. However, such staphylococcus must be treated, otherwise serious diseases may occur with reduced immunity. Usually the carriage of this bacterium is attributed to dysbacteriosis.

Causes of infection

Staphylococci constantly live on the skin and mucous membranes. Bacteria can enter the body in several ways: household contact, airborne droplets, alimentary:

  • With the contact-household method, the bacteria enters the body through household items. This is the most frequent path transmission of infection.
  • If a carrier of bacteria coughs or sneezes, the bacteria are released along with the air. As a result, when inhaling air contaminated with staphylococci, microorganisms enter the body and, with a decrease in immunity, provoke the development of diseases.
  • With the nutritional mechanism of infection, bacteria penetrate inside through food. Due to poor personal hygiene, microorganisms appear on food products. Typically, carriers are food industry workers.

Pathogenic staphylococcus can enter the body when using insufficiently sterilized medical instruments. The infection enters the body during surgery or through the use of instrumental methods, insertion of a catheter, etc.If a pregnant woman has staphylococcus, it is transmitted to the baby.

More information about Staphylococcus aureus can be found in the video.

There are a number of factors that lead to the development of staphylococcal infection:

  1. Weakening of the immune system
  2. Unfavorable environmental conditions
  3. Diabetes
  4. Diseases

To prevent the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor in time and start as soon as possible.

When a staphylococcal infection enters the body, it leads to the development of a purulent inflammatory process.

Clinical manifestations infections are similar to colds.

TO common features Staphylococcal infections include:

  • Rapid increase in body temperature
  • Dizziness
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Skin redness
  • Tissue swelling

If the skin or mucous membrane is affected, the symptoms will be different. Purulent inflammations may occur on the skin: pimples, boils, abscesses, rashes, etc.

If Staphylococcus aureus is localized on the mucous membranes, this leads to the development of sore throat, sinusitis, tracheitis, and otitis.

With deep penetration of infection, the disease can become severe.Staphylococcus aureus can infect skeletal system and promote the development of arthrosis, osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis. When infection penetrates the urinary tract, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc. develop. The bacteria causes serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract.If there are some of specified symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Only properly selected drug treatment will help eliminate the pathogenic bacteria.


Diagnosis of staphylococcal infection, depending on the disease, involves taking samples from various surfaces: nose, throat, skin, etc.

Before examining a smear, you need to prepare for taking it. Mouth rinse solutions should not be used. The use of antibacterial drugs may lead to a false negative result.In the morning before taking a smear, you should not brush your teeth, eat or drink liquids.

When diagnosing staphylococcus, 2 methods are used:

  1. Microbiological method. A swab is taken from the throat for staphylococcus and examined for bacteria. The resulting material is sown in a nutrient medium. After a day, the result will begin to appear: when common staphylococcus a yellow pigment appears, and when golden, convex bacteria about 4 mm in size of yellow, white or orange appear.
  2. Serological method. It consists of identifying staphylococcus using four groups of bacteriophages. This method is rarely used because the results are inconsistent.

To determine sensitivity to antibiotics, an antibiogram is performed. To do this, bacteria are sown in a nutrient medium and then placed on discs specially impregnated with antibiotics. This method makes it possible to identify which antibiotic is capable of suppressing the growth of a pathogenic microorganism.


Staphylococcus aureus is susceptible, but there are cases when it develops resistance to antibiotics. For this reason, the treatment process becomes more complicated.

After diagnosis and identification of Staphylococcus aureus and the results of antibiotic sensitivity tests, treatment is prescribed.

Drug therapy involves the use of new generation antibiotics:

  • Semi-synthetic penicillins (Naficillin, Amoxiclav, etc.)
  • Cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefazolin, Cephalexime, etc.)
  • Macrolides (Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, etc.)
  • Lincosamides (Clindamycin)

If there are pustules, they are opened and sanitized with antibiotics.All these antibacterial drugs block the production of bacterial proteins and destroy the walls of pathogenic microorganisms. Duration is 7 days. In some cases, treatment may last several months.

Skin rashes are treated with medications local purpose. Antiseptics include hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, Miramistin, etc.

In severe and advanced cases, bacteriophages are used in treatment - viruses that destroy only staphylococci.

Also, in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms, immunoglobulins and immunostimulants are used - drugs to strengthen the immune system.At drug treatment You should complete a full course of antibiotics. If treatment is not completed or antibiotics are stopped, the infection will remain in the body and will be resistant to the antibiotics taken.

Traditional methods of treatment should be used in combination with drug therapy to achieve positive result and eliminating the infection:

  • Effective folk remedy for Staphylococcus aureus is a decoction based on aspen bark. Take a tablespoon of aspen bark, add water and cook for 15 minutes. Then strain and take orally. Can be used by both adults and children.
  • Cranberries and honey have a positive effect on the immune system. Grind the berries and add honey in a 2:1 ratio. Next, pour the mixture with boiled water and take it in the morning on an empty stomach and after meals 2 hours later.
  • If Staphylococcus aureus is detected on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, it is better to rinse your mouth with medicinal decoctions. For skin purulent diseases you should make compresses from burdock decoction, hot baths or poultices with the addition of vinegar.
  • Chamomile decoction can be used to treat staphylococcal infections in children. Pour hot water over a tablespoon of flowers and boil for several minutes. Then leave for 20 minutes and then strain. The prepared decoction can be taken orally or gargled with it.

Possible complications

If not timely treatment Staphylococcus aureus can lead to serious complications. Particularly dangerous pathogen for babies.

Staphylococcus aureus contributes to the appearance of various serious illnesses and pathologies: endocarditis, meningitis, sepsis, toxic shock.

With endocarditis, the internal layers are affected and heart valve. The patient's performance decreases, joint pain and rapid heartbeat appear.Meningitis caused by staphylococci is characterized by: following symptoms: Strong headache, heat, cramps, nausea and vomiting.

In case of toxic shock, the likelihood fatal outcome high. The patient's temperature rises to 40 degrees, repeated vomiting and diarrhea appear, and blood pressure decreases.

The most dangerous condition is when bacteria enter the blood. Staphylococcus begins to produce toxins and poison the body with them.

In advanced cases, the disease can be fatal.To avoid negative consequences, you should consult a doctor in time at the first time.

IN for preventive purposes To prevent the appearance caused by staphylococcal infection, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose and eat only fresh and high-quality products.
  2. Always wash your hands with soap.
  3. Use alcohol-containing wipes or hand sanitizers.
  4. Do not use other people's towels or other things.
  5. Damaged skin areas should be kept clean and treated with antiseptic agents.
  6. Timely eliminate possible foci of infection (caries, conjunctivitis, barley, etc.).
  7. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  8. At the first signs of illness, be sure to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

By following these measures, you can prevent infection with Staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcus aureus in infants

In newborn children, staphylococcal infection has some characteristics. It leads to the development of pharyngitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

In many cases, the infection affects premature and weakened children. Quite often, infection with staphylococcus occurs in the maternity hospital due to non-compliance with sanitary standards.

Staphylococcus aureus leads to the development of diseases such as pharyngitis, pneumonia, sepsis:

  • With pharyngitis, the mucous membrane of the pharynx becomes inflamed and the following symptoms are observed: dry cough, lacrimation, hoarseness, runny nose.
  • If Staphylococcus aureus has led to the development of enterocolitis, then this disease manifests itself in the form of bloating, nausea and vomiting. In the feces of a baby you can find drops of blood and.
  • Pneumonia caused by staphylococci is characterized by the following symptoms: shortness of breath, sputum discharge, malaise, chills, bluish skin.

Sepsis develops when concomitant diseases or decreased immunity. In this case, signs of general intoxication appear, purulent processes may occur during inner ear, navel.

Staphylococcus aureus in a newborn can lead to the development of scalded skin syndrome.

Signs of this syndrome resemble scarlet fever or erysipelas. The infant experiences peeling of the skin with further detachment. If you have symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately to prevent possible complications in the form of phlegmon and abscesses.

Staphylococcus aureus in a child

The chance of infection with staphylococcus is very high in children, since babies often like to put toys and other objects in their mouths. With frequent viral and colds due to decreased immunity, the risk of contracting a staphylococcal infection increases.

You should know that staphylococcal infections are often disguised as others. It is important for parents to closely monitor the child and, when the first signs appear, they should consult a doctor and have a bacteriological culture taken.

Includes treatment of wounds, pustules and other rashes with special means.

Most often, “green stuff” is used, since the bacterium is very sensitive to this solution.Children are also prescribed immunostimulating drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes to strengthen the immune system. After treatment with antibiotics, the child's microflora is in most cases disrupted. To settle in the intestines beneficial bacteria It is useful to take drugs with bifidobacteria.

Type: Firmicutes
Class: bacilli
Order: Bacillales
Family: Staphylococcaceae (Staphylococcal)
Genus: Staphylococcus
International scientific name: Staphylococcus

Staphylococcus(lat. Staphylococcus) is a non-motile bacterium spherical, belonging to the Staphylococcal family (Staphylococcaceae).

Staphylococcus belongs to the group of positive, immobile, anaerobic, opportunistic microorganisms for the human body. The type of metabolism is oxidative and enzymatic. They do not form spores or capsules. The diameter of a staphylococcus cell is 0.6-1.2 microns, depending on the strain (species). The most common colors are purple, gold, yellow, and white. Some staphylococci are capable of synthesizing characteristic pigments.

Most types of staphylococcus bacteria are colored purple and spread in clusters similar to grapes, which is why they got their name, which translated from ancient Greek means “σταφυλή” (grapes) and “κόκκος” (grain).

Staphylococci in a certain amount are almost always found on the surface of the human body (in the nasal and oropharynx, on the skin), but when this infection gets inside, it weakens the body, and some of the types of staphylococcus can even cause the development of various diseases, including almost all organs and systems, especially if the immune system is weakened. The fact is that staphylococcus, getting inside, produces a large number of endo- and exotoxins (poisons) that poison the cells of the body, disrupting their normal functioning. The most common pathologies caused by staphylococci are pneumonia, toxic shock, sepsis, purulent skin lesions, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, digestive and other systems, and general poisoning of the body. Not a rare case is the addition of a staphylococcal infection, as secondary disease, as a complication in others.

The conditional pathogenicity of this type of infection suggests that staphylococci have a negative effect on human or animal health only under certain conditions.

There are quite a large number of types of staphylococcus - 50 (as of 2016). The most common are Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci. Each of the strains of these bacteria has its own severity and pathogenicity. They are resistant to many antibacterial drugs, as well as various harsh climatic conditions, but are sensitive to aqueous solutions silver salts and its electrolytic solutions.
Staphylococcal infection is widespread in soil and air. Exactly by air Most often, a person becomes infected (infected). It is also worth noting that this type infections can affect not only people, but also animals.

It has been noted that children are most susceptible to infection with staphylococcus, which is associated with an undeveloped immune system and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, as well as elderly people.

Causes of staphylococcus

The cause of the development of almost all staphylococcal diseases is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, as well as the consumption of contaminated food. The level of harm also depends on the strain of the bacterium, as well as the functioning of the immune system. The stronger the immune system, the less harm staphylococci can cause to human health. Thus, we can conclude that in most cases, staphylococcus disease requires a combination of 2 factors - infection inside and disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system.

How is staphylococcus transmitted? Let's look at the most popular ways of contracting staphylococcal infections.

How can staphylococcus enter the body?

Airborne path. In season respiratory diseases, frequent stay in crowded places also increases the risk of infection, not only staphylococcal, but also many other types of infection, incl. viral, fungal. Sneezing, coughing - such symptoms serve as a kind of beacons, from which healthy people, if possible, need to stay away.

Airborne dust path. Household and street dust contains a large number of different microscopic particles - plant pollen, exfoliated skin particles, the hair of various animals, dust mites, particles of various materials (fabric, paper), and all this is usually seasoned various infections– , fungi. Staphylococcus and other types of infection are very often found in dust, and when we breathe such air, it does not have the best effect on our health.

Contact and household path. Typically, infection occurs through sharing personal hygiene items and bed linen, especially if one of the family members is sick. The risk of infection increases when the skin and mucous membranes are injured.

Fecal-oral (nutritional) route. Infection occurs by eating food with dirty hands, i.e. - in case of non-compliance. It is also worth noting that infection through nutritional routes is also common cause diseases such as - and other complex ones.

Medical path. Infection with staphylococcus occurs through contact with insufficiently clean medical instruments, as with surgical interventions, and in some types of diagnostics, which imply a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes. This is usually due to the treatment of instruments with a product to which the staphylococcus has developed resistance.

How can staphylococcus seriously harm human health, or what weakens the immune system?

Presence of chronic diseases. Most diseases indicate a weakened immune system. If pathological processes are already occurring in the body, it is more difficult for it to protect itself from other diseases. Therefore, any disease increases the risk of joining it secondary infection, and staphylococcal one of them.

The most common diseases and pathological conditions in which staphylococcus often attacks the patient are: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of other systems, as well as other chronic diseases.

In addition, the risk of infection with staphylococcus increases:

  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks, drug use;
  • , lack of healthy sleep;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Use ;
  • (vitamin deficiency);
  • Abuse of some medicines– vasoconstrictors (violate the integrity of the nasal mucosa), antibiotics;
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and mouth.
  • Insufficient ventilation of rooms in which a person often stays (work, home);
  • Work in enterprises with high air pollution, especially without protective equipment(masks).

Symptoms of staphylococcus

The clinical picture (symptoms) of staphylococcus can be very diverse, which depends on the organ affected, the strain of the bacterium, the age of the person, and the functionality (health) of the immune system of the potential patient.

Common symptoms of staphylococcus can be:

  • Increased and high body temperature (often local) - up to, ;
  • (a rush of blood to the site of inflammatory processes);
  • General malaise, soreness;
  • Swelling;
  • Pyoderma (develops when staphylococcus gets under the skin), folliculitis, carbunculosis,;
  • Decreased appetite, abdominal pain, ;
  • - , And ;
  • Diseases respiratory tract: , And ;
  • Purulent discharge from the nasopharynx and oropharynx is yellow-green;
  • Impaired sense of smell;
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, sneezing;
  • Changing the timbre of the voice;
  • Toxic shock syndrome;
  • Drop in blood pressure;
  • "Scalded Baby Syndrome";
  • Impaired functioning of certain organs and tissues, which have become a source of infection;

Complications of staphylococcus:

  • Lung abscess;
  • Empyema of the pleura;
  • Loss of voice;
  • Fever;
  • Convulsions;

Scientists have divided most types of staphylococcus into 11 groups:

1. Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus)— S. aureus, S. Simiae.

Staphylococcus aureus is the most pathogenic for human body. Once inside, they can cause inflammation and damage to almost all human organs and tissues, as well as form a golden pigment. Staphylococcus aureus has the property of producing the coagulase enzyme, which is why it is sometimes called coagulase-positive staphylococcus.

2. Ear staphylococci (Staphylococcus auricularis)- S. auricularis.

3. Staphylococcus carnosus- S. carnosus, S. condimenti, S. massiliensis, S. piscifermentans, S. simulans.

4. Epidermal staphylococci (Staphylococcus epidermidis)- S. capitis, S. caprae, S. epidermidis, S. saccharolyticus.

Staphylococcus epidermidis is most often found on human skin and mucous membranes. It is a common cause of diseases such as endocarditis, sepsis, purulent lesions of wounds of the skin and urinary tract. With the normal functioning of the immune system, the body does not allow epidermal staphylococci to multiply inside the body and infect it.

5. Hemolytic staphylococci(Staphylococcus haemolyticus)- S. devriesei, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis.

Hemolytic staphylococcus is most often the cause of diseases such as endocarditis, sepsis, inflammatory processes with suppuration on the skin, and urethritis.

6. Staphylococcus hyicus-intermedius- S. agnetis, S. chromogenes, S. felis, S. delphini, S. hyicus, S. intermedius, S. lutrae, S. microti, S. muscae, S. pseudintermedius, S. rostri, S. schleiferi.

7. Staphylococcus lugdunensis— S. lugdunensis.

8. Saprophytic staphylococci (Staphylococcus saprophyticus)– S. arlettae, S. cohnii, S. equorum, S. gallinarum, S. kloosii, S. leei, S. nepalensis, S. saprophyticus, S. succinus, S. xylosus.

Saprophytic staphylococcus is often the cause of urinary tract diseases such as cystitis and urethritis. This is because saprophytic staphylococcus is located mainly on the skin of the genitals, as well as the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.

9. Staphylococcus sciuri– S. fleurettii, S. lentus, S. sciuri, S. stepanovicii, S. vitulinus.

10. Staphylococcus simulans– S. simulans.

11. Staphylococcus warneri– S. pasteuri, S. warneri.

Degrees of staphylococcus

To determine the exact treatment regimen, doctors divided the course of staphylococcal disease into 4 conventional degrees. This is due to the fact that different kinds infections, as well as their pathological activity at different times and at different conditions vary. In addition, this diagnostic approach distinguishes between staphylococcal infection, which group she belongs to - completely pathogenic influence on the body, opportunistic and saprophytic, which practically do not cause any harm to humans.

Degrees of staphylococcus

Staphylococcus stage 1. Localization of infection for collection for diagnosis - nasopharynx, oropharynx, skin, genitourinary system. Clinical manifestations are absent or minimal. With a healthy immune system, drug therapy not required.

Staphylococcus stage 2. Clinical manifestations (symptoms) are minimal or absent. If there are complaints, a thorough diagnosis is carried out for the presence of other types of infection. If it is determined that another type of bacteria is present in the body, privately prescribed antibacterial therapy.

Staphylococcus 3 degrees. The patient has complaints. In most cases, antibiotic therapy is necessary, unless the attending physician considers the use of antibiotics to be unjustified. Treatment of stage 3 staphylococcus is usually aimed primarily at strengthening the immune system. If within 2 months the body does not recover, a individual scheme treatment of infection, incl. using antibacterial agents.

Staphylococcus stage 4. Therapy is aimed at strengthening the immune system, eliminating... Before using antibacterial therapy, a thorough diagnosis is carried out to determine the reaction of a particular type of staphylococcus to the drug.

Diagnosis of staphylococcus

Testing for staphylococcus is carried out from smears taken usually from the surface of the skin, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract or urinary tract.

Additional examination methods may include:

How to treat staphylococcus? Treatment of staphylococcus usually consists of 2 points - strengthening the immune system and antibacterial therapy. If there are other diseases, their treatment is also carried out.

The use of antibiotics based on diagnosis is very important, since the type of staphylococcus can be determined by clinical picture is almost impossible, and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics can cause a large number of side effects.

However, the following most popular antibiotics are used to treat staphylococcus.

Antibiotics for staphylococcus

Important! Before using antibiotics, be sure to consult your doctor.

"Amoxicillin". Has the property of suppressing infection, stopping its reproduction and negative impact on the body. Blocks the production of peptidoglycan.

"Baneotsin". Ointment for the treatment of staphylococcus in skin lesions. It is based on a combination of two antibiotics - bacitracin and neomycin.

"Vancomycin". Promotes the death of bacteria by blocking a component that is part of its cell membrane. It is used intravenously.

"Clarithomycin", "Clindamycin" And « » . They block the production of proteins by bacteria, without which they die.

"Cloxacillin". Blocks the proliferation of staphylococcus by blocking their membranes present during the stage of cell division. Usually prescribed at a dose of 500 mg/6 hours.

"Mupirocin"antibacterial ointment at staphylococcal lesions skin. Used for external use. The ointment is based on three antibiotics - Bactroban, Bonderm and Supirocin.

"Oxacillin". Blocks bacterial cell division, thereby destroying them. Method of administration: oral, intravenous and intramuscular.

— In hot weather, avoid eating confectionery, meat, dairy and other products that are not stored in proper conditions;

— If the skin is injured, be sure to treat the wound with antiseptic agents, then cover it with a band-aid;

— Try not to visit beauty salons, tattoo parlors, solariums or dental clinics of dubious nature, where they may not adhere to sanitary standards for the processing of medical instruments.

Which doctor should you contact if you have a staphylococcal infection?