The Donbass elder predicted religious chaos in Ukraine long before the war in Donbass. Athonite elders. Prophecies about Ukraine and Russia

The terrible war in fraternal Ukraine has been going on for quite a long time. It has a negative impact not only on neighboring countries, but on world politics as a whole.

It is already very difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong in this conflict. Various politicians on both sides have expressed extremely contradictory statements. Therefore, it is not surprising that people turned to psychics and astrologers for advice.

The situation is very difficult, worsening from year to year. More and more new participants are drawn into the conflict, willingly or unwillingly.

The status of Donbass is still not clear and the country is experiencing a strong negative impact.

Civilians are suffering, people's lives are completely disrupted, and the country is torn by contradictions. Everyone is wondering when the end of the war will come, and also what awaits Ukraine in the future.

Members of the Ukrainian parliament argue that the largest share of the blame lies with our country. Therefore, in their opinion, the outcome of the military operation largely depends on Russia’s actions.

Domestic political scientists are completely confident that such an irresponsible position of the Ukrainian leadership has already led to the death of hundreds and thousands of civilians of the country.

Independent European and American observers, as well as military experts, suggest that the situation in the region will become clearer no earlier than 2019.

Predictions of the Elders

Recently, many psychics have tried to clarify the issue of Donbass. Many of them are not very well versed in military operations and the meaning of an armed conflict is also not clear enough to them. But they communicate with Higher Powers, which give them the opportunity to look into the future.

The predictions of the elders from Mount Athos attract special attention. Monks live there who have dedicated their lives to studying the Holy Scriptures and praying for the destinies of humanity.

Their life serves as an example of righteousness and deep religiosity. Schema-Archimandrite Jonah of Odessa gained particular fame as a seer.

Even before the start of the war, he predicted its occurrence. He was sure that the conflict would become long and bloody. The monk predicted that all the shrines of the Russian and Ukrainian people would be trampled upon. However, he predicted that by the beginning of the twenties of our century the situation would be resolved.

Ukraine faces multiple and very difficult trials. They are sent by the Lord so that the country gets back on the right path and it needs to go through them completely.

Vanga's opinion on the end of the war

Before her death, the famous soothsayer managed to make a prediction about the war in Donbass.

She foresaw a difficult and bloody armed conflict, which would lead to the fact that all of Ukraine would suffer from it.

Vanga said that the root of the evil lies in the fact that there is no consensus within the country about the nature of the clash.

Nevertheless, she considered the leaders of Square to be the main culprits. The fortuneteller was sure that peace would come only after a complete change in her political vector. She hoped that our two fraternal countries would unite, which would benefit not only them, but the whole world.

However, she saw a favorable outcome of the situation no earlier than after the onset of the thirties of our century.

Predictions of P. Globa

Opinions on the war in Ukraine are expressed by very prominent figures in the field of astrology, which is due to the fact that the country is located in the very center of Europe and is closely connected with Russia.

In addition, the difficult events in it also hit European countries hard. One of the most respected experts, Pavel Globa, has already become famous for the fact that his predictions about political events in different regions were completely justified.

Therefore, his opinion regarding Donbass is very interesting. He assumes that Ukraine will sooner or later split into three independent territories, two of which, Crimea and the Eastern Lands, will become part of the Russian Federation.

Vera Lyon's opinion

Politicians do not tell the people the truth, so people try to hear the opinions of those whom they completely trust.

Particular respect is given to those psychics who have repeatedly made very accurate assumptions about the fate of the world.

One of the greatest clairvoyants on Earth, Vera Lyon, was remembered for her predictions because they are amazingly accurate.

The fortuneteller believes that the situation in Ukraine will remain very acute for a very long time. She thinks that the country will completely wither away as a result of the armed conflict, but, nevertheless, after some time, thanks to Russian help, it will begin to revive.

Such changes for the better will not happen soon. In the coming years, the conflict will only intensify. V. Lyon also does not exclude the separation of Donbass from Ukraine.

Prophecy of M. Levin

One of the leading experts in the field of astrology, founder of the Moscow Academy, Mikhail Levin is sure that:

  • the war is extremely protracted;
  • it will end no earlier than the middle of this century;
  • all this time she will face extreme political instability;
  • the national economy of Ukraine will suffer a complete collapse;
  • the country will lose all its cultural potential;
  • people will leave it en masse;
  • it will fall into enslaving dependence on Europe.

Opinions of Ukrainian psychics

Astrology specialist Vlad Ross hopes that sooner or later everything will end well.

His predictions boil down to the following theses:

Another predictor, Elena Maksimova, also made her predictions about when the war in Donbass will end.

She is confident that the armed conflict will soon come to an end. But first there will be a complete collapse of the country's economic and political sphere. It is then that she will come out of the dive. Donbass will remain part of it, and over time Crimea will return to it.

It is possible that the predictions of the soothsayer are not without opportunistic considerations, so they raise some doubts and differ from the opinions of other experts.

Predictions of individual seers

The TV show “Battle of Psychics” gave many soothsayers the opportunity to come forward.

The winner of its final, Julia Wang, made her predictions about the end of the war in Donbass.

She is confident that hostilities will soon end, and the disputed territory will not leave the country, but will be able to win special privileges for herself.

Clairvoyant Sergei Shevtsov believes that the conflict over the eastern lands will end no earlier than next year. But he doubts that Ukraine will be able to revive in the coming years, as it faces severe economic and political turmoil.

In addition, among its presidents there is no unity in the direction of the vector, which will alternately be oriented either towards our country or towards the West.

The highly respected psychic Alena Zelibora gives the following predictions, which are in many ways similar to the previous ones:

In general, it is striking that even psychics do not have a common opinion about the events in Ukraine. Their predictions differ quite significantly from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to correlate the opinions of politicians, the general situation in the country, prophecies, and then find in them a rational grain that corresponds to true events.

Russians sympathize with the residents of Donbass, wishing them the best fate. But the fate of the region and the country as a whole depends not only on the will of the Higher Powers, but also on the people who inhabit the territories. Until they come to their senses and are ready for peaceful construction, the military conflict will smolder.

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The prophecy of this Athonite elder was remembered quite recently, when the Russian SU-24 airliner was shot down in the skies over Turkey. This Greek monk, who has gained respect throughout the world, has long foreshadowed a military confrontation between Russia and Turkey. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Paisius Athossky’s predictions about Russia 2018 are now of interest to many people in our country.

In fact, this Athonite elder predicted more than one event concerning our state, which has already come true:

A little history

Paisiy was born on July 25, 1924 in Greece. After graduating from school, he, like an ordinary guy, went to serve in the army. In 1950, he became interested in religion and went to the Kutlumush Monastery. Here he lived almost his entire life, engaged in religious practice. In May 1978, the monk moved to the Athonite cell, where he began to receive a huge number of people. He died near Thessaloniki in 1994. Orthodox Christians all over the world continue to come to the grave of this famous elder, which is located in the Theological Monastery. In 2015, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate canonized Paisius the Holy Mountain. At the same time, the reverend monk was included in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Terrible predictions for Russia

The elder's prophecy regarding the Middle East looks quite frightening. With his words, he did not try to intimidate anyone, but only indicated what consequences await humanity that has forgotten God. The immorality of people, the cynicism of politicians and the selfishness of the West will lead to unprecedented bloodshed in the East. His prophecy literally goes like this:

“When the Turks block the Euphrates, wait for the arrival of an army of two hundred million at sunrise.”

Until recently, these words seemed like fiction. Today, the predictions of Paisius of Athos are already coming true. Turkey is indeed building a dam on the Euphrates River, and its commissioning is scheduled for 2018. According to a further prediction that Svyatogorets made back in the nineties of the last century, a terrible war will begin between Russia and Turkey. As a result of this confrontation between Christians and Muslims, a third of the Turks will convert to Christianity, another third of the Turkish population will die, and the rest will be forced to leave their homeland. Back in 1991, Paisius mentioned the fall of Constantinople and the destruction of the Turkish state. The bloodshed will be so large-scale that three-year-old bulls will “swim” in a sea of ​​blood. Schemamonk said the following verbatim about these events:

“During the battle, the Mosque of Omar will be destroyed, which will be the beginning of the restoration of Solomon’s Temple. China's army of two hundred million will cross the Euphrates and come to Jerusalem."

Western European countries will also take part in the war, but they will oppose Russia. Constantinople will be handed over to the rightful owner of this city - Greece, although it will not fight.

The events of recent times indicate that the elder’s words are already coming true. The Russian Federation is already fighting the Islamic State in Syria. Türkiye is also indirectly present in this conflict. The situation in this country is quite tense and it is unclear what it will lead to, especially after the strengthening of the power of leader R. Erdogan after the attempted military coup. Western countries, Israel and the United States also do not remain aloof from the flaring fire of war. Everything suggests that the Third World War may begin in this region. Soon a new redistribution of the world will begin.

What awaits Russia in the future?

The Athonite elder predicted that Russia would become the leader in the defense of Orthodoxy and the Russian-speaking population. He is echoed by other elders of Athos, who claimed the beginning of a new era. In this new time, a new leader must appear on the territory of the Russian Federation, sent by God to save the world from destruction.

Other predictors of the world also spoke about the appearance of the savior of mankind, such as:

  • Nostradamus;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • Vanga.

Approximately identical forecasts regarding the emergence of a new world leader can be explained quite simply. To obtain the necessary information, the media use various practices:

  1. prayer;
  2. meditation;
  3. immersion in trance.

Thus, a slowdown in human brain oscillations is achieved, and he gains access to the Earth’s Noosphere. In a state of altered consciousness, various information comes to him from the information field depending on the request.

It is also worth noting that almost all the Athonite elders, speaking about the new leader, mentioned joint prayer and repentance. That is, we all must admit to the collective unconscious (God) that we are not able to find a worthy leader and ask him to be revealed from above. It is necessary that a psychologically significant image understand our request and give the new ruler the strength to restore order throughout the world.

Athonite elders about Ukraine

At one time, Paisius of Athos spoke about the confrontation between two fraternal peoples. He also mentioned attacks in Ukraine on the Russian Orthodox Church.

Many monks from Mount Athos also predicted the development of events in Ukraine. They warned this country about the dangers of its choice. So Elder Parfeniy did not stop talking about the insincerity of the European Union. He argued that Ukraine would plunge into crisis and the situation would be much worse than in Greece. The hardworking and sincere Ukrainian people are alien to the sins of Sodom, which are legalized in Europe.

Elder Tikhon, who lived in the Trinity Monastery fifty years ago, predicted a conflict in Ukraine. The cause of the war, in his opinion, will be overseas forces. Those who unleashed the bloodshed in Ukraine will ultimately be the losers. Soon there will be a renewal of power in Russia and the conflict in Donbass will end quickly.

The Greek elders are confident that Ukraine will cope with all problems and get out of this situation if it builds its future together with its Slavic brothers - the Russian and Belarusian peoples.


Just a few years ago, no one could imagine a war in Ukraine. Despite the low standard of living in this country, nothing foreshadowed such a disaster. The situation changed dramatically in 2014, when, against the backdrop of popular unrest, V. Yanukovych left his presidential post. Radical national forces came to power, whose policies were not liked by part of the country's population. Crimea decided to throw in its lot with Russia, and it succeeded. In the southeast of Ukraine, everything went according to a different scenario. Here began a bloody confrontation with the new government in Kyiv. During the five years of war, many people died on both sides of the conflict. In Russia and Ukraine there are a large mass of people who have experienced the war between once fraternal peoples with pain. Maybe predictions about Donbass for 2019 will answer the question: What awaits Ukraine and Russia in the near future and when will the war end?

In fact, the opinions of leading psychics on this issue differ greatly from each other. Some believe that this conflict is protracted and will continue for more than one year, and maybe decades. Other media are confident that the war will soon end and life will gradually improve. We bring to your attention the full range of opinions on this issue.

Predictions from the strongest psychics

Pavel Globa

This psychic has been known in our country since Soviet times. His predictions have come true more than once with incredible accuracy. As for Donbass, he is sure that the conflict here will continue for many years. only when there is a change of power in Ukraine. After a sober politician is elected in this country, the situation will change for the better and peace will triumph in the long-suffering land of Donbass.

Kazakhstan Vanga

Vera Lyon, who is called the Kazakh Vanga, predicted that in the south-east of Ukraine in 2019 the conflict between the militias and the authorities of Kyiv will continue. True, there will be less shelling, and people will be able to breathe a sigh of relief for a while. The two independent republics will unite into a single state and will continue to cooperate closely with Russia.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya

This predictor is confident that there will soon be a change of power in Ukraine. The people will choose a worthy leader who will again maintain good relations with Russia. The authorities of the DPR and LPR will be able to come to an agreement with the new leader, and the conflict in the southeast of the country will gradually begin to subside. These two republics will remain part of Ukraine with autonomous rights.

Julia Wang

This prophetess predicts peace in the Donbass in the near future. In 2019, a new leadership of the country will be elected in Ukraine, which will give broad powers to the leaders of the rebellious regions of the country. This will lead to an end to the war and the improvement of the situation in Ukraine.

Forecast for Donbass from astrologers

Mikhail Levin

The founder of the Moscow Astrological Academy believes that the confrontation in Donbass will last several decades. During this time, the situation in Ukraine will worsen every year. The country is facing several coups d'etat, as a result of which the lives of ordinary people will not improve.

Sergey Shevtsov-Lang

The parapsychologist claims that Ukraine will constantly change its vector of development. Some rulers will strive to establish good neighborly relations with Russia, while others, on the contrary, will turn the country towards the West. As a result, the country will be constantly in a fever and there can be no talk of any stability. In 2019 there will be a fire, and the conflict in Donbass will come to naught. The predictor is confident that Crimea will never become Ukrainian.

Alena Zelibora

This soothsayer is also confident that the situation in southeast Ukraine will not improve for several decades. At some stage, the country's leadership will reach an agreement with the leaders of the LPR and DPR on the cessation of hostilities and the establishment of trade relations. However, the authorities of these two republics will not want to join Ukraine. The conflict will escalate again and the war will continue. The government will change again in Kyiv, which will again lead the country to Western values.

Vlad Ross

This astrologer has recently become incredibly popular and this is not at all accidental. He predicted in advance:
  • Yanukovych's escape;
  • departure of the Yatsenyuk government;
  • introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU.

This psychic predicts the gradual successful development of Ukraine. Very soon, in terms of living standards, Ukrainians will catch up with the Czechs and Poles. V. Ross is also confident that by 2023 the situation in Russia will stabilize. All this will lead to improved relations between Ukraine and Russia.

Ion Ignatenko

This old man from Odessa predicted the conflict in Donbass. Even though he had already died, he indicated the end date of the war in the south-eastern part of the country. Peace, in his opinion, will come at the beginning of 2019. He was also sure that happy times awaited Ukraine and Russia. There will be no third world war in the near future. America will default, but this country will withstand this test. Good neighborly relations will be established between the United States, Russia and Ukraine after the change of power in Russia. After 2025, Ukraine will experience prosperity. A huge amount of money will be invested in its economy. People's lives will become much better. Ukraine will become a respected state in the world.

What will happen to Donbass in 2019?

Many psychics are confident that peace can come to Donbass in 2019, after the presidential elections in Ukraine are held. The current government's chances of winning future elections are becoming less and less. People are tired of war and economic chaos. Most likely, a leader will be chosen who will negotiate with the LPR and DPR. Russia will welcome this state of affairs. Gradually, it will cease to comprehensively support this region and the conflict with the separatist region will end. In the future, elections will be held in uncontrolled territories according to Ukrainian laws. The people of Donbass will choose worthy leaders who will defend the interests of the local population. As a result, Donbass will return to Ukraine, but only with autonomy rights.

Part of the improvement in the situation in Donbass will come from the fact that in Russia, due to sanctions, the people will become impoverished. The Russian government will stop funding the newly declared republics of Donbass. The time will come to take care of your country.

Predictions from the Witch Olga

This famous prophetess predicted not the best scenario for Ukraine. Presidential elections will be held in 2019. After this, new trials will come for the Ukrainian people. The political forces of the country will be in tough confrontation with each other. The people will be left to their own devices. The future fate of the state will depend only on his will. If ordinary people unite, they will be able to solve any problems. Thanks to the best representatives of Donbass and Central Ukraine, the problem of Donbass can be solved. However, this will be possible if no external force intervenes. In 2019, many neighboring countries like

  • Poland,
  • Romania,
  • Hungary,

will try to reconquer their former lands from Ukraine. The Ukrainian people need to be very united in order not to allow the country to be divided. Next year there will be a very high probability of the collapse of this country. If this happens, then instead of a large country there will be a small state around Kyiv, which is unlikely to be able to conduct an independent policy in the world.

New predictions

  • Tarot reader M. Gordeev believes that oligarchic power will change in Ukraine and reforms will begin. The government will listen more to the opinions of the people. The Ukrainian authorities will be interested in ending the war in Donbass. Before feeling positive changes, the people of Ukraine will go through unprecedented difficulties.
  • Another specialist in the field of Tarot cards - O. Solomka portends an extraordinary change of power in Ukraine. Another Maidan will take place and the people will choose a new government that will serve the interests of the majority of Ukrainians. The prophet ruled out the return of Crimea to the fold of Ukraine.
  • Numerologist L. Zhukova also predicts the overthrow of the current government in Kyiv. Completely new people will come to power. One can only guess how all this will turn out for Donbass.
  • British psychic K. Parker claims that in 2019 Ukraine will become a participant in a high-profile international political scandal. We are talking about illegal supplies of weapons to other countries. There is an assumption that this concerns the DPRK. It is unknown how Ukraine’s current allies will react to this. It is unlikely that they will turn a blind eye to the secret machinations of the Ukrainian authorities. Most quickly, Ukraine itself will have to participate in resolving the conflict in Donbass.

Do you believe the predictions?


The war in Ukraine has been disturbing the minds of the citizens of this country, Russians, and the population of the entire globe for almost 3 years. The most important question is: when will it end? After all, so much blood was shed on both sides, so many innocent victims among civilians. Not to mention the destroyed infrastructure of the region and all other points that seem trivial against the background of the number of deaths. Everyone is trying to find the answer to this question from different sources.

Some people look for it in journalistic research, some rely on the forecasts of political scientists, some follow the statements of politicians and reports from the battlefields. But there is a category of people who have not lost faith in the irrational and beyond logical explanation. They pay special attention to the prophecies of fortune tellers and psychics. Let's find out when the war in Ukraine will end according to the predictions of Vanga and other psychics.

The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” project, Khayal Alekperov from Azerbaijan, believes that the most terrible events in Donbass have already happened. But there is also little hope for a quick resolution of the conflict. However, in the not too distant future, the Azerbaijani forecaster sees a favorable outcome for the Ukrainians.

Another participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” Nazar Labyaka from Lvov, who at one time predicted the events of the Maidan, back in early July 2014, made a prediction that in three months a more or less long truce would be possible. This, in fact, partly happened after the signing of the Minsk agreements. He also expressed hope that this truce has a chance to develop into something more, but given the resumption of armed confrontation in Donbass, we can already say that his hopes were not destined to come true. However, Nazar assured that, despite all the political and economic difficulties, Ukraine will be able to maintain its integrity.

Russian psychic Alexander Sadikov, on the contrary, believes that Ukraine will face the fate of Yugoslavia. The collapse into at least three states will occur in the next five years. And, in his opinion, one should not count on a quick end to the conflict.

According to another Russian psychic, Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the end of military operations on the territory of Ukraine should be expected no earlier than 2019. He connects this with the unfavorable location of astronomical bodies, and more specifically, with the location of the planet Uranus.

The rector of the Moscow Academy of Astrology, Mikhail Levin, on the contrary, believes in a relatively quick end to the conflict in Donbass and believes that Ukraine’s chances of remaining united are quite high.

Fatima Khadueva, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” believes that the conflict in Donbass is the work of the EU and the United States. And the goal of the conflict is rather to weaken Russia than Ukraine itself. Therefore, she does not believe in a quick end to the war, but she believes that the time will come when Russians and Ukrainians together will restore the destroyed Donbass.

The Supreme Shaman of Tuva, through his representative Andrei Dondukov, said that the war in Ukraine will not end very soon. He believes that the conflict originated in Crimea and should end there. And the Supreme Shaman considers the main problem of Ukraine to be that it is located at the crossroads of two civilizations.

Finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Yulia Mechnikova believes that the Third World War has actually already begun. Actually, the conflict in Donbass, in her opinion, will last for seven years. Moreover, hostilities will either fade or flare up with even greater force and will affect at least the entire southeast of the country. But after a seven-year war, a new unification of the country will follow.

Finally, let us turn to the prophecy of the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga. Back in the 60s, she made a prediction about current events in Ukraine. Vanga expressed confidence that hostilities should end by the end of 2015. After this, Ukraine will experience prosperity.

Thus, we can say that most psychics are cautious in their predictions about the exact date of the end of the war in Ukraine. Those of them who dared to make a more accurate forecast are confident that the conflict will drag on for a long time, no less than 5-7 years. The only exception is the prophetess Vanga, who predicted the end of the war in 2017. Psychics were divided in their vision of the country's fate after the war. Some of them believe that Ukraine will face inevitable collapse, others - prosperity.

User comments

I want to believe that everything will be fine for them. But the end of the war is far from the end of all problems. The economy is destroyed, there are no prospects, and it’s scary to think how many more people could die simply from lack of money.
As for predictions, they are somehow careful about the timing. It seems that they are afraid of not guessing right... I immediately remembered Pavel Globa, he also tries to speak vaguely, so as not to say anything.
There is one more prediction, and I believe it. I don't know if it's possible to provide links here. But on YouTube, just type in the search “Odessa Elder Jonah”, there will be several videos there. So he spoke specifically about Ukraine, and gave exact dates. Look, interesting

I think that you don’t have to be a special clairvoyant to assume that this whole conflict will not end quickly. And of course, Ukraine will probably prosper, but that’s when. Even if the war finally ends this year, it will be difficult to restore the economy. In general, as I understand it, everything is fine in Ukraine itself, people are happy with their government. Well, except for those who were affected by the mobilization and near whom military operations are taking place.

Yeah, we're happy. They themselves endure this, but they call us slaves. The point here is that the authorities in Kiev are disposed to war, just imagine that they will now have to answer for the economy, for all their crimes, but for now everything can be attributed to the war, I think the serious conflict is already over, then there will be clashes of a parochial nature.

I completely agree that Ukraine, like Korea, has paid the price by being next to us, America is trying to weaken its enemy with someone else’s hands, at the expense of the Ukrainians and us, but they themselves are clean. In Korea, Stalin’s plan was offensive and successful, but here Putin’s plan is defensive, and this is bad, all smugglers in Mexico should be given weapons and allowed to fight. Although things are moving towards this, we are supplying weapons to Nicaragua, some local missiles have been installed in Cuba, and ships are constantly on duty right off the coast of New York. The CIA even blamed us for the cataclysms.

The conflict in Ukraine is like a dispute between two superpowers on a third territory, although it is very close to one of the superpowers, probably America, judging by the Ukrainian news.
At the moment, it seems to me that the conflict has been settled, and as one of the psychics said, it smells like a Yugoslav scenario. Donbass will live at home, and the rest at home, until everyone leaves for normal countries, depending on their orientation.

The Americans, of course, have now supplied weapons to Kyiv and are increasing them, but this was also before the start of the civil war in Ukraine, that is, they are most likely for a not very quick defeat in the event of a confrontation, but it seems to me that Putin will not allow confrontation. That is, I also agree with Vanga.

I can’t believe that the conflict will end this year. A month or two and everything will start again. The hope that Putin can influence something, in my opinion, is not justified. What and how can we scare America? Shall we pour dollars? Let's not buy goods? Supplying weapons to US neighbors is a good thing, but not a quick one. In addition to the fact that the states are setting their sights on Siberia, they are also motivated by the problem of their own economy, from which they need to divert attention by all available means. And war is the best of them. Considering that the entire top of the Ukrainian government are just puppets, the conflict will be drawn out as long as possible.

Too many losses, pain on both sides. Can this be quickly forgotten? But all wars end sooner or later, I would like peace to come. And our peoples again found mutual understanding. So far, a fragile peace has arrived. If the conflicting parties could come to an agreement, that’s the dream.

If Ukraine will prosper, believe me, it will not be with the leaders we have now. They base their entire policy on hatred of the Russian Federation and everything Russian. If you do not live in Ukraine and do not watch Ukrainian TV, then you will not understand what is happening in the media space of Ukraine. Zombification is taking place on all fronts and, judging by the results, it is very successful.

I wish this terrible thing would end soon! It killed a lot of peaceful people!

We are accustomed to the fact that the war must be ended by someone, but we need to ask ourselves this question - personally, I stuck my bayonet in the ground a long time ago, since the Afghan war, and no one will force me to go to war again! Peace to all!

I understand that if the people lived well there, then there would be no war. But still, this situation has already dragged on for a long time. I want more peace. Yes, let them hate us Russians, as long as they don’t kill each other. I feel sorry for the children. After all, how many orphans are left, and they can grow up with such anger and a sense of injustice

You write so much about hatred of Russians that I even began to think about it. Watching Ukrainian programs and news is not a problem these days. I looked and didn’t see that they were clearly instilling hatred. Many programs are broadcast in two languages ​​at once; no one forces the participants to speak Ukrainian. That is, there is no need to think about universal hatred.

Ordinary people are always just puppets and cannon fodder in the hands of politicians. And at their height they cannot see either human pain or suffering. For them, human losses are just numbers. And this war is simply an attempt to provoke Russia into war, by any sacrifice.

Natalia S

As they say - how many people, so many opinions.

This is what I remembered. It’s so interesting - in 2009-2010, a picture “Vanga’s prediction” appeared on the Internet, and so there was a “war between Ukraine and Russia”. Everyone was still thinking “how is this possible?”

I also think that the war will be long and will not end at the end of 2015, although there have already been statements that the LDPR wants to be Ukraine, but with broad powers.
But about the prosperity of Ukraine, I would like to believe in it.

I think that the war will drag on until 2019-2020. Part of Ukraine will become part of Russia. A couple of regions will cling to Belarus. Transcarpathia goes to Hungary and Poland will get something. There will be several regions left from Ukraine, which will be called Ukraine. It is very unfortunate that such events occur in our country. I never thought that things could turn out like this. We need to be friends with Russia, and not with the EU, then peace will come.

I read all the predictions and they didn’t add any optimism.
I hope at least that peace will come to Ukraine by this period - 2019.

When Russia and the United States agree at the highest level. And Ukraine is already collapsed.

And now you remain with the same opinion, no one forces you to speak Ukrainian? I listened on YouTube to how songs are now sung in Russian in Ukraine. Along with the song there is a translation into Ukrainian. It's such a funny mess, it's a madhouse on the air.

In 2014, difficult times came in Ukraine. There was a change of power in Kyiv, which caused misunderstanding among the residents of Crimea and Donbass. While Crimea peacefully came under the jurisdiction of Russia, an armed confrontation took place in Donbass, which continues to this day. The fate of the inhabitants of this region worries many, both in their homeland and in neighboring countries. Predictions about Donbass for 2018 can answer the question: What awaits this region in the near future?

In our unpredictable times, some people have stopped believing politicians and have turned their gaze towards those who have more than once accurately predicted the future course of events. We are talking about famous psychics who never stop predicting the future. We think that new predictions regarding 2018 will also be of interest to readers of our site.

Pavel Globa

This psychic gained incredible popularity back in Soviet times. Since then, he has repeatedly successfully predicted many events in Russia and abroad. Of course, not all people believe in these kinds of predictions. They believe that everything that came true was a coincidence of facts. Although, if you analyze the number of coincidental events, it turns out that there are approximately 85% of them and this cannot be called an accident.

As for Ukraine, back in 2009 Globa predicted the collapse of this state into three independent regions:

  • the western part, which over time will become mired in hatred towards all surrounding countries;
  • Crimea, which is already integrated into Russia;
  • the eastern region of Ukraine, which will eventually also become part of the Russian Federation.

According to the psychic, peace in Donbass will come only when a leader appears in Ukraine who will convince all Ukrainians of the futility of the policy directed against the residents of the Donetsk region and Russia.

The soothsayer also noted that rapprochement with America will not give anything to the Ukrainian people. The impoverishment and plunder of the country will continue in 2018. Military tension on the demarcation line will continue. Ordinary people on both sides of the conflict will suffer from this.

The resolution of the armed confrontation will end when the warring parties sit down at the negotiating table and agree on peace. And most importantly, they will begin to fulfill the terms of the truce. According to the psychic, this will not pass soon, but for now the residents of Donbass and Ukraine will continue to experience the hardships of war, and the oligarchs will profit from the misfortune of ordinary people.

At the same time, P. Globa predicted in ten years the formation of a strong Slavic state, which would include:

  • Russia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine.

Vera Lyon

An astrological forecast for Donbass was also made by a Kazakh clairvoyant, who recently amazed everyone with her insight. It’s not for nothing that the name has already been assigned to her - the Kazakh Vanga. According to her forecasts, the situation in Ukraine will remain tense.

She saw this country in the form of a withered tree, which, despite everything, begins to be reborn. Relations with Russia will continue to deteriorate in 2018. The soothsayer also did not rule out the desire of some regions to secede from Ukraine. The conflict in the country will continue for several years.

Witch Olga

This soothsayer is sure that the Ukrainian authorities are misleading their own people when they say that the cause of the existing difficulties is the war in the east of the country. In fact, the current government continues to rob its people. Having climbed the pedestal of power, politicians deceive their people and are interested in continuing the war. After all, it is easier to catch fish in muddy water. The advice from the witch Olga is that the people themselves should take power into their own hands and not allow old politicians to approach the Olympus of power. It is necessary not to miss the “birth” of a new leader who can lead the country out of the crisis.

Russia has suffered no less from the latest events in Ukraine, but it will not rush to the negotiating table. She will try to the last to negotiate more acceptable terms for herself. According to the medium, peace will come in Donbass when new political forces win in the two countries and understand that it is much more profitable to live in peace than to fight.

Julia Wang

This famous soothsayer from Latvia also answered the question of what will happen to Donbass in 2018. Her prognosis is not optimistic. She is sure that Europe will face internal political problems, so she will not care about the situation in Donbass. This fact can give Russia a free hand, which will try, under the guise of helping the Ukrainian people, to carry out an armed invasion of the territory of Donbass. According to the soothsayer, Donbass will never become part of Ukraine, just like Crimea. Julia believes that the country will fall apart into parts that will go to different states. At the same time, the psychic is confident that such a fate will be the best way out for the country, and over time it will begin to rise from the ashes. The patriotic spirit of the population of Ukraine will help it overcome the most difficult situations in which it will find itself.

Vasilisa Yaroslavskaya

The forecast of this psychic is somewhat encouraging to the expectations of the Ukrainian people. Vasilisa believes that after a new leader and parliament are elected in Kyiv, changes for the better will begin in the east of the country. The LPR and DPR will remain part of Ukraine with broader powers. The new head of state will take a pro-Russian position and the Russian Federation will finally be able to address its internal problems.

The restoration of Donbass will require a lot of money, but the psychic did not specify where Ukraine will get it. Most quickly, the people of Ukraine will continue to solve their problems themselves.

Forecasts from the strongest psychics for Ukraine