Eleutherococcus senticosus, healing effect, method of application and contraindications. Eleutherococcus (liquid extract) - instructions, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogs, composition, dosage

Eleutherococcus is a medicinal plant that has long proven itself to have high tonic properties. However, indications for the use of liquid extract of Eleutherococcus are not limited to fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypotension. This product, available to most consumers, has unique composition, which allows it to be used for a wide variety of diseases.

General information about the plant

Eleutherococcus is a very thorny fruit-bearing shrub with branched horizontal rhizomes and branching trunks covered with many sharp thorns, the height of which can reach 4 meters. Large compound leaves are located on tall trunks. Flowers - small, fragrant, single or collected in umbrellas - appear towards the end of summer. The fruits ripen in the second half of autumn and are spherical black berries, inside of which there are large seeds.

The main habitat of the shrub is mountain slopes and well-lit forest areas. Eleutherococcus is common in China, Japan, Korea, and is successfully grown in Primorye and South Sakhalin. Growing this plant is quite simple, it is unpretentious in care, therefore it is often used for landscaping garden plots in most regions of our state.

IN medicinal purposes Eleutherococcus rhizomes are used, which include:

  • flavonoids;
  • seven types of lignan glycosides (elsutirosides);
  • anthocyanins;
  • gum;
  • pectin substances;
  • vegetable wax;
  • glucose;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin and mineral compounds;
  • essential oil.

Additional Information. In addition to the roots and rhizomes of the plant, leaves can also be used in the treatment of various pathologies. This part of the bush contains a large amount of vitamin A, as well as oleic and ascorbic acids.

Beneficial features

High concentration useful substances provides stimulation of the nervous system and liver, and also increases the production of interferons. This determines the tonic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, vascular cleansing, analgesic, regenerative, antitumor and hypoglycemic effects of eleutherococcus root on the body. As a result of using the extract in patients:

  • increased performance, endurance, stress resistance;
  • memory improves, thought processes are activated;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • hearing and vision improve;
  • recovery after excessive loads– both physical and psychological;
  • Toxic substances are removed from the body;
  • optimized chemical composition blood;
  • cholesterol concentration decreases and blood glucose levels normalize;
  • appetite improves;
  • work intensifies immune system;
  • libido and erection increase in men.

Note! Taking Eleutherococcus extract gives positive results and in the preclimatic period. In women, hormonal levels are normalized, irritability decreases, sleep quality improves, which has a beneficial effect on sex life.

Indications for use

Eleutherococcus extract is used for treatment and general restoration of the body for:

  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses or neurasthenia;
  • neuralgia;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • low blood pressure;
  • increased concentration of cholesterol;
  • mild forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • chemotherapy or radiation;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased male and female libido;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • climacteric manifestations;
  • obesity;
  • tendency to frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • change of guards or climatic conditions life.

You need to know this! Eleutherococcus tincture is also used in cosmetology to treat problem skin, as well as hair prone to loss, excessively oily, dull, weakened hair. For such defects, external use of the extract is recommended.


Instructions for use of Eleutherococcus extract prohibit its use for:

  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • chronic arterial hypertension, as well as a tendency to increase blood pressure after stress or against the background of changing weather conditions;
  • history of traumatic brain injury (including concussion);
  • mental disorders;
  • epileptic seizures or convulsive syndrome in the anamnesis;
  • arrhythmias and other similar disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute myocardial infarction (restriction applies for 6 months after such an incident);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • acute stage any infectious pathologies;
  • purulent inflammatory processes;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • serious liver and kidney diseases;
  • menses;
  • lactation;
  • mastopathy;
  • individual hypersensitivity to Eleutherococcus or auxiliary components of the drug.

Be careful! Taking the extract during pregnancy may cause premature termination or lead to toxic damage to the fetus. But in some cases (for example, with severe dizziness or chronic hypotension), the drug is still prescribed to expectant mothers, but in reduced doses and only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Release form

There are several types of drugs based on Eleutherococcus:

  1. Tincture is a liquid extract, which, in addition to the plant component, includes 40 percent alcohol. This tincture is not only the most common, but also the most convenient to use. Most often it is produced in 50 ml bottles costing from 30 rubles.
  2. Extract in tablets It is made by pressing dry raw materials and then giving them the required shape. Available for sale in blisters of 30 pieces. Average c ena– 70 rubles.
  3. Syrup is enough rare remedy, which is not always available for free sale. Packaged in 100 ml bottles. You will have to pay at least 120 rubles for the drug. The main advantage of syrup compared to tincture is complete absence alcohol (it is replaced by ascorbic acid).

You can also purchase dry raw materials from which teas, decoctions, infusions, and tinctures are prepared at home.

Attention! Each dosage form has differences in the composition of additional components. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body and individual tolerance. various substances, because if you have an allergy, even small doses of a substance that is objectionable to the body can become an impetus for the development of serious problems.

Mode of application

Depending on the form, the dosage regimen may look like this:

  1. Liquid extract take 15–20 drops for preventive purposes and 20–40 drops for therapeutic purposes. Reception is carried out twice a day. The therapeutic course should not exceed 30 days, after which a two-week break is necessary.
  2. Eleutherococcus in the form of tablets is consumed 1-2 pieces twice a day for a month.
  3. It is recommended to take 2 tablespoons of syrup for 14 days, during breakfast.
  4. Tea from dry raw materials is prepared as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of roots into a glass of freshly brewed weak tea or boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and drink on an empty stomach.

Important! Eleutherococcus is extremely rarely used to treat children under 12 years of age. If such a need does arise, then the dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the age, weight, and other characteristics of the small patient.

Besides internal use, there are many folk recipes for the treatment of external pathologies:

  • for dandruff or incipient baldness, it is recommended to rub the liquid extract into the scalp half an hour before each hair wash;
  • for skin diseases, as well as long-term non-healing wounds, dilute 0.5 teaspoon of tincture in 100 ml of water and make lotions with the resulting solution;
  • at acne and oily skin, you can use liquid eleutherococcus instead of tonic. To do this, combine 5 drops of the product with a tablespoon of water and wipe your face;
  • For aging skin or fine wrinkles, it is useful to add a drop of tincture daily to the amount of nourishing cream required for one application.

Reception features

To achieve maximum effect and to avoid the development of unwanted side effects during treatment course Eleutherococcus extract, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The drug should be taken in the first half of the day. More late use can lead to excessive agitation of the nervous system and problems falling asleep.
  2. It is best to take the drug shortly before or some time after meals - this will help prevent a sharp drop in blood sugar.
  3. It is highly undesirable to drink strong tea, coffee, energy or alcoholic drinks during the treatment period.

You should not resort to taking Eleutherococcus at the same time as:

  • sedatives, antidepressants;
  • other means that stimulate the central nervous system;
  • antiepileptic drugs or neuroleptics - the extract can neutralize their effects;
  • corticosteroids;
  • blood thinners;
  • medications with antidiabetic effect.

Adverse reactions of the extract

At correct use drug adverse reactions rarely occur. In the first days of use, the following may sometimes be observed:

  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • irritability, excessive anxiety, insomnia.

If after two or three days these symptoms do not disappear, then you should think about reducing the amount or even stopping taking the extract.

Accidental or intentional overdose can cause severe headaches, excessive excitability, or, on the contrary, apathy, drowsiness, heart rhythm disturbances.

Patients' opinions

Despite the fact that reviews of Eleutherococcus extract are varied, most of them confirm the effectiveness this tool:

  • The extract was recommended to me by my therapist after suffering from severe pneumonia. Similar purpose I was surprised, but I trust my doctor, so I purchased the drug. After two weeks of use I noticed positive results - it disappeared fast fatiguability, labor efficiency increased, and even after work there was energy left for household chores and playing with children. Nikolai, 36 years old;
  • Only eleutherococcus helps me pass my exams! Yaroslava, 20 years old;
  • the blues are my constant companion in the autumn winter period. I want to wrap myself in a blanket and just mindlessly watch TV. But big family and responsible work do not allow such relaxation, so I take eleutherococcus tincture. It is inexpensive, and the results are almost instant. Two courses are enough for me to actively and fruitfully survive the cold. Eva, 41 years old;
  • in my case, eleutherococcus turned out to be ineffective and even harmful. In the first days there were problems with falling asleep, and then pressure surges were added - I even called an ambulance. Valentina, 44 years old;
  • Great for boosting immunity. I can’t say that during two years of periodic use, no one in the family got sick, but colds affected the household much less frequently and passed quickly and without complications. Victoria, 38 years old;
  • lovely and cheap drug for those who can hardly tear themselves away from the pillow in the morning, and then drag their feet all day long, dreaming of a sofa! Egor, 29 years old;
  • Eleutherococcus extract helps cope with low blood pressure, constant fatigue. Ksenia, 31 years old.

Remedies based on eleutherococcus are indeed very effective and help many patients in the fight against a variety of ailments. However, the high biological content of the components requires judicious use of the extract, as well as strict adherence to the instructions for use and medical recommendations.

Eleutherococcus senticosus (or Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a plant whose root and rhizome are extremely useful in medicine, and therefore are used to create dietary supplements.

The roots of Eleutherococcus contain special substances, glycosides, which, when used correctly, help to increase general immunity the body, especially in terms of the body's resistance to pathogenic agents.

The rhizomes of Eleutherococcus contain great amount eleutherosides (A, B, B1, C, D, E, etc.), the action of which helps to increase performance (both physical and mental activity), increase the resistance of the human body to external influences, stimulate metabolism. Eleutherococcus also contains coumarin derivatives, a certain amount of flavonoids, essential oil and vegetable wax.

As a rule, Eleutherococcus is produced in the following forms and packaging:

  • Dragees are packaged from 50 to 180 pieces in one package.
  • Capsules in packs of 100 pcs. in one package, the capsule weight is usually 500 mg.
  • Tablets 30 pcs. in a package, the weight of one tablet is 100 mg.
  • Liquid extract (one bottle of 50 ml).
  • Syrup (250 ml bottle).

Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use

The drug is drunk twice a day, before meals. Eleutherococcus tincture is diluted with water in the ratio twenty to forty drops of product per fifty ml of water. The course of treatment with tincture varies from two weeks to a month, depending on the type of disease and the severity of its course.

Eleutherococcus tincture is quite popular in cosmetology: the product is used as a component for creating masks for facial tone.

Liquid extract of Eleutherococcus: instructions for use

Eleutherococcus extract is diluted with water in a manner similar to tincture - twenty to forty drops of this medicine per 50 ml of water. Be sure to shake the bottle before use. The course of treatment with Eleutherococcus tincture is approximately one month. The product is taken two to three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The number of appointments depends on the health status and age of the person.

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Eleutherococcus extract can be taken by children who have reached the age of 12 years. The product is diluted as follows: one drop for each year of the child’s life (for example, 14 years is 14 drops) and diluted with 50 ml of water.

Eleutherococcus tablets and dragees: instructions for use

Tablets and dragees of this remedy are usually taken twice a day with food: each dose is 1-2 tablets weighing 100-200 mg. The course of treatment lasts on average 2-3 weeks, if required, the course is repeated for one to two weeks.

Eleutherococcus capsules: instructions for use

According to the manufacturers' information in the description of the product, Eleutherococcus should not be taken if a person suffers from insomnia or has increased nervous excitability, is in the acute stage of the disease. The drug is also contraindicated in arterial hypertension, hypersensitivity to any components of the drug. You should consult a doctor for advice.

Eleutherococcus should not be taken late in the evening or before bedtime.

Eleutherococcus is also contraindicated in pregnant women, women during lactation, and children under the age of twelve.

It is advisable to use Eleutherococcus for the prevention or treatment of:

  • decreased libido and erectile dysfunction;
  • increased fatigue;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • obesity (to reduce cholesterol);
  • low pressure;
  • neuroses and mental illness accompanied by obsessive states;
  • slow healing wounds;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • early baldness;
  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • recovery after childbirth.

It is worth noting

Substances found in the roots of Eleutherococcus, with the correct dosage:

  • have a beneficial effect on humans, stimulating and activating the resources of the central nervous system;
  • eliminate constant irritability and help fight fatigue;
  • restore overall performance and make it easier to bear additional stress on the body.

Eleutherococcus has immunomodulatory and immunostimulating properties, increases the body's defense mechanisms.

At long-term treatment eleutherococcus, there is a decrease in drowsiness, an increase in human senses (hearing and visual acuity), and improved poor appetite and metabolism accelerates. Toxins are also removed from the body, and the risk of developing various cancers is reduced to zero.

Prices for both extract and tincture of eleutherococcus are almost the same and range from 40 to 60 rubles. for 50 ml of product. As a rule, this volume of eleutherococcus is quite enough for one course of treatment. The maximum price of the product can reach 150 rubles, but eleutherococcus for 150 rubles is unlikely to be any different from eleutherococcus for 40 rubles.

Reviews for Eleutherococcus on the Internet are positive, and the product is given very high marks. The most common advantages are low price means to improve performance, vegetable origin of the drug, a noticeable improvement in the immune system, etc. Among the disadvantages, the most often mentioned is the unpleasant taste of the drug (bitter), the presence of contraindications (cannot be taken by children under 12, hypertensive patients, etc.).

Due to the presence large quantity contraindications, it is recommended to consult a specialist about taking Eleutherococcus.

Eleutherococcus tincture: composition, method of administration and contraindications

There are only two components in the tincture of Eleutherococcus (or Siberian ginseng) - roots and alcohol. Eleutherococcus tincture differs from the liquid extract of Eleutherococcus in the proportion of ethanol and rhizomes: in in this case For 1 gram of roots, 10 ml of alcohol (ethanol) is enough. The rhizomes must be crushed and poured with vodka, the mixture must be infused for a week.

Eleutherococcus roots have beneficial properties for humans. After a certain period of time, the human central nervous system is activated, as a result of which the feeling of fatigue goes away, performance increases, and the work of the brain systems begins to work in an enhanced mode.

Taking eleutherococcus tincture is extremely useful: The tincture increases the overall tone of the human body, improves the human condition (increased performance). Eleutherococcus tincture helps in the basic treatment of diseases, being a good immunomodulatory agent. Eleutherococcus - excellent remedy when fighting atherosclerosis, normalizes low blood pressure. Eleutherococcus tincture significantly increases the libido and potency of men, and, according to some information, even helps treat infertility.

The method of use is simple: eleutherococcus tincture is taken in an average volume of 25 drops, the intake can vary from 20 to 40 drops at a time. Usually take the remedy two to three times a day before meals. To treat hearing problems you need to drink 15 drops a day. The use of eleutherococcus tincture helps improve the functioning of the reproductive system - in this case, 40 drops of the tincture of the product are prescribed per day.

It is important to take this medicine correct volumes: required amount It is better to check with a pharmacy or doctor for drops of tincture.

Eleutherococcus tincture can be made at home, but the cost of the product is very low, so it is easier to purchase it at the pharmacy. Main advantages provided correct application means - a complex of positive effects after a short period of time. Many note that Eleutherococcus tincture in some cases is a fairly good replacement for the main course of treatment of diseases with harmful drugs. However, Eleutherococcus tincture also has side effects Things to remember: Eleutherococcus has an invigorating effect, so taking the product in the evening can lead to problems with sleep.

Eleutherococcus tincture is contraindicated for pregnant women and women during lactation. Also, the product should not be used by children under 12 years of age. It should be remembered that the tincture base is alcoholic, so you should not drink it before driving.

Eleutherococcus extract: how to treat it correctly?

Eleutherococcus extract usually contains two main components in a 1:1 ratio - the rhizomes of the plant and the alcohol base ( ethanol 40%). The packaging is usually a 50 ml bottle. Eleutherococcus extract can also be presented as coated tablets or dragees weighing 150-200 mg. A popular manufacturer of Eleutherococcus extract is Biokor. Analogues - Begriff, Vifitech, Pharmstandard, etc.

Eleutherococcus extract has a wide range of therapeutic effects: it stimulates the human central nervous system, as a result of which the person’s well-being increases: fatigue is relieved, hearing improves, performance increases, etc. Eleutherococcus extract helps increase motor activity, which is a great help when playing sports.

Eleutherococcus extract enhances the effect of stimulants and analeptics taken (such as caffeine, etc.).

Eleutherococcus extract helps with early baldness and hair brittleness: rub the product well into the hair roots and at the same time take the extract internally. Decoctions of Eleutherococcus are taken when rinsing hair.

Previous experiments confirmed that people who took Eleutherococcus extract adapted much faster to new difficult conditions environment, worked faster and longer, and demonstrated impressive resistance to respiratory diseases.

Eleutherococcus extract helps fight stress various types(both mental and physical), helps with arterial hypotension, significantly speeds up the patient’s recovery process after transferred operations and diseases (mainly infectious), and also helps patients return to normal postoperative period, improves the condition of the human immune system.

Eleutherococcus extract is taken before meals according to 20-40 drops usually two (or three) times a day. The course of taking the medicine is a calendar month. If necessary, a second course of treatment is carried out after the main course with a break of two weeks.

Eleutherococcus extract increases human activity and improves performance after prolonged physical or mental work.

Side effects from taking Eleutherococcus extract are quite rare, but possible. Side effects include an allergic reaction, headache, tachycardia, and sleep disturbances.

Eleutherococcus extract should not be taken in the afternoon, as this may cause sleep disturbances. If hypoglycemia occurs as a result of using the drug, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or discontinue treatment.

You should also not take Eleutherococcus extract if you have elevated temperature or the disease occurs in acute form. The drug is not taken in critical conditions of hypertension.

Eleutherococcus root: treatment features and contraindications

Eleutherococcus senticosus is a plant from the Araliaceae family. Bushes can reach 4 m, however main element plants hidden in the soil - these are the roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus.

Eleutherococcus root has big amount substances useful for humans - glycosides and essential oils. These substances have medicinal properties. In order to deliver these substances to the human body, it is necessary to properly prepare the root of eleutherococcus for use: as a rule, a decoction or tincture is made. Also extracted from the rhizomes of Eleutherococcus essential oils, which are then used in the confectionery industry.

Eleutherococcus root is used to stimulate human performance and improve the overall tone of the body. The product increases libido and solves potency problems. Also, the root of this plant helps restore acute hearing. A decoction of Eleutherococcus root promotes the healing of inflamed gums and serves as a rinse for stomatitis.

Eleutherococcus root is used to treat:

  • hypotension;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with appetite;
  • vision problems;
  • high cholesterol;
  • overwork;
  • problems with potency;
  • menopause;
  • weak immunity.

The roots of eleutherococcus need to be prepared into a decoction or tincture to deliver the beneficial substances of eleutherococcus into the human body.

Eleutherococcus root is pre-harvested: washed in cold water, then grind its rhizomes into a coarse powder. Eleutherococcus root tincture is taken twenty to forty drops maximum three times a day before meals, a root decoction is taken one third of a glass three times a day.

The main advantages of Eleutherococcus root are its affordability with abundance beneficial effects for human health. The product is easy to take in a certain number of drops before meals, and it is indicated for people of different age groups: children (over 12 years old), adults and the elderly.

Try to arrange for taking eleutherococcus root in the morning and at lunchtime. If you take Eleutherococcus closer to the evening, you may develop insomnia and irritability.

Eleutherococcus root is dangerous to take for people who have high blood pressure or high temperature. Also, you should not take the product if acute currents some diseases and high blood pressure.

Pregnant women, women during lactation and children under 12 years of age should not take Eleutherococcus root.

Eleutherococcus tincture is considered by some patients to be a panacea and is used for many health problems. Indeed, this pharmaceutical product is low cost and surprisingly wide range actions. The positive effect develops quite quickly, but to consolidate the result, the instructions for using the tincture prescribe it to be taken in a monthly course.

Composition of the tincture

The drug is an alcohol extract from natural raw materials. Eleutherococcus itself is a low shrub with fruits that grows in forests and mountain soils. Its black, beautiful spherical berries look attractive, but are considered poisonous. Roots and rhizomes are harvested for medicinal purposes.

Due to the diversity of composition and therapeutic effect Eleutherococcus is similar to ginseng, known for many beneficial properties. Some chemical components have not even been fully studied. The plant contains such biologically active substances:

  • bioflavonoids;
  • proteins;
  • pectins;
  • essential oils;
  • lipid compounds;
  • glycosides.

Eleutherococcus tincture: benefits

The effect of the tincture is due to pharmacological effects, which the main component possesses.

The adaptogenic properties of the plant are most valued and are the main reason for using the drug. Eleutherococcus stimulates the production of specific proteins and nucleic acids, which are essential for the life and renewal of all cells human body. This helps to increase the level of resistance to unfavorable factors any type (physical, chemical, biological).

The ability to adapt is a set of special qualities that balance internal state organism and conditions external environment. Such properties are determined by the presence of specific substances that are known to medical science and are found in plants such as eleutherococcus and ginseng. This also includes their positive influence on the patient’s performance, his general endurance, vitality, activity of the nervous system.

Second in importance useful action, which the tincture of Eleutherococcus exhibits - regulation of metabolism and enhancement of metabolic processes. The result is increased appetite and lowering blood sugar levels, which is very important for diabetic patients. In addition, the combination of a tonic effect and an improvement in basal metabolism caused wide application drug in the field of sports. Athletes and bodybuilders receive a stimulating effect from the medicine - decreased fatigue and drowsiness, increased physical capabilities, leveling the effect of stress on the body, fast recovery hemodynamics after exercise.

The plant can improve visual acuity and activate hematopoiesis. This results in increased hemoglobin levels and is beneficial for people suffering from anemia.

After taking the tincture, some patients reported improved sleep.

The active substances of Eleutherococcus participate in redox processes and also have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure the patient and increase breathing capabilities, increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

Eleutherococcus tincture: indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug cover many areas of medicine. Doctors prescribe drinking the tincture for:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • poisoning;
  • problems with female cycle or male potency;
  • deterioration of vision or hearing;
  • skin problems and injuries;
  • various infectious diseases, including typical acute respiratory viral infections;
  • decreased physical performance;
  • weakening of muscle strength and endurance;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • hypotension;
  • infertility;
  • asthenia;
  • oncological diseases in the composition complex therapy;
  • weather dependence as a preventive measure;
  • rehabilitation after serious conditions.

The benefits of Eleutherococcus tincture are manifested not only in improved physical well-being, but also in the patient’s increased moral resistance to stress factors.

Eleutherococcus tincture: harm

Usually the drug is well tolerated. At correct intake it does not cause harm to the body, so it is sold from pharmacies without a prescription. Were recorded rare cases such undesirable reactions:

  • diarrhea;
  • swelling;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract.


The instructions for using the tincture indicate the following contraindications:

  • allergy to eleutherococcus;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy or seizure disorder;
  • heart attack;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the central nervous system and brain;
  • chronic form of alcoholism.

Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use

The drug can be prescribed for preventive and medicinal purposes. A single dosage is 15 and 30 drops, respectively. The frequency of administration is twice a day.

Drinking the tincture on an empty stomach is not recommended. After every month of treatment, you need to break the course for 1-2 weeks to eliminate the possibility of side effects. It is advisable to distribute the reception so that the last of them does not fall on evening time. All doses are best taken in the first half of the day.

The instructions warn about possible interactions when taking Eleutherococcus concomitantly with drugs from the following groups:

  • antidepressants;
  • steroid hormones;
  • analeptics;
  • other adaptogens;
  • hypoglycemic agents.

If it is necessary to combine the above medications and Eleutherococcus, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment. Patients with problems in the cardiovascular system require regular monitoring of blood pressure.

Elderly patients may require dose adjustment, taking into account the medications they are taking additionally. The tincture is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.

Benefits for men and women

The rich composition and ability to influence the functioning of the entire body have become the reason for the fairly widespread use of this plant in various forms.

  • Cosmetology. Some substances in eleutherococcus slow down cell aging, which is successfully used in products for external and internal use in women over 40 years of age. For oily skin The tincture is diluted with water in equal proportions and used as a lotion. A decoction from the root of the plant can be either drunk or applied to the skin as a mask. A positive effect is also observed in the treatment of weakened and brittle hair. The extract can be added to shampoo, and non-alcoholic extracts can be kept after washing your hair instead of balm. By stimulating blood circulation, hair growth and structure improves.
  • Dermatology. Patient reviews indicate the effectiveness of the product for treating problem skin. Here its wound-healing and antiseptic effect is manifested. A decoction for this is prepared daily. As part of complex therapy for problem skin It is recommended to wipe your face with it three times a day.
  • For men, the product works as follows: natural aphrodisiac. Analogues for stimulating sexual activity are also lemongrass, ginseng, and hawthorn. It must be remembered that echinacea is not included in this list, as it can, on the contrary, lead to problems. Improved blood circulation leads to stronger erections, but long-term use is recommended to achieve results.
  • For women, the indication for use is the premenopausal period. The medicine not only normalizes the functioning of the body, but also stabilizes psychological condition. Some patients noted the effectiveness of the product during weight loss.

You can buy the tincture for about 50 rubles, which is extremely cheap for such a wide spectrum of action. Eleutherococcus is also included in complex drug Alfagin, which is available in tablets.

Previously, doctors could prescribe this medicine to a child as an antiviral agent or to stimulate learning abilities. However, according to the results clinical trials age group changed and set a limit of up to 12 years.

In this article we talk about Eleutherococcus tincture and the features of its use. You will learn a recipe for preparing the medicine at home. You will understand what drugs it is combined with and what its benefits are for the body.

Eleutherococcus - useful plant, most often a tincture is made from it. To prepare the tincture, the roots of a plant called. To find out what Eleutherococcus tincture helps with, pay attention to the beneficial substances included in its composition:

  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins A, E, C, group B;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • gum;
  • lipids;
  • carotenoids, etc.

Eleutherococcus root contains eleutherosides, which increase energy potential and vital activity body.

The benefits and harms of Eleutherococcus tincture are determined the indicated compounds, which are part of the plant root. The beneficial properties of the drug are as follows:

  • increases the body's resistance to infectious and colds, so Eleutherococcus tincture is used for immunity;
  • breaks down fats;
  • reduces blood glucose levels;
  • tones and restores the body after illness;
  • prevents the development of cancer and mitigates the effects of chemotherapy;
  • stimulates the functioning of the nervous system, due to which fatigue disappears and performance increases;
  • cleanses blood vessels;
  • enhances sexual activity;
  • increases blood pressure during hypotension;
  • reduces exposure chemical substances and radioactive rays;
  • eliminates hormonal disorders;
  • treats dermatological diseases.

The beneficial properties of Eleutherococcus tincture are used by athletes to improve athletic performance.. The drug speeds up movements and aggravates reactions. Eleutherococcus tincture is used in bodybuilding for growth muscle mass.

Indications for use of Eleutherococcus tincture

Indications for use of Eleutherococcus tincture are indicated in the instructions for use, which are included with the medicine in the pharmacy. Medicinal extract used to treat diseases:

  • overwork, syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • stress, nervous disorders;
  • anorexia;
  • hypotension;
  • rehabilitation period after radiotherapy or chemotherapy;
  • diseases associated with immunodeficiency;
  • impotence in men;
  • obesity;
  • excess cholesterol;
  • diabetes.

Eleutherococcus tincture for hair is used to treat seborrhea and other dermatological diseases.

Instructions for use of Eleutherococcus tincture

The solution to the question of how to take eleutherococcus tincture depends on the purpose for which it is used. To treat diseases of internal organs and the nervous system, use a universal dosage. Take the medicine orally once a day, half an hour before meals in the first half of the day, 20-30 drops. Carry out a course of therapy for 1 month.

A single dose of the drug should not exceed 50 drops.

To strengthen muscle mass, athletes are recommended to take the tincture up to 3 times a day in the first week of the month. Optimal dosage- 15-20 drops half an hour before meals.

For potency

Eleutherococcus tincture for potency increases libido, enhances sexual desire. This remedy is suitable for both men and women. In combination with extracts of other medicinal plants it is used for the reproductive system.

To prepare this remedy, let’s find out how many drops are in a teaspoon of Eleutherococcus tincture. In 1 tsp. contains 200 drops of solution. It is not necessary to measure the exact number of drops for this recipe. Use the indicated dosage.


  1. Eleutherococcus tincture - 5 tsp.
  2. - 5 tsp.
  3. - 5 tsp.
  4. Zamanikha tincture - 5 tsp.
  5. Extract - 3 tsp.

How to cook: Place all ingredients in a cup and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

How to use: Drink 30 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Result: Eleutherococcus tincture for men increases potency.

How to prepare Eleutherococcus tincture at home

To prepare the tincture, use the roots of Eleutherococcus. To prepare the tincture, purchase the roots of Eleutherococcus at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Start collecting raw materials in the fall, when the leaves begin to fall. At this time it is observed highest concentration nutrients in the roots.

Thoroughly clean the dug roots from soil and other contaminants. Dry the raw materials in a dryer at a temperature of 70 degrees or in a dark, dry room. Store in canvas bags in a cool place.

From dried roots prepare a tincture with alcohol or water. The rules for taking this product do not change depending on the method of preparation. When using, dilute the alcohol tincture with water.

On alcohol

To prepare the medicine, use vodka, purified moonshine or alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees.


  1. Alcohol base - 1 l.
  2. Eleutherococcus roots - 200 g.

How to cook: Cut the roots into pieces and place in a glass container. Fill with alcohol base and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the mixture twice a week. After 2 weeks, strain the tincture and store it in the refrigerator.

How to use: Drink medicine in the dosage required to treat the disease.

Result: Feeling better, immunity strengthened.

On the water

The water tincture is not sold in pharmacies; it can only be prepared at home. It is suitable for people with alcohol intolerance.


  1. Roots - 2 tbsp.
  2. Water - 750 ml.

How to cook: Place the roots in a glass bottle and fill with water. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. After the expiration date, strain and store in the refrigerator. Prepare the tincture in small quantities, since it is not stored for a long time.

How to use: Take in the dosage needed to treat the condition.

Result: Tones the body, increases performance.

The use of Eleutherococcus tincture in cosmetology

Eleutherococcus tincture for women is most often used in for cosmetic purposes. The drug acts on the skin as an anti-aging tonic. It tightens the facial contour, eliminates wrinkles, dries out acne, nourishes the skin, making it smooth and elastic.

To care for your facial skin, make lotions with tonic from diluted Eleutherococcus extract (1 tsp per half glass of water). For oily skin, use a concentration of 5 drops of tincture per 1 tbsp. water.

Eleutherococcus tincture is used in cosmetology and to improve the appearance of hair and fight dandruff. For this purpose, rub the medicine into the scalp or add to hair masks and rinses.

Hair strengthening mask

This cosmetic product used against hair loss. It strengthens the roots, nourishes the scalp, makes hair soft and shiny.


  1. Alcohol tincture of Eleutherococcus - 1 tbsp.
  2. Flaxseed oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  4. Vitamin C - 1 capsule.

How to cook: In a separate bowl, mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to the scalp using rubbing movements. Leave on for 1 hour, then rinse off warm water. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week for 3-4 months.

Result: Hair becomes thicker, shinier and more elastic.

Anti-dandruff mask

This mask gets rid of dandruff and prevents fungal diseases scalp.


  1. Eleutherococcus tincture - 1 part.
  2. Infusion of hop cones - 1 part.
  3. - 1 part.
  4. Yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to your hair after washing for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for 3 months.

Result: Dandruff disappears, improves appearance hair.

Contraindications and side effects

Eleutherococcus tincture has contraindications for use:

  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • menstruation, pregnancy and lactation in women;
  • childhood up to 12 years old.

Eleutherococcus can cause side effects if used carelessly:

  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • diarrhea;
  • disruption of the heart.

If you feel weak or drowsy after taking the tincture, remove sweet foods from your diet. If you experience any negative sensations, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Eleutherococcus tincture can affect the effect of other medications on the body:

  • enhances the effect of stimulants - caffeine, phenamine, camphor, etc.;
  • inhibits the effect of sleeping pills and anticonvulsants on the body;
  • It is not recommended for use simultaneously with drugs to increase blood pressure or heart medications.

if you accept medical supplies, consult your doctor about their compatibility with Eleutherococcus tincture.

Analogues of Eleutherococcus tincture

Eleutherococcus is not the only medicinal plant that has the property of toning the body. To strengthen the immune system and improve performance, tinctures of ginseng, lemongrass and leuzea are used. In terms of their effect on the body, they are analogues of Eleutherococcus extract, but they also have differences.

Ginseng tincture

Doctors recommend taking ginseng tincture when the body is exhausted by people over 40 years of age, as well as by patients after a serious illness or surgery. In small doses the medicine increases blood pressure, in high doses it leads to hypotension, lethargy and drowsiness.

Ginseng - potent remedy, That's why healthy people To strengthen the immune system, it is better to use eleutherococcus extract. The latter acts slowly and has no strict contraindications based on age and time of year.

Which is better: tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus depends on the person’s condition. If you are severely exhausted, give preference to ginseng: it will help you quickly restore your performance. Eleutherococcus is suitable for the prevention of diseases and treatment of hypotension.

Schisandra tincture

Used to improve performance. It activates the brain and improves clarity of thoughts. Unlike Eleutherococcus, its effect is stronger and is aimed at stimulating the nervous system.

Which is better: tincture of Eleutherococcus or Schisandra - depends on the purpose of using the medicine. Schisandra should be consumed by people mental work, to activate the nervous system. However, the tincture of this plant is contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases.

Leuzea tincture

Leuzea tincture is weaker than Eleutherococcus, but does not harm the liver, unlike other stimulants. Unique feature Leuzea is the ability to increase protein formation. This property is useful for athletes and people with low muscle mass.

Which is better: tincture of Eleutherococcus or Leuzea - ​​determine by general condition body. If you want to develop endurance, tone up the body, but are afraid sharp increase Blood pressure and central nervous system stimulation, Leuzea is suitable for you.

According to user reviews, Eleutherococcus tincture is one of the most affordable and harmless biostimulants. However, do not use it simultaneously with other tonics, as they enhance each other's effects.

Olga, 23 years old

Due to constant nervous tension I developed hypotension at work. After each disorder, I felt pain in the back of my head and a loss of strength. On the advice of our nurse, I started drinking Eleutherococcus tincture. Within a few days I felt a surge of strength and efficiency. A month later, my boss even noted my success.

Irina, 45 years old

With the advent of menopause, I began to feel mood swings and loss of strength. The doctor, along with other remedies, prescribed me tincture of eleutherococcus. I don't know exactly what helped, but after a week I felt stronger. I think it’s the tincture; of all the medicines, it was the only one that could tone me up.

For more information about Eleutherococcus tincture, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Eleutherococcus tincture is a natural stimulant for the body.
  2. The drug has contraindications and is not combined with certain medications. Consult your doctor before use.
  3. Eleutherococcus is widely used for the treatment of internal diseases and for cosmetic purposes.
  4. At home, prepare the medicine with water or alcohol.

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Eleutherococcus is a medicinal plant that the Chinese and Siberians traditionally use to strengthen the immune system, increase energy, and resistance to physical and psychological stress. The main medicinal raw materials are roots and rhizomes, from which tinctures, extracts in tablets are made, and also eaten. Eleutherococcus is also known as Siberian ginseng. Currently, this name is not recommended to be printed on drug packaging. Because the medicinal and stimulating substances in eleutherococcus and ginseng are different.

Eleutherococcus is used as an inexpensive substitute for ginseng. In the West, its safety and effectiveness for middle-aged and elderly adults has been confirmed. In the USSR, this plant was prescribed not only to adults, but also to children and pregnant women for prevention. Articles in Soviet magazines claimed that it reduced the frequency colds without causing harmful side effects. Eleutherococcus tincture and tablets not only stimulate the immune system, but also improve brain function and saturate the body with vitamins and antioxidants. Taking this remedy, people tolerate overloads better and their performance increases. Read the article - find out the indications for use, contraindications, and what doses are recommended.

Eleutherococcus: instructions for use

pharmachologic effect Eleutherococcus tincture and tablets reduce fatigue, give energy, have an adaptogenic effect, stimulate the central nervous system, and increase immunity. They restore and improve physical and mental performance, are a source of vitamins and antioxidants.
Indications for use Physical and mental fatigue. Recovery after serious illnesses. Arterial hypotension(low pressure).
Dosage Dried roots and rhizomes - 2-4 g per day. Tincture 1:5 - 10-20 ml. Liquid extract 1:1 - 2-4 ml. Extract in tablets or capsules - 100-200 mg. Take Eleutherococcus in the dosage specified in the instructions for use of the drug. Daily dose should be divided into 1-3 doses. It is better to take with or after food, rather than on an empty stomach.
Side effects Possible insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness, lethargy, as well as headache, jump in blood pressure, palpitations, nervousness, nausea, nose bleed. Side effects are rare unless the recommended dose is exceeded.
Contraindications Allergy to Eleutherococcus or other substances included in the preparations. For arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases - take with caution. At rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, others autoimmune diseases, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis - it is better not to take it.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding In 1981 and 1986, the results of Soviet studies were published in which Eleutherococcus was prescribed to more than 2,000 pregnant women. This drug did not have a teratogenic effect. Moreover, women took it for 3 courses - at 8-10, 18-20 and 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. However, currently pregnancy and period breastfeeding are considered contraindications for use.
Drug interactions Possible negative interactions with the following medications: anticoagulants, corticosteroids, digoxin, lithium, immunosuppressants, sedatives, diabetes pills. Discuss with your doctor.
special instructions Do not take Eleutherococcus for more than 2-3 months in a row. Take a break between courses for at least 10-14 days. If the symptoms that bother you do not go away within 2 weeks, consult a doctor. Read the section below on the use of this remedy for children.

Beneficial properties of Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus tincture and tablets are used for chronic fatigue, fatigue, and during the recovery period after serious illnesses. Preparations of this plant are prescribed if a person is facing overload and is preparing for it. Stimulating plant extracts increase resistance to heat, cold, physical activity, noise, toxic substances, bacterial and viral infections. For this reason, Eleutherococcus is called an adaptogen. In the USSR, it began to be used in 1966 as a stimulant drug, and in 1968 it was recommended to be prescribed to future cosmonauts before flights.

Eleutherococcus increases not only physical, but also psychological stability. This remedy improves concentration and reduces brain fatigue. People who take it improve their performance in sports competitions and in solving mental problems. In Soviet medical institutions Eleutherococcus tincture was prescribed to cancer patients to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. In finished preparations, this remedy is often contained together with extracts of other plants - Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra chinensis, Leuzea safflower. The effectiveness of such combined agents not researched. You can only rely on the advertising statements of their manufacturers.

Experts who researched beneficial features Eleutherococcus in the 1950s and 60s, it was first called Siberian ginseng. Because the root extract of this plant had a stimulating effect on people, similar to the effect of taking ginseng. However, Eleutherococcus preparations help less than ginseng. Currently, it is recommended to abandon the name “Siberian ginseng”. Because it creates confusion and exaggerates the effectiveness of Eleutherococcus. In the US, manufacturers of ginseng supplements have won legislation to prohibit the use of the name "Siberian ginseng" for preparations made from other plants.

Adaptation to overloads

In 1968, the results of a Soviet study on the effectiveness of taking Eleutherococcus by athletes were published. More than 1,500 athletes took the root extract of this plant. Among them were even participants olympic games. The study authors also identified a control group of athletes who were not prescribed a stimulant. People who took Eleutherococcus at night and before starting training generally improved their performance. In the same time, foreign research The 1990s showed that the effect of prescribing this plant to athletes is weak and unstable.

In the USSR, Eleutherococcus preparations were prescribed to sailors who were transporting cargo to tropical countries. These people had to work in conditions of extreme heat and humidity, and suffered psychological stress from being unable to leave the ship for many months. Eleutherococcus tincture and tablets improved the physical and psychological condition of sailors. Their sleep returned to normal. Episodes of depression and irritability occurred less frequently than in colleagues who took placebo. By at least, so claimed articles in Soviet medical and popular science magazines of the 1970s.

Improved brain function

Eleutherococcus tincture and tablets have a positive effect on brain function. This herbal remedy allows you to concentrate longer, recover faster from mental stress, and sharpen your vision and hearing. Its effectiveness is confirmed by studies from the 1970s and 80s involving Soviet pilots aircraft, aviation engineers, railway drivers and specialists in other extreme professions. Taking stimulating drops improved their test results for attentiveness and reaction speed.

Future pilots were divided into two groups, equal in size and level physical training. Some took eleutherococcus, while others took placebo. All pilots and cosmonauts are trained using a special simulator in which they quickly rotate in three planes. This rotation trains the vestibular apparatus, but causes dizziness and nausea. In people who took a placebo, nausea occurred after 7-12 minutes of using the exercise machine, and in those who took the real herbal extract, nausea occurred much later, after 15 minutes.

A study was conducted abroad on how taking Eleutherococcus affects the quality of life and health status of older people. 20 people with hypertension took part. Some of them had heart failure. The participants were divided into two equal groups. 10 patients took eleutherococcus root extract for 8 weeks, the rest took placebo. After 4 weeks, people taking the real stimulant reported an improved quality of life. But by the end of week 8, the differences between the groups had disappeared. Taking the stimulating plant extract had no effect on blood pressure indicators. The authors of the study concluded that Eleutherococcus - safe remedy, but with low efficiency.

Eleutherococcus for immunity

Eleutherococcus is good for the immune system. It is assumed that the biologically active substances contained in the roots of this plant stimulate the activation of T-lymphocytes. Eleutherococcus is an effective inducer of interferon gamma, an immunomodulator and antiviral agent. As is known, physical and psychological stress suppresses the activity of the immune system. Taking a herbal preparation reduces negative effect from stress.

In laboratory conditions, Eleutherococcus extract suppresses the reproduction of many viruses, bacteria and fungi, in particular, respiratory syncytial virus, human rhinovirus, and influenza virus type A. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted in which 93 patients with genital herpes caused by the herpes virus participated type 2. Among those who took eleuthero (equivalent to 4 grams of dried root per day), herpes outbreaks occurred less frequently and resolved more quickly than in people who took a placebo.

Read about plants that boost immunity:

Prevention of colds

The fact that taking Eleutherococcus is useful for preventing colds became known from the results of Soviet research. Scientists and doctors in the 1970s found that if you consume this plant, the risk of colds is reduced by 35%. More rigorous research The 1980s showed that the preventive effectiveness of Eleutherococcus was exaggerated. However, while taking this drug, pneumonia and other symptoms are less likely to occur. severe complications colds.

In 1986, the results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 1,376 people were published. Half of them took eleutherococcus in winter, the other half took placebo. A blinded study means that participants did not know whether they were taking the real drug or a placebo. Double-blind study - even the doctors who directly interacted with the patients did not know this. Frequency of influenza and other acute illnesses respiratory diseases did not differ significantly between groups. But people who took eleutherococcus extract 2 ml per day were much less likely to experience pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media and other complications.

Eleutherococcus tincture and tablets for children

In the Soviet Union, Eleutherococcus was prescribed to people in the categories increased risk, - small children and even pregnant women. We studied the effectiveness of this herbal remedy for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in children attending preschool institutions. The results of studies involving hundreds of children were published in 1980 and 1986. The authors of the articles claimed that daily intake of eleutherococcus tincture can reduce the incidence of colds in children by 30-75%.

Similar studies have not been carried out abroad. The safety of eleutherococcus for young children has not been confirmed. Currently, children under 12 years of age are considered a contraindication to the use of this drug. If you still decide to give eleutherococcus to your child, then use tablets or water infusion, but not alcohol tincture. Don't give too much the first time. Make sure that the herbal preparation does not cause an allergic reaction or other side effects in the child. There is no need to give this remedy to children. To prevent colds, read and do what is written in it.

Frequently asked questions and their answers

Is it possible to give Eleutherococcus to a child to adapt to overload at school?

It is unlikely that herbal remedies will really help with this problem. It is better to reduce the study load if the child does not tolerate it well. You need first of all healthy child, and then his academic success.

Is it possible to take Eleutherococcus if you have diabetes?

Eleutherococcus could theoretically enhance the effect of insulin and diabetes pills. In the first days, carefully monitor your blood sugar - make sure there is no hypoglycemia. In practice this is unlikely. Don't expect to cure type 1 or type 2 diabetes with any herbal remedies.

Is Eleutherococcus and birth control pills compatible?

There is no exact data about this. It is unlikely that Eleutherococcus reduces the effectiveness oral contraceptives. But no one can guarantee that the effectiveness of birth control pills will not decrease.

What can you take to improve memory and concentration, besides Eleutherococcus? Piracetam? Glycine?

There is an opinion that piracetam and glycine are nothing more than placebos. The effectiveness of gingko biloba is also questionable. Check your blood sugar (glycated hemoglobin test) and make sure you don't have diabetes, which causes memory problems and other complications. Explore. Do what it says. One result will be a slowdown in age-related brain decline.

What to do if eleutherococcus does not help enough against hypotension and chronic fatigue?

If you know English language, then ask what adrenal fatigue is and how to treat it. In addition to eleutherococcus, try vitamins B5 and B12, as well as acetyl-L-carnitine, regular L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, magnesium B6, antioxidant vitamins, probiotics, Omega-3 fatty acids. The supplements are listed above in descending order of importance. Medicinal plants include licorice root, ginseng, and Rhodiola rosea.

Read more about supplements:


After reading the article, you learned how useful Eleutherococcus is for the immune system and as an adaptogen. The indications for the use of this plant, a few contraindications and possible side effects are described. Many people are interested in whether Eleutherococcus is suitable for children, or whether drops or tincture can be taken by pregnant women. The article provides information about the research available today, which was conducted back in the USSR in the 1960-70s. Based on this data, you can decide whether to give this plant to your child or take it during pregnancy.