Material on physical education (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Sports and musical festival "Small Summer Olympic Games". Scenario of the sports festival “Small Summer Olympic Games”

State budgetary educational institution kindergarten No. 2696

Summary of winter outdoor sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age “We are Olympians”

dedicated to the Olympic Winter Games


Bigildina Rumiya Rashidovna



Summary of winter outdoor sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age “We are Olympians”

Subject: "We are Olympians"

Target: introducing children to the traditions of big-time sports, increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle and physical education.


Consolidate knowledge about the Olympic Games, systematize knowledge about winter sports.

Create a positive emotional background, goodwill and well-being

Improve motor skills and abilities

Cultivate interest in sports games

Cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude towards each other

Preliminary work: reading books about sports, watching sports programs, looking at illustrations about various sports, etc.

Equipment: bear costume, 1 pair of skis, 2 clubs, 2 pucks, medals according to the number of participants, 2 sleds, 2 baskets, 4 brooms, 2 mops, 6 racks, 2 skittles, 2 hoops, “stone”, paraphernalia for sports ground decoration, photograph of a bear , 2 gates, Olympic flag, 2 Olympic torches.

Progress of entertainment:

Leading : You all know that our country is preparing for the Winter Olympics, which will take place in the city of Sochi. How many of you know what the Olympics are? Each Olympic Games has its own symbol. In 1980, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow. The symbol of these games was this Olympic Bear. (the song of farewell to the Olympics sounds) The Olympics have their own flag, which depicts 5 rings. This is a sign of unity and friendship among athletes.

(flag is brought in)

Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.

5 rings are 5 continents:

Blue - Europe

Yellow – Asia

Black – Africa

Green – Australia

Red – America

They symbolize fair struggle among athletes and encourage them to fight only with each other, and not on the battlefield.

As at all Olympics, today we will also have a team game.

Attention! Attention!

We are starting the holiday of sports and health now

We invite you all to the sports ground!

2 teams come out(Snow Leopards and Polar Bears) to the music “Come on Russia”

Leading : Admire, look

For cheerful preschoolers.

Olympic hopes,

Now they go to kindergarten.

Leading: Compete without timidity

May victory not be easy

But hope for luck

And she will come then.

To achieve victory for you,

We all need to work hard.

In games you know the rules

And, of course, carry it out.

Flag In honor of the opening of the small Winter Olympics, it is proposed to raise.

Leading : Allow the Olympics to be considered open (addresses the jury).

  1. "Torch Relay" (2 Olympic torches, 2 cones)

Participants stand in columns, the first one holds a torch. On command, participants run around the cone and pass the torch to the next player. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

  1. "Smart Hockey Players"(6 racks, 2 sticks, 2 pucks)

The participants stand in columns, the first one has a stick in his hands, and a puck at his feet. On command, use your stick to move the puck to the cup and score it into the goal. Run up and pick up the puck, returning back in a straight line. And pass it on to the next one. The team whose last player completed the task wins.

  1. "Ski race" (1 pair of skis, 2 skittles)

Children run one by one on skis to the pin and back. The team that completes the task faster wins.

  1. “Name the winter sports”

Teams take turns naming winter sports they are familiar with: curling, hockey, bobsleigh, speed skating, slalom, alpine skiing, figure skating, ski jumping, etc.

  1. Bobsleigh (sled)

The child sits on the sled, and two people behind push the sled to the pin and back. The team whose last pair completes the task wins.

Leading: Let's take a little rest (riddles)

1.They run light on a winter road

Athletes on skis with a rifle in hand.

The finish line is coming soon, fans are all around,

My favorite sport is watching. (Biathlon)

2. We are not only happy in the summer

Meet the Olympics.

We can only see in winter

Slalom, biathlon, bobsleigh,

On the icy platform -

Amusing. (Hockey)

3. Two metal brothers,

How they grew together with the shoes,

Wanted to go for a ride

Top! - onto the ice and off we went.

Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? (Skates)

4.Two planks on the legs

And two sticks in his hands.

If we lubricate the boards -

We'll show you snow extra class!

Winter records are closer

To those who love very much. (Skis)

5. The stands are rejoicing, we are all happy.

Native athletes pass by like this!

Only the best stand on the pedestal.

Awarded only to the best athletes. (Medals)

6.Here are the athletes on skates

They practice jumping.

And the ice sparkles.

Those athletes are... (Skaters)

  1. "Curling" (4 brooms, 2 mops, “stone”, 2 skittles)

Two team players are given a broom - a brush - with which they run forward, run around the cone, sweeping the snow, and run back. The player runs next, pushing the “stone” with a mop, circles the cone and leads to the finish line. The team that completes the task first wins.

  1. "Luge" - ride a sled under the arches, move the sled with your feet.

Jury : Dear guys, while our competition was taking place, our jury received a letter. Listen to what they write about:

“Dear guys, I heard about your small Olympics from the News. I'm very happy for you. I wish you success. I hasten to congratulate you personally” Mishka.

Children, can you guess why Mishka congratulates you on the Olympics?

Leading : This is a symbol of the Olympics in Sochi. Well, while he gets to us, we will continue our competition.

  1. "Biathlon" (ski poles, bags, baskets)

The first player, imitating skiing with sticks, runs to the bags, puts down the sticks, takes the bag, throws it into the basket, and runs back. The team with the most children hitting the target wins.

  1. Slalom (pins)

The first child, on command, runs around the pins in a “snake” fashion, trying not to touch them. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Host: At this point, please consider our competition finished. The jury will announce the results.

Mishka runs in.

Mishka: And yet I managed. I was in a really, really hurry and here I am. There are so many of you - players, jury, and fans - everything is like at the real Olympics. And to make sure everything was real to the end, I brought real Olympic medals with me. Here they are: gold, silver, bronze. As soon as the jury announces the results, I myself, if of course you don’t mind, will present these awards to the winners.

Host: While the jury is preparing to announce its decision, guess the riddles about sports.

1. From dozens of different countries

Athletes gathered to us

We need to remember the name:

This is a rally - (Olympics)

2. Only the best athletes are on the podium

Presented solemnly (Medals)

3. There is such a sport in the world,

It is popular in winter.

You're running on runners

You rush after your opponent. (Ski race)

4. You are this athlete

I could have named it right away!

And he's an excellent skier

And he's a sharp shooter! (Biathlete)

The jury announces the winners and helps Mishka present the awards.

Bear: And I really want to take a photo with you. I will take this photo with me to the city of Sochi. (being photographed)


The Winter Olympics are already in Sochi,

And everyone would really like to get there.

We will support our athletes,

A worthy replacement is already growing up.

Lower the Olympic flag in honor of the end of the Small Winter Olympics for the winning team.

Scenario of the event for older preschoolers “Small Olympic Games”

Target: introduce children to the traditions of big-time sports.
Continue to improve children's health.
Identify sports interests, inclinations and abilities of preschoolers.
Develop speed, agility, strength, endurance.
Develop the ability to win and lose.

Preliminary work:
Introducing children to the history of the Olympic Games and Olympic paraphernalia (Olympic flag, Olympic flame, Olympic symbols)
Looking at illustrations and getting to know different sports.
Studying material in physical education classes.

Preparing for the holiday:
Marking out the hall, installing and selecting inventory and equipment, making Olympic paraphernalia: fire, flag, pedestal.
Decoration of the hall (preschool educational institution logo, posters, illustrations with summer sports)
Invitations, emblems, protocols.

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Hello, dear guests! We are starting the grand opening of the Small Olympic Games.
Teams enter the gym to the sounds of the Olympic march (a captain with a team flag is in front)
Leading: We welcome the participants of the Small Olympiad!
Meet: team “Strong”, team “Strong”, team “Lightning”
(Team formation)

What is the Olympics?
This is a fair sports fight!
Participating in it is a reward!
Anyone can win!!!

The holiday is joyful, beautiful,
It couldn't have been better,

And from all the children happy
Olympics - ours
Children: hello!

Teams are lined up to bring in the Olympic flag.
Leading: Athletes, stand at attention! Focus on the flag! (Russian anthem sounds, Olympic flag is raised)

There are no words written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored intertwined rings are a symbol of peace and friendship among the athletes of the five
continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

Five rings on a white flag
Intertwined with each other,
As if all the athletes in the world
They held hands tightly.

Leading: The Olympic flame travels a long way. Many times, passing from hand to hand, the torch hurries across the world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we also light the Olympic flame.
(to the music, the child brings the torch and places it on the pedestal)

Leading: Raise the flag of the Small Olympic Games! (flag is raised)
I ask the teams to introduce themselves. (Teams announce their name and motto)

Leading: Guys, meet our guest (the native “Chunga-changa” enters)

“Chunga-Changa”: Guys, I came from the distant island of Chunga-Changa, no one here does physical education or sports, but I so want to be strong, agile, and most importantly healthy.

Leading: And here, “Chunga-Changa”, today is a sports festival. We are holding small Olympic Games.

“Chunga-changa”: What is it?

Host: These are real sports competitions where guys can show their athletic abilities.

“Chunga-changa”: Guys, can I stay and learn my sports abilities from you?

Leading: Of course, stay. And we are starting the competition!

Sports warm-up: Whose team will name the Olympic sports (children take turns answering)

Leading: We are with you in the gym. Gymnastics! I ask the gymnasts to take their places. You need to walk along the gymnastics bench with your arms to the sides, jump off, run to the cone, come back, pass
baton to the next player.

Leading: And now we are transferred to the pool. Swimming! I ask swimmers to start. You need to “swim along the bench, pulling yourself up with your arms, stand up, run to the cone, come back, pass the baton to the next player.

Leading: From the pool we are transported to the stadium. Athletics!
At the start they are already warming up. Obstacle running, that is, at speed you need to jump from hoop to hoop, back - run in a straight line, pass the baton to someone else.

Leading: We're on the tennis court. Tennis! Are tennis players ready to compete? You need to carry a small ball on a badminton racket, run like a snake between the pins, and return back in a straight line,
pass the baton to someone else.

Leading: And our competition ends on the football field. Football! Football players show your preparation. You need to kick the ball, score the ball into the goal and, with the ball in your hands, pass the baton to the next one.

Leading: Our competition is over.
“Chunga-changa”, are you satisfied with the performances of our athletes?

“Chunga-changa”: I really liked the sports competitions. I will definitely introduce my friends on the island to physical education and sports. And you guys have a sweet gift from me (Fruits)

Leading: Thank you very much “Chunga-changa”, we are very glad that we could help you. Guys, it's time to say goodbye to our guest.

Leading: Our competition is over. How did you guys like the Olympics? (children's answers). With this, I ask you to consider our small Olympic Games closed. The Olympic flag is lowered. The most active athlete is invited to lower the Olympic flag.
Take out the Olympic flame.

A circle of honor for all participants accompanied by music.

Scenario of the sports festival "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" for older children with a parent

Scenario for the Opening of the Summer Olympic Games.


    The presenter is a physical education instructor.

    Baba Yaga,

    Olympic bear.

Fanfare sounds.


To the sports ground

We invite everyone now!

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us!

Sports holiday

Happy kids

To all athletes - children -

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Host: Hello, guys! We are starting the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games. Our guys are not only strong and brave, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful, and will cope with any difficulties. And we hope that one of our guys will one day climb onto a real Olympic podium and become an Olympic champion!

Children recite poems:

1 child.

Banners are flying over the stadium,

Joyful songs sound everywhere,

Walking in step in a slender column,

We are going out to the sports parade.

2 child.

We overtake the winged wind,

We tear the first ribbons in the race,

We kick the ball right into the goal,

We jump deftly and swim quickly.

3 child.

The sun is shining in the morning,

And we prepared in advance.

Guys, it's time to start

Sport competitions.

4 child.

We are friends with the sun and water,

We are happy to go to the start...

We are holding our own sports festival

We are in honor of the Olympics!

Leading: Each Olympic game had and still has a symbol. So you and I will have our own mascot - the Olympic bear. Meet!

The Olympic bear enters the hall accompanied by a sports march.

Bear: Hello guys. I congratulate you on the opening of the Olympic Games. Even in Ancient Greece, many years ago, athletes began to organize competitions in strength, agility and speed. The largest and most famous sports competitions in Olympia are called the Olympic Games. They were held once every four years.

Motto of the Olympic Games: "Faster! Higher! Stronger!"

And now let’s all take the oath of young athletes together.

Oath of young athletes:

Leading. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

Leading. Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

Leading. Who is proud of the sports of their beloved Fatherland?

Children. We are Olympians!


We swear to be honest and strive for victory,

We vow to achieve high records!

Children. We swear! We swear! We swear!

Olympic bear: Let's warm up before the competition, I know the real Olympic warm-up.

Let's do an Olympic warm-up:

Keep your back straight.
Head back, head forward,
Right, left, turn.
Raise your arms straight up,
How tall they are!
Reach even higher
Turn right, left.
And now the pelvis is dancing,
Look at us.
This glorious exercise
Let's cheer up.
Next we will squat:
Sit down together and stand up together!
We are not too lazy to jump,
Like a ball, all day long.

Olympic bear: Guys, now try it, have your muscles become stronger? Wonderful, well done!

Leading . Guys, another one of the symbols of the Olympic Games is the Olympic flame. The Olympic flame travels a long way. Many times, passing from hand to hand, the torch hurries across the world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today the Olympic flame is in our kindergarten. The Olympic flame is a symbol of peace and friendship of the peoples of the planet. This fire will burn until the very end of our Olympic Games. Olympic Bear, light the fire!

Baba Yaga runs in to cheerful music.

Baba Yaga: But Baba Yaga is against it. So, you will again have fun, compete, and I will lie on the stove? No, you will not have any games, and you will not light the torch. I'll take it from you.

Leading: Wait, wait, we won’t let you leave us so easily. After all, we have been preparing for these games for a whole year. Let us conclude an agreement. The strongest, most dexterous, brave, fastest will receive the Olympic torch! Are you ready to fight us?

Baba Yaga: Well, try to beat me. The whole forest knows that Baba Yaga is the most cunning, dexterous, and fastest.

Leading: I bring to your attention a game: for the strongest, “Cock Fight”. Two players stand in the center of a large hoop. Standing on one leg, you need to push your opponent out of the circle without using your hands. (will prepare)

Olympic bear: And I invite you, Baba Yaga, to compete with our athletes in another Olympic game. Football! Football players show your preparation. You need to kick the ball, score the ball into the goal and, with the ball in your hands, pass the baton to the next one. (You need to use a gymnastic stick, passes, pass a soft ball, score a goal into the goal and run back.) (senior)

Leading: For the fastest and most agile relay races: “Running on brooms”,

Leading: Baba Yaga, we won the bet, which means the torch remains with us. Don't be offended, but rather stay with us. Where the flag of Olympia flies, peace, kindness and justice reign. It's time to light our Olympic flame!

The bear imitates touching the bowl of fire, and the fire ignites.

Leading: We lit the Olympic flame,

Sports competitions await us ahead!

Olympic bear: The Olympic emblem - an image of five intertwined rings - is a symbol of friendship among athletes from five continents: Europe (blue ring), Asia (yellow, Australia (green), America (red, Africa (black).

Children: Olympic five rings -

Symbol of friendship, light of peace!

Blue - sea surf,

The vault of heaven is above you.

Yellow – hello sunshine!

Black is the secret of the night stars.

And green is the color of foliage,

The whisper of pine trees, the rustle of grass.

Red - morning dawn,

Bouquet of wildflowers!

Leading: .

The Olympic flag, sparkling with rings,

The Russian anthem will be lifted up!

Attention! Attention to the flag!

To the Russian anthem, the Olympic Bear raises the flag.

Leading: . Please consider the Small Olympic Games open!Our competition will last for several days, during which the winners in running, throwing, jumping will be revealed, and the strongest, most dexterous, flexible and hardy will be determined.Let us be worthy of our motto: “Faster! Higher! Stronger!" May the best man win!Good luck to you, our young athletes!

(Children perform a musical and rhythmic composition to the song “Russia Champion”)

"Closing of the Small Olympic Games."

The phonogram “Sports March” plays.

Host: Hello, dear friends! We are beginning the closing ceremony of the Small Olympic Games. All week we competed in running, throwing, jumping, testing ourselves how dexterous and flexible we are. The time has come for the end of the Olympics and summing up the results.

Sounds sporty. B. Yaga runs in in a tracksuit.

BABA YAGA: A big salute to young athletes.

I want my falcons. Thank you very much.

I really enjoyed playing sports!

Look, I even took 1st place in my forest at the Forest Olympic Games.

Do you know who my coach was? He is a symbol of your Olympic Games!

Olympic bear!

Did I run here ahead of him?

Yes, I’m the fastest in the forest!

Mishka runs in out of breath.

BEAR: Well, B. Yaga, I can’t keep up with you! Good student!

PHYSICULT - HELLO to young athletes!

Everyone worked diligently, you all tried very hard

They showed strength, dexterity and attentiveness, dexterity.

Friends, rewards await you! Congratulations to all of you!

BABA YAGA: Wait, Mishka, don’t rush. I really don’t want to part with my sports friends! Mishka, allow me, before closing our Summer Olympic Games, to play a little more with the guys?

BEAR: Yes, I don’t want to leave BABA YAGA myself. Fine! Let's play a little. Will there be sports games?

BABA YAGA: Of course. I’m now friends with sports! Guys, get to the starting line! Are the teams ready!?

Relay No. 1 "Olympic Flame".

The first participant holds the “Torch” in his hands. Children take turns running to the starting point and passing the torch to the next participant.

Relay race No. 2 “Throw the bag into the hoop.”

Children go to a basket with bags of sand, take one bag at a time and place it on the toe of their foot. The guys must throw the bag into the hoop from their feet. The distance to the hoop is 1.5 - 2 m.

Presenter: Let's have a little rest and the guys in the middle group will play with the Olympic Bear.


Relay No. 3 “Obstacle course.

The participant crawls along the bench, climbs into the hoop, jumps from bump to bump, runs around a landmark and passes the baton to another participant.

Baba Yaga: Well, thank you guys,

For teaching me

Sports wisdom.


You were all great

And brave and honest,

This one is brave, and that one is daring,

This one showed strength.

Olympic medals,

Olympic podium!

BABA YAGA: Oh, guys! My forest friends have prepared a gift for you - this is an Olympic podium!


(Olympic Games participants are awarded, music sounds.)


Let's play sports

And douse yourself with water.

And now it's time to say goodbye

And we can return home.

BEAR: Wait, after all, all the guys took part in the Olympics, everyone tried - I have Olympic medals for them too. And while they may be sweet, I believe that at the next Olympics. The guys will show good results!

Hands out medals.


Even before the Olympics

The road is long for us.

And may sweet medals

We have received it so far.

But we will hope

That a few years will pass

Real medals

We'll finally get it!


Admire, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And probably in good time

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.


And in a completely ordinary tone

His peers will say about him:

With the Olympic champion

We live in the same yard.

Leading. But now the time has come for us to extinguish our Olympic flame.


Leading. Teams, stand at attention. The right to lower the Olympic flag is given to the Olympic bear. Look at the flag, stand at attention. Lower the flag. Please consider the Summer Olympic Games closed!

Host: Guys, I propose to say goodbye to the Olympic Bear and let him go to other guys.


Leading. But we will end our holiday with a fun disco.


(senior and preparatory groups)

Target: introduce children to the origins of the Olympic movement, the symbols of the Olympic Games, and the continents of the globe. To improve skills in performing basic types of movements in a competitive manner. Foster feelings of friendship, mutual assistance and responsibility.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the march and take their seats.

Leading: Guys, tell me, do you know what sport is? (children's answers)

Sport is physical exercise, regular training, sports competitions, achieving high results, and the desire to win. Our athletes perform at international competitions, defending the honor of our country. To achieve good results requires a lot of physical and volitional effort. Even you and I strive to achieve good results in physical education classes - to jump further, to run faster. Guys, today we have a sports festival - SMALL OLYMPIC GAMES.

What are the OLYMPIC GAMES?

The Olympic Games are major sports competitions that are held in various sports.

Who takes part in them? Athletes!

What are the athletes who participate in the Olympic Games called? Olympians!

Let's take a trip through the history of the Olympic Games.

History of Olympic Games:

“The first Olympic Games were held a very, very long time ago in ancient times in Ancient Greece, in Olympia (hence the name Olympic Games). At that time, people fought a lot, and one day the Greek king Ifrit turned to a sage with the question: “What should I do to protect my people from war?” And the sage advised him to hold sports games that would bring the people together. People in Greece loved sports and were happy about this decision. Since then, the Olympic Games have been held every four years. During the games, all wars were stopped, the carrying of weapons was prohibited, and a “sacred truce” was declared.

A little later, the Olympics acquired their own symbols: the flag and the Olympic flame. And not a single Olympics took place without them.

Olympic flag- this is a white banner with the image of five intertwined rings - a symbol of friendship among athletes from five continents:

  • Europe (blue ring);
  • Asia (yellow);
  • Australia (green);
  • America (red);
  • Africa (black).

The Olympic flame is lit in Olympia from a ray of sunlight. This torch is carried by different athletes, passing each other to the city where the Olympic Games will be held. This torch lights a fire in a huge bowl, which burns throughout the entire Olympic Games.

Today you will all be athletes - Olympians - runners, jumpers and throwers, and you will defend the honor of your team and your group.

The signal for the opening of the Olympic Games is the raising of the Olympic flag.

Raising the Olympic flag (anthem)

Leading: Attention! Attention!

We are starting our Olympic competition.

The motto of our competitions is: “The main thing is not victory, but participation!”

(repeat the motto with the children)

1st child: To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical exercise,

We need to study!

2nd child: Sports, guys, are very necessary,

We are very friendly with sports,

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game

Physical training!

3rd child: If you want to be skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Reins, hoops and sticks,

Never be discouraged!

4th child: We're going to training

Sport, we know, is work

Strength, courage and skill

They will give us training.

Leading: Yes, I see you are simply masters!

It's time for everyone to go to the Olympics.

How many champions will there be?

Among you - we don’t know

In the meantime, we continue the joyful holiday -

Let's start a joyful and fun dance!

Dance "Banana - Mom"

Leading: Now you can start sports competitions. Let us light our own Olympic flame.

Relay: "Olympic Flame"

Running like a snake with a torch between the cubes. The last one leaves the fire in the bowl

Leading: There are many types of Olympic sports, you can’t even count them all.

We will now play, name sports.

Game "Sports"

Teams take turns naming any sport; the team that names more sports wins.

Leading: So that cheerful laughter rings out, the children do not cry,

The sun shines for everyone, it shines equally.

The day will open at dawn with a golden key,

So that everyone on earth gets a ray of rays!

Relay race (or all groups play at once) “Lay out the sun” (7 people per group)

There are hoops and gymnastic sticks on the floor to make a sun out of them.

Leading: This is how the fastest athletes carry the torch, passing it from hand to hand.

Relay race "Running with a ball"

The player holds a tennis racket with one ball on it. The players' task is to run the distance without dropping the ball.

Relay "From bump to bump"

Jumping from hoop to hoop. (5 pieces each)

Relay "Sharp Shooter"

Each team has 10 small diameter balls. The players' task is to throw their ball into the basket.

Leading: We all believe in friendship sacredly,

Everyone is great at friendship.

And all the guys dance

Dance "Friendship" (finally)!

Dance "Friendship"

Leading: Well, our sports festival is over. Let's say thank you to everyone.

We wish the athletes new victories. And to all sports people - HELLO!

Lozovaya E.V. 2013 academic year


Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.

- Instill in children a love of sports and physical education, an interest in the Olympic Games and competitions.

- Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.

Develop children's creative abilities and imagination; encourage children to show initiative.

Foster a sense of friendship, collectivism, and the ability to control one’s actions.

Progress of a sports festival in kindergarten

The phonogram “Sports March” plays.

Host: Hello, dear guests! We are starting the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

The “Zvezdochki” team enters the Olympic stadium of the kindergarten _________. There are great guys on the team - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight. We wish you kids a happy start!

Presenter: The “Bells” team enters the track of the Olympic stadium of the kindergarten __________. The team is strong with friendship and the desire to win. There are many sports stars here who will definitely shine at the Olympic stadium today.

Congratulations to all the kids who did everything to perform well today at the Small Olympic Games.


What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participation in it is a reward

Anyone can win!

We are opening the Olympic Games

We invite everyone to the holiday!

We wish you health, happiness, joy,

May Olympic success come to everyone!


The holiday is joyful, beautiful,

It couldn't have been better,

And from all the children happy

Our Olympics:

Children: Hello! Hello! Hello!

Host: Today we are holding the Small Olympic Games.

(Addressing the jury)

Presenter: The honorary right to contribute flags: the state flag of Russia, the flag of the city _______, the flag of the kindergarten _________, as well as the main flag today, the flag of the Olympic Games is given to the best kindergarten students _________________

Dear members of the jury! Competitors of the Small Olympic Games are lined up. Let us bring in the flags of our country, our city and the Olympic flag and light the Olympic flame!

Jury: Allowed!

Presenter: Teams line up for the ceremonial introduction of flags. Athletes stand at attention! Aim for the banners!

(The Russian anthem is played and flags are brought in.)


There are no words written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored intertwined rings are a symbol of peace and friendship among athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.


Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.

Leading. The Olympic flame travels a long way. It is lit by Greek girls near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. Changing hands many times, the torch hurries across the world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we light the Olympic flame - a symbol of peace and friendship of the peoples of the planet.

(The instructor lights the Olympic flame)


Holy Olympic flame,

Burns over the planet of the century!

And the torch, lit today,

Let the flame of friendship burn.

And the slogan: “Peace to all peoples!”

Sounds at our holiday!

Instructor: The Olympic Games are declared open.

Today, two teams compete in the Olympic Games.

Before the competition, all participants take an oath, let us also swear today to be honest, to follow the rules of the competition, to respect the victory of the opponent.

Olympian Oath

“On behalf of all competitors, I promise that we will participate in the Olympic Games respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams.”

1st presenter. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter. Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

1st presenter. Who is proud of the sport of their beloved Russia?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter.

We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

We vow to achieve high records!

Children. We swear, we swear, we swear!


There are teams - they are ready! The referees will ensure the fairness of the game. Let me introduce the members of the panel of judges.

Head of kindergarten ___________

Teacher - ________

Psychologist - _____________

Guest of honor at our small Olympic Games ______________


We wish all participants good luck, health, happiness, sunshine and victories!

You are invited to try your hand at five sports - according to the number of rings on the Olympic flag:





Fishing sport

The teams greet each other.

A child from the "Bells" team:

Today we wish you:

Success and victories.

"Stars" team

Our physical education team - hello!

Child from the “Stars” team:

Sports frenzy

We wish you well,

Team Bells

In honor of our friendship

Let's shout a resounding "Hurray!"

Host: Now we can safely begin our competition. All athletes warm up before the start. Let's do some exercise and warm-up.

Warm-up “Heel-toe”

Presenter: Today a support group is rushing to join us at the Small Olympic Games. We invite you! Meet! (Baba Yaga runs out).

Baba Yaga: Good gentlemen. What is the reason for the noise - hubbub - clamor?

Presenter: We are having the Olympic Games.

Baba Yaga: Oh, games! That means they were invited (nods towards the children and the jury), but I wasn’t!

I also want to go to the games.

Presenter: Here we have sports games. Are you, Yaga, an athlete?

Baba Yaga: No, but my dear it may be so. I’ll call him now and tell him everything, everything. (Kuzya calls, runs out)

Kuzya: Oh, hello my friend. Why did you call me?

Baba Yaga:

We weren't invited to the games

We need to teach them a lesson.

We'll take everything for the games,

And we'll take it home

Everything will be useful on the farm.


Wait, Baba Yaga and Kuzya will give you the sports equipment if you show us how you will use it?

(They show: they are fencing with each other with clubs - they are fighting).

Presenter: You see, everyone was made fun of, you don’t know how to play sports games, that’s why you got everything mixed up.

Baba Yaga: (grabbing her sides)

Oh my goodness!

Like in a field of cornflowers:

We've flown by and can't catch up,

And I don’t recognize myself.

If only you could give me a massage,

I'd like to put on makeup.

I wish I could braid my brown hair,

Yes, two hundred years would be lost,

I would then show “Wow!”


You, Yagusya, don’t be sad.

Turn to medicine!

I recommend you

Sour cream mask

You will be there again then

Young, rosy!


No, dear Yaga.

I need to do physical exercises

Do not track the sides.

We need to play sports.

Baba Yaga and Kuzya together:

We don't know how to do anything, teach us.

We want to be nasty too!

OH! No - sports.

Presenter: Get in line quickly!

And our first competition - Athletics - is an Olympic sport that includes running, walking, jumping and throwing.

Whose team completes the task faster will be the winner.


Wow! Kneaded the sides!

This work is not easy!

Well, now I'm better

I'll sit on a stump.

I am with my health

For now, I appreciate it.

Baba Yaga:

Well, you're disgusting!

How unsportsmanlike!

To live in the world for a hundred years,

We need to be friends with sports.

Don't you understand?

Come on, go join your team!

(Addresses the presenter): Continue the competition

Presenter: Yes, our children are persistent in their knowledge, they are familiar with various sports


In sports life

I love hockey.

I would like a stick and a goal

I'm so eager to score the puck!

Baba Yaga and Kuzya: Is this hockey - Sparrow, or from the fairy tale of Barmaley?

Presenter: Hockey is a creative game of a close-knit team. Each of you must move the puck around the posts with a stick and score a goal into the symbolic goal (assistants show). Run back to the team with a stick in your hands and pass the baton to the next participant.

Are the teams ready? Then “At the start, attention, MARCH!!!” (relay race to music)

Presenter: Just a moment! We continue major competitions. The next sport, Biathlon, is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship. But since it’s autumn, we’ll be running without skis, and since we’re having the Small Olympic Games, we’ll end up in Koltsebros.


Host: Let's take a little rest. Pantomime is a type of stage art in which an artistic image is created using facial expressions, gestures, body plasticity, and the like.


Presenter: The next sport - Cycling - is movement on the ground using vehicles (bicycles), driven by human muscular power.


Host: Well, and the last competitions at our Olympic Games. This, of course, is Sports Fishing - fishing with sports gear (rods, spinning rods, etc.), but our little Olympians will not be fishing quite normally!

"Fishing with math"


And it has come to us now

The most awaited time.

If everything is already ready

Let the jury have their say!

Main judge:

(Olympic Games participants are awarded, music sounds.)

Baba Yaga:

Well thank you guys

For teaching us

Sports wisdom.


Let's play sports

And douse yourself with water.

And in his native forest

We will open the stadium.

And now it's time to say goodbye,

And we should return home.


Look, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And probably in good time

Soon in Olympian uniform

One of us will succeed.

Greeting the Olympians.

Team Leader, stand at attention. The right to carry the Olympic flag is granted to kindergarten students. Look at the flag, stand at attention. Take out the flag. The Olympics are considered closed!


That's all! Thus ended the holiday.

This meeting gave us inspiration

Everyone now knows what the Olympics are

Victory is given to us all!!!

Let it seem a little to someone,

And not such a huge scale.

In every business, the beginning is important.

First year, first time, first step.

The children are in a good mood, cheerful and cheerful, walking from the playground to the music.