Nutrition for a seven month old kitten. Natural type of feeding. Is it possible to give cheese?

Perhaps you have a small squeaking lump that has settled in your home. He often begins to demand food and attention from you. Its nutrition must be treated very responsibly - the composition of the food and the components used directly determine the health and life of the baby.

How to feed a 1 month old kitten left without a cat

The baby's age is 1 month - the right time for the first complementary foods. The baby is still suckling milk from the cat, but is gradually starting to get used to solid food. Even when feeding an orphan, you can get him back on his feet using the tips below.

At this age, it is important for a kitten to drink milk diluted 2/5 with boiled water. Use cream or goat's milk for this, or purchase a special milk-based mixture - it can be found at any pet store. Don't forget to give plain water too.

There are several foods that need to be gradually added to your diet:

Let your baby try different dairy products - low-fat sour cream, kefir, sugar-free yogurt, fermented baked milk and yogurt.

Gradually begin to feed rare milk porridge, very finely ground cereal, it is convenient to cook it on semolina. Milk intended for porridge is also diluted with water - approximately 1/3.

You can add cottage cheese and hard-boiled yolk to the food of a one-month-old kitten. You can’t give food with salt or sugar; you can only give low-fat cottage cheese. You can feed the yolk with cottage cheese or separately. But you can’t give it a lot - it’s acceptable to give the yolk to kittens no more than 1-2 times a week!

You can prepare soup for your baby once a week without salt and seasonings with finely ground meat. The soup should resemble meat broth or thin gruel; sometimes chopped vegetables are added to it.

Baby food in jars with fish or meat is an excellent complementary food for these little ones.

Little by little, start letting them try regular meat; it must first be very finely grated or scraped. Be sure to boil it or pour boiling water over it, just don’t fry it! Add lean beef, rabbit or chicken to your diet; pork should not be given under any circumstances. It contains a lot of fat for adult cats, and even more so for a kitten’s stomach. Only boiled sea fish can be given.

It is important to understand not only what to give the kitten, but also how to do it:

Orphans must be fed milk from a bottle; it can be purchased at a pet store. You can use a pipette or syringe without a needle;

It is necessary to “introduce” kittens to unfamiliar food, for example, when giving them liquid porridge for the first time, you just need to dip your finger in it and let the baby lick it. If he can’t figure out what to do, then smear this porridge on his face, he will start licking it and taste it.

After the kitten begins to eat porridge on its own, regulate how much it eats per day; you cannot give too much;

You need to spread the porridge in a thin layer in a shallow bowl, otherwise the baby may choke;

Any unfamiliar foods must be introduced into the diet gradually - at first no more than once every 2 days. This approach will reduce the risk of allergies and, if one is detected, quickly find the cause of the problem;

Make sure clean and fresh water is always available. It is not enough to just pour out the stagnant water - the bowl must be washed thoroughly;

If the baby does not have a mother, then you will have to massage his tummy. This procedure is performed 15 minutes after eating with your fingertips. The massage will allow the kitten to empty its bladder and intestines on time.

If the kitten does not want to eat unusual food, try taking a very small piece and putting it in his mouth. Make sure the food is unspiced and at room temperature. He may not like one of the products; in this case, carefully “introduce” him to another. If your baby refuses any food, immediately show him to the doctor at the clinic.

It is necessary to feed a kitten without a cat for up to 4 months every 3-4 hours; you will have to feed it 5-6 times a day. Due to their small stomach, kittens are not able to digest large volumes of food; for this reason, they eat little, but often.

What should you not give to a 1 month old kitten?

It is important not to feed the baby from your table; “human” food contains many spices that are very harmful even to adult animals. For cats, chocolate is a real poison, do not give them sweets under any circumstances, even if they ask.

As for meat food, you cannot feed turkey, duck, goose, sheep and pigs; you cannot feed any river fish, pollock and capelin. Meat from these birds and animals contains a lot of fat, and fish can cause an infectious disease or lead to infection with worms.

It is unacceptable to add fatty, spicy, fried, smoked, salty and sweet foods to your diet. This also applies to sausages and canned food intended for humans. This will cause chronic diseases, metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal disorders.

You cannot feed bones and offal; cats are not able to gnaw bones - animals gnaw them. Small and sharp bones can injure the esophagus or the animal can choke, and the baby can die from this.

It is unacceptable to introduce legumes into the food; they cannot be properly digested, which leads to fermentation and bloating of the gastrointestinal tract. This applies to potatoes - they can cause distress in cats.

When feeding a 1-month-old kitten left without a cat, don’t even think about the various “Kita Ket”, “Friskies” and “Whiskas”, they contain absolutely no meat, they contain only flour from cheap low-quality by-products - bones, internal organs, beaks. The food intended for cats does not contain the necessary vitamins, but many flavoring additives are added that act on the body like a drug.

As you can see, there are a huge number of little things when creating the right diet for a baby left without a mother.

This article proposes to consider the general rules for feeding kittens. Newborn kittens, if they are left without a mother, must be fed strictly according to the regimen with a special milk replacer, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or prepared independently.

To do this, you need to combine 5 ml of low-fat cream, 3 ml of boiled water and 2 ml of glucose in a container. Give your baby 2 ml of this mixture per meal.

A regular medical syringe without a needle is best suited for feeding such babies, although it is possible that more sophisticated devices may be required. At the same time, you should not skip night feedings and maintain an interval of 2 hours. After feeding, you need to lightly massage the area of ​​his abdomen, imitating the movements of a mother cat, this will help the food to be absorbed and the kitten to recover. For convenience, it is recommended to use a piece of damp cotton wool or bandage.

Starting from two weeks of age, you can leave only 1 night feeding, and during the day increase the interval between meals to 3 hours. From the age of 25 days, kittens can be fed as usual, every 4 hours. If you decide to accustom your animal to natural food, and not to specialized food, feeding should begin with a soft, paste-like diet.

Baby formulas are ideal. With such a diet, you should maintain your pet’s vitamin and mineral balance by monitoring the regular intake of phosphorus and calcium. To do this, you need to gradually introduce grated cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, vegetables and meat into your diet.

Up to six months, kittens eat 4-6 times a day, depending on their temperament and activity level.

It is optimal to arrange a personal corner for your pet, where he will have constant access to water and food. Throughout the life of an animal, and especially during its childhood, it is useful to remember the proportionality of the portion of food for the kitten itself. You should not overfeed your pet; excess weight has never benefited anyone.

Fortunately, newborn kittens rarely come into our home. But menstruation and three-week periods are common. However, this does not make the question of what to feed a small pet any less pressing. There is one in the house, and this little one wants to eat! 3-4 weeks is not a good age for kittens. In theory, such crumbs are not torn from the cat.

This is inhumane. But if you have taken a 3 or 4 week old baby into your home, you need to feed him fully, providing him with proper nutrition.

Feeding small kittens aged 1 month

A baby at this age still needs to be fed with formula milk, and solid foods must also be included in the pet’s menu - cheese, porridge, hard-boiled yolk, cottage cheese, fish and meat.

If from the very first months of a little kitten’s life you introduce fruits and vegetables into his diet, this will be great and very, very important for him. Many cats treat fruits and vegetables favorably. Some eat apples and cucumbers, others are ready to sell their souls for a piece of watermelon, others are partial to carrots, and still others cannot be torn off by the tail from persimmons, ripe melon or canned green peas. And the sooner you offer such products to your ward, the more likely it is that he will appreciate them.

Cats are conservative; they don’t like to change their habits too much. If you didn’t teach it in childhood, it will be much more difficult to teach it as an adult. Give your little kitten vegetables both raw and grated. I didn’t appreciate the pieces, grind them into puree and forcefully add them to the main diet.

It could be a cucumber, an apple, a carrot, various greens, even young nettles. It is healthier to feed raw vegetables, seasoned lightly with vegetable oil. Why do this? It has been proven that most vitamins are better absorbed with oil, in which they dissolve well.

When preparing a complete diet for a kitten, you must remember that cats by nature are predators. It is this fact that should determine the nutrition of a small kitten, which must certainly include meat products. Kittens lead an active lifestyle, grow quickly and have an excellent appetite. At this stage, it is advisable not to overfeed the pet, giving preference to the frequency of feedings rather than increasing portions.

Feeding kittens natural food

For the convenience of novice owners of a furry miracle, below is an approximate list of products suitable for feeding kittens:

  • Dietary meat or minced meat (beef, lamb). The product can be served both raw and boiled;
  • Poultry (turkey, chicken), mainly fillets;
  • Lean boiled fish (cod, hake) without spices;
  • Soups and meat broths;
  • Pasty porridges;
  • Fermented milk products intended for feeding infants (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream 10%);
  • Once every 4 days it is permissible to give your baby an egg yolk. Boiled or raw, mixed with cottage cheese;
  • Occasionally you can pamper your fluffy with delicacies. Kittens love grated cheese, boiled shrimp, chicken liver or hearts.

For better growth and well-being with natural feeding, veterinarians strongly recommend giving small kittens vitamin supplements from specialized companies Farmavit, Doctor Zoo, Kitzim, which can be purchased in a store or pharmacy for animals.

It is strictly forbidden to feed cats:

  1. Fatty meats;
  2. Smoked meats;
  3. Fish or poultry bones;
  4. Mix sugar and spices into the food. Salt is acceptable in small quantities.

Don't forget to wash your pet's bowls on time. All cats have a very sensitive sense of smell since childhood, so it is recommended to clean dishes with running warm water, without using chemicals.

It is preferable to feed animals warm food. Food that is too cold or too hot can harm your kitten.

What about soups? Is it possible with them? In nature, cats do just fine without soup. But once a week you can spoil your baby with soup. Only this cat soup should be without salt and spices, and the meat in it should be cut into small cubes. In other words, soup for cats is more like a meat broth.

And most importantly - nothing, nothing from your own table! Remember this rule for the rest of your life. No matter how much the kitten “suffers”, no matter how sadly he looks at the goulash with spicy sauce on your plate, this is strictly prohibited for him. And it’s not because you’re such a cruel owner that you’re sparing a treat for your baby. But because the goulash from your plate and the sauce are poison for him. And your soups are also poison. After all, you put bouillon cubes, spices, salt, and many other different seasonings in them. Including the seemingly harmless bay leaf.

Your stomach will handle this just fine. But the kitten’s body is not. What about mashed potatoes? Often cat owners feed this rubbish to their animals. No need. Potatoes in any form are not needed not only by a small kitten, but also by adult cats. Occasionally you can feed your cat a piece of boiled potato, but not mashed potatoes, especially if the mashed potatoes come from a bag!

Also avoid treating small kittens with sausage, any kind, even boiled, candy, cakes and other sweets. They don't need anything like that! No need! Decide once and for all: this is food for people, but this is food for a kitten. The main thing is to understand the essence. Cats should, in fact, consume the same natural products as their owners. But dishes from these products are prepared according to other recipes.

Attitude to ready-made feed

Do you think food from bags and boxes is good? Do you consider chips and kirieshki food? Would you raise your child on such food? You can crunch the chips once or twice. But even fast food in the form of a bun with sausage would never occur to anyone to call it a complete meal. And all kinds of crackers - even more so. There are, of course, premium dry food from the most expensive series. Among them are Club 4 Paws, Husse KATTUNGE, Pro Plan Kitten, Nero Gold Kitten Chicken, Gina Elite Kitten. Experts do not object to them. But this is in no way Whiskas or Kitekat, aggressively imposed on us by television advertising. These are just the lowest grade and low quality.

Dry food should be introduced into the diet of a small kitten gradually in small portions, because its digestive system is not yet perfect and is formed during the first weeks of life. Dry food can be pre-soaked.

Feeding kittens with ready-made formulas

If you decide to feed your baby with specialized formulas, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It must be remembered that the basis of a kitten’s diet should still be soft, canned food. Dry food can be used 1-2 times a day;
  • The use of additional additives with this diet is not necessary; specialized animal feed already contains all the necessary vitamins;
  • During the demi-season, it is important to feed the kitten with fresh grass. Wheat or oat seeds for cats can be purchased at a pet store.

When feeding kittens with dry food and canned food, it is also important to carefully monitor portion sizes and not overfeed the animal.

Whatever feeding method you choose is best for your ward, it is important to always follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not offer your kitten sweet food, sugar is very harmful to its health;
  2. Do not allow him to steal food from the master's table; the digestive system of cats is very different from the human one, and some foods from the master's table can seriously harm him;
  3. Carefully monitor the portion sizes for the animal and the cleanliness of its dishes;
  4. Maintain the kitten's drinking regime.

By following the recommendations outlined above, you can easily feed a kitten, getting a healthy, grateful and cheerful friend. And your days together will be filled with only positive emotions.
And the cat Behemoth, walking around the house with a pickled mushroom pricked on a fork, was invented by the writer M. Bulgakov. Cats do not eat pickled mushrooms. It's harmful to them. And it tastes disgusting, according to a cat.


In the first three to four weeks of life, feeding kittens is the responsibility of their mother. After this, the babies continue to eat milk, but it is no longer enough for them to develop properly, grow healthy and strong. Now the cubs need to be gradually fed - begin to accustom them to adult food.

From the age of one month, kittens should always have access to fresh, clean water. The bowl with it should be at some distance from the place where the animals eat. The material for drinking utensils is porcelain or metal, in no case plastic. Some experts recommend placing several bowls of water throughout the apartment. A special drinking fountain would also be a good solution.

Feeding kittens

Instilling feeding habits in kittens should be taken seriously. Basic rules for feeding kittens:

  • Only one new product can be given in one day. This will allow you to monitor the reaction of the cubs to different foods and promptly remove from the diet food that is unsuitable for a particular animal.
  • Do not give minced meat (any kind) under any circumstances, since the cat’s digestive system does not absorb it.
  • Give beef first, and only when the kittens learn to chew - chicken or turkey.
  • The animal is gradually accustomed to dry food, first diluting it heavily with water.
  • Along with the start of complementary feeding, it is necessary to give kittens vitamins for the appropriate age.

From one month of age

You need to start feeding kittens at three to four weeks of age. However, they must still receive breast milk or a milk substitute. Kittens need to be fed up to six times a day, every three to four hours. Portions should be small, and food should be warm and softened, since babies do not yet know how to chew.

If the kitten will continue to eat dry food, then it is necessary to feed it with dry food. It is necessary to choose special food - for very small kittens and taking into account the breed. First, soak the food in warm water and spread it across the kittens’ palate. In the future, place bowls with soaked food in front of them. It is worth repeating the smearing until the kittens understand what you want from them. As soon as they begin to eat from the bowl themselves, you need to gradually, day by day, reduce the amount of water in the food. By two months you can already give food without soaking it.

The diet of a one-month-old kitten eating natural food can be conveniently compiled according to the table.

Product Feed frequency Type and processing of food
Oatmeal with milkEvery dayLiquid consistency, not sweet or salty
Low-fat cottage cheese, preferably with a high calcium contentEvery daySoft, crushed or strained
Chicken egg yolk1–2 times a weekRaw or cooked and bruised
Meat (beef, chicken, turkey)Every dayRaw (well frozen), cut into very small pieces
Low-fat sea fish (capelin, pollock, hake, cod)No more than once a weekBoiled, cut into small pieces
Soft unsalted cheese1-2 times a weekGrated or cut into small pieces
Vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, cabbage)Every dayRaw, grated
GreeneryEvery dayfinely chopped

First, the kitten is taught to eat meat. To do this, you need to take a very small piece and put it in the baby’s mouth. On the first day it is enough to do this once, on the next - twice. Continue this way until the cubs learn to chew on their own. After this, you can gradually increase the number of feedings and give out larger pieces of meat.

If the kitten does not want to chew, you can try feeding it baby food. Spread the meat puree across his palate, and then put it in a bowl. When the baby begins to eat on its own, slowly add grated meat to its usual food, and within a few days completely replace the puree.

Then, every day you need to introduce one new product from the table above into the kittens’ diet. Instead of oatmeal, you can sometimes give rice or buckwheat. When the kittens are accustomed to eating all of the above, at one feeding they need to be given the following set of products (mixing everything):

  • meat or fish are the basis of a cat’s diet;
  • porridge or cottage cheese - a third of the amount of meat;
  • vegetables and herbs - just a little bit.

Once or twice a week you can add a little cheese or yolk to this mixture.

Between two and four months of age

By two months, you can gradually add by-products (liver, lungs, heart, kidneys) to the kitten’s diet. They can only be given boiled. The frequency of feedings remains the same, but portions must be increased. At three months you can feed the kitten less often, four to five times a day.

By four months, the kitten should already be eating the same things that adult animals eat, only in smaller quantities. Now the baby only needs to be fed three times a day. By this time, milk should be completely excluded from the diet, since the body of an adult cat does not absorb it. Instead, you can give the baby cream and unsweetened fermented milk products - yogurt or yogurt.

A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

Features of complementary feeding of individual breeds

1. Maine Coon.

Maine Coon kittens differ from all others in their large size. Accordingly, the young animal needs more food. A two-month-old Maine Coon should eat about one hundred and thirty grams of meat or fish per day, up to forty grams of vegetables, the same amount of dairy or fermented milk products, and about fifteen grams of cereal. For all other breeds this is the norm for an adult cat!

Also, specifically for Maine Coons, some breeders recommend adding a little salt to their food, on the tip of a teaspoon. This is a controversial idea, and it is better not to risk your pet's health. Before including any supplements or vitamin complexes in your kitten's diet, you should consult your veterinarian.

2. Sphinx.

Sphynx kittens (like other representatives of this group of breeds) have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, they can only be given dietary meat: turkey or chicken, rabbit, beef is also suitable, but not pork. The latter should not be given to any cats, and especially not to sphinxes. To start feeding, low-fat veal - raw or boiled - is suitable.

A Sphynx kitten needs to be fed somewhat more often than a regular cat. Veterinarians recommend six to eight meals up to two months, four meals up to five months. From six months you can feed your Sphynx three times a day, and from nine months you can accustom him to two meals a day.

3. British and Scottish kittens.

British and Scottish kittens should not be given low-fat dairy products. But too much fat is also prohibited. The ideal option is 2-4% fat.

Kittens of these breeds can be accustomed to dry food only after two months; before that, they can be fed natural food. To switch to food, you need to gradually add it to your usual food, increasing the amount of food every day and decreasing everything else.

Most people who have adopted a baby cat are wondering what to feed a kitten that is 1.5 months old? The activity and health of the baby now depends only on the person, and an incorrectly selected diet can disrupt the functioning of vital organs.

At this age, it is time to accustom the baby to food other than mother’s milk, but it still remains the main component of his diet. Everyone should realize that at this age, a fluffy puppy cannot be separated from its mother; only she can instill in him all the necessary habits and good upbringing, and feed him fully. But there are still moments when the fate of the baby will depend only on the person. At such moments, the question becomes relevant: what to feed kittens for 1.5 months?

Let's understand the rules of nutrition for such babies, find out all the nuances on which the health and life of the baby will depend.

Basic Rules

So, this article is aimed at solving the question of what to feed 1.5-month-old kittens. If you decide to take care of such a baby yourself, then you should remember the main rules for feeding such a young creature:

  1. Mandatory heating of food to 24 degrees.
  2. If feeding is done with porridge, it should be thin and not contain sugar or salt. Ideally, baby formula with crushed dry food or mashed boiled cereal.
  3. Feeding kittens from 1.5 months should be varied and intensive. Every day the baby gains about 25 grams in weight, and therefore he needs to eat well. Food should be given 4-5 times a day, the interval between meals should be no more than three and no less than two hours.
  4. Do not give your baby raw minced meat.
  5. Do not feed pork under any circumstances. Beef and poultry are allowed - all in minced form and after heat treatment.
  6. A kitten needs vitamins to be healthy.
  7. To control the baby’s reaction to new foods, they should be introduced gradually: one day - one new product.

Dry food

If you decide that there is nothing better than feeding 1.5 month old kittens with dry specialized food, then this is up to you personally. Of course, there are no problems with menu variety, and such food contains all the vitamins. But there is one “but”: at this age, a kitten is simply not able to chew hard pieces on its own. You will need to soak pieces of dry food in boiled water and grind them thoroughly, turning them into a paste. The consistency should be similar to pancake batter.

This porridge should be made before the age of two months. In the future, up to five months, it is advisable to simply moisten the dry food a little. In addition, it is worth remembering that dry food is bought specifically for kittens; the packaging should be marked “for feeding cats up to 1 year old.”

Teaching you to eat dry food correctly

If you have decided what to feed your 1.5-2 month old kitten, and it is dry food, but the pet categorically disagrees with you, you should teach it correctly. After giving your baby a cup, did you notice that he doesn’t touch the food? Proceed as follows: take a small amount of soaked food on your finger and spread it on the baby's palate. Do this several times a day. Soon the baby will understand that it is tasty and satisfying, and will begin to feed itself.

Ready-to-eat kitten food

To help you choose the right food for your baby, we suggest you familiarize yourself with ready-made products that can be purchased in specialized stores.

  1. "Royal Canin" for kittens belongs to the premium class. Here you will definitely find all the ingredients necessary for proper nutrition, full development and active growth of the baby.
  2. Whiskas is another representative of the Premium class. As the advertisement says, this is a real meat treat for your kitten. The advantage of the product is that it is not as expensive as the product presented above.

These are two brands that veterinarians advise you to trust. Do not buy economy-class food for your kitten; it contains more grains than meat and dairy additives, and this is an inferior diet for the younger generation.

Now we suggest you consider what else to feed your kitten. Proper nutrition for 1.5 months consists of the following foods.


For a kitten, 1.5 months is a very young age. And like any baby, the furball needs milk. Do not rush to unpack the package and splash the contents into a bowl. This product may cause stomach and intestinal upset. The inconvenience will be caused not only to you (cleaning up liquid piles after the baby), but also to the kitten itself. His tummy will swell and hurt, and he will be very uncomfortable. The milk must be boiled, the foam removed, cooled to 24 degrees and only then served. The optimal product would be cream with a fat content of at least 8% or boiled goat's milk. Ideally, milk would be replaced with fermented milk products, such as fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt.

Solid foods

You can't go far on just a little kefir! If you feed your baby natural food, then it should not come from your table. Feeding cheese is allowed, but in very small quantities, and it should be lightly salted, soft varieties. Ideally, you should start giving solid food with cereal. Let it be semolina cooked in fat milk!

In addition to porridge, you can give cottage cheese, a boiled egg, but not everything. A quarter of the yolk will do, but eat the rest yourself. It will be ideal if you mash the yolk instead of giving out pieces. Such food is allowed to be given no more than twice a week, since it is very heavy, but necessary.

As for meat and fish, this is only pure fillet without bones, skin, fat and films. The pieces need to be cut into small strips, scalded with boiling water, cooled and served. Thus, the baby will develop teeth, jaws and chewing muscles.

Fish should not be given more than once a week. It does not have the best effect on the kidneys. Do not feed salted or smoked fish, no matter how much your furry may want it.

What else should you feed kittens 1.5 months old? Of course it's vegetables! They contain an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals essential for bones, coat, development and health. But you should not try to give them in their pure form. A cat, even a kitten, is a predator and will not voluntarily gnaw carrots. Boil potatoes, beets, carrots or cabbage, chop and add to the porridge. Thus, the baby eats the necessary component.

Fiber and vitamins

What to feed a kitten from one month old to older age? Nutrition should be based on vitamins and fiber, since this period is the most productive. That is, if at this age there was a deficiency in any necessary substance, then in the future the cat may often get sick and not gain the required weight and height. Ideal products for replenishing all the necessary substances are cucumbers, all kinds of greens and apples. Only these products cannot be cooked; they should be added raw. To do this, grate them on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and add it to porridge or pureed soup made from vegetables and meat.

Basically, these are all the necessary products related to the question of what to feed 1.5 month old kittens in the absence of a cat. If you follow all the veterinarian's recommendations (our article is based on this), then your baby will grow into a large, active, healthy cat.

What should you not feed your kitten?

Everyone knows that chips and cola are harmful to a child's health. He should not be given these products, as they have a detrimental effect on the body. The same goes for baby cats; their bodies also cannot process some foods. To keep your kitten healthy and active, exclude the following foods from its diet:

If you follow our advice, you will see that a baby can grow healthy and strong even without his mother. This article is written solely based on recommendations from veterinarians. Do not use the advice of friends who say that if you get hungry, you will eat everything. Imagine that this is your baby and it needs to be fed appropriately. A kitten's nutrition from birth to one year should be special, just like our children!

It is not enough to regularly feed your pets properly. Proper nutrition is a key issue in animal care. Veterinarians never tire of repeating: what you feed is what you get; What is the diet, so is the health of the pet. What does “correct” mean?
The menu for cats/cats, since we are talking about them, differs significantly at different ages. What is beneficial and vital for a kitten (for example, milk) will most likely cause harm and cause stomach upset in an adult. Therefore, from a good hundred recommendations from specialists, we will select only those that relate to the “tender age” - a 2-month-old kitten.

Why is it so important to feed a 2-month-old kitten properly?

  • This is the age when the baby no longer has enough mother’s milk to live a full life. Healthy babies are more and more energetic, inquisitive, and playful. They spend more and more energy and calories, which requires compensation.
  • The body (skeleton, internal organs, muscular system) of purrs is formed around the first year of life. And a healthy “complete set” directly depends on what the kitten eats. What your cat eats will determine how often you will need to see your veterinarian later.
  • Immunity in cats, like in children, is acquired through mother's milk. So, if you feed the mother cat correctly, the question of what to feed the kitten at one month, as a rule, does not arise. Mom copes with this task herself. The transition to self-feeding is usually stressful for a small organism. And at first, nutrition should be less traumatic, more similar to delicious mother’s milk and just as rich and balanced. In addition to nutrients, include a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of immunity.

If feeding is correct, the baby will grow healthy, look happy and gain weight day by day.

First, decide what you want to serve: natural food or professional food? Mixed food, according to feline nutritionists, is a bad option for a cat. By sprinkling healthy oatmeal “for flavor” with aromatic “crackers” of ready-made food and feeding it to your pet, you will most likely get two or even three problems. The fact is that the cat’s body adjusts to one way or another, that is, the diet. The mixture often causes a negative reaction: gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and pain, loss of appetite. The transition from “artificial” food to natural food is often accompanied by the same (temporary, admittedly) problem.

If you want to understand what to feed a kitten for 2 months and how to feed it, let’s look at the features of each of these diets, natural food and specialized food.

Features of specialized feeds

Such nutrition has many advantages, if you do not save money and focus on professional food - premium and super-premium class. A high-quality manufacturer takes into account many cat characteristics - age, physiological, psychological; constitution, lifestyle and even gender. The gradation of dry food is very fractional. Food for purebred cats (Persian, etc.) and others. For active and neutered animals. For the elderly and young. Not a single line is complete without dry and wet food for kittens 2 months and older. It contains more calcium, protein, and its own vitamin and mineral complex. Moreover, there is more than one feeding option for kittens. You can find dry food for kittens up to one year old; food for kittens from 1 month to 4 months, there are even dry milk formulas for babies in the transition period. Nice job! There is no concern about what to feed a one-month-old kitten, let alone a 3-month-old kitten.

There is no need to fuss with cereals and broths, calculate calories, buy supplements and vitamin preparations, or come up with a menu for tomorrow. Others did everything for you. Just follow their advice on how much your pet should eat.

How much should you feed a kitten?

On the back of the package you will always find a table with the daily intake. Standards may vary from one manufacturer to another, as may the composition of the feed.

By the way, about the composition. Be sure to watch it. The inventors of cheap mass-produced food use almost no meat. Its “analogue” is minced meat made from bones, skin and even feathers. They do not disdain dyes and flavors. In addition, our pets are fed too many mineral salts. The benefits of such nutrition are questionable, but the harm is obvious. Low-quality food has little nutritional value, it is worth feeding once, the animal requires more and more food, but most importantly, a bad product causes kidney and liver diseases. By saving on food, you will splurge on the veterinarian.

So, how much specialized food should a kitten eat per day? The quantity depends on the weight of the cat. The recommended diet is 75% dry food, 25% wet food. There will be no harm if the amount of wet food (pouch or jar) is half the daily dose. Often, racking their brains about what to feed their 1-month-old kittens, owners mix dry and wet food in one plate. We do not recommend doing this. Better give it separately. Ideally, wet food should be at a comfortable warm temperature. If you warm it up a little (up to 38-40 degrees), it becomes more fragrant.

For feeding, it is better to use a low, wide container that is comfortable for the kitten. Vitamin-mineral complexes, no supplements needed. Only in individual cases, on the advice of a veterinarian.
Important! Your pet should always have access to a container of clean, not cold water. Dehydration is a deadly enemy. If a kitten eats dry food, its body definitely needs four times more moisture. Sometimes you hear that animals are smart! – find the liquid themselves. They climb into the bathtub or kitchen sink, lick water from the walls... Moisture with residues of household chemicals - is this really what you should feed your cat?

How many times a day should you feed?

Often, on average 5-6 times a day, in small portions. By six months, reduce to three times. Adult cats are recommended to be fed twice a day. In general, the diet is considered correct if the kitten is well-fed, but the skeleton is easily palpable, looks healthy, the coat is shiny, and the weight increases with growth.

Natural food: how to feed it correctly?

The saddest misconception when it comes to natural feeding is pieces from the master's table. Our food is unacceptable for animals, especially children. Salt, in the amount we are used to, will be a fatal blow to their kidneys. Pepper, spices, without which almost none of our dishes are complete, is a dangerous trick for a small liver. Smoked, salty, spicy, sweet - should not be present on the kitten's table. This is a slow poison or a gun that will definitely fire in a few years - urolithiasis, enlarged liver, and more.

Are you leaning towards natural foods? Approach this like an adult. A cat should grow up to be an omnivore, try different things, and not be stuck on one product. The argument that wild cats are mono-feeders in nature does not hold water. If rural hunters who catch mice meet the body's needs for protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, then where will you get a fresh mouse for a city dweller?..

What can/should a kitten 3 months and younger eat?

  • Meat, daily. Lean beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. Boiled, raw or scalded. Cut into small pieces or ground into minced meat.
  • Meat by-products: heart, liver, lungs, chicken stomachs. Ground or finely chopped, boiled or scalded.
  • Milk, of course, every day. This is the basis of a child's diet. Later there will come a time when the body begins to poorly absorb this product. The teenager himself will refuse it. And for up to four months, this source of calcium is simply necessary.
  • Fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese diluted with milk, low-fat sour cream.
  • Fillet fish occasionally, no more than once a week. And only boiled. Raw fish (worms) and in large quantities (fluoride) are contraindicated.
  • Eggs, quite often. Raw (whole, beating the yolk and white, or just the yolk) or boiled. Alone or with milk.
  • Liquid porridge with milk or meat broth with the addition of meat. Oatmeal, oat flakes, buckwheat, rice, millet.
  • Vegetables, raw and cooked. The kitten, of course, won’t bite the carrots, but you can crumble a little bit into meat pates and porridges. By the way, it is better not to use potatoes: starch is difficult to digest.
  • A drop of vegetable oil a day to improve digestion.
  • Ready-made vitamin and mineral complexes for kittens.

By the way, about the kitten, 1.5 months old. What to feed this baby? You can use ready-made baby food in jars - a mixture of meat and vegetables. Pates without salt, with vitamin supplements, are made from quality products.

What should you not feed your kitten (cat)?

  • Pork (risk of contracting worms), fatty meat in general.
  • Sharp, tubular bones (risk of injury, choking).
  • Salty, spicy, smoked, fried, sweet, homemade canned food and sausage.

Delicious recipe from Vaska the cat

Milk, raw yolk, cottage cheese. Mix the ingredients by eye to get a thin porridge. A very useful, tasty little thing for a 2 month old kitten.

Useful video