Why are colored lenses harmful to the eyes? Important question! Are colored contact lenses harmful to the eyes, including for children and teenagers? Will color perception change?

It often happens that people with poor eyesight refuse to wear glasses. The reasons can be very different: from discomfort to dissatisfaction with your appearance in them. How Alternative option, there are contact lenses for the eyes. There are many varieties of them. Lenses are used for both myopia (or farsightedness) and astigmatism. In addition, this is a good option for children, which will help avoid the development of complexes. However, it is important to know that best lenses for eyes, reviews of which from doctors and friends will be impeccable, may not be suitable for you. Therefore, the first thing you need to make an informed choice is consultation with a specialist.

Types of contact lenses

Based on the type of hardness, there are hard and soft lenses. The first stood at the origins of this type of vision correction, but today they have almost been replaced by soft ones.

Despite this, it is with their help that astigmatism is corrected. Hard eye lenses have a longer lifespan. In addition, they are not affected environment. But in terms of comfort, they are undoubtedly inferior to soft ones. Contact lenses are also divided according to the frequency of replacement. The pair can be changed from once a month to once a year. Of course, it is more correct with medical point vision, rely on short periods of wearing (up to three months). Such eye lenses receive mostly positive reviews from experts; no health problems arise when wearing them. For various diseases The following types of corrective lenses are used:

  • spherical (myopia, farsightedness);
  • toric (astigmatism);
  • bifocal (presbyopia).

Lenses or glasses?

The main advantages of contact lenses are excellent and no distortion of objects. No matter how good the glasses are, they do not allow you to see what is on the sides. To do this, you have to turn around, which is not entirely comfortable. In addition, glasses change the shape of our eyes and their appearance. Their owners feel particular discomfort during the cold season. After all, in winter, glasses often fog up; For these and many other reasons Lately Correction with soft contact lenses is becoming increasingly popular among drivers. They are comfortable, hygienic, do not interfere with movement and do not limit the visual field. For drivers, proper vision correction is directly related to safety. Modern soft HD provide high clarity of vision, absence of glare and halos, especially in the dark, as well as excellent access of oxygen to the cornea of ​​the eye.


Of course, like everyone medical device, contact lenses have their disadvantages. First of all, when wearing them you need to be quite careful and strictly follow all the rules of use. Compared to glasses, lenses have short term operation and require regular replacement. In addition, these are additional costs. If you wear the product without taking it off for a long time(or not change it in time), it is almost impossible to avoid the occurrence of eye inflammation and conjunctivitis.

Do contact lenses have contraindications?

The specialist will not prescribe lenses for the following factors:

  • inflammatory processes that are in the active stage;
  • decreased tear production;
  • subluxation of the lens;
  • glaucoma;
  • strabismus (angle more than 15°);
  • asthma, respiratory diseases, rhinitis.

Difficulties may arise if a person has a tendency to allergic reactions. may appear when working in areas where there is concentrated great amount chemicals or dust.

Colored contact lenses

Today, colored eye lenses are in great demand. Reviews about them are positive mainly due to the aesthetic effect. After all, approximately every third woman dreams of a different eye color. The dye used in their manufacture is completely safe. Colored eye lenses do not cause inflammatory or allergic reactions (with the exception of individual intolerance), they are not toxic. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such products can also correct medical deficiencies. They are indispensable for corneal clouding. There are diseases that are accompanied by intolerance sun rays. In this case, lenses will also come in handy. After injury or surgical intervention iris defects often occur. Colored eye lenses will help correct this deficiency.

Types of colored lenses

All pigmented lenses are divided into two groups. The first includes tint products. They have a small proportion of coloring matter and are almost transparent. It is completely impossible with their help, but adjusting the shade is quite possible. They are not suitable for dark eyes at all. The second group is colored eye lenses, which have an opaque coating. These are the ones that are used for a radical change in tone. There are both corrective colored lenses and products without diopters.

Disadvantages of pigmented lenses

One of the main problems when wearing colored lenses is the deterioration in the quality of vision in dark rooms. After all, when the pupil dilates, part of it can be blocked by the lens (since the transparent area does not change in size). Naturally, this can significantly worsen the perception of the surrounding space. Colored lenses are comparatively thicker, so their wearing time is reduced to several hours. IN otherwise inflammatory processes can't be avoided. Another unpleasant situation that can arise with such products is that they can move when blinking. This should be taken into account when choosing such lenses for the eyes. Reviews indicate that wearing them is undesirable when driving.

Orthokeratology lenses

A new word in vision correction - night lenses. They have a number of advantages. Orthokeratology (night correction) allows for regular use special lenses to correct the shape of the cornea. This will make it possible to have during the day. Night lenses for the eyes make the middle of the cornea flatter. This form can last for 1-2 days. This correction method can stop progressive myopia in adolescents. This is wonderful alternative way for those for whom soft lenses are contraindicated, as well as for athletes and people who drive active image life. Orthokeratology is also suitable for those who have constant contact with aggressive components. If the patient plans to resort to laser correction vision and wants to simulate the result, then night lenses will help him with this. However, do not forget that the effect is reversible, and in a day your vision will return to what it was before. Only regular use can give the desired result for every day. These eye lenses receive good reviews: they get used to them in about a week, nothing interferes with sleep, and care is quite simple.

How to choose the right contact lenses

The most important rule when choosing vision correction methods is consultation with experienced specialist. He will check your vision and select exactly the lenses that will suit your eye shape. Having chosen a model, the doctor tries it on. You may need more than one pair of products to avoid discomfort when wearing. Then you will need to wait 10 minutes. After this time, the specialist will re-examine the eyes and the position of the lenses on them. If they are selected correctly, then directly in the optical salon the patient will have to learn how to put on and take off the products himself. The ophthalmologist will tell you how to properly care for your lenses, how often to change them, and what to avoid. According to the recommendations, the duration of wearing should be increased gradually. On the first day it will be enough to wear contact lenses for 2 hours, on the second - 4, gradually increasing to 10-12 hours. There are also special lenses for sensitive eyes. They are made of biocompatible material and have good oxygen permeability. In addition, such lenses are extremely thin, which makes them invisible to the eyes. If there is a feature such as increased sensitivity, then today modern ophthalmology offers many options for vision correction. By the way, daily lenses are also recommended for sensitive eyes.

Myths about harmfulness

The question of whether lenses are harmful to the eyes worries many patients. However, if worn correctly and replaced regularly, the health risks are minimal. Following the doctor's recommendations, you can remember about their existence only when the time comes to remove them. To eliminate the possibility of eye problems, do not forget about hygiene. When putting on or removing lenses, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap. It is advisable to use a waffle towel to avoid small fluff from sticking. It is better to avoid cream soap so that moisturizing oils do not remain on your hands. A portion of disinfectant is intended for one time only. The product container must be kept perfectly clean; it cannot be washed with running water. And you should forever forget about the habit of rubbing your eyes with your hands. In addition to the possibility of infection, there is a risk of damaging the lens. If a woman has to do makeup, then the lenses must be put on before the procedure begins. And only after removing them can you begin to cleanse your face. Regular replacement of contact lenses (as well as containers) and scheduled vision tests will help maintain eye health for a long time.

As you know, women love to experiment with their appearance. Since ancient times, they have been applying cosmetics to their faces, trying to change their hair color, etc. The most interesting invention, more than thirty years ago, was colored lenses.

This is an accessory that is used not only by those who have vision problems. Of course, in many cases, correction is combined with a change in color, but there are also situations when the color of the eyes changes, but there is no effect on the quality of vision. Many women like the idea of ​​changing their image, and changing eye color is a rather interesting experiment.

There are several options on how to do this:

It should be immediately noted that for dark eyes (brown, dark green or black), tints are not suitable.

They either will not give any effect or will look ugly. For dark irises, colored, densely tinted lenses are needed.

Many people buy them without thinking about the harm or benefit they can cause, however, before interfering with the natural environment of the eye, it is better to ask what the pros and cons are in this method of changing appearance.

So, main question, this is of course a dye. Due to the coloring matter, the shade of the iris changes. It can be translucent, enhancing the natural color, or maybe "thick" completely coloring the iris. Manufacturers claim that this dye cannot cause any harm. We have to believe them, if only because this dye is located inside the material, protected on both sides by a film, and therefore there is no contact with the mucous membrane. Therefore, we shouldn’t be afraid of the dye.

They also cannot distort vision, even if they are thickly colored with an opaque dye. The fact is that they leave a transparent spot, especially for the pupil, through which we look. Therefore, our vision does not notice colored lens and on "picture" which we see has no effect.

They have the same relation to conjunctivitis or other eye diseases as usual. Simply put, only poor hygiene can lead to health problems.

  • What problems might arise with them?

    Some difficulties may still arise. For example, if you choose lenses poorly without measuring the radius of curvature. The color field will be too wide, the transparent window is too small for your pupil. This will inevitably lead to a narrowing of the field of view. The eye will see less than in its natural position. It is worth remembering this if concentration is necessary. Especially if you get behind the wheel of a car.

    If, on the contrary, the pupil narrows greatly, this will not cause problems. The only inconvenience is that the natural rim of the iris will appear and the color change effect will not be ideal. As a rule, it is very noticeable and not too beautiful.

    In order to avoid problems with colored lenses, you need to follow simple recommendations:

    The effect of colored lenses on healthy eyes

    If you follow, everything is higher listed rules, changing their color will not harm your eye health in any way. It must be remembered that this is still a foreign body placed directly on the mucous membrane, so there may be discomfort from its presence, from dust, from wind. If external factors you are not afraid, you can be sure that your vision will remain healthy.

    It is imperative to consult a specialist, since for healthy eyes the correct curvature indicator and correctly selected pupil diameter are doubly important. Agree, it would be a shame to ruin healthy vision because of a petty whim of changing your image.

    An important point is that without trying on, you may not guess the color. The fact is that the color of your lens is superimposed on the color of the iris. The resulting shade may not match what you chose in the catalog. Fitting is a very real process that can be carried out in any optical salon. With the help of specialists, you can experiment on the spot and be able to order what you like the most.

    If you can’t decide what shade you want, and trying it on is impossible, you can simply check it in the photo. Photoshop and dozens of other programs make it possible "try on" color without making expensive purchases and without making mistakes.

    Do not be alarmed if for the first time it seems to you that your vision has deteriorated or become cloudy. Your eyes just have to get used to it and the effect will take place in a couple of days. "veils" will pass.

    So, if you follow all the rules of hygiene in relation to lenses, their use will not cause any problems.

    The only thing you need to understand before buying them is that this is not an item that is comfortable to use.

    They need care, they are noticeable in the eyes and you will have to get used to all this. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice. Don't sacrifice your health. Be beautiful, attentive and careful with your eyesight, because combining all these points is not so difficult.

  • Ophthalmological developments designed to change the style and make the look more expressive include colored contact lenses. The product has been known and enjoyed by women (mostly) for over 30 years.

    In addition to decorating the eyes, it successfully copes with some visual defects - eyesores, partial absence of the iris, etc. At the same time, there are several myths about the unsafety of colored CLs for the organs of vision and the reduction of its acuity.

    Special Features

    Depending on the purpose, this product divided into 3 subgroups:

    1. Tinted– suitable for light-eyed people, used to give expressiveness and emphasize the color features of the iris. They are completely colored, but do not change the shade radically, because... remain transparent and do not hide the natural iris.
    2. Cosmetic- designed to change eye color. Opaque. middle part is not painted, the rest of the plane is processed using multilayer technology so that the pattern remains inside the lens material, without contact with the eye.
    3. Decorative– used as part of makeup for specific images (for carnival, themed parties, filming a video clip, TV show, etc.). The drawing contains an image of an object, animal, etc. Opaque. They can be with minus diopters and “zero”.

    Lenses with a pattern are more suitable for a carnival or theme party.

    How viral keratitis is treated is described in detail in.

    Acuvue 2 Colors

    Necessary to hide existing defects eyeball(thornhole). Other advantages of the product include:

    • opportunity alternative replacement sunglasses;
    • visual load in case of “lazy eye” syndrome (amblyopia);
    • correction (if diopters are available).

    Infinity - as soft as possible for daily use

    Symptoms and treatments viral conjunctivitis You can find out from adults.

    Are colored lenses harmful?

    This development has been popular for more than 30 years, and over the past time a lot of supporters of the theory of the unsafety of such a product have appeared. In particular, such statements are based on the unsafety of the material from which they are made for the eyeball.

    In fact, colored lenses are produced using the most modern technologies, and using soft material used to create conventional products contact correction, which completely prevents any discomfort, pain or micro-damage to the iris.

    Soft CLs are made from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel, hard ones are made from polymer. The coloring pigment is contained between layers of material without penetrating into the eyeball, and the unpainted middle does not interfere visual function and does not distort the overall color perception.

    The “transparency” of the center of the lens does not distort the perception of tones and shades of the surrounding world.

    How to recognize dangerous disease according to the first signs - .

    Antimicrobial therapy – .

    For healthy eyes

    CL for changing the image are absolutely safe for people who do not suffer from ophthalmological diseases. In this case, a “zero” or diopter-free product is selected that does not change the optical power of the eyes.

    Crazy options are suitable for wearing for no more than 2-3 hours at a time

    But the product can really be harmful if not correct operation. With frequent or prolonged wearing disturbances, visual acuity may decrease or inflammatory processes may develop. To prevent such complications you need:

    1. Follow the rules of eye hygiene and storage of contact lenses.
    2. Limit your smoking (smoke contaminates the surface).
    3. Before initial use, consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist is required.
    4. Wear it no longer than the specified time, preventing tension, dryness, and also to maintain oxygen access to the cornea (for hydrogel).

    In some cases, a “veil” or fog may appear before the eyes, especially with lateral vision. This unpleasant nuance is associated with an error in selecting the lens size and, as a result, its location on the pupil area. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you.

    Prevention is always better treatment – .

    If the basics of lens care and visual hygiene are observed, they are considered harmless to be worn by people with healthy eyes.

    ; soft CL options will allow you to choose the appropriate option for any color type

    Artificial tears to relieve tension and eliminate dryness – .

    For people with low vision

    Without diopters, only decorative (or ) contact lenses (CL), they are not suitable for people with vision problems. As a rule, they are thicker than ordinary lenses and must be worn for a short time (during the filming of a video or talk show), otherwise inflammatory processes may develop.

    Several companies produce colored contact lenses for vision correction. The most famous:

    • FreshLook ColorBlends with a monthly service life. Available in several shades (green, sapphire, brown, etc.) with optical power from 0 to -8 (or without diopters). Block UF radiation.
    • Infinity with a service life of up to 6 months. The composition is non-ionic, moisture content is not lower than 55%, oxygen permeability is 32.5 units.
    • Acuvue 2 Colors– soft hydrogel tint contact lenses, available with or without diopters. Unlike most manufacturers, they are suitable for both myopia and farsightedness, but the optical power is limited.
    • Bausch & Lomb– the Soflens Natural Colors series produces several shades, but only 3 of them are intended for vision correction: aquamarine, topaz and Pacific.

    Read about how to choose children's eye vitamins to improve vision.

    Colored contact lenses for vision correction can be either daily use or suitable for longer periods. long-term wearing. Read the instructions carefully.

    Ok Vision Fusion Palette

    Read what to do and how to diagnose inflammation of the cornea.

    How long can you wear it?

    The specifics of the wearing mode depend on the type, material from which the contact lenses are made, the manufacturer, and other nuances. On average, models for changing style or emphasizing the natural iris are worn no longer than 6-8 hours a day, after which they are removed, giving rest to the eyes. It is somewhat more difficult for oxygen to penetrate through the colored fragments, which increases the load on the visual organs.

    The transparent middle allows you to see the world in familiar color

    How to help an adult or child with dacryocystitis - how to treat.

    Some companies (Akuview and others) are engaged in the production of CLs with a one-day service life and an allowed duration of use of up to 12 hours. After this time, the product is disposed of.

    Carnival CLs are distinguished by the specifics of their manufacture, due to a very dense coating of colored pigment, they are thicker than tint and decorative species, and more impede the access of oxygen to the iris. On average, their use is limited to 2-4 hours.

    To save healthy vision it is necessary to observe the time of wearing cosmetic or corrective ophthalmic products in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of a specialist.

    Opinions about the dangers of colored contact lenses are unfounded, because... production and the materials used in its process are no different from conventional means of contact vision correction. The reason for any painful sensations is poor care or storage, as well as prolonged wearing, which violates the recommendations of an ophthalmologist and instructions for use.


    This video will tell you whether contact lenses are harmful to your eyes.

    If used correctly, the product will be an excellent attribute for themed events and parties. It will hide existing iris defects and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

    The article is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered as an instruction to action. Before purchasing any products for vision correction and eye decoration, you must consult a specialist in the field of ophthalmology. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you .

    Colored lenses have been known all over the world for over 30 years. This amazing invention of mankind has given rise to a lot of myths, which mainly concern the unsafety of colored lenses. However, the prospect of “trying on” a new eye color seems tempting to many. It's bright, original, interesting. Users who regularly wear colored lenses constantly transform themselves in this way. But are colored lenses so harmless and can they harm the eyes? Let's look into this issue.

    What you need to know

    Exists three types colored lenses: cosmetic, tint and decorative.


    Cosmetic lenses can completely change natural color eye. Such models are especially suitable for dark-eyed users: the color change occurs due to the opaque color of the lens. Only the central part of the contact lens, located in the pupil area, remains unpainted. When painting such lenses, a multilayer patterning technology is usually used.

    The color layer is located inside the lens material and does not come into contact with the eye.


    If used incorrectly, any lenses can cause serious damage to the eyes. Soft lenses harm the eyes if worn incorrectly and if instructions for use are not followed. In this case, they can deteriorate the quality of vision and lead to inflammatory diseases eye.

    Specifics of wearing mode

    The duration of wearing colored lenses depends on the characteristics of the specific model, as well as individual characteristics human body. To ensure that the user does not experience any problems, it is necessary to carefully care for the lenses, do not use them if the expiration date has expired, and also strictly adhere to the prescribed wearing regimen. You need to wear lenses as long as prescribed in the instructions and instructions of the doctor.

    How to put on lenses

    Mostly colored lenses are produced with a one-day wearing regime, but there are also models of planned replacement that can be worn for two weeks, a month and even three months. You shouldn't sleep in colored lenses.

    Colored and tint lenses do not change the image of the world in any way. After all, in the center they are transparent. But a person's pupil is from bright light or when excited, it expands and may appear under the colored zone. In this case, the perception of reality will be somewhat distorted. There's nothing wrong with that, however When driving a car, it is better to refuse such an accessory.

    Carnival lenses are not intended for long-term wear. Such lenses are thicker, so they transmit oxygen less well. In addition, carnival lenses reduce the clarity, contrast and quality of vision. If we compare carnival and colored lenses, the latter guarantee best quality vision.

    Read about how many hours you can wear one-day wear.

    Choosing colored lenses need to remember following:

    • You can't just buy colored lenses in a store or online. The purchase must necessarily be preceded by a vision diagnosis and a complete examination of the eye condition. The selection should be carried out by an ophthalmologist.
    • You only need to buy lenses that are right for you. There are now lenses on sale that can simultaneously correct vision and change the color or shade of the eyes.
    • Vision tests and diagnostics must be completed once every six months.
    • When choosing colored lenses, we must not forget that the diameter of the pupil should not exceed the diameter of the uncolored zone of the lens. This may cause the image to become slightly blurry in some areas of the field of view. This effect can be observed in low light or when driving a car in dark time days.
    • You can wear colored lenses no more than 6-8 hours a day. and be sure to remove it at night.
    • When choosing, the most difficult thing is choosing the color. Here you need to take into account following points: The darker your own eye color, the more difficult it will be to change it, especially in a lighter direction. For example, to make dark brown eyes blue, you should choose lenses with a very dense color. For light eyes Tinted lenses will suffice.
    • Pay attention to the manufacturer.
    • In addition to color, lenses also have a “pattern”. Some of them may look unnatural, so carefully choose a manufacturer whose products will completely suit you. If you don't want to make a mistake with the color of your lenses, then go to online services, where you can “try on” certain options.

    How to choose

    Modern manufacturers

    Today, almost all famous manufacturers produce colored lenses. This indicates the demand for such models. After all, changing eye color can have an incredible effect. Let's call the best manufacturers colored lenses and the most popular brands:

    • Johnson&Johnson. Colored lenses from this company have proven themselves to be excellent thanks to ultra-thin materials based on silicone hydrogel. “1-Day Acuvue Define” lenses highlight the natural beauty of the eyes, giving them a radiant and expressive shade. ACUVUE 2 COLORS Opaques and ACUVUE 2 COLORS Enhancers lenses are also in demand. The first option is suitable for light and dark eyes, the second is only for light ones. The dye in these lenses is distributed throughout inner layers material. The lenses contain 3 color layers, which ensure an accurate imitation of the iris. Wearing period is two weeks.
    • Bausch & Lomb. This company is the largest contact lens manufacturer in the world. Its products are different highest quality. SofLens Natural Colors lenses perfectly convey the natural pattern of the iris. Lens surface prevents penetration harmful components environment on the eyeball. Wearing period is 3 months.
    • CIBA Vision. This manufacturer specializes in the production of colored corrective lenses. The pattern is applied in three layers, which allows you to perfectly imitate the natural structure of the iris. “FreshLook ColorBlends” are perfectly fixed on the eyeball, they are difficult to move even with a sharp rotation of the eyes. Wearing period is 1 month. The “FreshLook Dimensions” model additionally protects the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, while allowing oxygen to pass through well. Wearing time – 1 month. One-day model “FreshLook” One Day Illuminate" visually increases the size of the eyes.
    • Carl Zeiss is a world-famous manufacturer of optics. Contact lenses from this company are famous for their highest quality and ability to retain moisture. “Contact day 30 colors Tri-tone” contains three shades, allowing the eyes to look natural and preserve the natural pattern of the iris. Wearing period is 1 month. “Contact day 30 colors Two-tone” is a model that can radically change the color of any eyes. Wearing time – 2 months.
    • Bescon. This manufacturer uses a special technology of “volumetric formation”. Dyes are applied at the stage of lens manufacturing, which avoids applying an additional layer. All models are very thin, with high level oxygen permeability. Tutti Premium Color - tint lenses that give the eyes a bright, natural shade and visually enlarge the eyes. Can be used to change the color of light or dark eyes. Wearing period is 1 month. A feature of these models is the optimal diameter of the pupillary zone, which allows you to see well when the size of the pupil changes. Tutti Premium Color lenses also have unique property change shade depending on the brightness of the light.
    • OK Vision. This famous company specializes in the production of carnival lenses. They radically change the natural color of the iris and its pattern. OK Vision Fusion Fancy lenses are available in dozens of different options with images like cat eyes, fire, radioactivity sign, emoticon, target, cross, web, etc. Wearing period is 3 months. Carnival lenses can Colornova Disco have the ability to glow in the dark. They are harmless, but they are not recommended to be worn for more than 6 hours at a time. The wearing period of lenses is 1 month.

    What does toric contact lenses mean you will find.

    Neon lenses

    Colored lenses, like regular contact lenses, require compliance certain rules use and care. Scheduled replacement models should be stored in a special container, ensuring that the liquid is always clean. At night, lenses must be removed before hygiene procedures.

    Any product of this kind, in essence, is foreign body, which, one way or another, makes adjustments to the functioning of the visual organs. Lenses should be kept moisturized throughout the day using special drops. Do not wear a damaged, scratched or torn lens. This lens can damage the cornea of ​​the eye.

    Most colored lenses have a short shelf life: a few days, a month, or even just one day. By independently prolonging it and using the product beyond the prescribed period of time, you can cause significant harm to your health.



    So, we hope that you are convinced that colored lenses are absolutely harmless. However, they must be taken care of, wearing rules must be followed, and their service life must not be extended. If you are a responsible user, then you will never have any problems wearing colored lenses.

    Traditionally used as a method for correcting refractive errors. But recently, even those with 100% vision have been purchasing contact optics.

    It's about about colored lenses without diopters, which allow you to “try on” a new eye color and even create certain visual effects on the iris. Are colored lenses harmful, how dangerous is the dye, how to choose the right optics for children and teenagers - we will try to answer these questions in the article.

    Are they harmful or not?

    Any lenses are a special accessory, suitable especially for individual use. Colored lenses (CL) can radically change the shade of the iris due to dense shading of the optical matrix. Therefore, they are suitable even for those with very dark brown eyes.

    It should be remembered that they come into direct contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, hygiene rules during operation must be strictly observed. For example, decorative lenses without diopters are most often intended only for short-term wear.


    Decorative optical products include several types:

    All modern CL for healthy eyes are produced using a certain technology: the pigment is applied in several layers, maintaining a clear pattern and a smooth flow of shades.

    Can the dye cause harm?

    The statement that pigment is dangerous is a common misconception. In the production of CL, the technology of layer-by-layer application of chemical components is used. As a result, the lens pigment ends up in the central layer of the product - between the polymer and the hydrogel.

    On the one hand, this technique does not allow for high oxygen permeability of the material. But Due to its layer-by-layer structure, the dye does not come into contact with the surface of the eye and does not pose a threat to vision.

    Before purchasing tinted lenses, it is recommended to consult with an ophthalmologist to select the desired diameter of the product and receive advice regarding wearing regimen. A consultation is also needed in order to exclude contraindications to wearing contact lenses. These include strabismus, ptosis, lens subluxation, blepharitis, glaucoma, etc.

    INTERESTING FACT: Scientists at the University of Birmingham have developed corrective lenses for colorblind people. They contain a safe fluorone dye, rhodamine, which can correct the perception of red and green colors.

    How can DLs without diopters be harmful?

    Unlike classic lenses with diopters, where high-quality biocompatible materials are used, CLs cannot boast of such quality.

    They are characterized by lower oxygen permeability and reduced levels of moisture. That is why It is not recommended to stay in such optics for more than 5 hours at a time.

    The most common problems faced by accessory owners:

    This symptomatology occurs when the wearing of lenses is disrupted or hygiene standards are not observed.

    Dangerous complication irrational use of contact optics – corneal hypoxia. Since the CLs are not able to pass a sufficient amount of air, the cornea experiences oxygen starvation and stops functioning normally.

    At the first signs of hypoxia - sharp drop vision, a feeling of fog and pain in the eyes - you must immediately remove the lenses and consult a doctor. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to death epithelial cells and irreversible changes in the structures of the eye.

    IMPORTANT! Hypoxia can be caused by an incorrectly selected lens size. A model that is too large will block the flow of tear fluid and disrupt metabolic processes in tissues.

    Infectious and inflammatory processes are another complication that results from neglect of visual hygiene rules. If CL with dirty hands, you can get an infection in your eye.

    Microbes that enter the surface of the eyeball can spread quickly, causing inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) or mucous layer (conjunctivitis).

    Will color perception change?

    According to doctors, CLs do not change color perception and do not affect the formation of the correct image. In the center of each lens there is a clear area devoid of dye. That's why light rays freely enter the pupil area without being refracted through pigment particles.

    But sometimes users of color optics complain of a feeling of veil or fog before their eyes at dusk or dark room. This phenomenon is associated with the characteristics of the pupil, which is capable of expanding in poor lighting and narrowing in bright light. When the pupil is dilated, the colored area of ​​the lens may coincide with the pupillary area. Some of the rays will pass through the pigment substance, which can lead to clouding and slight distortion of color perception.

    The disadvantage of CLs lies in their ability to limit peripheral vision and reduce visibility. Therefore, tint optics are not recommended when driving a car.

    Rules for wearing and care

    It is quite possible to reduce the likelihood of complications and make wearing CL as comfortable as possible. To do this, just follow important rules, which were developed by experienced ophthalmologists:

    ADVICE: Lovers of colored lenses and allergy sufferers can purchase special hypoallergenic cosmetics for contact lenses.

    One more piece of advice can be given to women: apply makeup after putting on the optics, and wash off the makeup after the CLs are removed.

    You can wash dirty lenses, but you should only use special multifunctional solutions for this. Ordinary tap water (even filtered) cannot be used - it creates sediment on the surface of the optics and makes it unusable.

    Accessories for children

    Due to their unusualness and trendiness, pigmented lenses have attracted the attention of the younger generation.

    Ophthalmologists do not prohibit the use of this type of optics for children and adolescents, but recommend strict adherence to hygiene rules.

    Some doctors allow children to wear CL after reaching 8 years of age. Others advise purchasing design models no earlier than at age 14. At this age, the child becomes more responsible and careful, able to independently care for fashion accessory.

    Concerns about the harm of CL in adolescence have no physiological basis. Contact optics cannot influence correct formation visual apparatus and does not pose a threat to the child's health.

    IN special category includes children with iris defects. Therefore, for aesthetic purposes, CL can be allowed in early age(from 2-3 years). But the decision to use decorative correction should be made only with the participation of a doctor and after a thorough medical examination.

    Useful video

    An ophthalmologist will tell you whether colored lenses are harmful to the eyes or not:

    Colored lenses are a great option for changing your image, memorable photo shoots and themed parties. But you shouldn’t overuse designer accessories. They are not intended for long-term wear and can disrupt metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyeball.