Lenses for dark eyes. What you need to know about colored lenses? Types of optical products

Colored lenses are modern high-quality optics that allow you to simultaneously correct your vision and radically change your image. Such lenses can also be used by people without vision problems who purchase decorative products without optical properties solely to change their image. Choose lenses for brown eyes not easy because of their initially rich natural color, but with a careful approach to the selection of products, you can achieve a complete change in image.

Lens properties

Modern lenses are made from soft, breathable materials. Thanks to the constant supply of oxygen through the lenses, a person’s eyes are comfortable throughout the day.

Colored lenses, like regular ones, do not pose a danger to human eyes, despite the presence of dye in their composition. Coloring matter is located inside the soft base of the lens, so its contact with the shell of the eye is excluded.

Man with healthy vision can use exclusively decorative products, and a person with vision problems can buy colored lenses with the desired optical effect. The color of the lenses does not affect their corrective abilities in any way. Even products in the darkest shades fully perform optical functions.

Colored lenses are used in the same way simple principle the same as regular products. Additional Features there is no care for them.

Variety of colors contact lenses allows you to radically change your eye color and create a completely new image. If desired, a person can purchase several pairs of lenses different colors and change the shade of your eyes taking into account your clothing style, hair color, makeup, etc. Modern technologies make it possible to make the shades of cosmetic lenses as close as possible to natural ones, which eliminates the possibility of getting an unnatural eye color.

Types of products

In terms of the degree of coloration, there are three main types of decorative lenses for brown eyes:

  1. Dense colored lenses with rich pigmentation that allow you to completely change the color of the iris.
  2. Products with a slight coloring effect that cannot change the brown color of the eyes, but can give a different shade to the iris. Such lenses are called tint lenses.
  3. Effect lenses. They can not only change the color of the eyes, but also give the look a special originality thanks to the applied patterns. The designs can be very diverse: soccer balls, flowers, patterns, figures, etc. Also, such lenses can give the look a glowing effect or contain several iridescent shades.

In addition, there are several types of lenses depending on the characteristics of their use:

  • lenses used only in daytime. Such products are removed during sleep;
  • lenses that can be used without interruption for 3 days;
  • products that can be worn continuously for up to 7 days;
  • lenses that you can wear for a month without taking them off.

Color selection for brown eyes

When choosing a lens color, it is important to objectively evaluate the shade of brown eyes. Brown color can be light, chocolate, almost black, or have inclusions of other colors (green, yellow, gray, etc.). Also, many people's eyes change color depending on the lighting and color of clothing. The following combinations are considered the best:

The image of the person himself is no less important. When choosing eye color it is important to consider general features style (color of clothing) and a person’s face (color of eyebrows, eyelashes, skin, hair).

So, fair skin and hair mean warm and soft eye colors. For pale skin and dark hair It is also recommended to use natural shades. And with dark skin and dark hair, it is better to give preference to bright and rich colors.

The right eye color will allow you to change your image while maintaining a harmonious appearance. Inconsistency between eye color and appearance type (for example, grey colour eyes with dark skin and black hair) can greatly spoil a person’s appearance.

Selection process

When choosing lenses, you need to consider the following points:

Eye comfort when wearing lenses largely depends on compliance certain rules for care and operation:

  • It is not advisable to rub eyes with lenses, as this causes displacement of the lens and discomfort;
  • when the air is dry and high level dustiness, it is worth using special drops to increase the level of eye hydration;
  • day lenses Be sure to take it off at night, otherwise redness and discomfort In eyes;
  • it is necessary to adhere to the service life of lenses and replace them in a timely manner;
  • Products must be stored in a special container with a disinfectant solution. The container must be clean and the solution fresh every time. This will prevent the entry of germs;
  • Do not wash lenses with liquids not intended for this purpose (water, various liquids, etc.);
  • You need to apply makeup before using lenses, and remove makeup after removing them;
  • You need to remove the products with hands washed with soap, displacing the lens from the cornea index finger. In this case, you need to tilt your head down and look forward;
  • It is not advisable to wear lenses if your eyes are irritated, inflammatory processes, during use eye drops, while bathing and swimming;
  • at the slightest sign If discomfort occurs, the lenses should be removed and contact an ophthalmologist.

Video - how to choose colored lenses


Many people fear that unnecessarily using decorative lenses solely for the purpose of changing their image can lead to deterioration of vision. Numerous studies confirm that wearing lenses does not harm a person’s vision in any way.

Harm to health can only be caused if the rules for using and caring for lenses are not followed. Thus, exceeding the permissible duration of using lenses without a break or untimely replacement of the disinfectant solution can indeed cause eye problems.

But the lenses have a number of disadvantages:

Visual interferenceInterference with full visual perception, which arises due to the fact that a person’s pupil constantly changes size, but the size of the lens remains unchanged. As a result, the dilated pupil becomes wider than the uncolored lumen in the center of the lens and there is a feeling as if something is preventing you from seeing
Difficulties in choosing colored lenses for brown eyesThe rich brown color of the iris is quite difficult to cover with another color, so you need to spend a lot of time finding the right shade of the lens
Product costHigh-quality lenses from trusted manufacturers are not cheap. Also, when purchasing lenses, there is a need to purchase containers, disinfectant solution, special drops

The most common question, the answer to which can only be found after appropriate fitting of several different options for colored lenses. But we will help you navigate through the many options.

Check out the options for trying on colored lenses on dark/brown eyes.

To start, consider your natural eye color.

Brown eyes may be interspersed with green pigment. or chameleons that change color depending on the light. The owners of such eyes suit all shades of brown, yellow, green, and marsh color. These colors will look as natural as possible, without raising questions among others.

Also, depending on your natural hair color, you will choose shades of gray and emerald, as well as AQUA color.

Brown-eyed girls and guys with warm, so-called tea-colored eyes are perfectly suited to shades of honey, amber, brown, yellow, grass-green, gold, gray, blue, bright blue, and colored lenses.

And finally, owners of the darkest brown eyes will benefit from bright shades of colored lenses that overlap dark color- brown (all shades), blue, cornflower blue, gold, green and black.

Two-tone gray colored lenses cover up dark eye color very naturally. The eyes appear bright and natural. Blue colored lenses appear even darker on dark eyes, so blue lenses don't look bright enough.

As for youth lenses from the fasion line, the imagination is limitless. Violet lenses and all other lenses with a dark aggressive rim and an increased iris diameter (14.5 mm) look great on dark eyes. Such lenses not only enhance the color of your eyes, but also give a doll-like, glamorous look to your entire appearance. With appropriate makeup and hairstyle, and the right accessories, you will become a real style icon. Gold lenses with an increased diameter look especially advantageous. In the flickering artificial light, gold lenses give the look languor, mystery and preciousness.

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 4 minutes


Eyes and their color are the first thing a person pays attention to upon contact.

Meanwhile, changing the image is quite easy colored contact lenses.

In this article we will look in detail at which colored lenses are the best among all models and manufacturers.

What are the best colored lenses?

Colored contact lenses are used for aesthetic purposes. If this is enough for their carrier, he acquires “zero” models. If, in addition to aesthetics, vision correction is necessary, lenses with diopters are purchased.

Important! When choosing, you need to decide what you want: radically change the color or give it a brighter shade. IN the latter case they talk about tint models.

Lenses vary in terms of validity. Usually this is a month, but there are two-week, one-week, and one-day CCLs on sale.

The precautions for wearing them are the same as for regular contact lenses. They must be replaced at the end of their validity period, adhere to the mode of use (up to eight hours a day), do not sleep with lenses on, store only in a fresh special solution, follow safety precautions.

The material from which the lenses are made absorbs impurities from the atmospheric air. They should not be worn if the air is contaminated with smoke, fumes, exhaust gases, or chemicals.

Advantages of different models

  • Lenses with more short term actions are preferable to products with a longer duration. One-day CCLs are ideal for consumers. They do not require any maintenance or costs – purchasing solutions for lenses, storage containers. Inflammation of the eyes when using them occurs in very rare cases.
  • The most important indicator of CCL is gas permeability. The higher it is, the more comfortable and longer you can wear them.
  • Another important criterion– mechanical resistance from damage. If the CCL breaks, it will have to be thrown away.
  • Based on the price of the TsKL, you can roughly guess its quality. Global brands are not the cheapest pleasure. But it’s realistic to choose and a budget option, acceptable in a particular case. Here sample list the best CCLs.

Manufacturer Johnson&Johnson

Model ACUVUE 2 COLORS Opaques radically change the color of any eye. Validity period is two weeks. Sold individually. Rich assortment of colors. Refraction ranges from 0 to -9D. UV filter, marked “123” for proper dressing. Creates the effect of depth in the eyes.

The Maxima Colors model is cheaper than the previous model. Suitable for originals that are ready to surprise others with a riot of color and an unusual pattern of the iris. UV filter.

Model Acuvue 2 Colors Enhancers good for deepening the colors of native blue, turquoise, green. Not suitable for black or dark brown eyes.

Manufacturer SofLens

Fusion and Natural Colors models highlight any natural colors.
The FreshLook Radiance model gives your eyes shine in daylight. A dark rim around the iris makes the look more expressive. The unique radiance effect is created by the mother-of-pearl layer. It is achieved even for almost black eyes.

  • Moonlight option - for gray, blue eyes. Transfers the magical twinkling of the moon to gray and blue eyes.
  • Option Edem - for gray-green, green eyes. They deepen the mysticism of the look, create the effect of twinkling stars in gray and green eyes.
  • One-day FreshLook option One Day presented in four color options.

Fusion fancy models for special originals who want to surprise. The choice of designs is extensive: cat eyes, flames, emoticons, eyesores, etc.

For those who want to improve in this genre, there are theatrical CCLs that obscure the whites, paint them black, red and other colors, and visually make the eyes huge.

Important! However, it is recommended to wear such theatrical colored contact lenses only during a holiday or carnival. They have low breathability and these contact lenses can be harmful to the eyes.

Ocular Sciences Ltd

The UltraFlex Next model is a convenient tint CCL.

The Ultra Flex Tint model emphasizes light color. The effect is achieved by thin, even coloring of CCL, complex design, and unique polymerization technology. Easy to use. Valid for six months. Sold individually.

Which models to choose for brown eyes?

Before you choose the best colored lenses for brown eyes, you need to understand what goals can be achieved with the help of these devices.

Attention! Purchasing CCL for brown eyes has two different purposes: to give the iris a special shade or to replace it with another. Effective for people with brown eyes, TsKL with edge edging.

The FreshLook Radiance model has options:

  • Autumn - for brown, dark eyes, lights up cheerful sparkles in them, gives a warm bronze tint.
  • Sunrise – for light brown. Gives them a pearlescent hue, a golden shine.

Translucent CCLs take away their natural cheerful shine from brown eyes.

The best for 1 month

Continuous Wear Models:

  • Air Optix Night & Day Aqua.
  • Biofifnity (Cooper Vision)

The material for their manufacture – silicone hydrogel – has an optimal moisture content and high gas permeability.

Uses and Features

Initially, colored lenses were created to hide eye defects: caused by different colors the absence or small size of the irises, the size of the pupils, their cataracts. Today they are purchased mainly for beauty.

The shade of the cornea plays a vital role in choosing a sexual partner. It is no coincidence that poems and songs are dedicated to eye color. Innocent blue, cold blue, witchcraft green, hypnotic black, perky brown eyes have become walking cliches of poetry.

Useful video

In the video you will see how different colored lenses look on different eyes:

To avoid creating problems for yourself, you should consult your doctor when choosing a model. It may turn out that wearing a CCL is contraindicated for you or you will not achieve the expected effect, taking into account your individual characteristics.

In contact with

Colored contact lenses - good way make your appearance ideal in your opinion. They are able to change the color of the eyes dramatically or only slightly, giving the desired shade. Such models are in demand among people who would like, for one reason or another, to have a different iris color. For example, for cosplay or just for your own sense of beauty.

There are many types of colored lenses. Some are suitable for people with light eyes, some for brown-eyed people. There are also special contact lenses that replace the natural shade with an unusual pattern or change the color of the sclera (white) of the eye. It looks extravagant, although they are more difficult to wear than regular models.

It is worth remembering that colored and tinted lenses are still a medical product that needs to be properly cared for and cannot be used if there are contraindications. So before purchasing, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist.

They can not only give a tint to the iris, but at the same time correct vision. But still, their main purpose is aesthetic, not medical. Unfortunately, because of this, it is rare to find lenses with good oxygen permeability parameters - they cannot compare with transparent models in terms of wearing comfort. And it is not recommended to sleep in them - you can only wear them during the day.

How not to make a mistake in choosing and buy the model that is most suitable in all respects? To do this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best colored lenses. We use detailed information And real experience from reviews in order to make the most informative material. All lenses in our rating are presented with a standard radius of curvature of 8.6 - they are the most versatile and common.

The best colored lenses for light eyes (tinted)

Such lenses are unable to fully change the color of the iris. They give it a certain shade or emphasize the natural one. Most often, such models are monochromatic and translucent, and do not have a pronounced iris pattern. Their task is to slightly change the existing shade: for example, make greenish or bluish from gray. But they won’t be able to radically change the color. All the models in this section are made from polymacon, so they are not too expensive, but quite comfortable and common.

3 OKVision Fusion Nuance

The best number of diopters (up to -15). Three pairs included
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1890 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

These daytime lenses are known for their comfortable wear and rich tones. They are able to give the iris a bright shade or deepen the natural one. There are only three colors: aquamarine, blue and green. Good oxygen permeability is good: 27.5 Dk/t will allow the eyes to feel comfortable. Moisture permeability is relatively high - 45%. If vision correction is necessary, you can choose an option with optical power from 0 to -15.

The lenses give a bright tint. It doesn't look entirely natural, but it looks pretty good. The downside is that the painted area may be visible on the squirrel since there is no indentation on the model. Reviews note that contact lenses are noticeable on the eyes. Therefore, you should select them very carefully. I’m glad that the box contains 6 lenses at once - this supply is enough for 1.5 months of daily wear (two weeks per pair).

2 ADRIA Color 2 tone

A set of souvenirs as a gift
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1090 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Not bad, but not the most comfortable lenses with a diameter of 14.2 mm. They are not able to radically change the color of the eyes, but they tint it well, make it deeper and richer. The line includes five shades: gray, blue, green, light blue and purple. The model has an iris pattern, which is not found in others tint lenses ah, so it will change color better than regular tint models. But the pattern is not too pronounced, so it won’t completely cover the original color. You can order an option with diopters - from 0 to -10.

The parameters are not the best - with 38% moisture content only 19 Dk/t. Some buyers note discomfort when wearing in reviews, but it is not so strong as to give up the advantages of these lenses. A nice bonus: manufacturers often include several souvenirs as gifts - from a sleep mask to containers for lenses and special drops. There is only one pair included and can be worn for 3 months.

1 Belmore Illusion Colors Shine

Most colors in the line. Best price
Country: South Korea
Average price: 760 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The leader in the ranking of the best tint lenses is this 14mm model with an ultraviolet filter. It will delight you with a variety of color options. There are six colors in the line - black, blue, green, purple, gray and light blue. Buyers are pleased with the ease of wearing - the lenses practically do not dry out the eyes and are not felt on them thanks to a comfortable 38% moisture content and oxygen permeability of 24.5 Dk/t. For people with poor eyesight Optical power up to -8 diopters is provided. Two lenses from the kit are enough for three months of wear.

This model has high quality coloring and gives a bright and rich shade on the iris. But some colors cannot be called natural. Some options may look too noticeable on light irises. Therefore, this model should be selected more carefully if you only need to slightly change the natural shade or add color to it.

The best colored lenses for brown eyes

The dark color of the iris is more difficult to cover up. And therefore, if you need to radically change the color, brown eyes require completely different models. For this purpose, there are other lenses that do not allow the original color to show through. But, as a rule, in bright light, due to the constriction of the pupil, the natural iris is still visible. Colored lenses have a pronounced iris pattern and more saturated colors. This combination suits dark eyes well, but on light eyes it can create an unnaturally bright shade with a too pronounced pattern. However, the effect of combining light eyes and colored lenses will be stunning.

4 Ophthalmix Butterfly Three-tone

Best price in category
Country: UK
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.3

Bright and noticeable 14.2mm 2-heme lenses that don't look natural. Available in eight vibrant shades - grey, brown, green, blue, hazel, clear, blue and violet. They are distinguished by relatively good moisture content of 42% and not very high oxygen permeability of 15.8 Dk/t. Options for vision correction are available - from 0 to -10 diopters. The box contains two lenses, designed for three months of wear.

These inexpensive lenses will easily cover up your natural eye color. But they themselves will look like a beautiful and high-quality, but still a pattern on the iris. So advocates of naturalness will not like them. But if you need to stand out from the crowd and at the same time change the shade of your eyes, Ophthalmix will cope with this mission perfectly. In reviews, some users note that the lenses are noticeable on the iris in bright light, and wearing them is not very comfortable.

3 ADRIA Glamorous

Vivid results for all eyes
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1069 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

14.5 mm polychem lenses with a bright, although not entirely natural, color. You can find six options on sale - black, gray, blue, purple, green and brown. All shades are quite lively and expressive. We are pleased with the quite good characteristics for inexpensive colored lenses - moisture content 43% and 22 Dk/t. If you need vision correction, you can choose an option with diopters up to -8.5. Reviews have repeatedly noted that the model is quite comfortable to wear and is almost not felt on the eyes. The set includes two lenses that can be worn for 90 days.

These lenses completely cover the natural color of the eye and extend slightly beyond the edges of the iris. Due to this, it visually increases. The model has a bright and pronounced black outline along the edge, even in light shades. Therefore, the lenses do not seem very natural. But some buyers like this effect.

2 OKVision Fusion

14 different shades
Country: South Korea
Average price: 910 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Comfortable 14mm terpolymer lenses with wide choice models. In stores you can find up to 14 different colors and shades - from black to aquamarine. So there will be plenty to choose from. Along the edge of each shade there is a pronounced black border that will highlight the color of the eyes. The lenses fit almost unnoticeably. They almost completely cover the dark natural shade, although it can still be visible.

The cutout for the pupil is quite large - the view will not be clouded by the color of the lens. 45% moisture content and 27.5 Dk/t will make you feel quite comfortable, although not ideal compared to colorless models. There are options on sale with diopters (up to -15) and without. In reviews, some buyers note that this model is too bright for light eyes - the color turns out unnatural. But they are good for brown ones. The box contains two lenses, you can wear them for 3 months.

1 FreshLook (Alcon) ColorBlends

There is a UV filter. The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 745 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Comfortable and inexpensive lenses made of femfilcon A material with a diameter of 14.5 mm. You can find seven colors at once - gray, purple, blue, light blue, green, gold, brown. Moreover, each model has three shades that create an iris pattern. So you can not only change your current eye color to a “cooler” one, but also make it more natural and vibrant by combining several colors with the original iris. Unfortunately, there are few diopters in the model range - from 0 to -6. But there is UV protection, so it will be comfortable outside.

The shade is vibrant and natural. We are pleased with the relatively good characteristics - 55% moisture content and 32 Dk/t, so the eyes will be quite comfortable in the lenses. In reviews, customers praise the truly chic color, which easily covers even the darkest shades of the iris. The box contains one pair, designed for a month of wearing.

The best carnival lenses

In some situations, you may need to change the color to a completely unnatural one. For example, depict cat eye or a thorn. Then carnival lenses will come to the rescue. They come in two types: regular and scleral. The latter completely cover the eye, applying some shade, pattern, etc. to the white. Ordinary ones simply hide the natural color of the iris, making it patterned or colored. Such lenses are often used for carnivals (hence the second name) and cosplay of various characters from the fantasy world.

3 ADRIA Neon

The only lenses in the category with diopters
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1490 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

At first glance, these 14mm polymacon lenses are no different from ordinary tint lenses. In normal lighting, they only slightly change eye color and look relatively natural. But you just have to shine ultraviolet light on them - and they will begin to glow in response! This ideal model for lovers of clubs and parties. With them, your eyes will shine in the literal sense of the word - neon paint reflects ultraviolet light. There are five different shades - lemon, pink, purple, blue and poisonous green. All colors are bright and attract attention.

The model has a relatively low moisture content of 38% and Dk/t 19; it feels relatively comfortable on the eyes. The good news is that they have diopters (from 0 to -10), so you can wear them even with poor eyesight. In reviews, buyers emphasize that without ultraviolet light, the toxic shades of the lenses are not so noticeable - they only slightly overlap the main color, but do not turn the wearer into a monster. The set comes with one pair and can be worn for 90 days.

2 ADRIA Sclera-Pro

Scleral lenses
Country: South Korea
Average price: 3169 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Polymacon lenses with a diameter of 22 millimeters, capable of covering the whites of the eyes. They can apply color evenly over the entire area of ​​the eye, not just the iris. Due to which you can achieve a magnificent effect. These lenses will ideally complement any look that requires unusual eyes. There are 6 different colors and designs on sale - from the look of Satan or a dragon to perfect black.

Putting on scleral models is more difficult than regular lenses, but the effect produced is worth it. You cannot wear them for a long time: if you wear them for more than three hours, your eyes may begin to hurt. The model has good characteristics - high moisture content of 55% and Dk/t 19, which is very good for “sclera”. The lenses are sold one piece at a time and can be worn continuously for three months.

1 OKVision Fusion Fancy

21 designs to choose from
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1350 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Truly diverse 14mm terpolymer lenses without diopters, aimed at creating the most unusual look. The assortment has everything - vampire eyes, dollars, emoticons, spirals and much more. These are completely unnatural options that are created specifically for carnivals and cosplays. The lenses are very thin and soft, and the pattern on them is bright and noticeable. So the owners of this model will not be left without attention.

The huge variety is complemented by quality and relative ease of wearing - they can be left on for 6 hours. They contain 45% water and have good oxygen permeability - 27.5 Dk/t. While wearing, they may not be very comfortable due to the density of the pattern. In reviews, users noted that sometimes when physical impact the lens may rotate. The set includes two lenses valid for up to three months.

Brown-eyed people often don't like their eye color and use colored lenses for brown eyes.

As you know, brown is the most common eye color in the world, fortunately modern technologies make it possible to change the shade of the eyes.
Let's try to understand the pros and cons of such a transformation.

Colored lenses for brown eyes and their types

When giving preference to one shade or another, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, such as: the color of hair, skin, eyelashes and eyebrows, and even the whites of the eyes. The main thing to remember is that everything should look harmonious and go well with both the makeup applied and the chosen clothes. Well-chosen tones will make your look even more beautiful and irresistible.

Contact lenses correct major vision problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia.

There is a classification of lenses based on the problem that they are designed to solve to one degree or another.

According to this classification there are:

  • spherical;
  • toric;
  • multifocal.

It should also be noted that the hard and soft lenses, this classification is based on the material from which they are made. It is difficult for a person unaware of the issue of choosing lenses to decide which type of lenses to choose due to the wide variety of these products on the market. In order for the choice made to be correct, and the health of the eye at the same time not to deteriorate, you should contact an ophthalmologist with this question.

Regarding the purpose of using lenses and their replacement interval, they are classified:

  • one-day use;
  • two-week use;
  • monthly use;
  • six months of use.

The purpose of using this device determines the following classification:

  • transparent;
  • colored;
  • tint.

To add spectacular renewal and variety to the image, colored and tinted lenses are widely used.

The diameter of contact lenses determines another type of classification:

  • corneal - their diameter is approximately 9-11 mm, this is a very common type of lens;
  • corneoscleral - their diameter reaches from 12 to 15 mm, created to increase the size of the iris of the eye, completely covering the sclera.

There are also cosmetic or opaque lenses. Their main purpose is to make fundamental changes in the human appearance. This type of lens is also known to have the ability to mask eye imperfections, such as: different size pupils, partial absence of the iris, eyesore.

Recently, so-called carnival lenses have gained popularity; they can not only change the color of the iris human eye, but also give unusual shape shell of the eye. Thanks to the use of carnival lenses, the human eye can become similar to the eye of a cat or even a vampire. Diopters are not provided for carnival lenses, so they do not serve any function other than aesthetic.

What brown-eyed people can choose for themselves today various options eye color is not surprising at all. Technology is moving forward. The range of shades that can be offered to a person is amazing, ranging from aquamarine to purple and amber.

It is imperative to emphasize the difference that exists between “colored” and “tinted” lenses. Thin tint lenses usually have one tint coating. Colored lenses are even used or three-tone ones.

Three-tone lenses differ from two-tone lenses in the thickness and variety of their patterns. For example, if the owner of brown eyes chose blue lenses, then he should choose three-tone lenses. And when choosing green lenses, you should opt for two-tone ones.

The main characteristic of three-tone lenses is the difficulty of transitioning colors from the pupil to the iris boundaries. These boundaries are indicated on the contact lens by a darkened rim, and the color of the iris itself changes depending on the influence of external factors.

What lens colors are suitable for brown eyes?

Scientists have proven that tens of thousands of years ago, all people living on earth had brown eyes. For unknown reasons, mutations occurred in the human body, after which people with different shades of the iris began to appear.

And yet, today, this eye color is the most common and most common among people. Brown has many shades: from dark, almost black, the color of bitter chocolate, to a very light, nutty shade.

Owners of brown eyes need to first decide what they want from contact lenses: make their color several shades lighter or brighter, to turn it, for example, into a honey, amber or yellow-lynx shade.

Then it is most appropriate to buy tinted lenses that will only change the shade of the iris. If you want a radically different color, for example, you want to change your brown to emerald green, or bright purple, you need to choose colored or carnival ones.

Lenses that can change brown color must be able to convey properties such as brightness and saturation. When choosing colored lenses for brown eyes, you need to pay attention to this.

Clear lenses on brown eyes are more likely to cause harm than good. After all, the brown eye under clear lens will lose its natural shine.

You should choose opaque modern colored lenses, which are distinguished by their ability to look very natural, bright and impressive. This type of lens has stripes and dots similar to those seen on the iris of the human eye.

The almost black color of the eyes encourages the choice of bright colored lenses. These are lenses characterized by color tinting, thanks to which they can radically change the color of the eyes. But there is a clear relationship between the intensity of the brown color of the eye and the ability to change it to a lighter color. Almost black eyes are practically impossible to change color even thanks to the presence various types lenses

In addition to the most common colors, contact lenses can also convey the most exotic shades, such as amber, purple, and gold.

Brown-eyed people should be wary of translucent lenses. This type of lens does not promote discoloration. One of its features is that it can give any eye color other than brown a sparkling shine. And in brown eyes, translucent lenses, on the contrary, can take away this shine.

How to choose the right product

It is necessary to highlight some features of the selection of lenses that change color for brown-eyed people.

In principle, all types of lenses are suitable for brown eyes, but when choosing them you need to remember some details:

  1. The lens never completely changes the natural color of the eyes. There is a so-called uncolored material that is located at the site of the pupil. Undyed material exhibits an inherent change in size depending on a number of factors, such as contracting in bright light and expanding in darkness. Under such conditions, the gap will be noticeable.
  2. At close distances, differences between the lens and the natural iris of the eye are noticeable. But if you take the time to select the right lenses for brown eyes, you may be able to choose best option it will still work. And these differences will practically not be visible.
  3. During motor processes occurring with eyeball, the movement of the lens lags slightly behind the movement of the pupil. This point also needs to be kept in mind.
  4. When choosing a specific type of contact lens, you need to take into account that for dark eyes the transition from the lens itself to the uncolored area is not very good.
  5. Lenses must be correctly combined with a person’s eyelashes and eyebrows, his skin and hair color.

When choosing lenses, it is important not to overdo the overall look. So rich colors of clothes or bright makeup can make the choice much more difficult.

You should also not neglect to take into account your natural hair color and skin tone when choosing colored lenses. And you must remember that contact lenses can easily give the eyes a new, most unexpected shade, or they can block the iris, and then using a contact lens will not bring any benefit to a person.

Green shades for brown eyes

There is a huge range of different shades of green from warm to cool tones. If you choose the right shade of green, female beauty, tenderness, mystery will not go unnoticed.

When choosing lenses, it is important to take into account hair color. It is believed that any hair color suits people with green eyes. And among the most harmonious combinations, it should be noted that with dark skin, the color of the lenses should be brighter and more saturated.

Dark honey, marsh, and deep malachite shades are good. Blondes and fair-haired people fair skin Light shades of emerald and fresh greenery will be more flattering.

Lenses are classified according to different shades of green:

  • sapphire - this light green shade of lenses is perfect for the owner of light brown hair, skin, this shade goes well with light color faces;
  • chrysolite - this one yellowish tint goes well with chestnut and blue-black hair, and it will also be appropriate for the fair sex with hair the color of dark chocolate;
  • aventurine - a juicy, rich green shade that goes well with not too red, deep brown, red hair;
  • beryl - the shade of marsh grass will look good with black, chestnut, dark brown hair;
  • amethyst - the shade will harmonize with copper, gold, warm chestnut, deep red and light red hair colors;
  • Jasper is a rich dark green shade, irreplaceable for beauties with hair the color of chocolate, chestnut, and dark honey.

Useful video on the topic

Choosing blue optical devices

Today, lenses that can change the color of a person’s eyes given to him by nature are very popular and anyone can buy them. Even people with very dark brown eyes can afford to choose lenses that can change the rich color to a lighter shade. For example, they look very nice blue lenses on brown eyes.

For very dark and almost black eyes, manufacturers offer toric, gas-permeable lenses. And if the shade is not very dark, then brightly tinted lenses are perfect for changing the natural color of the eyes.

The choice of blue contact lenses is justified if the owner of brown eyes is fair-skinned. Color sea ​​wave will highlight all the best best qualities blondes.

Gray colors for dark eyes

Until recently, gray lenses could not be installed on people with brown eyes. Today this has become quite feasible.

A soft gray color, slightly touched by haze, will be obtained thanks to the lenses of people who have naturally non-dark brown eyes. Rich graphite gray - this shade can be obtained by using lenses for those with a dark brown color.

Violet covers brown eyes

As for purple eye - what could be more unusual and extravagant? This color is for romantic natures with an ineradicable spirit of adventure! It is suitable for blondes, brunettes and redheads.

Elizabeth Taylor had a similar eye color. If you like this lens color, be prepared for increased attention and interest from the opposite sex.

Using colored lenses

There is an opinion that contact lenses that change eye color are harmful to vision. It is difficult to agree with this, because the layer responsible for coloring the pupil of the human eye is located inside the lens filled with hydrogel, and their contact does not occur.

It must be remembered that even if a person has very good vision, only an ophthalmologist will help you make a good choice, giving necessary recommendations about this question. The doctor must measure the radius of curvature of the cornea, and this value is individual for each person.

And it must be taken into account during the selection process, because knowledge of this parameter will be the key to a comfortable fit of the lens on the eye.

The most important rule in using contact lenses is compliance with hygienic requirements when working with this material. After all, the human eye is a very fragile and complex organ, and getting any infection into it is absolutely unacceptable.

Caring for colored lenses

Proper care of contact lenses will increase their service life and relieve the wearer from irritation and redness of the eye membrane.

We can list several unspoken rules for using lenses that can change eye color:

  1. When using colored lenses, it is important to pay attention hygienic requirements, thanks to which the service life of the lenses will increase. Before applying contact lenses, wash your hands with soap, preferably one that does not contain any fragrances.
  2. Decorative cosmetics are completely compatible with the use of contact lenses. But there is a clear rule here: lenses are put on strictly before applying makeup and are also removed strictly before removing it.
  3. It is strictly not recommended to sleep in colored or tinted lenses that have not been removed. If this rule is neglected, redness and tearing will appear.
  4. It is not recommended to let someone else try on or use your lenses.
  5. Damage to contact lenses may occur in dusty and smoky places, and therefore wearing them there is not justified.
  6. If the lenses were purchased for the purpose of using them on a special special day, then you should start wearing them in advance, a few days before the planned event. Otherwise, the so-called “fogging” effect is possible.
  7. There are special containers that are widely used for storing contact lenses. The containers are filled with a special moisturizing and disinfecting liquid. Contact lenses should be cleaned after removal. In order to clean the lens, you need to apply a small amount of cleaning solution to it and wipe it dry with a towel. The towel should be lint-free. To avoid confusion, lenses should be put on and taken off one at a time, and each one should be placed in or out of its own container.
  8. You should also be aware of the availability of special tablets and cleaning solutions, the use of which will extend the life of colored and tinted lenses. Treatment with these products should be done once every seven days. Tablets and solutions fight plaque that appears on the surface of colored contact lenses.

Disadvantages of this product

Using contact lenses to change eye color entails the following disadvantages:

  1. In a room with poor lighting, the quality of vision does not improve; on the contrary, it tends to deteriorate, because the diameter of the pupil of the human eye tends to expand in darkened conditions, and the size of the transparent area on the lens remains unchanged, which interferes with adequate perception of the environment.
  2. The thickness and density of contact lenses that can change eye color are slightly increased compared to transparent ones, and therefore the duration of their use should be no more than several hours a day, and if you ignore the wearing regime of lenses, there is a risk of unpleasant syndromes such as irritation and as a result, redness of the eye.
  3. Colored lenses are characterized by short-term displacement during their use, so part of the pupil is blocked for a short period of time, according to which this type of lens is not recommended for use in situations in which accurate visual perception objects.

How to choose colored lenses for brown eyes

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