Should I wear a bandage after surgery? How to choose a postoperative bandage by size - review of medical products with description and cost

Carrying out abdominal surgery in the abdominal area - this is a surgical incision, which after the procedure is closed with special threads. This place is sensitive to stress and in the first days there is a danger that the suture will come apart and the operation will be repeated again. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that immediately after surgical intervention, wear a special compression bandage to reduce the load on abdominal area and speed up rehabilitation.

The duration of wearing the bandage depends on many indicators:

  • Age of the operated patient;
  • How quickly does the process of tissue regeneration progress at the site of sutures;
  • How difficult was the surgery?

But long wearing also negatively affects the condition of the muscular system in the abdominal cavity. Absence physical exercise and stress leads to the fact that the muscles under the bandage relax, their tone goes away, and they become flabby. IN in this case Wearing longer than 60 days is not recommended. Optimal time will be from one month to 1.5.

A postoperative bandage on the abdominal cavity is worn for up to six months in case of physical labor, regularly carrying heavy weights. This is necessary so that the seams do not diverge, since there is strong tension and pressure from the inside.

How long you need to wear a bandage after abdominal surgery is decided by the attending physician individually. When changing dressings, the doctor evaluates the condition of the seam, its healing, and whether swelling is present. This all affects the duration of presence of the compression bandage on the body. Various cases wearing a bandage

  • Age plays a big role in the ability of tissues to regenerate. Therefore, for patients under 30 years of age, new tissue grows in 14 days. When a person is from 30 to 60 years old, the regeneration of the body occurs more slowly and will take more than a month to two;
  • Surgery that results in the removal of a woman's uterus. In this case, the bandage should remain on the body for up to 2 months. In this period internal seams will heal and be able to withstand stress;
  • Laparoscopy is an operation with minimal intervention in the human body. But even after such an operation you need to wear a tightening corset for a week.

It is worth noting that the bandage should not be permanently on the body. Abdominal tightening should not exceed 8 hours per day. But even during this period, it is recommended to remove the belt for a short time so that the peritoneal muscles restore their functioning and maintain their shape on their own. This will also help restore proper blood circulation to the internal organs.

As a rule, the bandage is worn over natural cotton clothing; there should be no seams on it. It is not forbidden to wear it on a naked body, but then you need to understand that over time the bandage will become dirty, fat, sweat, and particles of dead skin will accumulate on it. We need another bandage, which will serve as a replacement while the first one is washed. The belt is worn only in a supine position. This allows the internal organs to occupy right places and not be subjected to additional loads.

What is a bandage used for?

When wearing a bandage is prescribed, the following goals are pursued:

  • The need to hold internal organs in a natural position. They do not shift, which means that functioning is not impaired;
  • Thanks to the tightening belt, the tissues are tightened faster, scarring of the sutures left after surgery occurs;
  • By supporting the peritoneum, the risk of a hernia due to a weak wall is reduced;
  • Regular wearing of the bandage helps restore the elasticity of the skin;
  • While under the bandage, the seams are protected from penetration pathogenic microorganisms;
  • The bandage significantly reduces the pain from a fresh wound by reducing the load on the abdomen.

It is noted that when wearing slimming corsets, the possibility of turning and bending remains. Wherein sudden movements it doesn't work out.

The presence of a fixing bandage on the body can not only help with the postoperative period, but also cause harm if used incorrectly. When the presence of a bandage will negatively affect the patient’s health:

  • Kidney problems, resulting in swelling;
  • Diseases of internal organs digestive system. If an ulcer is diagnosed in intestinal tract, then compression will lead to a worsening of the situation and exacerbation of the disease;
  • Pathological rashes on the skin in the place where the bandage is applied. These could be rashes due to eczema, tumors, wounds;
  • Development purulent inflammation in the suture area, the appearance of blood;
  • Allergic reaction to the material of the bandage.

Types of postoperative tightening bandages

Each type of operation has its own bandage, and this determines how long to wear the bandage after abdominal surgery. certain type.

In medicine, two types of slimming products are offered:

  1. Universal type. Already from the name it is clear that its use is possible for any type of intervention in the abdominal area;
  2. Specialized. This product is used strictly after a certain type of abdominal surgery. Used to perform specific purposes and tasks. This type of dressing is divided into subtypes:
  • Dressed after surgery. Significantly reduces pain, promotes regeneration of damaged tissue, reduces the risk of complications;
  • Hernia. Dressed when the hernia descends or comes out, preventing the intestine from completely exiting. This type Can be worn even by children;
  • Wearing before birth. Helps reduce stress on lower section abdomen, prevents stretch marks. Thanks to the dense back, the spine is supported. Pain syndrome V lumbar region declines and goes away;
  • Pelvic. Used for injuries hip joints. Provides bone support and significantly reduces pain;
  • After childbirth. When the child comes out, the stomach gradually begins to lower so that the skin does not sag; a tightening bandage is put on and then the muscles are restored, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.

The choice of model is made taking into account the structure of the body, the type of surgical intervention, how comfortable it is to wear, and what material it is made of. It is important to take into account all the criteria, since it is not known in advance how long the bandage should be worn after abdominal surgery, and therefore wearing it should not cause discomfort.

The performance of different functions is achieved by a certain form of a medical device:

  • Ribbon belt. Used to secure bottom part spine. It is often used by pregnant women because it can be secured under the abdomen and reduce the load not only in the back, but also reduce abdominal pressure. In this case, there is no impact on the uterus due to the side elastic bands;
  • Bungee briefs. Also used during pregnancy. There is excellent fixation and support for the abdomen. The product has a slightly high waist, with a wide belt. Has inserts to support the back and abdominal area;
  • Bungee shorts. The structure and functions are completely identical to the panties. They are shaped like shorts. They are comfortable to wear winter period, much warmer and more comfortable;
  • Combined product. The model is a wide belt that can be worn both during normal times and during pregnancy. Thanks to its shape, the product helps distribute the load evenly throughout the body. Rubberized material is used for manufacturing, which indicates the strength and durability of the model. Velcro is used for fixation.

Product selection

After surgery, the attending physician makes medication prescriptions and tells you how long to wear the bandage after abdominal surgery. Therefore, choosing the right medical product will allow the rehabilitation period to pass in comfort.

Criteria for choosing the right product:

  • First of all, you should choose right size. If the belt is small, then strong compression of the internal organs will lead to disruption of their functioning. As a result of wearing a small belt, the blood supply to the tissues is disrupted and they begin to die. If the purchased item is larger, then desired effect will not, the abdominal cavity will remain without support. To select the size you will need your waist circumference. When measuring, try not to pull the tape;
  • The height of the product is of no small importance. It should be sufficient to completely close the seam, preventing pathogenic microorganisms from entering the fresh wound;
  • The choice of material used to make the tightening bandage after surgery is also important. Medical products are made from hypoallergenic fabrics that are highly breathable and do not retain moisture. As a result, a microclimate is created under the bandage, which prevents the skin from sweating too much. Postoperative sutures are not covered with moisture, but remain dry and continue to heal. Fabrics taken are rubberized with good stretchability - these are latex, elastane, lycra;
  • It is not advisable to buy a belt in advance. A person may lose weight or gain weight. Therefore, it is better to buy immediately after the operation;
  • Clasps. How conveniently are the fixing parts placed? When wearing, the locations of the fasteners should not rub. It is desirable that the fixation takes place at several levels, then the load will be distributed evenly;
  • When purchasing a waist belt, you should try it on in several positions to understand how comfortable the product is;
  • You should not decide on the cost of the model. A high price does not always mean a high-quality and comfortable product. Distinctive feature qualities in a bandage are its density, but not its rigidity. During wear, it retains its shape, the edges do not bend. The abdomen is supported, there is no feeling of squeezing, blood circulates in sufficient quantities;
  • Purchasing a used bandage may have hidden flaws. The bandage may no longer perform its functions; the tightening is not as effective as with a new one.

Any product must be properly looked after, then it will serve for a long time. The same goes for the bandage. If you care for it correctly, then your beneficial features The product will last for a long time. Rules for caring for a compression bandage:

  • Products made from rubberized fabric can be washed thoroughly in warm water with soap. This is enough to achieve cleanliness on the surface of the belt;
  • Cotton models should not be machine washed. To remove dirt you will need baby soap or washing powder intended for children's laundry. Hand wash only;
  • The product is first fastened with all fasteners. This makes it much more convenient to wash and the model will not lose its shape;
  • When caring for the bandage, you should not use products with aggressive bleaches, since these substances will then negatively affect the skin, causing allergies;
  • The product will not last long if the spin cycle is carried out in the drum of a washing machine. You should thoroughly rinse your hands to remove all traces of detergent. Squeeze with your hands, gently, not forcefully. You cannot hang the belt to dry. It should lie on a flat surface, preventing stretching. The product does not need ironing.

Surgery is stressful for the body. The rehabilitation period may take a long time. To help the body cope with regeneration and recovery faster, a bandage is used. It helps reduce the load on internal organs, relieves back pain, and allows the postoperative suture to heal faster. Choosing the right compression bandage is not difficult, but it will help shorten the recovery period.

Hello, Ekaterina.

The need to wear a postoperative gynecological bandage arises after any abdominal surgery, because... it helps prevent rupture of postoperative sutures, prolapse of internal organs, entry of pathogenic microorganisms and subsequent infection. In addition, the bandage minimizes the load on the spine, so for those who have back problems, using a bandage is a real salvation.

Since there are many types of bandages, their functional purpose is different, and the need for use is manifested in various degrees, - consultation with a specialist is required. The doctor will tell you how to choose and use the bandage correctly. If we talk specifically about postoperative bandages, then there are certain nuances that you need to know and take into account when purchasing.

How to choose the right bandage after surgery?

  • Buying the right bandage is impossible without trying it on. In specialized stores, they allow you to try on bandages without any problems, because what is the use of using it if it is uncomfortable, if it presses or gets in the way. After abdominal surgery (especially as complex as yours), a woman should not experience any discomfort at all. Trying on bandages in horizontal position, i.e. lying down, putting it on over clothes. The correct bandage should fit snugly to the body, as if supporting it. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it with rigidity: the bandage should not slip, but it is also unacceptable to squeeze the stomach too much. To adjust the size of the bandage, some manufacturers use various devices (zippers, hooks, buttons, lacing, etc.). This makes it possible to individually correct stiffness.
  • A gynecological bandage worn after operations must be made of natural fabrics (for example, cotton). Naturally, this increases the cost of the product, but in this case the issue is not price, but efficiency. In addition to natural fabrics, those that will give the product elasticity (for example, lycra, elastane) should also be used. Due to its elasticity, the postoperative gynecological bandage reliably fixes abdominal cavity, supporting the internal organs and preventing the seam from coming apart.
  • It is worth paying special attention to the width of the bandage. It should cover the postoperative suture by less than 1 - 2 cm; You should not buy a bandage that is too wide: the edges of such a bandage can curl up, causing discomfort and even painful sensations.
  • The bandage should not interfere with blood circulation - this is very important at the stage postoperative recovery female body. It should also not be allowed" greenhouse effect", after all, this is not a weight loss belt, where the release of fluid from fatty tissue on the abdomen is encouraged. After surgery, the skin must “breathe,” which significantly accelerates its regeneration processes and reduces the risk of irritation.

You should know that you need to put on the bandage while lying down over underwear made of natural fabric. You can wear the product no more than 8 hours a day. High-quality bandages do not lose their compression properties after washing. Drying of the product should be carried out on a horizontal, flat surface in a straightened form.

If we talk about the duration of wearing the bandage, then you need to discuss this issue with your doctor, because everything is very individual and depends on the recovery of the body, the nature of postoperative damage, and the severity of complications that arise. On average, the duration of wearing a bandage after gynecological operations is 1 - 3 months.

Sincerely, Natalia.

The bandage is a dense elastic bandage that will support the internal organs. A wide bandage, which is used after removal of appendicitis, does not compress the internal organs. This bandage speeds up recovery muscle tissue and helps to avoid various complications.

Why are post-operative bandages needed?

A bandage after abdominal surgery, applied after removal of appendicitis, can guarantee the integrity of the sutures, protecting them from rupture, and is also capable of holding the internal walls. But this does not limit the usefulness of using this medical accessory, since it eliminates the possibility of the formation of hernias, scar tissue and adhesions. An elastic bandage protects the skin from stretch marks, is a kind of protection against various infections, skin irritation. He is able to eliminate possible pain symptoms, and will also contribute to the conservation motor activity.

Some experts are of the opinion that after surgery to remove appendicitis, an ordinary bandage will be sufficient, provided that it goes away without complications. How many people, so many opinions. Therefore, it is better to start from the individual case.

What types of bandages are there after appendicitis?

Each individual case requires a specific type of bandage. The model of this medical accessory must be approved by the attending physician.

The most common model of such a product is presented as a wide, tight belt that wraps around the waist. However, you can often see on pharmacy displays models that resemble elongated high-waisted briefs, which are equipped with a fixing belt. There is also a Bermuda jockstrap, which is a type of jockstrap. They are considered to be more practical winter time years and are easy to use. Externally, such elastic bandages look more like shorts.

The above types of bandages most successfully fix the abdominal cavity after removal of the appendix. No matter how much controversy there is on this topic, a waist bandage can be considered the best after such an operation. Due to the fact that it covers the largest area of ​​the abdomen, it guarantees the integrity of the postoperative suture and reduces the load on the back and abdominal cavity.

In special medical cases We offer a small range of elastic appendicitis bandages with special slots designed for medical accessories.

Perhaps some will ask the question “How much does this device cost?” and will not receive an exact answer, because this directly depends on the manufacturer and the materials they have chosen used to make the bandage.

Features of postoperative bandages

For some patients, doctors recommend having a custom-made bandage sewn. No matter how much advice you are given, you need to make the purchasing decision yourself, based on the advice of your doctor, since the convenience and quality of the purchased product will directly depend on this. It is better to buy a product from trusted manufacturers and be confident in its quality. It is not recommended to purchase used such medical accessories, since it is possible that they may have stretched during wear and are unlikely to perform the necessary functions in the future. The second reason to buy a new device is purely hygienic reasons. If you wear a device that has already been used, infection and further complications may occur.

The postoperative bandage is made of elastic material, comfortable to wear. As a rule, such materials are rubberized fabrics, cotton with the addition of elastane or lycra. Most experts believe that after surgery for appendicitis, preference should be given to tissues that remove moisture from the surface of the skin. Such models are more hygienic and will promote faster healing.

It is more comfortable and safer to wear the product if it is equipped with durable clasps. After removing the appendix, it is better to buy an option that has a wide Velcro tape. It will allow you to adjust the degree of tightening to a greater extent.

Rules for wearing and purchasing the product

If the question is how long it is necessary to wear a bandage after surgery, then a person needs advice from the attending physician. Some experts argue that if there were no complications after removal of appendicitis, then tight fixing bandages should not be worn for more than a few days from the date of the operation. How much specifically is up to the attending physician to decide.

However, with scientific point vision, the time of wearing a bandage after appendicitis has become inflamed and surgery has been performed depends on the effectiveness of the main treatment and individual characteristics body. The patient is prohibited from arbitrarily choosing how long to wear the corset, since if the period exceeds two months, atrophy of the internal organs is possible. After removing the appendix and putting on a bandage, you should not tighten it too tightly, because this will impede the access of oxygen to the wound healing after the operation.

Before buying a product, you need to carefully study the size table, focusing on your parameters: height, waist circumference, seam size.

After abdominal surgery, it is important for the patient to recover as quickly as possible. To ensure that the stitches heal faster and the person does not experience discomfort when moving, the patient is prescribed a special bandage. This thick and wide elastic bandage supports the internal organs without squeezing them. This type of orthopedic product, such as a postoperative abdominal bandage, accelerates healing and helps to avoid complications.

Bandage after abdominal surgery: why is it needed?

The purpose of the postoperative bandage is to keep the organs in normal position, facilitate the healing of sutures, eliminate the possibility of the formation of hernias, scars and adhesions. This medical accessory prevents the skin from stretching, protects vulnerable areas after surgery from infections and irritations, relieves pain symptoms, helps maintain motor activity and faster recovery. It also performs aesthetic functions, allowing the patient to feel confident and look dignified. At the same time, you should not confuse the bandage with grace; it should not pull or compress the body.

Not every abdominal operation requires wearing a bandage. For example, some doctors believe that after appendicitis that resolves without complications, applying a bandage is sufficient. At the same time, a bandage that is worn for several hours can interfere with the rapid healing of sutures.

Indications for wearing a fixation bandage may include removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), removal of the appendix, hernia, gastric resection or heart surgery. Fixing accessories may be needed when internal organs prolapse, as well as after cosmetic surgery (for example, removal of subcutaneous fat).

Types of postoperative bandages

In all cases it is necessary different types products. It all depends on what kind of surgery was performed and what part of the body needs support and fixation of internal organs. To choose the right model, consider the recommendations of your doctor.

The appearance of the bandage may vary. Most often it resembles a wide, tight belt wrapped around the waist. There are also models in the form of elongated panties with a fixing belt. Such options are suitable after removal of appendicitis, uterus or after cesarean section.

A postoperative chest bandage may resemble a T-shirt. It is recommended after heart surgery. Such models are equipped with wide adjustable straps that can be fixed at different levels.

In some cases, the postoperative bandage on the abdominal wall has special slots, necessary, for example, for colostomy bags. Models designed for women and covering the chest may have holes in place of the mammary glands.

Many models of bandages are designed for long-term wear. They not only record postoperative sutures, but also reduce the load on the back and maintain normal posture.

You can purchase a high-quality and safe product at a pharmacy or online store. But much more choice available in specialized companies such as Medtekhnika or Trives. Here you can choose a postoperative bandage for the abdominal cavity, chest area, bandage after heart surgery, as well as special products recommended after appendicitis, plastic surgery or after removal of the uterus. For example, in the Trives assortment you can find both simple belts with Velcro fasteners and complex corset-type modifications with tightening inserts, adjustable belts and straps.

The assortment includes products made from fabric with anti-allergenic impregnation, intended for sensitive skin easily irritated. Trives, Medtekhnika and other companies involved in the sale of medical accessories sell their products wholesale and retail. Prices depend on the complexity of the model and the composition of the fabric.

Materials for making corsets

In some cases, it is better to sew a fixing bandage to order. It is difficult to make it yourself, so it is better to buy the product. It is worth considering that individual production of medical accessories is more expensive, so you need to calculate the feasibility of such an acquisition in advance. Doctors do not recommend buying used bandages. Such products may stretch during wear and are unlikely to perform their intended functions efficiently. In addition, this is unhygienic: during use, blood and purulent discharge which can cause infection.

Most postoperative bandages are made from elastic materials, comfortable to wear. These can be rubberized fabrics, cotton with the addition of elastane or lycra. The best bandages are made from fabrics that ensure timely removal of moisture from the surface of the skin. Such products, for example, are offered by Trives. In this model, the patient will not feel discomfort, and the stitches will heal faster.

High-quality orthopedic products are dense, but not rigid, they do not deform after wear, and provide uniform support for internal organs without squeezing or pinching them.

It is desirable that the models have strong, well-fixed fasteners. Options with wide Velcro tape are very convenient, ensuring a good fit of the product. In some cases, fasteners with buttons or hooks, laces or ties are suitable. It is important that these elements do not irritate the skin or put pressure on the seam area.

How to choose the right bandage

Before purchasing, you need to measure your waist size. To select a bandage after heart surgery, measure the circumference chest. The more accurate the measurements are made, the better product will sit on the body. For example, bandages from Trives have up to 6 sizes, from which you can choose the one that is ideal for a particular patient.

The length of the product is also important. Correctly selected postoperative bandage completely covers the seam, and there should be at least 1 cm of fabric above and below it. Not worth buying too long model, the free edges will curl up, causing inconvenience.

The postoperative bandage is best worn while lying down. It is usually worn on underwear, but in some cases it can be worn directly on the body. This category, for example, includes bandages from Trives, made of breathable knitwear and not interfering with the removal of moisture from the skin. The product is applied to the abdominal area, wrapped around the body, and then secured with fasteners.

The fabric should fit tightly to the body, without dangling or slipping. However, excessive squeezing and pinching should be avoided. Special attention you need to pay attention to the seam area. The fabric should not rub against them, as this may cause irritation. It is important that the fasteners do not get on the seams.

If the model has supporting inserts, you need to make sure that they are in the right places, not squeezing the stomach, but supporting it.

It is advisable that the first fitting be performed by a doctor. He must establish the degree of fixation and teach the patient how to fasten the product correctly. Bandages can be divided into women's and men's.

Rules for wearing and caring for the product

The postoperative bandage is not intended for permanent wear. The duration of wearing depends on the complexity of the operation and the patient’s condition. For example, after appendicitis, you need to wear tight fixing bandages only in the first days after surgery, and after removal of the uterus and if there is a threat of prolapse of internal organs, this period can be increased. Typically, the bandage is worn for no more than 9 hours a day. Minimum term wearing - 1 hour. Immediately after the operation, the product is worn during the rest period, but after recovery it is recommended to wear it only during physical activity: walking, housework, etc. The bandage must be removed at night.

After final recovery, the postoperative bandage can be replaced with corrective medical underwear, which partially performs the same functions, but is much more comfortable to wear. Such underwear is recommended after surgery to remove the uterus and after some other types of surgical interventions.

Postoperative bandages require constant careful care.

Rubberized products can be washed warm water With soap suds, elastic cotton is recommended to be washed by hand with baby or hypoallergenic detergents. Before washing, the product should be zipped up, this will help maintain its shape. Do not use aggressive bleaches, they can irritate the skin.

After washing, it is not recommended to twist or tumble dry the product. washing machine. The bandage must be rinsed thoroughly to remove any residue. detergents, gently squeeze with your hands, and then place on a drying rack or soft towel, straightening it thoroughly. It is recommended to wash the product at least once a week. In case of contamination, you need to do this more often.

Removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is performed when severe forms cholelithiasis, including chronic, acute and calculous cholecystitis. IN modern medicine there are two methods surgical removal of this organ: laparotomic cholecystectomy and laparoscopy. After any of the above operations, a certain period of rehabilitation is necessary, and in order for recovery to be successful and without visible complications, patients must comply with a number of elementary rules, including the recommendation to wear a special medical bandage after removal of the gallbladder.

Using a bandage after laparotomy cholecystectomy

Open cholecystectomy (laparotomy) in Lately carried out in exceptional cases patients with complicated forms of cholelithiasis or patients intolerant of laparoscopy.

The surgeon makes a large incision in the right hypochondrium to remove abdominal tissue and muscles, then the inflamed organ is completely removed along with nearby ducts and vessels. To prevent inflammatory process and fluid accumulation, drainage is installed, then the incision is sutured.

Rehabilitation after laparotomy is much more difficult and longer, and is more fraught with the development of early or late postoperative complications.

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Possible complications after laparotomy

Complications after laparotomy cholecystectomy can be various, and the most common of them are the following:

  • injury to blood vessels;
  • bleeding from the cystic artery;
  • discharge of bile into the abdominal cavity;
  • danger of seams coming apart;
  • accumulation of pus in the incision area;
  • development of postoperative hernia.

To avoid the risk of postoperative complications, the surgeon, after surgery to remove the gallbladder, prescribes the patient to wear a support bandage.

The bandage provides good fixation of the anterior abdominal wall in order to reduce the load on the operated part of the body, and, even with poor-quality suturing of the surgical incision, prevents the sutures from coming apart or the formation of a hernia. Any tension in the abdominal area after surgery causes painful sensations, and using a tight bandage reduces this pain. Also, wearing a bandage helps the sutured scar at the surgical site turn into an inconspicuous, aesthetic scar over time.

Duration of wearing a bandage after laparotomy

Many patients ask the question: “How long do you need to wear a brace after surgical removal of the gallbladder through a laparotomy incision?”

As a rule, the duration of wearing the bandage is determined and prescribed by the attending physician. Age, weight and gender are taken into account, presence chronic diseases, as well as the general condition of the patient after surgery. Young and physically healthy patients wear the fixation product for 2 to 3 months. For obese and overweight patients with a sagging belly, it is recommended to wear a bandage for 6–7 months, removing it from time to time to prevent diaper rash. The period of wearing the bandage should not be exceeded, as atrophy of the muscles and ligaments of the abdominal cavity may develop.

Use of a bandage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Laparoscopy is a method of surgical intervention, during which the surgeon makes 4 punctures with a diameter of 1 cm in the peritoneal area. Next, special medical instruments and a laparoscope are introduced into the abdominal cavity, with the help of which the complete removal gallbladder.

In modern medicine this operation is less traumatic, since the surrounding internal organs are not affected. After surgery to remove the gallbladder by laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the patient recovers quickly and the likelihood of a hernia, adhesions, or other postoperative complications is much lower and occurs quite rarely.

On the issue of using a bandage after laparoscopy, the opinions of medical specialists are divided. In some cases, the surgeon considers the use of a bandage unnecessary and does not advise the patient to wear it; in other cases, wearing a bandage is required condition at postoperative rehabilitation. The decision whether or not to wear a support belt after surgery is made by the attending physician individually for each patient, taking into account his general condition and well-being.

But in any case, after removing the gallbladder laparoscopically, it is recommended to wear the bandage for at least 2–5 days. This is necessary in order to restore muscle tone and reduce discomfort in the bloated abdominal area.

Rules for wearing a bandage

A support bandage is a special knitted belt that must be worn in postoperative period to prevent complications.

To ensure the effectiveness of using the bandage, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  • the bandage must be put on on the first day when the patient gets back on his feet, since the first days after surgery are the most critical in terms of the development of complications;
  • the bandage belt must be the right size and worn correctly to avoid pain or discomfort;
  • At night and during rest periods, it is recommended to remove the belt in order to avoid increased intra-abdominal pressure, which may negatively affect cardiovascular system body;
  • Do not tighten the bandage too much so as not to interfere with the flow of oxygen to the operated organ.

The role of the bandage in the postoperative period

Wearing a bandage after surgery performs the following functions:

  • prevents the accumulation of fluid and blood in the abdominal cavity;
  • provides fast healing postoperative incisions;
  • reduces the risk of suture dehiscence or loss of internal organs;
  • helps avoid the formation of a hernia;
  • relieves internal organs of unnecessary stress.

If you follow all the rules for wearing a bandage, rehabilitation after surgery to remove the gallbladder will be successful and the person will be able to return to their normal lifestyle.

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