How to choose sunglasses for kids. Sunglasses for a child: choosing the right one

Children try to imitate adults in everything, and if mom wears Sunglasses, then the child simply needs them.

Sunglasses- This fashion accessory or protection of children's eyes from the sun? The activity of the sun increases every year and it is dangerous to be under its influence. 20 minutes of sun exposure is equivalent to an hour of watching TV.

Our children walk a lot, are on the street, so it is better to buy sunglasses for your child so that they protect the child's eyes from ultraviolet rays. Children's eyes are more vulnerable to sunlight than adults' eyes.

Let's look at how to choose the right sunglasses for our children.

Why do kids need sun glasses?

Sunglasses protect your child's eyes from:

  • burns on the eye tissues;
  • allergies;
  • from dust, dirt;
  • damage to the lining of the eye.

All these factors indicate that in the summer a child needs sunglasses.

At what age can a child buy sunglasses?

You can buy glasses little child, but it won't make any sense. one year old children consider glasses as toys and simply break them or throw them away. Therefore, children should already purchase glasses from the age of 3-4, when the child understands what they are for. And it is better for kids to wear hats with visors that will protect their eyes from the sun's rays.

Choosing sunglasses for children

What are we paying attention to?

1. Place of purchase. It is better to buy glasses in specialized optics stores, and not in tents on the street.

2. Material. When choosing glasses for children, pay attention to what material they are made of. Lenses can be made of plastic or glass.

For adults, glasses with glass lenses are ideal. But the glass is not suitable for babies. It may break and injure the child's eyes.

Plastic lenses are polycarbonate and acrylic. Acrylic lenses are cheaper, but quickly scratch and distort reality. It is harmful to the child's eyes. Polycarbonate lenses are more expensive, but they are stronger, less distorted, and therefore more suitable for children.

3. Filters .Sunglasses must be with UV filter. i.e. should filter out ultra-violet rays.

4.Frame. Pay attention to what the eyeglass frames are made of, especially if your baby suffers from allergies. Doctors do not advise children to buy glasses with a metal frame.

When buying glasses, you need to try them on so that the glasses do not squeeze the bridge of the child's nose and hold well with the temples, do not fall off the nose.

When choosing sunglasses for your baby, pay attention to the color of the lenses.

Now very big choice glasses, many of which have colored glass. You need to know which color is more beneficial for your baby's health.

What do pediatricians say about lens color?

The red spectrum is annoying nervous system. Spectacles with such lenses can lead to loss of orientation.

The blue spectrum is dangerous and leads to dilated pupils, which adversely affects the health of the child's eyes.

Green - reflects the world in unnatural colors. A child wearing these glasses may become lethargic. Although these glasses are suitable for adults. They reduce intraocular pressure.

Yellow disperses attention.

Brown color gives a feeling of warmth and distorts the surrounding objects least of all.

Black glasses are ideal for holidays at sea and in the mountains.

Remember that sunglasses must be cleaned from dust, fingerprints and protected from damage..

When choosing glasses, you need to remember that regardless of the color of the glasses, the glasses will still distort the world which may result in unwanted injury. To protect your baby's eyes from the sun, try to stay in the shade more in sunny weather, and wear a wide-brimmed panama hat for a walk.

Today we looked at how to choose sunglasses for children. If you liked the article, write comments and share information with friends.

And our Yulechka and her mother rested for several days at sea, in Odessa.

I wish health to you and your children and have a great holiday the rest of the summer days.

Today parents are difficult task: from the variety of sunglasses for children, choose a quality and safe product. Sometimes we don’t even think about the harm glasses bought at the nearest spontaneous market can cause to a child. We just choose the model that our child liked. However, this approach is fraught with serious consequences.

Why do sunglasses for children require a responsible approach to choosing?

First of all, this is due to the fact that children's eyes are many times more sensitive than the eyes of adults. As a result, the same conditions and duration of exposure to the sun for an adult and a child affect health in completely different ways. To prevent the development serious illnesses and problems caused by ultraviolet radiation, the child simply needs sunglasses, but only high-quality, reliable and safe!

Goggles must provide high eye protection

Children need to choose glasses that can block up to 100% of ultraviolet radiation. Usually, all glasses have a special marking that indicates the degree of protection of the eyes from the sun. For example, lenses marked UV 400 are ideal for a child because they offer the highest degree of eye protection.

These lenses absorb 100% ultraviolet radiation. In turn, on the glasses themselves (usually on the frame), the manufacturer must indicate the marking in the form of "CE". This designation indicates the compliance of the model with European quality standards.

Glass or plastic?

For a child, glasses with glass lenses are considered ideal, if we consider this accessory in terms of eye protection. However, due to the extreme mobility and activity of most children from glass lenses it's better to refuse - it's safer.

Modern manufacturers offer parents great alternative- sunglasses with lenses made of plastic or polycarbonate High Quality. These lenses have high level eye protection (as a rule, these are 3 and 4 levels of protection).

Plastic and polycarbonate, compared to glass, have a number of obvious benefits. Of course, this is a lower cost, ease of care, resistance to mechanical damage(high abrasion resistance), i.e. These lenses are hard to scratch.

What should be the color of the lenses?

It is better for children to choose glasses with grayish-green lenses or Brown. These shades contribute to a realistic perception of the world around the child, they do not distort the image and do not change the colors of surrounding objects.

If you want to buy sunglasses for your child winter period, then preference should be given to models with dark pink lenses. This shade improves the contrast of the perception of objects and colors on a white background of the "winter canvas".

The perfect choice would be glasses equipped with lenses with the effect of polarization - they provide protection from irritating light and sun glare.

If you liked the glasses, but they are equipped with blue lenses, it is better to refuse the purchase! This is explained by the fact that Blue colour makes the sun shine even brighter. As a result, the pupils of the eyes of the child greatly dilate, are in constant voltage and experience maximum negative impact sun.

What should be the frame?

The composition of the material from which the glasses are made should not contain hypoallergenic components that can irritate the child's skin. The ideal option will be natural materials. You can check what exactly the frame is made of using a quality certificate, which the seller must provide to the buyer upon request. If the seller refuses to show the certificate - do not buy products of dubious quality.

You also need to consider that glasses for children should not cause discomfort to babies. They should have an easy fit, the effect of squeezing the bridge of the nose or temples is unacceptable, and the fixation on the face should be reliable, regardless of whether it is normal walking or running.

Responsible choice sunglasses bring joy to your baby and save his eyesight!

With the approach of summer, people begin active preparations for the warm season. Buying sunglasses is one of the main points, because the dangers of the sun and the effect of its rays on the eyes are often reminded.

But the paradox is that parents understand the need to purchase glasses for themselves, but at the same time they do not think at all or doubt that their children need them.

Does my child need sunglasses?

To understand whether children's sunglasses are a necessary item or a fashionable trinket, you need to think about what the general purpose of sunglasses is.

Every year solar activity increases, being under the influence of sunlight is dangerous.

Research shows that just 20 minutes in the sun equates to one hour of TV. Isn't it a serious impact?

And if we take into account the fact that children are outside for several hours in the summer, then buying glasses is a necessity for them, because quality glasses capable of absorbing more than 97% of ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, children's sunglasses protect against the occurrence of:

  • burns on the eye tissues, the presence of which can only be noticed by an ophthalmologist;
  • eye diseases;
  • allergies;
  • load on the eye muscles;
  • eye damage.

Also, the glasses prevent dust, debris and dirt from getting into the eyes, which literally hover in the air in summer.

All these factors speak in favor of purchasing sunglasses for a child.

However, this raises certain questions related primarily to right age to use this accessory.

Children's sunglasses: from what age to wear?

It is clear that the sun affects the baby and his eyes from birth, but it would never occur to anyone to buy glasses for, for example, a six-month-old child.

Experts disagree on this issue. But practice shows that 3 - 4 years - optimal age in which the child can start wearing sun glasses.

This conclusion was reached because younger age the child will perceive the glasses as a toy and can quickly break or lose them.

If you buy cheap sunglasses for a small child, they will not be effective, and it will be impossible to buy expensive and high-quality sunglasses every time the baby loses or spoils them.

But the question of age is individual. If your child understands at the age of 2 that glasses are not a toy, then why not get them.

Until this time, you can use the visor of the stroller for a walk and thus prevent direct sunlight from reaching the baby.

When he grows up, learns to walk and will play on the playground on his own or walk with his parents, then he needs to wear a wide-brimmed hat so that his eyes are in the shade.

We select sunglasses for a child

There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding which kids sunglasses to buy.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality and to the fact that the baby is comfortable in them. Therefore, never buy glasses without a child.

He must like them externally, otherwise nothing will convince him to wear them, and he must also be comfortable in them.

After all, even an adult will refuse to wear something in which he is uncomfortable, not to mention a child.

Pay attention to the following parameters of children's sunglasses:

  • color and color of lenses. Children's glasses are often made with green, red, blue, yellow and orange lenses. You must understand that not every color is beneficial.

    For example, green lenses transmit Sun rays, and orange and red cause fatigue eye.

    Also give preference to fully tinted lenses. They provide a greater degree of protection and protect the eyes;

  • frame material. The plastic frame often causes allergic reactions, and metal is dangerous for children.

    Ideal frame made of hypoallergenic rubber. It is quite elastic and will not cause discomfort.

    In addition, glasses with such a frame often do not have temples: they wrap around the entire head of the child and minimize the risk of falling;

  • are they suitable for the child? To do this, put them on him and ask him to turn his head in different sides and tilt it down.

    Ideally, glasses should not mix, crush and irritate the child.

Children's sunglasses: it's all about quality

Kiosks, stalls, markets - all these places are completely unsuitable for buying sunglasses for a child. They need to be purchased at an optician or a specialized store.

First of all, pay attention to the price of the goods. If we are talking about glasses, quality products cannot be cheap, because they are not made from cheap materials.

Also, the product must have a quality certificate. Children's sunglasses should be affixed with a tag indicating the manufacturer's name. If the inscription is also present on the temples, then they must match.

As for the lenses, they should be made of polycarbonate or glass, but certainly not acrylic.

It is better to give preference to polycarbonate lenses, because if a child breaks glasses, he will not hurt himself with them. physical harm as opposed to glass.

Sunglasses are not just an accessory for adults. In sunny and hot weather, children also need glasses, as they spend more time on fresh air than adults and their eyes also need protection from bright light And harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

Why kids need sunglasses

Eyes must be protected as the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun can damage the retina and eye shell, provoke the development of myopia and other unpleasant consequences, the most harmless of which are eye fatigue. The most dangerous UV rays for humans have a wavelength of 280–315 nm. Only lenses with a UV-blocking coating marked 400 UV or UV 100% provide complete protection from them. It is these lenses in sunglasses that kids should choose for hot days.

In children under 10 years of age, the organs of vision are especially sensitive, and therefore UV rays are most dangerous for them. Optometrists recommend that you start wearing sunglasses, in addition to a cap or panama with a large visor, from 3-4 years old, and in some cases even from 1 year old.

How to choose the right children's sunglasses

Choosing glasses with your child is main advice parents making purchasing decisions.

Children's sunglasses should be:

1) like parents;

2) with cartoon characters;

3) light and comfortable;

4) do not fall off the nose when tilting the head.

Glasses should please the child himself, so that he wears them with pleasure and can show off them to his friends.

For the little ones, you need to choose soft sunglasses made of plastic and lightweight materials so that they are comfortable. The frame of the glasses should sit well on the bridge of the nose and not press, since it has not yet formed in children. Special attention you need to give the temples, they should fit snugly against the temples, but not press or leave marks. The temple should also not be very long, otherwise the glasses will roll off the bridge of the nose. For very young children, you can choose a frame with a strap around the head.

Another advantage of the glasses will be the presence of silicone limiters - stoppers, which make it possible to adjust the long temple as the child grows, accompanied by an increase in the volume of his head. They are attached to some models of glasses or sold separately.

The best option for a child is polycarbonate sunglasses with polarized lenses, which protect not only directly from the bright sun and ultraviolet radiation, but also from reflected light (glare on the surface of water, glass, cars, etc.).

How to buy sunglasses for kids

You can choose and buy children's sunglasses in optics stores. In the Focus salon there is a large selection of children's glasses for kids different ages. Comfortable frames and high-quality lenses provide comfort and reliable protection from the sun. In the Focus salon, you can not only find suitable children's sunglasses from different manufacturers, but also to undergo an eye examination by an ophthalmologist using modern equipment.