Why does inflammation of the eyelid occur and how is it treated? Symptoms and treatment of internal stye on the eye

Ulcers on the eyelid- extreme exacerbation of purulent inflammation. Any ulcers on the eyelid dangerous, and if they affect the tissues of the head, then the threat increases many times. After all, the brain is located quite close, which can be affected by an infection that spreads through the blood vessels in a matter of hours.

In this regard, at the slightest suspicion of ulcers on the eyelid you need to see a doctor urgently.

Reason for formation ulcers on the eyelid- spread of pyogenic bacteria. Usually, ulcers on the eyelid are formed from other, less serious diseases, barley for example. If they are not treated or treated illiterately. The growth of infection is facilitated by squeezing out small ulcers. After this, inflammation covers the entire eyelid. Under no circumstances should ulcers on the eyelid be ignored. There will be a risk of blood poisoning or inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

The main symptoms of ulcers on the eyelid:

1. Swelling of the eyelid - the eye begins to close spontaneously. The swollen eyelid can no longer move as before. It is always in a slightly lowered position. Redness and heat in the eyelid area also indicate the spread of the inflammatory process.

2. An increase in temperature can be felt to the touch and is also perceived by the eye itself.

3. Pain - severe, bursting, sometimes completely unbearable. Pain is the most unpleasant component of any purulent process. Antispasmodics do not last long and may not always help. Relief comes only after the pus on the eyelid is opened.

Treatment abscess on the eyelid definitely surgical. Typically, it is carried out in an operating room. As a rule, the eyelid is cut under anesthesia, the pus is removed, and the cavity is cleaned with an antibiotic and disinfecting solutions. Experienced surgical intervention makes it possible not to leave after surgery tion no visible scars.

The intervention of surgeons is certainly complemented by the use of antibiotics - orally or in the form of injections. Immunity-strengthening procedures, such as autohemotherapy and ultraviolet blood irradiation, are effective. They help prevent the disease from returning in the future. Blood is taken from the patient's arm and injected into the buttock. This procedure can be performed in a clinic and is often prescribed after the patient has been discharged from the hospital. Autohemotherapy effectively stimulates the immune system in general and antibacterial immunity in particular. One course of autohemotherapy is about 12 procedures.

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood is carried out using a special device. A needle with a special ultraviolet emitter is inserted into the patient’s vein, which irradiates all the blood flowing past it for fifteen minutes, which dooms thousands of bacteria circulating there to death. Then the needle is removed. To achieve a pronounced effect, 8-10 sessions are required. With some degree of convention, we can say that autohemotherapy is an antibacterial restorative procedure, and ultraviolet irradiation of blood is only antibacterial. It is best to undergo both in the first three months after discharge, and repeat both methods a year later. This approach will most help your body to finally recover and prevent possible relapses.

Inflammation of the eyelid can occur in both adults and children. This disease often accompanies common infections or allergies, but can also manifest itself independently. Most often, the inflammatory process leads to dysfunction of the organ of vision due to pain, swelling, and the appearance of seals. Treatment of ocular inflammation should begin as early as possible, because disruption of normal eye function greatly reduces the quality of life.

Any infection can cause inflammation of the eyelid, but there are also non-infectious reasons for the development of such a process. In the latter case, the disease can be provoked by aggressive external influences or develop against the background of psychosomatics.

The most common causes of inflammation on the eyelid are:

  • neglect of sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • decreased protective abilities of the body;
  • mechanical and chemical damage;
  • low-quality cosmetics;

Inflammation of the upper eyelid is accompanied by redness and swelling of its outer part. The ciliary roots are often covered with tiny crumbling scales of a gray-yellow hue.

Also, inflammation of the upper eyelid is characterized by increased tear production, eye fatigue, and photosensitivity. Instead of scales on the eyelash edge, swelling may develop, and the skin appears oily. When you press on the eyelid, a transparent component is released.

When the disease manifests itself in the lower eyelid area, dirty yellow scales may also appear against a background of swelling and external redness. The eyelash edge will itch and itch, the eye will react painfully to light and wind. If treatment is not started on time, the inflammation will go into a purulent phase with the appearance of a crust, minor ulceration of the skin and mucous membrane, as well as loss of eyelashes. If scales and ulcers have not formed, then the edge of the lower eyelid will be moist, as if oily, swollen. When pressed, a transparent secret will be highlighted.

The general term “inflammation of the eyelid” refers to several different diseases:

Disease What causes Characteristic signs
Barley Staphylococcus

sebaceous gland

Swelling of the extreme part of the eyelid, red tint of the skin and conjunctiva near the site of inflammation, pain. The abscess matures for several days, then pus breaks out. Most often, one stye appears, but there may be several abscesses in one eye.
Meibomeite Coccal microbes Damage to the cartilage glands (meibomian) inside the eyelid. It can be acute or chronic. In the first case, a kind of stye occurs in the internal tissues of the eyelid. Often it is difficult for the pus to come out, so the lesion is cleaned surgically.

The chronic type of the disease makes the meibomian glands visible behind the thickened and red conjunctiva. The corners of the eyes are overgrown with dirty yellow crusts.

Impetigo Staphylococcus or streptococcus The appearance of small pustules at the roots of the eyelashes. They usually disappear within a couple of days, even if the disease is not treated. It is most often found in children as it is transmitted by contact.
Furuncle Poor hygiene, demodex, diabetes mellitus, mechanical damage Characteristic is the appearance of a dense area with pus inside, surrounded by edema. Treatment for boils is usually surgical. A scar may remain in its place.
Blepharitis Bacterial infection Feeling of heaviness in the affected eyelid, sensitivity to light. The eyelids become red and itchy, the eyes get tired quickly, and eyelashes may fall out.
Abscess and phlegmon Complications after eye injury, as well as boils, barley, meibomeitis, blepharitis, sinusitis A sharply emerging suppurating focus of gray-yellow color, causing severe pain. When the pus comes out, the pain quickly disappears.
Molluscum contagiosum Poxvirus This disease is more common in children than in adults. The virus is transmitted by contact and can only break through immature immune defenses. Dense painless nodules appear on the skin of the eyelids. If left untreated, the disease can lead to chronic blepharitis, keratitis and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

The most common eyelid disease is blepharitis. It can be scaly, mite-borne, allergic, ulcerative. Blepharitis also includes rosacea.

What will stop the inflammatory process?

Treatment of any type of inflammation primarily involves rinsing with antiseptic agents. In the case of a process on the eyelid, you can use Alomide, Dexamethasone, Lecrolin, Dex-Gentamicin, Maxitrol. If it is not possible to wash the eye with appropriate antiseptic agents, you can use tea or decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and cornflower.

Treatment of the inflammatory process directly depends on the causes that caused it. Minor inflammation of the eyelid due to exposure to dust, smoke or bright light may go away on its own as soon as the irritating factor is eliminated.

If the eyelid is inflamed for other reasons, the disease must be treated:

  • You can treat an allergic disease with antihistamines.
  • If the cause is a general disease, then a therapeutic course against this disease is necessary.
  • In some cases, treatment of an abscess is carried out through surgery.

Inflammation caused by a bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics. Biseptol or Oxacillin are usually recommended for oral administration. Eye ointments such as furacilin and gentamicin are used, as well as eye drops based on sodium sulfacyl and penicillin. If the inflammation is not purulent, the doctor can only prescribe local antibiotics.

In any case, determining the cause of the disease and choosing therapy should be entrusted to an ophthalmologist. Especially if the disease is accompanied by pain, pus, ulcers, and decreased vision.

The inflammatory process on the eyelids can cause complications or become chronic, which is much more difficult to cure.

How to fight with folk remedies

An additional measure after consulting a doctor may be treatment with folk remedies. But it is impossible to defeat purulent inflammation of the eyelid using folk methods alone. If the cause of the disease is bacterial, antibiotic drugs will be required. There are several options for treating inflammation with folk remedies.

Washing can be done not only with water or pharmaceuticals.

What folk compositions can be used to wash the eyes for inflammation of the eyelids:

  • Warm tea leaves. It has been used to fight eye diseases and fatigue since ancient times. The brew must be fresh, because after five hours at room temperature it begins to form toxins. Only black tea will do. Sometimes tea bags are also used for eye compresses.
  • A decoction of chamomile, cornflower and calendula. These plants have excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Warm chamomile or cornflower tea is used to wash both the edge of the eyelid and the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Decoction of oak bark. This medicine contains phytoncides and tannins, thanks to which you can cleanse the organs of vision from pathogenic microflora.

Before washing, you should carefully filter the decoctions so that plant particles do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, inside the upper or lower eyelid.

The second way to get rid of the disease using folk remedies is eye drops from medicinal plants:

  1. Aloe (or Kalanchoe). It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaf and drip a drop behind the inflamed eyelid three times a day.
  2. Clover. Freshly squeezed juice is used in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. Chamomile or calendula. The dry herbal remedy is crushed and brewed in hot water (two small spoons per glass). After filtration, the composition is instilled into the eyes - a drop three times a day.

It is also useful to treat the affected areas with rose oil, homemade ointment based on propolis (effective for blepharitis) or saline solution.

Treatment of an inflammatory disease with folk remedies can be carried out using lotions:

  • Based on an aqueous infusion of medicinal plants. It will require inflorescences of calendula, chamomile, clover, calendula and cornflower, as well as plantain and dill seed (in equal parts). Tampons soaked in the infusion are applied to the inflamed areas for a quarter of an hour, then the compress is changed and kept for the same time. Eyes must be closed.
  • From a decoction of millet cereals. Soak cotton swabs in the broth and apply to the affected area.
  • From cumin seeds soaked in boiling water. Two hours after brewing, the composition is filtered, cloth napkins are moistened in the liquid and applied to the inflamed eyelids.

Treatment with lotions made from cottage cheese or whey is effective. Wrap the cottage cheese in gauze (or soak it in whey) and use it as a compress.

It is quite possible to prevent inflammation of the eyelid. After all, with good immunity, even the contact of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membrane will not start the process. But certain sanitary and hygienic rules will help protect against illness. Every morning you need to rinse your eyes with cool water. During the day, you should touch your eyelids as little as possible, and also maintain a routine of working in front of the monitor or while watching television. Preventative check-ups with an ophthalmologist should become annual.

Some people, especially in adulthood, experience inflammation of the upper eyelid from time to time. This phenomenon can be explained in different ways. Do not underestimate the seriousness of such symptoms, considering that it is an insect bite or just an accidental inflammation. There are always reasons for edema, and quite serious ones. The skin around the eye usually turns red and the temperature may rise. It happens that the skin at the site of inflammation thickens, a boil or barley forms. One way or another, you need to run to the doctor to determine the nature and cause of the inflammation and undergo a course of treatment.

What it is?

This is an inflammatory disease of allergic or bacterial etiology.

This disease is quite common and is often accompanied by long and complex treatment. There are many reasons for the occurrence of blepharitis, and with improper, untimely treatment, a variety of consequences can arise. What are the causes of this disease?

You can find out about the treatment of edema of the upper eyelid.


It is believed that the main causes leading to inflammation of the eyelid are:

  • allergic reactions of the body (both general and local);
  • various infections.

The most common cause of blepharitis is a streptococcal infection. However, it happens that this disease is caused by helminthic infestation, fungal infections and tick-borne infections.

Inflammation of the eyelid can be a companion to various diseases of the lacrimal ducts, refractive errors of the eye or pathology of the glands of the cartilage of the eyelid. The upper eyelid can also become inflamed due to diseases not related to the visual organs. Among them are diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • common infectious diseases:
  • immunity deficiency of various origins.

Blepharitis of the eye can also occur under the influence of external factors. Smoking, constant irritation from smoke, wind, as well as poor personal hygiene and cosmetic products can cause inflammation of the eyelids.


An inflamed eyelid is hard to miss: redness, swelling, pain and other symptoms are immediately noticeable. There are four main types of blepharitis:

  • catarrhal (simple);
  • scaly;
  • ulcerative;


Scaly blepharitis is characterized by redness of the eyelid, the formation of specific scales along the edges of the eyelashes, severe itching and burning. There is a narrowing of the palpebral fissure, hyperemia of the eyelid and conjunctiva. At the second stage, purulent discharge appears, the eyelashes stick together and fall out, and new ones grow in the wrong direction. This condition is very dangerous for the patient, as it can cause an inversion of the eyelid or serious damage to the cornea.

Why blood vessels burst in the eyes can be found out by clicking on this.


In the case of ulcerative blepharitis, pustules appear on the swollen edge of the eyelid, which dry out and form crusts. Bleeding ulcers covered with pus form under the crusts; In their place, foamy discharge subsequently forms, accumulating in the corners of the eyes. Ulcerative blepharitis can cause disturbances in the growth of eyelashes and may also affect the cornea.



In case of inflammation of the upper eyelid, the patient needs to consult an ophthalmologist. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor will determine the cause and type of inflammation, but the patient often incorrectly assesses the complexity of treating the disease. Uncontrolled, and even more so independent treatment can lead to serious complications. That is why it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a medical specialist.


Inflammation of the upper eyelid requires an integrated approach to treatment. It is recommended to use three main areas: local, etiological and restorative therapy.

Local therapy refers to symptomatic treatment. For scaly blepharitis, it is customary to wash the eyelids once a day and lubricate them 4-5 times a day with ointments (albucid or other) prescribed by the doctor.

If the patient is diagnosed with ulcerative blepharitis, then after lubrication it is necessary to remove the dried crusts, and lubricate the exposed ulcerative surface with the Brilliant Green solution. After this, you need to drip any disinfectant drops into your eyes (for example,).

It is necessary to continue treatment of inflammation even if all symptoms have already passed. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

In case of pathology of the glands of the cartilage of the eyelids, it is necessary to massage with special eye sticks. This procedure is carried out by a nurse in a day hospital. In no case should you perform a massage yourself due to the high traumatic nature of the method.

Etiological therapy includes measures to eliminate the original cause of the disease. If it is determined that the cause of blepharitis is a staphylococcal infection, then it is customary to prescribe antibiotic therapy.

If the cause of inflammation is a helminthic infestation, then antihelminthic drugs are prescribed.

For fungal etiology of the disease, antifungal drugs are indicated. It is very important to eliminate the root cause, otherwise eye inflammation is difficult to treat. The eyelid will become inflamed again and again.

Particular attention should be paid to blepharitis of allergic origin. Often such an allergic reaction occurs in women who use decorative cosmetics. Such products often contain aggressive chemical components that can cause both local and general allergic reactions. In this case, you will need additional consultation with a dermatologist or allergist. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe complex antihistamine therapy, which will eliminate inflammation of the eyelid, redness, itching, burning and other manifestations of blepharitis.

If the inflammation is not treated for a long time, the consequence will be entropion of the eyelids or complications that will require surgical treatment.

If immunodeficiency of various origins is detected, the doctor will prescribe drugs that stimulate the immune system. However, you should be aware that uncontrolled use of such medications can lead to a serious malfunction of the immune system. Therefore, you can take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

The eyelids cover our eyes and protect them from the negative effects of environmental factors. But what to do if inflammation of the eyelid begins? How should treatment be carried out in each specific case?

Inflammation of the eyelid does not begin spontaneously; it is usually due to certain reasons. Most often they are hidden in a variety of diseases. The nature of such diseases can be anything.

But in any case, treatment must be timely and effective, since not only the eyelids can be damaged, but also the eyes themselves, and because of this, visual acuity may decrease.

How to find out the reason?

To understand why the inflammation began, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible if the first alarming symptoms occur, which include swelling of the eyelid, redness, discharge accumulating in the corners of the eye, photophobia, burning, itching and other signs.

So, you came to the ophthalmologist. An experienced specialist can make a diagnosis during the examination.

But the symptoms of some diseases are similar, so certain tests and studies may be required. For example, a scraping may be made from the outside or inside of the eyelid.

In addition, if there is discharge in the corners of the eye, then they also need to be examined under a microscope. Only after the ophthalmologist has determined the cause of the problems can treatment begin (of course, after consulting a specialist).

Now about the disease that can cause damage to the eyelids, in more detail.


Blepharitis is a fairly large group of diseases in which inflammation is localized at the edges of the eyelid. There are many varieties of this disease. For example, based on the cause of the development of blepharitis, one can distinguish such types as demodectic, allergic, staphylococcal and others.

According to the form of manifestations, the following types are distinguished: ulcerative, simple, seborrheic, rosacea-blepharitis.

According to the location, such a disease can be divided into: anterior marginal blepharitis, posterior marginal, angular and meibomian.

We list the possible causes of the development of this disease:

  • infectious diseases of the skin, nose, throat or tonsils;
  • activity of bacteria, fungi, mites (in particular, demodex);
  • unfavorable living or working conditions (dust, dirt, exhaust, toxic fumes);
  • allergy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis and others);
  • eye diseases (myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness);
  • vitamin deficiencies, anemia;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • metabolic disorders (for example, due to diabetes).

Now let's take a closer look at the symptoms of blepharitis:

  1. Swelling of the eyelids, their redness, increase in size.
  2. Also, scales can form on the eyelids, which often stick the eyelashes together and lead to their loss (especially when trying to remove them).
  3. Burning and itching.
  4. Photophobia.
  5. Discharge accumulating in the corners of the eyes.
  6. Increased eye fatigue, tension, discomfort.
  7. In some forms of the disease, pimples, ulcers, blisters and even ulcers may appear on the eyelids.

Comprehensive treatment is required. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Eyelid treatment is required.

So, the scales that accumulate near the eyelashes are removed with a damp cotton swab. Then the edge of the eyelid is treated with an antiseptic (potassium permanganate, Miramistin).

There are special drops that have an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema or anti-allergic effect. You can wash your eyes with decoctions of chamomile, string, sage or a simple brew using black or green tea. Your doctor may recommend eyelid massage.


Barley is an inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash. The causes of such a disease can be different: hypothermia, infection, microbial activity, other diseases of the eyelids or eyes, infectious diseases, decreased immunity, and so on.

Symptoms of stye:

  • Something like a pimple appears in the eyelid area (lower or upper). It is quite large, dense and painful. This can make it difficult to blink. After a few days, the abscess becomes visible.
  • The eyelid may become swollen, red, itchy, and itching often occurs.
  • Some show signs of general malaise: weakness, deterioration of health and even fever.

Treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation and accelerating the opening of the abscess. You cannot squeeze it out yourself! Here are some possible measures:

  1. The eyelid should be regularly treated with alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide or other antiseptic.
  2. Antibacterial drops (Tsipromed, Levomycetin) or eye ointments (hydrocortisone or tetracycline) are used.
  3. To speed up the maturation process, a UHF therapy procedure (exposure to a high-frequency electromagnetic field) can be prescribed.

Abscess or cellulitis of the eyelids

An abscess is a limited inflammatory process of tissue, and phlegmon is a diffuse and widespread inflammatory process.

Most often, such lesions occur against the background of inflammatory diseases (blepharitis, furunculosis, etc.), wounds, skin damage, and also due to lesions of the sinuses.

Symptoms are usually pronounced. The eyelid swells, becomes painful and hard.

Most often, inflammation of both the upper and lower eyelids is observed, due to which the palpebral fissure narrows and the eye cannot be opened. Pus accumulates inside this tumor, after removal of which the symptoms gradually subside.

Treatment of such inflammation involves eliminating the process, which is achieved through the use of local (in severe cases and general) antibiotic drugs.

UHF therapy and dry heat are often prescribed. If the abscess does not open, then an incision is made.


Erysipelas (erysipelas) is an infectious disease caused by streptococci. The causes of the development of the disease are mainly microtraumas and damage to the skin or mucous membranes (microorganisms can first penetrate the surface of the eye).

Main symptoms: increased body temperature, redness of the eyelids (a red spot with spider veins often appears), burning, itching, hyperthermia (skin becomes hot to the touch).

Treatment involves the use of certain local and general antibiotics that act on the pathogen.


A furuncle is an acute inflammation of a purulent-necrotic nature, affecting the hair follicle and surrounding tissues of the eyelid. The causative agent is staphylococcus.

Symptoms: a lump appears, it becomes painful to the touch, and later swelling occurs, which can spread to the entire half of the face. Soon an abscess is discovered in the center of the compaction. An increase in body temperature may occur.

Treatment involves treating the boil before and after opening with alcohol or another antiseptic composition. Antibiotics may also be prescribed. Opening an abscess on your own is dangerous!


Meibomite is an internal stye on the eye.

Meibomitis is an inflammation of the meibomian glands of the eyelid, caused by coccal infection or other negative influence factors.

The symptoms are similar to those of barley, but they are localized not at the edge, but in the cartilage.

Treatment involves stopping the inflammatory process. Local remedies are used: alcohol solution (70%) for wiping, Albucid (for instillation into the eyes), as well as tetracycline or mercury ointment. UHF procedures may also be prescribed.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the surface of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and eyes. The reasons may be different: infections, injuries, exposure to chemicals, allergies, and so on.

Symptoms: redness of the eye and eyelid, increased lacrimation, discharge of pus, sore eyes, itching, burning, swelling.

Treatment involves eliminating the cause of the disease. Local remedies are also usually prescribed, for example, eye drops (Tsipromed, Albudits, Oftalmoferon and others).

May your eyelids be healthy!

Inflammation of the eyelid can occur in both children and adults. The disease can occur against the background of infectious and allergic processes or develop as an independent disease. Inflammation causes dysfunction of the visual organs, as it is accompanied by the appearance of pain, induration, swelling, lacrimation, and photophobia.

Most often, pathology is caused by neglect of personal hygiene rules, poor-quality decorative cosmetics, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, damage, weakened immunity, and stressful situations. The causative agents of eyelid disease can be viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Inflammation of the eyelid tends to recur and become chronic. It affects performance and is difficult for patients to tolerate. However, the disease is highly treatable. To do this, you should promptly contact a specialist and conduct an examination.

There are several types of inflammatory diseases, each of which has its own causes and clinical symptoms. Inflammation of the third eyelid is more common in cats and dogs than in humans. This is due to anatomical features. Experts generally avoid this term and classify the pathology as blepharitis. Inflammation can develop in a child. Children of school and preschool age are at risk. The main cause of blepharitis is poor personal hygiene. You can learn more about eye inflammation in a child in this article.

Inflammation of the eyelid margin can be caused by a variety of reasons, including:

The disease causes itching and pain, swelling, redness, a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, and lacrimation. Active loss of eyelashes, the appearance of scales, and pathological discharge may also be observed.

Symptoms of the disease may differ depending on the type of inflammatory process. Thus, with the demodectic form, intense itching is observed, which intensifies in warmth. There is a foamy discharge at the edges of the eyelids. The eyes quickly get tired and red. With the seborrheic type, scales appear on the eyelid that look like dandruff. There is a burning sensation, itching, and a feeling of the presence of sand. The ulcerative type is characterized by the appearance of purulent secretion on the edges of the eyelids. In the morning, the eyes stick together due to pathological secretions, so they are difficult to open.

Experts distinguish inflammation of the upper and lower eyelids. In the first case, swelling, redness, burning, severe itching, and narrowing of the palpebral fissure appear. Scales and ulcers appear on the side of the eyelash edge. In some cases, the process may affect general well-being, causing weakness and fever.

Inflammation of the upper eyelid can be caused by a large number of reasons:

  • demodicosis;
  • allergy;
  • injuries;
  • decreased immunity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders.

Inflammation of the lower eyelid usually has less severe symptoms. Most often there is slight swelling and redness. The pathology is sometimes accompanied by photophobia and increased eye fatigue. Scales and ulcers form very rarely. If this is still present, then there is a discharge of pus or loss of eyelashes. Blepharitis can be caused by poor diet, poor hygiene, reaction to cosmetics, burns, injuries, and ophthalmological disorders.

There can be many reasons for inflammation of the eyelid above the eye. A survey will help you figure this out.


Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the eyelids. The disease is accompanied by pain, redness, and swelling. The pathology tends to worsen in the autumn-winter period. Experts distinguish two main forms of the disease:

  • external – damage to the hair follicle;
  • internal – inflammation of the meibomian gland.

Often, the pathological process develops in response to a staphylococcal infection entering the hair follicle of the eyelash. Infectious agents can enter the body along with dirt and dust.

The disease occurs in four main stages. At the infiltration stage, itching, swelling, pain, and redness appear. After a few days, the inflammatory process ends with self-healing or the formation of a capsule within which pus forms.

Important! A stye may appear on the inside or outside of the eyelid.

It looks like a whitish formation on the edge of the eyelids. The cyst breaks out either independently or is done by a qualified specialist. After the pus drains, the capsule decreases in size, but a purulent secretion may still come out of it for several days. And at the last stage, a crust forms, under which healing processes occur.


A chalazion is a tumor-like formation that is formed due to blockage and swelling of the sebaceous gland in the eyelid. In childhood, the pathology is difficult to treat. Over time, the tumor increases in size. The danger of a chalazion is that it can affect the conjunctiva.

In people with weak immunity, the cause of the inflammatory reaction can be staying in a room with a low temperature, as well as drafts. The formation of too thick secretion in the gland is another cause of chalazion. It does not come out in a timely manner, but accumulates inside. Wearing contact lenses can aggravate the pathology, causing even greater blockage of the sebaceous gland.

The photo shows what stye and chalazion look like

At the initial stages of the pathological process, the patient may not even notice the chalazion. Sometimes, purely by chance, he can feel a small compaction in the thickness of the eyelid. As it grows, the formation begins to increase in size, and this is visible visually.

Chalazion inflammation can occur for several reasons:

  • destruction of the capsule;
  • penetration of infection;
  • autoimmune reaction.

In case of an infectious process, the seal is urgently removed. If the chalazion is of a non-infectious nature, then anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out before surgery.

Rare forms

Let's consider other inflammatory processes of the eyelids, which are not so common. First, let's talk about meibomeitis. The most common cause of the disease is coccal microbes. The development of meibomeitis is based on damage to the cartilage inside the eyelid. Most often, purulent secretion cannot come out, so the problem is solved surgically.

Impetigo is another inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of small pustules at the roots of the eyelashes. The causative agent of the disease is a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection. Impetigo is transmitted by contact and mainly occurs in childhood. The pustules disappear after a few days even without treatment.

Molluscum contagiosum occurs more often in children. The viral infection is transmitted by contact and develops in a weakened body. Dense nodules appear on the skin of the eyelids, which do not cause discomfort. Lack of proper treatment can lead to chronic blepharitis, keratitis and conjunctivitis.

An eyelid abscess is a purulent inflammation of the eyelid. The formation is pink or dark red in color. When pressing on the abscess, severe pain occurs. The most common cause of an abscess is infection. The cavity is filled with bacteria and purulent secretion.

An abscess of the eyelid is a purulent inflammation that is treated surgically

Experts distinguish two forms of the disease:

  • a skin abscess that develops on the outside of the eyelid;
  • an internal abscess that can even affect the eyeball.

Attention! Antibiotics are unable to treat an abscess. To completely eliminate the pathological process, it is necessary to perform an autopsy followed by removal of pus.

Herpes eye infection is caused by the herpes virus type 1. The infection causes inflammation and scarring of the cornea. Even after successful treatment, the disease can return again. The exact causes of an outbreak of herpes infection are unknown, but doctors say that stressful situations, sunburn, and injuries may be associated with infection.

Ophthalmoherpes is transmitted through close contact with an infected person. It can spread to other parts of the human body. The disease manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • puffiness around the eyes;
  • pain and irritation;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body;
  • photophobia;
  • pain when blinking.


How to treat inflammation of the eyelid? The answer to this question largely depends on the type of disease and the cause that caused its appearance.

If simple blepharitis is diagnosed, doctors prescribe toileting of the eyelids to remove pathological secretions. For this purpose, saline solution or furatsilin is used. Treatment of inflammation of the eyelid also includes the use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic agents.

With seborrheic blepharitis, it is also necessary to perform a toilet of the eyelids, but in this case, ordinary wiping will not bring any results. The scales are removed with tweezers under a microscope. To relieve inflammation, Dexamethasone or Hydrocortisone ointment is usually prescribed. Antibiotic ointments will help cope with a bacterial infection.

If the inflammation of the eyelids is of an allergic nature, experts prescribe antihistamines and glucocorticoids. It is also recommended to avoid contact with the allergen as much as possible and, if possible, wear contact lenses.

For demodectic blepharitis, you will need a whole range of therapeutic measures, including medications, taking multivitamin complexes, personal hygiene, eyelid massage, as well as proper nutrition. During the treatment period, you must avoid decorative cosmetics. The pillowcase should be changed daily and ironed before use.

Alcohol solutions are used to wipe the eyelids. Calendula tincture and tar soap will help relieve the inflammatory reaction and cleanse the skin. Depending on the degree of damage, patients are prescribed drops and ointments with antibacterial, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

Folk remedies will also help get rid of the disease. Healing infusions of medicinal herbs, in particular chamomile and calendula, can relieve inflammation. Compresses and lotions based on celandine showed high effectiveness.

An ophthalmologist treats blepharitis


If you find a stye, do not pick it or press on it under any circumstances. This will only intensify the inflammatory process. Medications and traditional medicine recipes will help cure the purulent process. But before using them, you must thoroughly treat your hands with an antiseptic, remove makeup and rinse your eyes well.

At the first signs of inflammation, it is recommended to treat the skin with an alcohol solution, for example, iodine or brilliant green. To do this, it is best to apply the medicine to a cotton swab. It is better to carry out treatment quickly so as not to give the pathological process a chance to progress. But it is worth clarifying that drying and disinfectants can only be used for external barley. It is also worth making sure that during treatment the medicine does not get on the mucous membrane, as this can lead to a burn.

In the absence of signs of intoxication and normal body temperature, the patient can undergo UHF therapy. You can use a blue lamp at home, but it is better to consult a doctor first.

Since the main cause of stye is a bacterial infection, antibiotic therapy will be required. Doctors often prescribe broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. Antibiotics are used both as eye drops and ointments.


At the stage of chalazion formation, eyelid massage is performed. This is necessary for mechanical evacuation of the thick secretion produced by the meibomian glands. This procedure is performed by a qualified specialist using a slit lamp. It moves from the periphery towards the edge of the eyelids.

Immune cells form a capsule around the affected meibomian gland. Anti-inflammatory therapy is used to reduce the activity of these cells. The seal is lubricated with hydrocortisone and dexamethasone ointment. Injections into the chalazion area with Dexamethasone and Kenalog are also performed.

To improve blood circulation and speedy resorption of the cyst, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

  • laser heating;
  • electrophoresis.

In case of infectious inflammation of the chalazion, when the formation in diameter exceeds 5 mm, surgical intervention is performed. The operation is performed by an ophthalmologist under local anesthesia.

So, inflammation of the eyelids is a general name that includes blepharitis, chalazilon, stye and other pathologies. The disease can occur in both childhood and adults. Treatment directly depends on the cause and type of the disease. Self-medication can lead to the development of serious complications that threaten visual dysfunction. When the first signs indicating an inflammatory process appear, consult an ophthalmologist.