Straightening physiological lordosis in the lumbar and cervical region. Lumbar lordosis: symptoms, causes and treatments

Lordosis is straightened - what does this mean? Physiological lordosis is the curvature of the spinal column in the cervical and lumbar areas. Its formation occurs throughout the child’s first year. But sometimes such a bend can be pathological and needs treatment.

Straightening lordosis is a pathology. A straight spinal column can only be observed in newborn babies. When a child learns to move, bends form in certain parts of it. The purpose of such bends is to correctly place the load on the back and spinal column in order to prevent the risk of injury. The formed natural curves are called lordosis (bending forward in the cervical and lumbar areas) and kyphosis (bending backwards in the thoracic and sacral areas). If the lordosis is straightened, this is pathological condition that needs to be fought.

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If curves are formed incorrectly, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, who can explain what this means, determine the degree of development of the pathology, its causes, and determine correct algorithm treatment.

If the lordosis is straightened, this may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Migraines (sometimes intense, long-lasting);
  • Dizziness;
  • Decreased memory quality;
  • Inattention, absent-mindedness.

The degree of development of the pathology determines the severity clinical manifestations. The more severe and neglected the straightened lordosis, the stronger the headache, absent-mindedness and dizziness manifest (sometimes even leading to fainting).

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Why does it appear

The main reasons for the appearance of primary straightening of physiological lordosis include:

  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Vertebral displacement;
  • Myositis;
  • Myopathy;
  • Neoplasms in the area of ​​the spinal column;
  • Pathological processes in the spine - arthritis, osteochondrosis.

The causes of secondary lordosis are often:

  • Arthritis, including rheumatoid;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Hip dislocations;
  • Flat feet.

As a result of such factors, a shift in the weight of the body occurs and pathology is formed. Most often, lordosis forms in early childhood, this is dictated by the following exogenous and endogenous conditions:

  • Intensive growth of the skeletal system in combination with the fragile muscular system of the back;
  • Kashin-Beck disease;
  • Rickets;
  • Injuries during labor;
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Clinical manifestations

At the initial stages of development, symptoms do not manifest themselves. As the anomaly develops, the signs become more pronounced. At first, sometimes you feel discomfort in the cervical area, accompanied by mild pain. Over time, the pain becomes more intense, and disturbances in posture are also clearly evident - the head is low, the head is slightly pushed forward. The neck begins to hurt very much, the pain is accompanied by other symptoms that are caused by deterioration of blood flow.

Large blood vessels are located in the cervical region; they are responsible for supplying blood fluid to the brain. When changes occur in the spine, compression of these vessels occurs, as a result of which the required volume of oxygen and useful elements does not enter the brain. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Malaise;
  • Decreased quality of attention;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Feeling of powerlessness in the muscular system;
  • Deterioration in working capacity.

When such signs become more intense, this may indicate progression of the pathological condition.

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How does the treatment work?

Therapy should be comprehensive:

  • Reception medicines;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;

The purpose of medications is to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and improve blood circulation. Multivitamin complexes and chondroprotectors are prescribed. With the help of such medications You can achieve improved metabolism in tissues and relieve inflammation.

With spinal deformation, which has a forward tilt, the human figure has characteristics. The patient may have a protruding belly, straightened knee joints and a tilted body, which are especially visible during walking or physical activity. If the cervical lordosis is straightened, then on the contrary there will be no certain bends on the back.

In addition, with lordosis, another unpleasant symptom occurs - frequent pain in the spine, resulting from improper distribution of the load on the spine. different departments spine and muscles.

As a result, constant muscle strain occurs, which causes back pain.

With a serious form of the disease, drooping is also observed internal organs, which leads to disruption of the digestive system.

Depending on the area of ​​the spine where the curvature is, lordosis can be cervical or lumbar. In addition, it is divided into primary and secondary.

Predisposition for the occurrence of primary lordosis is pathologies of the spine structure, excessive body weight and severe stress on the spine, which causes constant muscle spasms.

Secondary lordosis occurs as a result of dysfunction of the hip joint or due to hip dislocation.

The cause of cervical lordosis, as a rule, is osteochondrosis of the spine in neglected form. That is why it is necessary to be very attentive to the health of the spine in order to diagnose possible problems in time and begin their treatment.

Treatment of lordosis

Despite the fact that the disease is a serious pathology, its treatment can be very effective. However, it is almost impossible to cure primary lordosis.

To treat it, only surgical intervention is used, which is prescribed only in cases of very severe curvature.

Besides, After the operation, long and painful rehabilitation will be required, which includes physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles.

Straightening physiological lordosis occurs due to excessive stress on the spine or a sedentary lifestyle. It is possible to normalize the position of the spine with regularly wearing a special bandage, as well as courses in back massage and physical therapy.

Pregnant women who also experience lordosis can reduce it by wearing a brace. When choosing a bandage, you should take into account the size of your abdomen.

It is also worth knowing that straightening the cervical lordosis or straightening the lumbar lordosis can be a consequence of osteochondrosis. However, in rare cases, straightening of lordosis can be caused by tuberculosis. Therefore, if the condition of the spine changes, you should consult a doctor.

Therefore, the main methods of treating lordosis are massage and manual therapy, swimming and physical therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture and alternative methods.

However, the most important thing is that the treatment is not only complete, but also regular. This is the only way to get rid of lordosis and regain a full life.

Let us consider the main methods of treating different types of lordosis in more detail.

Treatment of cervical lordosis

To effectively treat cervical lordosis, you must be guided by the following basic principles:

  1. Strengthening the back muscles, especially the cervical region.
  2. Normalization of the position of the spine.
  3. Improves blood supply to the spine.
  4. Elimination of the causes of the disease and its symptoms.

Straightening the physiological lordosis of the cervical spine is a fairly common condition. However, its treatment should begin with a search for the original cause that caused the spinal deformity.

If cervical lordosis is smoothed, what does this mean and how to help the patient? This condition when proper treatment, regular exercise and massage can be completely normalized.

For treatment of cervical lordosis, the following methods are used:

  1. Therapeutic exercise, the main task of which is to strengthen the back muscles.
  2. Massage and manual therapy to help relieve pain and muscle tension.
  3. Reflexology.
  4. Various physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed by the attending physician depending on the degree of spinal deformity.
  5. Unloading the spinal column, as well as stabilizing it in correct position.

In case of a pathological condition of the spine, all exercises for its treatment should be prescribed qualified specialist. The choice of exercise for each case is carried out individually in order to take into account all the features of the pathology and general condition the patient's body.

Exercises to help cure cervical lordosis

Gymnastics is the most important methods treatment of lordosis. Some exercises can be done at home on your own. However, before you start doing exercises, consult your doctor so as not to worsen the situation.

Straightened lordosis of the cervical spine can also be treated if performed regularly. necessary complex exercises and maintain proper posture.

If you have a sedentary job, periodically perform circular movements with your head. This will relieve muscle tension and fatigue. Remember to take 5-minute breaks at least once an hour to walk and straighten your back.

Lie on your back. Hold your knees tightly with your hands and slowly pull your head towards your chest. Stop in this position and rock slowly. Repeat several times. When performed regularly, this exercise strengthens the back muscles and eliminates straightening of lordosis.

If the patient has a smooth cervical lordosis, the following exercise is recommended. Stand up straight. Tilt your head to one side and the other. The exercise is performed in such a way that the ear reaches the shoulder and the back of the head touches the back.

Treatment of lumbar lordosis

Treatment of this disease a very labor-intensive and lengthy process, especially if the lumbar lordosis is smoothed. It is necessary to understand that in addition to compulsory gymnastics you will have to undergo several massage courses, physiotherapeutic procedures and other types of treatment.

If lordosis is straightened, what does it mean and how to treat? In order to understand that you can independently diagnose straightened lumbar lordosis, just stand with your back against the wall and press your buttocks and shoulders against it.

If you cannot put your hand between the wall and your back in the lumbar region, then with almost one hundred percent certainty you can talk about straightened lordosis.

The main method of treating the disease, of course, should be therapeutic exercises. Only with its help can you strengthen your back muscles and relieve pain. Exercises for lordosis lumbar region should be done with pleasure and regularly.

It is also necessary to undergo a massage course every few months, which helps restore blood supply. Another popular treatment method is spinal traction.

However this method It is not suitable for everyone and should only be used under the supervision of a specialist. A neurologist can also additionally prescribe drug therapy.

Exercises to help cure lumbar lordosis

Lie flat on your back. At the same time, spread your arms in different directions. Raise your legs slowly, pulling them as close to your head as possible.

Useful different inclinations that help strengthen your back and make your spine more flexible. The legs can be together, or they can be shoulder-width apart.

If the physiological lordosis is straightened, exercises in which you reach with your arms and reach your shins will be useful. And also be sure to do exercises in which you press your back against the wall and stretch your lower back towards it.
In this video you can clearly see how to do the exercises:

Drug treatment

Regardless of the type and degree of lordosis, your doctor will likely prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements that will help improve blood circulation, immunity, and strengthen the skeleton. Moreover, when painful sensations in the back area, which occur if the lordosis is smoothed or straightened, the doctor prescribes painkillers.


Treatment of lordosis is quite complex, labor-intensive and lengthy. Therefore, you need to be patient and follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

The main method of treating any type of spinal curvature is exercises for lordosis. And this should not only be a little exercise at home, but also walking, swimming, and exercise in the gym.

To prevent lordosis, you need to monitor your posture, eat right, keep your weight normal, swim, walk a lot and strengthen your back muscles with special exercises.

Today we offer an article on the topic: “Lumbar lordosis is straightened - what is it?” We tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have any questions, ask at the end of the article.

The smoothness of lumbar lordosis in some people does not cause any clinical symptoms, and in others it is combined with severe lower back pain. The different clinical picture of the disease is due to anatomical features body structure, the state of the muscle corset and the degree of deformation of the lumbar vertebrae.

Translated from Greek, “lordosis” means “bent over, stooped.” In medicine, it refers to the physiological curvature of the spine in the cervical or lumbar regions with a convexity facing forward. It is necessary to reduce the shock-absorbing load experienced by the spine when walking.

In children after birth, the spine is straightened, and physiological kyphosis and lordosis are not observed. When the baby begins to walk, he develops a lumbar concavity. Physiological curvature in cervical spine appears when the child can hold his head up. As a result, by the age of one year the baby has 2 lordosis (lumbar and cervical) and 2 kyphosis (thoracic and sacral).

  • Primary – occurs with pathological changes in the spinal column (inflammation, traumatic deformities, developmental defects);
  • Secondary - develops as a compensatory reaction in response to the occurrence of another pathology. Often occurs after hip dislocation and arthrosis of the hip joint;
  • Physiological – observed in children of the first year of life;
  • Paralytic – associated with weakness of the muscular corset of the back. Appears against the background of diseases affecting the muscular system (myositis, myopathy).

It is more correct to call straightening lordosis “hypolordosis”, since it reduces the angle of physiological curvature of the spine.

More often, doctors encounter in practice increased lordosis - hyperlordosis, which occurs with every second disease of the spine.

Lordosis in adults is flattened most often after a traumatic impact such as a “whiplash” injury. Sharp acceleration and then instant braking leads to ruptures of the ligamentous-muscular system and cracks in the vertebrae (car accident).

Figure A (left) - lordosis is straightened, Figure B (right) physiological concavity is preserved

Symptoms of straightening the physiological curves of the spine

Determining the straightening of lordosis at home is quite simple. Stand with your back to the wall. Press your buttocks against her, shoulder girdle and the back of the head. If your palm does not penetrate the gap between the lumbar region and the wall, you have hypolordosis.

This pathology changes appearance person:

  • The stomach protrudes forward;
  • The shoulder girdle and head are shifted in the anterior direction;
  • The chest is flattened.

When walking, a person with this pathology cannot straighten his knee joints. The range of motion in them is sharply reduced, which is why pain occurs. Due to the fact that the organs abdominal cavity fall down, disturbances appear in the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The changes described above do not bother the person so much as osteochondrosis with all its specific symptoms (lower back pain, limited mobility).

Straightening physiological lordosis in most cases is accompanied by the appearance of lower back pain varying degrees severity: from aching to acute. Following the smoothing of the lumbar concavity, a violation of the tone of the back muscles occurs, which leads to a shift in the center of gravity of the torso. As a result, the main load when walking falls on the joints of the lower extremities and pelvis. Severe smoothness leads to serious complications:

  • Chronic compression of the spinal cord occurs;
  • Demyelination of nerve fibers appears;
  • Cervical myelopathy (impaired functioning of the nerve roots) develops.

What to do about this problem

First of all, you should find out the cause of the pathology. If you have spinal diseases, it is necessary to begin their treatment. At the same time, a set of general strengthening procedures is prescribed:

  • Swimming;
  • Massage;
  • Spinal column traction;
  • Wearing orthopedic belts and bandages.

Most effective means The treatment for straightening concavity in the lumbar region is therapeutic exercises. With hypolordosis, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles abdominals, which are antagonists of the lumbar muscular corset.

Irregular shape of the back disrupts the distribution of load on the human body. When there is a flattening of the physiological curves of the spine, excess load falls on the lower limbs and pelvis. Arthrosis occurs in the joints (damage to the articular surfaces with limited mobility). At the same time, the physiological angle of the pelvis shifts. To prevent such changes, when pathology is detected early, anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nise, nimesulide, diclofenac) are prescribed. To strengthen cartilage tissue spine and joints, it is advisable to use chondroprotectors (alflutop, structum).

In conclusion, it should be noted that doctors often overestimate the smoothness of the curvature of the lumbar concavity when analyzing x-ray images. So, very often in the report of a radiologist you can read: “lumbar lordosis is smoothed.”

This condition in most cases is not pathological, but only serves as a compensatory reaction to poor posture. In such a situation, the lumbar lordosis is flattened for proper weight redistribution. Its straightening does not mean primary pathology of the lumbar spine. The symptom will disappear on its own after restoration of posture.

Lordosis is a curve of the spine that bulges forward. It occurs in two parts of the spine - cervical and lumbar.

In some cases it can be called normal, but sometimes it is considered a curvature, that is, a pathological process.

What it is?

This is an anterior curvature of the spinal column.

It should exist normally, but in this case it should not be very pronounced (more on this later). Lordosis as a pathology of the spine usually manifests itself either in childhood, or when other skeletal diseases appear.

There are normal (physiological) lordosis and its pathological type.

Physiological lordosis

It is formed in a child of the first year of life when the baby masters the “technique” of sitting.

Its task is to somewhat relieve the load on the spine, and its implementation is impossible without convexities in the other direction (kyphosis) in the thoracic and lumbar sections of the column.

Normal lordosis has a slight convexity, the apex of which falls at the level of the 3-4 lumbar vertebrae.

Fig.: formation of physiological lumbar lordosis in a child

Pathological lordosis

This term means that the forward convexity of the spine is too pronounced, or the thoracic or sacral kyphosis is smoothed out.

Most often, the pathology develops in childhood, when the bone skeleton is not yet sufficiently saturated with calcium, as a result of which it is vulnerable to such changes.

There are 2 types of pathological lordosis:

  • Primary. This is lordosis of non-traumatic etiology. It occurs as a result of inflammatory, oncological processes, degenerative diseases of the spine itself and the muscles that hold it. It is also observed in cases of abnormal development of the vertebrae, displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other (spondylolisthesis).
  • Secondary. The causes of secondary lordosis are injuries, dislocations, ankylosis of one or both hip joints.

Fig.: types of lumbar lordosis - physiological (right) and pathological (left)

Causes of pathological changes

Reasons causing this state, can be quite a lot: this and excessive load on the spine due to obesity, and pathology of the musculoskeletal, as well as ligamentous system, which may have a congenital, traumatic, inflammatory or degenerative origin.

In children

  • birth trauma;
  • hip dysplasia (and its last stage congenital hip dislocation);
  • rachitic softening of bones;
  • sudden growth spurt in teenagers.

Photo: pronounced hyperlordosis in a child

In adults

Lordosis in adults occurs for the following reasons:

  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • achondroplasia;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal tumors: primary or metastatic;
  • ankylosis;
  • infectious diseases affecting the spine: tuberculosis, brucellosis;
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • systemic diseases with damage to the spine: rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity, which creates additional stress on the spine;
  • vertebral fracture;
  • diseases muscular system, as a result of which the spine is not held in the correct position.

After pregnancy

Lumbar lordosis is a common pathology.

It occurs mainly in those women whose spine was “compromised” even before pregnancy by various congenital anomalies its development, systemic, tumor or degenerative diseases.

It can also develop in completely healthy pregnant women.

Lordosis occurs due to the fact that, under the weight of a growing abdomen, the physiological curvature intensifies, hyperlordosis occurs.

This condition is usually reversible.

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What signs and symptoms of pathology exist?

Lumbar lordosis is considered physiological only within a certain angle.

Deviation in one direction or another is considered a pathology. If the spine is slightly straightened in the lower back, this condition is called hypolordosis; if the angle, on the contrary, is too large, this is hyperlordosis.

The symptoms of these two conditions are different.

Common symptoms will be:

  • backache;
  • bulging belly;
  • metabolic disease;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • disruption of the abdominal organs;
  • leg pain;
  • difficulty getting proper sleep.

Fig.: severity of lumbar lordosis

Symptoms of a condition where lordosis is increased:

  • buttocks stick out;
  • the stomach protrudes forward;
  • legs spread;
  • the pelvis is tilted back;
  • the lower back muscles are very tense;
  • the inability to sleep on the stomach, since in this position the spine is aligned, and this causes pain;
  • you can bend over only by working in the hip joints;
  • if a person lies on his back, a fairly large distance appears between the lower back and the floor.

Signs of smoothed lumbar lordosis (hypolordosis):

  • lower back pain;
  • flattening of the back;
  • fatigue in sitting or standing positions;
  • change in gait;
  • a feeling of numbness in the area of ​​​​smoothed lordosis.

Possible consequences

Hyperlordosis is fraught with the development of such complications:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in the muscles that hold the spine;
  • formation of instability of intervertebral discs;
  • pathological mobility of the vertebrae.

The smoothness of lordosis can cause the following consequences:

  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • spinal cord compression;
  • disruption of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity;
  • chronic fatigue.

How to identify the problem?

A person may suspect lumbar lordosis on his own, but the diagnosis must be confirmed by a traumatologist through examination and x-ray.

How to discover it yourself?

This is not an accurate diagnostic method; one can only suspect hyperlordosis.

To do this, you need to stand with your back to the wall, pressing your shoulder blades and buttocks against it.

Then the family member evaluates whether his hand passes between the examinee’s lower back and the wall, and how much free space there is there.

Signs on X-ray

The final diagnosis of lordosis and the degree of its severity is determined on the basis of radiographs taken in frontal and lateral projections.

So, the angle of normal lordosis is 150-170°. If it is 145 degrees or less, they speak of hyperlordosis. When the angle increases to more than 169-172°, the diagnosis of “Hypolordosis” is made.

In this case, an increase in the angle of kyphosis in the thoracic region is usually noticeable.

Based radiological signs, as well as according to studies such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, it is possible to establish not only the degree of lumbar lordosis, but also to identify the cause of this condition and evaluate possible complications from the side of the spine.

Treatment of lumbar lordosis

Therapy for a disease depends on the cause that caused it, since fighting only the consequence without eliminating its cause is an ineffective method:

  • If the cause is excess weight, then in addition to complex treatment of lordosis itself, diet therapy, sometimes medication and even surgical treatment of obesity are used.
  • If the cause of hyperlordosis is a degenerative process in the spine, then taking chondroprotectors and other drugs will be an addition to the treatment of this disease.
  • For coxarthrosis, a set of measures is used to improve the function of the hip joint.

Also, the treatment plan for lordosis includes measures aimed at improving the functions of the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which inevitably suffer with the development of this bone pathology.

Exercises and gymnastics

It is impossible to correct lumbar lordosis without a set of exercises.

A positive effect can be achieved if all the exercises have been selected by a specialist, and the patient performs them systematically.

Main types of exercises:

  • Lie on your back, place your feet on a chair or other surface so that a right angle is formed between your knees and hips. Under the control of a hand placed under the lower back (a free space is determined there), we move the pelvis forward and draw in the stomach so that this depression decreases.
  • Starting position - lying on your back, arms out to the sides. Raise your outstretched legs, try to throw them behind your head so that your knees are at ear level.
  • We stand with our back to the wall, under the control of a hand placed under the lower back, we try to touch the wall with this area. At the same time, the heels, pelvis and shoulder blades should not move away from it.
  • We place our feet shoulder-width apart and, while inhaling, try to reach our feet with our palms.
  • Deep squats performed while inhaling.
  • Lying on your stomach, under it, just above the level of the pelvic bones, lies an individually selected thickness cushion. We put our hands behind our heads. As you inhale, we understand the chest, spreading the elbows to the sides, hold the torso in this position for a couple of seconds, then exhale and lie down on the stomach again.

In addition to the complex of therapeutic exercises, yoga is also used, which includes the following exercises:

  • Rocking back and forth with the pelvis and lower back, while the chest is fixed with the palms and does not take part in the movements.
  • Knee-palm position, legs and palms shoulder-width apart. Inhalation - movement of the pelvis with the tailbone up, the head is directed upside down, the shoulders are pulled back. As you exhale, your head drops and your back hunches.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor hip-width apart, hands behind your head. As you exhale, without lifting your lower back from the floor, straighten your arms. We return to the starting position.
  • We complicate the previous exercise by raising the straight leg. We reach out to her with our hands.
  • “Bridge” with a backward bend of the lower back.

Video: exercises for correction


Massage procedures help normalize blood circulation and improve outflow venous blood, pain relief, relaxation of spasming muscles.

IN in this case massage is also useful in preparing the spine for straightening its pathological bend.

For lordosis, the following types of massage are used:

  • therapeutic classic;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • spot.

When used simultaneously with exercise therapy, the optimal effect is achieved.

Drug therapy

The following groups of drugs are used to treat lumbar lordosis:

  • Painkillers (they also have an anti-inflammatory effect): Ibuprofen, Celecoxib, Movalis. They can be used both in the form of tablets or injections (for severe pain), and in the form of ointments and gels (“Fastum-gel”, “Voltaren”, “Diclofenac”).
  • B vitamins (“Neurorubin”, “Neurovitan”).
  • Muscle relaxants (“Mydocalm”).
  • In some cases, the administration of glucocorticoid hormones (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) is used.
  • Compresses with Dimexide are used externally.

How to sleep properly with this disease?

If there is a pronounced forward curvature of the spine, you need to get a special orthopedic mattress that will be designed for your weight, otherwise your sleep will work against you, “deepening” lordosis further and further.

While you are shopping for a mattress, you can sleep on your stomach, under which you need to place a bolster. The thickness of the cushion should be commensurate with the degree of curvature of the spine.

The roller should not be used during pregnancy, or during the development of acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs.

Fig.: body position on an orthopedic mattress

Manual therapy

The intensive course of influence on the spine sets the following goals:

  • improving the flexibility of intervertebral discs;
  • traction of spinal segments;
  • relaxing spasmed muscles, increasing the tone of other back muscles.

A course of traction is carried out only if the spinal segments are stable and there is no significant deformation.

It is better if this therapy is carried out in an aquatic environment.

Wearing a bandage

This treatment method is usually used to treat:

  • obese children;
  • those patients who have a pronounced degree of lordosis;
  • during pregnancy;
  • if the disease was caused by weakening of the back muscles.

The bandage is selected individually.

It fixes compromised areas of the spine, preventing further deformation of the bone skeleton.

The bandage is a great help for pregnant women after 16 weeks.

In this case, it becomes easier for them to walk, prevention is carried out severe violations intervertebral joints in the postpartum period.

Wearing a bandage is also preventative measure premature birth.

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It is most effective to prevent lordosis in childhood, when the bone skeleton is just forming.

It is equally important to pay attention to the following rules both during sedentary work and for any other diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Ensure correct posture: your back should be straight when sitting.
  2. Periodically stands with his back to a flat wall, straightening along it.
  3. Engage in non-traumatic sports: Pilates, swimming, yoga, gymnastics.
  4. Take breaks when doing sedentary work, performing the following exercises: twisting (turning) the spine, rotating the pelvis.
  5. Morning exercises should include exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, as they are very important for maintaining correct posture at any age.

Fig.: proper organization of the workplace

However, you should not count on short-term treatment for lumbar lordosis.

Holding only full complex events, including the main role belongs specifically to exercises and manual therapy, will help restore the physiological curve of the spine.

Thus, lumbar lordosis can occur due to a large number of reasons.

He has characteristic features, which manifest themselves mainly already at late stages diseases.

If you apply the right approach to treatment, such bone pathology in many cases it is completely treatable.

What is lordosis.

The human spine has two curves: lordosis (convex forward) and kyphosis (convex backward). In this case, the first bend serves to compensate for the second. Physiological lordosis in the cervical and lumbar spine is the norm that a person needs. Its formation begins in early childhood, in the first year of life. When the child begins to hold his head, cervical lordosis forms. The spine bends at the desired angle. This is facilitated by the muscle frame and the flexibility of the spine itself. Then, when the child learns to sit, lumbar lordosis begins to form. All this provides protection to the spine when jumping, falling, etc. There are certain bending standards. IN at different ages these standards are different. When the bending angle becomes larger accepted norm then we can talk about straightening the physiological lordosis. The physiological angle of inclination in the lumbar region ranges from 145° to 169°. We can talk about straightening the lordosis in the lumbar region when there is an increase in the angle of more than 170°. Straightening physiological lordosis is a pathology and is called hypolordosis. Osteochondrosis of the spine often leads to it. But the reasons may be different.

Why is straightening lordosis dangerous?

Pathology can occur in very early childhood, and after 45 years, if changes are observed in large joints. Straightening lordosis is a serious and dangerous pathology that cannot be ignored. What does this mean? Straightening the cervical spine leads to headaches, dizziness, and the psyche suffers significantly. Performance, especially mental, decreases significantly. The brain begins to starve! When the structure of the spine in the cervical region, where large cerebral vessels pass, is disrupted, the transport of oxygen and glucose stops. This is the main nutrition of the brain. Subsequently, straightening the lordosis of the cervical spine leads to a visible violation of posture.

Pathology in the lumbar region is no less significant. When the lordosis in this area is smoothed, the abdominal organs begin to suffer, bladder, kidneys, ureters. Lordosis in the lumbar region can lead to:

  • displacement renal pelvis with impaired urine filtration process
  • the occurrence of edema
  • violation chemical composition blood
  • constipation
  • the occurrence of cholelithiasis
  • dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder, stomach
  • metabolic disorders
  • violation normal operation hearts

Intoxication of the body occurs with all the ensuing consequences.

Symptoms of straightening lordosis.

Straightening the lordosis of the cervical spine is most often observed in adolescence and is not detected immediately, usually on medical examination from a neurologist. The first symptoms of the disease: headaches, dizziness, absent-mindedness, increased aggression, sometimes inappropriate behavior of a teenager, fast fatiguability, obsessive states. Muscle weakness appears. Drug treatment will not provide relief if it is caused by straightening the lordosis.

Frequent urination in an adult is the first sign of straightening lordosis in lumbar region. When it straightens, the pressure on the abdominal cavity increases, which leads to increased urination. Posture is also disrupted here. Poor posture in this case is observed not only in the sacral region, but also in the thoracic region. That's why already in early age so much attention is paid to posture. Correcting is always more difficult than creating.

Reasons for straightening.

The cause of primary lordosis may be an inflammatory process. Inflammation triggers the formation of new connective tissue, which causes permanent straightening. Tumors, malformations of the spine, rheumatoid lesions, displacement of intervertebral discs, spasm of the back muscles are also the cause. An important reason This disease may cause muscle weakness, calcium deficiency and rickets. Straightening may occur in women after childbirth (the risk increases with weak muscles). It usually forms in the second half of pregnancy. To avoid this, you need to use a bandage.

The secondary form is diagnosed more often. The cause of secondary lordosis is either congenital dislocation of the hip or pathological dislocation. Risk factors are:

  • flat feet
  • clubfoot
  • obesity
  • displacement of internal organs
  • hernias

Straightening of lordosis can also lead to sedentary lifestyle life. That is why in our time the disease has become so common in adolescence. Most teenagers spend a lot of time on the computer. Depressing fact!

Of course, you cannot live for the sake of health, because health is given to us so that we can live. But we have no right to harm ourselves. It is so simple!

Interesting fact

Increased intracranial pressure in secret ways can lead to straightening of the cervical lordosis.

How to determine straightening lordosis.

It is almost impossible to determine the disease on your own! If there is a suspicion and all the symptoms are “present”, the help of a specialist is needed. Leaving it to chance and ignoring this disease is very dangerous. It does not go away over time, it progresses, sometimes rapidly. And it will take effort, and more than one, to cope with this illness. You need to take this very seriously.

This disease will require in-depth research. Exist external signs, by which the doctor will be able to determine the severity and degree of its occurrence: the angle of the shoulder blades, muscle relief, posture. But then a more careful approach will be required. X-ray, tomography. The straightening angle is measured. The vertebrae that are involved in this are noted. The condition of the blood vessels must be checked. And only when the picture becomes clear, treatment is prescribed.

The diagnosis can be clearly established and chiropractor. Among them there are real masters who diagnose accurately. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. And if you are so lucky, you should be treated by him.


The very first steps of treatment include a bandage (it is selected strictly individually), as well as treatment of the underlying disease that caused the straightening. Next, almost immediately, it is necessary to begin complex treatment.

The first step in this direction is manual therapy. You will have to choose a clinic scrupulously and carefully. But it is necessary. Perhaps they will also assign you additional treatment: massage, therapeutic exercises indicated specifically in your case, acupuncture, physiotherapy.

The bandage will have to be worn almost regularly! At home you should also not give up. To achieve result! Make an effort. Learn to do light massage which will relieve pain and help you relax. We often forget about this important aspect.

Sedatives will provide an invaluable service. Any suffering requires strength, confidence and calm. Valerian officinalis, motherwort, azure cyanosis. Just brew and drink regularly. Treatment can be lengthy.

Note: do not neglect using ancient methods. For example, a Russian bath with a broom is an amazing procedure.

And conclusion...

Any straightening of lordosis, even if slowly but steadily progresses. Well-being, appearance, functioning of internal organs... The whole body suffers! Possible prolapse of abdominal organs. Sexual function also suffers. So treatment should not be delayed. It needs to start as early as possible! There are many methods. You need to make the most of them! The disease is serious, but completely curable.

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  1. Lumbar lordosis treatment

Secondary lumbar lordosis is formed under the influence of injuries and bruises

The concept of “lordosis” implies two physical curvatures in the lumbar region, as well as in the neck with a forward bend of the lumbar region. This kind of lordosis is formed in the first year of a person’s life; they are called physiological. In the case where the curves are absent or they are excessively enlarged, then this lordosis will be characterized as pathological. The pathological condition of the body requires treatment.

On this moment In the medical classification, there are two types of pathological lordosis. Primary lumbar lordosis, as a rule, is formed under the influence of inflammatory processes and diseases of the spine, or during the latent course of any tumor or oncological processes. Also observed in cases pathological development spinal column. One of the most important reasons for such curvature is excessive human body weight, since the presence of fat on the abdomen increases the load on the lumbar region.

Secondary lumbar lordosis is formed under the influence of injuries and bruises. For example, when the femur is dislocated, pathology may form after the appearance of ankylosis of the hip joints. The presence of severe kyphosis can also provoke lordosis of the lumbar spine.

Lordosis of the lumbar spine causes

Hyperlordosis can occur during pregnancy

Hyperlordosis, as well as hypolordosis, are classified as a change in the statics of the spine. These changes occur against the background of vertebrogenic causes - causes affecting changes within the spinal column, as well as external causes. Vertebrogenic causes of the disease include:

  • Acquired and congenital defects of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Tuberculosis of the spine and bones in general;
  • Neoplastic processes of secondary and primary nature;
  • Inflammatory diseases, for example, of an autoimmune nature and rheumatic origin.

All these cases affect the formation of primary pathological hyperlordosis. External reasons at the same time they are located outside the spinal column. Hyperlordosis can be found during pregnancy, the condition is reversible, which is especially pronounced in the last stages.

A pathological change in the statics of the spine, when the lumbar lordosis is straightened to the maximum, most often occurs with concomitant diseases such as osteochondrosis, as well as intervertebral hernia.

Lumbar lordosis symptoms and general signs

The most characteristic symptoms that may indicate the presence of a disease such as lordosis is a protruding abdomen. As a result, a deeper and more pronounced forward bend is formed, as well as more intensely spread knees of the legs, for example, under the influence of a dislocation, against the background of natural anatomy. To one of the most typical signs can be attributed to the curvature of posture, the loss of its anatomical naturalness. Within the curvature, kyphosis will be normal, but lordosis, especially in the lumbar region, will exceed normal.

The pain syndrome manifests itself as a burning, stifling pain

In these cases, the patient may feel sharp pain, or, on the contrary, chronic, pulling, which will significantly affect his mobility. This directly affects the overstrain of the muscular corset and ligaments of the spinal column. No matter how harmless and ordinary this disease may seem at first glance, treatment of lumbar lordosis requires significant measures. Without posture correction, a disruption occurs in the general functioning of internal organs, such as the heart and lungs. Accordingly, their incorrect operation leads to disruptions in the respiratory and circulatory systems. The presence of lordosis provokes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, all digestive system begins to work according to the wrong principle, which significantly affects metabolism in the direction of its reduction.

There are very frequent cases when patients complain of excessively rapid fatigue, chronic fatigue. Standing on your feet, excessively intense walking and exertion quickly lead to a state of exhaustion. The pain syndrome manifests itself as a burning, stifling pain. Because the heaviest load This applies specifically to the lumbar region.

A reliable visual sign of the presence of the disease is a backward deviation of the pelvis and the entire body.

Lumbar lordosis treatment

Treatment of lordosis, like any other curvature, is a very long process that requires complexity and a systemic nature. Conservative methods of therapy are very effective in treatment. The most common conservative manipulations that can correct posture include, first of all:

  • Massages;
  • Manual therapy, physiotherapy;
  • Reflexology – acupuncture treatment;
  • Exercise therapy courses, therapeutic exercises;
  • Spinal traction;
  • Wearing a special orthopedic corset;

Exercise therapy courses, therapeutic exercises

As radical methods treatments are used surgical intervention, however, there are a number of indications and contraindications for it. Before the patient receives a recommendation for it, it is imperative will take the course conservative therapy.

Straightening lumbar lordosis, treatment using manual therapy involves an intensive course of physical impact on the spinal column. Manual therapy aims to increase the flexibility of intervertebral discs, traction vertebral segments, increasing muscle tone and strengthening the muscle corset. This will greatly help preserve anatomical structure spine in the correct position. However, in cases where lordosis has extreme forms of expression associated with destruction of the vertebrae, in this case this type treatment is contraindicated.

Others, less in a radical way the impact is massage. The main goal of this type of treatment is to increase blood circulation, improve the functioning of internal organs, increase muscle tone and generally strengthen the corset of the back muscles. Helps increase metabolism, improves metabolism. It also helps restore flexibility. Gives very good results in terms of effectiveness in combination with exercises for lumbar lordosis.

In cases where abnormalities in posture are observed, the lumbar column traction technique is very often used.

Straightening the lordosis of the lumbar region occurs using special devices, for example, the patient lies down on a special board, his arms and legs are fixed on different sides with special holders, his back is as close as possible to the vertical surface. In this way, the correct anatomical position is maintained. Lumbar lordosis is smoothed, what is it and how to eliminate it? If your doctor has given you such a conclusion. Spinal traction is indicated for correction purposes first of all. If treatment with this method is integrated into a system, then it is possible to relatively quickly correct the lordosis of the initial stages, as well as remove muscle tension in back.

One of the most effective methods of straightening posture at home is considered to be a course of exercise therapy and gymnastics. Lumbar lordosis exercises involve a whole complex. First of all, they increase the flexibility of the spinal segments, stretch the spinal column, increase blood circulation, which helps nourish bone and muscle tissue. Exercises are effective for regulating the functioning of internal organs, increasing muscle tone, and increasing overall muscle endurance. If you do the exercises systematically, then a person will get rid of chronic fatigue and restore the normal functioning of internal organs. In order for the lumbar lordosis to be straightened, exercises need to be selected with some kind of axis that would align the back. For example, squats with a stick are also very effective exercises on vertical surfaces where the back has support points. Exercises with the wall also set the anatomically correct position of the back. The main thing is to observe the hygiene of the exercises; if they provoke pain, you should immediately stop the complex.

Very often, doctors recommend using an orthopedic corset. The bandage is most often prescribed to those patients who have an excessively pronounced lumbar curve, as well as in cases where the patient is obese. In the event that the disease is accompanied by severe pain, it is prescribed drug therapy, is led by a neurologist. Today, there are many forms and methods for correcting lordosis and spinal curvatures in general, the main thing is to carry out comprehensive course treatment is strictly under the supervision of a doctor, since self-medication can aggravate the situation and provoke concomitant diseases.

Very often, the results of special studies indicate that lordosis is straightened in the cervical or lumbar spine. What this means and for what reasons they appear will be discussed in the material provided.

It’s worth starting with the fact that an adult has two physiological lordoses. This is the lumbar and cervical curve of the spine anteriorly. Cervical lordosis develops at the age of 2-5 months of life in the first year of a baby’s life. When it is fully formed, the child begins to hold his head independently. Lumbar lordosis develops at the age of 10 - 12 months. This is the period when the baby begins to stand on his own legs and tries to take his first steps.

With the help of lumbar and cervical lordosis, symmetrical shock absorption and stability of a person in an upright position are ensured. Their antagonists are thoracic and sacral kyphosis (posterior deviation).

If one physiological lordosis is straightened, then the entire spinal column suffers, since only together all four bends are able to ensure stability of the vertical position of the body and upright posture. If the cervical lordosis of the spine is straightened, then with high probability when conducting additional examination compensatory straightening of thoracic kyphosis will be detected, etc.

Such poor posture negatively affects the condition of the intervertebral discs. Due to improper distribution of the shock-absorbing load, their deformation occurs and the degenerative dystrophic process of destruction begins. The development of osteochondrosis and its consequences, such as intervertebral protrusion, hernia, radicular syndrome, etc., is provoked.

The second negative influence factor is that the position of the internal organs is disturbed chest and abdominal cavity. This creates the preconditions for the development of numerous chronic diseases that lead to dysfunction of organs and systems. When the cervical spine is affected, posterior syndrome often develops. vertebral artery and tortuosity of the internal course carotid arteries.

This is a very dangerous condition that is highly likely to provoke the development of atherosclerosis. cerebral vessels, appearance of signs arterial hypertension and the emergence acute disorder blood circulation in the vessels of the brain (stroke).

If you have been diagnosed with straightening of the lordosis of the spine, do not delay treatment until long time. Effective treatment without surgery is only possible with initial stage diseases. There are no pharmacological agents that could restore straightened physiological lordosis. Only therapeutic exercises, kinesiotherapy, massage, osteopathy and reflexology can help restore normal condition posture.

In Moscow, you can have a free appointment with a vertebrologist at our manual therapy clinic. Specialist get acquainted with medical documentation, will conduct an initial examination and tell you about all the possibilities and prospects for using manual therapy methods in your individual case. Call and make an appointment for a convenient time for your visit.

Physiological cervical lordosis is straightened: what does it mean?

The fact that cervical lordosis is straightened can lead to numerous pathological deformations of the vertebral bodies, their processes and facet joints. The lateral and short ligaments change and form scar deformities. Many patients ask why it was discovered that cervical lordosis is straightened and what this means for overall health.

Let's understand the question of what it means if lordosis is straightened and why this condition is potentially dangerous.

So, it has already been mentioned above that the physiological curvature of the spine anteriorly relative to the central axis of the body is formed at the age of 2 - 5 months of the first year of life. Then, throughout the entire period of growth and development in the child, the cervical lordosis may change slightly. Most often, at the age of 3 - 6 years, subluxation of the atlas (first cervical vertebra). This can provoke secondary deformation of posture.

Therefore, if the physiological cervical lordosis is straightened, then doctors first of all look for pathology of the first cervical vertebra. Unfortunately, assimilation of the atlas by the occipital bone is now common. Their fusion leads to the fact that not only hemodynamics is disrupted, but also the person’s ability to move his head. In order to compensate for the lack of mobility, excessive mobility of the second cervical vertebra is formed. This causes straightening of the cervical lordosis.

Other potential causes of development this violation posture can be attributed to the following conditions and negative influence factors:

  • traumatic effects on the neck and collar area;
  • incorrect head position when working in a sitting position;
  • stoop and round back;
  • incorrect foot placement;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and compensatory muscle strain;
  • osteoarthritis and other types of deformation of intervertebral joints.

In children, straightening of the cervical lordosis is often associated with birth trauma and manifestations of childish cerebral palsy. In adolescence, pathology is often provoked by excessive growth of bone tissue or muscles with a lag in the development of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus.

What does straightened physiological lordosis mean for human health? This is a pathological condition that can disrupt the functioning of the entire body and give rise to the development of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Here are the most frequent complications a condition in which the physiological lordosis of the spine is straightened:

  1. posterior vertebral artery syndrome, accompanied by decreased mental performance, frequent headaches, dizziness, development of migraines, etc.;
  2. tortuosity of the internal carotid arteries, leading to chronic oxygen deficiency in the brain, as a result of which school performance decreases in children; in adults, there is a possibility of a steady increase in the level of blood pressure;
  3. vegetative-vascular dystonia of cardiac, hypertensive, hypotonic and mixed type;
  4. destruction of uncovertebral and interarticulate joints of the spine;
  5. secondary deformation of the thoracic and lumbar spine;
  6. development of scoliosis;
  7. abnormal development muscles upper limbs;
  8. brachial plexitis etc.

When found clinical signs If the physiological lordosis of the cervical spine has been straightened, it is necessary to consult a vertebrologist as soon as possible and begin the treatment prescribed by him.

Lumbar physiological lordosis is straightened: what does this mean?

If the lumbar lordosis is straightened, then it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis potential cause of such postural disorders. In most cases, the physiological lumbar lordosis is straightened as a result of the long-term development of osteochondrosis. With this disease, compression of the radicular nerves occurs. At the height of pain and inflammation of the roots, excessive overstrain occurs muscle fibers in the lumbar region. In order to unload the damaged root nerve, they tense and increase the intervertebral spaces. But on the other hand, this provokes a change in posture.

Other potential causes of straightening of lumbar lordosis include:

  • secondary violation of posture due to damage to the cervical, thoracic and sacral spine;
  • Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis;
  • destruction of intervertebral joints;
  • tumor processes in the abdominal cavity, in which a reflex change in posture occurs;
  • hard physical labor and overweight bodies;
  • destruction of the hip joints and sacroiliac joints;
  • different lengths legs;
  • curvature of the lower limbs;
  • incorrect placement of the foot in the form of flat feet or club feet;
  • wearing shoes on high heels;
  • complicated pregnancy, including multiple pregnancy.

If lumbar lordosis is straightened, what does this mean for the prognosis of recovery for the above diseases? This is a negative aggravating factor that disrupts the entire innervation process. Prerequisites arise for deformation of the endplates of the vertebral bodies, which will accelerate the process of degeneration of cartilage tissue. Rapid progression of osteochondrosis, severe disturbances of the innervation process, changes in gait, destruction of all large joints lower extremities - this is just a small list potential complications that the lumbar lordosis is straightened. Do not allow such changes to develop. Contact a vertebrologist for help as soon as you suspect you have this type of postural disorder.

Symptoms that lordosis is straightened

If the physiological lordosis is straightened, the symptoms will not necessarily be noticeable externally. The process of deformation of the spine is very long, so external changes can be noticeable already in the later stages, when surgery can help the patient. In the early stages there are clinical important criteria, which can be used to determine the presence of changes in posture.

Straightened cervical lordosis is characterized by:

  • frequent pain in the neck, back of the head, collar area;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • decreased mental performance;
  • frequent drowsiness and inhibition of neuropsychic reactions;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • poor performance in learning among school-aged and adolescent children.

Symptoms of straightening lumbar lordosis may be as follows:

  • pain in the lumbar region and gluteal muscles;
  • syndrome piriformis muscle;
  • rapid fatigue of leg muscles;
  • change in gait;
  • inability to keep your back straight for a long time;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs (for persons suffering from frequent constipation, you should check the condition of the lumbosacral spine).

For diagnosis, it is necessary to take a series of x-rays of the spine in different projections. The doctor will be able to assess the degree of deviation from normal posture only if there are photographs taken earlier. Some people have a slight deviation in the angles of lordosis and kyphosis from the moment of formation in infancy.

Lordosis straightened: treatment methods

If the lordosis is straightened, then treatment can be carried out using conservative and surgical methods. The sooner the patient seeks help, the higher the likelihood that it will be possible to completely restore posture using manual therapy methods.

During the initial examination, the vertebrologist identifies the potential reason why the lordosis is straightened. Most often this is a disease of the musculoskeletal system. Then he prescribes treatment for this disease.

At the same time, posture correction is carried out. For these purposes, mainly therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy are used in combination with massage and osteopathy. IN difficult cases A traction procedure for traction of the spine, fixation of the sections using a Shants collar or an orthopedic corset may be indicated. As aids Treatments include laser exposure, reflexology and physiotherapy.

If you require treatment for straightened lordosis, please contact our manual therapy clinic. Here an experienced doctor will develop for you individual scheme treatment.

- this is a natural bend, which can become too large for a number of reasons or, conversely, smoothed out. In both cases we're talking about about pathology, so it is important to identify the problem in time and carry out corrective treatment.

What is lordosis

The spine is designed in such a way that it allows a person to withstand the loads associated with upright walking. The spinal column of a newborn baby is almost straight. Curves form as the baby begins to sit and walk. Lordosis of the lumbar spine is considered normal if its value is in the range from 150 to 170 degrees.

This is determined by the results of an x-ray, CT scan or MRI. If the angle does not deviate from the norm, it means that lumbar lordosis is preserved. Any changes in one direction or another are considered pathology. What it is when lumbar lordosis is smoothed or strengthened is clearly noticeable by poor posture and back pain.

Normal anatomy

The role of the bends of the spinal column is reduced to compensating for the pressure exerted on the skeleton during a vertical load. They are fully formed by the end of the first year of life and allow you to hold the torso in the correct position. Pathology is formed due to various reasons - injuries, illnesses, during pregnancy. There are many methods to correct lumbar lordosis. This can be done with the help of medication and physical therapy. Exist special exercises, helping to improve the mobility of the vertebrae with lumbar lordosis.


There are two main types of pathological changes in the curvature of the spine. It may be greater than normal or, conversely, weakly expressed. In the second case, they talk about smoothed lumbar lordosis or hypolordosis. It occurs more often in older people, mainly accompanying a disease such as osteochondrosis. The patient's gait changes, becomes stiff, and back pain occurs.

The opposite situation is excessive concavity of the spinal column. Pronounced lumbar lordosis occurs after suffering rickets, injury, diseases that cause weakening skeletal muscles. Depending on this, paralytic, rachitic, and traumatic forms are distinguished.

Both straightened lumbar lordosis and hyperlordosis are congenital or acquired.

Lumbar hyperlordosis

This type of pathology is spoken of when the curvature of the spinal column exceeds an angle of 170 degrees. The origins of such deformation often go back to childhood. The period when a child learns to walk has a great influence on the formation of the skeleton.

The reason that lumbar lordosis is strengthened is also incorrect posture, low motor activity in school age. Because of this, the vertebral discs shift forward, the spinous processes come closer and become denser. All this leads to deformation of the vertebrae, pinched nerve endings, and back pain that makes movement difficult. If the lumbar lordosis is strengthened, this means that other types of curvature may join it. This type of pathology requires timely action.

Lumbar hypolordosis

In infants, lumbar lordosis is smoothed and begins to form only in the second year of life. Among schoolchildren, a weak curve of the lower back is already considered a pathology. Its development is facilitated by a lack of control over correct posture and heavy physical activity. In adults, the cause of the pathological process can be osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.

The presence of hypolordosis is easy to check. It is enough to stand with your back against the wall and stick your palm between your lower back and the wall. This distance should not be more or less than the width of your palm.

With a straightened spine and hyperlordosis, the question of how to eliminate and correct the bend must be resolved immediately. Otherwise, it can lead to poor circulation and compression of the spinal cord.


In both children and adults, pathological lordosis of the lumbar region can occur due to concomitant pathologies.

The most common causes of the disease:

In children younger age the formation of a smoothed or increased curvature of the spine has hereditary roots and is sometimes associated with hip dysplasia and rickets.

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis

Signs of this pathology can be seen with the naked eye, so it is possible to consult a doctor in a timely manner and begin treatment for early stage. Exist general symptoms diseases regardless of how the bending angle changes.

In this case, a person may have:

With the spine straightened listed symptoms a feeling of numbness in the lower back is added, fatigue occurs when a person sits or stands. You can see how it sticks out a little forward Bottom part belly.

Hyperlordosis is characterized by overstrain of the lower back muscles and severe pain that occurs when lying on the stomach. If you lie on your back, there is a fairly large distance between your lower back and the surface of the bed.


Video - why does lordosis straighten?

Diagnosis of lordosis

You should not try to diagnose yourself. Even a surgeon or traumatologist who is approached for help cannot do with just a visual examination. After a preliminary assessment, it helps to more accurately determine the condition instrumental diagnostics lumbar lordosis.

X-rays show a more accurate picture, helping to detect whether the lumbar lordosis is straightened or strengthened. CT scan can identify the cause of the pathology. In particularly difficult cases, MRI and ENMG (electroneuromyography) are used for diagnosis. If pathological changes accompanied inflammatory process, are additionally assigned lab tests.

Treatment of lumbar lordosis

If you notice the slightest curvature of the spine, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only after an accurate diagnosis has been established can we begin to solve the problem. Treatment of lumbar lordosis begins with conservative methods. If there is no positive result, surgery is performed.

Conservative therapy is a whole range of measures, including:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Physical therapy course.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage course.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Special diet.

To begin with, before treating lumbar lordosis, it is necessary to identify the cause of the pathology and begin to eradicate it, using, if necessary, medicinal methods treatment. If you have osteochondrosis or spondylarthrosis, the doctor prescribes drugs from the group of chondoprotectors. Detection of an infectious process requires the use of antibiotics. Obesity is treated by a specialist endocrinologist. Before treating lumbar lordosis, accompanied by severe pain syndrome, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or injections. WITH slight pain ointments and gels for topical application help cope. Only after the pain has been relieved are measures taken to help the spine take the correct position.


Physiotherapeutic procedures help correct lordosis, both lumbar and cervical.

The most popular among them:
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • mud applications.

The effectiveness of any of these procedures will be higher if after it special orthopedic devices are worn on the lower back. Due to fixation, this will ensure better straightening of the lordosis of the lumbosacral spine and will help maintain the positive changes achieved during the treatment process.

Additionally, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, and manual therapy may be prescribed.


A set of exercises for lumbar lordosis is developed individually by specialists. The degree of pathology, age, and health characteristics of the patient must be taken into account. Before classes, you need to make sure there is no pain and feeling good. Begin therapeutic exercises with minimal loads, increasing them gradually. Training must be regular; absences are allowed only due to illness. Clothes and shoes are selected in such a way as to be comfortable and warm. If pain or discomfort occurs, stop exercising.

Gymnastics for lumbar lordosis is carried out to strengthen the muscle frame. The entire spine is treated, although the main emphasis is on the area where there is pathology. Training for lumbar lordosis includes stretching exercises, breathing exercises, and strength training.

Surgical treatment

If it is not possible to level the physiological lordosis of the lumbar region using conservative methods, they resort to surgery. Using special metal structures, it is possible to fix the spine in the correct position. IN modern medicine There is the possibility of implanting intervertebral disc implants. department by surgical intervention is carried out according to an individually developed scheme.