What is the difference between adenoma and prostatitis? You will need to undergo a course of physical therapy. Causes of disease development

Prostate adenoma and prostatitis are two common diseases in men. Many men, having come to the urologist and complaining about unpleasant symptoms, do not know the difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma. These diseases are similar, but the difference between them is quite significant.

What is the difference between prostate adenoma and prostatitis?

Doctors are well aware of the differences between adenoma and prostatitis, and therefore can, having correctly diagnosed the disease, prescribe to the patient effective treatment. Remember this and if you have problems with the genitourinary system, be sure to contact a good urologist.

Prostatitis and its features

Do you want to know how to distinguish prostate adenoma from prostatitis? Then the first thing you need to figure out is what prostatitis is in men and how it manifests itself. Prostatitis is called chronic or acute inflammation glands, which occurs when bacteria enter the body due to injury or poor circulation in the pelvis.

Regardless of what caused prostatitis, the disease makes itself felt:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • potency disorders.


Speaking about the main differences between prostatitis and prostate adenoma, it is necessary to clarify that prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland, and adenoma is its benign tumor. There is an opinion that adenoma is a consequence inflammatory process, but that's not true. This disease is independent and usually develops due to hormonal changes. Benign prostate tumors often occur in gentlemen over forty years of age.

The distinctive features of adenoma and prostatitis are similar symptoms. As with inflammation of the gland, after the appearance of a tumor, a man is faced with:

  1. disturbance of urine outflow;
  2. frequent urination;
  3. discomfort in the abdominal area.

Adenoma is characterized by urinary incontinence. It is noteworthy that when initial stage development of a tumor, which can last about 10 years, urinary disturbances are minimal and are not perceived by men as an alarming symptom.

Differences in diagnosis and treatment of adenoma and prostatitis

The differences between prostate adenoma and prostatitis force doctors to use different diagnostic methods to determine these diseases. If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the prostate, specialists analyze the discharge from urinary canal and rectal examination of the patient. If there is a high probability of developing an adenoma, the urologist will refer the man for blood donation and ultrasound.

After conducting an examination and knowing the difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma, doctors prescribe a suitable treatment. For prostatitis, this means taking antibiotics, numerous anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that strengthen the immune system. Drug therapy is usually supplemented with prostate massage and electrophoresis.

With prostate adenoma, antibacterial drugs are powerless. To stop the progression of the tumor, specialists prescribe cytostatics and alpha blockers to the patient. If the tumor is significantly enlarged, surgery for removal of the prostate gland.

According to medical statistics, the number of men diagnosed with chronic prostatitis or prostate adenoma is currently growing. Just 5-10 years ago, diseases appeared in men aged 45-50 years. But over time, diseases become younger and currently these diagnoses are given to representatives of the stronger sex 30-35 years old.

Hello everyone, here is Alexander Burusov, an expert at the Viva Men men’s club. Today we have two important topics on our agenda: chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Therefore, without wasting time, let's begin studying the problem.

Adenoma is a proliferation of gonad tissue.

Chronic prostatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the prostate gland.

Chronic prostatitis and adenoma – 2 various diseases, but have similar symptoms, so they are often combined in one organism. If you fight only one disease, treatment will not bring the expected results; here it is necessary complex treatment.

It should be noted that chronic prostatitis is somewhat different from prostate adenoma in that its presence in the body may not be suspected for many years; it occurs without obvious symptoms. Adenoma is difficult to miss; tissue growth occurs quite quickly.

Prostate adenoma appears against the background of chronic prostatitis and is its complication. Men having running form prostatitis and those who do not fight it for various reasons, note a rapid and significant deterioration in health after the appearance of an adenoma.

Prostatitis also differs from adenoma in that hyperplasia does not always mean the presence of an inflammatory process; tissue proliferation is always benign; there may be several or one nodule.

Prostate adenoma is characterized mainly by physiological disorders. Chronic prostatitis can affect nervous system, provoking the development of depression, low emotional mood, decreased libido, and psychosis.

Chronic prostatitis is of several types:

  1. Asymptomatic. Inflammatory processes long time do not appear.
  2. Constant pelvic pain syndrome. Characterized by the presence of constant pain in the groin area, genitals.
  3. Bacterial. The infection that caused the disease is of bacterial origin.
  4. Non-infectious. Damage to prostate tissue.

Prostatitis often manifests itself when the body is infected with sexually transmitted diseases, which is how it differs from adenoma:

  • Chlamydia.
  • Herpes.
  • Ureaplasma.
  • Mycoplasma.

The infection negatively affects the prostate tissue and the urethra itself. If for a long time delay treatment, then physiological changes may be pathological.

Even the most experienced male doctor cannot tell you about the exact causes of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. There are many factors that can lead to this disease:

  • Tobacco abuse.
  • Poor nutrition, fast food, alcohol, salty and fatty foods.
  • Lack of basic physical activity.
  • Overweight.
  • Heredity.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Frequent stressful situations.
  • Hypothermia, severe overheating.
  • Severe bruises of the genitals.

The main symptoms of prostate adenoma and chronic prostatitis sometimes do not appear, so the disease develops into chronic form.

We list the possible symptoms:

  • Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.
  • The stream of urine is thin.
  • Leaking urine after going to the toilet.
  • Feeling of incomplete release from fluid.
  • A burning sensation in the urethra during urination or intimacy.
  • Pain when going to the toilet in a small way.
  • Pain in the groin area, lower abdomen.
  • Weak erection premature exit sperm.

With chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, the likelihood of developing infertility increases, since the inflammatory process has a strong effect on active sperm.

Methods of treating the disease

The initial sign of the onset of the disease is a feeling of discomfort when urinating, the stream itself is weak, the liquid comes out slowly and little by little. Males are more likely to feel the urge to urinate.

With prostate adenoma, regardless of whether there is prostatitis or not, the urge to go to the toilet immediately appears, which is very difficult to restrain. If treatment is not started immediately, urinary incontinence and disruption of normal kidney function are possible.

To begin treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, you need an accurate diagnosis. To do this, you need to undergo examination and tests.

The list is usually standard:

  • Digital examination of the affected gland.
  • Taking a urethral smear to check for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Submission of a smear of secretion.
  • Ultrasound of the prostate.

Despite the fact that chronic prostatitis and adenoma are constantly interconnected, the treatment is radically different.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma includes taking medications.

In absentia they are divided into:

  • Antiviral.
  • Antifungal.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Hormones.
  • Adrenergic blockers.
  • Muscle relaxants.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Biostimulants.

Alpha-blockers and muscle relaxants gradually relax the muscles of the organs, which is very important in the treatment process for prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

You will need to undergo a course of physiotherapy:

  • Prostate massage.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Electrical stimulation.

More recently, doctors have developed new method combating diagnoses of prostatitis, adenoma - heat therapy. It is an effect on the affected tissue using temperature, which stops the growth of cancer cells.

Basic techniques:

  • Transrectal hyperthermia– exposure of the cell to temperatures up to 45 degrees.
  • Thermotherapy– exposure of the gland to temperatures up to 70 degrees. This is done once.
  • Thermoablation– treatment with temperatures up to 100 degrees. The procedure is one-time and is done using anesthesia.
  • Ultrasound thermal ablation– fight against cells by inserting a catheter into the urethra.

If the case is complex or advanced, then they resort to operations. Non-surgical treatment is possible only at an early stage of the disease, when the patient came to the doctor immediately after the first symptoms of inflammation appeared.

Nutritional Features

The diet for chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma should be mandatory. It is necessary to raise the level general immunity, normalization hormonal levels, cleansing genitourinary system, decreased urine concentration.

In some cases already after 1 week proper nutrition the majority are normalized important indicators. The diet is considered specialized.

Key points:

  • Steaming, boiling, baking.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Reducing the standard portion by 2 times.
  • Use large quantity fiber to avoid constipation.
  • Elimination of gas-forming products.
  • Fasting days, at the discretion of the treating doctor.
  • Exception alcoholic drinks, strong coffee and tea, cocoa.
  • Avoid canned and smoked foods.
  • Refusal of fast food.

The menu must contain products that prevent the development of the disease described above: egg, liver, seaweed, pistachios, beans, corn, lentils, bran, mushrooms, seafood.

The doctor must make up his own sample menu for the patient, based on clinical picture diseases and individual preferences.


If you want to be guaranteed to cure chronic prostatitis and its complications in short time, get rid of vascular erectile dysfunction and prevent adenoma from developing, be sure to check out our comprehensive, effective home health program.

It takes approximately 20 minutes a day, and you will receive the first noticeable results within a few weeks. This program is the first program of its kind in the CIS, which has fully proven its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic prostatitis and vascular erectile dysfunction.

Sincerely, Alexander Burusov

Symptoms of prostatitis in acute form:

  • general malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • frequent urination;
  • painful sensations in the groin area.

ATTENTION! Prostatitis in chronic form is practically asymptomatic, so it is more difficult to diagnose. Signs of the disease appear at the acute stage, while at the remission stage the patient feels noticeable relief. But this does not mean that the disease does not progress.

The causes of the disease are:

  • frequent hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • irregular sex life;
  • passive lifestyle.

If left untreated, prostatitis can lead to various complications.

Most often, men experience:

BPH is a benign tumor that most often occurs in men after 50 years of age.

The causes of the disease are considered to be hormonal changes, primarily associated with age. As for symptoms, they are most often associated with urination. The fact is that the tumor, gradually increasing, puts pressure on urethra. And what more problems occurs in a man with this natural process, the stronger the tumor develops.

Prostate adenoma is not a fatal disease, but without necessary treatment can give serious complications. Not only does it suffer bladder, since cystitis and pyelonephritis may appear.

What do they have in common and what are their differences?

The diseases are united by the fact that they affect the same organ, that is, the prostate gland. They are similar, since both the inflammatory process and the tumor primarily affect urination.

What is the difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma? The difference between prostate adenoma and prostatitis lies in the causes that provoked the disease, some treatment methods, etc.

Is it possible to have it at the same time?

Often these diseases accompany each other, and it happens that a man simultaneously has chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. And even moreover, one disease can provoke another disease. Adenoma contributes to the development of inflammation of the prostate gland, that is, prostatitis. When a patient has both ailments, the symptoms become pronounced already in the first stages.

What is harmful in such diseases, what should you avoid?

First of all, men who have been diagnosed with prostatitis or prostate adenoma should reconsider their diet and change their lifestyle. It is imperative to limit alcohol consumption, give up cigarettes and harmful products. These include fatty meats, smoked meats, spicy and salty foods, canned food and carbonated drinks.

Diet and exercise

Regarding , the restriction in it should not be too strong, but junk food It is better to exclude it until complete recovery.

Doctors recommend paying attention to foods high in zinc and selenium. These are seafood, legumes and cereals, such as oatmeal and buckwheat.

Various are useful for prostatitis and adenoma. vegetable oils, for example, olive, sunflower and olive.

It is necessary to increase, but it should be moderate exercise, for example, swimming is considered very useful for these diseases.

As for cycling, at the stage of exacerbation of the disease this type of transport will only be harmful.

Visiting the sauna and warming up

Self-medication for prostatitis and prostate adenoma is harmful, so warming can only be prescribed by the attending physician. may only be useful for early stages diseases. Heat activates blood circulation, which helps relieve pain, remove toxins and eliminate congestion. But in acute prostatitis, overheating can provoke an even more severe inflammatory process.

You can take special baths at home. The water temperature must be raised gradually, over several sessions. The maximum temperature should not exceed 40–43 degrees, and the duration of one dive should not exceed 15 minutes. You can add infusions to the water medicinal herbs. As for visiting the bathhouse, this is also possible only after a doctor’s recommendation.

Treatment Options

There are many . These are diseases that, without quality and long-term treatment will only develop. Therefore, it is important to use several methods simultaneously to get the maximum healing effect.


This method of treating prostate diseases has many advantages. Physiotherapy increases blood circulation, improves metabolism, removes toxins and reduces congestion. Most often used:


Without medication, treatment may take longer, especially if the disease has already developed. Therefore, doctors often prescribe medications that can speed up the healing process as much as possible. But self-medication in in this case contraindicated.


Alpha1-adrenergic receptor antagonists that relax the prostate muscles are effective in the treatment of prostate diseases. Most often, Setegis, Dalfaz or Cardura are prescribed. If the patient has low blood pressure, then Omnic, Focusin or Adenorm are prescribed.

Among the inhibitors, Finasteride is often used. Regarding medications plant origin, then for adenoma or prostatitis, Permixon, Afala or Tadenan have a therapeutic effect.

Traditional methods

Can be used. There are a lot of recipes, so you should choose the most effective ones.

  1. Pumpkin. Huge benefit in the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma can be obtained using ordinary pumpkin. It is recommended to drink juice (1 glass per day), adding a little honey to it. It is advisable to consume pumpkin seeds with juice.
  2. Celandine. 1 tbsp. l. dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for several hours. After the medicine has infused, filter it and take 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Various compresses. You need to dissolve 1 tsp in boiling water (300 ml). ordinary table salt. Moisten gauze in this solution and place it on the perineum. The compress must be covered with a cotton cloth and dressed in thick underwear. After it dries, you need to wash off the salt from the skin and repeat the procedure. It is recommended to do at least 5 procedures per day for 1–2 months.


All men are at risk, so there is no need to wait for the first symptoms to appear.

And if the disease has already manifested itself, then after treatment it is imperative to engage in prevention.

This healthy image life, following a light diet and moderate physical activity.

You should try not to expose your body to hypothermia, use protection during sex, and visit a urologist at least 2 times a year.

Adenoma and prostatitis are unpleasant but curable diseases. The main thing is to see a doctor at the first symptoms and get tested. It is much easier to cure a disease in the early stages than to fight it when side diseases appear.

Prostatitis– inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate).

BPH– enlargement of the prostate gland due to its benign tumor growth.

Causes of diseases

Increased load on the lower back due to age-related loss of spinal flexibility, sedentary work, constipation, hypothermia, infection.

Manifestations of diseases: pain and burning when urinating, frequent urge to urination at night, urinary retention, Blunt pain in the lower back, legs, increased fatigue, irritability.

Treatment of adenoma

Medicines that can be used during the treatment of adenoma:

  • Medicines from the group of alpha-blockers: Flomax, Cardura. Drugs in this group alleviate the symptoms of the disease and help improve urine flow. Does not help reduce prostate size.
  • Finasteride, Proscar and others medicines from the group of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors - help reduce the size of the prostate, but are not suitable if you need to quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.
  • Herbal preparations are used as an addition to the main treatment regimen: Tykveol, Prostagut, Prostabin.
  • Hormonal drugs for intramuscular injection: testosterone propionate, oxyprogesterone.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes: Special attention given to vitamins A and E, as well as zinc.

The treatment regimen for adenoma is determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the main manifestations of the disease, as well as concomitant diseases patient. Most medications that are used in the treatment of adenomas have an extensive list of contraindications and possible side effects, so preliminary comprehensive examination, as well as collecting anamnesis (including family history) are mandatory procedures.

Treatment of prostatitis

Treatment regimen for prostatitis:

  • Antibacterial drugs: Tetracycline, Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav. Antibiotics from the fluoroquinoline group (for example, norfloxacin or ciprofloxacin) penetrate the prostate tissue less well. The selection of a specific drug is carried out after examination and identification of the causative agent of the disease.
  • Alpha blockers to normalize the urination process.
  • Antidepressants for sleep disorders and increased irritability: Fluoxetine.
  • Immunostimulant drugs: Timalin.
  • In order to eliminate the inflammatory process and pain syndrome They use medications from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (mainly in the form of suppositories): Diclofenac.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes, which include vitamin E and zinc.

Drinking alcoholic beverages during the treatment of prostatitis and taking antibacterial drugs is contraindicated.

It is necessary to eliminate foods with high content sugar and starch, generously seasoned, as they irritate the prostate gland and bladder. Drink water between meals, but not during meals. Eliminate spices, sauces, smoked meats, cheese, meat products, eggs, fatty and fried, alcohol, tobacco, strong tea and coffee. Treatment of prostate adenoma is successful with daily use small head of onion. You should not add too much salt to your food.

For warning stagnation In the pelvic organs, it is important to monitor the functioning of the intestines, eat regularly, so that there is stool every day.

Folk remedies

  • For prostatitis, decoctions are recommended: marshmallow roots (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water, boil for 30 minutes, drink 60 ml 3 times a day); lingonberry leaves (3-4 teaspoons per 400 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 45 minutes, drink 50 ml before meals); celery (20 g per 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day). Infusions: cornflower flowers (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water, leave for 30 minutes, take before meals); heather herbs (1 tablespoon per 400 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, drink 100 ml before meals).
  • For adenoma (hypertrophy) of the prostate gland, the following are recommended:
    • a decoction of ground hazel nuts, bark, leaves (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water, boil for 30 minutes, use as a microenema - 60 ml);
    • infusion of leaves and stems of mistletoe (20 g per 200 ml of alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, strain, drink 20 drops 3 times a day);
    • decoction of licorice rhizomes (10 g per 200 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon 4-5 times 10 days);
    • decoction of asparagus rhizomes (1 tablespoon per 200 ml, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day);
    • decoction of thuja shoots (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, drink 60 ml 30 minutes before meals).
  • For inflammation of the prostate gland, brew 2 tablespoons of spring primrose herb with 2.5 cups of boiling water, leave overnight and filter. Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. The course of treatment is 40 days.
  • For chronic prostatitis, mix 10 parts (by weight) of rose hips and hawthorn berries, 5 parts of marsh grass, 4 parts of chamomile flowers, 3 parts each of lingonberry and birch leaves, dandelion roots, knotweed herb, 2 parts each of melilot herb and wintergreen. Pour two tablespoons of the dry crushed mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, covered, for 6-8 hours, strain. Take the infusion warm 5-8 times a day, 1/4-1/3 cup. In spring, it is better to infuse the collection with fresh birch sap, bringing it to a boil. It is also very useful for adnexitis, pyelonephritis, and hypertension.
  • For the treatment of prostate adenoma, the following recipe can be suggested: mix 10 g of hazel leaf, 8 g of golden rod herb, 10 g of hawthorn flowers, 10 g of horehound herb, 20 g of steelhead rhizomes, 15 g of sparrow herb, 12 g of ash leaf, 10 g of sweet clover medicinal, 20 g of cinquefoil rhizomes, 10 g of veronica herb, 10 g of tenacious bedstraw herb. Brew 1 tablespoon of this mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. You need to drink the decoction 4 times throughout the day between meals. The course of treatment is 25-30 days.
  • Grind parsley seeds into powder, pour 4 teaspoons of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction 4-6 times a day. You can also infuse 1 teaspoon of parsley seeds in a glass cold water within 8 hours. Drink this infusion 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Carry out this treatment for inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Grind 2 medium-sized onions into a pulp, pour 0.6 liters of boiling water over them, leave for 2 hours, wrap them up, drink 50 g every hour.
  • For prostate hypertrophy, take peeled and crushed pumpkin seeds 2 times a day, morning and evening, 1-2 tablespoons for a month. These seeds can be crushed and sprinkled various dishes or mixed with baking flour.
  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed burdock root into 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink a glass of wine 4 times a day before meals.
  • Cornflower flowers and licorice root - 1 part each, bearberry leaves - 3 parts. Pour 10 g of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze out the raw materials, increase the volume of the decoction boiled water to the original one. Take 2-3 tablespoons 15-20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Mix mistletoe, burdock root, corn stalks with stigmas, cinquefoil grass and peppermint grass equally. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave until cool. For prostate hypertrophy, take 2-3 glasses a day.
  • Grind the dried roots of Eryngium field into powder. Take 0.5 teaspoon 3-5 times a day with a drink warm water. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of the root or 2 tablespoons of the herb into 0.5 liters of water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 100-150 ml 3-5 times a day before meals. Taken for difficulty urinating due to enlarged prostate gland.
  • Pour 1-2 tablespoons of white birch leaves into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, strain. Take 1/2-2/3 cup 3-5 times a day before meals for prostate hypertrophy.

Doctor!" or "I have an adenoma!" Mostly men do not even know the difference between these diseases and, based on symptoms alone, make a diagnosis. The symptoms of prostatitis and prostate adenoma are really similar, but the difference between these diseases is significant. Depending on the Whether a patient has prostatitis or adenoma, treatment methods and possible complications are determined.

Prostatitis and adenoma - what is the difference

Prostatitis and its features

Prostatitis is inflammatory disease prostate gland, which differs:

  • frequent urination,
  • burning,
  • pain during urination (dysuria),
  • pain in the genital area and lower back.

Prostatitis can be acute or chronic. As a rule, acute prostatitis is caused by gram-negative bacteria, it is easy to recognize, and it is treated antibacterial drugs. Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis is much more difficult to determine; it is not associated with infection of the body. Therefore, during the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis, antibiotics often do not help. Chronic prostatitis is noted in 35% of men after 50 years of age. Treatment of prostatitis includes supportive and drug therapy. Surgical intervention may be necessary if drug treatment did not bring any results.

Prostate adenoma - how to recognize

BPH- this is a benign prostate tumor, located inside the prostate, does not spread beyond its limits, does not metastasize, that is, does not spread to other systems and organs. There are many reasons for the formation of prostate adenoma, but hormonal changes are of primary importance. male body. Basically, adenoma forms after 45 years.

Many people consider prostate adenoma a complication of prostatitis. However, it is not. Prostate adenoma is independent disease, Unlike acute prostatitis, is not infectious in nature. However, prostate adenoma often has symptoms similar to prostatitis, such as difficulty urinating and pain.

Treatment of adenoma includes eliminating the symptoms of the disease and preventing tumor growth. For this purpose, finasterides, alpha blockers, herbal remedies. IN difficult cases the operation is being performed. Complications of prostate adenoma can be:

  • hydronephrosis
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • chronic urinary retention,
  • acute urinary retention.

So, the manifestations of diseases are similar. This is what confuses men. Treatment, due to various reasons diseases is fundamentally different and self-medication, which men often resort to, may be ineffective. It’s even worse if it muffles the symptoms of the disease and turns it into a chronic form, aggravating the course and subsequent treatment.