Benefits and harms of pollock liver. Interesting information about the composition of pollock liver, contraindications to its use, benefits and harms. Pollock: benefits and harm to the human body

Pollock liver is a common delicacy that is already for a long time decorates holiday tables. The popularity of this product is explained taste qualities, diversity in application and, of course, useful properties. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the effect of the product on the body. So what are the benefits of pollock liver and to whom is the product strictly contraindicated?

Pollock liver: composition, nutritional value, description

Pollock is a fish of the cod family that lives in seas and oceans with low temperatures. The liver of this fish is mainly produced in canned form, subjecting it to processing. As a result, two types of pollock liver are obtained in the form of canned food:

1. Pollock liver in whole pieces

2. Pollock liver, crushed to a homogeneous consistency (pate)

Canned pollock liver is as natural as possible. The pate consists of chopped liver with the addition of salt, and in whole pieces they can add vegetable oil, Bay leaf or black pepper. If you choose canned pollock liver from a good and reputable manufacturer, then a jar of this delicacy will bring great amount benefits.

Pollock liver cannot be called dietary product. This delicacy contains approximately 500 kilocalories per 100 grams. Considering the composition of pollock liver, we can highlight the following components that are useful and necessary for the human body:

B vitamins

· Vitamin A

· Vitamin C

Vitamin D

· A nicotinic acid


From all of the above, we can conclude that pollock liver is a useful and delicious product, containing a lot of useful substances.

Beneficial properties of pollock liver

Pollock liver is a treasure trove useful vitamins microelements, macroelements and other substances necessary for the human body. By adding this delicacy to your diet, you can feel positive influence such an unusual delicacy. But what specific beneficial properties does pollock liver have?

Contains a large number of phosphorus

Phosphorus is needed by the body to strengthen nails, bones and teeth. The element also has a positive effect on intestinal-alkaline metabolism and heart function.

Potassium in pollock liver eliminates the possibility of calcium being excreted from the body and can prevent diseases such as rickets and bone thinning.

· Prevents vitamin deficiency

Pollock liver is rich various vitamins, microelements and macroelements, which minimizes the risk of vitamin deficiency.

Source of vitamin A

Vitamin A helps strengthen immune system person. Moreover, even in ancient times, products with high content Vitamin A was used to treat diseases related to vision.

· Strengthens the body's respiratory system

· Prevents viral and fungal diseases

· Positively affects vision

Contains nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid or vitamin B3 helps reduce the risk of eczema and psoriasis.

Source of iodine

Iodine in pollock liver helps stabilize the nervous system and is also necessary for normal work liver.

· Stabilizes work endocrine system

· Has anti-inflammatory effect

· Lowers blood sugar levels

In conclusion, it can be noted that pollock liver has a lot of useful properties that have a positive effect on many organs and organ systems of the human body, preventing serious illnesses And pathological conditions.

What harm can pollock liver cause to human health?

Despite all my beneficial features and quality pollock liver has and harmful influence. It should be clarified that the delicacy has a minimum negative impact on the human body.

First of all, pollock liver can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. Uncontrolled abuse of the delicacy can lead to indigestion and food intoxication.

Separate attention should be paid to the issue of calorie content of the product. As stated above, it the nutritional value is approximately 500 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is certainly not positive thing. It cannot be said that consumption of pollock liver inevitably leads to obesity, but people with overweight the dosage of the product should be monitored.

Contraindications to eating pollock liver

The delicacy is most harmful to people who already suffer from certain diseases. If you are in a “risk group,” you should not include pollock liver in your diet. Let's look at who is strictly contraindicated from using this product:

· Allergic reaction for any type of fish and seafood

Individual intolerance to pollock liver

· A sharp decline and promotion blood pressure

· Cardiovascular diseases

· Urolithiasis disease

· Diseases gastrointestinal tract V acute form

· Elderly age

Inflammation of the esophagus

Pollock liver during pregnancy and lactation

As for pregnant women, pollock liver is not contraindicated for them. You can and even need to eat the delicacy in small portions. For expectant mother It is very important to get enough iodine. But moderation should be observed. All the same can be applied to women during lactation. However, you need to choose a tin can that does not contain chemical additives: flavors, preservatives, dyes.

Rules for storing pollock liver

Proper storage The product is very important, since the beneficial properties of many products disappear precisely because some storage recommendations are neglected. Also, improper storage of pollock liver at home will negatively affect the taste and external qualities.

First of all, you should pay attention that pollock liver can be stored in a can according to the expiration date indicated on the package. However, in open form the product loses almost all its beneficial properties after five days.

It should be noted that during storage in the refrigerator, it is better to transfer the pollock liver to a glass or porcelain container.

What is the best way to consume pollock liver?

Pollock liver is rarely consumed without a side dish. But which dish will best highlight all the flavor notes of this delicacy?

Many housewives add pollock liver to various salads. Especially good combination it will work with salads that contain potatoes, carrots, onions and eggs.

This unusual product They are also used for stuffing. The most popular dishes are: stuffed boiled eggs and stuffed fresh tomatoes.

An excellent combination is liver and pickles. In this case, the liver can simply be applied to white or black bread (to taste). Such sandwiches will decorate festive table and will perform hearty and delicious snack.

In conclusion, it should be noted that pollock liver has many beneficial properties. But the consumption of the delicacy must be controlled, and you must also carefully read all the contraindications.

Pollock is a widespread and familiar fish to many consumers; it is classified in the cod family and is considered very valuable in many countries, especially its liver. The fish itself is a little dry and the entire supply of omega-3 fatty acids Contained precisely in the liver.

The habitat of pollock is considered to be the cold Seas of Japan, Okhotsk, Bering and Barents Seas. Truly high-quality Far Eastern canned pollock liver products are produced directly at sea, on a trawl. Freshly caught fish, caviar and liver close up in fresh without freezing and preliminary heat treatment while maintaining the full range of beneficial and medicinal properties.

Canned pollock liver, the benefits and harms of this product for the body, as well as contraindications to its use - we will tell you about this in more detail.

What are the benefits of pollock liver? It is a complete source of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which are essential for normal human life and health. The opinion of many doctors is clear that it is mandatory for residents of all regions, without exception, to include this valuable product in their diet.

Canned pollock liver is more beneficial than harmful, it contains minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and iron, vitamins A, B, B1, B9, PP, C and contains very valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids that help fight many diseases .

12 beneficial properties of pollock liver

  1. Reduces the risk of developing cardiac diseases

    Due to its antioxidant properties and many useful components, such as potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, D, B and E, pollock liver greatly reduces the likelihood of the occurrence and development of diseases of cardio-vascular system, and polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce cholesterol levels and increase brain activity.

  2. Useful for diabetes

    Pollock liver has the unique property of normalizing blood sugar levels and, thanks to the chromium it contains, regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism Therefore, its use is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. The lack of carbohydrates makes seafood especially healthy for this category of people. By the way, chromium activates enzymes responsible for heredity, so pollock fish and liver are necessary for both male and female bodies.

  3. Strengthens the nervous system

    Contained in the composition useful material iodine and magnesium help the body produce thyroxine, which is involved in the process of ensuring the perfect functioning of the nervous system and has a positive effect on the general emotional condition person. Regular consumption of pollock liver will strengthen nervous system and will serve as disease prevention thyroid gland.

  4. Prevents cancer

    The large amount of antioxidants, amino acids and other beneficial properties of pollock liver greatly reduce the likelihood of cancer, especially in smokers. The product successfully combats free radicals, which are the root cause of many health problems. By regularly consuming pollock liver, you can protect yourself from many dangerous diseases.

  5. Improves the condition of skin, teeth and hair

    Vitamins A, E, B1, B6, as well as the generally recognized beauty vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and PP ( a nicotinic acid) perfectly care for the skin and protect it from negative natural factors(snow, wind, sun), remove acne and teenage acne. By consuming fish liver, in particular pollock liver, we take care of the skin, strengthen the gums of the teeth, and heal the hair follicles and the hair itself.

  6. Normalizes vision

    Pollock liver contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary to maintain eye health. One of the most important vitamins for visual acuity, vitamin A contained in the liver of pollock. It not only improves vision, but also helps to quickly adapt to changes in light.

  7. Regulates digestion

    Thanks to your unique properties Pollock liver is involved in regulating the digestive system. She normalizes acid-base balance, prevents the development of stomach ulcers and duodenum, helps fight constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, regularly including pollock liver in your diet will help maintain the healthy functioning of the entire digestive system.

  8. Prevents the development of anemia

    The content of substances such as cobalt, magnesium, and iron in pollock only confirms the authoritative opinion of many doctors about the benefits of fish and its liver. Pollock liver serves as a regulator of carbon metabolism in the body, helps in the absorption of iron, and promotes good blood clotting. Thanks to all these properties, the product is extremely effective in treating anemia.

  9. Strengthens the skeletal system

    Fluorine, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus and chromium are simply necessary for the formation bone tissue and protecting the density of tooth enamel. All these useful elements are contained in pollock liver, and by including it in our diet, we take care of our bones and joints, and also prevent osteoporosis. This is especially important for older people, whose bone density only decreases with age. Potassium compounds allow regular excretion from the human body excess liquid, removing unnecessary swelling and heaviness in the legs, and sulfur normalizes the oxygen balance in the body.

  10. Fights viral infections

    Many antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids found in fish liver, help the body fight many viral diseases. Pollock liver is useful for treating a wide range of diseases, from common ARVI to genitourinary infections and various fungal diseases. This product is also great prophylactic, strengthening the body's immune forces.

  11. Helps fight excess weight

    Despite its calorie content, pollock liver helps fight unnecessary cholesterol. It is included in the long list of foods that are used for various diets for weight loss. People who want to reset excess weight, all seafood is shown, including pollock meat and liver.

  12. Fights pellagra

    The well-known vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) is also included in pollock liver. He has many medicinal properties, including preventing psychosis and other painful deviations of consciousness. The vitamin fights eczema, psoriasis and vitamin deficiency caused by poor and irregular nutrition; in medicine this disease is called pellagra.

Culinary recipes using pollock liver

Pollock liver is widely used by chefs around the world in preparing their culinary masterpieces. There are a huge number of cooking methods, first and hot dishes are prepared with it, it is served as a separate dish and with a side dish, a huge number of sauces and seasonings are served with it, and most of all it is combined in hot and cold salads.

Salads using pollock liver collected a lot positive feedback, they are also recommended by the best chefs in the world.

Let us present to your attention some culinary recipes with seafood.

Vegetable salad with pollock liver

For the salad you will need:

  • Canned pollock liver – 200 g;
  • Beijing cabbage – 200 g;
  • Cherry tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • Canned or fresh peas – 30 g;
  • Carrots – 1 pc. (small);
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc. (can be salted);
  • Green onion - one small bunch;
  • Salt – one pinch;
  • Allspice;
  • Allspice;
  • Greens (to your taste) - a couple of branches.

Cooking method

Wash the vegetables thoroughly. Tear or coarsely chop the cabbage. Cut carrots, onions and cucumbers into thin long strips, add peas and combine the salad.

On beautiful dish We lay out the cabbage, put onions, carrots, cucumbers and peas on top, salt and pepper, put pollock liver on top and pour canned juice over the salad, put tomatoes on the sides and decorate the dish with your favorite herbs.

Hot salad with pollock liver

Required ingredients:

  • Pollock liver – 200 g;
  • Roasted Vegetables:
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Bell pepper- 2 pcs.;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt – one pinch;
  • Pepper to taste;
  • Any greens.

Place coarsely chopped vegetables in a salad bowl: potatoes (very useful straight with the skin), peppers, onions, tomatoes. Salt, pepper, place the liver on top with the rest of the butter, garnish with your favorite herbs and voila! Salad ready! Tasty, and most importantly healthy! Bon appetit!

Contraindications to eating pollock liver

Canned pollock liver is very useful and has incredible wide range actions for all categories of people, even for pregnant women. This concerns the benefits of the product, and as for the harm, the list will be minimal. The product is not recommended for use only in certain cases:

  • with individual intolerance to this type of fish;
  • when canned food has expired;
  • children under three years old.

In other cases, the product is permitted, but again without abuse, in normal proportions and in combination with other equally useful products.

What else is useful?

How often can you find pollock liver (canned) on your tables? Today we will study the benefits and harms of this by-product. We’ll also find out how to prepare delicious salads with these canned goods.

The power is in the components!

Canned pollock liver is an inexpensive product and available to everyone. However, despite this, it is quite healthy and nutritious! And all thanks to the rich component composition.

Pollock itself is quite healthy, and its liver even more so! Even during the canning process, all these qualities are preserved. What is contained in these canned foods?

Components of canned food:

  • polyunsaturated acids such as omega-3;
  • proteins;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • macro- and microelements.

Attention! Energy value canned pollock liver is high - 470 Kcal per hundred grams of product.

Benefits and possible harm

Thanks to the rich "deposits" of minerals and vitamin complexes, found in canned pollock liver, this product has amazing healing properties.

Useful qualities of canned food:

  • help with vitamin A deficiency;
  • “treat” the respiratory system;
  • act as a prophylactic agent viral diseases, as well as fungal infections;
  • help the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • help cure eczema, psoriasis and other skin ailments;
  • strengthen the visual system;
  • stabilize sugar levels;
  • help in treating inflammation.

Canned pollock liver should be on the menu of people who have had surgery. They will help you recover faster and also contribute to the speedy renewal of damaged tissues. This product is also used in the cosmetics industry.

On a note! To ensure that canned food is truly beneficial, buy a natural product. Make sure that it does not contain flavoring components or other harmful additives.

Despite all the “benefits” of canned pollock liver, it can also harm our health. There are a number of contraindications to its use that cannot be ignored.

Ailments for which canned food is prohibited:

  • allergy to seafood;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • heart pathologies;
  • urolithiasis;
  • problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, this product is not recommended for elderly people and those who struggle with extra pounds. In general, everyone should include canned pollock liver in their menu. moderate amount, since an excess of the components contained in it leads to indigestion and even poisoning.

Gourmet salads

You can make delicious salads using canned pollock liver. Vegetables, as well as eggs and herbs will only increase the “usefulness” of the product. Let's look at a few good options such a snack.

Recipe No. 1


  • tomatoes - two pieces;
  • cucumbers – two pieces;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • pollock liver (canned) – one jar;
  • dried basil - one teaspoon. spoon;
  • olive oil - two tablespoons. spoons;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground pepper.


Recipe No. 2


  • eggs - five pieces;
  • green onion;
  • salt.


Recipe No. 3


  • pollock liver (canned) - one can;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • carrot root vegetable - one piece;
  • cucumber - one piece;
  • greenery;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • salt.


Recipe No. 4


  • canned pollock liver - one can;
  • eggs - three pieces;
  • carrot root vegetable;
  • green onion;
  • processed cheese – 0.1 kg;
  • parsley;
  • salt.


  1. Let's boil the eggs. Let us cool, peel them and grate them on a large grater.
  2. Peel, rinse and grate the carrot roots.
  3. We also need to grate the cheese.
  4. Wash the green onion, dry it and chop it.
  5. Place the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl.
  6. Salt the oil from the canned food.
  7. Mash the pollock liver with a fork.
  8. Add the offal to the rest of the ingredients.
  9. Salt, stir.
  10. Wash and dry the parsley.
  11. Serve the salad with parsley sprigs. Ready!

Helpful information

When choosing canned pollock liver, give preference to a product made in the Far East, since this fish “lives” in the Pacific Ocean. Such by-products are not transported, which means they are not frozen and thawed repeatedly.

Also, study not only the place where canned food is produced, but also their component composition, shelf life. As for the composition, ideal canned food consists of pollock offal and salt. It is also possible to add laurel leaves and freshly ground pepper.

According to scientists, the benefit of pollock liver is the presence large quantity phosphorus, which is responsible for the development of bone tissue and healthy teeth.

Pollock liver contains potassium, which is responsible for metabolic processes and stable cardiac activity.

Pollock liver – benefits and harms. Just the facts

The benefit lies in the fact that it contains a high concentration of vitamin A (more than in cod liver), which plays a vital role in our body, namely, it is responsible for cell regeneration and cardiac activity. Actually, this vitamin helps in the fight against genitourinary, viral and fungal infections.

Pollock liver has been used since ancient times to restore vision. With her regular use The functioning of the thyroid gland returns to normal.

This product contains nicotinic acid, simply vitamin B3. With the help of this vitamin, psoriasis, eczema are cured, and also relieve a person from severe vitamin deficiency, which occurs as a result of irregular nutrition.

This product is several times healthier for the liver any other fish. It is rich in micro and macroelements, vitamins, sulfur, copper, manganese and cobalt.

When consumed regularly, it strengthens respiratory system, and the body copes faster with inflammatory processes. It helps during the rehabilitation period, people who have suffered serious illnesses and operations.

Important to remember, that everything needs moderation. Therefore even healthy people You should not get too carried away with this product, as an excess of microelements can cause food poisoning and indigestion.

It is not advisable to use it people who have inflammatory diseases esophagus. It is contraindicated for people suffering from thyroid disease.

P.S. Tell other people about it! Add your article social network! Thank you!

I read the previous reviews and laughed. Some people admire it, while others are horrified, swear and urge them not to buy such rubbish under any circumstances. I know why this happens. The fact is that under the same name - “Pollock Liver in Primorsky Style” - they sell completely different products. One of them is a delicious delicacy, most of the others are a surrogate that is truly impossible to eat. Don't want to screw yourself up and throw money away? Then read on carefully and learn how smart people, on my mistakes, not on my own.


Very often in stores you can find canned pollock liver “seaside style” in an iron can with a brown paper label stuck around it. A photo of such a jar was posted in the product description by the person who was the first to add a review and wrote that he threw out the liver. Nothing surprising. I also took this can a couple of times and threw it away too. Because eating is completely impossible. Remember this jar well and under no circumstances take it. You really can't eat. By the way, if you carefully read the label, then note that such “liver” is usually produced somewhere in Moscow, Belgorod, and in some other very “maritime” regions.

What kind of pollock liver is really good? Here it is!

And here is such a convenient opener on top.

These are the fish and the crab.

The design of this can has hardly changed since Soviet times. Well, if not from the Soviet era, then from the 90s for sure. And note, no papers on top! All information and pictures are immediately drawn on the can. Do you feel the difference? You can order any label and stick it on. For example, the label “pollock liver” can be stuck on a faceless jar that actually contains herring pate. A branded jar, of course, can also be counterfeited if desired, but this is more problematic and more expensive.

They make real pollock liver in Vladivostok. But not in the city itself, but at the cannery - the ship “Pyotr Zhitnikov”.

That is, they catch pollock and make it from fresh ones right there in the sea. They don’t freeze and defrost back and forth ten times, they don’t transport raw materials across the country, but they make them right there. It is very important. That’s why the liver turns out tasty and (hopefully) healthy. But it’s definitely delicious!

Sometimes there is an inscription on such a jar that says it is recommended by the Union of Far Eastern Fishermen. But such an inscription does not always happen. So, special significance don't give it to her.

By the way, if you pay attention to the composition of such a product, you will see that there is no chemicals there. Just pollock liver and salt. And nothing more.

You may find other types of high-quality pollock liver in stores besides this one. And if this happens, then you will see that this liver will also definitely be made at sea, right on the ship, even if, perhaps, not in Vladivostok, but in another place. But everything that is made not on a ship, but inside the country from frozen raw materials, is impossible to eat. So, read what you are buying carefully. By the way, what’s surprising is quality liver pollock and surrogate cost approximately the same in stores - around 60 - 70 rubles per can. So you don’t need to be guided by price when choosing - the principle “the more expensive, the better” can work, or it can fail.


The benefits are undeniable. Just a bunch of different vitamins. A lot of phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and many other benefits. Any doctor, any nutritionist will recommend this product to you. In general, this product is considered a delicacy and its benefits have been known since ancient times.

But as for the harm to pollock’s liver, it has not yet been identified. If, of course, we are talking about high-quality and real liver. So the only harm that can come to you is defective goods or an expired product. Well, of course, you also need to know when to stop. If you eat a couple of kilos of liver at a time, you will definitely feel worse. We must not forget that this product is quite fatty – it contains approximately 50% fat. For comparison in butter fat is somewhere around 70% - 80%. So, count how much you can eat at a time.