To any countries with children vaccinated against yellow fever. Yellow fever vaccination is a specific method of preventing the disease

The development of some diseases is closely related to the climatic characteristics of the regions. There are a number pathological conditions, which are found only in the tropics. This prevalence is explained primarily by the characteristics of the causative agents of these diseases and how they penetrate into human body. Yellow fever is one of these diseases. Let's talk about it, consider how vaccination against this disease is carried out, what its causative agent is and what consequences can occur after such an illness. We will also discuss on this page whether the yellow fever vaccine gives complications, does it have side effects and contraindications?

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease, which is characterized by natural focality, is transmitted by mosquitoes and leads to severe intoxication. The disease is accompanied by hemorrhagic manifestations and serious damage to the main life-supporting organs of a person, including the liver and kidneys. And the name “yellow” explains frequent occurrence the victim has a symptom such as jaundice.

What causes yellow fever, who is the causative agent?

The disease develops due to infection of a person by an arbovirus, which is not resistant to the influence of the external environment and classical disinfectants. This virus can survive frozen and dried for a long time.

The yellow fever virus is considered very pathogenic and can only be worked with in an isolated laboratory. Arbovirus can be isolated from the blood of a patient with yellow fever while the disease is under treatment. initial stage development (in the first three days of the disease). Mosquitoes are considered carriers of the yellow fever virus.

Why is yellow fever dangerous, and what are its consequences?

If the disease is severe, it can cause serious violations health and even death.

It is believed that the death of the patient can occur in fifty percent of cases, most often due to the development of an acute degree, which is accompanied by the occurrence of uremic coma (loss of consciousness) and toxic encephalitis. Also, death can be caused by either cardiovascular failure ().

If the illness is mild, the patient recovers with virtually no consequences for his general health.

Possible complications Yellow fever is considered pneumonia, kidney abscess or encephalitis. In addition, some patients develop soft tissue gangrene.

Yellow fever - vaccination

Vaccination is the main measure specific prevention yellow fever Today, doctors use attenuated (weakened) live vaccine 17D. The penetration of this substance into the body leads to the emergence of a vaccine process, in most healthy people it is not accompanied by any clinical manifestations. In other words, a person endures the disease without visible symptoms. There are no health consequences of the yellow fever vaccine. Complex immune reactions to the introduction of viral antigens lead to the body's production of antibodies, which form a complex and can be inactivated different methods.

If there is a re-entry of the virus into the body, the cells of the immunological practice very quickly recognize the threat. And in short time Immunoglobulins begin to be actively produced.

The yellow fever vaccine is administered subcutaneously, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. In this case, only a special solvent, which is in the package, can be used for dissolution. To form a persistent immune response, half a milliliter of the drug is administered. And immunity in a vaccinated person occurs after about eight to ten days and lasts for thirty to thirty-five years.

Does the yellow fever vaccine have contraindications for use?

It is worth noting that the 17D vaccine is quite safe means, however, its introduction is strictly contraindicated for some groups of the population. So this method prevention cannot be used in relation to pregnant women, children under nine months of age, patients with immunodeficiency (HIV/AIDS), thymus diseases ( thymus gland). In addition, vaccination with the live 17D vaccine cannot be carried out in people who suffer from allergies to egg white(it is part of this tool).

Of course, administering the vaccine is impossible if the patient is diagnosed with acute infectious or non-infectious illnesses or exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Does the yellow fever vaccine have side effects?

The introduction of a vaccine in some cases can lead to the development of local and general reactions. So the patient may develop swelling and redness (no more than two and a half centimeters in diameter). This symptom usually appears twelve to twenty-four hours after injection and disappears approximately two to three days after injection.

It is extremely rare for a vaccine to cause a lump. subcutaneous tissue which is accompanied by itching, painful sensations and some increase in regional lymph nodes.

General reactions can make themselves felt by fever (up to 38.5C), malaise, dizziness, headaches and chills. Usually duration general reaction– no more than three days. In some cases, the vaccine may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, if you are predisposed to allergies, you should take antihistamines two to four days before the injection.

Contraindications for yellow fever vaccination may include: age characteristics, as well as with health status. In the first case, patients younger than 9 months and older than 59 years cannot be vaccinated.

Contraindications associated with dysfunction of major organs include:

  • allergic reactions to vaccine components, primarily to chicken protein, contained in it;
  • congenital immunodeficiencies;
  • acquired deficiency protective functions body (x-ray therapy, taking immunosuppressants and cytostatics, viral diseases);
  • acute conditions or exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant focal neoplasms and blood changes;
  • pathological changes in the thymus or its complete removal.

Since the yellow fever vaccine contains live viruses and can be potentially dangerous, before prescribing it, the doctor must carefully collect anamnesis and conduct a detailed examination of the patient.

If vaccination is contraindicated, you should either refuse to travel or follow safety precautions more carefully:

  • wear long sleeves;
  • use mosquito repellers (chemical, ultrasonic, etc.);
  • try not to leave rooms that are protected from insects using nets or other devices.

Side effects

After vaccination, it is possible to develop standard reactions of the body associated with activation immune system:

  • increased body temperature;
  • short-term muscle pain;
  • local reaction in the form hypersensitivity, swelling, redness in the area where the substance was administered.

The reaction to vaccine administration normally lasts no more than 3 days, in otherwise should be reported to the doctor.

The consequences of the yellow fever vaccine can be much more serious, but they are much less common:

  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock);
  • multiple organ failure.

Due to the fact that the vaccine contains live viruses, it is potentially possible for a person to become infected with this serious infectious disease. However, the risk of this is negligible.

It should be remembered that after vaccination it is necessary by all means to avoid contact with infection, as well as other factors that can reduce the performance of the immune system. In particular, the yellow fever vaccine and alcohol are absolutely incompatible, because the latter affects all systems. By not following these rules, the patient increases the risk of side effects.

After vaccination, alcohol and other factors influencing the formation of a protective response should be avoided for 10 days. This time will be enough for the immune system to produce a sufficient amount of specific antibodies.

The question of where to get vaccinated should be clarified at the local clinic. Usually there are specialized centers, who not only perform vaccinations, but also issue a certificate or certificate to this effect. This document will be required to enter certain countries located in Africa or South America.

Vaccination is voluntary, but sometimes situations arise when getting a certain vaccination is not just desirable, but necessary. This is well known to those who love to travel. The fact is that the epidemiological situation in different countries radically different. If in the CIS countries there is high probability infection with hepatitis or tuberculosis, then in Africa and some countries Latin America tourists are no less threatened serious illness- yellow fever. The body of our compatriots cannot cope with this difficult to diagnose and deadly disease without preparing the immune system. This is why yellow fever vaccination is essential.

Insidious disease

Yellow fever is a viral hemorrhagic diseases, which flow into acute form. And the carrier of this terrible disease is mosquitoes. This fever got its name because of the yellowing skin in patients infected with it. Every second person who receives a bite dies, and over 200 thousand people become infected every year! Are you still sure that the yellow fever vaccine is a whim of tour operators, border guards and customs officers?

According to WHO, this virus is endemic throughout Africa and in the tropical regions of Latin America. If you decide to spend your holiday in these countries, we recommend getting vaccinated against yellow fever at least ten days before your planned departure. By the way, there are few recommendations for visiting a number of countries. To visit, for example, Tanzania, Mali, Rwanda, Cameroon or Niger, you must provide a certificate confirming that you have already been vaccinated against yellow fever, which costs $10-30. In hospitals at the place of registration, it can be done free of charge if you have the appropriate vaccine. Whatever the cost of the certificate, its acquisition is worth it, because the document is valid for ten years.

Characteristics of the yellow fever vaccine

As already mentioned, this vaccination should be done at least a week before leaving for endemic regions. One injection into the subscapular area - and you are protected from yellow fever for ten years. You may not need a second vaccination if you have no plans to visit Africa. By the way, the vaccine can be administered from nine months of age. If there is a high probability of infection, then vaccination is allowed at four months of age.

There is usually no reaction to fever vaccine. IN in rare cases hyperemia develops, and the injection site swells slightly. On days 4-10 after the injection, you may experience fever, headaches, chills and general deterioration well-being. As for the serious consequences after vaccination against yellow fever, allergic reactions are possible. By the way, alcohol is contraindicated during the first ten days after vaccination against yellow fever, since the body directs all its forces to the production of antibodies, and alcoholic beverages take them away. Several cases of encephalitis following vaccination have been described in young children.

As for contraindications for yellow fever vaccination, there are few. In addition to the contraindications that are common to other live vaccines (, elevated temperature, infections, etc.), you cannot get vaccinated if you have allergic reactions to chicken eggs. To get vaccinated, you must start taking an antihistamine. Remember, if you must take antibiotics, you should hold off on getting the yellow fever vaccine.

Protecting yourself from this dangerous disease, you will not worry about the possibility of infection, but will spend time in an exotic country fun and carefree!

Among the especially dangerous infectious diseases yellow fever occupies a special place. An effective remedy The fight against the disease is vaccination. In Russia, yellow fever can only occur if an infected person comes from another country. Information about the disease is useful both for those who are planning to travel and for those whose work involves organizing such trips. Going to countries increased risk, you need to gather information about how and where to get the yellow fever vaccine, what you need to ensure that the trip is enjoyable and does not have unforeseen consequences.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease belongs to the group of obligate-transmissible ones and has a natural focality. Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic. But most often, on the third or fourth day after infection, the first signs appear, and the so-called first phase of the disease begins - hyperemic. Most characteristic symptom for her is the overflow of blood vessels circulatory system the following organs or areas of the body:

  • oral mucosa;
  • language;
  • sclera;
  • conjunctiva;
  • faces;
  • shoulder girdle.

The phase ends with a short-term remission, which lasts from several hours to two days. The patient feels better and his health improves. Because currently antiviral drugs does not exist, prevent serious consequences Yellow fever infection can be prevented by vaccination. After some time, the second phase begins - icteric. Symptoms include:

  • yellowing of the eyeballs;
  • darkening of urine;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • nose and mouth bleeding;
  • bloody vomiting.

IN severe cases the icteric phase becomes toxic. Often it ends fatal. To avoid similar manifestations, it is important to know about the causes of the disease.

The infection is transmitted by two species of mosquitoes that live in tropical jungles. In external environment the virus is resistant. And precisely because a person’s susceptibility to this virus is high, only timely vaccination against yellow fever will help avoid infection. There are several prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease:

  • presence of a virus carrier;
  • carrier activity;
  • favorable environment;
  • lack of immunity;
  • untimely assistance.

In the tropics, monkeys are the main carriers of the virus. Rodents, hedgehogs, and marsupials can also be sources. By biting infected animals, mosquitoes become infected. After finishing incubation period development of the virus in their body, they spread the infection further. There are three types of disease, depending on the type of transmission:

  • jungle fever;
  • city ​​fever;
  • intermediate view.

The virus is capable of transmitting low temperatures and drying. But he dies from ultraviolet rays. Disinfectants and chlorine-containing agents affect the virus in the same way.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, you can get vaccinated against yellow fever in Moscow in specialized offices:

  • vaccination point No. 6 of polyclinic No. 1 of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • infectious clinical hospital № 1;
  • City Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Specific Immunoprophylaxis of the Moscow Health Department;
  • city ​​clinic No. 5.

When choosing institutions where to get vaccinated against yellow fever, please note that to visit specialists you need to take:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • international passport;
  • outpatient card.

Effective vaccine

Today in Russia there is an effective domestic vaccine. It is produced in the laboratory and stored in frozen ampoules. It is administered subcutaneously. It is prohibited to vaccinate:

  • infants under nine months of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people over sixty years of age.

In addition, contraindications to vaccination are:

If you need to get vaccinated against yellow fever in Moscow, the whole procedure will take no more than two days. It must be remembered that the vaccine begins to act effectively from the tenth day. Therefore, you need to take care of all the activities related to the vaccination itself and obtaining travel permits in advance.