Is it possible to eat chokeberry? All about the beneficial properties and contraindications of chokeberry. Benefits for the endocrine glands

Chokeberry is a small shrub or tree, about 1.5 meters high, with leaves somewhat reminiscent of cherry leaves. The berries are sweet, tasty and slightly tart, especially when unripe. Chokeberry is often grown as an ornamental and fruit plant, and also as a medicinal by amateur gardeners, summer residents, and on specialized farms.

Homeland of chokeberry ( chokeberry) - East End North America. Chokeberry grows there on dry rocky soils and on steep river banks, in dunes and forests, and even in swamps. At the beginning of the 18th century, chokeberry was brought to Europe, and about another hundred years later it came to Russia. Chokeberry was grown until the beginning of the 20th century only as an ornamental crop. Indeed, the white shields of chokeberry flowers and the dark green dense leaves look very elegant. In autumn, clusters of black shiny fruits stand out clearly against the background of orange-red leaves.

The berries are collected in the fall and dried outdoors in dryers. Store dry berries in a dry place for no more than 2 years. Compotes, jam, wine and much more are also made from chokeberry berries.

Calorie content of chokeberry

Low calorie, dietary product. 100 g of raw rowan contains only 52 kcal. Shown to people with overweight and those who watch their figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of chokeberry

Chokeberry berries have a pleasant sour-sweet, tart taste. Chokeberry is a real storehouse of useful substances. It contains a rich natural complex of vitamins (, , , , , , , , beta-carotene), macro- and microelements (boron, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine), sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose), pectin and tannins .

For example, chokeberry fruits contain 2 times more vitamin P than blackcurrants, and 20 times more than oranges and apples. And the iodine content in chokeberries is 4 times higher than in strawberries, gooseberries and raspberries.

Thanks to the finely balanced nature of the combination in the fruits of chokeberry (chokeberry) many biologically active substances, they have valuable medicinal properties. Chokeberry berries and juice from them are used for the treatment and, most importantly, the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis. They are prescribed for gastritis with reduced secretory function, some vascular diseases accompanied by increased permeability and fragility vascular wall(capillary toxicosis, allergic vasculitis, measles, scarlet fever, eczema).

Pectin substances contained in chokeberry are removed from the body heavy metals and radioactive substances, retain and remove different kinds pathogenic microorganisms. Pectins normalize the functioning of the intestines, eliminate spasms and have a choleretic effect. The healing properties of chokeberry help strengthen the walls blood vessels, improving their firmness and elasticity.

Also, one of the most beneficial properties of this berry is normalizing blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Chokeberry fruits are prescribed for various violations in the blood coagulation system, bleeding, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and allergic diseases. Research recent years showed that chokeberry improves liver function, A regular use This berry improves immunity and has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system.

Chokeberry is used as an antispasmodic, vasodilator, hemostatic, hematopoietic, appetizing, choleretic and diuretic.

Drinking juice or decoction of chokeberry berries helps to dilate blood vessels, as a result of which their permeability increases, and the functions of the hematopoietic organs are activated, which is useful for radiation sickness, bleeding.

Chokeberry helps regulate digestion, improves appetite, increases acidity, activates the liver, promotes the formation and discharge of bile.

chokeberry, medicinal properties and whose contraindications depend on individual characteristics human body using preparations made from the berries of this medicinal plant, good for health.

Its other name is chokeberry. Grows wild in North America. The fruit bush came to Russia in the 19th century and was first used as an ornamental plant. After laboratory research Based on the composition of the berries, it was found that chokeberry has medicinal properties, and its contraindications are minimal. The taste of chokeberry fruits is tart, sour-sweet and dry. They are suitable for compotes and for processing. IN pure form They are rarely used because they have a tart taste.

Ripe berries release bright red-blue juice that stains your hands. The fruits contain a large number of useful substances that stimulate organ function internal secretion.

What are the benefits of berries?

Chokeberry, the medicinal properties and contraindications of the fruits of which are based on the effect on the body, contains:

  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • molybdenum;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • vitamins.

The juice of the berries does not contain alkaloids or other substances that are toxic or harmful to the human body. Therefore, chokeberry has almost no contraindications.

Aronia fruits contain a large amount ascorbic acid, and its juice is useful in reducing immunity in children and adults. The presence of vitamins P and K helps with constant use support chokeberry fruits for food normal condition vessels. Vitamins A and E are antioxidants and contribute to the rapid renewal of body cells, and B vitamins improve the functioning of nervous system.

Carotene, which fights free radicals, increases protective functions body, makes compotes from chokeberry fruits useful for children with imperfect immunity.

For older women, berries will be useful because the body needs boron for cell formation bone tissue. Its presence in juice helps protect the body from the development of osteoporosis.

When does the body need fruits?

Aronia fruits are useful for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity. The juice helps increase the production of stomach acid and improves digestion. When drinking juice diluted with water 1:10, where one part is pure berry juice, and 10 parts - drinking water, you can speed up the process of removing heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body.

Stimulation of cardio-vascular system biologically active substances of berries and conclusion excess water from the body help normalize blood pressure. In people who have normal pressure, no lowering effect of blood pressure is observed. It allows children and adults to drink vitamin drink, made from chokeberry juice, without any health concerns.

Pure juice in small quantities or slightly diluted with water is suitable for the treatment of intestinal disorders. It contains tannins that help restore the functioning of the digestive system.

Juice diluted with water helps saturate the body daily dose vital necessary for the body substances and improve performance urinary tract.

The fruits of chokeberry are suitable for women who suffer from fragility of blood vessels and suffer from long-term uterine bleeding. A large amount of vitamins helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the formation of platelets in the blood.

Chokeberry has a good effect on the blood structure. After drinking a liter of juice diluted with water during the day, the level of hemoglobin rises significantly, which is proven by laboratory tests.

Preparations made from the fruits of chokeberry are used externally in the presence of allergic lesions on the skin. Baths with chokeberry juice help in the treatment of eczema and neurodermatitis because they stimulate work endocrine glands, responsible for the production of hormones necessary to regulate processes that restore the layers of the epidermis.

When should berries not be eaten?

Chokeberry, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been clinically proven, is not recommended for gastritis with increased acidity. Eating a berry or drinking a glass of compote can cause stomach pain, heartburn, exacerbation of chronic ulcerative gastritis. At chronic diseases organs gastrointestinal tract During the period of remission, you can use preparations from chokeberry berries after consulting your doctor.

You should not drink compotes with the addition of berries to people suffering from acute gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum.

Preparations made from chokeberry fruits are not recommended for thrombophlebitis. Vitamin K, found in the berry, is known as an active substance that promotes rapid blood clotting.

Aronia preparations are not suitable for people suffering from constant constipation. The tart berry contains a large amount of tannins, and this negatively affects intestinal motility. Chokeberry, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are interrelated, is not suitable for people with intestinal obstruction.

Chokeberry is completely contraindicated if there are signs of individual intolerance to products prepared from the fruits of the plant.

The exact name of the plant is chokeberry, it is not related to the mountain ash. The branching shrub reaches three meters, is unpretentious and frost-resistant, the fruits have an astringent taste. The medicinal properties of chokeberry are used to lower blood pressure, in case of atherosclerosis, diabetes, maintain optimal blood viscosity, chokeberry is good for women's and men's health.


In nature, the plant grows in temperate climates; red and black chokeberry are cultivated. The red variety grows up to 4 meters, the black variety rarely exceeds 2 meters, their hybrid variety is purple chokeberry.

From the purple and black varieties, I.V. Michurin artificially bred a culture that became widespread.

At the end of the 19th century, a hybrid genus of sorbaronium with sweet, dark cherry-colored berries was obtained from five species; such plants began to be called “chokeberry.”

Currently, the sorbaronia varieties that have been preserved are used to create hybrid varieties. A significant part of them, derived in a straight line, is irretrievably lost.

To instead chokeberry not to grow sorbaronia, when choosing seedlings you need to take into account that any chokeberry is a highly branched shrub, while sorbaronia is a small tree.

The following varieties are popular:

  • Aron (Denmark);
  • Hakkia, Karhumäki, Belder, Viking (Finland);
  • Dabrovice, Egerta, Kutno, Nowa Ves (Poland);
  • Nero, Erecta, Rubina, Chernookaya (mixed origin).

There are fruit and ornamental plants, so you should definitely be interested in its purpose.

The tannins contained in chokeberry strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a astringent action, reduce peristalsis, strengthen.

The fruits are rich in flavonoids (vitamin P), they reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, increase their elasticity and firmness, and promote the absorption of ascorbic acid.

Chokeberry berries reduce blood pressure, so they are used in the treatment of hypertension. Fruits increase acidity gastric juice.

Chokeberry juice is useful in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive systems, at excessive activity thyroid gland.

  • Brew 1 tsp of boiling water each. chokeberry and rosehip, leave for 20 minutes.

Treat with honey.

For children. To help your child get sick less often, tolerate the cold more easily, and become less susceptible to colds and infections, in cold times it is useful to regularly take tea with rose hips and chokeberry berries, and jam.

For women, the medicinal properties of chokeberry are indicated in case of heavy menstruation, as a result of which the level of hemoglobin decreases. Prepare the infusion:

  • Brew 500 ml boiling water 2 tsp. fresh or dried berries, let cool.

Take throughout the day instead of water.

Chokeberry, rich in polyphenols, improves skin condition and is useful for the prevention and elimination of cellulite.

The study confirms that the antioxidants contained in chokeberry improve sperm composition in oligospermic men.


  • Place washed and dried clean chokeberries (1.5 kg) into a glass jar, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave in a cool, dark place for 30 days.

Take for treatment high blood pressure 1-2 tbsp. a day before meals.

Home wine

  • Pour 3 liters of water into 1 kg of chokeberry berries, add 1 kg of sugar, mix.
  • Leave for 40 days for the wine to ferment.
  • Filter and leave for another 30 days.

For treatment, take 1/3 cup before lunch and dinner for two weeks.

  1. Use a juicer to obtain juice from chokeberry fruits, add sugar: if the berries are sweet - 200-250g per liter of juice, if sour - 250-300g, stir thoroughly.
  2. Place in a glass container, which is covered with a rubber glove pierced in several places to get out. carbon dioxide.
  3. After a couple of days (maximum a week), the mixture should begin to ferment. IN otherwise add more sugar and place the container in a warmer place.
  4. In the process of making chokeberry wine, the mixture must be periodically filtered - a total of 3-4 times, so that finished product It turned out rich in color and without impurities.
  5. Usually, after 2-3 months, homemade dry chokeberry wine is ready, as indicated by the following signs: fermentation is completely completed, there is no release of carbon dioxide through the glove for a week, and there is no taste of mash in the wine.


The shrub loves light and moisture, it needs space. When sowing with seeds, the first harvest is harvested in the fourth year, with the vegetative method of propagation - by suckers, grafting, offshoots, cuttings - in the third year.

To increase the yield, several different varieties are planted at the same time.

Planting is carried out in the fall, in early October, or in early spring - in April. The roots of the seedling should be long, up to 30 cm, with 2-3 branches.

  • dig a hole up to 50cm deep;
  • add a bucket of humus, a little ash, filling the hole a third, mix everything;
  • fill with soil to half the depth, water;
  • place the seedling in the center, straighten the roots so that there are no voids, deepen the neck 1-2 cm, fill the hole;

The fruiting plant is watered 2-3 weeks before harvest and a couple of weeks after.

When to collect chokeberry? At the end of August - beginning of September, when the content of vitamins in berries is maximum.

Harm and contraindications

Currently, there is no evidence of undesirable and toxic effects of chokeberry berries and their products on the human body and experimental animals.

However, you should refrain from including chokeberry in your diet if there is an exacerbation of the duodenum, gastritis with high acidity, a tendency to constipation, or low blood pressure.

Polyphenols that make up berries are capable of forming stable complexes with divalent and trivalent metals, so prolonged excessive consumption of fruits can cause a deficiency of the latter in the body.

Modified: 03/07/2019

The shrub, which is popularly often called chokeberry, is more correctly called chokeberry chokeberry. This plant has nothing to do with rowan, being a representative of the Rosaceae family. Chokeberry was cultivated not so long ago, and before that it was exclusively a wild plant and was used in decorative purposes.

Translated from Greek, “Aronia” means “helper.”

The fruits of chokeberry have an unusual sour-sweet taste with astringent tart notes. This may be why not everyone uses the healing potential of this berry, throwing away the fruits or leaving them to feed birds. At the same time, the fruits of black rowan are more valuable for health than many Exotic fruits and other berries, and this gift of nature should not be neglected.

Composition of Chokeberry

Chokeberry is a storehouse of nutrients and physiologically active substances. It contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, sugars. The berries contain few organic acids, but they are rich tannins, which make the taste of the fruit tart and astringent. The berries also contain a lot of pectin, iodine, vitamin C, and there is 20 times more vitamin P or rutin in chokeberries than in citrus fruits.

100 g of chokeberry berries contains:

12 beneficial properties of chokeberry

    Chokeberry is a berry with a high dietary fiber content. This promotes better absorption of food, eliminating constipation, intestinal spasms, bloating and discomfort in the stomach. And organic acids, due to their immunostimulating and antioxidant effects, protect the intestines from dangerous bacteria.

    Chokeberry contains countless antioxidants, the largest compared to other berries: quarcetin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, malvidin, lutein and others. These substances work to improve general condition health by eliminating free radicals in the blood, skin, eyes, organs and tissues and preventing cells from mutating. Research shows that chokeberry berries, due to the presence of anthocyanins, reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

  1. Improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain

    Chokeberry anthocyanins increase activity nerve cells, reduce oxidative processes, block free radicals that have destructive impact on the brain and cognitive pathways, thereby reducing the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other age-related cognitive disorders.

  2. Boosting immunity

    The high concentration of vitamin C in chokeberry stimulates the activity of leukocytes that protect immune system body from various infectious diseases. Vitamin C is also an essential component for the production of collagen, which is indispensable for the growth and restoration of new tissues, organs, blood vessels and cells.

  3. Healthy eyes

    Carotene, being one of the most powerful antioxidants, reduces the intensity of oxidative processes, thereby preventing or slowing down the development of cataracts. Aronia fruit is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays, and thereby protecting the eyes from age-related macular degeneration in old age and eye inflammation.

  4. Healthy skin

    The skin is very sensitive not only to external influences on it, but also on the internal problems of the body. Due to negative impacts, and also due to age, the skin ages, wrinkles appear, dark spots, scars. Chokeberry berries contain many components that improve appearance skin and their overall health. Aronia antioxidants have an excellent astringent effect, which helps cope with age-related changes skin and delay the appearance.

  5. Improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

    The potassium content in chokeberry is quite high, which has favorable influence for heart health. By dilating blood vessels and arteries, blood flow increases, arterial pressure falls, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke. A alimentary fiber and various antioxidants play a primary role in lowering blood cholesterol levels and blocking free radicals. Ripe fruits chokeberries also contain a large amount of phenols, which disinfect blood and promote fast healing wounds and remove toxic substances from the body, reduce inflammation, improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent their clogging.

  6. Protection against bacteria

    Recent studies have shown that chokeberry berries have healing effect on the body during influenza and bacterial infections in the intestines and respiratory tract what makes them popular prophylactic during influenza epidemics.

  7. Blood sugar regulation

    Studies show that chokeberry berries are useful for people suffering from diabetes, as they do not increase blood sugar levels and can even reduce it. Chokeberry is very beneficial for people who want to prevent diabetes as well as treat its complications.

  8. The main cause of urinary tract infections is considered to be E. coli. Symptoms of the disease include frequent urge to urination, pain when urinating and cloudy urine. Not everyone knows that chokeberry berries are 5-10 times more effective than cranberries in this matter. This is achieved thanks to more high concentration quinic acid in rowan, which can reduce the growth of certain bacteria, including coli and prevent urinary tract infections, ensuring urinary tract health.

  9. Normalization of the thyroid gland

    The juice from black rowan berries has unique property, it promotes the removal of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body. Thanks to this, it is very effective in cases of dysfunction of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland, as it helps restore and normalize its functions. This property is especially relevant for residents of industrial cities with unfavorable environment. This juice neutralizes the effects of man-made pollutants on the body.

  10. Improving liver function

    Experts advise using chokeberry leaves and roots in the form of decoctions and tinctures for liver problems. Thanks to high content pectin substances improve the secretion of bile and its removal from the body in case of excessive amounts.


The beneficial properties of chokeberry are undeniable, but this does not mean that the berries are equally beneficial for everyone. Chokeberry fruits should not be consumed by persons suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • constipation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ischemic disease;
  • phlebeurysm.

Scientists noticed this small shrub just over two centuries ago. At first, chokeberry was used for decorative purposes. But Russian scientist I.V. Michurin, who crossed chokeberry with bitter berry, obtained a new variety of berries, which began to be eaten.

Chokeberry berries are used to make jam, marmalades, marshmallows, and also in the wine industry.

Scientists have established the fact that chokeberry fruit extract increases the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

It is better to collect chokeberry after the first frost - then the berries are fully ripened and ready for use. You can tell that chokeberry is ripe by pressing on it. A rich, dark ruby-colored juice should flow from the berries.

What else is useful?


Dear readers, the berry season is long over, and with it some of our efforts to fortify the body and prepare healthy berries for future use But if you still have some space in your freezer, I recommend filling it with berries that are about to ripen. Yes, yes, some berries can be picked just in the fall. And today we'll talk about beneficial properties chokeberry. Its other name is “chokeberry”, or you can also find “black rowan”. Actually, from the name it is clear that the main distinguishing feature- black fruits. And it is in these very fruits, in their juice, that all the benefits of chokeberry lie.

And if you get to know it better, you can find out why it is good for our body. The ripening period for chokeberry is considered to be the end of September - beginning of October. And although the berries acquire their black color in August, the best taste, and most importantly - useful qualities chokeberry acquires only with the onset of autumn, approximately when the first frosts arrive. The fact that the berries are ripe is indicated by the dark ruby-colored juice, which is released if you press a little on the berries. Then you can start preparing berries for the winter or using them in fresh to treat certain health problems.

Chokeberry. Beneficial features

The taste of chokeberry berries is somewhat tart and has a sweet and sour taste. pleasant taste. Interesting fact that we should all pay attention to it. In 1962, the Ministry of Health included it in the list of medicinal substances.

Did you know that there is twice as much vitamin P (rutin) in chokeberries as in currants? But it is this natural compound that our body is not able to produce. Therefore, we can only receive it from the outside. And, as you understand, chokeberry is the most suitable option for this. Rutin is considered a flavonoid - a substance that slows down the aging process and has a beneficial effect on our body.

And about the other substances that make up chokeberry:

Vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene
Macro- and microelements: iron, manganese, boron, copper. There is a lot of iodine in the fruits of chokeberry
Sugars: glucose, sucrose and fructose)
Pectin and tannins
Folic, nicotinic organic acids.

Chokeberry. Beneficial features. Benefit for health

  • One of most valuable properties Chokeberry - the ability to normalize blood cholesterol levels.
  • Chokeberry contains a lot of pectin. Pectin absorbs all the bad things we have in the intestines, then helps remove everything naturally.
  • By consuming berry juice, you can reduce blood pressure in cases where it is high, so it can be used to successfully treat hypertension. In addition, it has a mild diuretic effect. This is also very important to consider for hypertension.
  • Aronia berries are part of the diet prescribed for atherosclerosis. The effectiveness of berries has been officially proven by scientific research.
  • Chokeberry well strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizing and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It has a lot of potassium. And potassium has such a beneficial effect on the functioning of our heart. And potassium prevents the formation of edema. Chokeberry is useful to use for diabetes mellitus, in particular in cases where there is damage to the capillaries.
  • Aronia berries – excellent natural spring multivitamins, so it is recommended to use it to strengthen the immune system and maintain the body during seasonal colds. This excellent remedy against hypovitaminosis.
  • But the iodine contained in chokeberry is necessary for the treatment of radiation sickness and diseases of the thyroid gland, Graves' disease and thyrotoxicosis
  • If you have stomach problems associated with low acidity, chokeberry will also come in handy. It activates the action of gastric juice and increases acidity. Chokeberry has antiseptic properties.
  • The fruits of chokeberry are indicated for use in cases of blood clotting disorders and bleeding.
  • Included in healthy berries Pectin substances are capable of removing heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. And also neutralize various kinds pathogenic microorganisms. Black rowan contains anthocyanin, which fights the development of cancer.
  • Chokeberry helps regulate digestive processes, activate the liver, stimulating the formation and discharge of bile.
  • One more thing interesting property berries and chokeberry juice - reduce emotional imbalance, regulate the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain. So, if you have strong nerves, also go to chokeberry.

If anyone has any questions about the beneficial properties of chokeberry, I suggest watching the video.

How to choose chokeberry?

First of all, of course, we pay attention to the appearance. The berries should not be rotten, spoiled or wrinkled. The berries should be shiny and fairly large. The berries should not be very hard. If we press on them a little with our fingers, they should be a little soft.

You need to collect or buy chokeberry after the first frost, around October. Then we will enjoy its sweet taste.

How to eat chokeberry with health benefits?

During the season, eat chokeberry, fresh, of course. Stock up on vitamins and minerals for your body. You can make delicious drinks from it, squeeze juice and prepare mousses. And it’s also good to freeze and wither for the winter. We'll talk about this in more detail below.

From me is a recipe for mousse and chokeberry: beat the chokeberry berries in a food processor (you can crush them with a masher), add a little banana, strawberries and natural yogurt to them. Whisk everything. Very tasty and healthy. The combination of fruits and berries can be varied according to the season. Frozen berries will also work.

Chokeberry. Healthy Cooking Recipes

General strengthening decoction of chokeberry

The most common recipe for a tonic decoction is:

Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 20 g of dry fruits and heat over very low heat for 10 minutes. Let it brew for 20 minutes, squeeze well and strain and drink half a glass three times a day.

Chokeberry for hypertension, atherosclerosis and gastritis

To treat atherosclerosis, hypertension and gastritis with low acidity, you need to eat 100 g of berries every day half an hour before meals three times a day. The course is from two to six weeks, depending on the condition and improvements. Additionally, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction or blackcurrant infusion or take medications containing vitamin C.

For hypertension, you can also drink chokeberry juice with honey. 50 g fresh juice mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey. Consume three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1-1.5 months.

Chokeberry - excellent remedy to solve certain health problems. And although it is believed that the berry itself is not very tasty, although “taste and color,” as they say... But in addition to the decoction that we talked about above, other medicines can be prepared from chokeberry. And you can’t even call them medicines, but it’s a fact: many of us like to prepare such “interpretations” of chokeberry as wine, jam and compote.

Chokeberry wine. Benefit. Chokeberry wine recipe

The ancient Greeks and Romans knew that wine could be used for healing. Of course, the wine must be of high quality and made using a certain technology. What could be better than homemade wine? Moreover, if it is made from healthy chokeberry berries.

This wine has some healing properties.

Benefits of chokeberry wine:

  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Improves stomach function.
  • Strengthens and vitaminizes the body.

Here is a detailed video recipe that describes how to make Home wine from chokeberry

Chokeberry jam

I’ll say right away that I’m not a supporter of jam; we need to understand that we get additional carbohydrates. But again, it's a matter of our wisdom. If we don’t abuse everything, then, of course, we won’t cause harm to the body. And on cold winter evenings, sometimes you really want to have a tea party like this. Since chokeberry itself has a tart taste, to improve taste qualities future jam, you can take not only chokeberry, but also some other sweet berries or plums, for example.

Blanch 700 g of chokeberry berries in boiling water for about 5 minutes, so the berries will become more tender. We do not pour out the water in which the berries were blanched. Take two and a half glasses and mix them with a glass and a half of sugar, cook the syrup. As soon as the syrup boils, throw in the already prepared chokeberry berries and at the same time add other berries or fruits (raspberries, plums, apples and even finely chopped orange peels).

Bring everything to a strong boil, stirring occasionally, remove from heat and let cool and brew for about 8 hours. It's convenient to leave everything overnight. Then bring the mixture to a boil again and leave again for 8 hours. For the third time, bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 1-15 minutes. Then we pour everything into jars and roll up in the usual way.

Chokeberry tincture

Another recipe that uses chokeberry - alcohol tincture. It can be added to teas for adults, as it is regarded as a warming and tonic drink.

Recipe No. 1. Chokeberry tincture with cloves.

Take 1 kg of washed chokeberry berries, pour them into a jar and gently crush them with a wooden masher. Add half a kilo of sugar, 3 cloves, mix everything well. Cover the neck with gauze and leave for a couple of days at room temperature. Next, pour in alcohol - 1 liter of vodka and close with a nylon lid. We put the jar in a dark place for a couple of months. All that remains is to wait for the measured time, strain the tincture, bottle it and you can try it. Store in a cool place.

Recipe No. 2. Tincture of chokeberry with honey and oak bark.

Wash 2.5 cups of chokeberry and pour it into a jar. Add 3 tablespoons of honey and a washed pinch of oak bark. Fill everything with 1 liter of vodka, close the jar tightly and put it in a dark place for 4-5 months. Sometimes the jar needs to be “checked” - taken out and shaken. Strain the finished tincture through several layers of gauze and bottle it.

Chokeberry for the winter. Preparation of chokeberry. How to store chokeberry?

We have already talked about the timing of picking berries - this is autumn, when the first frosts have already been observed. But how to store it in order to use the beneficial properties of the berry in winter?

  1. The easiest way is to freeze it in the freezer and then add it to mousses, jams, or just eat a few thawed berries. When frozen, some of the vitamin P will be destroyed, but there will still be benefits from consuming chokeberry.
  2. And here dried berry will retain all its beneficial properties and will be useful in winter period. To dry, you can not tear the berry from the shield, but string it together with a wire or rope and hang it in a cool, dry place (barn, balcony, veranda). By the way, the berries can be stored in frosty conditions, retaining all their benefits.
  3. It is also good to dry chokeberry berries. To do this, washed, dried berries are laid out on trays or small racks outdoors in the sun. You can dry the berries in the oven. To do this, first, the berries laid out on a baking sheet are dried for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 40 degrees until the berries, when squeezed, stop releasing juice. Next, increase the temperature to 60 degrees, but not higher. Keep it like this for about 5-10 minutes. The berries should not lose their color, but still remain black. This indicates that the berries have not lost their “vitamin properties.”

Chokeberry fish. Contraindications. Harm

Aronia also has a number of contraindications for use, failure to comply with which can cause harm to the body. Chokeberry is contraindicated:

  1. With increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis.
  2. For gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum during exacerbation. The rest of the time, those who have such problems with the gastrointestinal tract can consume berries and preparations made from them only with the permission of a doctor.
  3. At reduced blood pressure– hypotension. Chokeberry itself lowers blood pressure, which can aggravate the problems of hypotensive patients.

These are the beneficial properties and contraindications of chokeberry.

And today we will listen for the soul Josh Groban - Broken Vow One of my favorite songs by the American singer and actor.

I wish you all health, joy, enjoy the autumn colors, wait for our autumn issue of the magazine "Scents of Happiness". It will be out very soon.

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