Beauty almond shaped eyes called. Eye shape as a criterion for the beauty of a person’s face. Celebrities with almond-shaped eyes

“How can I tell if this person really needs me as a friend, or if he, by communicating with me, is solving his personal problems? how to check friendship?“and often hear such questions from their clients. And the answer here is unequivocal - if such a question arises, it means there is no friendship. And it's not about that guy. And in you. To prevent your friends from turning, as if with the wave of a wand, into manipulators, clingy people, eternal debtors, beer buddies, you need to change something in yourself, and not in your environment.

Rule one. Golden

Do you remember the main rule of a moneylender? “Let’s lend exactly as much as you could give, so that if the debt is not repaid, you won’t be too upset.” So in friendly relationships - be so friendly that in the event of a quarrel, for example, do not shake the air with your fists, shouting: “And I trusted him so much!!! I did so much for him!” Be a friend enough to remember the friendship without regret or feeling like someone owes you something for your affection. Consider that you are giving friendship. And here everything is like in the good old cartoon - “no-cost... that is, for nothing!” Such a policy will allow you to keep manipulators, random fellow travelers, and clingy people at a distance; it will help you avoid getting into a situation where you are simply “used” to solve their problems; this is how you can solve the dilemma how to test friendship. Do only what you can do without expecting gratitude or reciprocal favors. Perhaps the majority of disagreements with friends and acquaintances stem from violations of this rule: you helped him tow his car across the city, but the next day he didn’t even offer to give you a ride home, you helped him find a job, but he did poorly - in other words , you give him so much, but he gives you nothing... Overcome your “it was inconvenient to refuse” and “male solidarity calls for...” If you don’t want to do something “for no reason,” don’t do it. So as not to feel like a toy in the hands of manipulative friends, an eternal vest for a glass of beer, an alibi for his wife, a money bag, etc. and so on. So, give as much as you can give in a relationship. If you can honestly say to yourself: “Yes, this is absolutely not difficult for me to do for this person and is even pleasant, and this in no way contradicts my interests,” then you green light. But only. In all other cases, announce an ironclad and undeniable “no.” And don’t be fooled by any “weakness”.

Answer the test questions quickly, without thinking - then the answers will be as truthful as possible, and the test game for girls will show the correct assessment. To have fun, invite a friend to take the test. As you answer the questions at the same time, you will probably be surprised by the results you get.


1. You know funny story about your girlfriend. Your actions:

  • you will definitely tell someone a secret (1 point)
  • you will tell, but you will change the names (2 points)
  • keep your mouth shut (3 points)

2. The new dress doesn’t suit your friend very well. What will you do?

  • give a comment (2 points)
  • nothing to say (3 points)
  • praise the new thing (1 point)

3. What is your opinion about your friends?

  • they are smarter than you (2 points)
  • they are not as smart as you (1 point)
  • your mental abilities are approximately the same level (3 points)

4. Your friend often asks you for things, but is in no hurry to return them. How will you respond to another request?

  • without further ado you will give her the thing (1 point)
  • You’ll lie that you don’t have it now (1 point)
  • refuse, explaining the reason (3 points)

5. Your friend accidentally broke your favorite vase. You:

  • you will say that you didn’t like her anyway (3 points)
  • ask to pay for damaged property (2 points)
  • scold your friend for being careless (1 point)

6. A friend is walking with a boy you don’t like. You:

  • stop being friends with her (2 points)
  • you will remain silent and you will be friends with her, as before (3 points)
  • you will put your girlfriend before a choice: either he or you (1 point)

7. You really like your friend’s jacket and want to wear it. Your actions:

  • you will beat around the bush, hinting at what you want (1 point)
  • ask for a jacket (2 points)
  • you won't ask (3 points)

8. Are you sure that your best friend should:

  • tell you everything (1 point)
  • share what you think is necessary (3 points)
  • keep your thoughts to yourself, because you have enough of your own problems (2 points)

9. You noticed that your friend got involved with bad company. What will you do?

  • break all ties with her as soon as possible (1 point)
  • have a heart-to-heart talk (3 points)
  • you will continue to be friends, no matter what, let him communicate with whomever he wants (2 points)

10. Your girlfriend needs money, and you just have the right amount. How will you offer money?

  • Take it, please. I will be very pleased. (2 points)
  • You often help me out too. This is the least I can do to thank you. (3 points)
  • Take it. You need them more now. We need to help you out immediately. (1 point)

And now the time has come for you and your friend to get confused in points - otherwise what kind of friends are you?) Two minutes to sort things out (your positions in some situations may be radically different), and, to your surprise, you also end up in different groups. In any case, let's read the test results.

Test results

21-30 points. Congratulations! You don't meet a friend like you every day. Sincere, caring, sociable, you quickly endear yourself to yourself and never let down your dear people. Loneliness and sadness are not about you, because you are sure: in a difficult situation, friends will always help you.

15-20 points. You don't always manage to understand your friends. You yourself have noticed more than once the bewilderment in their eyes. To finally establish relations with best friends, put yourself in their shoes more often. Then you will be able to trust each other more and finally find a common language.

10-14 points. You, like a lone wolf, always and everywhere prefer to solve your problems yourself. You’re afraid to let people get close to you; you don’t really need friends. At the same time, you can communicate very nicely “from a distance.” Alone with yourself you are never bored, maybe that’s why you don’t look for additional communication.

There have been debates around the concept of “Women's friendship” for several centuries and are still ongoing. There is such a stereotype in society that only male friendship can be strong and indestructible. In fact, women are capable of being friends with each other in such a way that they cannot be spilled with water.

Are you confident in your friend? Or are you doubting how much she values ​​you? Maybe you adhere to the principle of “Trust, but believe”? So, how to test your friend's fidelity.

Think carefully

Don't rush to check, first think hard about whether you need it. You can lose your friend if you find out that she is yours best friend doesn't count. And the worst thing is if she doesn’t want to be your friend anymore because she found out that you are testing her, that is, you don’t trust her. They say, “Ignorance is bliss,” and they say it correctly. But if you still think that it is simply necessary to test your friend’s fidelity, then act carefully and skillfully so that your plans are not revealed.


If you are an observant person, you can quickly understand who you are to your friend by observing her, her reaction to your victories and defeats, to news of some important events for you. At such moments, different friends behave differently. Some readily share your joy, others express their envy in the form of jokes, others try to stop you in order to be better than you.

Hidden motives

Your powers of observation will help you discern in your friend’s behavior the hidden motives that drive her. In difficult moments, she may turn to you for help, for advice, say that you understand her better than anyone, that she loves you very much as a friend, and when she feels good or at least, not bad, she doesn’t even remember you. This suggests that you are just like a vest for her, somewhere to cry, but not a friend as such. Is it worth continuing a relationship with such a person? It's up to you, but it's better to find a real friend. “Friends are made in adversity” - this absolute truth is more relevant today than ever.

Actions are more important

A friend may tell you that she simply dotes on you, but actions speak louder than any words. Tell your friend about the complex (allegedly) relationship you have with your mutual acquaintances, come up with a plausible story in order to be able to get her opinion about what is happening. By actively discussing this or that person or people, she will certainly show her own true position. Then you can find out what she really thinks about you.

However, before you try to test the strength of your friendship, think again about whether the game is worth the candle. Ignorance is bliss, and if you have | relationships | things are going well with my friend, there is no point in looking for a catch in this.


  • Makeup depending on eye shape: almond-shaped eyes
  • Makeup depending on eye shape: eyes with drooping corners
  • Makeup depending on eye shape: eyes with heavy eyelids
  • Correcting eye set with makeup: deep-set eyes
  • Correcting eye set with makeup: bulging eyes
  • Correcting eye set using makeup: close-set eyes
  • Correcting eye set with makeup: wide-set eyes

Getting started correction of eye shape using makeup , it is necessary to take into account such an important factor as original eye shape. After all, only by adapting general techniques under individual characteristics of your face, we can advantageously emphasize its advantages and hide its shortcomings. Eyes differ not only in general form, but also by the shape of the eyelids, the depth of planting, the degree of “distance” to the sides and other factors. So, if the distance between the inner corners of the eyes is approximately equal to the width of each eye, such eyes are called normally spaced; if less, the eyes are narrow-set; if more - widely spaced. Based on planting depth, there are deep-planted, normally planted and bulging eyes. Also, eyes can be small and large, oval, almond-shaped, slit-shaped, with drooping corners or heavy eyelids . Most advantageous views makeup for various forms we will look at the eye in this series of articles.

Makeup for almond-shaped eyes

Almond shaped eyes It is quite rare among girls of Slavic appearance, but it carries a certain oriental zest and is considered very beautiful. Such eyes are cut like a drop of water or an almond; they are characterized by a narrowed and elongated shape, usually a more rounded inner corner with a pointed outer corner. Often the outer corners of the eyes are slightly raised. The crease on the upper eyelid in such eyes is usually weak or completely absent, so there remains a fairly large space for applying cosmetics.

From left to right: 1 - almond-shaped eyes; 2 - correct makeup for almond-shaped eyes; 3 - unsuccessful makeup for almond-shaped eyes.

Eyeliner: Since the almond shape of the eyes is very beautiful and does not need correction, it can only be emphasized a little. The easiest way to do this is with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, which is applied to the outer part of the eye along the growth lines of the upper and lower lashes. You should get a outlined outline in the shape of a horizontal tick. For almond-shaped eyeliner can be used quite large quantities and apply it along the entire contour, but the thickest line of eyeliner should always highlight the outer corner.

Shadows: the main tone is applied to the area upper eyelid Mainly in the middle and outer parts, shaded from the growth line of the upper eyelashes to the eyebrows. The darkest shadows are superimposed on upper eyelid in the place of the expected fold and shade it a little towards the temples; a highlight is applied at the eyebrow itself with shadows of a lighter shade.

Mascara: just like eyeliner, it will help to highlight the graceful almond shape - feel free to apply it along the entire lash line, both above and under the eye. Can be done in several layers.

Boldly outline the entire contour of the eye with a dark pencil, focusing not on the outer corner, but on the middle of the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, the graceful almond shape will simply be lost, the eyes will become rounded and visually smaller.

Celebrities with almond-shaped eyes:

Jennette McCurdy, Natalie Portman, Liv Tyler, Lucy Liu.

Eye shape

A person’s appearance is very much determined by the shape of their eyes. And it directly depends on the location of the axis on which the “mirrors of the soul” are located. This axis can only pass through the inner or outer corners of the eye, or it can be straight. Usually there are: almond-shaped, slanted, oriental and lobed eyes.

The most striking representative of the fair sex, with almond-shaped eyes, is Nefertiti. The eyes of this beautiful ancient ruler are shaped like cannonballs almonds. This is where the name came from - almond-shaped.

External and inner corners The described eyes are on the same axis, and they themselves are wide open. At the same time, the upper eyelid is quite heavy and slightly covers the eye right up to the iris. Almond-shaped eyes usually have dark irises, i.e. they are black or brown. But a light iris in combination with an almond-shaped eye shape is a rare and unique phenomenon.

Eastern eye shape

Eastern beauties stand out from the crowd thanks to their unusual, specific appearance. The most a clear sign belonging to the eastern race is the characteristic shape of the eyes. The eyes of the inhabitants of China, Japan and other eastern countries are distinguished by thin, faint eyelids, and the eyes themselves narrow to the inner and outer corners. In this case, the corners of the eye with an eastern slant are located on one horizontal axis, as in the case of the almond.

Slant eye shape

Slanted eyes have enough specific form: they taper towards outer corner, but at the same time widen towards the inner corner of the eye. At the same time, the corners of the eyes themselves do not lie on the same axis, which is why such eyes got their name - slanted. The inner corner of the eye is located lower than the outer corner by about 10-12 degrees.

Some women seek to radically get rid of slanting and turn to plastic surgeons, while other representatives of the fairer sex, on the contrary, use makeup to emphasize and turn them into their own highlight.

Lobular eye shape

This is a fairly rare eye shape, which is characterized by the fact that the outer corners are lower than the inner ones.

Eyes of any shape are very beautiful and unique. Properly applied makeup can highlight the expressiveness, attractiveness and clarity of your eyes.

A mirror is the thing without which modern man can't imagine his life. Today it is difficult to imagine a hallway or bathroom without this attribute. In addition to reflecting a person, it also performs a decorative function, decorating the interior.

History of mirrors

The first mirror in history appeared about 7,500 years ago in Turkey. It consisted of pieces of polished obsidian. It was quite difficult to see the details and shades in it. In addition, it required daily polishing due to constant oxidation of the surface.

The discoverer of the modern mirror is considered to be John Pecan, a Franciscan who in 1279 described a method of coating ordinary glass with a thin layer of lead. The manufacturing technology was quite complex - craftsmen blew out a mirror surface, and then polished and processed it. In Venice, the full production cycle was kept secret, so the pleasure of contemplating one’s reflection was available only to the richest segments of the population.

Only in the 17th century did the French manage to discover the method and even improve it somewhat. Now they have learned how to produce mirrors by casting. They began to reflect with less distortion.

In Russia, the first mirror production plant was opened under Peter I. Since 1835, mirrors began to be coated with silver instead of tin, which affected the quality of the transmitted reflection; it became much better.

Types of mirrors

The use of mirrors is so diverse that there are many signs for their classification. Basic:
- by purpose (pocket, hand-held, wall-mounted, table-top, floor-mounted, car-mounted, built-in furniture, etc.);
- shape (oval, rectangular, round, asymmetrical);
- according to the material of the mirror film - amalgam (aluminum or silver);
- by size (to be reflected in full height– height of at least 1 m, waist-deep – height about.4 – 0.8 m, waist-deep in a sitting position);
- according to the design method (framed, mounted, in a case, on a stand, in the form of a folder, etc.).

In addition, there are one-way mirrors, which are also called translucent, Gesel spy mirrors (on one side they look like a mirror, on the other they are darkened), used for the purpose of discreet tracking and control of people. Popular today are aged mirrors, which look like antiques, but are actually made taking into account latest developments, mirrors with internal lighting, where lighting fixtures are installed behind a reflective surface, huge panoramic mirrors, decorative fragment mirrors imitating