What causes heatstroke. Sun and heatstroke: symptoms in adults and children and first aid

Classic signs heatstroke life-threatening. Negative consequences nosologies lead to vascular collapse, in which the brain cannot process a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Associated lesion internal organs leads to death.

First aid for heat stroke is aimed at normalizing heat generation and correcting dehydration. When planning therapeutic actions it is necessary to differentiate between true fever and hyperthermia. The first state is a compensatory-adaptive organism that activates the metabolic rate to produce antibodies against bacteria, viruses or the accumulation of pyrogens in the blood.

Hyperthermia is not controlled by the central nucleus (hypothalamus). The condition occurs against the background of an increase in antihistamines in the blood.

When trying to estimate precise boundaries, you need individual approach. Classic norms regarding the absence of the need to reduce low-grade fever do not apply to all patients. When choosing tactics, you need to identify secondary pathology, which may affect the symptoms of heat stroke.

There is a range of rectal, axillary, and oral temperature responses. Indicators of rectal thermia in pathology range from 35.8 to 37.3 degrees Celsius. The release of pyrogens is affected physiological characteristics, patient behavior. For activity hyperthermic syndrome the following provoking factors influence:

  • Physical activity;
  • Psycho-emotional background;
  • Secondary diseases.

There are the following types of temperature curve:

  1. Subfebrile – 36.1-37.8 degrees;
  2. Febrile – 38.1-39;
  3. High febrile – 39.1-41 degrees;
  4. Hyperthermic – more than 41 degrees.

When determining the signs of a disease, you need to take everything into account possible manifestations pathology.

The main signs of heat stroke by duration

Based on duration, heat stroke is divided into the following categories:

  • Ephemeral – up to 2 days;
  • Acute – symptoms last up to 15 days;
  • Subacute – duration up to 45 days;
  • Chronic – over 45 days.

Based on the nature of the temperature reaction, the following signs of fever are distinguished:

  • Constant - daily fluctuations are no more than 1 degree at general temperature more than 39 degrees. Similar condition not typical for manifestations of thermal overheating. Fever is more typical for infectious diseases (pneumonia, typhus and typhoid fever);
  • Laxative – daily fluctuations are no more than 1 degree, but the overall temperature curve may be below 38 degrees;
  • Intermittent - a combination of periods normal temperature with peaks of increase;
  • Undulating - wave-like flow has periods of decline and increase. A similar picture occurs with lymphogranulomatosis and brucellosis;
  • Depleting - daily fluctuations do not exceed 5 degrees. The situation is typical for tuberculosis and syphilis;
  • Incorrect - does not have certain patterns. This option develops with heat stroke, but not with sunstroke.

Heatstroke is called pathological condition, resulting from overheating of the body of an adult or child under the influence of external thermal factors. This is a form of hyperthermia, that is, an increase in body temperature. Vital disruption occurs in the human body important processes, which can result in cardiac and respiratory failure, loss of consciousness and even death.

Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke in adults and children, as well as the principles of first aid, are discussed later in the article.

Heat stroke - definition

At optimal conditions Reactions occur in the human body that maintain a constant body temperature. Fluctuations of 0.5-1 o C up or down are considered normal.

As a result of a number of reactions in the human body, heat is generated. Its transfer to external environment through the surface of the body is called physical heat transfer. Heat can be lost through the production of sweat, urine, feces and fluids that evaporate when respiratory processes. If more heat is produced than is released into the external environment, body temperature rises.

Which part of the brain is involved in controlling the occurrence of such mechanisms? There are so-called heat and cold receptors. They are sensitive to external temperature changes. Excitation from the receptors travels along pathways to the hypothalamus (a region of the brain). This is where the center responsible for thermoregulation is located. Specific reactions occurring in this center change the ratio of heat transfer and heat generation activities.

Heat stroke develops when thermoregulation mechanisms fail. First, compensatory mechanisms are activated, but with prolonged exposure to pathological external factors(high temperature environment) they are depleted. Hyperthermia develops, and the numbers can cross the line at 41-42 o C.

Important! Heatstroke is quite severe. Lethal outcome is typical for every third case.


Heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to regulate the physical processes of heat exchange. The causes of the pathology may be:

  • impaired sweating due to chronic systemic diseases;
  • heat environment (for example, working in a hot shop);
  • excessive physical activity in conditions elevated temperature;
  • combination of one of the reasons with reception alcoholic drinks and narcotic substances;
  • high air humidity;
  • wearing warm clothes in hot conditions;
  • insufficient fluid intake (dehydration);
  • diseases of the central nervous system and heart;
  • treatment with certain medications;
  • a combination of a person’s pathological weight with high temperature outdoors or indoors.


Heat stroke is a condition that is accompanied by an imbalance of water and electrolytes, as well as a change in the course of vital processes. Severe degree is manifested by the development general intoxication, a change in blood pH to the acidic side, insufficiency of the heart and blood vessels, and the renal apparatus. Some clinical cases may be accompanied by stroke, pulmonary edema.

Symptoms of heat stroke develop depending on clinical form pathological condition. In addition, the symptoms depend on the duration of the victim’s stay in high temperature conditions, the intensity of the influence of thermal factors, age, presence concomitant diseases hearts, nervous system.

The following patients are at risk for heat stroke:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the endocrine apparatus;
  • allergic conditions;
  • liver pathologies;
  • anorexia;
  • obesity;
  • vegetative-vascular syndrome.

Important! Children, elderly people, and women should carefully monitor their well-being when exposed to the sun or in a hot room during pregnancy.

The severity of the condition determines how heat stroke manifests itself. Initially, weakness, drowsiness, and a feeling of fatigue occur. Victims complain of headaches, dizziness, attacks of nausea and vomiting, and excessive sweating.

Later, muscle pain occurs during movement and at rest, ringing in the ears, and symptoms of dehydration. When observing the victim, you may notice the appearance of movement coordination disorders. This stage is characterized by a high temperature and a decrease in the amount of urine produced. How many days the temperature lasts during heatstroke depends on the severity of the pathology and timely provision of assistance.

The nature of breathing changes. Breathing becomes noisy and can be heard from a distance. The pulse quickens, hallucinations occur, seizures. The most severe form of heat stroke is coma.

The following clinical changes occur in the blood and urine of the victim against the background of heat stroke:

  • decrease in the number of platelets in the blood;
  • decrease in fibrinogen levels;
  • high numbers of leukocytes in the blood;
  • in the urine - the appearance of casts, leukocytes and protein.

Consequences of heat stroke

First aid for heatstroke should be provided within the first hours after the pathology is diagnosed. In this case, within a few days the patient’s well-being will improve and the symptoms will disappear. Another option may be the appearance of complications of heat (or sunstroke):

  1. Blood thickening - lack of fluid in the body causes the patient's blood to become excessively thick. This is fraught with thrombosis, heart attacks, and heart failure.
  2. Renal failure is a severe pathology that develops as a result of heat stroke. Damage is also provoked by metabolic products that appear under the influence of significant numbers on the thermometer.
  3. Acute respiratory failure - appears as a result of changes in the functioning of the respiratory center located in the brain.
  4. Damage to the central nervous system - manifested by uncontrollable vomiting, loss of consciousness, disorders of speech, hearing and visual functions.
  5. Shock - dangerous complication, which occurs due to lack of fluid, imbalance of electrolytes and blood supply to internal organs.

Important! First aid for heatstroke - mandatory measures, which will allow you to quickly restore the patient’s condition and prevent the occurrence of the above complications.

First aid for heatstroke

First first aid in case of heatstroke (or sunstroke) has the following goal: reducing the victim’s body temperature and restoring the main vital functions body. At the first symptoms of pathology, you need to call a team medical care, and at this time carry out a number of activities before their arrival.

Eliminate the cause

Emergency care begins with the patient being transferred to the shade if he was under the scorching sun, or to a cool room. If the patient received a heatstroke, for example, in a hot workshop, he must be taken out of the workroom to one where there are coolers or air conditioners.


The victim should be placed on a couch or bed with the leg end elevated. This improves blood supply to the brain.

Remove clothing

A person needs to be stripped down to his underwear, because any clothing he wears slows down the body’s cooling mechanisms.

Shower and compresses

Cool water procedures- one of the stages of providing emergency care. If the patient is able to get into the shower, it is necessary to cool the skin with water. This procedure takes 3-5 minutes, but the water temperature should not be less than 19-20 o C.

Lack of consciousness and excessive serious condition will not allow manipulation. Such victims can be given cold compress on the forehead or periodically splash cold water on the face.

Fighting dehydration

The presence of consciousness in the patient is an indication for consuming a large amount of cool liquid, but not more than half a glass at a time (so as not to provoke an attack of vomiting). You can add a little salt to the glass. This will help maintain the balance of electrolytes in the blood.

Fresh air

Difficulty breathing is a sign of the asphyxial form of heatstroke. To ensure access to fresh air, you need to take the victim outside (condition - temperature below 28 o C, no direct sun rays) or into a cool room by pointing a fan at the person.


Ammonia vapor has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, therefore it is effectively used in cases of loss of consciousness.

Resuscitation measures

Respiratory or cardiac arrest is an indication for immediate resuscitation of the victim. It is necessary to start without delay, without waiting for the ambulance team to arrive.

Providing first aid (FAM) for heatstroke prohibits:

  • using excessively cold water to cool the body;
  • applying cold compresses to the chest and back;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages.

Important! In addition to providing assistance, it is necessary drug treatment pathologies in the hospital.

Heat stroke treatment

Measures to provide medication assistance the victim's prerogative qualified specialists. Prevention of dehydration is based on infusion therapy. The following is administered intravenously:

  • saline sodium chloride solution;
  • Ringer;
  • glucose solution.

Before infusion, the solutions are cooled slightly, but not below 26 o C. To support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, cardiac glycosides, cardiotonic drugs, solutions that restore blood volume, and other medications are prescribed. The most used are Adrenaline hydrochloride, Mezaton, Refortan.

Measures to prevent cerebral edema include the use of sodium thiopental. This medication not only reduces the need for oxygen in brain cells, but also stops seizures.

Antipyretic drugs from the NPS group will not be effective. Active substances medications inhibit the production of mediators of the inflammatory response, and in pathologies resulting from exposure to sunlight, the disorders have a different mechanism of occurrence.

Important! Only the doctor selects the treatment regimen. Self-administration of drugs is not allowed.

Features of treatment of heat stroke in a child

Every parent should know what to do if a child has a heatstroke. First of all, it is necessary to differentiate the pathological condition in the baby. Heat stroke can occur in an infant even at temperatures acceptable for adults. For example, we're talking about o wrapping the child in warm clothes if temperature regime doesn't require this.

Children 3 years old often get hit on the beach. This is facilitated by the aggressive rays of the sun, as well as the inattention of parents. It is important not to let your child go to the beach between 10 am and 4 pm. Another point worth paying attention to is lack of drinking. Children do not always say that they are thirsty, and parents forget to offer them water, juices, and fruit drinks. The result is dehydration under conditions of elevated ambient temperature.

The first manifestations are excessive excitability, moodiness, tearfulness. Later, on the contrary, physical activity decreases, apathy, drowsiness, even loss of consciousness occurs. Parents complain of the following signs of pathology in their children:

  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia;
  • symptoms of dehydration;
  • convulsive attacks.

Important! If no measures are taken and the baby’s body continues to be in the same conditions, respiratory, cardiac, or developmental arrest may occur. renal failure and cerebral edema, the appearance of a coma.

You should definitely call a team of qualified specialists. Until they arrive, you need to control your vital important indicators body (breathing, pulse, reaction of pupils to light). First aid is provided in the same way as for adults (see above).

Antipyretic drugs, like any other drugs, except the pharmaceutical Regidron (powder for preparing a solution), should not be given to the baby. It is important to change the temperature of the environment in which it is located before the ambulance arrives (not abruptly and not critically!), solder it with water and saline solutions.


It is better to prevent the development of severe pathology than to try to restore health. Preventive measures include the following:

  • avoid exposure to the sun in the middle of the day;
  • wear a hat, glasses, light clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • reduce the level of physical activity while staying in hot conditions;
  • drink a lot of water (can be cool, but not cold!);
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • give preference to low-calorie foods.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!


Heat stroke is a violation of thermoregulation in the body, which arose as a result of severe overheating of the body under the influence of high ambient temperatures. Often so unpleasant condition occurs in people who are busy physical work and dressed “not for the weather.” This usually happens in hot weather indoors, for example, in the workshop at work, in public transport or an unventilated office.

For heat stroke to occur, a combination of three factors is necessary: ​​high air temperature, high humidity and physical activity, as a result of which the body produces additional heat. Under the influence of heat and increased sweating the body loses a large number of water, which disrupts heat transfer and provokes dehydration.
There are four forms of heat stroke, which differ in their symptoms:

  • Asphyxial - breathing disturbance occurs (it is irregular, superficial) and an increase in body temperature up to 41 degrees is observed.
  • Hyperthermic – deterioration general well-being, weakness, and the temperature reaches 39-40⁰C.
  • Cerebral form - disorders of the central nervous system (delirium, loss of consciousness), as well as convulsions and paralysis are observed.
  • Gastroenteric form - negative manifestations from the outside digestive system(vomiting, diarrhea, nausea).

Signs of Heat Stroke

Recognizing heatstroke is quite simple, but many people mistakenly confuse it with a state of fatigue and do not take proper measures to improve their well-being and neutralize the factors that have such a negative effect on the body. First of all, a person feels weak, extreme thirst and dry mouth, it’s stuffy, there’s not enough air, which can cause pressing pain in the chest. After some time, sweating increases, the skin acquires a reddish tint, the pulse increases significantly and decreases arterial pressure. Often the body temperature in this condition reaches 39-41 degrees.

In case of failure to provide timely assistance may appear coma. In this case, there is absolutely no sweating, the skin becomes pale and excessively dry. Breathing is shallow and intermittent. In this state, delirium often begins and convulsions occur. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, this contributes to complete dehydration and further complicates and aggravates the situation.
Symptoms of heat stroke:

  • increase in body temperature to 39 °C and above;
  • reduction or complete absence sweating and urination;
  • increased heart rate;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • change in skin tone (redness or bluish appearance);
  • convulsions;
  • nausea, vomiting, ;
  • delusions, hallucinations;
  • strong headache;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • a coma may occur.

It is important to remember the main symptoms of heat stroke. This will help to timely identify the pathological condition and provide necessary help the victim or yourself.

Heat stroke treatment

If your close person or a partner complains of deterioration in health, symptoms characteristic of heat stroke appear, it is necessary to provide him with help. This will save the health, and in some cases, the life of the victim. It is important to provide first aid as quickly as possible and transport the person to medical institution.

First aid for heatstroke:

The consequences of heat stroke and its prevention

If you do not provide timely assistance or go to a medical facility, a person with heatstroke may suffer the following consequences: coma, collapse, cerebral edema, circulatory disorders. In the most severe cases available fatal outcome, it is especially dangerous for people who have heart disease.
To avoid heat stroke, you should take preventive measures, which include:

Heatstroke is a condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age and type of activity, so it is important to know what symptoms are inherent in the disease and how to provide first aid.

The article Sunstroke explains what it is sunstroke, and the symptoms of sunstroke are described. This article is devoted to a related problem. We have to understand what heat stroke is and learn the symptoms of heat stroke.

Despite the similarity of the problem (in both cases, the culprit of the trouble is overheating of the body), heatstroke is noticeably different in origin from sunstroke . Let's explore the reasons leading to its occurrence.

Causes of Heat Stroke

If sunstroke is a consequence of direct exposure to the sun's heat on the head area, then Heat stroke can occur even outside the sun's rays . For example, indoors, in transport, during intense physical activity, even in the shade of a stuffy street. In short, in any conditions when the prerequisites for overheating of the body are created. And these premises are very simple.

Our body stops releasing heat (self-cooling) when the body and ambient air temperatures balance, and also stops sweating when the ambient air humidity rises above 75%. Essentially, it's the same thing. After all, cooling the body and sweating are inextricably linked with each other, and sweating is the body’s way of reducing the resulting overheating. And as soon as these protective mechanisms of our body cease to perform their functions, we overheat from the inside and get heatstroke.

Symptoms of heat stroke appear gradually as your core body temperature rises.

At first there is a reluctance to move, muscle weakness, breathing quickens, the pulse may increase and you may begin to feel dizzy, drowsiness and a desire to lie down. If at this stage no measures are taken to reduce internal heat, the next stage begins.

At the second stage, symptoms of heat stroke include redness of the skin, an increase in body temperature to 40°C, headache, dizziness and nausea, and short-term fainting is possible. Sweating increases, breathing quickens. The body is still trying to somehow cope with overheating, but if it is not helped, then the next, most dangerous stage heat stroke.

At the last stage, when the body’s overheating reaches extreme values, the body temperature rises to a critical 41-42°C, hallucinations appear, the victim begins to delirium, and the pulse becomes frequent and weak. The skin turns pale, becomes covered with sticky sweat, consciousness is confused, and convulsions are possible. Up to 30% of such conditions are fatal.

To improve sweating in conditions of increased heat, it is advisable to periodically ventilate the room or get out into the fresh air. Also role fresh air An air conditioner can also play a role, which, although it will not ventilate the room, will quickly and conveniently reduce the temperature to the desired values, which is an important action. After all, if sanitary standards in a room with a temperature of up to 28°C, you can work a whole working day, then if the temperature rises to 32.5°C, you can work in such a place for no more than 1 hour (for workers mild physical labor).

Equally important prophylactic combating the effects of overheating is periodic use small portions liquid, preferably mineral. Such preventative measure will not only replenish fluid lost through sweat, but will also help recovery salt balance, because with sweat the body loses most of the salts necessary for its vital functions.

  • What is Heatstroke
  • What Causes Heat Stroke?
  • Symptoms of Heat Stroke
  • Treatment for Heat Stroke

What is Heatstroke

Heatstroke- dangerous fast developing form damage to the body when body temperature rises above 40 °C.

What Causes Heat Stroke?

Heatstroke sometimes occurs among sailors in tropical conditions, among workers in hot workshops, during agricultural work, and among those who enjoy excessive sun tanning. Sometimes heat strokes occur during military marches on hot days, or during hiking trips when they are not organized correctly and the participants are insufficiently trained. The occurrence of heat stroke is facilitated by air humidity, poor clothing, and individual sensitivity to increased temperature. Persons suffering from vegetative-vascular insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and others are more susceptible to overheating. metabolic disorders(in particular, when endocrine diseases). The mortality rate from heatstroke reaches high figures. Thus, when body temperature rises above 41 °C, up to half of the victims die.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Heatstroke

The leading links in the pathogenesis are disorders of water and electrolyte balance due to impaired sweating and the activity of the hypothalamic thermoregulation center. With heat stroke, death often occurs due to the development of collapse. Contributes to circulatory disorders toxic effect on the myocardium of excess potassium in the blood released from red blood cells. When heat stroke occurs, respiratory regulation, kidney function, and different kinds metabolism (protein, carbohydrate, fat).

A pathomorphological examination of the central nervous system in persons who died from heat stroke reveals hyperemia and swelling of the membranes and brain tissue, and multiple hemorrhages in them. At histological examination perivascular edema of the membranes and brain tissue, changes nerve cells type acute illness Central nervous system, and in some cells - severe hydropic changes.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

There are light, moderate severity and severe heatstroke. The onset is usually acute. Increased breathing and heart rate, skin flushing, and increased body temperature are observed, sometimes reaching high numbers.

At mild form heatstroke disorders are limited to headache, nausea, and general weakness.

For heat injury moderate severity more severe muscle weakness, severe headache, nausea and vomiting develop. There is some general lethargy, staggering when walking, and sometimes fainting. Breathing and pulse are sharply increased. Increased sweating is observed. Body temperature rises to 40 °C.

Severe form Heat stroke develops suddenly. Motor agitation is often noted, sometimes - mental disorders(hallucinations, delusions). Breathing is rapid, shallow, and its rhythm is often disturbed. The pulse is increased to 120 or more beats per minute, weak. Heart sounds are muffled. Skin pale, covered with sticky sweat. Body temperature rises to 41-43 °C. Diuresis decreases sharply. The content of nitrogen and urea in the blood increases while the amount of chlorides decreases. Against the background of pronounced vegetative-vascular disorders, disorders of consciousness of varying depth and duration develop. A neurological examination reveals anisocoria, suppression of the pupillary response to light and corneal reflexes, as well as reflexes on the extremities. Motor agitation, vomiting, clonic-tonic convulsions, and coma are often observed, against the background of which, in the most severe cases, fatal respiratory and cardiac disorders can develop.

Treatment for Heat Stroke

It is necessary to take measures to reduce body temperature: move the patient to the shade, free him from tight clothing, put cold on the head, heart area and large vessels. It is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid is administered. If consciousness is preserved, give cold water, Tea coffee. When excited, aminazine, diphenhydramine are administered, for convulsions - anticonvulsant drugs - sibazon (seduxen), aminazine, phenobarbital, etc. When cardiac activity drops, cardiac drugs are used (cordiamin, caffeine, strophanthin). When increasing intracranial pressure unloading are shown lumbar punctures. When inhaling oxygen, it is recommended to add carbon dioxide. For subsequent treatment of asthenic conditions, B vitamins, iron and calcium supplements are prescribed.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Heatstroke?


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