What are pomegranate peels from? Useful properties of pomegranate, fruits, seeds and peel. Contraindications to the use of pomegranate peels


Dear readers, many of us love pomegranates. It's juicy, tasty and healthy fruit. Usually we eat it, enjoying the exquisite taste, and throw away the pomegranate peels. But in vain. This natural protective shell in which the berries are “packed” can also bring considerable benefits to our health and help get rid of some ailments.

Today we will talk about why you should not throw away pomegranate peels and what and why they can be useful to us. First, we will discuss the general aspects of the beneficial properties of pomegranate peels, and then there will be recipes for using them in folk medicine.

Composition of pomegranate peel

The pomegranate itself has an enviable composition. It contains more than a dozen amino acids, a large range of vitamins and minerals. Pomegranate contains a set of organic acids, fiber, tannins. It contains anthocyanins, which give a “garnet” color, and phytoncides.

The pomegranate peel is its pericarp, tightly hugging the entire “valuable cargo” and also receiving part useful components. Pomegranate peels contain:

  • Tannins (tannins, catechins);
  • Coloring compounds (anthocyanins);
  • Ursolic acid;
  • Mineral elements (calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, aluminum, etc.).

The tannin content in the peel of the red fruit is about 30%. The pomegranate shell also contains natural antioxidants – polyphenols. Polyphenols have a good effect on fat metabolism, are good for the heart and blood, for gums and skin, and improve wound healing. Together, this set of substances is beneficial for intestinal function.

Pomegranate peels may contain about 5% plant alkaloids. They can be poisonous, so it is important to be careful about the dosage of products containing pomegranate peel.

Benefits of pomegranate peel

The beneficial properties of pomegranate peels are not so numerous, but have long been well known. Their main effect is astringent action. Numerous tannins contained in the fruit shell are responsible for this. Hippocrates also advised using the peel for intestinal disorders and for healing wounds. Exactly these beneficial features Pomegranate peels are most often used in folk medicine.

The peel, with its astringent effect, is now included in some medicinal preparations. But the bark of the pomegranate tree itself is no longer used in medicine - it turned out to be too toxic.

Pomegranate peels for the gastrointestinal tract

The main effect of pomegranate peel is its effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This is a proven remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal disorders ah, with lesions of the intestinal mucosa. Georgian scientists were working on pomegranate peel extract. The drug they created passed clinical trials. Were received positive results in the treatment of enteritis (including chronic). The extract also helped with gastrointestinal disorders in children.

A decoction with pomegranate peels helps with colitis and diarrhea. This traditional medicine is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot use modern medical supplies.

Pomegranate peels for gums and nasopharynx

Pomegranate peels are useful for gum diseases. There is an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect throughout oral cavity. The peel is used for bleeding gums, gingivitis, and stomatitis. In this case, make a decoction for rinsing. You've probably noticed that some toothpastes contain pomegranate extracts. Pomegranate peel also helps with rhinitis and pharyngitis. Therapeutic effect They still give the same tannins.

Pomegranate peels for burns

Pomegranate peel also exhibits beneficial properties for burns. It is important here to eliminate inflammation and speed up healing. First, the burn is wiped with diluted pomegranate juice. Then sprinkle with pomegranate peel powder. A crust will form under the gauze bandage, and regeneration will go faster. Also used for wounds and burns alcohol tincture pomegranate crust.

Other uses of pomegranate peels

In addition to these main ones, pomegranate peels have several other uses. The decoction can be used for hemoptysis and heavy menstruation.

They say about pomegranate peels that they help in treating the eyes, ears, liver, and that with their help you can overcome ulcers and typhoid fever. However, in these cases, folk recipes also contain other active ingredients. This means that pomegranate peel can only provide an auxiliary effect. That is, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound healing.

Pomegranate peel rinse is good for hair. The product eliminates dandruff and hair grows better. Pomegranate peels give hair a dark tone. Masks with peel powder eliminate wrinkles on the face and remove acne.

I invite you to watch the video material about the beneficial properties of pomegranate peels, how to use them in medicinal purposes.

How to prepare pomegranate peels

Preparing pomegranate peels is not at all difficult. You should choose a hard fruit with a whole peel of natural color. Do not take the product if the skin is too dry or discolored. Enjoy the pomegranate itself or its juice, but we will still need the peels.

To begin with, the fruit is washed and wiped dry. Use a knife to carefully remove the peel. The inner light and soft layer is eliminated; it is not needed. And besides, he can give strong bitterness. The crusts should be crushed and dried for about one week. All this needs to be put on a napkin and covered with gauze on top. Be sure to stir everything several times a day so that they dry evenly.

The dried peel is stored in glass jars or paper bags. To grind the shell, a coffee grinder or mortar is suitable. The first option is more convenient.

Pomegranate peels in folk medicine

We looked at the beneficial properties of pomegranate peels. To complete the picture, let's talk about recipes for areas of application, treatment with pomegranate peel. It is important to know how to brew pomegranate peels correctly.

Tea with pomegranate peels

The simplest thing we can prepare is to brew tea with pomegranate peels. Moreover, you can put both fresh and dry pomegranate peels into freshly brewed tea. You can also add lemon, mint or other herbs. The tea turns out aromatic and tart. You can drink this tea with honey.

Decoction for diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders

This popular recipe pomegranate peel for diarrhea. Crushed dried peels are taken. Calculation: tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water. The solution is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Everything is usually boiled over low heat. Then the broth is infused for 2 hours in a thermos. Take three times a day before meals. Dosage for adults: 50 to 100 ml.

Pomegranate peels against diarrhea for children.

If such a problem happens with children, then there is “grandmother’s” recipe. You've probably heard of him. For children, prepare a decoction in the following proportions: ¼ rinds from 1 small pomegranate are steamed with 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 40 minutes.

You need to take it as follows:

For children under 1 year old, it is enough to give 1 tsp. tinctures, no more than 3 times a day.

For children from 1 year to school age the dosage is the same, but the number of doses increases to 4-5 times a day.

For sore gums, throat and sore mouth

For the decoction, take 20 g of crusts to 200 ml of water. The solution is boiled for 5 minutes, infused in a thermos for at least an hour, and filtered. Rinsing is done 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is 5 – 7 days.

The medicine that Hippocrates himself used to heal!

I want to give you a recipe that Hippocrates used.

  1. Dysentery goes away in 5 hours.
  2. Salmonellosis - 5 hours.
  3. Stomach ulcer - within a week.
  4. Colitis (large intestine) - within a week.
  5. Dysbacteriosis - in a week.
  6. Acute appendicitis - 5 hours.

Let's see detailed video recipe.

For burns

Will need pomegranate juice. He's being scammed clean water 1:5. Gently wash the burn site with this solution. Then take finely ground pomegranate peels. This powder is sprinkled on the burned area. A gauze bandage is applied on top. The burn will heal under the dried crust.

There are legends. Many nationalities call it the “apple of paradise,” and not only because it has an external resemblance to this fruit, but also because its effect on the body can truly be called magical. Since the times of Ancient civilizations, pomegranate has become a remedy for the treatment of many diseases of the heart muscle, stomach, anemia, and also viral and bacterial ailments. However, not only pomegranate seeds have magical healing properties. Their peel is also capable of giving a person various benefits, which we will talk about in our article.

Everything useful that can be stored in a pomegranate peel largely depends on its mineral and vitamin composition, as well as nutritional value indicators.

So, for every 100 grams of pomegranate fruit there is:

  • 0.7 grams dietary fiber;
  • 0.4 grams saturated fatty acids;
  • 0.5 grams of unsaturated fatty acids;
  • 1.7 grams of organic acids;
  • 15 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.4 grams of fat;
  • 0.8 grams of protein;
  • 7 grams of glucose;
  • 6.5 grams of fructose;
  • 6.6 grams of water;
  • 0.4 grams of ash.
But this is far from full list useful components contained in pomegranate peels. Its list can include macro- and microelements, the content of which in 100 grams of product is distributed as follows:
  • 145 milligrams of potassium;
  • 3 milligrams magnesium;
  • 4 milligrams sodium;
  • 4 milligrams of iodine;
  • 9 milligrams of calcium;
  • 7 milligrams of phosphorus;
  • 0.13 milligrams of aluminum;
  • 56.7 micrograms boron;
  • 3.4 micrograms of cobalt;
  • 0.2 milligrams of iron;
  • 13.5 micrograms of vanadium;
  • 156 micrograms copper;
  • 0.21 milligrams manganese;
  • 395 micrograms zinc.

Did you know? The fruits of the pomegranate tree have long been considered amazing and even magical gifts of nature. Different cultures discovered many healing properties in their grains and peels. It is no coincidence that this “fruit of paradise” is mentioned in ancient writings such as Exodus, the Koran, Babylonian Texts and Homeric Hymns.

This impressive part of the periodic table is found in the peels of pomegranate fruits. True, and on this achievement list useful elements does not end, because the pomegranate also contains a couple of dozen vitamins and amino acids, most of which are vital for the functioning of the body: for example, folic acid, which occupies 38 mcg in 100 grams of pomegranate peel. The remaining vitamins were distributed as follows:

  • 3 mcg beta-carotene;
  • 0.6 mg vitamin E;
  • 0.29 mg vitamin PP;
  • 5 mcg vitamin A;
  • 16.4 mcg vitamin K;
  • 0.62 mg is occupied by B vitamins (which also include valuable folic acid);
  • 7.6 mg choline.

Pomegranate peel also contains an impressive amount of amino acids essential for our body, which include:
  • valine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • histidine;
  • threonine;
  • leucine;
  • methionine;
  • lysine.

If we talk about the calorie content of such a product, then every 100 grams of pomegranate peel on average hides 72-83 kcal.

Pomegranate and its derivatives began to be used by doctors and healers back in the time of Hippocrates. Since ancient times, this fruit has come into use as not only delicious berries, but also a healing agent.

IN modern world opportunity therapeutic effects pomegranate peels on our body recognized as traditional healers, so official representatives medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Together with its derivatives, pomegranate is widely used to create medicines for a wide variety of ailments.
The main spectrum of action of such drugs comes down to the following points:

  • used as an antioxidant, they help cleanse the body of unnecessary substances, cleanse and enrich the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, support normal work heart muscle and all circulatory system;
  • have an astringent effect, and therefore are often used in the treatment of profuse diarrhea, indigestion, dysbacteriosis and other ailments that affect gastrointestinal tract;
  • used as an anti-inflammatory agent to fight diseases respiratory tract and lungs;
  • characterized by antibacterial and antiviral qualities that help with a number of diseases, which we will talk about later.

Did you know? In order to heal wounded soldiers Ancient Greece, healers used infusions of pomegranate peels to quickly eliminate non-healing and festering wounds, relieve burns, and cure ulcers. In addition, if you take this infusion orally, you can get rid of dysentery.

Thus, an infusion based on pomegranate peel has anti-burn, wound-healing and disinfecting properties. And also this product is an excellent way to fortify the body, prevent many diseases and fight helminths.

In view of those listed in the previous paragraph useful qualities peel, one can draw conclusions regarding those diseases and ailments that can be cured with its help.
They can be grouped into the following categories:

  • respiratory tract: bronchitis, asthma attacks, pneumonia, tracheitis, acute respiratory inflammation, runny nose, colds and even tuberculosis;
  • heart and circulatory system: thrombosis, tachycardia, anemia, ischemia, as well as heart attacks and strokes (including as a preventive measure for these conditions);
  • gastrointestinal tract: inflammation, ulcers, gastritis, dysentery, dysbacteriosis, profuse diarrhea, chronic loose stools and others;
  • other: vitaminization, deworming, intoxication, fight against burns and abscesses, general toning, antidepressant effect, etc.

Procurement of raw materials for future healing potions should be done according to the following instructions:

  1. Ripe pomegranates are washed thoroughly under running water and dried with a paper towel.
  2. Next, you need to peel all the pomegranate zest with a knife, then select the grains and discard the white veins, as they are not beneficial.
  3. The next stage of preparation will be cutting the peel into strips, grating it to obtain fine zest, and grinding it in a coffee grinder to obtain a powdery substance. The preparation method depends on the needs and on the recipes in which it will be used. There are several types of pomegranate peels you can prepare.
  4. Afterwards, the resulting substances should be scattered on parchment paper and left at room temperature for several days to dry naturally. You can speed up this process using the oven. Pomegranates should be dried at low temperatures within +50...+70°C. It is better if the door is slightly open so that excess moisture evaporates faster.
  5. Next, the resulting components should be scattered into glass containers (since pomegranate peels will be stored longer in glass) and hermetically sealed. Cans can be replaced with plastic bags with airtight fasteners.

Guided by these rules, you can easily prepare healing agent to be prepared for any situation.

Traditional medicine recipes

Since ancient times, precisely ethnoscience could boast many variations in the use of pomegranate fruits and their products as effective medicine from many ailments. Below are some recipes that will help cope with this or that disease.

Decoction for diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders

For diarrhea, disorders digestive system and stomach intoxication, it is recommended to use a decoction based on 5 g of dried pomegranate peels, poured with 100 ml of boiling water and left for several hours until it has cooled down, when it can be safely drunk.

This infusion is taken three times a day for adults, twice a day for adolescents over 12 years of age, and for children under this age one use of this drink will be sufficient.

Important! In order not to cause an overdose of infusion in children, it is better to divide this mixture into several doses, for example, brew 1.5-2 g of dried peel in 30-40 ml of boiling water. This option will be more acceptable for small organisms.

To eliminate helminths and other harmful microorganisms, you can use a decoction based on a tablespoon of dried pomegranate peels, poured with a glass (200-250 ml) of boiling water.

This mixture should also be infused to an acceptable temperature and taken three times daily for adults, twice for adolescents and once for children under 12 years of age.

For burns

To relieve burns, you can brew 5 g of pomegranate peels in 100 ml of boiling water, leave for about half an hour, then soak cotton sponges in this liquid and wipe the areas affected by burns. This procedure can be performed three to five times a day. Due to external use, this mixture is not dangerous for the human body, so dosages for different ages No.

Universal recipe

Mainly in medical practice traditional healers used classic infusion pomegranate peel in a proportion of 5 g per 100 ml of boiling water. This composition has the maximum effective concentration useful substances that will help and not cause harm.

Important! Whatever disease or ailment you are trying to cure using folk remedies, you should be very careful and careful, especially with children. Any overdose or non-compliance with proportions can have an extremely bad influence on a fragile child's body.

It's better to use these folk recipes as an addition to the main treatment and only after preliminary consultation with the attending physician, because the principle “Do no harm!” was invented for a reason.

Pomegranate peels and cosmetology

In addition to folk medicinal infusions and decoctions, pomegranate zest has found its successful use in the field of cosmetology. Particularly effective are a face mask and a decoction for oily skin heads and oily hair, the properties of which we will talk about further.

Efficient and nourishing mask for the face, prepared on the basis of pomegranate peel, can be combined with various oils or milk. With its help you can cope quite easily with acne, acne, redness skin and even wrinkles.

In addition, such a mask will help moisturize the skin and have a lifting effect, tightening flabby areas. In a universal way The preparation of this cosmetic product is to add a few grams of pomegranate skins ground in a coffee grinder to your everyday cream.

Pomegranate peel rich in active microelements, which are an excellent remedy to balance the composition and improve the condition of the scalp and hair. In particular, they can effectively combat their excessive fat content by regular use a decoction based on 50 g of dry red pomegranate peels, brewed in 1 liter of water.

This infusion is kept overnight and then filtered. This decoction should be used to wash your hair and scalp every time you wash. The course of treatment may vary depending on the degree of oiliness, but on average it is about two months with regular shampooing once a week.

In addition to the fact that the pomegranate fruit itself has a number of contraindications, its skin can also cause harm to the body. The thing is that it contains substances that are toxic to the human body, called alkaloids, and also contains pelletierine and isopelletierine.

These components are equally harmful to us and can lead to intoxication of the body, and the consequences of this problem are often headaches and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision and darkening of the eyes, convulsions and even loss of consciousness. At the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, or better yet, call an ambulance.

In addition to the fact that you should always be careful with infusions of pomegranate peels, you should also be aware of cases when their use is contraindicated, especially when:

Pomegranate is included among those fruits that are considered the most useful gifts of nature for the human body, because in addition to the direct benefits of the fruit of the pomegranate tree, similar positive properties The skin of this fruit also has.

It contains a colossal list useful microelements, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, most of which are vital for the full and stable functioning of the human body.

If you follow all the prescribed rules and recommendations, you can safely use homemade medicinal and cosmetical tools, including pomegranate peels, benefiting yourself and everyone around you.

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The common pomegranate (lat. Púnica granátum), popularly the apple of paradise, is revered by many as a fruit that improves blood composition. But don't throw away the pomegranate peel! Dry and store it in home medicine cabinet, in the summer it will help you out a lot! After all, this excellent remedy, which will relieve intestinal disorders! Real ambulance no drugs! Traditional medicine health recipes will tell you how to use the peels of this unique fruit correctly and effectively.

Read in this article:

The healing power of pomegranate peel

IN summer period The risk of disease from various kinds bacteria that manifest themselves in symptoms loose stool, vomiting, fever. Medicines may not always be available. At the first moment, we begin to panic and frantically search for a cure. But all you can do is have dry pomegranate peel with you in your travel first aid kit. Yes, yes, the same peel that we thoughtlessly throw away. And it can really help with dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, typhoid fever and many other gastrointestinal diseases.

Substances concentrated in the skin have a unique ability to suppress and even destroy pathogenic bacteria. We all know that chemicals(using the example of antibiotics) they kill everything, even those that do not need treatment. At the same time, our unfortunate woman begins a war with the body itself. And now we're talking about about survivability. The herbal preparation directs its attack specifically at pathogenic bacteria, without causing harm to those that are necessary for the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

About unique properties Hippocrates knew the peel of Púnica granátum 2500 years ago. He successfully used infusions to treat dysentery. Positive reaction came within five hours.

When using water infusion Using pomegranate peel relieves inflammation of the large intestine, suppresses and cures stomach ulcers. The infusion also helps with dysbiosis. The preparation of the infusion itself is quite simple, but the effect is enormous.

How to prepare a healing infusion on crusts

This infusion is used for dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera, and typhoid fever.

Place dry pomegranate peels (12 g) in a heated glass container and pour a glass of boiling water. Just half an hour under the saucer and the medicine is ready. You just need to know that the treatment process begins from the moment you fill the scabs. And the vessel with the infusion should be with the patient. It is very important.

Application of infusion

Now we’ll tell you how to drink it for the above diseases.

Immediately you need to drink half a glass of infusion (half a serving of liquid). The remaining part is again covered with a saucer and infused further. If you feel better after ten minutes, it means that your condition was overshadowed by a common stomach upset.

If these ten minutes do not bring relief, then you need to finish the infusion after three hours.

For stomach and intestinal ulcers, colitis and dysbacteriosis, the recipe is the same. But you need to drink the infusion according to this scheme:

Infuses for 30 minutes

1 serving – 25 ml on an empty stomach in the morning.

2nd serving – after 3.5 hours 25 ml.

3rd serving – after 3.5 hours 25 ml.

4 servings – 25 ml at night after 3.5 hours.

The infusion is not strained and is drunk every other day, freshly prepared. Unused 100 ml should not be left and used - toxic! After a week of rest, you can repeat the course again.

Do not drink alcohol during the entire treatment process.

This infusion can cure and puncture wounds, if you apply a cotton bandage soaked in it. It must be constantly moistened until complete healing.

Let us repeat that the ratio of dry component and boiling water is always 1:20, this is important!

The amazing properties of pomegranate peels and infusions from it do not end there

  • If you boil them in wine, this medicine will get rid of worms.
  • An infusion of water also helps with heart failure. Adding honey to it will relieve hangovers.
  • A decoction of the bark relieves inflammation of the liver.
  • They rinse the mouth to kill germs and bacteria. They treat gums and stop their bleeding.
  • Dry powder from the peel can be used for abrasions and cracks in the skin.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, ears, eyes: you need to prepare the following decoction: crushed skins (2 tbsp.), pour boiling water (250 ml.), set the container on water bath and boil for another half hour. Then (in this recipe) strain and add water until entry level. And before eating, drink 50 ml. Drink a glass of decoction a day.
  • Infusion from tapeworms And bovine tapeworm: 50 gr. dry peel for two cups cold water leave for six hours. Then evaporate to half the volume and strain. Drink in equal portions within an hour. And after another half hour, take a laxative, preferably saline.
  • An infusion of pomegranate peel will relieve and heal chronic cough. Brew the peel like tea until the water turns pink color. Drink in small portions with warm honey. Drink a glass of infusion a day.
  • This same tool is an assistant for skin diseases. You are “sick”, make a mask from slightly fried skins, which you crush and mix with any oil. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and applied no more than twice a week.
  • Crushed pomegranate peel fights burns. First, lubricate the sore spot with the juice of this fruit, and then sprinkle with dry peel powder. The pain will pass, and the blister will not appear.
  • Since the peel contains alkaloids, follow the advice and do not overdo it. An overdose can result in dizziness, vomiting, and convulsions.

Pomegranate peel - universal medicine given to man by nature itself. The only contraindications may be individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Check out the power of this folk remedy and be healthy!

Pomegranate is an amazing fruit, everything in it is useful: tasty grains, and even the peel, which is used in folk medicine to treat the most various diseases. Most often, traditional medicine uses the antimicrobial properties of the crusts; stomatitis, bronchitis, sore throat, diarrhea, gingivitis and other diseases caused by bacteria are treated with their decoction.

Chemical composition

Pomegranate peels contain a lot of tannins, which have an astringent effect on the intestines. There are in them minerals: iron, potassium, molybdenum, manganese, strontium, nickel, calcium, boron, selenium. Vitamins: carotene, thiamine, ascorbic acid, pantothenic and folic acid. And also: flavonoids, catechins, essential substances, alkaloids, organic acids - oxalic, citric, tartaric, malic. There are amino acids glutamic acid and cystine. Polyphenols inhibit the spread and growth of pathogenic microflora.

Scientists have found that pomegranate peels contain twice as many antioxidants as grains. And antioxidants are needed in human body to remove toxins and slow down the aging process.

ABOUT healing properties Pomegranate peels were known back in ancient times; the ancient Greek scientist-healer Hippocrates used them to treat burns and purulent wounds. Nowadays, a decoction of pomegranate peels is used in cosmetology to treat hair; tea from the peels is drunk for stress, diarrhea, and colds; it reduces pain during painful periods.

Using pomegranate peel, you can cure diseases such as cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, and typhoid fever.

Recipe and dosage regimens

It is not difficult to prepare a medicine from pomegranate peel. From the peel remaining after peeling the pomegranate, you need to remove the white layer and dry it in a dark, cool place; the beneficial properties are preserved in the dried peels. Store dry pomegranate peel in a paper bag or in a dark glass jar. long time– 2-3 years. Before use, the peel is ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state. The powder is used to prepare decoctions and infusions; in addition, it can be sprinkled on burns.

Fresh peels can also be used to prepare decoctions and infusions; the white layer is removed, as it gives a strong bitterness. Infusion or decoction of fresh peels turns out pink.

Recipe 1.

A decoction is prepared from 1 tablespoon of powder and 1 glass of water in a water bath for 16 minutes. After which the pan is removed from the heat and left for 40 minutes. The infusion should be yellow color, now you can strain it and drink it as directed.

To treat various diseases, you need to drink the decoction according to different schemes without overdosing. Doses for children are halved.

For diarrhea, drink 1 tsp of the decoction. 4-5 times a day, improvement will occur after a day of use.

To get rid of worms, drink the decoction in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals. Since the decoction has an astringent effect, after 2 hours you need to drink a laxative.

For treatment colds Drink 1 tsp of the decoction. three times a day. Sore throat and stomatitis are treated by rinsing 2-3 times a day.

For stomach ulcers, drink the decoction starting in the morning, 25 ml 30 minutes before meals. And then 25 ml every 3.5 hours. In total, you need to drink 100 ml per day in 4 doses. The decoction should be drunk every other day for a week.

Pomegranate peel decoction - good remedy for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, to cleanse the liver of toxins, to strengthen bone tissue.

Recipe 2.

Cold infusion of pomegranate peels. The peels are ground in a coffee grinder and poured warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. powder in a glass of water, and leave for 5 hours, then filter. The product is used for rinsing, washing, and treating bleeding.

You can add 1 tsp to the infusion. crushed ginger root, and you will get an effective cough remedy. At severe cough per day you need to drink 1 glass of infusion with honey.

Recipe 3.

Tea made from pomegranate peels. Take 1 tsp. powder from pomegranate peels, green tea, chopped ginger, mint, oregano and pour boiling water. After 30 minutes, the tea can be poured and drunk with honey or sugar. This tea is beneficial for all internal organs.

Recipe 4.

To prepare decoctions, you can also use whole, dried pomegranate peels if it is not possible to chop them. For a glass of boiling water you will need 10-12 grams of crusts, you need to infuse for 25-30 minutes, after which you can drink the infusion. If you have an upset stomach, you need to drink half a glass of infusion at a time, without straining. The crusts continue to infuse; the remaining infusion should be drunk after 3-4 hours.

Pomegranate in cosmetology

Pomegranate peel is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, for acne You can make masks from crusts. The peels are dried, ground to powder, lightly fried on vegetable oil, after which it is applied as an ointment to the affected areas. The procedure should be done no more than once every 3 days. The ointment can be made for 2-3 procedures and stored in the refrigerator.

A decoction of pomegranate peels can be used as a hair rinse after washing. A decoction is prepared for this from whole peels. For two liters of water you will need the peel of one medium-sized pomegranate. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes, then removed from the heat and allowed to brew for 5-6 hours. After this, the broth must be filtered and used for rinsing; the product strengthens the hair, preventing hair loss, and eliminates dandruff.


There are not many contraindications for pomegranate peels, but you need to know about them. It is not advisable to use a decoction of pomegranate peels for hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, hepatitis and acute nephritis. The peel contains alkaloids, so an overdose of the decoction should not be allowed.

The decoction should not be taken simultaneously with antihistamines and alcoholic drinks.

Pomegranate is a fruit loved by many, bringing great benefit for good health. Interestingly, not only the fruit, but also its peel has a healing effect.

Pomegranate is a tree with a long lifespan (65-70 years), belonging to the Derbennikov family of the Pomegranate genus. Its height is small, it can reach six meters. The branches are thin and have thorns. Pomegranate leaves oval shape, light green in color, glossy, about three centimeters long. The flowers are a rich blood-red color, funnel-shaped, with a diameter of two and a half centimeters. The pomegranate fruit is spherical and contains numerous seeds. The botanical name of the fruit is pomegranate. Its color ranges from brown-red to red-pink. One tree can produce a harvest of up to fifty kilograms.

In the wild, pomegranate grows in Western Asia, which is its homeland. As fruit tree heat-loving pomegranate is cultivated in many southern countries. The largest pomegranate gardens are in: Spain, Egypt, Israel, Tunisia and Italy. In our country, pomegranates are grown in small quantities in the Krasnodar region.

Chemical composition of pomegranate peel

The chemical composition of pomegranate peel is of particular interest to humans, since it contains very big number macro- and microelements. The peel contains: choline, potassium, manganese, cobalt, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, silver, selenium, nickel. In addition, the following were found in it: tannins, ursolic acid, lysine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, threonine, pigments, vitamin E and B vitamins, as well as antioxidants.

Thus, we can say with confidence that the peel of the fruit can provide the body with many necessary substances and help get rid of a number of diseases.

Medicinal properties of pomegranate peel

This part of the fruit has been used for medicinal purposes since the time of Hippocrates, who used it to heal non-healing purulent wounds and ulcers, and internal use- dysentery. In all regions where the grant grew wild, and later everywhere where it began to be cultivated, folk healers began to use its flowers, leaves, fruits and peel in treatment various diseases. Today, when the plant has already been studied and its healing properties officially confirmed, pomegranate-based drugs are used to treat inflammatory processes in the intestines. Medicinal benefits pomegranate skins are now recognized not only folk healers, but also representatives of official medicine.

Possessing pronounced antioxidant properties, this part of the pomegranate fruit helps cleanse the body. By influencing the oxidative processes occurring in the body, it helps to remove cholesterol and cleanse the walls of blood vessels from it. The result of these processes is a preventive effect against atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques and the occurrence of stroke.

The ability to remove toxins without causing harm to the body as a whole makes pomegranate peels an ideal remedy for cleansing the liver after poisoning and binge drinking. In case of using heavy medications this property of pomegranate will also be beneficial and will allow you to recover as quickly as possible.

A decoction of the crusts is indicated for diarrhea caused by for various reasons, including the dysentery bacillus.

It would not be superfluous to use pomegranate peel for inflammatory processes in the lungs. The product can help even with pulmonary tuberculosis, since the substances it contains have a detrimental effect on the bacillus that causes the disease.

The peel helps get rid of a number of tapeworms. This property of the product has been known to people since ancient times and is used to this day.

As wound healing agent pomegranate peels can be used for both minor injuries and trophic ulcers, practically resistant to traditional treatment.

Contraindications to the use of pomegranate skins

There are no direct contraindications, with the exception of allergies, to the use of skins. However, it should be remembered that since they contain toxic substances, then the dosage should not be exceeded. This may result in serious poisoning which will require drug treatment. Pregnant and lactating women may use pomegranate peel with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Recipes for medicines made from crusts

Medicine from pomegranate peels for worms

For this it is very effective means take fifty grams of crushed pomegranate peels (dry or fresh) and pour four hundred milliliters of cold water. The container is closed with a lid, and the drug is infused for six hours. After this time, the medicine is placed on the fire and boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. After this, the broth is allowed to cool, filter it and drink it within an hour, dividing it into several small portions. Half an hour later, after all the drug has been drunk, you need to take a laxative.