Consequences of radiculitis. Symptoms and treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis. Natural Pharmacy Recipes

Radiculitis is a disease of the nervous system in which the roots of the spinal nerves are affected. Radiculitis, the main symptom of which is pain in the neck or back (depending on the lesion), can also be referred to in medical practice as radiculopathy.

general description

With radiculitis, nerve irritation occurs, provoked by damage to the intervertebral disc for one reason or another. In particular, such a lesion can develop due to degeneration (or more simply, “wear and tear”) of the outer disc ring area, due to damage due to trauma, or a combination of both of these reasons. Due to the weakness of the outer ring, a characteristic arching develops, which is accompanied by the formation of a hernia. Because of this, in turn, the central part of the disc, being softer in nature, can break through (this happens through the outer disc ring), thereby coming into contact with the spinal cord or with its nerves coming from the side of the spinal column . Irritation of the nerves from the cervical discs due to degenerative disease is cervical radiculopathy.

Banal radiculitis is also distinguished (this is discogenic radiculopathy), they consist of motor, pain and autonomic disorders that occur against the background of damage to the spinal roots, which in particular occurs due to the relevance of such a disease in the patient as spinal osteochondrosis.

Most often, the causes of radiculitis come down to three main factors. In particular, this is the already noted osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, as well as deforming spondyloarthrosis. In addition to these factors, radiculitis can also be triggered by certain diseases, such as tuberculosis, influenza, syphilis, brucellosis, rheumatism, cerebrospinal meningitis, tumors, radicular neuroviral diseases (such as tick-borne encephalitis, etc.).

Radiculitis: symptoms

Symptoms of radiculitis appear depending on the form of this disease, which is determined by the characteristics of the lesion in a particular area. In particular, radiculitis can be cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral. In general consideration, it can be stated that the main symptom of the disease is pain, focusing on one specific area and accompanied by systematic “lumbago”; by lumbago we mean a sensation reminiscent of an electric shock in its manifestation. Later, sensations such as tingling and numbness, as well as a sensation of “goosebumps” noted in a certain area of ​​the skin, also manifest themselves. The area of ​​innervation of the root affected by the lesion is marked either by a decrease in sensitivity in it or by its complete disappearance (this applies to sensitivity to temperature or pain).

Cervical radiculitis: symptoms

With cervical radiculitis, damage occurs in the cervical region of the nerves of the spinal roots. The main and first symptom of cervical radiculitis is pain in the neck, which manifests itself with additional spread to the muscles of the arms; this pain is one-sided. The pain that appears is sudden in nature and can be observed when the patient tries to bend his head. An increase in pain is observed with an unsuccessful movement of the head or with the same tilt.

It is difficult to select a sleeping position; night rest may be accompanied by sharp, stabbing pain in the arms and neck. It is possible to slightly relieve pain, which is achieved by gently bending or turning the head. Hands with cervical radiculitis can significantly lose their characteristic muscle strength, which can reach a state of absolute loss of sensitivity.

The disease begins mainly at the age of 40 years and older, in many cases the course is protracted, accompanied by periodic exacerbations.

Thoracic radiculitis: symptoms

This form of the disease is characterized by the fact that the localization area, as is clear, is in the thoracic spinal region. This form is diagnosed less frequently than cervical or lumbar radiculitis. The main manifestations of symptoms in this case include pain, numbness and tingling in the intercostal space. Muscle strength is also subject to change - it, accordingly, contracts. Thoracic radiculitis is also accompanied by the need to bend towards the affected spine while holding the torso in the appropriate position; in addition, patients try to avoid any unnecessary movements that could increase the pain.

The causes of this form of the disease lie in the impact exerted, as a rule, by a viral infection (for example, herpes zoster); somewhat less frequently, the cause of radiculitis is processes of a degenerative-dystrophic nature (the already noted osteochondrosis, deforming spondyloarthrosis). In addition, the disease can develop against the background of compression exerted on the roots of the spinal nerves by an adhesive or tumor process.

Lumbosacral radiculitis (aka sciatica): symptoms

Most often, radiculitis manifests itself in this form. The main age group is patients aged 30 to 50 years. Another characteristic feature of patients susceptible to the development of this disease is their professional activity, carried out in conditions of unfavorable temperatures. The localization area, as is clear from highlighting the specific form of the name of the disease, corresponds to the lumbar vertebral region.

Lumbar radiculitis in some cases is also defined as “sciatica.” This definition corresponds to a lesion of the sciatic nerve area, due to which severe pain of a unilateral nature occurs on the side of the thigh or buttock. These painful sensations are sudden and sharp; due to the intensity of their manifestation, it is extremely difficult for the patient to find a comfortable position for their reduction. Against the background of unsuccessful movements, the symptoms of radiculitis may intensify, and it is also quite difficult to choose a sleeping position. During a night's rest, shooting pain may appear in the lumbar region or in the leg. There is also a decrease in muscle strength in the legs, which in some cases reaches a complete loss of sensitivity.


Diagnosis of radiculitis is made based on the results of a number of studies, which a doctor can prescribe in this area. These include in particular the following:

  • X-ray – X-ray of the spine area in lateral and direct projections; additionally, in accordance with indications, X-rays of the pelvis, hip joints and other areas can be taken;
  • CT, MRI (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging);
  • densitometry;
  • scintigraphy is a procedure for scanning the skeletal system of the spine;
  • Ultrasound of the retroperitoneum, pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine.


Treatment of radiculitis must necessarily be comprehensive, and, therefore, should be focused not only on eliminating the symptoms that bother the patient, but also on restoring adequate mobility of the vertebrae in combination with ensuring their proper functioning within the framework of the effect produced.

It is a generally accepted fact that in the treatment of radiculitis the need to ensure a gentle home regimen. At the same time, staying in bed for more than 2-5 days is highly not recommended - due to the early start of physical activity in combination with the gradual resumption of standard physiological activity, earlier recovery of patients is achieved.

As for the drug treatment accompanying recovery under this scheme, it is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Diclofenac, Ortofen, etc.), B-group vitamins, painkillers, and local warming agents. In addition to medications, physiotherapeutic methods (dynamic current, electrophoresis, etc.) are also used in the treatment of radiculitis.

Treatment of the disease in the early stages may involve local application of cold or dry heat. Cold in this case is applied in the form of an ice pack applied to the lower back several times a day for up to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, both heat and cold are measures of individual effectiveness, that is, one of the options helps some patients, while others, accordingly, the other, everything is strictly individual. Fixing the lower torso area (lumbar bandage or circular tight bandage) can help with pain relief.

Manual therapy, as well as physical therapy and therapeutic massage, occupy a special place in treatment. Folk remedies for radiculitis, with all their diversity, are mainly aimed at eliminating symptoms, or more precisely, at eliminating pain.

Rubbing and ointments also play a significant role in treatment, the only thing is that this procedure must be carried out correctly. So, when rubbing, it is necessary that the hands of the person doing it are warm. The sore spot is stroked upward for about 10-20 minutes; if the pain is too intense in its manifestation, then rubbing is carried out for about 5 minutes. Next, the sore spot needs to be “insulated” by wrapping it to warm it up.

Treatment and prevention of complications require the elimination of sudden movements (bending, turning), heavy lifting, prolonged unilateral loads and sitting still. It is also necessary to exclude hypothermia.

If symptoms appear that indicate possible radiculitis, you should consult a therapist and a neurologist (neurologist).

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What is radiculitis and how to treat it is a common question in the neurologist’s office. Radiculitis is a consequence of osteochondrosis, much less often it is the result of various injuries, hernia, and spinal deformities. Lumbar sciatica is the most common, because it is this part of the spine, which is the center of gravity of the body, that bears a large number of loads.

It is believed that radiculitis affects older people, but in recent years it has been diagnosed in people of middle age. Symptoms of sacral radiculitis are most often seen in women after 30 years of age, and in men after 35 years of age. The causes of radiculitis are varied. The disease occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, various types of stress, and sedentary work.

Lumbosacral radiculitis is defined as a set of symptoms that occur when the spinal cord roots are damaged. This process is pathological, lower back pain is secondary. Girdle radiculitis is a consequence of damage to the tissues of the spine. At the moment when the intervertebral discs cannot receive sufficient nutrition, dystrophic type changes - protrusion - gradually occur among their tissues. During this process, connective tissue cords are significantly weakened.

To prevent displacement of the vertebrae, the edges are overgrown with bone growths - osteophytes. Displaced discs, together with tissues irritated by osteophytes, put pressure on nerve endings. This is how a pain syndrome arises that radiates to different limbs of the body.

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Very often, radiculitis of the lumbosacral region is confused with diseases of a different kind - varicose veins, flat feet, diseases of internal organs. Characteristic signs of radiculitis:

  • Sudden onset of pain, its spontaneous cessation. In subsequent times, the sensation of pain worsens;
  • Intense increase in pain when raising straightened legs while lying on your back;
  • Instinctive bending of the legs when the patient tries to get up and sit down;
  • Acute pain when bending the head forward;
  • Inability to stay in one position all the time.


To understand how to cure radiculitis, you should also know its causes. Since sacral radiculitis is a set of symptoms, therefore, there are many reasons for its appearance:

  • Vertebral injuries;
  • The disease, for example,;
  • Osteochondrosis. In 95 cases out of 100, the causes of the disease are its manifestations;
  • Osteophytes are bony protrusions resulting from pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Heavy load in the lumbar region, as well as hypothermia;
  • Physical inactivity as a result of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Pregnancy - significant manifestations can occur in the third trimester, when the center of gravity shifts due to sudden weight gain;
  • Sciatica;
  • Stress, poor diet, colds.

Constant attacks of radiculitis are most often caused by:

  • Chills;
  • Excessive physical training;
  • Hypothermia;
  • The sharpness of movements of the lumbar vertebra.


Symptoms of radiculitis are very diverse. Pain in the sacral region can radiate to the leg, there is a loss of sensitivity in the limbs, burning, and numbness. Doctors divide symptoms into groups.

  • Pain symptom

The pain symptom is differentiated. Pain can be either dull or sharp; both local and affecting various particles of the body; continuous or temporary. The mere presence of pain already means that damaging actions are being carried out in relation to the tissues of the intervertebral discs. An important indicator is the exacerbation of pain symptoms at night, with coughing, sudden tilting of the head, and the cessation of pain while not moving.

  • Symptom of impaired sensitivity

Hypersensitivity caused by disruption of nerve impulse transmission, resulting in numbness, tingling, and burning.

  • Symptom of muscle weakness

Disruption of the natural functioning of muscles is most often caused by interruptions in nerve impulses. With long-term damage, atrophy of the gluteal muscles, thighs, and even lower legs occurs. With lumbosacral radiculitis, the symptoms are such that a person suffers from excessive sweating and the face becomes pale. If you have the same symptoms and treatment as sacral radiculitis, then you need to start appropriate treatment.

How to treat sciatica

To restore the range of motion of the spine, the human body needs moderate physical activity. This method not only stops the process of vertebral degeneration, but also improves muscle elasticity. Patients often feel relief as a result of gymnastic exercises. If gymnastics does not help, then it is recommended to treat lumbosacral radiculitis by choosing a different approach. Is it possible to treat lumbar radiculitis in several ways?

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Doctors do not prohibit combining therapy methods if they benefit the patient. No matter how many methods exist, they all answer the question of how to quickly cure sciatica.

Non-surgical options

There is a multivariate therapy to relieve pain from this disease, which helps to forget forever about the question of what to do with radiculitis. For example, if you have acute radiculitis, then in its initial phase it is recommended to use a warm heating pad or ice packs. They need to be applied to the sore spot for about 20 minutes. Some will benefit more from cold, others from warmth. To achieve the effect, it is better to alternate them. But remember - this is just a distraction therapy to relieve acute pain. The source of the disease cannot be cured this way.


Treatment of lumbar radiculitis is carried out using non-steroidal antiphlogistic drugs. They provide relief from swelling and localization of inflammation. But such drugs are characterized by side effects that do not have the best effect on the patient’s body when used long-term. If, it is recommended to take Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Diclofenac more quickly. Having gotten rid of the pain, subsequently use medicinal ointments and creams applied to the areas where it is relieved. Some of the best medications that have positive reviews are Finalgon, Nise, Indomethacin, Viprosal.

If the patient suffers from severe pain, injections should be prescribed. As an anesthetic, give preference to Novocaine, Lidocaine.


In addition to taking medications, it is recommended to irradiate lumbar radiculitis and treat the legs with ultraviolet light. Hydrocortisone is applied for the first 5 days, and then lidocaine is used.

During the acute stage of lumbosacral radiculitis, treatment is carried out using ultrasound treatment of radiculitis with an impulsive mode. If radiculitis appears as a result of osteochondrosis, then an important aspect is stretching on an oblique plane. Stretching can be done even on an ordinary bed, with the headboard slightly elevated by 15-20 cm. The body should be fixed at the level of the headboard.

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There are short-term (twice a day for 10 minutes) and long-term stretching (2 weeks). Some of the most useful procedures are massage of the sacral spine (recommended 15-20 sessions), needle reflexology (10-20 sessions), multifaceted gymnastic exercises (2-3 months).

Surgical treatment

If the patient’s health does not improve within 3-4 months, the attending physician will suggest treating radiculitis with surgery. The operation is performed if:

  • Manifested neurological signs;
  • Degenerative changes in the discs;
  • Obvious disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

There are several types of surgical intervention. In a minor open surgery, one intervertebral disc pressing on the sciatic nerve is removed. If it is discovered that the patient has difficulty tolerating the most simplified physical activities, then a laminectomy is prescribed. This surgery removes the bone where the nerve is pinched.

Patients avoid surgical involvement, hoping that sciatica will heal on its own. But at the moment when the patient loses control over urination or finds it difficult to move, forced surgery is performed.

Therapeutic diet

To reduce the load on the spine, the patient should get rid of excess pounds, if any, and carefully monitor proper nutrition. To do this you need:

  • Limit the amount of salt you consume;
  • Add fortified foods (fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices) to your healthy diet;
  • Eat a lot of dairy products (add kefir to your diet in the evenings);
  • Avoid sauces and canned foods; exclude smoked, fried, spicy, fatty foods from consumption;
  • Add lean types of meat to your diet and eat fresh fish;
  • The consumption of alcohol, coffee, and strong tea is strictly prohibited.

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It is useful for this disease to use:

  • Dried fruit compotes. If you add honey to it instead of sugar, it will bring doubly benefits. Let this drink brew in the evening. And in the morning during breakfast, you will enjoy this drink;
  • Nectar from apples and celery. Done in equal proportions, it is recommended to drink twice a day;
  • Lemon juice. Dilute with water and season with honey. To prepare the tincture, you will need 11 lemons, which are ground through a meat grinder, and 1 liter of honey. After preparation is completed, the mixture is placed in the refrigerator and eaten before meals three times a day, one tablespoon.

Specialists: therapist, neurologist will tell you more information about the consequences of radiculitis, symptoms and treatment.

Currently, most of the population of our country suffers from back pain. But most back diseases have very similar symptoms or they are interrelated with each other and manifest themselves in a complex manner. Particular importance is attached to such an ailment as radiculitis; its treatment is currently effective and favorable. So, what the disease is, what symptoms it is accompanied by and how it is treated, we will talk further.


Features of the disease

What is radiculitis and how to treat it? Radiculitis is a disease that is characterized by damage to the roots of the spinal cord. These lesions cause severe to moderate pain, decreased motor function, and decreased muscle mass. Also in the affected area there is a decrease in sensitivity and reflexes.

Why is it dangerous?

The question of how to cure radiculitis is very important. If left untreated, it can lead to various types of complications. The most dangerous are ischemia and spinal cord infarction. Sciatica can occur in any part of the spine. It is important that acute radiculitis is not a separate disease, but a consequence of any problems in your body.

There are several types of disease. This classification is carried out depending on in which part of the spine the inflammation of the roots occurred:

  1. Cervical. Your neck hurts on one side, radiating to the shoulder girdle or shoulder on the same side. The pain intensifies with movement.
  2. Chest. There is pain in the back on one side, it spreads along the costal arch.
  3. Lumbar. Intense pain is felt when bending over, radiating to the buttock and back of the leg. The pain is one-sided, burning and severe.


Radiculitis cannot just happen. This disease occurs due to some change in the body. The most common causes of radiculitis:

  1. Damage to nerve endings, tumors in the nervous system, compression of nerve canals. Often an intervertebral hernia provokes the appearance of the disease.
  2. Osteochondrosis. This is the most common cause of the disease. Most people suffering from it experience symptoms of radiculitis.
  3. Spinal injury.
  4. High physical activity. Due to muscle overstrain, further inflammation and compression may occur.
  5. Stress.
  6. Hypothermia, viral infections.
  7. Age. This can be explained by the fact that over time, minerals are washed out of the body, and this leads to problems with the spine and nerves.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom is pain. To understand and identify sciatica, you need to understand what kind of pain you are experiencing:

  • at first it is very sharp, you experience the so-called “lumbago”;
  • severe pain persists throughout the acute period;
  • in the place where the root is inflamed, you experience a burning sensation;
  • the pain may increase or decrease. It depends on what state you are in (resting or experiencing physical activity).

Signs of radiculitis are so-called night pain, when the pain intensifies at night and does not subside for a long time. Another characteristic symptom is a decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the affected root (for example, impaired extensor function of the fingers). Symptoms of radiculitis should alert you to such symptoms as dizziness that appears in the afternoon, headache that worsens when bending or turning, and nausea. With lumbar radiculitis, patients report pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating.


The good news is that diagnosing the disease is not difficult. What to do with radiculitis? Go to the doctor, he will quickly diagnose and prescribe treatment for radiculitis. The main method of detection is palpation. This way, a source of intense pain is identified.

  1. X-ray. He can involve different departments and make several projections. Gives a complete picture of what the pathology is.
  2. Tomography. The advantage of this procedure is that it allows you to determine not only the degree of compression of the root, but also the cause.
  3. Electromyography. Necessary for diagnosing nerves and how impulses travel along nerve fibers.
  4. Blood analysis.

If the result and quick recovery are important to you, then only a doctor can help with this. Which doctor treats sciatica? First of all, a neurologist.

To mitigate disturbing factors, you can use traditional medicine. Compresses are very popular and are supposed to relieve inflammation. They may contain garlic, chamomile, white clay, etc. A sciatica belt can also help alleviate your condition.

How is treatment carried out?

Treatment of radiculitis should be comprehensive, simultaneously affecting all areas. It is not enough, for example, to relieve pain, because without proper full treatment the pain will definitely return. How to quickly cure radiculitis? There are many treatment options, and your doctor will tell you which one to choose.

Particular attention should be paid to preventive measures:

  • maintaining correct posture;
  • strengthening the back;
  • choosing the right mattress and pillow;
  • compliance with safety rules when lifting heavy objects;
  • avoiding uncomfortable positions when sitting and standing;
  • moderate but regular exercise and proper nutrition;
  • radiculitis belt.

The role of diet during illness cannot be diminished, since proper nutrition (often, but in small portions) will contribute to the timely and high-quality absorption of prescribed medications. In addition, both sick and healthy people should regularly change their sitting position. You can get up and do the simplest exercises or just walk.

Drug pain relief

Possibly with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. The most popular are Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. The doctor may prescribe medicine in the form of injections, tablets and ointments. This depends on the severity of the pain and the stage of the disease. Drugs are also needed to reduce spasms in the area of ​​the affected nerve root (these include Robaxin, Metacarbamol). To relieve swelling of nerve formations, diuretics are used.

Novocaine blockades are used if the pain cannot be tolerated and lighter drugs do not bring relief. They often inject novocaine with vitamins; they are excellent for relieving an attack of radiculitis. Novocaine solution is injected directly into the damaged area. The absorbable effect is achieved using the drug Lidaza. It is also possible to use spot treatments based on dextrose, glycerin and water.

In the complex, B vitamins and calming tablets can be prescribed. The former are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the latter are prescribed to relieve the mental burden of pain and stress.

Mechanical methods

Consists of applying a fixing bandage or a special corset. The essence of their use is that they fix the damaged area and protect against sudden movements. And for a favorable outcome of the disease, such peace is simply necessary. But you can’t wear such bandages all the time, as tissue stagnation and swelling are possible, so it’s better to take breaks.

This also includes a belt for radiculitis. They can be infrared, made from animal wool, magnetic, or made from natural fur. A belt for radiculitis is considered a fairly effective method of treatment. They wear it for a long time during the day, but rest breaks are required.

The following will also be effective:


How to treat radiculitis in this way? The healing properties of bee venom help the body release free reserves to fight the disease. Bee venom is a strong anti-inflammatory agent that helps fight pain. The use of this method must be approached with caution, as there are many contraindications, in particular allergic reactions. However, the method is effective and helps effectively; the course of treatment is on average 10-20 sessions, which are recommended to be done every other day.


It can be effective, but is usually used in conjunction with traditional methods. Among the most common methods are garlic compress and salt compress. The anti-radiculitis belt will increase the therapeutic effect of this method.

Surgical intervention

Performed infrequently, it involves decompression of the root. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. This method is used only if a pinched nerve is diagnosed. During the operation, the cause of the infringement is eliminated mechanically.

It is important to remember that if you are diagnosed with sciatica, you need to monitor the disease even during remission. The positive point is that the acute period of the disease is successfully cured. Doctors recommend carrying out preventive measures every 4-6 months. Be healthy!

Video “Symptoms and causes of radiculitis”

This form explains in detail the causes of the disease and its symptoms.

Radiculitis is a serious disease of the spine that affects the nerve endings of the spinal cord. The disease never appears on its own; it is a complication of various back problems. In 95% of cases, the disease is a complication of osteochondrosis, and the remaining 5% are considered a consequence of a former injury, various hernias and simply wear and tear of the intervertebral discs and the spine itself.

What kind of disease this is, why it occurs and how to treat it correctly, we will consider later in this article.

What is sciatica?

Radiculitis (radicular syndrome) is a disease of the peripheral nervous system that occurs due to compression of the spinal cord roots (bundles of nerve fibers extending from the spinal cord) or nerve trunks at any level.

Mostly sciatica occurs in older people, after 30 years. Statistics show that the most mobile parts of the spine - the cervical and lumbar - are susceptible to radiculitis. The lower back suffers especially often, since it experiences the greatest stress due to a person’s upright posture.

Pain syndrome with radiculitis can manifest itself as a result of lifting weights, awkward movement, infection, or when the fibrous ring of the disc is stretched or ruptured, the gelatinous disc moves beyond its boundaries, and an intervertebral hernia forms in its place.

Often, an advanced disc or osteophytes compress not only the spinal root, but also nearby membranes and tissues, which in turn serve as an additional source of pain.


Radiculitis is classified as follows:

With the flow:

  1. Acute form. The pain occurs spontaneously and develops at lightning speed. Often only a painkiller can help relieve pain. It usually occurs due to overexertion or back injury.
  2. Chronic form. It usually develops when the acute form is ignored, when treatment consists only of using painkillers.

An attack of acute radiculitis occurs either for the first time or characterizes the picture of exacerbation of chronic radiculitis. The very definition of “acute” speaks of vivid clinical symptoms that arise suddenly, without warning. Chronic radiculitis is characterized by an endless series of improvements with exacerbations.

Types of disease:

  • Cervical radiculitis. Damage to nerve endings occurs in the cervical spine. In this case, pain can spread to the neck, arms, shoulders, and the disease manifests itself in the form of headaches.
  • Thoracic radiculitis is the rarest form of pathology. The disease is accompanied by pain, numbness, and tingling in the intercostal area. Pathology often develops against the background of viral infections and tumor processes.
  • Lumbar sciatica often leads to a reflex curvature of the spine, as a person constantly tries to take a position in which the pain will be felt less.
  • Lumbosacral radiculitis (aka sciatica). Most often, radiculitis manifests itself in this form. The main age group is patients aged 30 to 50 years. Another characteristic feature of patients susceptible to the development of this disease is their professional activity, carried out in conditions of unfavorable temperatures. The localization area, as is clear from highlighting the specific form of the name of the disease, corresponds to the lumbar vertebral region.


Since radiculitis is not a separate disease, but only a syndrome, it can be caused by many reasons. As you know, our spine contains the spinal cord. From this brain come many nerve endings that coordinate and control the movements of our body. As soon as the nerve endings become damaged or inflamed, then a disease such as radiculitis occurs.

There are many reasons for the appearance of radiculitis; doctors identify the main ones:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • the appearance of bone growths on the surface of the spine;
  • oncological diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • changes in the spine are provoked by diseases of internal organs, such as the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems;
  • suffered a stressful situation;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • weakness of the muscular system;
  • infectious diseases ( , );
  • excessive salt consumption.

Do not forget that the impetus for the disease in most cases is:

  • our unhealthy sedentary lifestyle
  • poor nutrition, depleted of vitamins, fluids and essential microelements
  • factors that worsen microcirculation in tissues (vascular diseases, stress, etc.)

Symptoms of radiculitis

Here are the main symptoms of radiculitis that you should pay attention to:

  1. Pain. With this disease, the pain can be both acute and dull. Very rarely it is localized in one place, most often it radiates to various parts of the spine.
  2. Sensory impairment. With this disease, nerve fibers are damaged, which can lead to numbness in some areas of the body. Loss of sensitivity is often accompanied by tingling or a burning sensation.
  3. Muscle weakness. Often, with this disease, nerve impulses are interrupted, which is why the muscles simply stop working normally. Muscle atrophy may even occur.

Signs of radiculitis:

  • Stiffness of movement, disruption of normal gait;
  • Reflexive (voluntary) bending of the knees when a person sits down or lies down;
  • Numbness (loss of sensitivity) at the site of the inflammatory process;
  • Feeling of burning and tingling in soft tissues near inflammation;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Pallor of the skin of the face;
  • Weakening of muscle tissue;
  • Increased pain at night.

Other signs of radiculitis include:

  • Dizziness;
  • Hearing impairment;
  • Deterioration of visual function;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems.

Pain from radiculitis can be of different types. Sometimes it is chronic, aching, pulling, and in other cases it is acute, burning, so strong that the patient cannot get up at all. Due to pain, the tone of the muscles of the lower back, back or neck is impaired. The patient tries to take a position in which pain would be minimally expressed. He can take a half-bent position, bend over or turn to the side.

  • sharp and cutting pain in the neck, shoulders and arms;
  • headaches, especially acute in the back of the head;
  • dizziness;
  • sensitivity is lost in the affected areas of the body;
  • movement of the neck and shoulders becomes difficult;
  • weakness and malaise appear;
  • body temperature rises;
  • Nausea occurs.

The pain increases with coughing, sneezing and any movement of the head.

When a disc herniation occurs and roots are compressed, pain also extends to:

  • arm (proximal parts),
  • the anterior surface of the chest or scapula.

Pain with radiculitis can worsen at night; in such cases, patients are forced to walk for a long time, “rocking” their sore arm.

Chest It is localized in the middle of the spine. Characteristic:
  • tingling,
  • radiating pain
  • muscle weakness and numbness of the affected areas.
  • pain syndrome;
  • increased pain with stress on the spine, sudden movements, coughing, sneezing;
  • limited movement of the spine;
  • back muscle tension;
  • pallor and coldness of the skin along the pinched nerve;
  • increased sweating;
  • changes in sensitivity on the part of the damaged nerve;
  • weakening of blood supply to the arteries of the foot on the affected side.
  • severe pain in the lower back, with sudden movements and physical activity;
  • increased pain when coughing, sneezing and muscle fiber tension;
  • movement of the body is difficult;
  • a person cannot stand on his toes and bend his toes.

How long an attack of radiculitis will last depends on the cause that caused the inflammation of the root, and on the concomitant pathology, and on the therapeutic measures taken. In most cases, with an uncomplicated course and the adequacy of the measures taken, the disease can be dealt with in 7-10 days.

If you experience severe pain in the spine, you should immediately consult a doctor. Remember that pain can be caused not only by an attack of radiculitis, but also by other diseases. For example, kidney stones most often manifest as severe pain in the lower back. With this disease warming up is strictly contraindicated, and a patient self-medicating with warming compresses, baths or rubbing can cause irreparable harm to himself.


The development of complications of radiculitis depends on the severity of the pathological process. In most cases, inflammation of the spinal roots is not aggravated by severe complications, but in the absence of a competent approach to therapy, severe complications can develop.

Disruption of spinal hemodynamics due to herniated intervertebral discs can provoke a spinal cord infarction, after which a disturbance in the motor and sensory functions of the body occurs, which leads to its disability.

If spinal diseases are not treated in time, the disease can become chronic and bother a person throughout his life. The patient will experience severe discomfort, which will seriously reduce performance.


Neuropathologists deal with radiculitis to a greater extent. But if it is a manifestation of spinal diseases (intervertebral hernia or discogenic radiculitis, spinal injuries, and so on), doctors can help:

  • vertebrologists;
  • traumatologists-orthopedists;
  • neurosurgeons.

Accordingly, to make a correct diagnosis, a number of activities should be carried out, which include the following:

  1. determination of symptoms (the nature and intensity of pain, their duration, the presence of disturbances in sensitivity);
  2. examination to determine muscle strength and range of motion;
  3. neurological examination, which boils down to a reflex test of sensitivity and activity;
  4. radiography, which determines the degree of degenerative changes;
  5. MRI, CT, visualizing root compression;
  6. EMG, which reveals the degree of damage to nerve fibers.

Treatment of radiculitis

Despite the fact that radiculitis is a radicular syndrome, treatment should still go beyond the relief of painful irritation. This means that radiculitis needs to be treated comprehensively - just as we would treat osteochondrosis, hernia, trauma, displacement and any other disease that is the cause of radiculopathy.

During emergency treatment of attacks of radiculitis, the main thing is to relieve pain and ensure the immobile state of the damaged area of ​​the spine in order to speed up its recovery. To relieve pain, painkillers, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

To help the body cope with trauma, must be observed bed rest. In this case, the patient’s sleeping place should be hard; for this, a board is placed under the mattress.


There are a variety of ways to take medications:

  • injections,
  • pills,
  • rectal suppositories,
  • external agents in the form of ointments, gels and patches

Injections of anesthetics are prescribed for severe pain - Voltaren, Reopirin. If rheumatism is protracted, injections of B vitamins are prescribed. Injections of muscle relaxants will help relax tight muscles that compress nerve endings - Riboxin, Mydocalm. Neurotopes improve the passage of nerve impulses - Milgama, Neurobion.

  1. Glucocorticoids prescribed in the absence of a positive result from painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - Medopred, Lemod.
  2. It is necessary to use and preparations for external use– pepper patch, warming ointments with bee and snake venom, pepper (Viprosal, Finalgon).
  3. In severe cases, blockades with high doses of vitamin B12 and hydrocortisone are used. For intravenous injections, Relanium and Diphenhydramine are used.
  4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins involved in the inflammatory process.
  5. Muscle relaxants- they are treated by relaxing muscle spasms.

Ointments for radiculitis

The following types of ointments for radiculitis are distinguished:

  • Painkillers;
  • Warming;
  • Improving blood circulation.

Ointments containing bee venom are the most effective in treatment. Such drugs reduce pain, distract a person, and relieve inflammation. Viprosal ointment with viper snake venom is one of the most common. Finalgon helps well, but it is very hot (especially when sweating). Plasters with belladonna or pepper help relieve pain.

Rubbing and ointments also play a significant role in treatment, the only thing is that this procedure must be carried out correctly.

  • So, when rubbing, it is necessary that the hands of the person doing it are warm.
  • The sore spot is stroked upward for about 10-20 minutes; if the pain is too intense in its manifestation, then rubbing is carried out for about 5 minutes.
  • Next, the sore spot needs to be “insulated” by wrapping it to warm it up.


Physical procedures are carried out after stopping an acute attack of radiculitis. Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, paraffin treatment, and darsonvalization may be prescribed. These procedures enhance the effectiveness of drug treatment by relieving muscle spasms, reducing pain and increasing blood flow to damaged tissues.


Massage for radiculitis is indicated, but not always. It should not be done in the acute phase. A massage session lasts about half an hour. It must be done daily. You need to perform a massage along the lymph flow. Self-massage is performed using a bath towel (rubbing the neck and back), kneading the neck and shoulder area with your fingers.


Pharmacopuncture is a special type of therapy in which antihomotoxic drugs are injected into biologically active points to a depth of 5 mm. Sessions are held every 3 days. This treatment method helps avoid many of the side effects that can occur when taking medications.

Folk remedies

Before using traditional methods for sciatica, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. Take equal parts of thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort, black elderberry, prepare a hot infusion from this mixture and make hot compresses at night.
  2. Sweet clover. Taking a bath with sweet clover has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, you need to pour 500 g of ground sweet clover herb into 10 liters of boiling water, cover the bucket, let the product brew for about 40 minutes, strain and pour into the bath, adding the required amount of water.
  3. Pour boiling water over birch leaves, apply them in a thick layer to the sore spot, wrapped in oilcloth or paper, and hold for at least 1.5 hours. Repeat the procedure 2 times (morning and evening).
  4. Compresses with black radish at night: Grate the radish, strain, soak the resulting juice into a cloth and apply to the sore area of ​​the back.
  5. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of buds or aspen leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 5-6 times a day.
  6. Wood sawdust for radiculitis. Brew fresh sawdust with boiling water, after 20 minutes, drain the water, squeeze out the sawdust. Place them on a cotton cloth, cover with gauze on top and lie down on them, covering yourself warmly. Do the procedure before going to bed.
  7. For radiculitis or lower back pain, it is recommended to apply a compress of pottery clay mixed with wine vinegar in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 to the sore spot once a day for 2 hours. You can rub your lower back with this mixture. The clay should be washed off 2 days after rubbing.
  8. Pour 1 tablespoon of aspen buds or leaves 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink 1-2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day. Pour boiling water over aspen leaves, wrap in oilcloth and use for compresses and lotions for radiculitis.


Prevention of radiculitis involves eliminating the causes that can provoke it; preventive measures include:

  • development of normal posture;
  • combating physical inactivity;
  • prevention of hypothermia, elimination of prolonged static load;
  • development of normal posture;
  • organization of a normal schedule, which implies a competent alternation of work and rest;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases of infectious origin that can provoke radicular syndrome.

Prevention of acute radiculitis, as well as exacerbations of chronic radiculitis, is as follows:

  • limiting heavy physical activity, especially heavy lifting; if there is still a need to perform heavy work, then you should wear a corset;
  • avoiding prolonged stay in an inclined position;
  • avoiding hypothermia, especially the lumbar region;
  • combating excess weight, which increases the load on the spine;
  • development of a natural muscle corset (swimming, performing a special set of exercises).

Thus, it should be noted that radiculitis can appear as a result of neglected treatment or self-treatment of osteochondrosis in any part of the spine. It is caused by compression or pinching of the roots by the vertebrae between which they are located.

Compression can be caused by various types of deformation, trauma, congenital defects, infectious diseases, hypothermia, stress, metabolic disorders, inactive or overly active lifestyle, etc.

Contrary to popular belief, radiculitis is not an independent disease.

People often associate this symptom only with damage to the bone tissue of the spine, but in fact it indicates damage or pinching of the nerve roots of the spinal cord, caused by injury, disease or inflammation.

Let's take a closer look at the syndrome called radiculitis, its symptoms and treatment.

One of the most common questions among people with back pain: what is sciatica and how to treat it?

A symptom called radiculitis is characterized by severe pain in the back caused by inflammation or injury to the nerves of the spinal cord.

According to the area of ​​development and localization of the appearance of pain symptoms, they are divided into:

  • Cervical;
  • Chest;
  • Lumbar.

Signs of radiculitis most often appear in women, middle-aged people over 30 years of age and in the elderly population.

The symptom can manifest itself both in an acute form and, if the causes of its occurrence are ignored, acquire a chronic form.

Develops against the background of diseases that cause degenerative changes in the tissues of the spinal column, such as. This is also facilitated by various manifestations of poor posture: lordosis, kyphosis.

Negative factors accompanying the development of symptoms include inflammatory processes caused by injuries, muscle strain or infectious diseases.

Treatment of radiculitis consists of identifying and eliminating the main cause of pain. Therapy, as a rule, requires an integrated approach using medication and physiotherapy.


The cervical region is the most mobile part of the spinal column. Painful symptoms of cervical radiculitis appear when the position of the body in space changes.

Often, compression of the nerves in these weak and small vertebrae can cause other symptoms:

  • Dizziness;
  • Impaired visual and hearing acuity.

Piercing pain can radiate to the shoulders and upper limbs - arms. In this case, they talk about the occurrence of cervicobrachial radiculitis.


This type of syndrome is very similar in the nature of the manifestation of pain symptoms to the manifestations of intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms can manifest as acute attacks or periods.

The type of pain may be of the following nature:

  • Sharp, burning or dull pain in the rib area;
  • Tick ​​of one or more muscles;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Increased pain with breathing, sneezing, coughing.

This symptom causes great inconvenience to the patient, as it limits the movement of the chest and prevents the patient from breathing naturally.


What is lumbar radiculitis? Lumbar radiculitis or lumbosacral radiculitis has a variety of symptoms, and treatment requires an individual approach.

It is considered the most common pathology among people who complain of back pain.

It is characterized by compression of nerve endings in the lower parts of the spinal column and is most often manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Restriction in movement of the lumbar spine;
  • Piercing pain when bending or turning the body;
  • The patient has difficulty standing on his toes or bending them;
  • Impaired sensitivity of the limbs.

When nerve endings are damaged and pinched in the area of ​​formation of the sciatic nerve, the pathology is called -.

Sacral radiculitis can radiate pain symptoms to the lower extremities, namely the hip joint, lower leg and foot.

Based on data provided by the National Center for Population Health Statistics in the United States, the most common cause of loss of work activity in a person under the age of 45 is back pain.

Every third person of this age has symptoms of radiculitis caused by chronic causes.

The severity of the pain syndrome depends on the level of damage to the nerve roots and their location.

Symptoms of radiculitis have signs of the pathology that causes it. In the vast majority of cases, the cause is osteochondrosis.

The main symptoms of radiculitis are as follows:

  • Painful symptoms in the area where the damage is located: piercing or dull pain, burning sensation in the tissues at the site of inflammation;
  • Stiffness in movements. Intuitive bending of the knees during sleep or when trying to sit down or stand up. There may be numbness of the limbs, spontaneous elementary muscle movements - muscle tics;
  • With cervical radiculitis, the following may be observed: dizziness, decreased visual acuity and hearing;
  • Sacral radiculitis - pain in the lower back often radiates to strong shooting pains in the legs or so-called.

You may also experience redness of the skin, sweating, tingling and a feeling of “floaters” under the skin.

The pain can appear suddenly or subside. In the acute phase, symptoms can last from several days to several weeks.

The spinal column is the main axial part of the human skeleton. Consists of 24 vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs.

In addition to the fact that it participates in the movement of the torso and head, one of the functions performed by the spine is to protect the spinal cord.

The spinal cord connects our brain to the rest of our body. There are sensory and motor nerves, some of which allow us to feel everything we do, while others allow us to perform various motor functions: walking, bending, etc.

Nerve bundles branch off in different directions from the spinal cord, which in Latin are called “radicula” (root), and this is where the name of the symptom comes from.

So, radiculitis is inflammation or damage to those very “radiculas” that arise due to various factors. There is also another name – radiculopathy.

Due to age-related changes, heavy physical stress on the back or the development of pathologies such as osteochondrosis, thinning or damage to the intervertebral disc occurs.

As a result, the fibrous ring is torn and the gel-like contents of the disc protrude and compress one or more nerve roots.

As a result of degenerative changes in the tissues of the spine, growths called osteophytes are often formed at the edges of the vertebrae as compensation for the thinning of the intervertebral disc.

In certain body positions, osteophytes can seem to close together, causing nerve pinching, and causing pain.

Experts also attribute the following reasons to the main factors in the occurrence of pain symptoms:

  • Violation of static posture due to: osteochondrosis, lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis;
  • Mechanical injuries of the spine;
  • Infectious diseases. Some infections can damage the myelin sheath of the nerves, thereby making them more susceptible to injury;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Stress;
  • The presence of osteophytes - bone neoplasms.

The causes of radiculitis are often caused by banal hypothermia, including local one. As a result, the body begins to tremble as a protective reaction.

As a result, the muscles involuntarily tense in order to provide the body with normal heat production and thereby cause pain.

Effective treatment of radiculitis depends on an accurate diagnosis. After an initial examination of the patient and palpation of problem areas, a diagnosis of acute radiculitis can be made.

But to identify the source of the pain, a specialist may prescribe the following additional studies:

  • X-ray examination - allows you to identify the degree of degenerative changes in the bone tissue of the spine;
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography - help identify damage in cartilage tissue and near vertebral soft tissues;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs - is done to exclude pathology of internal organs - some of them have symptoms similar to radiculitis.

Additionally, blood and urine tests may be prescribed to identify the possible presence of an infectious pathogen.

To eliminate the risk of heart pathologies, an electrocardiogram is prescribed.

To the question: how to quickly cure radiculitis? There is no clear answer.

This symptom has many causes, and treatment requires an individual approach to the patient, and therapy is prescribed based on the specific diagnosis.

If severe pain symptoms appear at home, treatment for radiculitis consists of restoring blood circulation in the affected area. To do this, you can use any warming ointments or do self-massage in the area of ​​the outbreak for several minutes.

Attention! To the question: is it possible to do physical exercise with radiculitis? The answer is yes! But only after the inflammation has subsided. Moreover, complete refusal of physical exercise leads to weakness of skeletal muscles and increases recovery time.

It is better, of course, to resort to the help of household members; a similar procedure can be done more or less successfully if you have lumbar or cervical radiculitis, but with the chest type, this procedure is practically impossible to carry out.

Drug therapy for various forms of the syndrome, including treatment of lumbar radiculitis - the most common. First of all, it consists of taking anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs to stop the inflammatory process.

Attention! To avoid aggravation of the condition, treatment of radiculitis with certain types of massages is prohibited during the acute phase of the development of the pathology.

To relieve overstrain of muscle tissue, muscle relaxants are used and different types of physiotherapy are used: exercise therapy, heating, massage, stretching the spinal column, acupuncture.

An effective method is the combined use of ultrasound therapy and hydrogen sulfide baths.

How to cure sciatica if traditional drug treatments do not help? If therapy does not produce positive results within 3-6 months, specialists may consider surgical intervention.

In case of long-term unbearable pain, a specialist may prescribe treatment for radiculitis using analgesic blockades.

They are made using a syringe. The analgesic is administered directly instead of focusing pain symptoms. This method is not considered a therapy for pathology, since it does not treat the cause, but is a tool for relieving pain.

Traditional medicine tells us how to treat lumbar radiculitis or, as people say, lumbar radiculitis. Some healers consider the Russian bath an excellent remedy that helps well against radiculitis.

It is necessary to warm up the sore spot well and go to bed, well wrapped up. The next morning, according to reviews, the disease will recede.

Attention! It is prohibited to treat lumbar radiculitis using bath procedures during the period of exacerbation of the inflammatory process and without consulting a doctor!

Also, the lumbosacral type of radiculitis is treated with burdock, birch or linden leaves scalded with boiling water. They are applied in a thick layer to the source of pain, tied with a woolen scarf for 1-2 hours in the morning and evening before bedtime.

Traditional medicine can be a good additional therapy to the main treatment. But only a specialist can answer how to effectively treat lumbosacral radiculitis after conducting the necessary research.

To get rid of unpleasant pain symptoms as much as possible, it is necessary to fight the pathology in all available ways. The most effective way of prevention is proper nutrition.

Diet for radiculitis and some other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, combined with a physically active lifestyle, the diet can reduce the risk of relapse of the pathology by almost half.

To do this, remember the following rules:

  • Reduce salt and sugar intake as much as possible. These products promote water retention in the body. Any inflammation is accompanied by swelling, which inevitably causes pain; water retention in the body only aggravates the situation. For the same reason, you should give up spicy seasonings, strong coffee and tea, etc.;
  • For the process of repairing damaged tissues, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein. This includes the following products: chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, milk;
  • To restore the nervous system, we increase the consumption of foods containing B vitamins and magnesium. These products include: leafy greens, green vegetables: bell peppers, cucumbers, white cabbage.

Also, do not forget about adequate calorie intake per day and maintaining normal body weight. Excess kilograms lead to extra stress on the spinal column.

Remember - Sciatica is not a disease. What it is? This is a symptom, and the causes of the pathology may be different. What to do if you are often plagued by back pain?

There is only one answer - immediately consult a doctor to find out the reasons, especially if the pain radiates to the leg. This may indicate a pinched sciatic nerve; inaction in this situation can lead to disability.

Video about the symptoms and causes of radiculitis: