Is geranium beneficial? From high blood pressure. Geranium for hair loss and dandruff

Not all lovers of this flowering plant know about the beneficial properties of geranium. Many gardeners grow pelargonium because they like this flower for its high decorative value and pleasant aroma of flowers.

Official medicine is skeptical about the fact that geranium is considered a medicinal plant and does not recognize its medicinal properties. However, in folk medicine this plant has long been considered very beneficial for the human body. The benefits of fragrant pelargonium and its medicinal properties will be discussed below.

How does the smell of fragrant pelargonium affect the human body?

But many people believe that such floral scents are harmful to the human body and that they can cause headaches. But such statements are unfair to fragrant pelargonium.

Any varieties of geranium actively release a large amount of aromatic substances, as well as phytoncides, into the surrounding atmosphere. These substances improve the atmosphere in the rooms where pelargoniums are located. Besides, such aromas can neutralize toxins and unpleasant odors, therefore, these are the flowers you need to keep in your home, both in the city and in the countryside.

Fragrant geranium is not only a beautiful ornamental plant, its aroma repels many insects, which may appear at home with the onset of the warm season. Thus, blood-sucking flying insects (mosquitoes, horseflies), as well as flies, cannot tolerate the aroma of fragrant pelargonium. Therefore, these flowers should definitely be kept in all rooms so that such insects do not bother you.

Fragrant geranium should also be kept in the bedroom, because it:

  • relieves nervous tension;
  • relieves symptoms of insomnia in humans and normalizes sleep;
  • relieves headaches and helps cope with migraines.

It is also useful to plant garden varieties of pelargonium in the garden plot. These plants help gardeners in the fight against “harmful” bugs, as well as weeds. The active substances released by pelargonium repel pests from cultivated plants and also prevent weeds from actively growing.

Various infusions of leaves and flowers of indoor geranium are used as cosmetic products. After using such decoctions, the skin of the face becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, and its composition improves.

The healing properties of geranium (video)

Geranium: chemical composition and collection rules

The chemical composition of different types of pelargonium varies both in the amount of useful substances included in it and in their names.

The main substances that make up geranium:

  • various vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils.

These compounds are synthesized in pelargonium. And in its wild varieties, the foliage has the ability to accumulate a large amount of mineral elements (Ni, Zn, Mg, Cu and a number of others). These microelements enter the foliage from the soil, and their amount depends on the chemical composition of the soil in the places where this flowering plant grows.

All components that make up pelargonium are used in various industries, and some components of the essential oils of this plant are used in perfumery.

In order for the harvested raw materials to have all of the above active substances, it must be collected at a certain time and properly dried. Pelargoniums growing in natural conditions usually have foliage and flowers collected. Much less often, the roots of this flower are used as medicinal raw materials. Usually the underground part is collected only from blood red geranium.

The above-ground part of wild pelargonium is collected at the time of flowering - usually from the second ten days of June until the beginning of autumn. The roots are dug up at the beginning of autumn, washed off the soil and dried in special dryers, the temperature in which should be about 55 - 60°C. Geranium rhizomes are usually kept in cloth bags made from natural fabrics for no more than 24 months.

Geranium flowers and foliage can be dried under cover, in the attic or in a drying rack, but not in direct sunlight. After the raw materials have dried, they are placed in glass jars or wooden containers. Typically, medicinal raw materials prepared from the aerial parts of pelargonium are not stored for longer than 12 months.

But there is no need to prepare raw materials from domestic varieties of geranium for future use. Since these plants bloom almost all year round, to prepare an infusion or decoction it is enough to pick a few fresh leaves directly from the flower.

Useful and healing properties of indoor geranium

Thanks to the active substances that make up pelargonium, drugs based on it can:

  • fight germs and viruses;
  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • stop bleeding;
  • relieve stress;
  • normalize sleep;
  • have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system;
  • improve performance.

Medicinal properties of indoor pelargonium:

  • prevents swelling from developing;
  • relieves pain, relieves fever;
  • fights pathogenic microbes that multiply on the skin or mucous membranes, and also relieves inflammation that occurs due to these microbes;
  • help fight high blood pressure.

Preparations based on this flowering plant have a positive effect on the performance of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary system, and improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Traditional medicine widely uses geranium raw materials to treat diseases such as osteochondrosis and radiculitis. Preparations based on pelargonium are good antidepressants that have a calming effect and stabilize the human psyche.

Oil is prepared from pelargonium, which actively fights bacteria, relieves inflammation and regenerates the skin. That's why Geranium oil is actively used in cosmetology and dermatology.

Useful properties of geranium (video)

This remedy is used in the treatment of:

  • acne;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • manifestations of cellulite;
  • for other cosmetic problems of the skin;
  • for migraines;
  • irregular menstruation.

Since geranium-based preparations have a positive effect on cell regeneration and gently disinfect the skin, they are therefore actively used in the treatment of psoriasis.

Various geranium-based preparations and oil are used in the treatment of:

  • eczema that is difficult to treat;
  • people who are severely frostbitten;
  • consequences of severe burns.

When is the use of geranium contraindicated?

These should be kept in mind in the following cases:
  • if one of the family members is allergic to flowering plants;
  • when treating children under 10 years of age.

To the smell of flowering geranium or oil based on it, some people may experience the following manifestations of allergies: a feeling of stinging in the eyes, a runny nose that does not occur due to a cold or acute respiratory viral infection, a severe cough, a feeling of sore throat. And if a similar manifestation of allergies occurs in one of the family members, then you should not keep pelargonium in the house.

Babies and children under 10 years of age should be given any products made from geranium only after consulting with their doctor. But preparations from geranium cannot be used externally only if a person is found to be intolerant to such drugs. You should also not use such funds in the following cases:

  • if the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • if a person has aggravated any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Such drugs should not be used for treatment in elderly people. Also, pelargonium-based preparations should not be used in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Use of pelargonium in cooking

Fragrant geranium is used in cooking to add a pleasant smell and unusual taste to baked goods, as well as dessert dishes. Most often, geraniums with the scents of lemon, mint or rose are used for this.

The foliage of such pelargoniums can be added to chilled tea, butter or ice cream. Candied geranium foliage, scented with rose or mint, can be used to decorate cakes, pies, or any type of dessert. The leaves, with their distinct daim or mint aromas, are frozen in ice cubes and added to drinks and fruit salads.

Properties of geranium oil (video)

Fragrant pelargonium is widely used in folk medicine. Its beneficial and medicinal qualities are quite well known. Therefore, this flower is increasingly appearing in apartments not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a plant with medicinal properties.

It contains such valuable substances as: starch, salts, anthocyanins, essential oil, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids and a lot of calcium.

What is not less important: All parts of geranium are useful: leaves, flowers, and roots.

Geranium not only creates a special atmosphere in the house. Phytoncides, abundantly released from its leaves when touched, destroy a large amount of harmful substances contained in the air. The refreshing fragrant smell of geranium has a beneficial effect on the human body. It calms the nervous system and helps restore many processes in the human body.

If you have insomnia, headaches or irritability, just stand for 10-15 minutes near the plant, inhaling its aroma, and the state of the nervous system will return to normal. In addition, the smell of geranium improves mood and relieves depression. It also prevents flu and cold epidemics in the house.

What are the benefits of essential oil?

Geranium essential oil has a pleasant refreshing aroma and is colorless. It is used to treat many diseases and perfectly tones the body. They treat diseases of the ears, throat, nose and restore the skin after burns and frostbite (you can find out more about the use of geranium for ear pain).

Essential oil is also suitable for those people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. The oil improves blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure. For many representatives of the beautiful field, the oil will help cope with pain during menstruation, and will also improve hormonal balance.

It is worth noting that Geranium essential oil is not recommended for use for more than 3 weeks. Also, do not take it on an empty stomach.

Watch a video about the benefits of geranium essential oil:

You can find out more about the properties and uses of geranium oil in.

Reference! Geranium decoction has many beneficial properties. It can be used as a sedative and also against epileptic seizures.

To do this, you need to pour one tablespoon of crushed geranium root with cold boiled water. After this, the broth should be brought to a boil and left over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the broth is placed in a cool, dark place for several hours until it cools completely. You can use it as a sedative several times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Geranium copes well with inflammation in the throat due to sore throat and colds. To do this, you need to gargle and gargle with a decoction made from roots and herbs. For one spoon of crushed geranium leaves and roots, there is one glass of cold boiled water. The mixture is then simmered over low heat for five minutes. The resulting decoction should be gargled 3-4 times a day. This decoction is also useful for toothaches and stomatitis.

A decoction of the leaves will help cope with diseases such as rheumatism, gout, gastritis, diarrhea. You need to take 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves of this plant and pour them with two glasses of cold boiled water. The resulting mixture is left to stand in a cool, dark place for 8 hours. This amount of decoction must be divided into small portions and drunk throughout the day.

Use in home cosmetics

For facial skin rashes and acne, you can use a mask of geranium leaves. It perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, kills bacteria and helps restore the epidermis. To prepare it you need 2-3 geranium leaves. They need to be crushed to a pulp and add a tablespoon of sour cream to them. The resulting mixture must be applied to the skin of the face and kept for 15 minutes. After time, the mask should be washed off with warm water. It can be used once a day.

Advice! It is worth noting that before application you should check your body for an allergic reaction. It is enough to first apply a little mask or juice of crushed leaves to the elbow. If after 15-20 minutes there is no burning, redness or itching, then you can safely apply the mask to your face.

What harm can it do?

Geranium, like many other medicinal plants and medicinal preparations, can harm your body and has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • stomach diseases (ulcers, acute gastritis);
  • chronic diseases associated with the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased blood viscosity.

Children and elderly people should not use geranium internally, only externally. Also, do not forget about the body’s allergic reaction. In this case, even keeping the plant on the windowsill can cause a cough, runny nose, and even Quincke's edema.

Since geranium is unpretentious, caring for it will not be difficult. But in order for it to always have a pleasant appearance and delight you with flowering for a long time, you need to monitor its condition.

The propagation procedure for geraniums can occur in three ways:

  • propagation by cuttings;
  • propagation by seeds;
  • propagation by dividing the bush.

The first method is quite simple to implement. You need to select a cutting that has 3-4 leaves and cut it with a sharp knife. Then it is allowed to lie for several hours so that the cut dries. After this, the cuttings are placed in water, or in a mixture of peat and sand, to take root. After a few weeks, you can safely transplant it into a pot.

The second method is quite long and therefore less popular. Seed propagation is usually used when a new variety of geranium is grown. It is best to plant seeds in early spring, having previously treated the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate to protect the plant from diseases and bacteria. After sowing the seeds, the surface is sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

After a few days, the film is removed, and after a couple of months you can see the first shoots.

The last method of reproduction is the easiest. The geranium bush is divided into two equal parts with a sharp knife.

Roots and shoots should be on both halves. After division, the cut is treated with crushed activated carbon, and then new bushes are planted in the ground.

Where and how to buy?

Recently, geranium has regained its former popularity and acquiring it is not difficult. Practically In any flower shop you can find seeds or ready-made flowering geranium bushes. You can also contact online stores and various sites where the choice of plants will be larger and more interesting.

Geranium is a unique and wonderful home plant that even a beginner can grow. If you are looking for a beautiful plant for your windowsill, you should turn your attention to geranium, because it is not only a beautiful flower, but also a real storehouse of healing properties.

Useful video

Watch a video about caring for indoor geraniums:

Geranium is commonly called pelargonium. This happened due to the fact that the famous naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who was engaged in systematizing the plant world, classified geraniums and pelargoniums into the same genus. Pelargoniums were identified as a separate genus after his death. Nowadays it is a well-known perennial houseplant from the Geranium family. It comes from Africa; in Europe, pelargonium was first grown from imported seeds back in the 16th century in England, and now it is very popular as a houseplant all over the world. The British especially loved it - in the 19th century there were already about a thousand varieties bred in England.

What parts of geranium are used for medicinal purposes?

The leaves of this indoor plant contain a high concentration of healing essential oils, comparable in their properties to phytoncides of onion or garlic, but with a much more pleasant aroma. The presence of even one pelargonium bush on the windowsill of a small room serves as an excellent disinfection and kills about 70% of germs.

Essential oil is extracted from the leaves, stems and flowers of this popular plant using hydrodistillation, which has a number of healing properties and is used in cosmetics and perfumes. Its smell is an excellent antidepressant, enhances perception, invigorates and gives strength.

Did you know? Royal geranium received its name due to the fact that it helped the English king Charles I in the fight against insomnia.

Owners of geraniums in pots do not have to buy this oil, but arrange an aromatherapy course right at home. To do this, just sit near this fragrant plant at a distance of about half a meter and breathe deeply through your nose for about 15 minutes. This procedure will help relieve fatigue, and a course of 10 procedures will help fight depression.

Pelargonium sidoide extract from the roots is used in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and infectious otitis media.

In general, all parts of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

Pelargonium leaves contain:

  • various essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • resin;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • pectins;
  • gum;
  • glycosides;
  • pectins;

  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • phenolic acids;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals (mostly calcium);
  • carbohydrates;
  • saponins;
  • coumarins.
Essential oils contain esters, terpenes and their alcohols, ketones.

According to various studies, this plant contains up to 500 different components and has great bioactivity. A volatile substance with a pleasant odor, geraniol, which has antimicrobial properties and is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes, was discovered in this plant.

Pelargonium roots also contain phenols, and the stems - phenolic compounds, sucrose, starch, hemicellulose.

Useful and healing properties

Important! Not everyone can stand the smell of pelargonium. Inhale the smell of flowers, crumpled leaves - if you feel irritated, a migraine will appear, which means you should not use this plant for aromatherapy and treatment, or keep it in the house.

This heat-loving plant is used to treat the following human ailments:

  • weak immunity;
  • colds and flu;
  • ENT diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • depression, headache, insomnia;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • gout;
  • pediculosis;
  • fungal nail infections;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • heart diseases.

Several of these flowers placed on the window repel mosquitoes and other insects, their esters and phytoncides will also protect nearby indoor plants from pests and diseases. Pelargonium leaves are placed in a moth repellent sachet. Its leaves can be added to drinks, sweets and baked goods.

Use in folk medicine: recipes

The leaves are usually used in traditional medicine recipes. of this amazing houseplant, as well as the aroma that exudes from the entire plant.

Did you know? Geranium came to the Russian Empire under Catherine the Great as a gift from King George III of England in 1795. He sent a whole range of greenhouse plants, which at first could only be grown by the aristocracy. Due to its unpretentiousness, vitality and ease of propagation, geranium began to be grown as a houseplant by all classes.

For insomnia

The aroma of pelargonium is an excellent remedy for insomnia. To normalize sleep, it is recommended to place several pots with this plant on the windowsill in the bedroom. You can also add 3-4 drops of geranium essential oil into the aroma lamp before going to bed. If you don’t have such a lamp, you can simply rub a drop of this oil with your fingertips and inhale its aroma.

You can also steam one finely chopped geranium leaf with one glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink the infusion 2 times a day, 100 ml before meals.

For toothache

Geranium leaf helps with toothache. To do this, it is torn off and slightly crushed in the hands so that it releases the juice faster, and then it is placed near the diseased tooth.

For a runny nose

The following recipe helps with rhinitis and colds: squeeze the juice from the leaves of this plant and drop two drops into each nostril. This should be done three times a day.

From otitis media

For otitis, you need to place a torn geranium leaf in the ear. First you need to lightly mash it in your hands so that the leaf releases the juice. This procedure relieves pain and inflammation.

If you are prone to otitis media, it is recommended to macerate the leaves: pour two tablespoons of crushed raw materials into 100 ml of vegetable oil, close the lid tightly, put in a dark place for ten days and shake periodically. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. Use 4 times a day for instillation into the sore ear, after warming it up.

For constipation

The following remedy can help with constipation: pour two teaspoons of crushed leaves into two glasses of cool boiled water and leave for eight hours. Take small sips throughout the day.

For high blood pressure

For skin diseases

For skin diseases(dry eczema, rashes, itching) a decoction of plucked leaves of homemade geranium helps. They are boiled for five to ten minutes and then used as compresses or lotions on the affected skin.

We will tell you about how to grow geranium at home, about the beneficial properties of geranium, and also about the magical properties this amazing indoor plant has.

Geranium (pelargonium). Home care

“Pelargonium” is the name of the well-known indoor geranium that some people hear for the first time, but we constantly see pelargonium itself in the apartments of friends and relatives. Most often in our apartments there is a species with an umbrella of scarlet-red flowers; this is the most common species called “Meteor”, although various hybrids have long appeared that have a more spectacular appearance. Take, for example, Royal geranium. This is the most gorgeous hybrid, although its flowering period is shorter than that of the standard one, from early spring to mid-summer - but how it blooms!

Geranium A fairly unpretentious plant, it requires light content, but should be shaded from the hottest midday rays to avoid burns. The plant develops well and blooms at room temperature. The flower does not need spraying and tolerates drought better than waterlogging. Moderate watering is required all year round (the soil should dry out between waterings). From spring to autumn, it is necessary to regularly fertilize flowering indoor plants.

In order for your geranium to look like a charming fluffy low bush, and not like sticks sticking out of the pot with flowers at the ends, it is necessary to prune and prune annually. Regularly pinch out shoots that are trying to grow too long, and every spring prune the entire plant, leaving 3-4 eyes on the stem. After flowering, wilted peduncles should be removed, and wilted leaves and shoots should also be removed in a timely manner to prevent rot.

With good care, geranium can delight you for ten years, but over time the plant loses its decorative effect, so it must be periodically cut, i.e. propagated again using cuttings.

To prepare a suitable soil, mix peat, sand, turf and leaf soil in equal proportions; you can, of course, buy a ready-made mixture in the store. The easiest way to root a cutting is to place it in a jar of water (preferably dark glass) for rooting; after 2-3 weeks, roots will appear, after which it can be planted in a small container with prepared soil. The container should not be too large; geranium blooms better in cramped pots.

It is believed that a person will recover faster if there is a pot of bright red blooming geranium next to him. Geranium serves as a “fire extinguisher” for negative energies, aggressive attacks, emotions of anger and irritation. The vibrations of anger are one of the most dangerous and destroy the favorable atmosphere in the house; The longer an aggressive emotion persists in space, the more actively it affects people. Geranium softens the energy of anger; its protective ability extends mostly to the owners of the house. But a prerequisite is that the patient must talk to the flower from time to time and, in his own words, ask it to help in healing. Be sure to get geraniums. It perfectly collects energy dirt, makes the air fresh and fragrant.

If there are scandals in your house, if there is a tense atmosphere, then you simply need geranium.

Firstly, this plant softens the energy of anger and extinguishes rage.

Secondly, the aroma of geranium is conducive to tenderness, it calms children well, making them less capricious and aggressive.

And finally, thirdly, geranium develops a sense of humor and helps to see the funny in the most ordinary things, thereby uplifting your mood.

Geranium eliminates self-destruction mechanisms: inferiority complex and dependence on other people's opinions. Helps to recover from unpleasant communication or minor loss. Restores a healthy assessment of actions and motivations, helps return the aura to its standard form.

In order to enhance the magical properties of this plant, after sunset on the waxing moon, speak to it 3 times for three days in a row: “Healing geranium, pure geranium. Mother geranium, become my protection. I’ll take your twig and take your silushka. So be it!” Then you can carefully break off the geranium flower and carry it in a small bag made of natural fabric.

The bright red geranium is believed to radiate vitality and strength. Pink geranium helps in love affairs, and white geranium protects against evil forces and promotes the birth of children.

Geranium essential oil is a very valuable medicine that is obtained from the green part of the plant. It is widely used in medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetology, and perfumery. Geranium oil is a light, flowing, green-olive liquid with a warm, oily, bitter aroma.

Perhaps many people know that if you plant fragrant geranium in a place where there are too many insects, then all the harmful bugs and butterflies will disappear completely. In addition, the air will be enriched with a pleasant aroma.

Recent scientific research has proven that some plants, such as the familiar “grandmother’s” pelargonium, have an interesting property. It is capable of enriching room air with negatively charged oxygen ions. But it is these ions that supply energy to the human body, and there are many of them in the mountains, where it is so easy to breathe. Get a few pelargoniums on your windowsill, and you won’t need widely advertised air ionizers.

Back in the Middle Ages, geraniums were placed on window sills to protect themselves from flies, mosquitoes and other insects, as well as... from scary witches and sorcerers. For almost all peoples, geranium is considered the strongest bioenergetic stimulant. For example, the Druids knew that the geranium plant absorbs all poisons and toxins, purifies the air, relieves headaches, relieves fatigue, and normalizes sleep.

Geranium oil. Beneficial features

Geranium aromatic oil is especially useful for its properties for older people, as it increases physical and mental activity and adds vigor. Perfectly lifts the mood, instills sensuality and dreaminess. Geranium oil is an excellent antidepressant. It helps with nervous exhaustion and fatigue.

Geranium has long been considered a home otolaryngologist. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating pain and inflammation of the middle ear, sinuses, tonsils, and pharynx. It’s not for nothing that geranium is nicknamed “doctor ear, nose and throat”:

- good for headaches and migraines;

- normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle;

— eliminates signs of tachycardia, ischemia;

- normalizes blood pressure;

- reduces blood sugar levels;

- has a diuretic effect;

- helps with varicose veins;

- has the ability to quickly heal wounds, cuts, burns...

Geranium oil is good for women's health: normalizes the monthly cycle; helps improve the condition during menopause; restores hormonal balance and also eliminates depressive tension.

In cosmetology, geranium aromatic oil has an antiseptic, rejuvenating effect, improves the overall condition of the skin, and promotes rapid regeneration of skin cells. Eliminates inflammatory reactions, rashes, flaking of dry skin. Suitable for all skin types and daily use. Can be used to combat cellulite, as it has a smoothing effect. Ideal for daily care of dry hair.

You can do a small test: apply a small amount of geranium aromatic oil to the inside of your wrist. If there is no redness on the skin and you have not detected any allergic reactions, then you can safely use this medication later. Geranium oil should not be used in conjunction with birth control pills. Its use is also contraindicated for young children, pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components.

If you don’t have money for a psychotherapist and really want to talk it out, talk to geranium. She is a great listener and will also invigorate you. Geranium releases essential oils, purifies the air, calms the nerves, improves sleep and reduces blood pressure. The leaves of fragrant geranium can be filled into small sachet pillows; they are placed in linen to add aroma. In addition, the smell of fragrant pelargonium species repels moths. But it should be borne in mind that its smell can cause allergies in some.

Herbalists also claim that a person’s attitude to the smell of geranium can be used to judge the health of his nervous system. It turns out that people with frayed nerves usually like the smell of geranium. And vice versa: it is unpleasant for a healthy person and can even cause long-term headaches.

However, do not be afraid of your homemade geraniums. Do not disturb the plant unless absolutely necessary: ​​do not pick off the leaves, do not rub them with your fingers, do not inhale its aroma for too long, and then it will not cause you any trouble; on the contrary, it can, on occasion, come in handy as a wonderful cure for many diseases. In addition, it is quite possible that the wrong geranium is growing in your house! Most varieties of medicinal geranium do not bloom, or bloom relatively sparingly and rarely, and therefore are not very common in everyday life and are not popular among gardeners. Of the “domestic” cultivated geraniums, pink or fragrant geranium is mainly used for medicinal purposes.

Scientists conducted the following experiments with geranium. Drops of liquid containing millions of staphylococcus bacteria were applied to the surface of the leaves. After three hours, most of the bacteria died. We began to deepen our research. We placed the geranium in the box. At a distance of 0.5 cm from the leaves, plates were placed on which there were drops of liquid with microbes. A nutritious environment was created for microbes. After six hours of proximity to the geranium, all microbes died. It turned out that geranium releases bactericidal substances into the air that are destructive to microbes. An interesting conclusion is made by Italian scientists who believe that geranium neutralizes energetic pathogenic zones in the house.

Geranium, or pelargonium, is an unpretentious flowering plant, which is difficult to find equal in beauty and prevalence. Previously, it decorated every window sill, and only in recent years has its popularity noticeably decreased. People choose tropical vines, monstera and orchids, cacti, throwing away boring flowers that are familiar to everyone from Soviet times. In addition, many began to wonder whether geranium is harmful and whether it is possible to keep this plant at home. Let's figure it out together.

For the soul or for good

In fact, each flower has its own aura, characteristics and influence on others and on the energy of the house where they grow. Geranium is no exception. Is it possible to keep this flower at home? You need to ask our grandmothers. They will tell you how wonderful properties it has. Its presence helps restore positive home energy, which will also affect the condition of the household.

Opinion of the older generation

Folk wisdom has been formed over centuries, so it is necessary to listen to those who received knowledge directly from folk herbalists. They can tell you a lot and will definitely advise you to buy geraniums for home. Is it possible to keep a flower at home that is a home healer, a magical plant and a real amulet? Of course, it is possible and even necessary. However, it must be taken into account that the properties of this plant are varied; it can bring both benefit and harm.

Why geranium

Of course, today we understand that its properties are not due to mystical features, but to its chemical composition. Let's take a closer look at what ordinary geranium is. You can determine whether you can keep this plant at home based on the individual characteristics of your household. Knowledgeable people say that it helps to cope with any disease, from colds to cancer. It should be noted that absolutely all its parts are useful: these are flowers and roots, as well as leaves. They contain phenols, sucrose, glucose and starch, as well as vitamins, carbohydrates, pigments, phenolcarboxylic acids and much more. Let us now see how this can be used for the benefit of human health.

Beneficial features

In fact, it is almost impossible to list them all. However, our goal is to determine whether geranium for the home is good or bad? Therefore, let's look at how the properties of this plant affect the human condition. First of all, it is capable of providing antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. That is, the plant disinfects the air and protects your household from many diseases. Additionally, it can be used for healing, which not many people know.

Medicinal properties

We will continue the conversation about the benefits of geranium in the house. This flower helps normalize blood pressure; to do this, simply apply a leaf to your wrist. The plant stimulates blood flow and normalizes heart rate. Geranium can be used to treat acute respiratory infections and colds, for this you can use tincture or freshly squeezed juice. The plant also helps with otitis media; to do this, simply roll up the leaf and place it in your ear. The flower helps with osteochondrosis and radiculitis, it can be used for insomnia and migraines, chronic fatigue and toothache, treatment of indigestion and purulent wounds. So, in case of any adversity, it is very convenient to have a pot of pelargonium at home.


There are a lot of speculations associated with this point, with some calling this plant a healer, while others, on the contrary, a vampire. Let's try to find out what geranium is like in the house. Signs and superstitions are one thing, but folk wisdom, which has been observing the properties of various plants for centuries, very clearly says that geranium should be in every home. First of all, because it has cheerful and active energy. Where it grows, there is no place for despondency, aggression and squabbles. Therefore, from the point of view of bioenergy, this is a real keeper of the hearth, tranquility and peace. It teaches you to treat things with humor and treat other people with respect and kindness. According to popular belief, this plant protects your home from evil spirits.

Choosing a color

There are a lot of varieties of this plant, and the benefits and harms in the house also depend a little on what color the geranium blooms. Thus, red geranium is a powerful source of vitality. She can give you a huge supply of internal energy. People in whom it grows are less likely to be stressed and almost never lose heart. Red geranium treats household members from chronic fatigue and overwork, laziness, as well as most fears.

The talisman of lovers is pink pelargonium. This is an excellent gift for a person who seeks to find a soul mate or, conversely, carefully preserves the happiness he has created. Girls used to carry pink geranium flowers in bags to attract their betrothed.

Not everyone likes the purple color of the petals, but this plant fills the human soul with spirituality. Purple flowers distract from worldly affairs and daily bustle. Under her influence he is able to delve deeper into the spiritual sphere.

White geranium is a symbol of pure love and fertility; it is customary to give it to brides on their wedding day. If a couple intends to conceive a child, then they are recommended to keep pelargonium in the bedroom.

The most important thing is the weather in the house

What other interesting things can geranium offer you? The importance of this plant in the home is difficult to overestimate. Some people don’t like the specific aroma that it exudes, but it is thanks to essential oils that the plant can take on the function of an ecologist. It can help neutralize unpleasant odors, which is especially recommended for homes located near highways. This plant perfectly purifies dirty air, which means it is perfect for city apartments.

Let's sum it up

That is, we can say that this is a universal plant that should be in every home. It will not only help clean the air and disinfect it from all kinds of bacteria and viruses, but also normalize the atmosphere in the house. It is geranium that is recommended as a universal plant for the bedroom, living room, and nursery, as it can calm and reconcile all household members. Beautiful flowers can rekindle the cooled feelings of spouses and unite separated people. In addition, geranium can increase the creative cognitive abilities of children and eliminate quarrels and other children's conflicts. Thus, if you don’t already have pelargonium, be sure to get several specimens.