Atherosclerosis ao. Damage to the thoracic artery. Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta

One of dangerous diseases atherosclerosis of the aorta is considered - damage to the internal walls main vessel, which can disrupt the blood supply and nutrition of vital human organs. Statistics say that atherosclerosis of this important elastic artery affects men over 50 and women over 60.

The aorta starts from the left ventricle of the heart, then makes an arc and runs along the center of the body down to pelvic organs. The length of the main vessel is conventionally divided into ascending and descending sections and an arch.

The ascending section is called the cardio-aorta, or aorta of the heart. This is a section 4-8 cm long from the left ventricle of the heart to the brachiocephalic trunk, having a slight expansion at the very beginning (bulb). The bulb contains a valve to regulate blood flow.

When the heart muscle contracts (this period is called “systole”), the valve opens, allowing leukocytes and red blood cells to move through big circle blood circulation During diastole (when the heart muscle is relaxed and the valve is closed), blood flow to the heart occurs.

The arch goes from the brachiocephalic trunk to the 4th thoracic vertebra and has a length of 4.5-7.5 cm. The large arteries of the arch and their branches supply blood to the head, neck, chest and upper limbs.

The longest part of the aorta is the descending aorta (about 30 cm), which consists of two sections: thoracic and abdominal. The thoracic section (17 cm long) starts from the 4th and continues to the 12th thoracic vertebra. Nourishes the bronchi, esophagus, cavity between the sternum and spine, ribs, top part diaphragm.

The abdominal section of the descending segment of the aorta ranges from the 12th thoracic to the 4th-5th lumbar vertebra and is 12-14 cm. This area provides blood supply to the lower part of the diaphragm, internal organs, lumbar and sacral regions spine, pelvic organs and cavity, lower limbs.

Formation of atherosclerosis

As the largest vessel in the body, the aorta is at high risk of disease. Atherosclerosis of the aorta occurs when there is a violation fat metabolism, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the internal walls of the arteries and a narrowing of the lumen in the vessels. When the pathological process in the aorta develops quickly, it is called obliterating atherosclerosis. Moreover, the pathology can spread, for example, not only to the thoracic aorta, but also to the coronary (coronary) arteries that supply the heart muscle.

The process can go unnoticed and not bother the person. Long absence symptoms are associated with a large diameter of the aorta, which requires long years. Only with the onset of old age do atherosclerotic changes in the walls of the aorta occur. It loses elasticity, accumulates hardened large formations of cholesterol, which impairs blood supply. This condition is called ischemia.

Pathology can develop in any part of the aorta. Deformation of the arteries with a change in their density and size in the ascending section is called atherosclerosis of the aorta of the coronary arteries. In medicine, the phrase “the aortic arch is sclerotic” means the presence of cholesterol compactions in the aortic arch due to a disorder of lipid metabolism.

With atherosclerosis of the aortic root of the heart, compactions occur in the mouths of the coronary arteries, formed. First of all, this affects the blood circulation of the heart, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction.

If cholesterol clogs the valve flaps, preventing it from functioning, then the blood will not be able to fully service the heart muscle and spread throughout the systemic circulation. The disease is called atherosclerosis aortic valve.

The work of the aorta involves pressure on its walls, as this is required by the release of blood from the valve in all directions of the human body. Wear of the walls creates favorable conditions for the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta, which undergoes three stages:

  • ischemic. Lack of blood in the organs due to the appearance of plaques manifests itself in the form of angina, pain in the legs and intestines;
  • trombonecrotic. In this case, the plaques harden into blood clots, which grow in size, break off, and block smaller arteries, leading to stroke, heart attack, and heart disease.
  • fibrous. Over time, the connective tissues in the vessels lose their elasticity. Replacement in progress fibrous tissue– inelastic and pathological, which impedes the flow of blood to the organs. Fibrous growths along with lipid accumulation on the inner vascular wall are last stage diseases and are called aortic atheromatosis. The heart and brain, which receive blood supply from ascending department aorta. In this case, atherosclerosis occurs in certain areas of the main vessel.

Impaired functioning of the thyroid gland can lead to excess calcium in the body, which provokes the development of atherocalcinosis of the aorta - a disease of the last stage, when plaques in the vessels harden against the background of fibrous growths of the walls of the main vessel.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of damage to the main vessel depend on the location of the disease and its stage of development. Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart (ascending section) and arch manifests itself:

  • shortness of breath;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pain and numbness in the left hand;
  • sharp burning sensation on the left side chest;
  • high upper blood pressure (at the time of contraction of the heart muscle);
  • fainting states;
  • convulsions when turning the head sharply.

Atherosclerotic changes in the aorta of the heart and hardening of the arch spread pain to the entire sternum, which can continue between the shoulder blades and in the neck, affecting the larynx with difficulty swallowing and the appearance of hoarseness in the voice.

Atherosclerosis thoracic aorta has the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of squeezing in the chest, which sometimes radiates to the hypochondrium, arms, neck, spine;
  • high pulse in the right hypochondrium;
  • active hair growth in the ears;
  • wens (lipomas) on the face;
  • premature appearance of gray hair.

Painful symptoms may last for several days with different strengths impact. During such a period, physical and emotional stress is undesirable.

Atherosclerotic changes in the abdominal aorta are accompanied by:

  • aching dull ache in the stomach and intestines;
  • bloating and constipation;
  • weight loss associated with malfunction digestive organs;
  • decreased potency in men resulting from poor circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • swelling, numbness of the legs;
  • pain in the calves while walking.

Causes of the disease

Reversible causes of the disease are considered:

  • smoking abuse;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • presence of foods with high content animal fats.

You can partially get rid of the following reasons:

  • hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia – a disorder of the metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins (complex proteins that transport cholesterol) in the blood, which is recognized by changes in the amount of substances and their ratio;
  • obesity, diabetes mellitus.

Factors that cannot be influenced are:

  • age (after 50-60 years);
  • gender (men are several times more at risk of aortic atherosclerosis);
  • heredity.

If desired, you can eliminate or reduce the impact of risk factors on health, even in the presence of seemingly irreversible causes. For example, if a middle-aged man with a genetic predisposition to this disease tries to monitor his health, then his medical indicators will be within normal limits, and the condition will improve significantly.


If the development of aortic atherosclerosis is suspected, laboratory tests and proven techniques are used:

  • coronary angiography - an invasive radiographic method with the introduction of a contrast agent;

  • angiography – study of blood vessels and their condition;

  • duplex scanning - ultrasound radiation to determine the degree of vascular damage in two modes (two-dimensional image and mode of blood movement with determination of its concentration, direction and speed of passage);

  • triplex scanning - in addition to the previous method, a color image (Doppler) is used, which allows for detailed examination;

  • treadmill test, which analyzes heart function during physical activity;

  • an electrocardiogram (ECG) to obtain data on the functioning of the heart;

  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and high-quality technique;

  • computed tomography (CT) - a three-dimensional image obtained by x-rays;

  • lipid profile – laboratory test, recognizing disorders in fat metabolism.

A full examination, which can be prescribed to clarify all doubtful points and clarify the diagnosis, will demonstrate in detail the condition of the aorta or the area required to be examined.

Treatment methods

Atherosclerosis of the aorta or its parts is serious illness with possible dangerous consequences. Therefore, not self-medication, but contacting a doctor when the first signs of pathology appear is the only correct decision. This disease is treated by a cardiologist, who, taking into account the detailed diagnosis, can refer you for a consultation with a specialist on a concomitant disease.

The task of a cardiologist is to stop the further development of atherosclerosis, relieve symptoms, and prevent complications. Having chosen a treatment regimen for atherosclerosis of the heart, thoracic or abdominal region, the doctor uses drug therapy or surgical intervention. IN difficult cases combine both methods. As additional help, the use of folk recipes may be prescribed.

If the diagnosis, in addition to aortic pathology, indicates dyslipidemia (violation of the ratio of fats in the blood), then it is treated in mandatory as a provoking factor in the development of atherosclerosis. For this, an extracorporeal (outside the body) blood purification technique is used. Preventive measures with dyslipidemia are:

  • periodic blood tests for fat concentrations;
  • liver control;
  • removal of harmful microorganisms during dysbacteriosis;
  • proper nutrition;
  • the presence of regular physical activity.

Drug therapy

When performing this technique, the following drugs are used:

  • statins (lower cholesterol: , lovastatin);

  • fibrates (reduce blood fat levels: fenofibrate, gemfibrozil);

  • bile acid sequestrants (limit the amount of fats and cholesterol in the blood: cholestyramine, cholestide);

  • unsaturated fatty acid(promote the removal of lipids from the body: thioctic acid, polysponin).

In addition, the doctor prescribes PP vitamins, which improve the processing of fats in the blood.

As for the prognosis of recovery, a course lasting 3-4 months is used with further repetitions, possibly with a smaller volume of drugs. In this case, you need to eat right and see a doctor regularly.

Surgical intervention

If atherosclerosis of the aorta is not subject to drug treatment, for example, at the stage of atheromatosis, and there is a risk of dangerous complications, then specialists perform an operation. Main methods surgical treatment of this disease are:

  • sympathectomy (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), performed by removing ganglia (nodes) in sympathetic department vegetative nervous system in case of circulatory disorders in the aorta and its branches;
  • endarterectomy - removal of a cholesterol plaque and sewing a patch into the incision site;

  • thromboendarterectomy, performed by removing a blood clot and the inner affected membrane of the aortic wall;
  • bypass surgery - the introduction of a person’s own healthy transplant bypassing the affected area of ​​the aorta;

  • stenting – installation of a special frame (stent) to expand the lumen in narrowed areas of the aorta;

  • prosthetics (replacement of a damaged section of a vessel with an elastic prosthesis, close in quality to the natural aorta).

Folk remedies

To consolidate the results of treatment of aortic atherosclerosis, the most effective folk recipes are considered:

  • herbal teas (including lemon balm);
  • decoctions of horseradish, hawthorn fruits, a mixture of sweet clover, licorice root, birch leaves, white rose petals and Echinops fruits;
  • alcohol (or vodka) tinctures of rose hips and garlic;
  • infusions of dill seeds, plantain, birch buds;
  • berry juices chokeberry, freshly squeezed onions with honey;
  • strawberries, black currants, fresh raspberries;
  • pharmaceutical powder from seaweed.

For atherosclerosis of the aorta of the coronary arteries, it is useful to take rosehip tincture, hawthorn fruit juice, infusion of garlic with white mistletoe and hawthorn flowers, a mixture of garlic and honey in equal proportions.

Dangerous complications

Atherosclerosis of the aorta is dangerous because it can cause serious complications:

  • development of angina pectoris with acute lack of blood supply to the heart muscle;
  • aneurysm (pathological expansion of the aorta associated with loss of wall elasticity) of the arch, thoracic and abdominal sections;
  • intestinal gangrene;
  • thrombosis of the superior mesenteric artery, which supplies the main part of the intestine and the pancreas;
  • thrombosis of the femoral artery, leading to gangrene of the lower extremities;
  • stroke, which can result in irreversible pathology: paralysis, deafness, blindness, speech impairment.

The indicated consequences of aortic atherosclerosis, in the absence of proper treatment, end in amputation of the affected areas and disability, and in cases where time is catastrophically lost, in fatal outcome.

Disease prevention

To prevent damage to the walls of the aorta, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • limit (or better yet, eliminate) tobacco use and;
  • review your diet by removing high-calorie foods containing animal fats;
  • promptly treat diseases that provoke aortic atherosclerosis: diabetes mellitus, obesity, arterial hypertension(sustained increase in pressure);
  • annually examine the body, especially for people over 40 years old, as well as those with a hereditary predisposition;
  • if you observe signs (or one of them) of aortic damage, you should consult a doctor;
  • beware of infectious diseases;
  • , beans, herbs, green tea.

    Cause harm to the body: lard, offal (liver, kidneys, tongue, brain), sausages, canned food, cream, cheeses with a high percentage of fat content, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sweets, sugar, White bread, fast food, strong coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

    Despite the fact that some patients with aortic atherosclerosis are skeptical about dietary nutrition, it still remains an important component of complex treatment, since proper food consumption creates healthy microflora in the body, which can help metabolism, eliminate excess cholesterol, which brings closer to improving a person’s well-being. Diet has a positive effect on the treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart.

    The aorta is the largest vessel in the body in terms of diameter, length and level of blood supply, feeding all organs and systems. Therefore, the health of this important artery is directly related to the life support of the human body.

Atherosclerosis is a thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, in which the lumen of the vessel “quietly and slowly” narrows, which impedes normal blood flow. This pathology is the cause coronary disease heart, cerebral stroke, obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. This system process, it affects all arteries without exception.

The aorta is the largest vessel of the arterial bed, where the formation of atherosclerotic plaques is most often observed. It is important to know the signs of aortic atherosclerosis, the causes and stages of the process in order to prevent progression and begin to treat this pathology in a timely manner.

Read in this article

How the pathology develops, its signs

The process of formation of atherosclerotic plaque can occur in any blood vessel, be it a large artery, such as the aorta, or a smaller one (coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart). A yellow, hard, shiny layer of plaque is deposited inside the wall, which contains “garbage”: cholesterol crystals, damaged blood cells, and so on.

The wall of the aorta (like all blood vessels) is a dynamic system consisting of constantly renewing cells that require nutrients and oxygen. Many of these substances leak from the bloodstream deep into the wall to “feed” its outer part.

When inner layer the vessel is covered by an atherosclerotic plaque, the supply of oxygen is disrupted and nutrients to cells that are located outside. As atherosclerosis progresses, these cells begin to die and the wall becomes weaker and weaker.

At some point, a critical relationship arises between the internal pressure on the wall and its strength - in the area of ​​atherosclerotic lesions it begins to bulge outward. As the diameter of the vessel in this segment increases, the pressure on the wall increases accordingly, which leads to further dilatation. Ultimately, a “blood bag the size of a goose egg” is formed.

Arterial thromboembolism occurs when a fragment of a mobile aortic plaque breaks off and is transported to other parts of the bloodstream. As mentioned above, a “mobile” plaque should “stick out” into the lumen of the vessel by more than 4 millimeters. Regarding the aorta, most often a “falling off piece” (up to 30%) is the cause of a cerebral stroke.

The same situation in which the blood supply to an organ is disrupted occurs if the embolus enters the coronary arteries (myocardial infarction), mesenteric vessels (intestinal ischemia), and so on.

Atherosclerosis of the aorta is perhaps the most dangerous location of this systemic arterial disease. Having started, this pathology proceeds for many years without showing itself in any way. As a rule, the diagnosis is made based on the occurrence of symptoms of aortic aneurysm and thromboembolism, the cause of which is atherosclerosis or its (rupture, myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke). Over the past 30 years, developed countries have seen progress in the prevention and treatment of this pathology.

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  • If atherosclerosis is suspected, the examination should be carried out in full. It includes a blood test, including a biochemical one, as well as many others. Which ones are still worth taking?
  • Such a formidable pathology as atherosclerosis of the aorta and valves manifests itself mainly in old age. Under the influence of certain reasons, damage to the aortic valves occurs, mitral valves, which will lead to serious consequences in the future.
  • The reasons why thickening of the walls of the aorta and its root may be detected may lie in inflammatory and atherosclerotic processes. Symptoms can be easily confused with other diseases. Only the doctor chooses the treatment; folk remedies are used only in combination after agreement.

  • People with this pathology rapidly develop atherosclerosis.

    Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels often cause most pathologies of cardio-vascular system. Basically, this disease affects the walls of large arteries(aorta, arteries of the lower extremities, iliac, renal, carotid or subclavian arteries). With atherosclerosis, “harmful” cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which, forming thickenings, grows over time connective tissue and forms atherosclerotic plaques.

    Atherosclerosis of the aorta is most often observed in people over 50 years of age, but in some cases it is also detected in young people. This disease is accompanied by chronic inflammatory process and with its progression can lead to the development of severe heart pathologies - myocardial infarction, and arrhythmias. Atherosclerosis can affect various parts of the aorta or affect the entire artery. The insidiousness of this atherosclerotic process is that it may not manifest itself in any way for many years. Subsequently, against the background of absolutely normal health, a person begins to experience suddenly appearing symptoms (for example, a sharp rise in blood pressure, burning pain in the heart, dizziness or difficulty swallowing).

    In this article we will talk about the main causes, symptoms, principles of diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart.

    Atherosclerosis of the aorta can be caused by many reasons and their combination. People at risk include:

    • over 40-50 years old (especially men);
    • smokers;
    • with a tendency to physical inactivity;
    • obese;
    • with a hereditary predisposition;
    • suffering from diabetes;
    • susceptible to frequent infectious diseases.

    With atherosclerosis of the aorta, formation occurs on the inner wall of the vessel. yellow spot, it begins to rise above the surface and increases in size. The aorta gradually loses its elasticity, its walls become denser and, under the influence constant pressure blood, expand. Due to a violation of the structure of the vascular wall, a formation forms on the aorta, which constantly increases, becomes thinner and can lead to rupture of this large artery.


    The nature of the symptoms of aortic atherosclerosis depends on the location pathological process. It can develop in the chest or abdominal region this large artery. Indirect signs atherosclerosis of the aorta can be sudden signs of aging or wen on the skin.

    Atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta

    This pathology of the aorta for a long time does not make itself felt and is often combined with damage to the arteries of the heart and brain by atherosclerotic plaques. The first signs of this disease begin to appear after 60 years. Patients report the following symptoms:

    • periodic intense and burning pain (aortoalgia);
    • difficulty swallowing;
    • dizziness;
    • increase in systolic pressure.

    Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta

    This pathology of the aorta is more common than damage to the thoracic section of this large artery. She can also long time go unnoticed, and already at more severe stages begins to manifest itself as symptoms of organ ischemia abdominal cavity. Patients complain of:

    • digestive disorders (constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, loss of appetite);
    • paroxysmal aching pain in the abdominal area, which appears 2-6 hours after eating and does not have a clear localization.

    As the pathology progresses, patients may develop various complications atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta:

    1. and renal failure: develops due to narrowing of the lumen renal arteries and ischemia renal tissue. The patient develops symptoms of renal failure (oliguria, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, swelling) and increased blood pressure.
    2. Visceral artery thrombosis - this pathology can lead to necrosis of the arteries and intestinal walls, peritonitis and death. The patient develops severe pain in the abdominal area that is not relieved by painkillers.


    To diagnose atherosclerosis of the aorta, the patient may be prescribed the following research methods:

    • blood test to determine cholesterol levels;
    • Vascular ultrasound;
    • X-ray contrast angiography;
    • lipid profile;
    • CT and MRI.

    After analyzing the data obtained, treatment can be prescribed to the patient.


    Treatment of aortic atherosclerosis is always long-term and complex. It can only be prescribed by a doctor, and its volume is determined by the extent of damage to the aorta.

    For conservative treatment of aortic atherosclerosis, the patient is prescribed:

    • cholesterol-free diet;
    • (Fluvastatin, Simvastatin, Cerivastatin, Lovastatin, etc.);
    • A nicotinic acid;
    • fibrates (Gemfibrozil, Ciprofibrate, Fenofibrate);
    • sequesters of bile acids (Colestipol, Kolestyramine);
    • symptomatic treatment of concomitant pathologies (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, angina pectoris, etc.);
    • obesity treatment;
    • quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;

    At severe cases aortic atherosclerosis may be recommended to a patient surgery. During the operation, the surgeon removes a section of the damaged part of the aorta and installs a prosthesis (synthetic explant) in its place.

    Diet for atherosclerosis

    Compliance with a diet for atherosclerosis is of particular importance, since poor nutrition in such a disease can lead to its constant progression. Careful attention to drafting daily diet should become an integral part of the life of such patients, since it can become a significant measure to prevent the development of such dangerous pathologies as stroke, aortic rupture, etc.

    The following foods should be excluded from the patient’s diet:

    • fats of animal origin (fat dairy products, lard, fatty meat, butter, margarine);
    • eggs;
    • caviar;
    • offal;
    • refined sugar;
    • strong coffee, tea.

    To compile daily menu patients with atherosclerosis can use the following products:

    • lean fish;
    • white meat (turkey, chicken);
    • vegetables and fruits (preferably raw);
    • vegetable oils;
    • low-fat fermented milk products;
    • whole grain cereals;
    • corn and oat bran;
    • spices;
    • garlic;
    • ginger.

    Following such an anti-cholesterol diet is quite simple, because from the above products you can easily prepare many tasty and varied dishes.

    The human cardiovascular system is susceptible to many diseases. The group of the most common of them includes atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart. This chronic illness, which is characterized by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. They are formed by cholesterol molecules, which, accumulating, begin to gradually narrow the lumen of the vessel, disrupting normal blood flow. This narrowing contributes to the development of insufficient nutrition of the heart muscle due to deteriorated blood supply in the area. This can cause angina, which is common cause myocardial infarction.

    Common risk factors include:

    • Heredity;
    • Male gender;
    • Violation hormonal levels among women;
    • Smoking;
    • Obesity;
    • Thyroid diseases;
    • Diabetes;
    • Blood clotting disorder.

    Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

    This disease is dangerous because its course in some cases is not complicated by virtually any symptoms. Violations in the functioning of blood vessels can only be detected through examination, which is carried out in the laboratory or using special instruments. The subsequent development of atherosclerosis occurs against the background of various ischemic disorders associated with circulatory disorders in certain organs. You often feel pain in your heart, your limbs go numb, and you feel dizzy. At the final stage of development of the disease, the vessels narrow so much that chronic insufficiency is diagnosed.

    Treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart with folk remedies

    Specialists traditional medicine recognize the great benefits for the treatment of atherosclerosis when using juice raw potatoes, which should be taken orally before meals on an empty stomach. Before drinking the juice, you need to stir it thoroughly. Taking several tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil will help not only alleviate the course of the disease, but also prevent its occurrence. There is also such a popular recipe: take one lemon and one orange, then squeeze the fruit into a glass hot water and drink this cocktail every day in the morning on an empty stomach.

    "Transfer Factor Cardio" is an effective drug for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

    Research by cardiologists conducted in St. Petersburg showed that more than two-thirds of residents are seen by doctors with this diagnosis, which causes angina pectoris. According to doctors, the drug "Transfer Factor Cardio" is ideal for the role systemic drug, which not only treats atherosclerosis, but also eliminates the cause of its occurrence, encouraging the immune system to effectively fight the mechanism of blockage of blood vessels. "Transfer Factor" is a drug. created on the basis of innovative developments and obtained from natural products, such as cow colostrum. This drug activates a person’s own immunity and makes it work with full efficiency.

    Vascular atherosclerosis

    Which vessels are susceptible to atherosclerosis?

    Atherosclerosis affects large arteries, such as the aorta (atherosclerosis of the aorta), arteries of the legs (atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities), as well as large arteries extending directly from the aorta (carotid, subclavian, renal, iliac and other arteries).

    Why is atherosclerosis dangerous?

    Atherosclerotic or, as they are also called, cholesterol plaques, gradually narrow the lumen of the arteries and make them less elastic. This creates an obstacle to normal blood flow. For example, if the arteries of the heart narrow, the blood flow to the heart muscle (myocardium) decreases. This can cause chest pain and shortness of breath, which can ultimately lead to a heart attack. Particles of atherosclerotic plaque can break off from the walls of the arteries and be transported with the blood to narrower vessels, completely blocking their lumen.

    Also, blood clots can form around atherosclerotic plaques, completely blocking the lumen of the artery. The described mechanisms are often the cause of stroke, myocardial infarction, thrombosis and obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.

    Why does atherosclerosis develop?

    There is no clear answer to this question. Atherosclerosis- the disease is multifactorial and in each patient one or another may predominate causal factors. Older people are most susceptible to atherosclerosis age group(over 50 years of age), although the disease can also occur in young people.

    What are the risk factors for atherosclerosis?

    • High blood pressure.
    • High blood cholesterol levels.
    • Diet with high content animal fats.
    • Smoking.
    • Obesity.
    • Burdened heredity.
    • Diabetes.

    What are the consequences of atherosclerosis?

    In case of progression of vascular atherosclerosis, the following consequences are possible:

    • Stroke. transient disturbances cerebral circulation(micro stroke);
    • Dysfunction and irreversible changes in internal organs;
    • Sexual dysfunction in men (erectile dysfunction),
    • Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances;
    • Trophic ulcers. necrosis, gangrene of the leg.

    How can atherosclerosis be detected?

    If atherosclerosis is suspected, an examination by a specialist is necessary. For example:

    • Angioneurologist - for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    • Cardiologist - for atherosclerosis of the heart vessels;
    • Vascular surgeon - for signs of diseases of the arteries of the arms or legs, neck, chest and abdominal cavity.

    Before you appoint instrumental methods During diagnosis, the doctor must evaluate the patient’s complaints. Collect information about past illnesses and past treatments. An objective examination gives detailed information about the severity and prevalence of the disease.

    In some cases, the diagnosis of atherosclerosis can be excluded at the stage of the initial examination. If vascular atherosclerosis of one location or another is detected, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination.

    Laboratory and instrumental studies that can be used to diagnose atherosclerosis

    When should you seek help from a specialist?

    It is necessary to see a specialist if you have one or more risk factors for atherosclerosis, and also have complaints characteristic of arterial diseases. It is especially important to seek qualified help when initial manifestations diseases when it is possible to prevent the development of severe complications of atherosclerosis.

    Manifestations and methods of treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

    Atherosclerosis of the aorta is a lesion of a large vessel, accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol in the form of plaques on the intima. This leads to stenosis of the vessel, disruption of the nutrition of the blood supply to the organs. Symptoms of atherosclerosis are manifested by attacks of angina pectoris, which leads to development of ischemic heart disease(coronary heart disease), myocardial infarction, vascular aneurysm and cardiosclerosis. In advanced cases, multifocal atherosclerosis leads to disability and death.

    A little anatomy

    The aorta is one of the largest and most important human arteries

    The aorta is one of the largest arteries in the human body, originates from the left ventricle, branches into numerous small vessels, which then follow to all tissues and organs.

    The thoracic aorta is the initial section with numerous arteries, which is responsible for the blood supply to the neck, head, upper limbs and chest.

    The abdominal aorta is the final section of the aorta with many arteries that supply blood to all abdominal organs. Final section abdominal aorta are divided into two branches: right and left iliac arteries, which supply blood to the legs and pelvic organs.

    Pathogenesis of development

    Atherosclerosis of the heart vessels occurs as a result of systemic damage due to disruption of protein and lipid metabolism in the walls of blood vessels. In this case, there is a change in the ratio between cholesterol, proteins and phospholipids, as well as the accumulation of β-lipoproteins.

    Stages of development of atherosclerosis:

    • fatty (lipid) stain (stage 1)

    Microdamage to the vascular intima occurs, local slowing of blood flow and fat deposition. This is most observed in areas where blood vessels branch, the inner wall becomes loosened and swells. Gradually, the protective mechanisms cease to function normally; complex complexes of compounds (cholesterol, protein) are formed in these areas and they begin to be deposited on the intima of the arteries. The duration of the first stage varies, but diagnosis is possible even in infants;

    • liposclerosis (stage 2)

    Connective tissue begins to grow around the attachment of fat deposits and the formation of an atheromatous (atherosclerotic) plaque (fats + connective tissue fibers). Treatment at this stage is very successful, since the plaques can undergo dissolution, although there is a danger of them tearing off and moving through the vessels. The artery wall gradually loses elasticity, ulcerates, cracks, which leads to the formation of blood clots;

    • atherocalcinosis (stage 3)

    This is what the heart of a person who has had a heart attack looks like

    The plaques become denser and Ca salts begin to be deposited in them. In some cases, pathological growth in atherosclerosis of the heart vessels does not cause the patient strong problems, behaves stably, gradually deforming and narrowing the lumen of the vessel. This leads to progressive chronic disorder blood supply to the organ that the diseased artery supplies. Eat high probability occlusion of the lumen of blood vessels and the aorta, including a thrombus or part of an atherosclerotic plaque with the development of a necrotic focus, infarction or gangrene in the blood supplying artery or organ.

    Risk factors

    Factors that cause atherosclerosis of the aorta are: removable, potentially removable and irremovable.


    • age. As the years pass, the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis increases, changes to one degree or another are found in patients after 40-50 years;
    • floor. Men suffer from atherosclerosis 4 times more often than women, the disease develops 10 years earlier, and after 55 years the level of the disease is comparable in both sexes. This is explained by the fact that in women there is a decrease in the production of estrogen and their protective functions in menopause;
    • heredity. In families where there are patients with atherosclerosis, the risk early offensive diseases in their descendants are great.


    • smoking. Nicotine and tar cause spasms of the coronary arteries and other vessels, which increases the risk of developing hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension;
    • unbalanced diet. A large number of in the diet of fats of animal origin accelerates the development of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, a diet is needed;
    • physical inactivity. Sedentary image life leads to fat imbalance in the body, vascular atherosclerosis, obesity and diabetes.

    Partially removable:

    • arterial hypertension. High pressure it is necessary to treat, as it leads to increased saturation of the walls of blood vessels with fats, and the rapid formation of atherosclerotic plaques. However, with atherosclerosis, low elasticity of the vascular walls helps maintain high blood pressure;
    • dyslipidemia. When fat metabolism is disrupted, cholesterol, lipoproteins and triglycerides increase, this contributes to the rapid development of atherosclerosis;
    • diabetes mellitus, obesity. The likelihood of developing arteriosclerosis of the arteries increases 7 times, which is explained by a violation of fat metabolism and being a “trigger mechanism” of atherosclerotic vascular damage;
    • intoxication, infection. Toxic and infectious agents, when introduced into the body, have a damaging effect on the walls of blood vessels and cause atherosclerotic changes.

    Clinical manifestations of the disease

    Most often, vascular lesions are observed in the abdominal and chest wall, changes in the functioning of the aortic valve, renal vessels, coronary, mesenteric arteries and vessels of the lower extremities and brain.

    There are two periods of development of symptoms:

    • preclinical (asymptomatic). An increased content of cholesterol and β-lipoproteins is noted in the absence of obvious symptoms of aortic atherosclerosis;
    • clinical. Atherosclerosis of the aorta begins to manifest itself when the lumen of the vessels narrows (stenosis) by 50% or more, and three stages of the disease are distinguished: fibrotic, ischemic and thrombonecrotic.

    Ischemia – characterized by the development of insufficient blood supply to organs, for example, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries develops with myocardial ischemia and manifests itself in the form of angina pectoris.

    Thrombonecrotia - characterized by the addition of altered arteries to the pathological process of thrombosis (complicated by myocardial infarction).

    Fibrous stage - there is a proliferation of connective tissue in the vessels, poor blood supply to organs, which leads to atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.

    Coronary heart disease is the most common disease in the world

    Symptoms of manifestations depend on the localization of the pathological process. So with atherosclerosis coronary vessels the patient has characteristic features angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction may occur. Changes in aortic atherosclerosis do not appear sharply; the course of the disease is long and asymptomatic for a long time. Symptoms of the lesion thoracic aorta manifested by aortalgia - burning, pressing pain behind the sternum, spreading to the back, arms, upper abdomen and neck. They can last for several hours or days, sometimes weakening and then intensifying. When the elasticity of the aortic walls decreases, the work of the heart increases, which leads to hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium.

    Atherosclerotic changes in the abdominal aorta lead to pain in the abdominal area, constipation, and flatulence. With atherosclerosis of the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta, the patient experiences numbness of the lower extremities, sensations of cold, swelling, hyperemia of the feet, ulcers and necrosis.

    Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta develops most often and becomes the cause of abdominal ischemic disease, which leads to poor blood supply internal organs, arise:

    • indigestion. Alternating diarrhea-constipation, loss of appetite, bloating;
    • paroxysmal pain after eating. Aching, without precise localization, not clearly expressed. Go away on their own after 2-3 hours;
    • weight loss. It is progressive in nature and is a consequence of digestive disorders.

    One of the most dangerous complications of atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta is thrombosis of the visceral arteries. This requires immediate medical care, V otherwise necrosis of intestinal loops and the development of massive inflammation of the abdominal organs and peritoneum occur. Peritonitis develops, and the patient's life is counted by the clock.

    Symptoms of thrombosis:

    • severe pain that does not go away under the influence of painkillers and antispasmodics;
    • a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition.

    Check and maintain normal blood pressure

    Arterial hypertension and renal failure are no less complicated with atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta and renal arteries. High blood pressure develops due to impaired blood supply to the kidneys and activation of the renal aldosterone system. Kidney failure develops due to the replacement of kidney tissue with connective tissue; gradual cell death occurs due to poor blood supply.

    Atherosclerosis of the aortic arch also leads to the occurrence of aortic aneurysm, a dangerous complication of atherosclerosis.

    Principles of disease therapy

    Treatment of atherosclerosis large vessels carried out as early as possible, adhering to the following principles:

    • reduction of cholesterol synthesis by tissues and reduction of its intake from food;
    • stimulating the removal of cholesterol and its metabolites from the body;
    • elimination of exposure to infectious pathogens.

    An important role in eliminating the causes of heart atherosclerosis is played by nutrition and a diet that excludes the presence of cholesterol-containing foods.

    Medication prescriptions

    The following groups of drugs are used for treatment:

    • nicotinic acid and its derivatives. Designed to reduce the content of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. Increase the amount of lipoproteins high density, which have antiatherogenic properties. Should not be prescribed for liver disease;
    • fibrates (miscleron, gevilan, atromide). The drugs reduce the synthesis of your own fats, but can disrupt liver function and provoke the development of cholelithiasis;
    • a group of statins (zocor, mevacor, pravahol) - lowers cholesterol levels by reducing its production by the body. The drugs are used at night, because... Cholesterol synthesis occurs mainly at night. Liver function may be impaired;
    • bile acid sequestrants (cholestide, cholestyramine). Designed to bind and remove bile acids, reducing the amount of cholesterol and fats in the body. Side effects There may be constipation and flatulence.

    Surgical intervention

    For atherosclerosis of heart vessels surgery indicated when there is a high threat to the patient’s life associated with occlusion of the artery by a thrombus or plaque. Endarterectomy is performed - open surgery, and endovascular procedures - dilatation of arteries using balloon catheters and the installation of stents.

    Severe atherosclerosis of the heart vessels with the threat of myocardial infarction requires coronary artery bypass grafting.

    Plant therapy

    Therapy folk remedies modern doctors practice as auxiliary treatment. The following popular recipes are used:

    • crushed dill seeds (1 tbsp) pour a glass of boiling water and take 1-2 tbsp/4 times a day for severe headaches;
    • dry elecampane root (20 g), peel, chop, and place in a dark bottle. Pour 100 ml of alcohol and let stand for 20 days in the dark. Strain the resulting infusion and mix with 20% alcohol tincture propolis. Take 25-30 drops three times a day for aortic atherosclerosis.

    Herbal treatment

    Pour a tablespoon of dry plantain herb into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink the infusion in small sips within an hour.

    Chop fresh plantain leaves and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with equal amount honey and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Keep ready-made composition from atherosclerosis of the aorta in the refrigerator, taking 2 tbsp. per day.

    Pour a glass of boiling water over a wild strawberry leaf (20 grams), boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours and cool. Take 1 tbsp/3 r. Per day. Strawberries help remove salts and cholesterol from the body during atherosclerosis.

    From nerve spasms, for noise in the head with atherosclerosis, lemon balm (lemon balm) helps well. It can be consumed fresh or dried (decoction).

    In case of atherosclerosis of the arteries in the heart area, it is important to carry out complex treatment, which is aimed at eliminating stress, stabilizing metabolic processes and prescribing medications. Nutrition, avoidance of cigarettes and alcohol, as much as possible physical labor, lack of stress – are important conditions prevention of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart.

    In conditions modern life, the phenomenon of atherosclerosis is becoming increasingly common. What it is? It leads to a variety of complications from the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems. Vessels susceptible to atherosclerosis include the aorta and other arteries, often large ones. is a disease during which fatty plaques are deposited on the vascular wall of the aorta, into which connective tissue grows.

    These plaques are prone to growth and progression, they reduce the diameter of the aorta, causing deformation in it and, accordingly, in the organs and tissues that it nourishes. Among the fats that form plaques, the main ones are low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol.

    There are many causes of aortic atherosclerosis and predisposing factors that sometimes lead to the disease. Some causes of atherosclerosis can be excluded, significantly reducing the risk of vascular damage.

    Causes of atherosclerosis of the aorta:

    • To belong to male significantly increases the risk of disease due to other hormonal balance than women. However, in old age, when the level of sex hormones in both sexes begins to decline, the risk of vascular damage is approximately the same.
    • Elderly age– with the aging of the body, atherosclerotic changes appear more often compared to young people.
    • Heredity- this, like those described above, is an unchangeable factor; if a person has people in his family with manifestations of atherosclerosis, the risk of the disease is higher for him than for others.
    • Bad habits, both nicotine and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the walls of blood vessels and the body’s metabolism, significantly increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.
    • - because of constant promotions pressure, the vascular walls are injured and it is easier for fats to get into them, which creates the preconditions for further development atherosclerotic plaques.
    • Excessive weight and poor nutrition – lead to an imbalance of fat metabolism (between high and low density lipoproteins, cholesterol and phospholipids), which significantly contributes to the occurrence of this pathology.
    • – with it frequency atherosclerotic lesions aorta significantly increases, since not only the level of glucose and insulin is disrupted, but also fat metabolism. To reduce the likelihood of atherosclerotic complications, you need to monitor blood glucose levels with medication and adhere to the diet prescribed by your endocrinologist.
    • Passive lifestyle– lack of movement and physical activity significantly worsens metabolic processes, including fat, so atherosclerosis is considered a “disease of civilization.”
    • Infectious diseases– according to the latest data, many bacteria and viruses, when they enter the bloodstream, contribute to atherosclerotic deposits in the vascular wall. Therefore, infections must be treated promptly and correctly.

    Symptoms of atherosclerosis manifest themselves in different ways, but all these changes are associated with ischemia and hypoxia () due to impaired blood flow, in the heart it causes angina pectoris, diffuse changes rhythm and conduction disturbances, and heart attacks, in the brain - encephalopathy and stroke, in the legs and arms -, ischemic changes and even necrosis.

    The localization of aortic damage (in the ascending or descending part, in the arch, in the thoracic or abdominal region) and the degree of development of the process greatly influence the symptoms of aortic atherosclerosis. At first, the lesion may not show any signs, but then it may appear. pressing pain behind the sternum, difficulty swallowing, dizziness. In atherosclerosis of this localization it is possible that the most dangerous complication as the formation of an aneurysm, the rupture of which leads to severe pain, a drop in blood pressure and, in many cases, death.

    The occurrence of acne on the face and unrelated increases in pressure can indicate an atherosclerotic process.

    To diagnose the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, you need to donate blood for a lipid profile, which shows the ratio of different fat fractions. You can also perform an ultrasound () of the aorta to see atherosclerotic deposits on it. In some cases, the doctor may suspect atherosclerosis of the aorta during auscultation (listening with a phonendoscope), when noise appears above the aorta.


    Treatment of aortic atherosclerosis is prescribed by the attending physician. It includes drugs aimed at lowering cholesterol levels (statins, fibrates, drugs nicotinic acid) and those that treat the causes of atherosclerosis (stabilize, lower blood pressure).

    It is important to remember that treatment of atherosclerosis is prescribed for permanent use and voluntarily cancel it when feeling good This is not possible, as this can lead to worsening of the condition and progression of the disease.

    The most important aspect of the prevention and treatment of this vascular disease is the diet for aortic atherosclerosis. It is necessary to limit fats of animal origin, giving preference plant foods, seafood and low-fat dairy products.

    One proof of the effectiveness of this method is a study by Dr. Dean Ornish, in which he divided patients into two statistical subgroups. One of the subgroups consumed animal products throughout the year, while the second did not (with the exception of low-fat dairy products and eggs) and engaged in light physical exercise.

    A year later, the result was obvious - patients from the second subgroup not only had a decrease in cholesterol, but also old plaques regressed, they felt much healthier. This proves the importance of the right diet for aortic atherosclerosis.