How to understand lies by gestures. How to identify lies in communication: different approaches and useful literature. What human gestures cannot be trusted

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In nature, no two people are the same. We are all different. We see, hear and think differently. And we also have different times. And therefore, there is no standard set of lie gestures indicating that we are telling a lie. But if he were, we would have found a way to deceive him. Deception is noticeable when it causes emotions (excitement, fear or shame). These emotions are conveyed. But confirmation of lies must be sought in the totality of facial expressions, gestures and speech.


Lying requires self-control and tension. Tension can be overt or covert, but it's easy to see if you look closely at the left side of the body. It is controlled worse than the right one. This is because the left and right sides of the body are controlled by different hemispheres of our brain.

The left hemisphere is responsible for speech and mental activity, the right - for imagination. Since the control connections cross, the work of the left hemisphere is reflected on the right side of the body, and the right - on the left.

What we want to show to others is reflected on the right side of our body, and what we actually feel is reflected on the left.

For example, if a person is right-handed and gestures a lot with his left hand, this may mean that he is lying, especially if the right hand is less involved. Any inconsistency of body parts indicates insincerity.

“The brain is so busy inventing lies that the body loses synchrony” (c) Dr. Lightman, “Theory of Lies”

The face, like the body, conveys two messages at once - what we want to show, and what we would like to hide. Disharmony in facial expressions indicates a contradiction. Symmetry always speaks of purity of intentions.

For example, if a person smiles, and the left corner of his mouth is raised less than the right, then, obviously, what he hears does not please him - he feigns joy. It is also interesting that positive emotions on the face are reflected evenly, while negative ones are more noticeable on the left side.


A change in complexion (pallor, redness, spots) and twitching of its small muscles (eyelid, eyebrow) indicate what a person is experiencing and help to calculate deception.

Tension, manifested in frequent blinking, squinting, or rubbing of the eyelids, is an unconscious desire to close one's eyes to what is happening. With rubbing gestures, our brain tries to block out a lie, a doubt, or an unpleasant sensation.

How comfortable or uncomfortable the interlocutor can be judged by his pupils: their narrowing indicates discontent, their expansion indicates pleasure. And by the movements of the eyes it is easy to understand whether he is going to tell the truth or lie.

If a person looks away, this does not mean that he is insincere. Often the one who stares into the eyes, trying only to seem open, is not completely honest.


Unexpectedly, but a deceiver can give out his own nose. Speaking a lie, he unconsciously begins to move the tip of his nose and take it to the side. And people who doubt the honesty of the interlocutor may involuntarily flare their nostrils, as if to say: "I smell: something is unclean here."

The nose is generally extremely sensitive to deceit: it itches and even increases (“Pinocchio effect”). Scientists have found that deliberate lying increases blood pressure and stimulates the body to produce catecholamine, which affects the nasal mucosa.

Increased blood pressure affects the nerve endings of the nose, and it begins to itch. Gestures that are somehow associated with "rubbing", such as when someone rubs the eye, touches the nose and scratches the neck, indicate insincerity.


When the interlocutor puts his hands in his pockets and closes his palms, these are gestures of lies or insincerity: he is hiding something or not saying anything. Remember children: they hide their hands in their pockets or behind their backs if they have done something.

Hidden palms can be compared to a closed mouth. Experienced salespeople always look at the palms of the customer when they talk about abandoning a purchase. True objections are expressed with open palms.

And with a hand covering his mouth, a person restrains himself, so as not to say something superfluous. Afraid to talk, he unconsciously strains or bites them. Watch the facial expressions of your interlocutor: a pursed lower lip indicates a contradiction: the person is not sure what he is saying.

“People freely lie with their mouths, but the face they make while doing this still tells the truth.” (c) Dr. Lightman, "Theory of Lies"

The way he sits can also tell about the interlocutor. If he chooses an unnatural position and cannot sit down in any way, this indicates that he is uncomfortable with the situation or the topic raised.

Liars often bend over, cross their legs and arms, and seek outside support by leaning on some object (table, chair, briefcase). Truthful people rarely change body position and stand straight when answering questions.


Our speech is no less eloquent than the language of gestures and facial expressions. If you receive an evasive answer to a direct question, accompanied by the expression “to be honest,” then listen to the speech of your interlocutor. It is worth doubting his sincerity when repeating phrases like:

1. You just have to trust me...
2. Trust me, I'm telling the truth...
3. You know me, I am not able to deceive ...
4. I am absolutely frank with you ...

“You said once - I believed, you repeated, and I doubted, you said a third time, and I realized that you were lying,” the Eastern sages said.

“There are more pauses in a false story than in a true story,” said Professor Robin Lickley. Too detailed a story is also hardly true - extra details only create plausibility.

A change in the rhythm and timbre of the voice can also betray deception. “Some people are always slow on the next line. If they start chattering, this is a sign of a lie, ”says Paul Ekman.

When we speak the truth, we reinforce what was said with gestures, and gestures correspond to the pace of speech. Gestures that do not fall into the rhythm of speech indicate a contradiction between what we think and say, i.e. to a lie.


1. Adapt to him: copy his posture and gestures. By mirroring, you will establish trust, and it will be harder for the deceiver to lie.
2. Do not bring him to clean water and do not blame. Pretend you didn't hear and ask again. Give the other person a chance to tell the truth.
3. Ask more direct questions. Actively use facial expressions and gestures, causing him to respond.

Cornell University Communications Professor Jeffrey Hancock, researching 30 college students for a week, found that the phone has become the most common weapon of deception.

People lie on the phone 37% of the time. Then come personal conversations (27%), online messengers (21%) and emails (14%). We feel more responsible for what we write than for what we say.

Outgoing people lie more often than introverted people and feel more comfortable when they lie and insist on their lies longer.

Psychologist Bella DePaulo came to the following conclusions:

Men and women lie equally often, but women usually lie in order to make the interlocutor feel more comfortable, and men - to present themselves in a more favorable light.

Men and women behave differently when they lie. Telling a lie makes women feel less comfortable than men.

Scientists have found that a person begins to lie after his thinking reaches a certain level of development, approximately this happens at the age of 3-4 years.

Many would like to know how to determine the lie of the interlocutor: during business meetings, so as not to sign an unprofitable contract; when communicating with a wife, husband or friends, to find out if they are sincere; while talking with children, and in hundreds of other situations. And now you can learn this by carefully studying the material from the article.

Lie detection is a science

Not so long ago, lie detection has become a kind of science. People began to find a relationship between what a person says and how he behaves.

That is, knowing some of the mechanisms of human behavior, you can determine whether he is telling the truth or everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. How to do it?

Now we will analyze this question in detail, and you will learn how to recognize a lie by:

  • voice
  • Facial expressions and gestures
  • gaze

These are the highlights. The next level of sorts is empathy. That is, recognizing a person's emotions, experiencing his feelings with him. But here we will omit this question, since it is very difficult for independent study.

How to recognize lies by voice and speech

  • High pitched voice

During a conversation, a person who wants to deceive you cannot fully control himself. His attention is scattered on many things so as not to give out deception. Therefore, the tone of his voice changes from time to time: because of this inner confusion.

When a person lies - and even more so clumsily - emotions simply rage in him. It's like he's walking through a minefield. Therefore, it is possible to determine by the voice what state the interlocutor is in: if high notes slip through him, most likely he is hiding something; if he speaks in a calm low voice, he is most likely telling the truth.

  • Pauses in speech

As mentioned above, the attention of a liar is very unfocused. And since he pays special attention to words - a person uninitiated in the science of lies looks at what he says, and not how - he needs time to pick them up.

At this time, pauses are formed. It may not be 2, 3 or 5 seconds, but barely noticeable stops. So pay close attention to how the person speaks.

  • The discrepancy between what a person says and how he expresses it

This item could be attributed to a change in the tone of the voice, but here one more element is added - facial expressions. We will talk about it further. Here's just an example to make it clear what we're talking about:

If a person, having received a gift or a compliment, begins to enthusiastically thank you, but at certain points on his face it is clear that he was indifferent to it - he is lying.

  • Few details in the story

The liar's story usually has few details. If you ask him to clarify something, he will have to strain very hard. And, most likely, after your question there will be a pause. Use this as an identifier. Jump from topic to topic and then ask them to repeat the details of what you were talking about a few minutes ago. But just do it naturally so as not to arouse suspicion.

  • Repeat question

In order to gain time, the person repeats the question he was asked. These few seconds are usually enough to come up with a decent answer: the one that will most closely resemble the truth.

  • Repetition of the same information

The liar will try his best to plant his innocence in your head. And he will repeat this under different formulations.

Remember: the innocent have nothing to justify

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions and gestures

  • Closed defensive postures

If the interlocutor often takes closed defensive poses, crosses his arms and legs, shrug his shoulders, he has a facial expression of a lie (this is described in detail below), he stoops, covers his stomach, prefers to have an object between you, uses certain unnatural body movements He is most likely lying.

By creating extra distance, obstacles, and protecting vital organs, his stress is reduced. And this is very important for a liar - because, as we remember, he has to work very hard to make everything go smoothly.

  • Touching the face and neck

Another factor that a person lies is his touch to the neck and face. These are the most common lying gestures. They usually look very unnatural. What do they mean?

When fingers are near the lips, this most likely indicates that the human body, as it were, tells him: “Stop telling lies! Stop!”. Therefore, he unintentionally begins to cover his own mouth with his hand.

When the interlocutor touches the nose, he tries to take his hands away from his mouth. So that it looks natural: “What? My nose itched."

Touching the ear indicates that a person does not want to listen to his lie. It all happens on a subconscious level. That is, everything happens involuntarily; like in the background.

Eye touching is an attempt to avoid contact with the interlocutor. People in a stressful situation are afraid that they can see everything in their eyes. So they try their best to hide their eyes.

  • Frequent shortness of breath and sweating

We remember that a liar is subject to severe stress. Therefore, his breathing and perspiration becomes as if he had just been playing sports.

If a person tells the truth, he has nothing to worry about. So if you notice these signs, think about it.

  • expression of boredom

Experienced liars are not easy to catch. They never get too emotional. One of the tricks they use is an open expression of boredom: open posture, yawning, smiling, slow speech.

If a person usually does not behave this way, then he deliberately “reprogrammed” his body language.

  • Turning the head sideways

A liar may turn his head to signal that he is retracting his words. These left-right turns are similar to how we show “no” (the opposite gesture is a nod to indicate “yes”), but a little weaker. Not so open.

  • fake smile

Also, the interlocutor can hide behind a fake smile to reduce the level of distrust on your part. How is it different from the usual one? When a person smiles sincerely, small wrinkles appear at the corners of his eyes. And when insincere - only the mouth is involved.

In order to more accurately track lies by facial expressions, try checking each item yourself, in front of a mirror. For example, smile at yourself without using the muscles around your eyes.

How to recognize lies in the eyes

  • Avoiding eye contact

The liar will often try to avoid eye contact. Usually most of the time - 60-80% - his gaze will supposedly assess the environment, up - thinking about something, or down - "considering something interesting."

  • Frequent blinking

If a person has no problems with his eyes, then frequent blinking indicates his excitement. Does he have a reason for this? If not, then most likely what he says is a lie.

  • Acted surprise

When a person is genuinely surprised, his eyebrows rise. If a person only wants to pretend that he is glad to see you, then his intonation in his voice will only increase.

How to expose a liar to clean water

  • Ask him to tell his story in reverse chronological order.

Making up stories is one thing. But if you try to turn a non-existent story upside down, then most likely you will get a mess. Try it yourself! Only a person with a very fast thinking speed is capable of this.

  • Ask as many questions as possible about the details

As we said above, liars are weak at coming up with details. Therefore, try to learn as much as possible about them: colors, objects, people, conversations - whatever.

  • Be silent and express open distrust

Try to drive the liar into a state of severe stress: openly tell him that you do not believe; shut up and look him in the eye. So he will start trying to convince you otherwise. Thanks to this, many additional elements will be revealed, by which he can fall for a lie.

It is not always possible to recognize a lie 100%

Everything that is described here is not 100% signs of identifying liars. They only indicate that a person is either trying to hide something, or he is not sure of his words.

Remember 2 rules:

  1. Not a single method, not a single detail gives accurate information: neither facial expressions, nor gestures, nor the use of a lie detector.
  2. Don't accuse the person of lying based on guesswork. The information from the article is a kind of guideline. It can only guide you towards the truth.

The human factor plays a huge role. Therefore, it is so difficult to prove anything by facial expressions and gestures, voice or eyes.

How to get as close as possible to the truth

In order to master the skill of identifying lies by gestures, facial expressions and eyes as accurately as possible, you need to learn how to compare all the factors in one picture, and not look at them separately.

That is, look at all the gestures of lies as one mechanism.

To keep track of everything, you need a lot of practice and a deeper study of the topic: read books - good, now there are a huge number of them on the Internet; browse the materials of experts in this topic - you can also find them in the public domain. And you will succeed!

All people are different. The way of perceiving the world, thinking, reacting to this or that event is different for all people. Lying belongs to one of these manifestations and is also expressed in different ways.

It is believed that there is no common set of gestures, but if there was, we would be able to determine who is lying to us. The most actual lie is reflected when he (the person) provokes emotions.

The body reflects these emotions in its language. However, in order to be sure that you are being lied to, you need to perceive a set of gestures, facial expressions, and speech. To lie at a high level requires increased self-control, which means tension.

The truth is somewhere to the left

A person may be overtly or covertly tense. To determine this, carefully look at the left side of the person. From the point of view of neurophysiology, the control of the left half is less strong than that of the right. The brain, with its left and right hemispheres, controls the sides of the body in different ways.

  • Speech, mind, the ability to do mathematics are the domain of the left hemisphere.
  • Imagination, emotions, abstract thinking are the work of the right hemisphere.
  • Management takes place as a whole in the form of crossing. The left hemisphere is the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere is the left.

For example, we communicate with a right-handed person. During the conversation, he gesticulates vigorously, using his left hand. It is very likely that you are a liar. This is most pronounced if the right hand is almost not involved in the case. If such a mismatch is observed, the person is definitely not sincere. If the same disorder is observed in the face, i.e. the left or right half is more active, perhaps also a lie. Pay special attention to the left side.

Lies are annoying

If you notice that your interlocutor turned pale or, on the contrary, turned pink during communication, and there is also a slight twitching of facial muscles, as well as eyelids or eyebrows, they may also lie to you.

If you see that the interlocutor closes his eyes, often squints or blinks, then he is aging unconsciously to abstract from the topic of conversation. The comfort or lack thereof of the interlocutor can be judged by the pupils. Usually, as a result of various discontent, they narrow.

The pupil reacts to pleasure by expansion. If your eyes are averted, it is not necessarily a liar in front of you. But if they look you straight in the eye, too persistently, this is already a sign of insincerity.

Lies at the tip of the nose

The interesting thing is that your own nose can give you away with giblets. If you see how, while communicating with you, a person twitches the tip of his nose or takes it to the side, you should think about the sincerity of the words of the interlocutor. If in communication with you, someone inflates their nostrils, you should think about the fact that they don’t really believe you.

It's funny, but it is the nose that is especially sensitive to lies. It can itch, change in size (the so-called "Pinocchio effect"). All of this is scientifically proven, since lying causes blood pressure to rise, which in turn affects the nasal mucosa to produce the hormone catecholamine.

Hands ... washed?

If, when communicating with you, the interlocutor tries to put his hands in his pocket or close his palms, you can with a certain degree of confidence assume that he is hiding something. This feature is most pronounced in children.

The feature of hiding the palms or keeping them open can be used against you even in the normal market. An experienced seller sees how your palms are located when you refuse a purchase, and can understand how much you really need it. If you cover your mouth with your hand, then here we see a desire not to blurt out too much. This may be evidenced by the tension of the muscles of the mouth, as well as biting the lips.

Posture is very important in determining a person's honesty. Let's say you observe a person in a tense or uncomfortable position. He can constantly crawl, trying to get comfortable. This says that the topic of conversation is annoying him, he may not agree with it. Liars can lean, cross their legs. Usually, if a person is truthful, then his posture is relaxed and comfortable.

Everybody lies

Have you met in colloquial practice a phrase like “to be honest” and the continuation after it? It is better to look at the person at the moment of its pronunciation. When certain patterns are repeated, it is worth considering the honesty of the speaker. For example, phrases such as:

  • You have to believe me...
  • I'm telling the truth, believe me...
  • Can I cheat? Never!
  • I am completely honest with you!

Often it doesn't even matter what the person says. What matters is how he does it. The timbre of the voice, its rhythm, if it suddenly changes, may indicate insincerity or lies. If the interlocutor hesitates or finds it difficult to pronounce the next phrase, beware.

Usually, gesticulation allows you to convey to the interlocutor a more enhanced version of what we said. As a rule, the pace of such gestures and speech are in line. If you see a discrepancy between one and the other, it is worth considering. So what a person thinks is not necessarily what he says.

Suppose you want to convict a person of deceit. To do this, you need to take some steps. You need to get into the same rhythm with him, adjust, so it will be more difficult for him to lie to you. There is no need to accuse a person of lying on the forehead. It is best to pretend that you did not hear the words, let him repeat himself. This will give you a better chance of being truthful.

Direct questions are best. Facial expressions, gestures directed at the interlocutor will force him to respond accordingly. And a few more facts about lies. Typically, about 37 percent of the time, people lie on the phone. 27 percent go to personal conversations, 21 percent to the Internet, and about 14 percent of lies in e-mails.

If a person is more sociable, most likely he is also lying more. Regardless of gender, people lie about equally often. However, the essence of lies is different. Women lie trying to relax the interlocutor, and men use lies for self-affirmation. A person is not born a liar, but acquires this ability only by three or four years from birth.

With rare exceptions, each of us feels the need for communication, this is how a person works.

People share information with each other, jointly develop new ideas, meet and start relationships, are charged with positive and negative emotions - all this happens through communication.

Due to the exceptional importance of this process in all areas of life, we are often very hurt when we are lied to, but we do not notice it. Probably, to learn to recognize lies, so much so that for sure and always - the blue dream of mankind. Unfortunately, this is hardly possible, if only because often a person cannot distinguish even his own inventions from reality.

However, in order to suspect something was wrong and keep your “ears open”, even special devices are not required - it is enough during a conversation to pay attention to some indirect signs that your interlocutor involuntarily manifests, which can confirm or refute his words.

Lies, as a rule, are inconvenient for those who invent them. He feels discomfort, nervousness, fear that he can be exposed, even when it comes to something completely harmless. And when it’s about something serious that can affect a person’s future life, in the event that the truth is revealed, then only a person with good endurance can behave correctly at such moments. But even in this case, if you know what to look for, you can find clear signs that indicate a person’s nervousness, as well as in which places of his stories and answers it manifests itself most sharply. Let's look at these signs.


In our communication, words directly account for 20-40% of the transmitted information, that is, less than half. Everything else is non-verbal (that is, non-verbal) information. The methods of its transmission are studied by such a section of linguistics as paralinguistics.

pauses- the most common sign of deception. They can be either too long or frequent. The presence of interjections - “um”, “well”, “uh” - also indicates that you may be being told a lie or something is being left out.

Raising the tone is a likely sign. Speech becomes louder and faster, a person experiences excitement. The reasons can be different - anger, delight, fear. But it could also be a lie.

Useless Facts. To make the story convincing, people try to saturate their fictional story with real events that are far from the subject of the conversation. For example, if you want to find out in detail about the people with whom your interlocutor met, what, for example, he needs to hide, then you will hear detailed micro stories about how wonderful the food was, the magnificent weather, what emotions were caused by certain everyday events, and people can only be said in passing. In a word, they will clearly draw a vast background for you, and in the center of the picture they will only sketch a blurry sketch.

Answer in the style of "guess yourself". It is necessary to ensure that the person answers directly, while it is not necessary to correct him and thereby put pressure on him. Remember that a question asked for a question is only an indirect answer.
If you ask, "Did you watch TV today?" - then you need to understand that this is a departure from a direct answer. Although it should be noted that people can answer this way only because they are offended by distrust of themselves and do not consider it necessary to answer directly.
Another variant of the indirect answer is when you are also asked to think out what was said on your own, but not directly spoken, for example, to the question "Are you sure you can fix it?" the phrase “Friends consider me an excellent master!” may follow. From it we can conclude that a person is not confident in his abilities, but he does not want to admit it either.

As you asked, so they answered you. Frequent and precise use of phrases from your question, as well as the complete repetition of the question before the person begins to answer, may indicate insincerity. In such situations, your interlocutor does not have time to think of what to answer, so he uses your own words or takes time before answering in order to have time to construct a plausible version.

Joke instead of an answer. Pay attention to the "funny" answers. You asked, you were wittily answered, you appreciated, laughed and moved on to another question, or did not bother this funny interlocutor anymore - a common situation. But you need to think, if a person often laughs off, instead of answering directly, perhaps he does it intentionally.

Speech at different speeds. Frequent coughing, attempts to clear the throat, or a sudden change in speech from normal to faster or slower may mean that the person is nervous, possibly lying. This is also indicated by any objectively unconditioned change in the voice, tone of the speaker.

If in the course of the story a person goes back along the story and supplements it with something: clarifies, says that he forgot to mention something, adds details, then this indicates a sincere story. It is difficult to remember a story invented on the go, add it in the middle, and then continue to think it out from the end - there is a high probability of going astray and getting confused


First of all, you should pay attention to the posture of the interlocutor.

Well-known "closed poses" - crossed arms and legs. They say at least that the interlocutor is not very inclined to communicate with you. The person may look relaxed, but attempts to hide their hands, fold them over their chest, or lock them on their knees give them away. It is not a fact that he is lying to you - but he clearly wants to hide something from you, not to let it out.

It happens that a liar shrinks, as if trying to take up as little space as possible.

Another posture: if a person takes a step back during a conversation, most likely, he himself does not believe in what he is telling you.

There are "slips of the tongue", a kind of non-verbal leakage of information. Not every liar allows them, but if they happen, this is a reliable sign of his intentions.

If a person touches his face with his hands: scratches his nose, covers his mouth, then these are signs that he subconsciously closes himself from you, puts up a barrier between you.

The most common gestures of deception:

Involuntary shrug speaks of indifference, that a person does not care. And if he pulls with one shoulder, it means that he is lying with a very high degree of probability.

Eye rubbing. When a child does not want to look at something, he closes his eyes with his hands. An adult has this gesture transforms into eye rubbing. Thus, the brain tries to block something unpleasant for us (deception, doubt, or an unpleasant sight).
In men, this is a more pronounced gesture - they rub their eyes, as if they had a speck in their eye.
In women, this gesture is less noticeable and may well pass for correcting makeup, since ladies usually gently rub their lower eyelids with their fingers.
But even here you should be careful - all of a sudden, a mote or an eyelash really hit!

P touch to the nose (often with a quick, elusive movement) is also a sign of a lie. This gesture is called the "Pinocchio symptom"
Remember the tale about Pinocchio, where his nose began to grow rapidly when he was lying? In fact, physically this process really happens - special catelohamin substances are released in the body, which lead to irritation of the nasal mucosa, pressure also increases, blood flow increases and the nose really increases a little. But this is not noticeable, but it is noticeable how your interlocutor begins to reach for his nose and scratch it.
Covering your mouth with your hand or coughing into a fist, according to psychologists, shows a desire to suppress the utterance of one's own false words, to prevent them from breaking out.
brushing imaginary fluff out of clothes. The interlocutor does not approve of what he heard. He doesn't want (or can't) say it out loud, but the gesture betrays his thoughts.
Collar pull.
Familiar gesture, right? As if it becomes stuffy and it is difficult for a person to breathe. Deceit leads to high blood pressure and increased sweating, especially if the deceiver is afraid of being caught in a lie.

Other gestures of deceit include

Rubbing the earlobe.
Let's get back to our monkeys! It's a "I can't hear anything" gesture. It is usually accompanied by a sideways glance. Variants of this gesture: rubbing the earlobe, scratching the neck behind the ear, picking (excuse me) in the ear or twisting it into a tube.

Neck scratching.
As a rule, people do this with the index finger of the hand they write with. On average, a person scratches his neck 5 times a day. This gesture means doubt. That is, if a person says something like “Yes, yes! I totally agree with you” and at the same time reaches out to scratch his neck, this means that in fact he does not agree and doubts.

Fingers in the mouth.
The most striking character with a finger in his mouth is Dr. Evil from the movie about Austin Powers. He almost always keeps his little finger near his mouth. It is an unconscious attempt by the person to return to a state of safety that is usually associated with infancy and sucking on the same nipple. An adult sucks on a cigar, pipe, eyeglasses, pen, or chews gum. Most mouth touches are associated with deceit, but this also indicates that a person needs approval. Maybe he's lying because he's afraid you won't like the truth.

Notice the gesture extended middle finger. He can simply lie on his knee or a person accidentally touches his face with it. This is a gesture of hostility and hidden aggression: the interlocutor seems to send you to hell.

It should also be noted if the interlocutor shifts from foot to foot or even takes a small step back. This indicates a desire to leave, to move away from you, so as not to give something away.
It is especially important to pay attention to backward movements when you are asking questions. If responder's head jerks back or down- this, perhaps, is also an attempt to close.


A person's behavior is very different depending on whether he is telling the truth or lying.

If a lie takes place, then the person's emotions will be much deeper and more sensual. Any lie implies the presence of a certain mask that a person puts on himself and builds an appropriate line of his behavior. Often, the "mask" and other emotions are mixed together. For example, a slight smile - a mask of pleasure, if this feeling is not actually experienced, is mixed with signs of fear, sadness, disgust or anger. In the case of sincere joy, our eyes will see not only a smile, but also the movement of the muscles located around the eyes.

bad reaction. Keep track of the emotions of the interlocutor as the conversation progresses. If a person is hiding something from you, then emotions can be expressed late, unusually long stay on the person’s face, and then suddenly disappear, appear before you finish the phrase.
This happens because the person is thinking hard about something of their own, does not maintain the thread of the conversation well, and demonstrates emotions that they do not actually experience.

Facial expressions that last 5-10 seconds are usually fake. Most sincere emotions appear on the face for only a few seconds. Otherwise, they will look like a mockery. For example, surprise that lasts for more than 5 seconds is a fake emotion.
In a sincere person, words, gestures and facial expressions are synchronized. If someone shouts: “How tired of you!”, And the angry facial expression appears only after the replica, the anger is most likely fake.

American psychologist Paul Ekman (Paul Ekman) studied facial expressions of people and counted only 46 independent facial movements. However, he found that in combination with each other, they can convey about 7,000 unique emotions! Interestingly, many of the muscles that move the face are not controlled by consciousness. This means that a fake smile will always, albeit slightly, differ from a real one.

Behavior in case of provocation

Increased breathing, heaving of the chest, frequent swallowing, perspiration protruding are signs of strong feelings. It is possible that you are lying. A blush is a sign of embarrassment, but you can also be embarrassed from shame for lying.

Do you like field hockey? If you try to abruptly change the subject on your part, the person who is telling a lie will take it with relief, support your initiative, because he understands that the less you talk to him, the less chance he has to “slip through” and impersonate. If the interlocutor is sincere, then his natural reaction will be a misunderstanding of the reason for changing the topic, dissatisfaction that his story was not heard to the end. He will try to return to the topic of conversation.

I don't like you guys... If you have doubts about the veracity of the words of the interlocutor, MirSovetov advises you to implicitly show that you do not believe the story of the interlocutor: after his answer to the next question, pause, look intently, with distrust. If they are not honest with you, it will cause embarrassment, insecurity. If a person tells the truth, then often he begins to get annoyed, stare at you. The following changes can be noted in it: embarrassment disappears, lips tighten, eyebrows frown.

eye movements

It is rightly said that the eyes are the window to the soul. Man is designed in such a way that the eyes are actively involved in the process of reflection.

They take a position depending on which area of ​​the brain is involved at the moment. Knowing this, we can assume what the brain is doing at one moment or another of the dialogue: inventing something new or processing real information.

If a person confidently wants to defend his lie and lies deliberately, he tries to maintain eye contact. He looks deep into his eyes. This is to know if you believe his lies.

And when a person is taken by surprise and wants to lie so that everyone forgets about it, he immediately switches your attention: he goes to another room supposedly on business or starts tying his shoes, sorting through papers and muttering something under his breath ...

However, sometimes a person looks into the eyes in the hope of seeing support. He may not lie, but be very unsure of his rightness.

Watch out for blinking. When they lie, they often blink involuntarily, because for many, a lie is still. But, in addition, increased blinking can mean that the subject of conversation is unpleasant for him, causes pain. And the less often a person blinks, the happier he is at this moment.

When asking a question, pay attention to the movement of the eyes at the moment when the person answers. When a person is really trying to remember all the details and tell you, they look to the right. When a person invents, the gaze rushes to the left.

Usually when a person remembers (invents) he looks not just to the side, but down (right down, left down)

See neurolinguistic psychologists chart for what eye movements indicate.

Let's imagine that in the picture - the face of your interlocutor. Further, in order to avoid confusion, we will agree to write about you when you look at the “face of the interlocutor”, and in brackets there will be indications regarding the face itself depicted in the diagram

You see that the eyes of the interlocutor

  • Watching to your left and up(the person looks to the upper right corner), this indicates the construction of the picture.
  • Right and up from you(he has it in the upper left corner) - an appeal to visual memory.
  • Watching to the left(for the interlocutor, the right side) - comes up with a sound,
  • right(for him, the left side) - tries to remember what he heard.
  • Eyes bottom and left(lower right corner) - checking sensations and feelings.
  • Down and right(lower left corner) - reflects on the situation, talks to himself.
  • If look straight, then the person perceives the information.

For example, if you asked your boss about the salary date, and, while answering, he looked down and to the right relative to you, then he thought about it for the first time and forms the answer on the fly, reflects. And if just to the right, then he says what he heard before from his superiors.

Pay attention to this nuance: if you are talking to a left-handed person, then the left and right sides are mirror opposite. This is also true for right-handed people, in whom the left hemisphere, nevertheless, prevails over the right, for example, the so-called. overtrained left-handers.

There is an opinion that a direct eye-to-eye look symbolizes the sincerity of a person, but if the eyes are averted, then they say that someone is “hiding” his eyes and hiding something. In reality, it is not. In the course of a conversation, it is often necessary to break eye contact in order to focus on some thought, to think, to remember.
Based on materials,

Interesting fact:

Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo have developed a high-tech polygraph. Based on eye movements, it recognizes when a person is telling the truth and when a lie. According to the researchers, their system is able to detect a false statement with an accuracy of more than 80%.

The new system has been tested on volunteers. Before the experiment began, they were asked to guess if they stole a check that was written to a political party they did not support. An interrogator sat next to the subjects, who first asked questions that were not related to the topic, and then directly asked about "theft".

At this time, the program, using webcams, tracked the violation of the trajectory of eye movement, the speed of blinking, and the frequency with which the participants in the experiment shifted their eyes. As a result, the system was able to successfully detect lies in 82.2% of cases, while for experienced investigators this ratio was about 60%.

How to recognize lies by facial expressions and gestures:

It should be noted that in nature there are no two identical personalities, each person is individual in his own way, so there is no universal set of signals that detect lies. Therefore, all signs must be carefully analyzed in the context of the current situation, and pay attention to both voice and emotions, and not to forget about body movements. The tongue can lie, but the body cannot lie.

However, be careful and do not jump to conclusions, no matter how insightful people you are, because even Sherlock Holmes once suspected the girl of a terrible crime, mistaking her awkward gesture for an attempt to hide the truth. Later it turned out that the girl was just embarrassed about her unpowdered nose: o).

And what do you think,

Human nature is designed in such a way that each of us must communicate with others. With the help of this, we receive positive or negative emotions, exchange information, get to know each other, share our ideas, etc. But, communicating with each other, we do not know how to determine whether the interlocutor is telling the truth or lying. Therefore, we will devote this article to how to recognize a lie.


Almost everyone dreams of learning to understand lies, but this, as you know, is almost impossible, since a person has not yet learned to distinguish between reality and fiction. However, in order to recognize something is wrong, no special training is needed, it is enough to pay attention to the gestures and behavior of the interlocutor at the moment of communication.

Care should be taken here, because even the most famous detectives could be mistaken, taking this or that gesture as a sign of a lie. So how do you learn to recognize lies?

Usually a lie brings inconvenience to the one who invents it, so the feeling of nervousness, fear, discomfort, fear of exposure does not leave them. It's about minor lies. But if they are deceived about serious things that can affect their future life, then only a person with a stable psyche can withstand such tests. But even in such rare cases, one can understand that this is a pure deception, while finding some points that clearly indicate that a person is telling a lie.


It is they who will help to understand when a person is lying, because only the body can be controlled by us, and the eyes will never hide lies. Thanks to them, you can understand almost everything, from human feelings to lies. So how to recognize a lie in the eyes?

Signs of a lie:

1. Constricted or dilated pupils. Since this process occurs quite quickly, you should carefully observe the gaze of the interlocutor.

2. Expansion of the eyes. This happens within three seconds and resembles the surprise of a person who does not understand how you could reveal his deceit.

3. Eyes are constantly lowered down, because the liar becomes ashamed. This is very good, because he has not yet lost his conscience.

4. Eyes go up and to the side. At this point, the liar comes up with a fairy tale that he is going to tell you.

5. Moving eyes. Most often, this is due to the fact that the liar is taken by surprise, and he automatically begins to look for an excuse. In some cases, a person begins to sweat, as a lot of energy is spent in the process of deception.

6. If you look your interlocutor in the eyes during the whole conversation, then the liar will try not to meet your eyes.

7. But there are times when a liar knows about these methods, so throughout the entire time of communication he tries not to blink and look into your eyes. Here it will be much more difficult to determine whether a person is lying or not.

How to recognize lies in speech?

This method is one of the most effective in order to understand whether the interlocutor is telling the truth or not saying anything. Next, we will consider in detail what you need to pay attention to.

Optional Facts

In order to hide his lie, a person always tries to put unnecessary events into his story to make his story convincing. For example, if you try to ask a liar about a specific action, he starts talking about all sorts of little things that are not related to a specific conversation (stories about guests, about the weather, about clothes), and your question is answered as if in passing.

"Guess for yourself"

If a person does not answer specifically to the questions posed, this means that he is dodging the answer because of distrust of himself or because he wants to lie. For example, to the question: “Were you in a cafe yesterday?” - he replies: “How could I be there if I had no time?”

How to recognize lies by speech yet? The second option is to evade the answer. For example, if a person is asked: “Can you fix my car?”, he will answer: “Well, everyone says that I am an excellent master in these matters.” In this case, we can say that he is not sure that he will fix the car, and does not want to admit it.

The third option is the repetition by the interlocutor of the question you asked or the use in the answer of the word that was included in it. This may indicate the insincerity of a person. Here he simply cannot think of anything, so he tries to repeat the question so that he has time to compose an answer to it.

The fourth option is the answer in the form of an anecdote or a joke. If you asked something and then heard a witty statement from the interlocutor, after which you smiled and immediately forgot what the conversation was about, then this most often indicates that the person is doing it deliberately in order not to give a truthful answer to the question you posed.

Conversation speed. If the interlocutor began to talk faster than usual, and even stutter, this indicates a lie. Also, a person may cough and change the tone with the voice.

If during the conversation the interlocutor begins his story from the beginning or adds some points, explaining that he forgot to mention this fact, this indicates that the person is telling the story quite truthfully, because it is very difficult to remember a fictional story in great detail and then return to the beginning of the story.


With their help, you can also recognize whether a person is lying or telling the truth. If the interlocutor expresses belated or premature emotions, this indicates his insincerity. For example, if a person demonstrates a long surprise, then this is one hundred percent lie.

Another sign of untruth, which can be determined through human emotions, is their excessive expression. If the interlocutor begins to shout sharply or, conversely, to be polite, this indicates that he is trying to hide his real feelings.

Recognition of lies by facial expressions and gestures

  1. Pay attention to the fact that the interlocutor during the conversation nervously touches his eyebrows, nose and lips. So he tries to cover his mouth.
  2. Face and hands. This is perhaps the most important thing to pay attention to if you want to recognize a lie. Honesty should be doubted when a person constantly pulls at the earlobe. This speaks of his insincerity towards you.
  3. If you don’t know how to recognize a girl’s lies by facial expressions, pay attention to her manipulations with her hair. If she twists her curls or pulls them, this indicates that the person is tense, therefore, there can be no question of the veracity of the story.
  4. Biting lips or nails demonstrates the unwillingness of the interlocutor to tell you the truth.
  5. Liars also love to constantly adjust their clothes, tie up their shoe laces, touch their collar or cuffs as if something is constantly bothering them.
  6. If the interlocutor constantly touches foreign objects, this means that he is lying. Also in such cases, liars hold some thing in their hand, inspect it several times or open and close it.
  7. Another indicator that will help solve the question of how to recognize a lie by facial expressions is an unnatural forced smile. This testifies to the untruth that the interlocutor tells you.
  8. If the arms and legs are crossed or intertwined, this indicates that the person does not want to open up to you, let alone tell the truth.
  9. There are cases when a liar nods his head with a negative answer, and shakes it with a positive one. The first emotion always means a real attitude, therefore, if the facial expressions after your phrases do not correspond to the future answer, then be sure that you are being lied to.
  10. If the interlocutor hid from you, for example, behind a chest of drawers or a vase of flowers, this indicates a person’s unwillingness to tell you the truth or reveal himself to you.
  11. Trembling knees, snapping fingers, wringing hands, twisting wrists are direct evidence that your interlocutor is a liar.

Detecting lies by facial expressions, gestures is not so easy. But if you train yourself to pay attention to all sorts of little things in the behavior of the interlocutor, this will teach you to distinguish between truth and fiction.

Family matters

It often happens that a woman finds her husband, smelling of sweet perfume, in their common apartment deep after midnight, and to the question: "Where have you been?" - she gets the answer: "In a perfume shop!" At this moment, she is eager to learn the whole truth from him by any means. Let's look into the lies of the strong half of humanity.

How to recognize a man's lies?

Many psychologists argue that men lie in a completely different way than women do. But recognizing the liars of the stronger sex is much easier, you just need to look closely at the behavior of the spouse, be serious in conversation and ask clear questions, then he will definitely not be able to evade the answer. So how to recognize the lies of the strong half of humanity?

The answer is simple. Guys who lie will speak in a raised voice or quite loudly, while they will try not to make eye contact with you, fiddling with a tie or collar, and also scratching their thigh in a funny way.

Men who lie regularly always drag out the final denouement, trying to go into unnecessary details and talk about different facts. And only after lengthy inquiries do they give out the whole truth. This misleads women, and most often they take a well-thought-out fact for the truth. Therefore, it should be remembered that if a man wants to hide the truth, he will do everything not to spread it.

In order to understand what was true from this story, try to return to the last conversation after a while and pay attention to the little things. Believe me, if he lied, he will never remember these moments. This is what distinguishes a man from a woman, because the fair sex remembers everything.

As you know, a lie can be good, but this happens in rare cases, so love your loved ones and try not to lie to them, because by doing so you injure their psyche, and also kill confidence in yourself. Health to you and your loved ones!