Alternative treatment for cervical cancer. Tampons with oils. A holistic approach to treating uterine cancer

Uterine cancer can only be cured with traditional medicine. Cervical cancer is treated with surgery or at an early stage with radiation therapy. However, despite timely treatment, the likelihood of relapse remains. Treatment of cervical cancer with folk remedies is unable to get rid of cancer, but it can significantly make life easier for women by eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease and slowing down the growth of the tumor.

Treatment of cervical cancer with traditional medicine recipes is based on the use of herbs and natural products. Decoctions are prepared from the selected ingredients and are used to irrigate the mucous membrane of the organ and for internal use. The emphasis in treatment is on a procedure such as douching, which has a number of advantages over the internal use of medicinal decoctions. Many products are used to make candles and organize tampons.

For cervical cancer, the following ingredients are used to prepare folk remedies:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • hog uterus;
  • birch buds and leaves;
  • horse sorrel;
  • nettle;
  • soda;
  • honey and honey products.

Any traditional methods should be used only with the permission of a doctor, as they have contraindications and limitations. In the early stages of cancer tumor development, traditional therapy is used along with radiation.

If there is a need for surgery, decoctions and medicinal tampons are used after surgery to get rid of postoperative symptoms and quickly restore the functioning of the reproductive system.


At home, when treating cancer, performing the douching procedure gives a quick and positive result. Recommended recipes:

  1. Mix crushed birch leaves and fruits in equal parts. Pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of mixed ingredients. Leave to steep until completely cooled, strain. Douche in the evening, before bed. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Stir a tablespoon of honey into a glass of boiling water. Use the resulting liquid for douching in the initial stages of the disease. The duration of therapy is 14 days.
  3. Pour 30 g of crushed nettle leaves into 1 liter of water. Leave for 4 hours, strain. Perform the procedure once a day, before bed.
  4. Steam a tablespoon of finely chopped norichnik root with a glass of boiling water. Place the container on the fire, boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Use the resulting decoction for douching and take orally.
  5. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped horse sorrel into 2 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 4 hours, strain. Douching should be done in the evening. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  6. Pour 2 tablespoons of horsetail into 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours. To douche with a decoction, you need to use a microenema. Do the procedure twice a day. For one douching, 2/3 of the total volume of the decoction is used.

Preparation of decoctions for internal use

Treatment with folk remedies for cervical cancer includes oral administration of decoctions based on medicinal herbs. Cooking recipes:

  1. Pour celandine (3 leaves) into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes or until the water turns yellow. Strain. Drink the decoction three times a day, dosage – 200 ml. The course of treatment should not exceed 30 days.
  2. Mix 50 g of chamomile, mint and plantain. Pour 3 cups of boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for 1 hour. Drink a few sips every hour. Course – 3 days.
  3. Dilute 1 part barberry tincture with 5 parts 40% alcohol. Take at 8-hour intervals, the dosage is 30 drops.
  4. Pour 50 g of dry, crushed boron uterus into half a liter of vodka. Leave for 30 days. Strain thoroughly and drink 40 drops daily. The course of treatment is 21 days.

The specified duration of use of decoctions must be strictly observed. Long-term use of decoctions can provoke side symptoms.

Vaginal suppositories

  1. Mix 100 g of butter with 30 g of honey and propolis (tip of a teaspoon). Melt the ingredients in a water bath. When they begin to cool, form small candles from the resulting mass and place in the refrigerator. Administer one suppository every day in the evening, before bedtime. The course of treatment is 1 week.
  2. Mix butter and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions, form candles, and place in the refrigerator to harden. Apply twice daily. The therapeutic course is 14 days.

Suppositories for uterine cancer are one of the best ways to relieve signs of the disease and restore the functioning of the reproductive system. Suppositories are especially useful for uterine bleeding.

A disease such as cervical cancer is treated comprehensively. Herbal decoctions for douching should alternate with douching procedures. It is mandatory to supplement folk remedies for cancer with traditional medicine.

Treatment with soda

Methods of treating cervical cancer with soda are considered the most effective among many folk methods of alternative therapy. Soda is used to prepare douching: dilute 40 g of soda in 4 liters of water at room temperature. One vaginal rinsing procedure is 1 liter of the resulting soda water.

Directions for use: Lie on your back and place a pillow under your pelvis. Every 15 minutes after douching, it is necessary to change the position of the body, turning on its side. The procedure is carried out twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Douching with soda is not carried out during menstruation.

To prevent uterine cancer from occurring again, it is recommended to use a simple folk remedy - internal administration of soda solution. Before taking soda orally, you need to consult with your doctor, as there are contraindications to this procedure.

The method for preparing a soda solution is to dilute 10 g of soda in a glass of water at room temperature. Drink 1 glass every day strictly on an empty stomach.

Tampons with oils

For cervical cancer tumors, home methods such as tampons with oils are also suitable. You can make your own oils or buy them ready-made at the pharmacy. The method of using tampons is to soak the hygiene product in the selected oil and insert it into the vagina for 1-2 hours.

The most common and effective oil for the treatment of malignant tumors of the uterus is sea buckthorn. If sea buckthorn oil is not available, it can be replaced with other ingredients. For the treatment of cervical cancer, tea tree oil and fish oil are suitable.

A common treatment regimen for cervical cancer using tampons with oils is to insert a tampon for an hour, and then douche with decoctions of medicinal herbs. The course of treatment with tampons should not exceed 2 weeks.


Herbal decoctions for cervical cancer have a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system, restoring its functioning and preventing complications. To cure the consequences of cancer and prevent relapse, you need to strengthen the immune system.

For this, not only medicinal plants are used, but also juices from natural products. To remove toxins and radionuclides that accumulate from radiation therapy from the body, it is recommended to drink beetroot and cabbage juices daily. Pumpkin juice helps restore the body after cervical cancer therapy.

Many women face uterine cancer at risk of having their uterus removed. And this means a complete loss of reproductive function. Therefore, many women try to preserve the uterus at all costs and often use home treatment. With a certain stubbornness, responsibility and at an early stage of development of the problem, some women manage to successfully treat uterine cancer with folk remedies. We present recipes from the best healers below.

It is worth noting that the loss of the uterus, and often the ovaries, leads to global changes in a woman’s body. This is caused not only by the vacant space in the pelvic floor, but also by a total hormonal imbalance. The consequences cannot be predicted. And this is another reason why treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies is so popular.

Treatment of uterine cancer: recipes for folk remedies

Pass 150 g of aloe vera pulp through a meat grinder, add 250 g of May honey, and a glass of red wine (homemade!) to the mixture. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth and place in a cool, dark place for five days. To treat uterine cancer, take one teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Brew one tablespoon of thistle herb per liter of boiling water. Let the folk remedy brew for a couple of hours. Then strain out the grass. Take half a glass three times a day, before meals. Store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Another proven recipe for treating uterine cancer. Pour birch buds with water in a ratio of 1:5. Bring the mixture to a boil, then remove from heat, cover and let sit for a couple of hours. Strain the mixture and douche with a lukewarm decoction twice a day

Similarly, you can douche with decoctions of celandine, knotweed root, and Kalanchoe leaves.

You can also make tampons with oils to treat uterine cancer. To do this, you can use ready-made sea buckthorn oil, or make oil infusions yourself. For the base you can take Kalanchoe, aloe, celandine, deceptive corydalis, stinking cornflower, celandine. The base is infused for about two weeks, filled with cold-pressed oil. Then you can soak cotton or gauze swabs with this oil and leave them overnight.

Any means to strengthen the immune system are also beneficial. In particular, the use of tonic tinctures of ginseng and rosea radiola, alcoholic infusions of propolis and barberry, the use of onions and garlic.

Today, treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies can be very diverse, the main thing is to choose the appropriate options for yourself.

Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies: recipes from the best healers

Uterine cancer has become a real tragedy for many women. Modern medicine is constantly moving forward and every day scientists are finding more and more opportunities for treating uterine cancer, but it is best to prevent the disease. Now in almost all cities it is possible to get a vaccination that can prevent the development of uterine cancer in your body. In addition to traditional methods of treatment, there is traditional medicine that helps cure uterine cancer; treatment with folk remedies will in any case have a positive effect on the body. Our grandparents used folk remedies to treat uterine cancer, and often such treatment gave very good results. The most popular folk recipes will be presented below:

The main ingredient of this recipe is aloe; this plant has long proven its worth. You must use aloe that is more than three years old, grind 150 g of aloe through a meat grinder, add a tablespoon of honey to the resulting pulp and pour 250 ml of homemade red wine over the entire mixture, it is better if it is fortified. Mix the ingredients until smooth, then refrigerate for a few days. Use the mixture for uterine cancer daily, one tablespoon;

women suffering from uterine cancer should drink lemon balm infusions daily, they slow down the development of tumors, the solution should be taken several times a day half an hour before meals;

for uterine cancer, it is very useful to use white lily root; before use, it must be boiled in a steam bath; the resulting mixture is best poured into a thermos and allowed to stand overnight. You need to take 200 ml of decoction every day;

Herbs are very useful in this case, namely chamomile, thistle, calendula; they can be purchased at any pharmacy and brewed every day instead of tea. A bath made from these ingredients will significantly reduce pain from uterine cancer;

An alcoholic infusion from wormwood roots helps a lot against uterine cancer; it can be made at home. Wormwood must be mixed with alcohol in a ratio of one to five, then left to infuse in a dark place for one week. The product should be taken once a day, 30 drops with water.

Traditional medicine alone cannot cure uterine cancer. Treatment with folk remedies will simply strengthen your immune system and help you cope better with the disease.

Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies: the most effective remedies

While the CDC and other government agencies push the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in an attempt to curb future rates of cervical cancer, a powerful natural option is readily available and does not cause dangerous side effects—in other words, it's a diet. From an eating plan that includes low-glycemic index foods to eating raspberries and turmeric, food is a powerful, financially beneficial and effective defense against uterine cancer. Below are four dietary habits that will help ensure a healthy future.

Diet as a solution to the problem

Choosing foods with a low glycemic index is one of the best ways to avoid cancer, including cervical cancer. Researchers have found that consuming easily digestible foods with a high glycemic index, such as sugar, refined carbohydrates and potatoes, significantly increases levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF), two hormones that increase tumor growth and progression. Consuming slow-digesting foods (non-starchy fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains) will keep your blood glucose levels stable and your insulin levels in a healthy range.

Avoiding excess protein intake is another dietary practice that can reduce your risk of cancer. Since the turn of the century, researchers have recognized that one of the body's main defenses against the proliferation of malignant cells is pancreatin, a combination of pancreatic enzymes involved in protein digestion produced by the pancreas. When protein is consumed in excess, these enzymes are diverted from their important task of controlling cancer cells. For optimal protection, it is recommended that you avoid protein foods for at least 12 hours a day.

In addition, ellagic acid was found to induce cervical carcinoma cell death (apoptosis) within 72 hours, according to a study published in Cancer Letters:

“We found that ellagic acid at a concentration of 10⁵ M induced G1 arrest within 48 hours, inhibited overall cell growth, and induced apoptosis in cervical carcinoma cells after 72 hours. Activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 by ellagic acid suggests a role for ellagic acid in the regulation of the cell cycle of cancer cells.”

Abundant in fruits and nuts such as raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates, blackberries, pecans and walnuts, this cancer-destroying acid is easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

Curcumin, the bioactive component in turmeric, is also effective in preventing and treating cervical cancer. A study in Molecular Cellular Biochemistry found that curcumin extract counteracts proliferation and stimulates apoptosis in HPV-infected cells. The research team adds:

“Curcumin is a natural compound extracted from Curcuma longa that has been shown to inhibit and slow down carcinogenesis in many types of cancer and is currently being tested in various human clinical studies as it has been found to be well tolerated at higher doses with a relatively well-established safety profile.”

On the topic: Treatment of cancer with folk remedies: the most effective methods and means.

A holistic approach to treating uterine cancer

In 1971, President Nixon declared war on cancer in the United States. In the decades since, tens of billions of dollars have been spent on the cause, but cures by orthodox remedies remain highly unreliable. By any standard, this campaign was a failed attempt; or, even worse, a disgraceful fraud. Progress is a myth, and hopes of developing a safe and effective drug to treat cancer are futile. Every person should be able to freely gain knowledge about the countless ways to eradicate cancer without harming the body. It's no secret that preventing cancer is easier than curing it. With holistic therapy that addresses imbalances in body, mind and spirit, it is possible to cure cancer. This is not an opinion - it is a statement based on the author's experience.

A comprehensive approach to cancer treatment includes at least the following eight factors:

  1. Proper nutrition and clean water.
  2. Detoxification.
  3. Creating strong immunity.
  4. Oxygen therapy.
  5. Natural chemotherapy.
  6. Lifestyle changes: adequate sleep, sunlight and exercise.
  7. Positive attitude.
  8. Spiritual cleansing.

Regardless of the aggressiveness of the cancer, the body responds to this holistic approach - the speed and degree to which it does so is commensurate with the diligence and degree to which these eight steps are applied. No cancer treatment method (traditional or otherwise) is guaranteed to be successful; however, it is important to consider that orthodox treatments destroy the body and ignore the underlying causes, while alternative treatments strengthen the body and enable it to heal itself.

These guidelines are just an overview of what a comprehensive holistic protocol would include. A person with cancer should adopt as many of these strategies as possible, slowly incorporating them into their lifestyle and working with a professional naturopath if possible. You can find a holistic health practitioner from a reputable chiropractor, acupuncturist, or other healer. A health food store may also provide contact information.

It is useful to determine whether the body's chronic stressors include specific nutrient deficiencies, absorption problems, and/or toxic heavy metal contamination. This can be monitored through hair, urine or blood testing and can help determine which supplements and treatments will improve treatment. Without eliminating these conditions, healing may take time or not occur at all.


Proper nutrition and clean, filtered water are critical to a successful cancer-fighting strategy. The current diet itself can make or break the effectiveness of any cancer treatment and is therefore the most important strategic point. Knowing which foods feed cancer cells and interfere with treatment, and which ones help with healing, is vital.

Refined sugar feeds and strengthens cancer cells, so it must be immediately and completely eliminated from the diet. Sugar substitutes, refined flours and trans fats damage the body, and numerous studies have linked them to cancer. You should also avoid dairy products and all mucus-forming foods. Processed and fast foods, soda, coffee, alcohol, chlorine and fluoride are among the foods and substances that interfere with healing and may contribute to the development of cancer. Conversely, a diet rich in foods rich in multiple nutrients will improve all levels of the body's recovery process.

All plant foods contain nutrients that aid in healing. Herbs, fruits and vegetables have properties that protect and inhibit cancer proliferation by cleansing the body, replenishing nutritional deficiencies and repairing damaged body tissues. These foods include green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, white and red cabbage, etc.), sea vegetables, fruits and berries (especially berries and dark grapes with seeds and skin), garlic, ginger, turmeric and green tea, and many others. A diet rich in organic plant foods improves all levels of the body's defenses.

Concentrated fats from flaxseed oil and olive oil should be used without heat, while natural unrefined coconut oil can be used for cooking. Although these healthy fats, as well as fats from whole foods such as avocados, nuts and seeds, provide the right amount of fatty acids needed for cellular oxygenation, they should be kept to a minimum (about 15% of total food intake). since fat slows down the digestion of food and its significant intake can accelerate tumor growth. Once the cancer has stabilized, this restriction can be relaxed.

If possible, animal protein should be eliminated from the diet; however, we all have different body constitutions, so those who must consume animal meat should limit themselves to small amounts of organic beef or poultry, as well as wild caught fish. Beans and legumes are an excellent source of fiber and many important nutrients and can be consumed in moderation.

While whole grains also contain fiber and nutrients, there is disagreement among experts regarding their place in a therapeutic diet. Partly due to the sugar and gluten they contain, due to the digestive stress they cause on an already cancer-stricken body. Grain products should be eliminated or limited to gluten-free varieties, at least until the condition is stable. You can find out which products contain gluten and which do not in this material - Gluten-free diet: list of products - what you can and cannot do.

Likewise, natural sweeteners such as honey and maple syrup should also be limited during the active phase of cancer. The herb stevia is a safe sweetener.

A woman suffering from uterine cancer should strive for a diet that includes at least 80% raw foods. This will provide an alkaline environment, as well as sufficient enzymes for the healing processes. Taking digestive enzyme supplements along with eating foods and taking systemic enzymes on an empty stomach will promote healing.


Effective treatment requires the removal of accumulated toxins and metabolic waste. Awareness to eliminate or minimize consumption of processed foods and fast food, and exposure to substances and environmental toxins that interfere with the healing process is of utmost importance. It is also useful to begin treatment by cleansing the intestines, cleansing the kidneys and cleansing the liver of accumulated toxins.

In addition to consciously avoiding toxic exposure and cleansing the organs, there are various treatments and practices that can help cleanse the body. Some of them include:

  • daily muscle stretching to release acids from tissues;
  • jumping on a mini-trampoline to move lymph fluid, flush out accumulated impurities in the body, and increase the number and activity of white blood cells;
  • sweating in a sauna to remove toxins through the skin;
  • drinking freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices to alkalize and cleanse tissues;
  • Using castor oil to improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system and help detoxify the body.

Accumulated toxins can also be eliminated through fasting, which helps heal and rejuvenate the body. The practice of coffee enemas should also be considered as they prevent the reabsorption of toxins, cleanse the blood and liver, and counteract the symptoms of a potential healing crisis. To effectively use all of these cleansing programs, it is recommended to do all this under the supervision of a specialist.

Building strong immunity

The immune system is our body's natural defense against harmful substances, all kinds of pathogens and abnormal cell development. Any cell in the body can mutate in response to negative stressors, but a healthy immune system will stop its growth and protect it from uncontrolled malignancy. There are different groups of white blood cells that have the innate intelligence to heal. Their functions include identifying, attacking, destroying and ultimately eliminating abnormal cells through the body's lymphatic system and elimination organs.

Strategies to strengthen and build these natural defenses to prevent or treat cancer include eating a nutrient-rich diet and taking supplements. Chlorella, mushroom extracts (cordyceps, reishi, chaga, etc.), aloe vera, propolis, echinacea and milk thistle are just a few of the many supplements that strengthen the body's natural defenses.


The more toxins in the body, the less oxygen enters the cells. Oxygen starvation at the cellular level leads to disease. In fact, it is an undeniable fact that cancer cells stop growing when the blood and tissues are sufficiently oxygenated. There are many ways to oxygenate the body, including a high-alkaline diet (a diet containing 80% raw foods). This increases the body's internal pH, which enhances the transfer of oxygen into cells.

Regular exercise, deep breathing and adequate consumption of clean water are other simple ways to increase oxygen absorption. Ozone, which is activated oxygen, can be used therapeutically at home by drinking ozonated water and using ozone saunas.

Natural Chemotherapy

How to cure uterine cancer with folk remedies? There are many natural, non-toxic "chemotherapies" that kill cancer directly or indirectly. However, neither should be used as monotherapy and should be considered as one component of a comprehensive treatment protocol.

Amygdalin, also known as laetrile or vitamin B17, selectively targets and destroys cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. The substance occurs naturally in many plant foods, including apple kernels, bitter almonds and apricot kernels, and can also be obtained through dietary supplements or intravenous administration.

Four decades of clinical data and research demonstrate its effectiveness. Supplements can be found on the Internet. Other uterine cancer treatments that indirectly kill cancer cells include:

  • shark liver oil
  • Shark cartilage
  • melatonin

All these drugs interrupt the blood supply to the tumors.

Lifestyle changes

Deep, restful sleep is an important part of an effective treatment strategy. During sleep, our bodies go through repair, detoxification and healing processes. The liver works during the deepest level of sleep (delta level) to break down and eliminate carcinogens. Additionally, sleeping in complete darkness promotes healthy levels of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that promotes restful sleep. Eating food (especially protein) three hours before bedtime should be avoided, as this uses the body's energy resources in digestion. The value of adequate sleep should not be overlooked because without it our efforts to heal will be minimized.

Other lifestyle changes include exposure to sunlight and daily exercise. Research has shown that for certain types of cancer, getting enough vitamin D from exposure to sunlight reduces tumors. Adequate sunbathing early in the morning or late in the afternoon is the safest way to get beneficial sunlight. The darker the pigmentation of the skin, the more it needs to be exposed to sunlight. Avoid overexposure during the hottest part of the day, as sunburn can damage the skin and promote cancer.

Regular exercise speeds up the elimination of toxins and is essential to keep the body oxygenated and improve lymphatic function while building immunity. These therapeutic benefits can be achieved through moderate exercise at least three times a week and gradually increasing duration and/or intensity as new thresholds are reached.

The body, due to its flexibility, will heal when it is given what it needs. However, all this may not always produce results without the next component of the holistic approach, which cannot be ignored.

Positive attitude

Developing a positive attitude will reduce psychological stress and deeply aid the healing process. A woman with uterine cancer can achieve this in part by becoming proactive through exploring alternative treatment options. This strategy increases understanding and awareness, and gives a strong sense of control. There are countless books and websites that describe alternative cancer treatments. There are also many inspiring books and success stories written by cancer survivors. These hopeful stories provide a strong sense of hope that is essential for survival.

Every person has the right to control their own thoughts and attitudes, thereby creating their own reality. A cancer diagnosis can be a necessary life-changing event and an opportunity for life transformation.

Spiritual cleansing

Spirituality is the third aspect of the holistic paradigm and relates to our sense of peace. It involves resolving unresolved conflicts, asking for forgiveness, releasing toxic emotions such as anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, regret and fear, and bringing to the surface our capacity for love, compassion and joy. Spiritual cleansing is a process that can be achieved through a variety of means, including meditation, affirmations, visualization and/or prayer.

These strategies should be the basis of ongoing lifestyle changes. Occasional deviations should be expected, but one should try not to lose focus. Although it can sometimes be difficult to stay committed to a holistic protocol, its effectiveness compared to conventional treatments is incredibly high.

The holistic protocol creates a physical, emotional and spiritual environment that simply will not support cancer.

Uterine cancer - treatment with folk remedies: the best method

Among the many methods and natural remedies for the treatment of uterine cancer, the following remedies can be distinguished:

Vitamin A

How to treat uterine cancer with folk remedies using nutrition and nutrients such as vitamin A?

According to Tori Hudson, author of The Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that improves immune system function and protects your cervix from harmful free radicals that can cause precancerous and cancerous cells to develop on the surface of the cervix. Hudson explains that vitamin A also:

  • reduces the severity of uterine cancer;
  • reduces symptoms of cervical cancer such as back pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding, fatigue and loss of appetite;
  • regulates cell reproduction;
  • slows down the progression of cancer cells;
  • prevents recurrence of uterine cancer

Foods rich in vitamin A include turkey liver, duck, lamb, broccoli, apples, spinach, tomatoes, peaches, cabbage, peas and apricots.

You can learn more about foods containing vitamin A here - 20 Foods Rich in Vitamin A: List of Vitamin A Foods.

Vitamin B2

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) book Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control: A Guide to Essential Practice, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a water-soluble vitamin that:

  • prevents the development of precancerous or cancerous cells on the cervix;
  • restores damaged tissues;
  • reduces inflammation in the cervix and reproductive system;
  • destroys human papillomavirus;
  • reduces the risk of cervical dysplasia (the presence of abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix that can lead to cervical cancer in some women).

Foods rich in vitamin B2 include liver, fortified breakfast cereals, mushrooms, eggs, almonds, milk and sardines.

Cervical cancer can be cured with folk remedies only through complex cancer therapy - this is the rule. The more different effective means you use, the better. However, it is worth noting that it is necessary to select a set of remedies together with an expert in the field of complementary medicine.

Uncaria pubescent (Cat's claw)

According to Josef Beath, Ralf Moss and Ulrich Abel, authors of Complementary Oncology: Adjunctive Methods in the Treatment of Cancer, cat's claw, also known as Uncaria tomentosa, is a herb that strengthens your immune system and protects the body from infections, viruses and diseases that can contribute to the spread of cervical cancer. Bate, Moss and Abel explain that Uncaria pubis also relieves symptoms of uterine cancer, such as irregular bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge and pelvic pain, as well as preventing cell damage, reducing cervical inflammation and reducing the risk of precancerous cells on the surface of the cervix. Cat's claw is available in the form of teas, liquid extracts, and capsules.

Treatment of cervical cancer with folk remedies can give positive results only in complex cancer therapy.


Folk remedies for uterine cancer include turmeric in their list, as it contains such a powerful anti-cancer compound as curcumin. According to Ping-Zheng Leung and Harry Fong, authors of Alternative Cancer Treatments, turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is a folk herbal remedy that:

  • enhances the function of the immune system;
  • reduces cervical inflammation;
  • destroys the human papilloma virus;
  • reduces symptoms of cervical cancer, such as heavy bleeding and pelvic pain;
  • cures lesions of cervical tissue caused by cancer;
  • prevents the spread of cervical cancer cells.

Turmeric is widely available in capsule, liquid extract, and tincture form.

Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies - the most effective of the remedies presented above will only work in complex therapy for cancer of the body and cervix. You should not use only one remedy, as in this case the likelihood of failure is too high. Before starting treatment with any folk remedies, be sure to consult a specialist for advice.

Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies

Uterine cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women among all malignant diseases. Due to the relatively high effectiveness of treatment and early diagnosis, it rarely leads to death in patients. The disease most often appears after menopause, but in every fourth case, uterine cancer is diagnosed in women of reproductive age.

Long-term stimulation of the endometrium by estrogen has the greatest impact on tumor development, especially in cases of progestin hormone deficiency. Risk factors also include obesity (after all, a large amount of estrogen accumulates in adipose tissue), age from 50 to 59 years, the absence of children, the onset of menstruation too early or too late, the occurrence of anovulatory cycles, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, endometrial hyperplasia and hereditary predisposition.

  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • Due to the fact that the disease appears and develops due to hormonal imbalances, treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies has shown high effectiveness. It is based on the use of herbs that normalize estrogen levels and kill cancer cells. Traditional medicine is often combined with traditional pharmacotherapy.


    We list the signs that should make you worry about your health and suspect uterine cancer.

    1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods, as well as passing large amounts of menstrual blood. This symptom does not necessarily indicate cancer - you may have fibroids or polyps in the uterus, as well as endometriosis. But the cause of any abnormal vaginal bleeding needs to be explained and treated.
    2. Vaginal discharge. They usually mean trivial genitourinary infections. But bronze-colored discharge or blood-stained discharge may indicate malignant neoplasms.
    3. Pain during intercourse. Painful intimacy, especially after menopause, can be associated with vaginal dryness. However, if pain persists after using moisturizing gels or vaginal suppositories, you should consult a gynecologist.
    4. Pain in the lower abdomen. These signs can have many causes, but if the pain recurs frequently or does not go away on its own, it is worth getting tested. With cancer, the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on other organs, leading to pain.
    5. Weakness and weight loss, despite a high-calorie diet. Weight loss for unknown reasons is often the main symptom of cancer.

    Naturally, the final diagnosis is made by a doctor after undergoing an ultrasound and other examinations.


    All kinds of home remedies will help reduce the symptoms of uterine cancer and encourage the body to fight the tumor on its own. Remember that herbal medicine must be practiced over a long period of time (at least six months) to achieve lasting results.

    Dzungarian aconite (Djungarian fighter)

    Dzhugar aconite is a poisonous plant. It contains many alkaloids that prevent the growth of cancer cells and promote their breakdown. When used skillfully, the plant does not affect healthy tissues of the body. So, if you want to get rid of cancer, you need to grind 100 g of fresh or 150 g of dry aconite root tubers (this must be done with gloves, under no circumstances should plant particles get on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth!), combine with 500 ml of vodka and leave in a glass jar for less than 2 weeks. Next, the tincture is filtered.

    We begin treatment by taking one drop of the drug on an empty stomach in the morning, dissolving it in 100 ml of cool water. We maintain this dosage for 3-5 days, after which we increase it: add one drop per day. The patient should reach a dosage of 10 drops at a time, then reduce the amount of medication, reaching 1 drop, and stop the course of therapy.

    Attention! This dose is an average for cancer patients. In some women, the body is too weak, and therefore, when increasing the amount of the drug, signs of poisoning may appear (dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat). In this case, you need to drink 100 ml of the red type (it neutralizes toxins), and the next day reduce the dosage.

    After just one course of treatment, many patients note that the symptoms of uterine cancer have become less noticeable. To completely get rid of this disease, you need to take from 3 to 10 such courses with a break of 2 months.

    Bee products

    Beekeeping products treat cancer well: propolis, honey, pollen, royal jelly, etc. They first alleviate the symptoms of the disease (abdominal pain, discharge), and then the cause itself.

    The simplest thing you can do for your body is to consume a teaspoon of honey three times a day. At night, it is recommended to place cotton-gauze swabs in the vagina, moistened with a mixture of honey, pollen and aloe (take honey and aloe in a tablespoon, pollen - on the tip of a knife).

    Include propolis in the treatment process: eat 5 g of this substance three times a day, half an hour before meals. It will be great if you get some royal jelly - this drug completely restores the functioning of the body in general and female hormones in particular. Take half a teaspoon of royal jelly each time before meals, slowly dissolving it in your mouth.

    Wine with anti-cancer properties

    Healing herbs infused with wine remove toxins from the body, kill pathological cells and stimulate the body to independently fight cancer. Here is the recipe for this wine:

    • White mistletoe – 20g;
    • Young walnut bark – 20g;
    • Sage leaves – 20g;
    • Dandelion roots – 20g

    Chop the herbs, pour into a glass jar and pour in a liter of red fortified wine. Let this product infuse in a warm, dark place (you need to close the jar not with a lid, but with a piece of gauze). Drink the finished wine one tablespoon three times a day, an hour after meals.

    Healing elixir

    Experienced healers recommend that women suffering from uterine cancer drink the healing elixir for two weeks. To prepare one dose of medicine, take one teaspoon each of viburnum juice, juice from aloe leaves and May honey. Pour all this over a glass of hot milk, stir thoroughly and drink quickly. You only need to drink one glass of medicine per day. Therapeutic courses can be repeated every 2 months.

    Tincture of Tartaria prickly

    The flowering heads of the prickly tartar help get rid of all types of cancer, including cancer of the female genital organs. For this you will need a fresh plant. Push the flowers into a glass bottle so as to fill the vessel halfway, add high-quality vodka on top, close the lid and leave for 2 weeks. The strained tincture is stored in the refrigerator. Take it one tablespoon three times a day before meals with water or milk.

    Apple tree flowers

    During the flowering period, collect apple flowers, dry them in a dark place, and then grind them into powder. Mix the resulting product with the same amount of May honey. Take it a teaspoon several times a day.

    Herbal infusions

    As soon as you notice the first signs of a tumor in the uterus, turn to multi-component herbal preparations that act on all “fronts”: inhibit the growth of cancer cells, increase immunity, relieve pain, etc. Here is an excellent and time-tested recipe:

    • Peony roots – 100g;
    • Wormwood grass – 100g;
    • Burnet herb – 100g;
    • Calendula flowers – 50g;
    • City gravilate flowers – 50g;
    • Celandine grass – 25 g.

    Grind all ingredients, mix thoroughly and store in a glass jar. In the evening, brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a liter of boiling water (preferably in a thermos, but a jar will do), leave until the morning and strain. You should drink 4 glasses of this drug per day. The following collection is no less effective:

    • Black elderberry bark – 100g;
    • Stems and fruits of white mistletoe – 100g;
    • Viburnum bark – 50g;
    • Celandine grass and leaves – 50g.

    You need to prepare this collection in the same way as in the previous recipe. After chemotherapy, patients can take a special mixture that restores the body and prevents cancer recurrence. Here he is:

    • Sunflower flowers – 100g;
    • White mistletoe – 100g;
    • Echinacea flowers – 100g

    From this collection you should prepare regular tea - brew a teaspoon of plants in a cup of water. You can drink an almost unlimited amount of this drug per day, as it has no contraindications.

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    Treatment of uterine cancer with folk remedies, the best recipes

    How is uterine cancer treated with folk remedies? It is advisable to consult an oncologist about this. In the modern world, patients are offered many different methods and schemes for curing malignant tumors, but I would like to note the following. If you have chosen a method and have been using it for a very long time, but no positive result is visible, then do not despair and feel free to switch to another.

    How is uterine cancer treated with traditional recipes?

    We must remember that cancer treatment is a very long process. You can’t stop it and give up. Many people with cancer claim to be cured. This means that there is hope to overcome this pathology. There was one Tibetan doctor, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Badmaev, who treated cancer with herbs. He believed that the human immune system itself was capable of defeating the disease. It’s just that the body’s defenses are weakened, and you need to take immunomodulators to strengthen it.

    To understand whether treatment helps or not, it would be correct to first donate blood for tumor markers (this can be done at any medical center). Blood is taken from a vein, and the analysis shows the presence of tumor markers regarding the diseased organ. A repeat analysis, which can be done six months later, will determine the effectiveness of the chosen treatment.

    Below are some recipes and methods for treating cancer from traditional medicine. Before we begin, I would like to warn you that if you want to defeat this disease, then it is better to treat it comprehensively with the recommendations of an oncologist. Our goal is to defeat the cancer process, and in this fight we must use all means.

    Often, poisonous plants are used in folk recipes for the treatment of tumors. And a natural question arises about how to treat with poison. Since the immune system protects the body from foreign substances, it needs a push in order to get rid of tumors, which in this case are foreign.

    And a poisonous plant, or rather, a tincture from it, entering the body and also being a foreign substance, in a unique way “rocks” the immune system, which itself can no longer cope with the disease. The blood is filled with antibodies due to the poison entering the body and begins its protective function, getting rid of tumors along the way.

    There are many folk remedies with celandine, aconite, various mixtures of vodka with vegetable oil, soda, etc. are known. It is necessary to consider the method of treating hemlock for cancer as one of the auxiliary methods of therapy.

    Treatment of uterine cancer with hemlock using the Tishchenko method

    Treatment with hemlock (method of V.V. Tishchenko) has been known for a long time. It should immediately be noted that hemlock is a poisonous plant, and the tincture must be taken strictly according to the prescription.

    Pharmachologic effect:

    1. Fights tumors (benign and malignant).
    2. Heals wounds.
    3. Acts as a sedative and diuretic.
    4. Has an anticonvulsant effect. Removes spasms in the body.
    5. Stimulates immunity.
    6. Is an antiseptic.

    There are a number of recipes for preparing hemlock tincture; the most accessible one will be described here. Let us immediately note that the tincture is prepared from a fresh plant (plucked at the time of need). You need to prepare a well-sealed jar of alcohol in advance so that the collected flowers can be immediately dipped into alcohol. It should be taken into account that hemlock loses its properties after being cut.

    To prepare the medicine you will need:

    • inflorescences and seeds - 2 parts;
    • alcohol (medicinal) or vodka - 1 part.

    Algorithm of action: cut 2 cups of inflorescences with scissors (no need to compact them) and place them in a previously prepared jar of alcohol. Close the lid tightly. Infuse for three weeks to 40 days (if you have time, it is better to leave for 40 days) in a cool place. In extreme cases, taking the tincture can be started earlier.

    Do not open the jar during the entire period, since the tincture contains volatile substances (alkaloids) that should turn into alcohol. You just need to shake the contents of the jar every day. When the tincture is ready, you will need to strain it (preferably through a bandage or gauze). Then pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

    If you decide to buy a ready-made tincture, then to determine its quality, pay attention to the color and smell. A properly prepared tincture should have a deep purple or bluish color. And the smell is peculiar, similar to that of a mouse, from the essential oil contained in the solution - coniine. In principle, it is for this reason that the drug is prepared; this is the most important medicinal element in it.

    Scheme for taking hemlock tincture: for 40 days, every morning on an empty stomach, the drug is taken dropwise, diluted in 100 ml of water. The diagram looks like this:

    • 1 day - 1 drop,
    • Day 2 - 2 drops,
    • Day 3 - 3 drops.

    And so you need to bring it to 40 drops, after which the countdown begins, that is, the entire course of treatment will take 80 days.

    Some features when taking the tincture. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. You should hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, then swallow.

    The tincture has side effects. If after taking the patient, symptoms such as nausea, skin rashes, intestinal disorders and any other severe conditions begin, then there is no need to increase the amount of the drug to 40 drops. At whatever stage this happens, the countdown must begin.

    The only caveat to taking is individual intolerance to the body. These are mainly allergic reactions to a toxic substance contained in the plant. If hemlock tincture does not suit the patient, another treatment should be considered.

    During chemotherapy, the tincture cannot be taken, as it causes an exacerbation of the disease.

    Treatment method for uterine cancer from Tibet

    It is recommended to use folk remedies for treatment of cervical cancer using the method of Tibetan medicine. To help a patient, one should practice any branch of medicine that will benefit the patient. According to Tibet, in addition to herbs that improve the patient’s quality of life, great emphasis is placed on lifestyle and nutrition. It is important how the environment affects the patient. It is necessary that in moments of depression and increased nervousness the patient has support from loved ones.

    When it comes to food, you should try to use, as far as possible, foods that grow naturally. There are now many specific products in stores that, unfortunately, are not suitable for consumption.

    It is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods that cause gas formation. More berries should be included in the menu. It is necessary to monitor the digestive tract and use various spices. Very useful:

    • turmeric,
    • cinnamon,
    • ginger,
    • cardamom.

    Great importance is attached to the pomegranate; it is believed that it helps the patient get back on his feet. If possible, you should exclude sweets, all carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, hot foods, fatty, fried foods. It is very important to completely eliminate white bread and rice from your diet.

    At any stage of the disease, no matter how difficult it is to move, you should try not to sit. A sedentary lifestyle is a direct path to illness and medication. And another important point is weight control. Sleep patterns must be adjusted. There is nothing complicated: as soon as it gets dark, you need to go to bed. And it will be easier to get up early in the morning. Tibetan medicine is a philosophy, a training of the mind.

    Treatment of gallbladder polyp with folk remedies

    This is one of the most common problems in female oncology. Cervical cancer is not difficult to diagnose. However, women often neglect their body until it completely refuses to serve them. It is worth paying attention to your individual reactions. After all, every woman, as her life progresses, discovers those signs that indicate a disease specifically in her body. In this article we will look at the symptoms and stages of the disease, as well as its treatment with folk remedies

    Symptoms of cervical cancer

    Female oncology very often remains limited to the reproductive system. However, at the third stage of cervical cancer, tumor development begins in neighboring organs. Therefore, the sooner the problem is detected, the more comforting the prognosis for treatment. Moreover, there is an 80% chance of recovery if signs of cancer are detected at the first and zero stages of the disease

    In the first stages, cervical cancer is asymptomatic. In general, it does not cause any discomfort. However, there is a possibility of individual sensitivity. And women begin to experience slight discomfort, as with erosion.

    With further development of the problem, the main indicator becomes causeless and painless bleeding. Symptoms of cervical cancer are caused by the destruction of blood vessels and are not related to menstruation.

    Purulent and watery discharge may also appear. They may be an infiltrate from a tumor, or the result of a violation of the lymphatic vessels. This discharge can cause itching and obvious discomfort.

    The problem gets worse when there is bloody discharge on contact. In other words, when a woman plays sports, lifts weights, or during sexual intercourse, there should be no blood. This symptom is especially alarming in cases of regular repetition.

    At the third stage, when the cancer begins to affect the vagina, uterus and neighboring organs, active pain effects will begin during movement and during rest. The stronger the pain, the greater the likelihood of an advanced form.

    Stages of cervical cancer and their symptoms

    The process of cancer is usually divided into several stages. This is done so that in a few words one can get an idea of ​​the patient’s condition. In the following article we will look at the stages or degrees of the disease from first to fourth. A special zero stage included a pre-invasive condition, which is characteristic of the initial period of the onset of the problem.

    Classification of stages of cervical cancer

    Classifying the stages of cancer makes it more understandable for patients. When a doctor tells them about a particular condition, they can draw their own conclusions and make predictions for themselves. In order to draw adequate conclusions, it is worth finding out what the stages of cervical cancer are, and what ways of developing the problem exist in principle.

    Stage zero is the simplest and most quickly solved problem. Today, oncology is fought at this level using laser surgery, electrosurgery, and radiation therapy, and they do it successfully.

    The first stage of cervical cancer is the moment of damage to the connective stroma of the uterus. At this stage, treatment also comes down to minimal measures to remove the affected tissue. Most often, after successful operations, complete recovery of the body is achieved.

    The second stage will entail more serious consequences. The fact is that at the third stage there are three options for the development of the problem; they can develop together or one at a time. At the third stage, damage to the vagina, damage to the uterus, or the spread of cancer cells in the parametrial tissue is possible. All three options have a lot of unpleasant consequences, but they can also be survived.

    The third stage of cancer, depending on what was affected in the second stage, begins to worsen the situation. In other words, complete damage to the vagina, damage to the parametric tissue up to the pelvic floor, and/or the appearance of metastases are possible.

    The fourth stage of cervical cancer threatens the development of a tumor, leading to the spread of metastases throughout the body (spine, lungs, liver), damage to neighboring organs - the bladder and intestines.

    Of course, cancer has different development paths depending on the stage and affected organs. Nevertheless, it is possible, necessary and obligatory to fight it. Age is not a barrier for cervical cancer; the main thing is to be aware of what is happening and fight for your health at any stage of cervical cancer. Don't lose hope and stay healthy always.

    Tumor dislocation provokes several variations in cancer development. Moreover, there are options when cancer cells spread not along one of three possible routes, but through all of them at once. In this case, the cancer can metastasize just anywhere. The consequences of tumor development are terrifying. Moreover, the problem is that the first stage of the disease passes quickly, and diagnosis encounters already developed metastases.

    Metastases as a sign of cervical cancer at different stages

    Lymphatic type metastases develop first. They spread in the parametric direction, that is, along the walls of the pelvis and peritoneum. Further damage to the pelvic organs is a natural development of the disease if it develops without treatment.

    Hematogenous metastases appear at the third stage, but the damage they cause has a much greater degree of destructive potential.

    Metastases can grow into the uterus, although more often cervical cancer simply provokes cancer of the uterine body. The second option is vaginal lesions, and it is most often captured by hematogenous type metastases.

    It is natural that metastases from cervical cancer affect the bladder and intestines. In this case, the intestines can be affected in two ways. If oncology develops in the direction of the vagina, it most often affects the large intestine. If the development of troubles goes towards the uterus, then this is the small intestine.

    Many people ask whether bone marrow damage is possible with cervical cancer. The answer is yes. At the fourth stage of cancer, damage to the spine and bone marrow in the lumbar region is possible. Moreover, this stage is characterized by damage to the lungs and liver.

    Liver damage is one of the worst options for developing the problem. In particular, this is one of the options when death is possible.

    It is worth knowing that cervical cancer metastasizes quickly, but the speed of their development depends on the treatment. Therefore, the sooner treatment of the problem begins, the greater the chances of full or partial recovery.

    Treatment of cervical cancer with folk remedies

    Modern medicine ruthlessly and harshly fights cancer of the female reproductive system. However, the problem of cancer did not appear today, and it was treated long before surgery or chemotherapy became possible. Folk remedies for the treatment of cancer have a decent level of effectiveness. Of course, we do not have statistics on this topic, but it is certain that these means have an effect, albeit partial.

    Recipes for folk remedies to fight cervical cancer

    Take the pulp of 150 g of aloe vera older than three years. Pass it through a meat grinder. Then add a glass of May honey to the gruel, and half a glass of fortified red wine - better than homemade. Mix until smooth and place in a cool, dark place for a couple of days. Take a tablespoon per day.

    Brew astragalus and/or lemon balm root in a ratio of one to nine and let steep for a couple of hours. Take half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.

    White lily root is boiled in a steam bath in a ratio of one to five. Then wrap the cup in a towel or pour it into a thermos and let it brew overnight. To treat cervical cancer, you need to drink 200 ml of the folk remedy per day.

    A decoction of chamomile, thistle, and calendula can be prepared for douching in the treatment of cervical cancer. In this case, the final amount of raw material should be equal to two tablespoons per two liters of water. The herb can simply be brewed and infused, or it can be cooked in a steam bath.

    Another tip for treating cervical cancer with traditional recipes is to use the above decoctions as a base for baths. In this case, the amount of raw materials must be doubled.

    An alcohol infusion of wormwood root helps well. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, the raw materials must be mixed with alcohol in a ratio of one to five. Cover with a lid and place in a dark, cool place for a week. Take 30 drops every day in water.

    Sea buckthorn oil for tampons can be used against cancer. This folk remedy is worth buying at the pharmacy. Soak the tampon generously in oil and insert it deep into the vagina. Leave the tampon on overnight.

    Alcohol tinctures of barberry for cervical cancer. Take one teaspoon three times a day.

    Alcohol tinctures of ginseng, rosea radiola, propolis will help in the treatment of cancer to boost immunity and cope with weakness.

    A decoction of celandine, thistle, white cinquefoil, stinking cornflower, and deceptive corydalis can be prepared like this. Pour a tablespoon of crushed raw materials into a liter of boiling water. Wrap the dishes with the broth and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain the broth and drink half a glass of the folk remedy three times a day to treat cervical cancer. You can prepare the decoction in a steam bath.

    Oil infusions for tampons are useful. You can use ready-made rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, or you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you should take the raw material - one of the herbs that you used for decoctions - pour in cold-pressed oil, cover with a lid and send it to a cold, dark place to infuse for a week. Then strain out the particles of raw material, moisten a cotton swab in the oil infusion and insert it into the vagina overnight.

    Douching is also useful in the traditional treatment of cancer. You can douche with the same decoctions that you will drink. You can mix them with each other. You can also use chamomile, calendula, and lemon balm to treat cancer. The use of nettle is strictly prohibited.

    Principles of cervical cancer treatment with folk remedies

    Oncology of female organs has become a very acute problem throughout the world today. Huge medical centers have learned to fight cervical cancer and often produce excellent results. However, there are still cases when women do not fully trust doctors, but prefer traditional herbal treatment. The advantage of this treatment is that traditional methods can, if not cope, then somewhat mitigate the course of the disease. In addition, the use of traditional medicine does not contradict the use of traditional treatment.

    The most important thing in using folk remedies is regularity and duration. The effectiveness of treatment does not occur at the same rate as chemotherapy.

    If a patient wants to use folk remedies for cervical cancer treatment in parallel with the official line of treatment, then it is worth warning the doctor about this. He is unlikely to prohibit such procedures, and the patient will remain confident that she is not harming her body.

    Very often, treatment of cervical cancer with traditional methods helps to cope with rehabilitation after surgery and radiation therapy. The fact is that all herbs are aimed at anti-inflammatory effects, which means they will help the body recover and recover faster. However, the use of traditional medicine methods must be agreed with your doctor.

    Features of traditional therapy for cervical cancer

    Modern drugs and technology make it possible to cope with new diseases more and more effectively. Moreover, today we are actively developing a drug that will allow us to develop stable immunity to this problem. However, about preventive measures later. What treatment is available for cervical cancer today, what are its pros and cons.

    Treatment methods for cervical cancer

    The most common treatment for cervical cancer is surgery. Depending on the course of the disease, the operation can be performed by laparoscopy or as an abdominal operation. The first treatment option is preferable, but you can’t argue with oncology and the cases are very different. Modern technologies make it possible to use not only the usual scalpel, but also an electric scalpel and a laser during surgical intervention. The latest tools promise to evolve and open new horizons for traditional surgery.

    Radiation therapy. Irradiation allows for the suppression of cancer cells. The advantage of this method is that the beam can be directed to the diseased area, and a limited number of organs will receive parallel irradiation. In addition, irradiation can be of two types - intracavitary and external. Both options have their own application technologies and features. Often both methods are used at once.

    Chemotherapy. Nobody canceled the first-line medications. They certainly cause enormous damage to the body, but they fight cancer cells quite effectively, and most importantly, they effectively stop the spread of pathogenic cells throughout the body.

    Combined treatment method. Combinations of several methods are the most common approach to solving the problem. It allows you to cope with the disease and slightly reduce the severity of the consequences of treatment.

    However, the most important thing in treating cervical cancer is early diagnosis; nothing else will help to cope with cancer as effectively as possible.

    How it all began

    My problems began with the fact that at the age of 37 I became very seriously ill, “femininely”: inflammation of the appendages and uterus. In short, a whole bunch of ailments known to every woman.

    I was in the gynecology department 2 times a year, for a month. They gave me blood transfusions, all sorts of baths, hot injections, and cauterized the erosion several times. Of course it helped, but only for a while. Then everything only escalated with renewed vigor.

    It got to the point that the uterus began to increase sharply. As a result, I was admitted to oncology. They explained it to me like this: they say there are very good gynecologists here who will definitely help.

    The gynecologists there are really good, no matter what they did, but the uterus still stubbornly continued to increase in size. One night I had insomnia, all sorts of thoughts were creeping into my head, and when the nurse on duty was sleeping in her room, I was able to quietly get to my medical record and look at what was written there. And it was written there - Cz.

    Alas, I knew perfectly well what it was. It was a bitter experience. My husband died of stomach cancer several years ago. To say that I was upset means to say nothing at all. I was simply crushed and flattened by this recording. In short, I lost heart.

    One day, returning from home, where I had asked to go to the hospital for the weekend, I accidentally got into conversation with a woman (I still remember her and believe that God sent her to me). And she told me that her sister, diagnosed with uterine cancer, was discharged from the hospital by doctors as simply hopeless, but someone advised her to drink juice squeezed from the roots of horse sorrel, and fortunately, her sister has been alive for a year now.

    Not really believing it, I grabbed this advice like a saving straw. I dug up horse sorrel roots as soon as I could, did everything as this woman told me, and you won’t believe it - everything soon got better.

    After about a week I was discharged. Naturally, my treatment with sorrel did not end this week. I drank this juice again and again, taking short breaks, and since then I have not been in the hospital with any female disease. I try to share this recipe with everyone I can. I really want to help desperate women regain their health.

    Cervical cancer treatment recipe

    There is nothing super complicated in this recipe and its effect is all the more surprising. For example, I was simply amazed.

    • You just need to dig up horse sorrel, get its roots, peel them, wash them, and wipe them.
    • Next, grind them and pass through a regular or electric meat grinder.
    • The resulting mass must be squeezed out through several layers of gauze.
    • There won't be much juice, but there will still be some.
    • Drink this juice 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, always after meals.
    • It is not boiled under any circumstances, but rather drunk raw.

    You can use a juicer if you have one in the house. I didn’t have it, so I passed it through a meat grinder and squeezed it through cheesecloth.

    I just really sincerely want people to truly believe in this simple recipe. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is very effective. After all, the roots of sorrel can be dug in the fall before the snow and in the early spring, before it begins to actively grow.

    Sincerely, Marina Fedorovna Shakina, Vladimir region..

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    Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor in the lower segment of the reproductive organ. The most common types of this disease are adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

    This disease is one of the most common malignant tumors in women. It occurs most often in patients aged 35–55 years. The disease is treated with medication and surgery. Folk remedies for cervical cancer are also used. But in order to understand what home remedies can be used, you should first become familiar with the symptoms of the disease.

    The development of cancer is a multi-stage process, that is, the disease does not develop suddenly. The disease can be detected at an early stage of development in order to prevent complications and other negative consequences that a malignant tumor can develop into, but for this it is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least twice a year. This especially applies to women over 35 years of age. The development of cancer goes through the following stages:

    • dysplasia;
    • non-invasive cancer;
    • microinvasive tumors;
    • pronounced cancer.

    Initially, the disease occurs without any symptoms; there may be one or several tumors. Unfortunately, it is not possible to identify them on your own; this can only be done by a gynecologist at the initial stage of cancer development. The presence of a malignant tumor can be indicated by bloody discharge from the genitals after or during sex, between menstruation.

    If the cancer continues to develop, compression of the nerve plexuses occurs, which causes characteristic painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back and sacrum.

    As malignant tumors grow, menstruation becomes heavier, the cycle is disrupted, the pain intensifies, heaviness is felt in the pelvis, and the external genital organs swell. Swelling of the extremities and disruption of the functioning of the intestines and bladder are also possible. Due to the progression of the disease, the woman experiences problems with urination.

    At the last stage, there is severe weight loss, poor appetite, body temperature rises, headaches and dizziness appear. To prevent such a course of the disease, it is better to undergo regular examinations in order to detect the disease in a timely manner and begin immediate treatment.

    Malignant formations on the cervix can develop for a very long time, without manifesting themselves in any way. However, having discovered such an ailment, you should immediately begin therapy. Perhaps timely measures taken will lead to improvement or even elimination of the disease.

    How to treat cervical cancer with folk remedies? In this case, it will not be possible to get rid of the pathology using exclusively folk recipes. Cancer is a very serious and fatal disease. It should be treated by a doctor. Self-medication often leads to death.

    The folk remedies described below can only be used with the permission of the oncologist. It must be remembered that even healing herbal decoctions can provoke the active growth of a tumor if used incorrectly.


    Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, but it is actively used for the treatment of cervical cancer and other oncological pathologies. To prepare the potion, prepare a liter jar and fill it with these mushrooms and vodka. The product is kept for 1 month in a dark room. Then the medicine must be filtered and refrigerated.

    Amanita tincture is started with 1 drop, the amount is increased by 1 drop daily. Thus, treatment continues for 10 days. Then the dosage is gradually reduced over another 10 days. After a ten-day break, the therapy is repeated.

    Baking soda is a controversial alternative therapy. If you regularly use the medicine, it will create the necessary level of acidity in the body and prevent the further spread of cancer.

    How to treat cervical cancer with soda? To prepare it, you will need to dissolve 10 grams of sodium bicarbonate in 200 ml of cold water. This method of therapy also helps a woman recover after chemotherapy and is used for prophylactic purposes to prevent relapse.

    Washing the vagina with soda: mix 40 grams of the product and 4 liters of warm water. To carry out 1 manipulation, 1 liter of the prepared product is enough. Washing the vagina with soda is carried out 2 times a day for 60 days.

    Propolis. For malignant tumors on the cervix, the bee product is used in its pure form, 7.5 g per day. As a folk remedy, you can moisten tampons and insert them into the vagina for 15–20 minutes before bed. The duration of therapy in both cases is 3 months, then take a short break and repeat the course again if necessary.

    Beaver jet for cervical cancer is sold as a tincture in pharmacies. For oncology, it is drunk in two stages. The first is the schedule by hour: 05:00 - 3 caps., 07:00 - 7 caps., 09:00 - 9 caps., 13:00 (17, 19, 21) - 15 caps. Second stage - 1 tsp. tinctures are diluted in 100 ml of water. Drink for 5 months.

    Such traditional methods of treating cervical cancer should be used with caution. Any treatment should be discussed with a doctor first, especially for such dangerous conditions.


    Local remedies for the treatment of cervical cancer are used simultaneously with medications that are taken orally. Only a comprehensive method of therapy will help get rid of the hated disease.

    How to treat cervical cancer with folk remedies:

    Take 100 g of freshly picked celandine, rinse it under cold water and pour boiling water over it. Then put on gloves and grind the herbal preparation. All the herbs are placed in a two-liter jar and 1 liter of boiled water is poured in.

    The medicine is infused for 60 minutes, then douching is performed. The manipulation is carried out once a day. Treated with douching using a herbal preparation for 10 days.

    Buy liquid bergenia extract at the pharmacy. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of warm liquid. l. drug and carry out manipulation twice a day. The course of treatment is determined individually.

    For douching, you can use birch leaves and buds in equal parts, poured with 5 parts of boiling water. The product is infused overnight, and the procedure begins in the morning.

    Wormwood is also valued for malignant pathologies of the pelvic organs. To prepare a solution for douching you will need 2 tbsp. l. medicinal herbs and 200 ml of cool boiled water. Infuse the product in a sealed container for 10 hours. Then the medicine is boiled for 10 minutes and after 2 hours of infusion it can be used.

    Honey has a good effect on cervical tumors. It is diluted in a glass of warm water in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. This method of treatment is carried out for mild dysplasia. At the last stage of a malignant disease, honey will not help.

    Stinging nettle restores the menstrual cycle and is used as an anti-cancer agent. To prepare the solution, pour 30 grams of leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave for 4–5 hours, strain and use for vaginal irrigation.

    Take 15 grams of yellow capsule in a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, strain, then dilute with another 5 parts of warm water.

    Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots of Norichnik nodosum and pour 200 ml of boiling water over the raw materials. The medicine is simmered in a sealed container for 10 minutes, then infused for 1 hour. This medicine is used both internally and for douching.

    Bedstraw is an effective remedy for cervical cancer. The decoction is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. The medicine is infused for 1-3 hours and the vagina is washed.

    You need to brew 2 tbsp. l. chopped horsetail 400 ml boiling water. The medicine is infused overnight. Douching is carried out using a small enema, using ⅔ glass in the morning and evening.

    Herbs for cervical cancer are an excellent remedy for quickly and effectively treating the disease. A herbal remedy is also used - horse sorrel. For douching, prepare the following decoction: 2 tbsp. l. herbs for 2 cups of boiling water. The product is boiled for 15 minutes and left for 4 hours. Then filter and douching. The course of treatment is 12 procedures.

    Black root is also used for treatment. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:20, a decoction is prepared and used for any diseases of the female genital area, including oncology.

    When douching, do not forget to disinfect the douche so as not to introduce an infection into the vagina. The solution should be at room temperature and not contain grains or grass, so as not to injure the mucous membrane.


    Knowing how to cure cervical cancer with folk remedies, you can get rid of the disease much faster. The following prescriptions are taken orally under medical supervision. Unlike douching, oral use of tinctures and decoctions can cause significant harm to the body if the medicine is not prepared correctly.

    Herbs for cervical cancer:

    Three leaves of celandine are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. The product is boiled for 5 minutes, the broth should acquire a yellowish tint. Drink the medicine 200 ml 3 times a day. Treatment with this decoction should not exceed 1 month.

    Take 50 grams of chamomile, plantain and mint. Medicinal herbs are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for 60 minutes. Use the medicine every 60 minutes for three days.

    A tablespoon of Amur velvet is poured into 200 ml of hot water. The medicine is simmered in a water bath for 15 minutes. After 30 minutes of infusion, the home remedy can be taken. Drink 1 tbsp of the product. l. 3 times a day. It is important to take the medicine before meals.

    Tincture of common barberry is diluted with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Use the prepared medicine 25-30 drops every 8 hours. Preparation of the folk remedy: 1 tsp. crushed barberry roots, pour 400 ml of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, strain and drink, diluted with alcohol. You can also drink the decoction separately, 100 ml.

    Pour a tablespoon of stinking cornflower into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk 15 ml 3 times a day for 1 month.
    Brew 15 grams of Siberian catchment in 400 ml of boiling water. After 60 minutes of infusion, the infusion is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. within 14 days. If necessary, treatment can be extended to 1 month.

    Borovaya uterus is one of the female plants used for all diseases of the pelvic organs. Take 50 g of dry grass and pour in 500 ml of vodka. Infuse the medicine for 30 days, then strain and squeeze out the liquid. Drink 30–40 drops twice a day. Borovaya uterus for cervical cancer is taken for 3 weeks.

    Antitumor herbs penetrate the bloodstream and prevent the proliferation of tumor cells. They eliminate the inflammatory process and prevent uterine bleeding. Medicinal plants also eliminate pain and intoxication of the body.


    Candles made from home remedies work much better than store-bought ones. In addition, such suppositories can be used by all women.

    Take 100 g of butter, 30 g of honey and propolis on the tip of a teaspoon. All ingredients are melted, poured into prepared molds and placed in the refrigerator to harden. Suppositories must be used daily at night. Duration of treatment is 7 days.

    Sea buckthorn suppositories. They buy oil at the pharmacy, mix it with butter, pour it into molds and put it in the refrigerator. These candles are used 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

    Homemade suppositories are an effective remedy for cervical cancer. But they cannot be used for too long. It is better to alternate with other treatment methods so that the effect of therapy is better.


    Oils can be used to treat cervical cancer. They are sold in pharmacies or made independently. Sea buckthorn oil for cervical cancer is one of the most gentle medicines, but it is highly effective and has practically no restrictions in use.

    Tampons are soaked in the drug and inserted into the vagina overnight. Remove it in the morning, then immediately douche. If sea buckthorn oil is not found in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with fish oil or tea tree oil.

    If you use the latter remedy, then insert tampons with it into the vagina twice a day for 1 hour. After this, the vagina is washed again with the solutions proposed for douching.

    Oil therapy lasts no more than 14 days. Then it is better to use another remedy, and after 2 weeks the course of treatment can be repeated.


    Traditional treatment for cervical cancer also involves drinking juices. Much is known about such therapy; some fruits and vegetables contain antitumor substances that can save a woman from suffering with regular use of juices.

    Traditional healers advise drinking beet and cabbage juice in unlimited quantities. They help get rid of some of the negative effects of radiation therapy, and also remove radionuclides from the body. Such treatment may be justified, but in any case it is worth discussing with your doctor. Cabbage and beet juice definitely won't do any harm. But don't worry if your stool turns black after drinking beet juice.

    You can also eat the pulp of ripe pumpkin internally. You can also make tampons from it. The pulp is wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina before bed. Grated potatoes are used in the same way.