How to get rid of excessive body hair. How to assess the degree of increased female hair growth. Pituitary gland dysfunction

In modern times, a perfectly smooth body is valued, excluding hair on the head. Excessive hair growth on the body of women has recently become widespread. This pathology has a name - when hair growth occurs in the back, chest, face and abdomen.

There are also a number of other reasons for the appearance of excess body hair. Such unwanted vegetation primarily causes aesthetic discomfort. The causes of facial hair growth in women can be a serious signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body, and indicate serious disorders that should be diagnosed and treated.

Hirsutism, what is it?

Many of us have seen women who grow a man's beard or mustache. The reasons for hair growth on the chin in women can be very different. One of these pathologies is called hirsutism - a female diagnosis, which refers to excess hair growth in the fair sex due to an excess of male hormone.

This disease brings many aesthetic inconveniences into the lives of women, and also creates complexes. Indeed, for men, women with an excess of hair, especially on the face, become unattractive. Such hair has a different type of follicle and grows coarse, dark, and long.

One in twenty women of childbearing age develop facial hair. And after 50 years, every fourth. However, the disease hirsutism is often accompanied by serious consequences: menstrual irregularities, inability to conceive a child, depression.

The cause of hirsutism is an increased level of testosterone (male sex hormone) in a woman’s body. Such an increase may occur due to disruption of the ovaries. The disease is common among women. The ovaries produce the following hormones:

  • estrogens;
  • gestagens;
  • androgens.

If the amount of androgens increases sharply, the body experiences stress and triggers the following reactions:

  • sudden growth of facial hair;
  • enlargement of genital organs;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • hoarseness, voice change.

Hirsutism can be a consequence of the following processes:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • oncological pathologies;

  • pathologies in the functioning of the pituitary gland;
  • metabolic pathology;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • puberty, menopause, pregnancy.

In addition to increased body hair growth, the following symptoms are possible:

  • baldness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility;
  • increased oiliness of hair;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • increased sexual desire.

Hypertrichosis, what is it?

The cause of excess body hair growth in women may be a disease -. This pathology includes the following symptoms: excessive hair growth in any part of the body. Most often, the pathology is observed in Asian women.

The causes of hirsutism and hypertrichosis are the same and are associated with excess testosterone:

  • disruption of the ovaries is the most common cause of hair growth;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • pathologies in the pituitary gland;
  • increased production of androgens;

  • metabolic disease;
  • oncology;
  • skin pathologies;
  • genetic mutations;
  • against the background of hormonal changes (menopause, pregnancy, puberty);
  • anorexia nervosa.

The disease can be congenital or acquired. Hair growth does not necessarily cover any part of the body evenly. They can also grow unevenly, in atypical places, for example, on the shoulder or shoulder blade, etc. This distinguishes the two diseases presented above.

With Hypertrichosis, vellus hair grows and covers almost the entire body and is pigmented in some places. Each part of hair growth has its own causes, which are important to diagnose in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Other reasons

The cause of a sharp increase in hair growth can be stress. When a girl does difficult work, her body and psyche begin to restructure to produce testosterone. In medicine there is such a thing as the masculinization of women.

Sudden hair growth can also occur due to the following reasons:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • depression;
  • anorexia;
  • pathology of the nervous system.

Due to trauma to moles, due to frequent hair removal.

Vegetation often increases in women by the age of 50, when age-related changes and natural attenuation of the ovaries occur.

Diagnosis of pathology

A cause for concern may be an increased increase in facial hair growth and chest hair growth in women. You should consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis and search for the cause of increased male pattern hair.

Diagnostics includes consultations and examination with a gynecologist, endocrinologist, medical history, and laboratory tests.

It is obligatory to undergo an instrumental study:

  • Ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • ovarian laparoscopy if there is suspicion of a tumor.

It is also worth contacting a neurologist, trichologist and cosmetologist.

Treatment for increased body hair growth

Once the cause of excess hair growth has been identified, treatment can begin. Typically, treatment of excess hair growth consists of the following steps:

  • the use of drugs that lead to a decrease in testosterone;
  • elimination and treatment of the primary cause of the disease;
  • dietary adjustments and special diets;
  • hair removal using cosmetic methods.

If hair growth is not associated with any disease, then the following is prescribed:

  • antiandrogen drugs: Janine, Cyproterone, Ketoconazole, Diane-5;
  • drugs that contain progestan and estrogen.

Drug therapy

Mandatory treatment for hirsutism and hypertrichosis is hormonal therapy. Oral contraceptives, which suppress male hormones in the ovaries. The following drugs are considered effective:

  • Finasteride;
  • Matformin;
  • Spironolactone.

Hormonal therapy slows down the growth of new hairs. It can be prescribed only if tumors are completely excluded. It is mandatory to take medications that reduce testosterone levels and sensitivity to androgens: Dine-35, Zhanin, Yarina.

For pathology of the adrenal glands, the following are prescribed: Cortisol, Prednisolone. And if a tumor of the ovaries or adrenal glands is diagnosed, the doctor may prescribe chemotherapy. Treatment with hormones lasts about six months.

Contraindications to treatment with hormonal drugs: pregnancy; lactation; tumors; allergic reactions to drugs.

When a woman is planning a child, taking hormonal drugs is prohibited. However, often the expectant mother needs stimulation of ovulation. If you are unable to conceive a child, you can use IVF services.

Cosmetic treatment

After or during the period of hormonal treatment, you can begin to remove hair. Do not shave coarse hairs with a razor or pluck them with tweezers. Especially if they grow on the face. Therefore, along with hormonal therapy, you should definitely include cosmetic therapy to bring your body back to normal.

There are the following types of cosmetic hair removal:

  • photoepilation - due to exposure to high-pulse light, the tissues heat up and the hair follicles are destroyed;
  • Laser hair removal is an unpleasant, expensive, but effective procedure. With the help of a laser, the follicle is destroyed and the hair will never bother you again;
  • electrolysis – hair follicles are removed using current;
  • a mixture of electrolysis and photoepilation - a new product, removes hair of all skin types;
  • waxing - short-term hair removal for a maximum of a month;
  • Sugaring - hair removal with a sugar solution.

Traditional methods

At home, you can carry out cosmetic procedures yourself and try to minimize the visibility of excess hair. Sugar hair removal is easy to do yourself:

  • mix one glass of sugar with three tablespoons of water and a pinch of citric acid;
  • heat the mixture over heat until smooth and slightly brownish in color;
  • when the mixture has cooled slightly, scoop up the paste and apply to the area with excess coverage;
  • remove hairs against growth.

It is worth minimizing the visibility of dark hair with the help of folk recipes:

  • take hydrogen peroxide or light hair dye. Apply to hair using a sponge or cotton pad and hold for several minutes. Repeat the procedure as necessary;
  • Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of boiling water and apply to hair. Keep the compress all night;
  • Mix the ashes with soap (pre-rub) and dilute with a spoon of water. Soak the cotton wool and hold the compress for fifteen minutes;
  • one spoon of castor or burdock oil, two spoons of alcohol, a teaspoon of ammonia, five drops of iodine 5%. Treat the bikini area with the mixture twice a day.

If there is a possibility of inheriting diseases in which a woman grows hair in a male pattern, then it is better to take preventive actions first:

  • diet – control weight;
  • visiting a cosmetologist to remove follicles or bulbs;
  • annual examination of all organs;
  • choosing a female profession while minimizing stress.

It is important to know:

  • the use of various medications eliminates one problem and creates others;
  • Hormonal drugs are best used in extreme cases. Since hormones are removed from the body for several years;
  • many medications disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Taking hormonal medications does not affect your mood for the better.

Facial hair growth is an unpleasant manifestation of hormonal imbalance. With the right basis, as well as the development of therapy, it is treated in several stages.

The light velvety fluff on a woman’s face gives it special tenderness and charm. But if vellus hair suddenly begins to grow quickly and cover the entire body, then women worry. Is this a sign of a dangerous disease or just a trick of nature? And is it possible to get rid of ugly vegetation? Doctors say the problem lies in hormones.

Vellus hair

Fluff on the body in women: normal or abnormal

Thin, translucent or colorless hairs are even present on the fetus in the womb. Their length is no more than two millimeters, and the follicles are not connected to the sebaceous glands. All people have fuzz on their bodies, but it is most noticeable in children and women. It is the body's natural covering and a natural temperature regulator. Soft, barely noticeable hair helps the sweat glands work. Thanks to it, a person feels when an insect is crawling on the skin.

The down covers the backs of the fingers and toes, the back, chest and abdomen. Anatomically, women should not have fine hairs on the following areas of the body:

area behind the ears;

· soles;

· palms;

· some parts of the external genitalia.

If thin hairs appear in these areas or begin to grow rapidly throughout a woman’s body, there is a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Vellus hair all over the body: what causes it

Abnormal growth of the fuzz is associated with certain physical and mental illnesses. Among them:

Itsenko-Cushing's disease. The pathological release of adrenal hormones into the blood leads to an excess of body hair;

Anorexia nervosa or starvation;

· menopause. Hormonal imbalances can cause unwanted hair growth;

Polycystic ovary syndrome.

All of these conditions are very serious and require medical attention. Heredity and emotional distress can also cause the problem.

Women are especially worried if thick fuzz grows on the cheeks, chin and upper lip. In this situation, you cannot use a razor or tweezers, as the hairs will grow longer and thicker as they grow.

The problem of hirsutism is relevant both for specialized gynecologists and endocrinologists, and for general practitioners. Patients come to see their family doctor with complaints about increased body hair and the question of how to deal with it. Specialists begin to look for a problem in the state of a woman’s hormonal background, but it often happens that the problem is not detected, hormone levels are within normal limits and pathology is not detected, but the complaints persist. How in the 21st century, in a world where women see perfectly smooth bodies on TV screens and magazine pages, can one distinguish the far-fetched problem of hirsutism from normal hair? To do this we need to go back to the roots of the problem.

Hirsutism and hypertrichosis - features of increased hair growth

Hypertrichosis is usually called general excess hair growth in all parts of the body, which does not depend on the hormonal state of the body. The causes of hypertrichosis can be both congenital, genetically determined characteristics of the body, and the influence of other factors, for example, the presence of concomitant diseases.

Hirsutism is excess hair growth in women in hormone-dependent areas. Excessive hair appears not only in places familiar to women - in the groin, armpits, arms, legs, but also in places where hair is typical for men: on the face, chest, back, around the nipples, on the ears.

The main causes of hirsutism

The main and most common cause of the development of hirsutism is the high concentration of male hormones androgens in a woman’s body. There may be several reasons for their excess quantity:

  • pathology of the ovaries themselves (polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian hyperthecosis, etc.);
  • pathology of other endocrine organs (congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, etc.);
  • oncological endocrine pathology (prolactinoma, ovarian and adrenal tumors, etc.);
  • taking medications (anabolic steroids).

Under the influence of the male sex hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, in those areas where hair follicles normally produce the growth of thin and light vellus hair in women, the initiation of terminal hair growth - dark, long and coarse - occurs. The conversion of testosterone into the more powerful hormone dihydrotestosterone is catalyzed by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is located primarily in the skin.

Hormonally independent idiopathic hirsutism

The diagnosis of idiopathic hirsutism is established if the laboratory confirms the normal concentration of androgens in a woman’s body, but hair growth remains male-patterned. The cause of idiopathic hirsutism may be an isolated increase in the activity of 5-alpha reductase or an increase in the number of androgen receptors in the female body. But it is important to remember that excluding pathology of other organs and anamnestic data on a normal cycle may not be enough, since about 40% of women with hirsutism have regular cycles, in which, however, ovulation does not occur. To exclude ovarian pathology, additional research methods, such as folliculometry, are needed.

There is also genetic hirsutism - increased hair growth in certain ethnic groups. For example, among the peoples of the Caucasus, hirsutism is quite common and is a variant of the norm, while among Asian women, increased hair growth is extremely rare.

Assessment of the degree of increased hair growth

At the initial stage of diagnosis, the Ferriman-Galwey scale can be used to determine the degree of hair growth in women of the Slavic ethnic group. The intensity of hair growth is determined in nine androgen-dependent zones and is assessed in points from 0 to 4, after which the number of points is summed up and the hirsute number is determined.

Hair growth area


Upper lip

Isolated hairs on outer edge

Small mustache

Whiskers extending half the distance to the filter

Whiskers reaching the filter


Individual hair

Scattered hair

Continuous coating

Individual hair

Scattered hair

Continuous coating

Small of the back

Tuft of hair on the sacrum

Bunch on the sacrum, diverging to the sides

Hair on 2/3 of the lower back

Continuous coating

Hair around nipples

Hair around the nipples and between the mammary glands

Merging of these zones from ¾ of the surface

Continuous coating

Upper abdomen

Cover half or entire surface


Individual hairs along the midline

Hair path along the midline

Wide band of hair along the midline

Hair growth in an inverted V shape

Continuous coating

Sparse hair, no more than ¼ of the surface

More extensive but incomplete coverage

Continuous coating

The hirsute number is determined by the sum of points. The maximum number is 36 points.

  • up to 7 points – normal hair growth;
  • 8-12 points – borderline hair growth;
  • more than 12 points – hirsutism.

When determining the degree of hair growth using the Ferryman-Galwey scale, it is necessary to continue further examination of the patient using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, since the hirsut number allows only an approximate determination of the degree of hirsutism.

About methods to eliminate the problem of increased hair growth

Update: October 2018

Many of us have seen women who have something like a mustache or beard on their faces. It looks quite strange and unnatural, and some believe that this is the result of plucking or removing facial hair, but this is a misconception.

The appearance of facial hair in women is referred to as hirsutism, an exclusively female diagnosis, which refers to excess hair growth in the fair sex of the androgenic (male) type, caused by an excess of male sex hormones.

The problem causes a lot of trouble for its owners, leads to the formation of complexes and makes such ladies an object of ridicule and sexually unattractive to the opposite sex. Hair is called terminal hair with typical locations:

  • upper lip
  • chin
  • rib cage
  • back and stomach.

They are dark, long and tough, have a shaft and grow from a different type of bulb than the vellus bulbs that are normally present throughout the body, including the face. Every 20th woman of childbearing age grows facial hair, and every 4th woman grows after menopause. Hirsutism is often accompanied by the inability to conceive a child, menstrual irregularities and depression.

A few words about androgens

There are several types of androgens, the most famous of which is testosterone. In the male body, this hormone is involved in the formation of sperm and the development of male characteristics (a rough voice, body hair growth, etc.).

Testosterone is normally present in the female body, but in small quantities, and affects the menstrual cycle, libido and fertility (the ability to reproduce). Accordingly, an increase in the level of this hormone in women leads to male-type functional changes.

Other male sex hormones are androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone, which are subsequently converted into testosterone (see).

Symptoms of hirsutism

  • Male pattern hair growth in women: growth of hard, pigmented shaft hair on the face (upper lip, chin), around the nipples, on the chest, back, abdomen, buttocks and inner thighs;
  • Increased oiliness of hair and skin;
  • , especially in the forehead area;
  • Acne is an inflammatory change in the pilosebaceous structures of the skin;
  • in the form of irregular periods or their complete absence;
  • , inability to conceive a child for a long time.

With hirsutism against the background of hyperandrogenism, signs of virilization or masculine features subsequently appear:

  • increased libido;
  • increase in muscle mass, especially in the upper shoulder girdle;
  • redistribution of fat according to the male type (localized on the shoulders, arms, chest);
  • reduction of glandular tissue of the mammary glands;
  • deepening of the voice;
  • hair loss in the temple area;
  • attraction of the clitoris, reduction in the size of the labia, cessation of the production of vaginal lubrication.

Causes of facial hair growth in women

The pathology is based on the degeneration of thin, unpigmented vellus hair into terminal hair: hard, long and colored, which does not occur by chance, but due to a number of reasons. About 90% of hirsutism is a consequence of polycystic ovary syndrome. A physiological shift in the normal ratio of female and male hormones in a woman’s body occurs during pregnancy and menopause.

Hyperandrogenism or, in other words, increased production of male sex hormones (androgens) occurs when:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome, accompanied by a disorder of the function of the gonads, in which small numerous cysts with fluid inside form on the surface of the ovaries;
  • neoplasms in the ovaries;
  • ovarian hyperticosis - a severe form of polycystic disease;
  • chronic anovulation, when the egg does not mature;
  • hypothalamic type amenorrhea;
  • menopause - after a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, testosterone levels become high and sometimes lead to the growth of terminal hair.

Increased sensitivity to androgens

In about a quarter of cases, facial hair growth in women is not accompanied by an increase in androgen levels, but excessive sensitivity to them leads to symptoms: for some reason, normal hormonal levels have a stronger effect.

Adrenal function disorders

Occur as a result of tumors of the adrenal glands, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex, acquired or congenital. It develops against the background of increased production of steroid hormones by glands, the group of which includes andogens.

Pituitary gland dysfunction

They occur with acromegaly, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (significant increase in weight and abdomen), prolactinoma of the pituitary gland (hormonally active tumor). Primary damage to the pituitary gland leads to involvement of the adrenal glands in the pathological process, which begin to produce excessive amounts of androgens and cortisol.

Hereditary predisposition (familial hirsutism)

In some families and ethnic groups (Mediterranean, Caucasian women), genetic and chromosomal features have been observed for many generations, which determine this feature.

Taking certain medications

These unpleasant side effects have:

  • corticosteroids (Flosteron, betamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • anabolics (Nolvadex, Clomid, etc.);
  • androgens (Proviron, Andriol, etc.);
  • progestins (Mikronr, Orvett, etc.);
  • immunosuppressive drugs (Cyclosporine, Sandimmune);
  • antibiotic Steptomycin.

Idiopathic hirsutism

Idiopathic hirsutism occurs for no apparent reason explaining why facial hair grows in women. This type of disease is characterized by the formation of increased sensitivity to androgens in the skin receptors and hair follicles. The symptoms of idiopathic hirsutism are erased, and hormonal abnormalities are insignificant, without affecting reproductive function.


Clinical forms of hirsutism are determined according to the reasons that caused it:

  • Dermatological or constitutional: idiopathic and familial hirsutism;
  • Neuroendocrine: adrenal, ovarian, pituitary hirsutism;
  • Exogenous or iatrogenic, associated with medication.

The second classification is based on the relationship of hirsutism with other disorders:

  • No associated disorders;
  • Burdened with increased activity of the piloseborrheic complex (acne and acne);
  • Associated with ovulation disorders;
  • With signs of virilization (a woman who looks like a man).


Diagnosis of hirsutism requires a thorough history taking and a number of laboratory tests, including examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist:

Laboratory tests (hormones in blood serum)

Development of the disease A gradual increase in symptoms is characteristic of polycystic disease; a sharp development suggests androgen-secreting tumors Total testosterone:
  • < 200 нг %, снижающийся на фоне приема преднизолона или оральных контрацептивов, свидетельствуют о поликистозе;
  • > 200 ng% - typical for an ovarian tumor.
Medicinal history Treatment with drugs from a group with unwanted side effects Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate:
  • > 700 ng%, which decreases with dexamethasone, indicates adrenal hyperplasia;
  • > 700 ng%, without any trend toward decline, indicates an adrenal tumor.
Menstrual function A regular cycle indicates an idiopathic course or familial hirsutism
  • Cortisol – increases in Cushing’s syndrome)
  • Androstenedione – a high level indicates ovarian pathology
  • Gonadotropins: luteonizing hormones prevail over follicle-stimulating hormones in polycystic disease
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone: increases in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Instrumental studies

  • Ultrasound examination of the ovaries and adrenal glands;
  • MRI and CT of the adrenal glands, brain;
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy of the ovaries (if a tumor process is suspected).


With mild hirsutism, when a woman does not have menstrual irregularities, treatment is not required. And since excessive hair growth in women is only a symptom, a manifestation of another pathology, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the primary factor, the etiological cause of the disease:

  • removal of neoplasms of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands or ovaries;
  • discontinuation of a drug that leads to hair growth;
  • therapy for Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, etc.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy can be prescribed only after a thorough examination and after excluding androgen-secreting tumors. Includes treatment with hormonal drugs in a cycle of 3-6 months, in some cases courses have to be repeated. Hormonal therapy stops or slows down the growth of new hair, but does not affect existing hair.

  • Hyperandrogenism - antiandrogenic drugs that reduce the level of the hormone testosterone and reduce sensitivity to androgens in the hair follicles: Diane-35, Zhanin, Yarina (see).
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Prednisolone, Cortisol.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome: hormones from the group of oral contraceptives (Yarina, Zhanin, Androkur) and the anti-estrogen Clomiphene.
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands - surgical, chemotherapy and other therapy, on an individual basis.

Contraindications to hormonal treatment:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • tumor-like formations of any location;
  • individual intolerance.

Diet and help from a psychologist

When hirsutism is accompanied by weight gain, a low-carbohydrate diet should be followed. In some cases, the help of a psychologist may be needed in cases of psychosis and depression.

Cosmetological methods

How can a woman get rid of facial hair? Cosmetic procedures can reduce the visibility or completely remove existing hair, but do not affect its further growth. Therefore, they are recommended as concomitant treatment with hormonal therapy.

  • Lightening - for these purposes, compositions based on hydrogen peroxide, hydroperite and other substances are used that bleach the hair, depriving it of its natural pigment and making it less noticeable. The technique is suitable for small, short hair, with mild degrees of hirsutism.
  • Plucking - using special tweezers, hair shafts are removed and the skin is treated with an antiseptic. It is performed when there is a small amount of facial hair. Regular self-plucking of hair leads to roughening of the skin, greater length of subsequent hair and carries a risk of infection. This method must not be abused!
  • Shaving, waxing- Suitable for removing hair on the back, stomach, legs. If terminal hair re-grows, procedures are not prescribed, as they lead to scarring and infection.

Expensive procedures:

  • Photoepilation - the action of flashes of high-pulse light (wavelength 400-1200 nm) leads to their absorption by melanin. The thermal energy released during this process destroys the hair follicle. The procedure is suitable for removing dark hair and is ineffective for light hair. The effect lasts about 5 months.
  • Laser hair removal- a laser beam passing through the hair heats the cells containing melanin and destroys the hair follicle. Only those hairs that are in the active growth phase are removed, without affecting dormant hair follicles. Therefore, several treatments may be needed over 1-6 months. It is a less intense method of exposure compared to photoepilation.

Contraindications to photo and laser hair removal:

  • inflammatory foci in the epilation area;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin tattoos;
  • long-term exposure to UV rays before procedures (sea holidays, solarium);
  • treatment with steroids, isotretinoin;
  • presence of a pacemaker or insulin pump;
  • porphyria.

Photo and laser hair removal are effective in combating excess hair, but the presence of a large amount of hair makes the treatment very expensive and only makes sense for treating exposed parts of the body and face. It should also be remembered that the procedures do not have a special effect on the growth of new hair, i.e. Without eliminating the causes of hirsutism, cosmetic methods are useless.

Traditional treatment

It should be understood that without traditional treatment, the symptoms of the disease will continue to appear. Traditional medicine makes sense in the idiopathic form of the pathology and as a method of hair removal after the main hormonal treatment.

  • Juice of unripe walnut. The green nut is cut into 2 parts and the juice is squeezed out, which will be quite a bit. Apply droplets of juice to the hair roots. After 3-4 applications, hair growth will slow down.
  • Fresh garlic. Fresh garlic paste is applied to the hair roots for 10 minutes. Regular use of such a mask also leads to slower hair growth.
  • Datura decoction. The crushed leaves and stems of the plant are poured with water (so that it covers them) and slowly simmered over low heat for 60 minutes. The resulting decoction is applied to the hair roots 2 times a week very carefully, since the plant is poisonous.

Disease prognosis

The life cycle of a hair is 6 months - this is the minimum duration of treatment for facial hair in women, which requires perseverance and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. It is sometimes impossible to completely get rid of increased hair growth in unwanted places, but it is possible to significantly slow down its growth.

Or male pattern hair. All women have hair on the surface of the body and face, but usually it is thin and light. The main sign by which normality can be distinguished from deviation is the structure of the hairline. A healthy girl has thin, short, light, soft, vellus hairs. With hirsutism, coarse dark thick hair begins to grow on the face, arms, legs, as well as the hips, back, and abdomen. Increased hairiness in girls and women is usually associated with virilization, that is, with excessive androgen activity and, as a result, the development of male characteristics.

Sometimes girls confuse hirsutism with manifestations, but these conditions are not the same thing. With hirsutism in girls, hair growth increases in places typical for men, but unusual for women: on the face, abdomen. With hypertrichosis, hairiness can increase on any part of the body, and this process is usually not associated with hormonal disorders.

According to various sources, 5–10% of women have hirsutism. Often, increased hairiness becomes a family trait, so unwanted hair especially often appears in girls whose mothers, sisters or other relatives have the same problem. Women of Mediterranean, South Asian and Middle Eastern descent are also more prone to hirsutism due to ethnicity.

The presence of excess hair on the body can develop a girl's feelings of inferiority and complexes, but it is even worse when hirsutism is combined with hormonal imbalance, which can lead to infertility, diabetes and serious menstrual irregularities.


Excessive growth of coarse, dark hair on a woman's face and body is primarily associated with high levels of androgens (male hormones), including testosterone. The body of every healthy woman produces a small amount of androgens, but some disorders can cause the production of male hormones to greatly increase. This can cause active hair growth and problems such as oily skin, acne, and enlarged genitals.

All of the reasons given below can affect how a girl’s body produces androgens.

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  1. Increased hairiness: which doctor should I contact?

When diagnosing hirsutism, the doctor (gynecologist-endocrinologist) must study in detail the girl’s medical history and heredity, discuss the medications she has taken or is taking in order to determine the cause of the condition. Next, your doctor will likely order blood tests to measure your hormone levels. The ultrasound doctor will perform an ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands to check for tumors or cysts. In addition, an MRI of the brain may be required to rule out the presence of neoplasms.


  • Hormone therapy

If a woman is overweight, her doctor will likely suggest losing it first, since obesity affects how the body produces hormones. Maintaining a healthy body weight can bring androgen levels back to normal without the use of medications.

However, a girl may need medical treatment if excessive hair growth is a symptom of PCOS or adrenal disease. Birth control pills and anti-androgen medications can help balance hormonal levels.

  • Antiandrogen drugs

They can block androgen receptors and reduce the formation of male hormones from the adrenal glands and ovaries. The most commonly used drugs that block the effect of testosterone on hair follicles are Spironolactone and Finasteride (blocks 5-alpha reductase).

  • Combined contraceptive pills, oral contraceptives

Pills (OCs) that contain estrogen and progesterone can help reduce cysts that occur due to PCOS. Estrogen can also reduce the amount of excess hair. These drugs are prescribed as long-term therapy for hirsutism. Improvements occur no earlier than three to six months.

  • Cream for excess hair

Vaniqa® (Vanica, eflornithine) is used to reduce excess facial hair in women. It is applied 2 times a day and works by slowing down the growth of hair follicles and increasing the intervals between hair removal treatments. Vaniqa cream can be combined with other medications. Typically, facial hair growth in girls slows down after 1–2 months. Side effects of eflornithine include skin rash and irritation.

  • Depilation

This is a non-medical way to combat unwanted hair. These are the same methods that many women use to remove hair from their legs, underarms, and bikini area.

  • Waxing, shaving and depilatories

Removing excess hair with wax, using depilatory creams, razors or sugaring is an effective, accessible and inexpensive method. These products are easy to use, the results are visible immediately, but they do not last long. In addition, girls with hirsutism tend to have unwanted hair that is thick and coarse. Because of this, after removal the skin becomes very sensitive and susceptible to irritation and ingrown hairs.

Laser hair removal occurs due to damage to the follicles by light rays. Damaged hair follicles cannot produce hair, and the hair that is already present falls out. When completing the full course and proper treatment, laser hair removal can provide a stable positive result.

  • Electrolysis

This is hair removal using electric current. He treats each hair follicle individually, so sessions may take longer. Like laser hair removal, electrolysis is an expensive, time-consuming procedure that requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. Some women find these procedures uncomfortable or painful.


Treatment of increased hairiness on the face and body of a girl is a long-term task. Most women with diagnosed hormonal imbalances respond well to therapy, but hair growth may resume if it returns to baseline levels and grows beyond normal limits.

Depending on the underlying cause and choice of therapy, treatment for hirsutism can be lifelong. Laser hair removal or electrolysis can provide more permanent results than shaving, waxing, sugaring or depilatories. If the cause of increased hairiness is PCOS or problems with the adrenal glands, the girl may require lifelong treatment.