Emergency contraceptives and features of their use. Emergency prevention will help you avoid the consequences of casual relationships. Symptoms after an unprotected act.

I found interesting articles on the Internet, I think they will help someone avoid unwanted pregnancy and, accordingly, abortion! (who doesn’t want to read unnecessary prefaces, go straight to the second article of this post, it’s right after the link)

Today, there is a fairly large number of different methods and techniques that will help you get rid of an unwanted pregnancy at this stage of life. These can be condoms, special coils, oral contraceptives, and many others.

However, it happens that by chance an unpleasant situation occurs that you did not expect and which can lead to an unplanned pregnancy - for example, a condom breaks during intercourse or you miss one day of your course of birth control pills without denying yourself in pleasant sex.

If you are sure that sperm has entered the body, first of all try to calm down and not panic. This does not mean that you will definitely get pregnant. This opportunity in the female body appears on the eve of ovulation - in the first or second phase of the menstrual cycle. It should also be taken into account that the average lifespan of a sperm in the female genital tract ranges from three days to a week, but a young and unfertilized egg can last only from 12 to 24 hours. The principle of postcoital contraception is based on this discrepancy in life expectancy.

What is it? Emergency or post-coital contraception involves the use of special pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. The hormones contained in the tablet are designed to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. Therefore, emergency contraception should not be confused with a medical procedure such as medical abortion, which deals with a fetus that has already begun to form.

Even though emergency contraceptive pills are called “morning after” pills, they are effective for up to 72 hours inclusive, starting from the moment of sexual intercourse that led to the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. However, the sooner they are taken, the higher the effectiveness of their impact.

If at the time of taking the drug the woman’s body is in the initial stage of the ovulation period, then they can prevent or delay it, at the same time making the cervical mucus quite thick, which will act as an additional and virtually insurmountable obstacle to the active vital position of sperm.

Emergency (postcoital) contraception

This method of contraception can hardly be called contraception, in the true meaning of this concept. After all, all methods of modern contraception are designed to prevent conception and unwanted pregnancy.

The essence of this method is completely different: to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and continuing its development. This is a kind of “micro-abortion”, since a real, but only very small, miscarriage occurs in the woman’s body.

Emergency contraception is resorted to in situations where:
rape has been committed;
unprotected sexual intercourse occurred;
interrupted sexual intercourse was performed incorrectly;
the condom broke or slipped off during intercourse;
other similar situations.
Emergency contraception
Gynepriston, Genale
Modern postcoital drugs. Compared to the outdated Postinor, they are almost harmless, because they contain anti-progesterone, it is no less effective in preventing pregnancy, but this is not a huge dose of hormones, but a small dose of antihormone. There is no damage to the ovaries.

A new means of emergency contraception. Recommended for use within 96 hours after unprotected sex. The earlier the pill is taken, the more effective it is.

A hormonal drug from the “last century” for emergency contraception. The earlier the first tablet was taken, the more effective the effect.

Postinor, an outdated drug, contains a very high dose of the hormone levonorgestrel, many times higher than the content of this hormone in oral contraceptives. This dose is a powerful blow to the ovaries. In addition to the fact that the existing pregnancy will be interrupted, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted.

Therefore, this drug should not be used more than 2 times a year and should not be considered as one of the possible contraceptives! This especially applies to young women under 18 years of age, whose hormonal balance has not yet been established.

A modern drug that can be used to carry out medical (non-surgical) termination of pregnancy from the first day of missed menstruation to 6 weeks. To carry out this procedure, you must contact a gynecologist licensed to use this drug.

Intrauterine device
Insertion of an intrauterine device in the first 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. The spiral should only be administered by a gynecologist after examination and taking a gynecological smear.

It is dangerous to insert an intrauterine device after rape, since this could lead to infection with sexually transmitted diseases, and this procedure facilitates the path of infection into the upper genital tract.

Unfortunately, many of you would rather run to the nearest pharmacy and purchase emergency contraception than go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Undoubtedly, this is a very convenient way to solve the “problem”. But you must be aware that you are playing with fire.

To avoid such unforeseen situations in the future and maintain your health for the upcoming desired conception, I would recommend that all women reconsider their views on contraceptive methods and choose those with a reliability rate exceeding 80%.

see also
- Comparative table of contraceptive reliability;
- Modern contraception (questions and answers).

When using a condom, it is very important to consider its size and use it correctly, since condoms that are usually too small for your partner to break. If you missed taking a hormonal pill, then, while continuing to take them according to the scheme, you must simultaneously insure yourself with another method of contraception until the end of the menstrual cycle.


If an unexpected situation happens to you, try not to panic and pull yourself together. First, you need to go for an examination with a gynecologist. It may happen that you had an unfavorable day for conception and there will be no pregnancy. Therefore, do not grab the above-mentioned drugs first!

Let's assume that you used emergency contraception on your own, but you should still definitely visit a gynecologist! The worst thing is that during unprotected sexual intercourse you could not only become pregnant, but also become infected with one of the sexually transmitted infections.

The doctor will conduct the necessary examination and take all the necessary tests. It is always better to be 100% sure of your safety, or otherwise prevent the development of a particular disease at its initial stage.

In addition to a routine examination, the gynecologist will monitor your menstrual cycle over the next months. If necessary, he will prescribe hormonal drugs that stimulate ovarian function.

Preventing STDs can save lives, as many diseases are incurable and kill millions of people every year. There are 2 types of measures: preliminary and emergency.

STDs are spreading quickly today, because due to new moral principles that encourage people to abandon hypocrisy and live for their own pleasure, the number of casual relationships is growing. In such conditions, bacteria, single-celled organisms and viruses live as if in paradise, because they constantly find a new home and multiply. Millions die every year from STDs, and just as many become infertile or chronically ill. Preventing STDs will help keep your sexual partners healthy, so it's important to remember.

What are STDs and their types

As they say, you need to know your enemy by sight, so you need to become more familiar with the concept of STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases are a group of pathologies caused by bacterial or viral agents, which are transmitted through biological fluids (blood, semen) through sexual contact, and less often by other means.

Bacterial STDs

Bacteria have existed longer than humans, so they have learned to live comfortably in the body. It is beneficial for bacteria to live in the genitals of women and men, because they may not be immediately noticed there; these places are humid and warm, so they reproduce and grow normally. Bacterial STDs include:

  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • granuloma venereum;
  • chancroid;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • nonspecific urethritis.

Bacterial pathogens often leave dire consequences. In women with damage to the ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus, infertility develops, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and fibroids or cancer appear. In men, bacteria disrupt the reproductive function of the testicles, leading to impotence and infertility.

Single-celled STDs

Unicellular - living organisms that contain a nucleus, but have a body the size of only one cell. Some of them are quite harmless; they live in puddles, soil, on food and even in the bodies of animals and humans. But among single-celled organisms there are the most dangerous pathogens of STDs:

  • chlamydia;
  • Giardia;
  • Trichomona.

The development of single-celled organisms in the genital tract of women and men leads to the appearance of inflammatory processes (acute and chronic), obstruction of the fallopian tubes and urethra, as well as infertility.

Viral STDs

  • papilloma virus;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • genital herpes.

The first two, although sexually transmitted, have virtually no effect on the reproductive system. For example, HIV after a certain period of time turns into AIDS, and viral agents infect human immune cells. You cannot die from AIDS, it is not beneficial for the virus, patients die from infections (even from a common cold), because their immunity is very weak.

The papilloma virus causes growths on the skin, which cause inflammation and itching, and in women, the growths can be localized in the uterus or fallopian tubes, causing fibroids or infertility.

Transmission of STDs

All these diseases are transmitted through casual sex, during which the man did not wear a condom. I would like to say a few words about the last sexual attribute.

Outbreaks of STDs were often observed in the 17th-19th centuries, when orgies were held at balls or social functions; many French officials and rulers died from venereal diseases after a stormy sex life.

Back then, they didn’t even know about a thin rubber film that could protect against pregnancy and illness. But today condoms are sold in every pharmacy, they are relatively inexpensive, and people are taught from school about safety measures during sexual intercourse.

Despite all this, the rate of STD infection is not decreasing, mainly due to the fact that people are careless about themselves and their partners. Many people are embarrassed to buy condoms at pharmacies, but the embarrassment disappears before the next sexual contact with a stranger. Only after reviewing priorities and understanding responsibility for one’s life and health will humanity be able to defeat STDs.

Prevention of STDs

Prevention of viral, bacterial and single-celled STDs is divided into two types: preliminary and emergency or medicinal. You need to know about each one in order to be able to save yourself from the disease.

Preliminary prevention

Preliminary prevention of STDs is simple and safe - protected sexual contact and avoidance of casual sex. Only by “blocking” access to the reproductive system for STD pathogens can infection be eliminated.

There is another important preventive measure - a venereologist. It must be visited once every six months. He will take tests and do an examination for STDs. Most infections have an incubation period of 4-5 months, so if the doctor notices the development of the disease at an early stage, treatment will be simple and quick.

Emergency prevention

If infection could not be avoided for any reason, emergency drug prevention of STDs will come to the rescue within 1-3 days. The main condition for it is to know the type of pathogen (bacterium, virus, fungus or single-celled organism) in order to choose the right drug. You cannot prescribe medications for yourself; you should ask your sexual partner about his illness and then go to a venereologist.

Drug prevention involves taking certain drugs that will help kill at the initial stage of reproduction, when it has not yet had time to reproduce sufficiently. Antibiotics are used against bacteria and protozoa, antiviral drugs are used after infection with a virus, and antifungal drugs will help against fungi.


Emergency medical prevention of STDs caused by bacteria or single-celled organisms involves the use of antibiotics. The main difficulty in their selection is that you need to know the specific type of pathogen. To do this, you can do a culture, but it will take a long time, so it is better to find out from your sexual partner. If it was not possible to find out the exact information, a “general” antibiotic is prescribed - Azithromycin or its derivatives.

Azithromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic with cumulative properties. Reaching a certain concentration at the site of inflammation, the active substance of the drug gives a bactericidal effect, that is, it kills bacteria. Azithromycin can be used after infection with syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, urethritis.

When taking Azithromycin, you must remember that it also affects the normal microflora of the body, so you must take prebiotics along with the antibiotic. This is especially important for women, because disruption of the vaginal flora can lead to candidiasis.

Azithromycin has contraindications that must be taken into account before treatment:

  • it is dangerous for pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • it cannot be taken under 16 years of age;
  • The drug is prohibited for renal failure and liver diseases.

It should be remembered that Azithromycin will only help cope with bacteria and single-celled organisms, but it is powerless against other STD pathogens.

Antiviral drugs

Drug antiviral prevention of STDs is complicated by the fact that some viruses, for example, HIV, cannot be treated even several hours after sexual intercourse; this happens because this virus “hides” in human immune cells, from where it is simply impossible to get it.

After infection with hepatitis, vaccination will help save a person from developing the disease, but it must be done within 3 days. If we are talking about herpes, then Devirs ointment or similar drugs based on ribavirin can be used against it.

You can also use immunomodulators for viral STDs, which will stimulate the immune system to fight viral agents at the initial stage of the disease.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases still remains relevant, despite the availability of inexpensive means of protection and public awareness. You need to remember that safety depends on yourself, exclude unprotected casual sex and regularly visit a venereologist.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is a set of health measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of pathologies and eliminating risk factors. An STD is a sexually transmitted disease, the main route of spread of which is unprotected sexual intercourse. Despite the fact that all STDs differ in origin and are manifested by various clinical symptoms, they have common features: they are highly contagious and very dangerous to human health.

In Russia, the situation with sexually transmitted infections over the past decade has become epidemic. The reasons for this problem are quite clear: changes in sexual behavior in people and the emergence of various types of contraception. Young people have developed confidence that modern medicine can cope with any disease, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Sexually active women and men are always at risk of contracting an STI, regardless of their social status and financial situation. The idea that sexually transmitted diseases only affect people who are promiscuous and drink alcohol is not entirely justified. It is simply unrealistic to protect yourself 100%. You can reduce the likelihood of infection by following simple prevention rules.


The source and reservoir of infection is a sick person. Microorganisms that cause STDs are highly susceptible to changing environmental conditions. The causative agents of the pathology are viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. A mixed form of infection occurs in people with antisocial behavior who are promiscuous and unprotected.

Transmission routes:

  • The main, but not the only, way of spreading the infection is sexually. Infection occurs during vaginal, oral or anal contact.
  • Most viral sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through household contact. When the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane is violated, an entry gate for infection is formed. Infection occurs through a kiss, close hug, or through household items. Infection is possible in public places - swimming pools, baths, saunas.
  • Almost all sexually transmitted diseases spread vertically from a sick mother to the fetus in utero or to a newborn during childbirth. As a result, children develop various pathologies from the first days of life.
  • Some STDs are spread parenterally by using an unsterile syringe. This is the main route of transmission and.


Each sexually transmitted disease manifests itself with characteristic clinical signs. But there are problems that arise with each of them. These are increased fatigue, weakness, mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, discomfort in the perineum, regional lymphadenitis, pain during coitus, rashes on the female and male genital organs, persistent low-grade fever.

Among women symptoms are due to physiological characteristics. They complain of dryness and burning during sex, intermenstrual bleeding, itching in the perineum, heavy vaginal discharge, swelling and hyperemia of the vulvar mucosa.

Men develop symptoms of dysuria, ejaculatory dysfunction, hemospermia, pain in the perineum, radiating to the scrotum or rectum, rashes on the head of the penis and around it, discharge from the urethra of varying consistency: from watery transparent to thick purulent. Sick people, when they learn about contracting a sexually transmitted infection, become psychologically depressed. This leads to family problems, depression, and conflict situations. Most patients with STDs require the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. Self-medication can lead to the development of dangerous complications. Both sexual partners need to undergo a diagnostic examination. After interviewing and examining patients, the dermatovenerologist refers women to a gynecologist for consultation, and men to a urologist. To confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis, patients need. They take blood and a swab from the urethra or cervix. Serodiagnosis is carried out in order to identify antibodies to various pathogens, and bacteriological examination of biomaterial in order to detect and identify the pathogen. PCR is the most accurate method for diagnosing STDs.

Preventive actions

Primary prevention of STDs is carried out before infection and consists of informing high-risk groups about existing pathologies, methods of contraception, the mechanism of transmission of infection, symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and their consequences. Experts should conduct conversations with the population about changing sexual behavior of modern people.

Secondary prevention is carried out after sexual intercourse and involves working with STD carriers or sick people, the goals of which are: preventing infection of others and the development of complications in sick people.

Public or social prevention of STIs is carried out at the state level, mainly among adolescents who have not yet entered into sexual activity. Girls and boys should be explained how to protect themselves from STDs and how to behave if such diseases are detected.

Public prevention includes:

  1. Conducting medical examinations,
  2. Identification and treatment of chronic pathologies,
  3. Examination of pregnant women,
  4. Thorough check of blood transfusion components,
  5. Sanitary educational work of the population.

Information messages occupy a special place in social prevention of STDs. Warnings about the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases make young people think about their sexual behavior. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, intersexual relations, and drug cessation are the main directions of health education work.

Individual prevention of sexually transmitted infections takes a leading place among measures to prevent their spread.

Rules for individual prevention:

  • Avoid sexual contact with people at risk who come into contact with blood - nurses, dentists, cosmetologists, surgeons, people who have had blood transfusions or purifications. A condom must be used if the sexual partner is a drug addict, prefers group sex, swinging, or engages in prostitution.
  • Observe hygiene standards and rules of personal hygiene, use individual hygiene products and items, sex toys, cosmetics, underwear, towels. Demand the same from your sexual partner.
  • Women should visit a gynecologist once every six months, and men should visit a urologist once a year.
  • Get vaccinated against viral infections - hepatitis, human papilloma.
  • After an unprotected act and the appearance of characteristic clinical signs, you must urgently visit a doctor.
  • Treat identified viruses and bacteria in a timely manner, and refrain from sexual activity during therapy.

Prevention of STDs after an accidental relationship is called emergency. Men and women are advised to urinate in order to remove pathogenic microbes from the urethra, wash their hands and external genitalia with soap, dry them with a towel, treat them with an antiseptic, and change their underwear. If it is not possible to visit a dermatovenerologist in the near future, you need to take a “load” dose of antibiotics, for example, Azithromycin. Within two hours from the moment of contact, women are recommended to insert a gauze swab soaked in a solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine into the vagina; for men, insert a few milliliters of the antiseptic Gibitan or Tsidipol into the urethra, massaging the external opening of the urethra. Compliance with these preventive measures will help avoid severe consequences of infection.

Emergency prevention is carried out only in exceptional, extremely rare cases and potentially hazardous situations. Medicines from the antiseptic group, when used regularly, damage the mucous membrane, which leads to the formation of erosions and ulcers. Frequent douching washes out beneficial microorganisms from the vagina, dysbiosis develops, and pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora are activated. In men, frequent use of antiseptics can lead to a chemical burn of the urethral mucosa, its narrowing and the development of allergic urethritis.

After emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to be examined after 3-4 weeks.

But the most effective way to date, guaranteed to avoid contracting STDs, is complete sexual abstinence.

In the absence of timely and proper treatment, STDs can lead to the development of complications: infertility, inflammation of the prostate, orchitis, endometritis, epididymitis. To avoid such illnesses, you need to be more attentive and responsible towards yourself and your loved ones. Preventing your mistakes is much easier than treating serious illnesses.

Video: prevention of sexually transmitted infections

Sometimes we face difficult problems that need to be solved. So, such a nuisance as a sudden rupture of a condom can happen to all of us. It is probably no longer a secret to anyone that in this case it is quite simple to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy - just by taking certain medications within a couple of days after sexual intercourse. But what to do with the likelihood of contracting various unpleasant diseases? In fact, there are methods that can reduce the likelihood of developing an STD after unprotected sexual intercourse to zero.

Unprotected sexual intercourse can occur for a variety of reasons. This, as mentioned above, is a banal torn condom and rape. Sometimes contact can occur in a not entirely sober state. In any of these cases, you should immediately begin to take certain measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Immediate Impact

The first step is to treat the external genitalia and inner thighs with soap, and also, rather than earlier, urinate. Afterwards, an antiseptic preparation should be applied to the skin and mucous membranes. For this purpose, you can use miramistin or betadine. It should be taken into account that all these medications can only help if they were used no later than two hours after the incident. Inject the contents of the bottle (using a urological applicator) into the urethra for a couple of minutes. The recommended dosage for men is two to three milliliters, and for women – one to two milliliters. Also, five to ten milliliters of the medicinal composition must be inserted into the vagina. Carry out a thorough treatment of the skin on the inner thighs, pubic area and genitals. After completing this procedure, it is advisable to hold back urination for two hours.

Medication measures

Then try to see a doctor as quickly as possible so that he can select the most optimal preventive measures. Although such treatment is almost 100% effective, it will not protect you from HIV, hepatitis and some other diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that a couple of weeks after unprotected intercourse, you undergo a diagnostic test aimed at identifying urogenital infections. In this case, a PCR test will be very informative, and after about a month and a half it is necessary to donate blood for the presence of antibodies to HIV, various types of hepatitis and tryponema pallidum. During this entire time, it is necessary to avoid intimate relations with a sexual partner until the results of the examination are received.

Drug prevention of insufficiently protected sexual intercourse can be carried out exclusively for a couple of days after intimate intercourse. In principle, such measures are preventive treatment that prevents the formation of various sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention of accidental relationships is carried out according to the same scheme as the treatment of an acute type of infectious lesion that is not accompanied by complications.

Drug prevention can only be prescribed by a venereologist. Antibiotic drugs will simply prevent the infection from transforming into a real disease.

Experts especially recommend resorting to drug therapy when information appears that the partner with whom unprotected contact occurred suffers from diseases such as gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia or ureaplasmosis.

How soon can you resume a full intimate life?

Unprotected sexual intercourse is allowed approximately five to six days after preventive measures have been taken. Until this date, it is imperative to use a condom when communicating with sexual partners. This helps prevent transmission of infection if infection does occur.

In what cases does such prevention help?

Drug prevention of STIs after an unprotected act effectively prevents the development of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis and syphilim. However, it must be borne in mind that such therapy cannot prevent HIV, HPV, genital herpes and some other less common ailments.

Are such medications dangerous to health?

In principle, most medications are used only once, so pathological conditions such as intestinal or vaginal dysbiosis simply do not have time to develop. For negative effects to occur, antibiotic use must continue for one week or more. The only danger that such drugs may pose is the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction. If you are prone to allergies, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

It should be borne in mind that drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases can be carried out only in extreme cases. It should not be considered as an alternative to using condoms.

Casual sexual intercourse can happen to any of us, so every person should have information about urgent STI prevention. It is worth remembering that the best way to protect against diseases and unwanted pregnancy is a condom.