Action plan to promote a healthy lifestyle. Plan of school activities in the direction of “Healthy lifestyle. The medical direction involves

You are over forty. Don't think that life is already ending: it is just beginning! And it starts with a clean slate. Here's the plan you'll need. And it’s called: “an individual plan for a healthy lifestyle for women over the age of forty.”


It must be done within thirty minutes. You need to do it three to five times a week. By the way, you can increase the training time if half an hour seems too short.

Combining aerobics with cycling, swimming or walking

Choose what you like. If you want, combine all of the above with aerobics. It definitely won't hurt you.

“Counting” steps taken while walking

Break records: count to ten thousand steps. If you can do this, everything will work out in your life. And you will already love sports, that’s for sure!


You need to train your balance at least four times a week. In general, there is no harm in exercising every day. Unless, of course, you get tired of training.

What mistakes are often made during training?

Error one:

Many women pay most attention to swimming in the pool. This is wrong, dears! Water is wonderful. But that's not all there is to improving your health.

Error two:

Both yoga and Pilates are “remedies” that cannot help increase muscle size. So, if you want to increase muscle mass, don't do Pilates or yoga. They are more suitable for strengthening muscles.

Error three:

Girls and women like to focus on one thing. Do not get carried away only by aerobics, because the strengthening of both bones and muscles will be minimal. Add additions and variety to your workouts.

Are you a young and energetic lady, self-confident and eager to get a “dose” of health?

  • Try to fall asleep and wake up regularly at the same time

Accustom your body to such a “schedule” so that it does not relax.

  • Cigarettes, without which it was difficult for you, you can safely throw out the window

They won't be of any use to you anymore!

  • Get used to drinking drinks with alcohol only on holidays

Alcohol is your enemy if you encounter it too often.

  • Take a nice bath and a contrast shower

Water is your salvation. Save your health with water.

  • Fill your life with positive emotions and smiles

Without fulfilling this point of the plan, it’s impossible!

What plan do women who take care of their health live by?

Healthy lifestyle plan from Kira Primenskaya

Morning without a cup of coffee and without a cigarette puff

It took me a long time to get used to this, but I got used to it. Now it’s easier. Often you want to retreat from a point, but willpower is stronger. I'm proud of her.

Cold shower

Don't confuse it with ice, please! It took me a long time to get used to the cold. There were already tears in my eyes, to be honest. But I read in many books how useful it is, and overcame all sorts of fears.

Life without everyday heels and stilettos

How I suffered without them! But I was able to get used to it, because I know how much these “charms” undermine all health. I consoled myself with the fact that it was more comfortable to wear “platform” shoes. I did it!

Less fried!

It is tasty, but there is more harm in it than taste. I love the aroma of fried potatoes. But she also gave it up for the sake of her health. I eat it rarely now: several times every two weeks.

Excellent hygiene

What do I mean by this phrase? Washing. Washing properly is also an art. And don’t be afraid to become “victims” of such a process. I'm not afraid and I don't regret.

Jogging around the area

Beautiful…. It's cold, though, in the morning. But I also accustomed my body to the cold. The city is sleepy. People are sleepy. And I'm the only one like that... I'm being a hero. And I rejoice at my heroism.

Plan from Rita Samoilova


My husband got me hooked. And he himself, in principle, sits firmly. True, not for the sake of health, but for the sake of avoiding bad thoughts. His job is terrible right now. So he “runs away” from him in such a harmless way.

Abdominal exercises

I really like this trainer. And I like the abs. When I "train" him. I am tormented by laziness and pain, but I overcome all this, overcome it, correct it.

Swimming in the pool

I signed up there and go three times a week. I'm happy to go! And I can already see how easy my life has become. True, I’m taking a very big risk: the water is chlorinated. And I have psoriasis. I hope everything will be ok.

Days without sweets...

There is a sea of ​​suffering. But how willpower develops! I don’t set such a goal, of course, but... It just happens that way. I'm so used to eating ice cream every day. You have to get used to it. It's a shame, but necessary.

Sports, sports, sports!

How much of it there is now in my life! And volleyball, and skiing, and skating..... There is much more of it. I don’t list them in order to create even more intrigue. Don't be shy about being sporty. Sport saves everyone's health!

Less stress!

He needs to be killed altogether, like an annoying fly! I'm not being rude. It’s just already so “boiled” that it’s terrifying. I myself am susceptible to stressful conditions, so I want to protect others as soon as possible.

Feedback from girls about healthy lifestyle plans

Do not miss. . .

Use -

Activity -


A healthy lifestyle today is the requirement of the time. The problem of developing a healthy lifestyle is one of the most pressing in library services to the population, especially young people. Being healthy has become fashionable and prestigious. The library’s work in this direction includes events that actively promote a healthy lifestyle, promote leisure activities for young people, attract them to reading, and introduce them to interesting people and their hobbies.

Chaltyrskoe settlement:

- "Just say no" -
(for International Day
fight against drug addiction),
- “Travelling on the roads
health" - (to the World
health day),
- "Book in service"
- “What you need to know about

- "Encyclopedia of vitamins"
"Activity is the way to
longevity" (on the Day

hour of information


an hour of useful

book exhibition





- "Safety School"
- “In an athletic body -
healthy mind"
- “On the road to goodness”
- “Addictions that carry away

- "Vitamin Country"
- "The All-Seeing Eye of Man"
- “Visiting hygiene and

book exhibition
a game
book exhibition




- "Sport +"
- “Self-destruction of man”

rec. conversation
book exhibition


No. 13 Abovyan

- "Health is our friend"
- " Healthy lifestyle -
the path to longevity"
- “Help yourself survive!”
- " Sport - is life,
this is joy, health"


book exhibition,




Bolshesalsky settlement:
- "For a life without tobacco"
(for World Day of Struggle
with smoking. Gaming
library no. 5,
2011 p. 26.),
- “Drug addiction is a sign of trouble”






Kalinin settlement:
- "To health with a book"
(medical literature),
- “Addictions that carry away
life" (for 3-4th grade students),
- “I take care of my health -
I'll help myself"

book exhibition

Krasnokrymskoe settlement:
- « About a healthy image
life" (to the World
Health Day),
- “Dad, mom, me -
healthy family",
- "The road leading to
- " Life is Beautiful -
don't ruin her"
(for World Day
fight against AIDS)

book exhibition

book exhibition



- "Your favorite sport"
- “Alcoholism, smoking,
drug addiction - how to stop
This is madness?"
book exhibition
health lesson
- "Make a Choice"
(for World Day Against
- “Don’t let yourself be deceived”
(for International Day
fight against drug addiction)

health lesson


- “No to drugs!”
(for International Day
fight against drug addiction),
- “Chocolate or cigarette”
- “No Tobacco Day”
(for World Day
no tobacco)

open viewing

open viewing

Crimean settlement:
- "Don't step into hell"
(about the dangers of drug addiction),
- “Take care of your health from a young age”
- “We are beautiful and strong”
(healthy lifestyle),
- “Health comes first”

health lesson

book exhibition
health hour,
v.- view




Nedvigovskoe settlement:
- "Let it always be
tomorrow" (literature about
drug addiction, smoking),
- "Law and Drugs"
(for grades 8-11),
- “In a certain kingdom -
sports state"

v.- view

legal day
book exhibition



- « Drugs: knowledge versus
Mirages" (for grades 9-11),
- “Today be healthy -
fashionable and prestigious!”
(for Health Day),
- “Healing plants
around us"
- “We choose life without
tobacco smoke" (for
5-9 grades),
- "An Ominous Shadow Over the World"
(about AIDS, for grades 7-11)

open viewing

book exhibition







- "Be healthy, strong,
- “Health is a priceless gift”
book exhibition
book exhibition


Petrovskoe settlement:
- « Take care of your health
from a young age"
(for World Day
- “Addiction that carries away
life" (to the World
anti-smoking day)
- “Drugs are the ticket
one way"
(for World Day
fight against drug addiction)

book exhibition


- "The name of trouble is Drugs"
- “Delicious” book – food
for spirit, mind and joy",
- “Sports Kaleidoscope”
- "Encyclopedia of Sports"

book exhibition

book exhibition




Does not have a clear definition. However, in general terms it can be reduced to the following: this is a behavioral lifestyle aimed at increasing immunity, preventing diseases, and improving health.

Recently, the problem and need to develop a healthy lifestyle has become more relevant. This is due to the fact that global urbanization, poor ecology, the development of technological progress, which contributes to less human activity, man-made threats and many other negative factors are increasingly harming the human body every day.

Health authorities and government agencies are actively promoting a healthy lifestyle, but little results have been achieved so far. The fact is that the formation of a healthy lifestyle requires the personal motivation of each individual, as well as the possibility of its implementation both in material terms and in terms of social assessment.

State programs for the formation of a healthy lifestyle

Any state has as its goal the preservation and protection of the health of its citizens. The implementation of this task involves the availability of medical care for the population, as well as the promotion of various programs for free preventive measures for low-income and privileged categories of citizens.

The state carries out incentive and prohibitive measures, including at the financial and legislative level. Such measures include a ban on the production and use of narcotic substances (except for medical purposes), their use and distribution, which are punishable by criminal liability, a ban on the distribution of advertising for tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, restrictions on their sales in certain places, age restrictions on them acquisition, increase in excise taxes, stimulation of healthy lifestyle promotion in the media, introduction of special courses into educational programs aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle.

The main work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle falls on the shoulders of healthcare, however, without government support - both in legal and financial terms - such a program is being implemented extremely slowly.

In this direction, healthcare should take action to provide the population with advisory assistance in medical institutions.

An important role is played by the involvement of the media in the process of creating a healthy lifestyle, which should more actively conduct propaganda among the population about negative attitudes towards people leading an unhealthy lifestyle and, conversely, encouraging and stimulating physical education and sports, positive attitudes and the cultivation of physically beautiful and a healthy body, as well as an incentive to give up bad habits. In terms of the latter, it should also be noted the restrictive measures introduced by the state.

Principles of creating a healthy lifestyle

Any way of life is based on certain principles. These are accepted rules of behavior for each person, based on biological and social principles.

The biological principle suggests that the lifestyle should be age-appropriate and energy-rich, strengthening the body, moderate in terms of stress and restrictions, and rhythmic.

A social way of life presupposes adherence to high morality, aesthetic education, manifestation of will, and the ability to self-restraint.

The combination of these two aspects creates the unity of the biological and social development of the organism and its interaction with the environment.

Based on this, we can identify the main vital behavioral forms.

  1. Formation of positive psychological emotions in all spheres of life (work, everyday life, family relationships, implementation in social and cultural life) and the formation of optimistic views.
  2. Organization of work activities with maximum efficiency, which makes it possible to realize and reflects the essence of each person.
  3. Physical activity.
  4. A rhythmic lifestyle presupposes compliance with biological rhythms, both in terms of daily biorhythms and in terms of age-related needs.
  5. Sexual activity.
  6. Healthy aging is a natural process that, when properly managed, occurs with minimal negative consequences.
  7. Giving up bad habits, which helps maintain high health indicators.

Ways to form a healthy lifestyle

Of course, for the rational use of ways to form a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to use all possible methods. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is not only a task of healthcare, as mentioned above, but also a task of education, as well as family education and personal example, as well as a task of social protection.

WHO research in this direction has led to the identification of the following statistical figures. Human health depends 50-55% on lifestyle, 20-23% on hereditary factors, 20-25% on environmental factors, and only 8-10% on medicine and healthcare.

  1. Formation of healthy eating habits, which includes avoiding foods containing large amounts of animal fats, avoiding excessive consumption of salt and sugar, and abstaining from alcohol. This leads, as a consequence, to maintaining a normal weight.
  2. Formation of an active life, which includes physical exercise, walking, jogging in the fresh air, moderate exercise in accordance with age characteristics.
  3. Reducing stress levels, maintaining a psychologically balanced state, the ability to regulate emotions, and directing the psychological mood toward optimism. In many ways, the formation of this behavior is influenced by society, as well as the possibility of a harmonious existence in it.
  4. Quitting bad habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking).
I approve

School director I.V. Zubkova

Work plan

to promote a healthy lifestyle

2015-2016 academic year

MBOU Klimovskaya Secondary School No. 3

The problem of creating a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the health of young people is becoming a priority direction for the development of society. Currently, the country needs intellectually developed, physically healthy people who are able to realize themselves in life. In recent years, work has intensified to create sports complexes, grounds, courts, stadiums, and revive indoor sports. The number of amateur sports competitions is increasing, and GTO standards are being restored. The school has a great responsibility in organizing work on physical education and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Target: developing an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle as a personal and social priority, promoting a responsible attitude towards one’s health, implementing comprehensive preventive measures aimed at creating a negative public attitude towards antisocial behavior.


Creating conditions for the life of the school that are adequate to the educational process and most favorable for self-development, personal improvement and improving the level of health of students;

Development and implementation of organizational and pedagogical activities on a healthy lifestyle;

Organization of preventive work on negative attitudes towards smoking, alcohol and drug use;

Formation of a positive image of a healthy young person;

Strengthening ties with medical and other institutions in the village that promote the health of children and adolescents;

Educating parents about understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Main activities of the school

The medical direction involves:

- creation of conditions that meet sanitary requirements for the upbringing and education of children and the formation of their health:

Scheduling based on sanitary and hygienic requirements;

- conducting physical education sessions in lessons;

- carrying out dynamic changes;

- hygienic regulation of the teaching load and the amount of homework, taking into account the school schedule and daily routine;

- clear monitoring of the sanitary and hygienic condition of the school;

- systematic organization of meals for students;

Mandatory medical examination;

Annual health improvement for children in sanatoriums in connection with the status of the area contaminated as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The educational direction involves:

Organizing activities with students to prevent tobacco smoking,

alcoholism, drug addiction;

Organizing activities with parents to prevent tobacco smoking,

alcoholism, drug addiction;

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle (thematic classes, lectures,

educational games, drawing, poster, poem competitions, various promotions; joint work with health care institutions and internal affairs bodies on the prevention of substance abuse, drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism; promotion of physical education and a healthy lifestyle through lessons in biology, geography, chemistry, ecology, life safety, physical education).

The psychological and pedagogical direction assumes:

The use of health-saving technologies in educational activities, forms and methods in organizing educational activities;

Prevention of problems in the psychological development of the child;

Assistance in ensuring adaptation at different stages of training;

Development of cognitive and educational motivation;

Formation of self-regulation skills and a healthy lifestyle;

Organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to students

Sports and recreationdirection assumes:

Organization of sporting events for the purpose of disease prevention

education and involvement in healthy leisure;

Involving the system of club, extracurricular and extracurricular activities in

promoting a healthy lifestyle for students;

Wide involvement of students, parents, and social partners of the school

to physical culture and sports, various forms of health-improving work.

Diagnostic directionassumes:

Monitoring the health status of students, during which the general state of health and the presence of chronic diseases are identified;

Control of current morbidity, including hidden ones (the child does not go to the doctor, but stays at home for 2-3 days under the supervision of his parents);

Daily routine, living conditions; extracurricular activities in additional classes.

Event plan





Medical direction


Medical and pedagogical examination:

Analysis of the main characteristics of the health status of children at school;

Identification of students in a special medical group;

Maintaining strict records of children by health group. Formation of health groups based on indicators.




Carrying out clinical examination of school students.




Conducting a medical examination of students, determining the level of physical health.




Provision and organization

preventive vaccinations for students.




Registration of medical records and health sheets in classroom magazines.




Analysis of injury cases at school.




Analysis of attendance and absences due to illness.



Deputy Director for HR


Quality control of food and drinking regime



social educator


Inspection of classrooms, their compliance with hygienic requirements: ventilation, lighting; heating; ventilation; cleaning; landscaping





Rational lesson schedule, not

allowing overloads (compliance with SanPiN requirements)

Deputy Director for HR

Deputy Director for HR


Carrying out preventive measures aimed at preventing seasonal diseases (ARVI, influenza)

1. Conversations on flu prevention.

2. Game “I’m not sick”

3. “Clean hands”

4.If you are sick.

5.Release of a health bulletin

6.Training students in first aid

7. Conversations “No to bad habits”




Educational direction


Parental education

Parent meetings on drug addiction prevention on the topic:

- “How to prevent trouble and what to do when trouble comes to the family”

-“The whole truth about spices and mixes”

-“We fight bad habits”

- “Formation of healthy and safe lifestyle skills for minors”

During a year

Class teachers


Involving parents and teachers in preserving and strengthening the health of children.



tion of the school


Preparation and conduct of a methodological association of class teachers on the topic “Formation of a healthy lifestyle”, “On intensifying work to prevent neglect, homelessness and delinquency of minors, protecting their rights, ensuring safety and preserving life and health”, “Studying the Law of the Bryansk Region No. 57- 3 dated August 5, 2009"

November 2015

Deputy Director for VR


Conducting meetings of the Advisory Council on organizing work with socially anxious children and children at risk

During a year

Social educator


Preparation of teaching materials for class teachers on anti-drug education

During a year


Conducting consultative meetings and practical training with representatives of law enforcement agencies and guardianship authorities on issues of legal protection of children and the responsibility of minors

During a year

Deputy Director for HR Social Pedagogist


Joint work with health care institutions and internal affairs bodies on the prevention of substance abuse, drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism.

During a year

Deputy Director for HR Social Pedagogist


Promotion of physical education and a healthy lifestyle through lessons in biology, geography, chemistry, ecology, life safety, and physical education.

During a year

Subject teachers


Exhibition of books in the library on the topics: “Schoolchildren’s daily routine”, “Bad habits and their impact on health”

During a year


Regional stage of the XII All-Russian action

“Sports are an alternative to addictions”




Preparation of propaganda “boards” with information about the dangers of drugs and “anti-spice materials.”

December 2015

Social educator


Health lessons “If you want to be healthy”

During the month



Design of the thematic stand “Health Corner”: “Smoking is harmful to yourself and others”,

"Cigarette Time Bomb"




Thematic class hours: “Our friend is physical education!” “Keep away from bad habits” Quiz “What does it mean to be healthy?”

During the month

1-8 grades

Class teachers


Discussion lecture on the importance of a healthy lifestyle for young people

During the month of 9-11

Class teachers


Drawing competition “For health and safety” grades 1-4


Head of the circle


Exhibition of posters “Drugs are a sign of trouble”, grades 5-6


Class teachers


Exhibition of booklets “Being healthy is great!” 5-8 grades


Class teachers


Meeting of the School of Education of Class Teachers “Changes in the Law of the Bryansk Region” No. 57-Z dated August 5, 2009


Deputy Director for VR


Emblem competition “Youth for a healthy future!”

During the month



Watch videos “Together against drugs”

During the month



Posting information on the month of anti-drug activities on the school website

During the month

Organizers Psychologist


Conducting online anti-drug lessons using materials from the website of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the Bryansk region.

during the month 9-11 grades.

Social educator


“We are preparing to defend our homeland” competition and game program


Deputy Director for VR


Information exhibition of literature “Territory of Darkness. Let's say no to drugs!”

December 2015



Conversation “Drugs? Not my topic"

7-9 grades



Meeting with a narcologist with Tishchenko G.A. " No Drugs!"

During the month

Deputy Director for VR


Disco "Youth against drugs!"




Parent meetings on drug addiction prevention on the topic: “How to prevent trouble and what to do when trouble comes to the family?”, “The whole truth about spice and mixes”


School administration


Creation of a stand indicating a single hotline telephone number

During the month

Social educator


Daily monitoring of student attendance

During a year

School administration


Involving students in the system of additional education

During a year

Class teachers


Training sessions on the prevention of drug addiction, tobacco smoking, and alcohol consumption under the “Safe World” program

During the month



Implementation of the course by G.K. Selevko

“Personal Self-Improvement”, Ya.V. Sokolov “I am a citizen of Russia”

During a year

Class teachers


Psychological and pedagogical direction


Organization of the work of the office for psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process.


School administration


Performance tracking,

anxiety and other mental indicators of students in experimental programs:

Determining the impact of academic workload on children's mental health;

Studying the psychological capabilities and readiness of children for school;

Identification of professional

interests of students and abilities for the purpose of professional self-determination;

Development and implementation of a system of medical and physiological monitoring of adaptation

students to various forms of education.




class teachers

Evgenia Rostokina
Calendar and thematic planning on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”

Theme for the 1st week of October

« Healthy lifestyle»

(from 02.10 to 06.10. 2017)


Form initial ideas about health and healthy lifestyle.

Shape image of me.

Develop basic body and face care skills.

Develop ideas about your appearance.

Final event:

Quiz game « Healthy lifestyle» .

Exhibition of children's drawings "Me and sport"

the date of the: 10/05/2017

Day of the week

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational

Monday 02.10. 2017 Morning Morning exercises.

Complex No. 5 (see group folder)

Conversation "What helps to be healthy» .

Target: To instill in children a conscious attitude towards the need to toughen up, play sports, and eat vegetables and fruits.

Work (With a teacher in a corner of nature). Washing indoor plants.

Target: Involve children in all possible help, clarify children’s ideas about indoor plants.

Outdoor game “I can - I can’t”.

Goals: focus children’s attention on their skills and physical capabilities of their body; develop self-esteem.

Didactic game

"Pick the right shoes".

Target: To form in Sonya, Diana, Nastya an idea of ​​the need to maintain hygiene in the selection and wearing of shoes. Game-experimentation. "Light Everywhere".

Target: Show the light value. Explain that light sources can be natural - the sun, the moon, a fire,

artificial - made by people (lamp, flashlight, candle).

Add illustrations about healthy lifestyle.

OOD 1. Speech development

Subject: "Learning to be polite"

Target. Tell children about some important rules of behavior and the need to follow them; activate the corresponding words and figures of speech in the speech of preschoolers.

Methodological literature: V. V. Gerbova , pp.

2. Physical development.

Program content.

Teach children to form a column of two; exercise in continuous running for up to 1 minute;

Learn to walk with an extended step on a gymnastic bench;

Practice jumping over cords and throwing a ball.

Methodological literature: L. I. Penzulaeva , pp.

Walk Observing the change in air temperature and its cause.

Target: Create conditions for children’s cognitive activity.

Work assignments

waste collection on site

Target: To teach children to diligently carry out assignments, to cultivate the need to work.

Outdoor game "Cat and Mice"

Target FISO: Development movements:

"Hit the target" (throwing sandbags into a basket)

Target: continue to teach Egor, Vika, Ulyana to throw with their right and left hands at the target

Didactic game on traffic rules

“Guess what sign?”

Goals: Teach children to distinguish road signs, consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of the road; develop the ability to independently use acquired knowledge in everyday life life.

Subject: "It's raining"

Program content. Teach children figuratively reflect impressions of the environment in drawings life. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing. Learn to use acquired techniques to convey phenomena in a drawing. Practice drawing with simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax crayons, charcoal pencil, sanguine).

Methodological literature: T. S. Komarova « Fine , pp.

Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 2 (see group folder).

Conversation “Cleanliness is the key health»

Target: cultivate the habit of keeping your body clean and your clothes neat

Role-playing game

"Toys at the doctor's appointment".

Target: Teach children to care for the sick, use medical instruments, cultivate attentiveness, sensitivity, and care in children.

Outdoor game

"Who gets to the pins faster".

Household labor "Washing dishes in a doll's corner"

Target: To cultivate in Eva, Savely, Anton a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work.

Didactic game

"Guess the sport"

Target: expand children’s understanding of sports and the names of sports equipment.

Submit a poster

"Proper nutrition"

Walk Outdoor game: “Who is the most accurate?”.


Labor activity:

Collect toys after a walk

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational activities in restricted moments Creation of an environment for independent activities of children

Tuesday 03.10. 2017 Morning Morning exercises.

Complex No. 5 (see group folder)

Conversation "How my body works".

Target: Teach “listen and hear your body”

Didactic game

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Target: consolidate the names of sports and the corresponding actions of athletes, develop coordination of movements.

Outdoor game "Corners"

Target: strengthen agility, running speed Conversation about the environment world: What did you see on the way to kindergarten? with Alisa, Oleg, Zlata Looking at the poster

"The Structure of Man".

Target: To introduce children to the structure of the body, the parts of the body and its functional significance.

Bring it to the book corner "Moidodyr",

"Dr. Aibolit"

OOD 1. Cognitive development: Mathematics:

Program content:

Learn to compose a set from different elements, isolate its parts, combine them into a whole set and establish a relationship between the whole set and its parts.

Strengthen ideas about familiar flat geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and the ability to sort them into groups according to qualitative characteristics (color, shape, size).

Improve the ability to determine spatial direction relative to myself: forward, backward, left, right, top, bottom.

Methodological literature: I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts”, pp.

2. Musical development




Chanting, singing.

"Leaves Are Falling"

"Gather the Harvest"

Walk Observation of trees.

Target: creating conditions for observing trees, developing the ability to identify characteristic signs of autumn, establishing primary-consecutive and temporary connections.

Didactic game “Name the animals that prepare for hibernation in the fall”

Outdoor game: "Homeless Hare"

Target: development of running, ability to jump on two legs.

Work order:

Collect toys after a walk


Development of movements.

Target: improve jumping over a long fixed and swinging rope with Sonya, Stas, Tanya Didactic game on traffic rules

“Who is the excellent pedestrian?”

Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules (traffic signals, pedestrian crossing); cultivate perseverance and attention.

Independent games with external material.

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 2 (see group folder).


"Vitamin Family"

Target: To introduce children to the most useful forest and garden berries, to cultivate a conscious attitude towards the need to eat berries and fruits.

A game “Guess who called?”

Target: train the hearing organs and activate the attention and auditory memory of children

Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

Target: consolidate with Vanya, Marusya, Alisa the ability to compare physical exercises and classify them.

Reading by A. Barto

"Greasy girl"

Target: bring children to understand that cleanliness is the key health

Add coloring pages on the theme to the art corner "Me and sport"

Walk Outdoor games

“Who is the most accurate?”.

Target: develop independence, ingenuity, courage.

“Whose team will gather sooner?”.

Target: teach to run at speed.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational activities in restricted moments Creation of an environment for independent activities of children

Wednesday 04.10. 2017 Morning Morning exercises.

Complex No. 5 (see group folder)

Conversation "Physical education and health»

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of cultural hygiene skills that contribute to healthy lifestyle.

Reading E. Uspensky "Children who eat poorly in kindergarten"

Target: help children learn to feel and understand character images of the work, the relationship between what is described and reality

Round dance game. "Mice in the Pantry".

Target: teach to crawl under an obstacle, run without pushing, act according to the words in the text. Conversation about the environment world: What natural, seasonal, weather changes have you noticed? With Sonya, Stas, Tanya Didactic game "Healthy foods"

Target: to form in children ideas about the need to take care of their own health, about the importance of proper nutrition as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health. To strengthen children's ideas about food and their effect on the human body. Cultivate cognitive interest in the world around you.

Submit pictures for viewing

"My sports family"

Target: development of logical thinking in children.

OOD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling.

Subject "Beautiful Birds"

(Based on folk Dymkovo toys)

Program content.

Develop children's aesthetic perception.

Induce a positive emotional attitude towards folk toys.

Reinforce sculpting techniques: rolling clay, pulling, flattening, pinching.

Develop creativity.

Methodological literature: T. S. Komarova « Fine activities in kindergarten", pp.

2. Physical development

Main types of movements.

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, stepping over cubes placed at a distance of three (attached) baby steps (2-3 times).

2. Jumping on two legs over cords (5 pieces) right and left sides. Distance between cords 35-40 cm (2-3 times).

3. Passing the ball with both hands from the chest from the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart (8-10 times)

Methodological literature: L. I. Penzulaeva "Physical education in kindergarten", pp.

Walk Observing the sky.

Target: Invite children to describe the sky, follow the movement of the clouds, find out what can be learned by looking at the sky (about weather: clear or cloudy, what kind of wind, what precipitation is expected; about the time of day - according to the position of the sun in clear weather).

Outdoor game:

"Edible, inedible"

Target: develop attention, ability to catch the ball

Labor activity:

Sweeping paths. Target: cultivate hard work, a desire to help adults


Movement development work.

"Brave guys".

Target: Exercise Vova, Nastya, Roma in fast running, develop agility Didactic game on traffic rules

"Traffic Laws"

Goals: Strengthen the basics of road literacy; introduce the main road signs, their classification, purpose; promote the development of attention, memory, thinking.

Games with external material - motor exercises with a ball, skipping rope at the request of the children

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 2 (see group folder).

Game - Quiz

"Healthy and harmful products"

Target: To form in children a conscious attitude towards the need to eat healthy foods.

Outdoor game "In an even circle".

Goals: learn quickly, act on a signal; foster a sense of camaraderie.

Didactic game:

"Ascorbinka and her friends"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the benefits of vegetables, berries, fruits

With Masha, Alena, Daniil Reading L. Korotkevich

“The Tale about the Girl Masha and Grandmother Hygiene”

Target: develop the ability to analyze the actions and actions of peers and correlate them with generally accepted norms of behavior

Walk Work activity

Teamwork in the garden to clean up trash.

Target: to develop teamwork skills.

Outdoor games

"The Wolf and the Little Goats",

"Needle, thread, knot".

Goals: teach gaming activities with strict adherence to the rules;

develop speed and reaction; cultivate courage.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational activities in restricted moments Creation of an environment for independent activities of children

Thursday 05.10. 2017 Morning Morning exercises.

Complex No. 5 (see group folder)

Cultural and hygienic skills. "Etiquette - the school of graceful manners".

Goals: will teach the child table manners; tell what dishes and foods are eaten using cutlery; learn address with cutlery.

Outdoor game

"My funny ringing ball".

Target: Teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

A game "Find answers to my riddles".

Target: learn to solve riddles, find clues in the surrounding space based on descriptions with Sonya, Egor, Sonya F.

Conversation "Wash your hands before eating".

Target: Discuss with children why it is necessary to wash your hands before eating, what dangers await a person who does not wash his hands before eating.

Independent games with mosaics.

Games with building materials

Target: develop logical thinking, constructive abilities.

OOD 1. Speech development.

Subject: Learning to be polite. Memorizing a poem by R. Sefa "Advice"

Target. Continue to train children in the ability to be polite.

Help memorize R. Sefa's poem "Advice", teach to read it expressively

Methodological literature: V. V. Gerbova “Speech development in kindergarten”, pp.

2. Physical development:

Program content.

Repeat walking with high knees; continuous running up to 1.5 minutes;

Learn to roll the ball with your right and left foot in a given direction, dribble the ball with your right and left hand (basketball elements);

Practice jumping.

Methodological literature: L. I. Penzulaeva "Physical education in kindergarten", pp.

Walk Observation "Nature in autumn".

Target: Teach children to see the beauty of golden autumn, tell variety of colors, decoration of trees. Cultivate a love for nature.

Outdoor game "Find yourself a mate".

Target: exercise running, develop endurance and agility.

Work order:

Collect large trash.

Target: encourage you to independently carry out basic tasks.


Movement development work.

Walk along the path (walking on a limited surface).

Target: develop attention, maintain balance with Diana, Nastya, Sonya

Didactic game on traffic rules "Drivers"

Goals: Teach children traffic rules; develop thinking and spatial orientation.

Independent play activities of children with external materials.

Target: encourage children’s initiative to act independently, draw attention to various objects that can be used in the game as substitutes.

Evening OOD 3. Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing

Subject: "Funny toys"

Program content. Develop aesthetic perception, figurative ideas and imagination of children. Introduce the wooden carved Bogorodsk toy. Learn to highlight the expressive means of this type of folk toys. Cultivate interest and love for folk art. Develop your imagination. Learn to choose the material for drawing as you wish.

Methodological literature: T. S. Komarova « Fine activities in kindergarten"

Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 2 (see group folder).

Role-playing game

"The dolls have a housewarming party"

Target: Teach children to perform game actions in accordance with game plans, to establish relationships in the game.

Formation of gender identity.

"I know five names."

Target. Learn to identify yourself and others by gender.

Goals: learn to do an exercise with a ball;

develop eye and running speed. Didactic game

"Collect the cubes"

Target: develop attention, memory, imaginative thinking with Egor, Ulyana, Vika Trudovaya activity: errands, joint work with an adult.

« Sample group order» - (maintaining the appearance of the dolls - combing, straightening clothes, if you need to wash clothes).

Target: teach children to be neat, form the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order in the group.

Offer small toys to play with.

Target: Teach children to organize themselves into groups and unite with a common plot, teach them to play without conflicts, in harmony.

Walk Work activity Collection of medicinal plants.

Target: teach how to properly collect medicinal plants.

Outdoor games "Owl".

Target: learn to act on a signal.

Day of the week

Mode: Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational activities in restricted moments Creation of an environment for independent activities of children

Friday 06.10. 2017 Morning Morning exercises.

Complex No. 5 (see group folder)

Conversation “Sun, air and water are our true friends”.

Target: expand understanding of important components healthy lifestyle - sunshine, air and water.

Game - quiz

« Healthy lifestyle»

Target: consolidate knowledge about what is important in human life is health.

Conversation with Saveliy, Eva, Anton about people’s clothing according to the season

Target: enrich children's vocabulary

Observation and care of indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Target: Teach children to correctly name the above-ground and underground parts of a plant, compare plants by appearance.

Games with plastic construction sets

Target: develop creativity, imagination, intellectual activity in constructive and playful activities.

OOD 1. Cognitive development.

Subject: "Take care of animals!"

Expand children's understanding of diversity of the animal world.

Strengthen knowledge about animals of your native land.

Cultivate a conscious, caring attitude towards the natural world. Give basic ideas about ways to protect animals. To form the idea that man is a part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and defend it.

Develop creativity, initiative and teamwork skills.

Methodological literature: O. A. Solomennikova “Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten”, page 41

2. Musical development

Musical and rhythmic movements.

"March" music by Zolotarev - develop the ability to navigate in space.

Learn to march energetically and clearly coordinate the work of your hands.

Developing a sense of rhythm, playing music

"Drip-drip"-continue to get acquainted with the song, clap the rhythm with the teacher.

"Caterpillar"-Come up with a name for the caterpillar. put it in circles. clap the rhythm.

Chanting, singing.

Autumn chants - getting to know the chants, learning the text, singing in a whisper

"Leaves Are Falling" music Kraseva. - looking at illustrations, reading poems about autumn. Listening to a song.

"Gather the Harvest" music Fillipenko - learn a song from a fragment of the melody, singing with soloists, activating inactive children

Walk Observing the work of the janitor.

Target: expand knowledge about adult labor in the fall; cultivate respect for work.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What tools does a janitor need to work?

What work does a janitor do in the fall?

What is a janitor's job for?

How can we help the janitor?

Outdoor game "Cat and Mice".

Goals: continue to teach to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

Game exercise

"Make a Family"

Target: teach Oleg, Zlata, Alice to keep in memory the necessary condition when performing mathematical operations, develop the ability to compare, arrange objects in decreasing order.

Didactic game on traffic rules "Laws of streets and roads"

Target: Instill rules of behavior on the roads

Labor activity

Cleaning up fallen leaves.


teach you to finish what you start;

cultivate accuracy and responsibility.

Independent games with external material.

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 2 (see group folder).

Reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Target: Continue to strengthen children’s knowledge about the culture of hygiene; developing a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle

Didactic game

"Menu for fairy-tale heroes"

Target:. Strengthen children's ideas about healthy foods, their health influence on the human body.

Outdoor game "One - two"

Target: learn to run in a column one at a time and in pairs, act on a signal.


Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects using methods of superimposition and application with Labor (orders)

"Washing chairs".

Target: teach children to help the nanny keep the chairs in order and clean in the group room: wipe them with a damp cloth; put in place.

Games with didactic material in the nature center.

"Who's wearing what".

Target: Strengthen children’s ability to systematize animals by body cover (feathers, scales, wool

Walk Observation: Compare morning and evening weather.

Target walk. "Crosswalk"

Target: reinforce the rules of behavior on the street, teach how to cross the street following a specially marked sign

Outdoor game “Which leaves are there more?”.

Target: develop running speed, thinking, agility