How to remove a hump on the nose exercises. Aquiline nose. How to hide and disguise a flaw

Details Updated: 05/09/2019 20:26 Published: 01/08/2015 10:53

Anastasia Listopadova

FAQ - frequently asked questions about nose exercises and rhinocorrectors

Most questions and comments come from exercises for nose correction.

Questions and answers on nose exercises are posted on 15 pages of comments, which has also become not very convenient. Therefore, we have systematized frequently asked QUESTIONS about nose-correcting exercises and provide ANSWERS to them here. Discussions have been moved to the VK group.

Exercises for the nose. Questions and answers

How many times a day should you exercise?

For nose correction It is enough to perform 2-3 sets per day. In one set, the exercise is repeated 40 times.

To maintain a beautiful nose and to maintain good shape, it is enough to perform 1 set of 40 repetitions once a day.

Increasing the number of repetitions does not increase the effectiveness of exercises, i.e. there is no need to do 500 repetitions, as some girls wrote in their reviews, there is no point in this.

When will the results be?

Everything, of course, is individual. In most cases, the result can be visually seen after 2-4 weeks, depending on age and individual characteristics of the structure of the nose. In two weeks, if you do the Maggio (or other) exercise every day, 2 times a day, you will be able to evaluate for yourself how effective it is for you.

Everything is individual, but usually after about 4 weeks. But don’t expect your nose to shorten by 1 cm :)

A month is already an indicator; usually the result appears if the exercise is suitable. If there is progress, then it is carried out periodically in between. It doesn’t take up any time at all, you do it while driving or on the computer, it’s already like a habit...

Do you need to do nose exercises all the time?

How long do you need to do the exercises and how long does the effect last? How long does it take to complete courses of exercises for a long-term effect?

Answer: It is a known fact that the nose grows little by little throughout life. From 18 to 70 years, the nose can lengthen up to 1 cm. Therefore, in order to maintain an initially beautiful nose or improve it with the help of exercises, it is better to do universal exercise No. 1, if not constantly, then at least repeat periodically.

If corrective exercises are not done, at least periodically, the nose will become the same as it was. After all, this is not rhinoplasty. The nasal muscles are tiny, they train quite quickly, but weaken just as quickly. If your nose is big and you don’t want surgery, do the exercises for 1 minute a day, in between, and your nose will “keep” a more neat shape.

Is it possible to combine several different exercises?

You can combine 2-3 different exercises. You can perform the exercises without a break, but repeat this workout no more than 2 times a day.

At what age can you do nose exercises?

Up to 16 years old any corrective exercises or wearing special nose correctors NOT RECOMMENDED.

Since the face is still forming, it is better not to rush with corrective exercises. The face will change its proportions!

If you do anyway (young girls often ignore these recommendations), then limit yourself to only the first Maggio exercise (1 time a day, 40 times).

Depending on the problem, choose 1-3 exercises for the nose. If you cannot decide on an exercise for the nose on your own, start with the very first, universal exercise from Carol Maggio (No. 1).

Normal nose

To maintain a beautiful nose shape do exercise #1 and/or exercise #5.

Long, large, large, wide nose, small hump, wide or split nose tip

If you find one or more of the following signs: large, large, long nose, potato-shaped, with a wide or forked tip, or with a small hump, then the Universal Exercise Maggio No. 1 is ideal (this exercise has not harmed anyone’s nose and is suitable for both women and men).

This exercise makes the nose more elegant and neat, reduces and shortens the tip of the nose. By training the depressor nasalis muscle, it improves the shape of the nose and the condition of the upper lip. Good nasal muscle tone can even hide a SMALL hump.

Note: If you hold the bridge of your nose with your fingers, the exercise turns out to be stronger, but it also works well without it, for example, while driving, it’s more convenient to do it with one hand, without holding the bridge of your nose with the other.

Note: Exercise No. 1 reduces and raises the tip of the nose, but not by pushing the tip of the nose upward - this simply creates additional resistance to muscle movement.

Additionally, you can try exercises No. 3,4,5.

Nose crooked to the side

This does not mean a humped nose, but rather an asymmetrical one, having deviation of the tip of the nose to the right or left. Exercise number 2 is suitable here. In the video with the black girl, watch the recording from the 2nd minute. If the nose is deviated to the right, then the tip of the nose should be pushed to the left when performing the exercise and, conversely, if the nose is deviated to the left, then the tip of the nose should be pushed to the right.

Humped nose, large hump

Unfortunately, a nose with a large hump, especially if the hump is in the upper third of the nose, cannot be corrected with exercises. Only a small hump can be masked with exercises, due to good tone of the muscles of the nose and bridge of the nose. Exercise No. 1 will help to slightly reduce the hump if it consists of cartilage tissue.

Special devices, such as an electric nose corrector, to smooth out hunchbacks, should be used with special modeling lotions that contain active components that penetrate cartilage and bone tissue.

Wide nose, with large, voluminous nostrils, “potato” nose

For smoothing large, voluminous nostrils, n In addition to exercise No. 1 No. 8 or No. 9. If you wish, you can also try a splint/nose clip, it costs only a couple of dollars, and even with free shipping.

Note: For exercise No. 8, watch the FlexEffect video from 30 seconds (in the video this exercise is called “nose flare”).

Sunken areas between the nose and cheeks

To smooth this area , P In addition to exercise No. 1, additionally include exercise No. 6 and/or No. 7.

Sunken, flat nose wings

Form the wings of the nose Exercises No. 10, 11 will help.

Drooping nose tip

Choose the exercise that you like best or to which your muscles respond better from exercises No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 12.

Nostril section asymmetrical / large / small

Nose exercises can improve the overall shape of the nose, but will not significantly improve the shape of the nose itself. nostril slit.

Snub, short nose

Nose exercises really help to slightly reduce the size of the nose and raise the tip. But for snub and short noses, most likely they will not fit.

Good news for snub noses: with age, the tip of the nose will grow a little and fall down on its own.

Special devices, such as an electric nose corrector, for correcting a snub and short nose, should be used with special modeling lotions that contain active ingredients that penetrate cartilage and bone tissue.

Tested on a short nose and a concave nose, in the right places the volume of cartilage tissue increased slightly, the noses began to look more beautiful, at least that’s what the owners of the noses noted.

Fat nose

What exercises are the most effective?

Judging by the reviews, the most strong exercises Maggio and FlexEffect. But there are practically no identical noses, so “getting” into the exercise is individual.

Try to feel in which exercise the tiny muscles of the nose respond better to the exercise, because our task is to strengthen them.

Will nose exercises make your nose bigger?

From the given nose exercises, if done the recommended number of times, nose won't get bigger, the cartilage will not begin to grow, a hump will not appear, there will be no calluses or growths of the nose, that’s for sure. Tested on many.

In any case, remember and follow the “golden rule” - watch the changes and if you don’t like the result, just stop doing the exercises and everything will very quickly return to its previous state.

It seems to me that my nose has become worse, what should I do?

If you don't like the changes on the nose, then just stop doing the exercise and everything will return to its previous state, because the nasal muscles are very small and if you don’t train them for several days, they will become weak again (in the same way, if you don’t train your abs for six months, not a trace will remain of the abs). Look for alternative correction options or face-to-face classes with a face-building trainer.

Some people do not admire their own nose, for example, with a hump, which significantly affects the external characteristics of a person; often there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with their appearance and manifestations of disharmony. This feature of appearance can be treated differently: you can develop complexes about the hump on your nose, or you can be proud of your special nose.

When feeling discomfort about their humpbacked nose, some people try to get rid of this defect in appearance. This can be done using surgical and non-surgical techniques.

Rhinoplasty takes first place among all plastic surgeries, especially the correction of a hump of the nose, which often spoils the profile of the face and disrupts the harmony of the image.

However, it is worth remembering the side effects of this procedure, as well as contraindications. It is also possible to correct the shape of the nose using non-surgical methods.

What is a hump on the nose and the reasons for its appearance?

The hump of the nose is the protruding part of the nose on the back of the nose, consisting of bone and cartilage. This formation does not affect health in any way and does not reduce respiratory function. When removing this defect, only aesthetic indications are used.

A hump on the nose can be congenital or acquired. However, the size and severity affect the method of getting rid of a hump on the nose.

Most often, a hump on the nose cannot be removed at home, and consultation and surgical treatment with a plastic surgeon is required.


Fillers can be based on hyaluronic acid and collagen structures.

An injection type of rhinoplasty is done in a specialized cosmetology clinic in several stages: anesthesia is given, then, using a special needle, punctures are made in the skin on the back of the nose along the edges of the nasal hump, after which drugs are injected above and below the nasal hump, thereby leveling the profile line of the nose .

The technique for correct nose-correcting makeup is to apply makeup effectively.

This procedure can be done for minor imperfections in the appearance of the nose, however, according to experienced makeup artists, with the help of proper makeup, any defects in appearance can be eliminated and the dignity of the face can be expressed.

Exercises designed for a specific purpose can also greatly help correct a hump on the nose, making it less pronounced. The technique was developed by Maggio Carol, which earned good reviews from specialists and satisfied patients.

This technique helps to change the hump of the nose and tighten the contours of the face. This technique only helps with the formation of a hump on the nose from cartilage tissue; when forming it from bone tissue, these exercises will remain only a futile attempt to correct something on your own.

In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist.

There are several exercises:

These exercises need to be repeated several times a day, every day, only in this case can there be a lasting effect.

Thus, it is possible to remove a small hump on the nose at home, but you must remember that there are complications after such procedures and can lead to a worsening of the condition, so it is best to contact experienced specialists to explain the correction methods in your individual case.

A hump is a bone-cartilaginous formation on the back of the nose, typical for residents of the Caucasus, countries of Asia Minor and the southern regions of Europe. In principle, the owner of a nose with a hump can be a native of any country, but, for example, among the Slavs or the Chinese, this shape of the nose is rare and usually deprives the face of harmony. A hump on the nose is clearly visible in profile and is either a hereditary feature or an acquired defect, accompanied by a curvature of the nose and difficulty in nasal breathing. For men, a nose with a hump rarely becomes a problem, but women perceive the uneven contour of the bridge of the nose as a serious defect and, for the most part, strive to get rid of it. The only way to forget about the hump forever is to undergo rhinoplasty with a preliminary comprehensive examination, including from an otolaryngologist. Although, if the hump is not large, you don’t have to resort to radical measures, but take the advice of makeup artists who know well how to hide a hump on the nose.

Causes of a hump on the nose:

  • osteochondral formation on the dorsum of the nose inherited;
  • relief of the back of the nose genetically determined and is a sign of nationality;
  • crook in the nose appears after a bruise or fracture, that is, accidental mechanical damage can stimulate the growth of cartilage tissue.

Signs and types of hump noses

Humped noses, as a rule, are narrow - this is how nature preserves the “throughput” of the nasal passages, slightly expanding them in the vertical plane . There are two types of “humpbacked” noses: “Roman” nose- medium length, thin, rather graceful with a pronounced hump and Caucasian nose- large, protruding forward, with a lowered base and a clearly visible hump.

Rhinoplasty of the nose with a hump

A hump is in most cases an exclusively cosmetic defect, which can be corrected by plastic surgery. Removal of a hump is often performed to reshape a long nose and to eliminate the consequences of injuries.(in such cases, a hump nose is often combined with surgery to correct a deviated nasal septum). The patient will be able to see what the nose will look like without a hump even before surgery thanks to special computer programs that make it possible to simulate the result of rhinoplasty based on the age, gender and structural features of the person’s nose.

The difficulty of the operation to straighten the bridge of the nose is that it is necessary to remove bone and cartilage tissue. Many surgeons prefer to use open access to the correction area, believing that this is the only way to thoroughly work on all the structures of the nose; Anesthesia is used both general and local - it all depends on the complexity of the operation and the client’s condition.

The plastic surgeon adheres to the standard operation plan: he cuts the skin in the area of ​​the back of the nose and exposes the osteochondral tissue, after which he proceeds to remove the hump, and cartilage tissue is cut off gradually, carefully approaching the desired level. The bone tissue of the hump is also carefully removed, although by no means “jewelry” tools are used for this - a chisel and a special file. If, along with removing the hump, the task is to change the shape of the nose, then the lateral slopes are dissected and corrected, and excess skin, subcutaneous tissue and cartilaginous tissue in the tip area are removed.

After all the necessary manipulations are completed, the nose is given the desired appearance and stitches are applied. After removing the hump, a plaster cast is applied to the nose for 8-10 days, tampons are inserted into the nostrils (you will have to breathe through the mouth for several days), in addition, the patient is prescribed painkillers and antibiotics. After removing the plaster cast, it will be possible to judge only the preliminary results of rhinoplasty, since the nose will acquire its final appearance after six months - this is exactly how long it will take for complete tissue restoration.

To prevent suppuration, bleeding and tissue necrosis after hump nose rhinoplasty, you must strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations. But you should not be afraid of the appearance of bruises, swelling and nasal congestion, since this is the body’s natural reaction to surgical intervention. The mentioned negative phenomena disappear without a trace within a month, and to make the process go faster, the patient should drink less, limit physical activity and protect himself from viral infections. According to statistics, every tenth operation to change the shape of the nose produces side effects, for example, adhesions form in the nose, the patient’s sense of smell becomes dull and nasal breathing becomes difficult. In addition, every fourth patient remains dissatisfied with the shape of the nose and resorts to.

Video: comments from a girl who removed a hump on her nose

Attention! Plastic surgery of the nose has quite strict age restrictions - they are performed on patients 18-40 years old. The lower threshold is due to the need to wait until the formation of the skull bones is completed, and the upper threshold is due to age-related changes in bones, cartilage and skin. For patients over forty years of age, rhinoplasty is performed in extreme cases, since due to a decrease in elasticity, the skin most likely will not take the shape of the base of the nose that has been corrected, and this is fraught with deformations and the formation of wrinkles.

Today, cosmetologists have fillers in their arsenal, that is, drugs that are injected into a certain area of ​​the face to add the missing volume. Fillers are used to lift cheekbones, improve the shape of lips, and fill wrinkles. It will not be possible to remove a hump on the nose with the help of such compositions; it will only be possible to make it invisible to others. Gels injected under the skin below and above the hump and thus level the bridge of the nose. Currently, safe hyaluronic fillers are most often used for this purpose (the effect lasts up to a year, after which the procedure must be repeated) and the patient’s own fat cells (lipofilling), and they try not to use silicone, which was popular a few years ago due to its ability to leave the correction zone .

How much does it cost to remove a hump on your nose? Price of plastic surgery in Moscow

Photos of patients before and after rhinoplasty of a hump nose

Is it possible to get rid of a hump without surgery?

No, the osteochondral “growth” on the back of the nose can only be cut off, which means Plastic surgery is guaranteed to get rid of a hump for life. We talked above about how to “even out” a hump using filler injections, but if this low-traumatic method is not acceptable, then a girl with a hump on her nose can only rely on decorative cosmetics and advice from a stylist:

  1. The hump will not be noticeable if apply a dark foundation on the bridge of the nose, and a light one on the wings and how to shade the boundaries.
  2. Draw attention to other parts of the face and thereby distract from the hump. Makeup artists call focus on the eyes or lips(but not both at the same time!), and also do not forget about the eyebrows, which, firstly, should be dark, secondly, wide enough, and thirdly, resemble an arc in shape (as an option, with a slight bend).
  3. As for the hairstyle, then girls with a hump on the nose look better with a hairstyle of medium length hair, and without bangs. They go for braids, ponytails and buns in combination with face-framing strands carelessly released on both sides.

Attention! On the Internet there are recommendations to use massage techniques to remove a hump on the nose without surgery: it is possible that daily pressure and kneading of the osteochondral formation allowed someone to get rid of it, but it is hard to believe. Logic dictates that such manipulations are unlikely to destroy the tissues of the hump, but will rather encourage growth, especially since before the massage it is recommended to “warm up” the nose by applying a heated object to the back. At a minimum, the flow of blood to the olfactory organ is ensured, so, most likely, the reddened nose will not go unnoticed by others, and the owners of noses with humps are certainly not interested in this!

A hump on the nose: it's interesting

It is well known that large noses with a hump are more common among mountaineers, and There are hypotheses that explain the connection between the shape of a person’s nose and the location of his place of residence. It turns out that for people living at an altitude of up to 300 meters above sea level, the back of the nose and bridge of the nose are usually straight or concave, while for those living at an altitude of 1,000 meters, they are convex. Having compared anthropological and geological data, scientists concluded that the hump is more pronounced among residents of young, growing mountains, for example, the Caucasus.

According to physiognomists, those with “humpbacked” noses are charismatic and make good artists and leaders. Moreover, the latter, as a rule, surround themselves with real professionals, from whom they demand maximum efficiency, although they themselves are mediocre specialists.

It's no secret that public people often correct their own appearance, and Rhinoplasty ranks high on the list of “star” transformations. At one time, Kristina Orbakaite and (both, according to them, solely for medical reasons), Megan Fox, Nicolas Cage and Jennifer Aniston got rid of the bump on the nose. And here Sarah Jessica Parker, Sophia Loren, Lady Gaga, Alsou and Barbra Streisand turned a “flaw” into an advantage and are not at all embarrassed by their hump noses.

Photos of stars who have retained a hump on their nose

A nose with a hump, according to research, is one of the most common shapes. Moreover, in most cases it is considered a rather serious drawback that people (especially women) really want to get rid of. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of a hump on the nose. But the number of ways to get rid of it is quite limited. However, if desired, the hump can be masked or removed completely.

A nose with a hump: how to correct the shape?

Photo by Shutterstock

Despite the fact that there are many examples of stellar and successful women who have made the hump on their nose their highlight, ladies still in most cases want to get rid of such a defect. The reasoning is quite simple: a hump spoils a woman’s appearance, turning her nose into a bird’s beak. Therefore, representatives of the fair half of humanity resort to various tricks that help them get rid of the hated hump.

How is the hump on the nose formed?

The hump itself is a formation consisting of osteochondral tissue protruding on the back of the nose. As a result, it acquires such a convex shape.

There are several reasons for the formation of such a cosmetic defect.

Among them:

  • heredity
  • genetic conditioning (for example, nationality)
  • mechanical damage, etc.
A hump on the nose among representatives of nations that live in the Caucasus and Asia Minor regions is a completely normal and familiar phenomenon. But in people of the Slavic type, it introduces an imbalance into the facial features, distracting attention from the cheekbones, eyes, etc.

Experts note that a hump on the nose often makes a person feel very complex: he begins to have failures at work, in his personal life, etc. Scientifically proven fact: as soon as a person eliminates the hump, his life improves.

A hump is a defect that is not dangerous to health, i.e. it has no effect on the respiratory system. Therefore, the question of getting rid of it is purely cosmetic.

How to get rid of a hump on the nose: surgery

Naturally, the main and most reliable method of getting rid of a hump in the nose is plastic correction - rhinoplasty. Despite the fact that the size of the nose and hump are small, this type of operation is considered one of the most complex. Only the most experienced and qualified doctors perform this type of surgery. After all, removing a hump in this way is quite difficult.

It just seems that nose correction using plastic surgery is a simple procedure. In fact, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors: the patient’s age, the structural features of the nose, etc. A computer modeling procedure is required so that the patient can examine her new nose and evaluate the result that she will ultimately receive.

The ideal age to undergo nose correction surgery is from 18 to 40 years. This is due to the fact that the bones of the skull are already formed and no longer grow. After 40, rhinoplasty is not performed, because... this is due to a large number of postoperative deformities. In women of an elegant age, the skin is no longer toned, metabolic processes are slowed down, which can result in a problem when the skin simply does not accept the size of the new base of the nose and remains saggy.

If you meet a surgeon who has nothing against performing rhinoplasty on women over 40, leave him immediately (even if you are only 18 or 20). This attitude of the doctor suggests that he is unprofessional

The essence of rhinoplasty is that during the operation the surgeon removes both part of the protruding cartilage and part of the bone tissue. As a result of these actions, the nasal bridge straightens. But the surgeon must have high precision in making incisions, otherwise many small scars may remain on the skin. And this will spoil the face no less than having a hump.

The operation itself takes place in several stages. First, the surgeon makes an incision inside the nasal passages to gain access to the hump. He then removes the cartilage. And then he moves on to correcting the bony part of the nose. The doctor moves the remaining parts of the cartilage and fixes them in a new position. At the end of the operation, a bandage is applied to the nose, which will remain on the face for 8–10 days. To prevent the development of nosebleeds, cotton swabs are inserted into the patient's nostrils. This means that you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to breathe only through your mouth.

The first results of rhinoplasty can be assessed two weeks after the operation, the final results – after six months.

Contraindications to rhinoplasty include chronic diseases, allergies to medications, mental disorders and other serious health conditions.

How to get rid of a hump on your nose: makeup

Of course, it is impossible to get rid of a hump with makeup. However, cosmetics can disguise a hump on the nose so much that it will not be visible. To align the nose with a hump, lighten the front of the bridge of the nose and darken the sides. This procedure can be performed either using powder of different tones or using blush. To achieve the ideal effect after completing nose correction using cosmetics, matte the hump with a special powder.

How many people are unhappy with their nose? There are no exact statistics on this issue. But there are statistics on the popularity of plastic surgery, in which nose surgery traditionally occupies one of the first places.

According to rhinoplasty surgeons, the most common request they receive is remove a hump on your nose. This feature of appearance often spoils the overall appearance of the face, making the nose too prominent, massive and disproportionate in relation to other features.

Is it possible to get rid of it once and for all? Is it necessary to have surgery? And what is the price of the issue?

Why does a hump appear on the nose and how to get rid of it?

The presence of irregularities on the dorsum (the so-called section of the nose from its tip to the bridge of the nose) is due to the structural features of the osteochondral tissue, which can be either congenital or acquired. The most common reasons are:

  • Heredity and genetic predisposition. For example, for the Caucasian peoples, a hooked nose is a characteristic national feature;
  • Incorrect fusion of bones and cartilages of the nose after injury or unsuccessful surgical intervention;
  • Wearing glasses with heavy frames for a long time - constant pressure leads to characteristic deformation of the tissues.

Of course, those with a hump who would like to get rid of it are primarily interested in non-invasive methods. But, unfortunately, it is absolutely impossible to change the structure of cartilage and, especially, bone tissue using, for example, massage or breathing exercises. Today, there are two effective ways to “level up” your profile:

  • Injections of fillers based on collagen or hyaluronic acid
  • - surgical correction of the shape of the nose

The first option is quite gentle: a drug is injected through a thin needle above and below the hump, which fills the subcutaneous area and straightens the line of the back of the nose. It has its pros and cons:

The second, more effective way to remove a hump is. This also has its own nuances and limitations: it is performed only on patients over 18 years of age (since the nose continues to grow until approximately this age), has a number of general surgical and specific contraindications, and requires a fairly long rehabilitation period.

How is surgery to remove a hump from the nose performed?

During the consultation, the surgeon and the patient carefully plan all proposed changes - as a rule, computer modeling of the final result is performed for this purpose. The surgery itself It is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours:

  • The first stage is to remove the skin from the nose (i.e., the operation is performed with open access), an incision is made into the cartilage and its parts are gradually removed
  • Next, the bone is cut to the required size - at this point it is important that the specialist does not overdo it and does not remove too large an area, otherwise the nasal passages will narrow with subsequent complications in the form of difficulty breathing, and, in addition, the aesthetic result of the operation may be negated
  • The final stage is cutting the lateral slopes of the nose and moving them to the desired position so that the back becomes naturally rounded and a new height and width of the nose is formed.
  • In most cases, when removing a hump, simultaneous surgery is also necessary, since a straight and narrowed nose visually appears longer.

After the operation, a plaster bandage is applied to the nose, with the help of which the bone and cartilage fragments are fixed in their new position. The recovery period and associated restrictions will last several months - during this time, swelling of the nose and associated breathing difficulties may persist, intense physical activity, taking hot baths, visiting swimming pools, saunas, wearing glasses with heavy or pressing frames, and air travel are prohibited. Also, it will be necessary to protect the nose as much as possible from external influences, since the fused osteochondral tissues can easily be damaged.

The new nose without a hump will take its final shape only after six months or a year, when complete healing has occurred and all swelling has subsided. But the final result lasts for life and does not require any additional supporting procedures.

How much does it cost to remove a hump? Current prices

The patient's costs for correction of the nasal bridge depend primarily on the chosen technique: average prices for injection plastic surgery are 20-60 thousand rubles, for surgical plastic surgery - 60-180 thousand. In the first case, the cost will depend mainly on the required amount of the drug and its brand, in the second - on the volume of intervention and the qualifications of the plastic surgeon. The final price for the operation is calculated during a consultation with a surgeon; as a rule, it includes computer modeling of the future nose, preoperative examination, the operation itself, as well as subsequent outpatient examinations and other measures until complete healing.

In what cases should you not have surgery? What else should the patient know? Experts' comments

We asked several metropolitan surgeons specializing in rhinoplasty to talk about the intricacies of hump removal surgery. Here are the questions that primarily interested us:

  • In what cases can you refuse to perform this operation (other than general medical indications)?
  • What is the danger of an unqualified operation and how to avoid it?
  • What do you think patients need to know before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty?

Head of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic of the European Medical Center (EMC), MD:

We rarely refuse operations other than general medical indications, sometimes only changing the patient’s attitude towards his appearance based on the results of anthropometric studies. In particular, it often turns out that the nasal hump is not caused by the height of the osteochondral junction of the dorsum, but by the deep bridge of the nose. In such cases, we prefer to fill this depression with softened cartilage grafts or fillers.

Also, we refuse to perform isolated removal of the nasal hump in cases where the patient does not understand that this will widen the dorsum of the nose and then we insist on performing osteotomies, i.e. on surgical approximation of the nasal bones so that its contours are proportional to the face as a whole.

The lack of sufficient qualifications on the part of the surgeon can lead to the fact that if the hump of the nasal bridge is removed excessively, it will result in a saddle-shaped deformation or a “boat” deformity, when the tip of the nose protrudes excessively in relation to the dorsum above the level of the face, which greatly simplifies the patient’s appearance. In addition, isolated removal of the nasal bridge hump can lead to functional disorders if its entire osteochondral framework is not corrected. This is for medical reasons.

As for the standard technology for removing the hump with the simultaneous cutting of the osteochondral part, in the absence of an adequate assessment of the functions of the nose, in the area of ​​the so-called “nasal valve” the cartilage can shift in relation to the septum, causing a narrowing of the airways. This adversely affects the function of external respiration, as well as the general physical status of the patient.

Therefore, we use techniques in which not only sufficient skin is preserved, but also the periosteum and perichondrium in the area of ​​the nasal dorsum, the osteochondral junction is re-equipped (the lateral cartilages of the nose are folded inwards, thereby preventing narrowing of the nasal valve), and an even and smooth structure is built the contour of the nose, especially at the osteochondral junction.

founder and leading plastic surgeon of the Art Plastic clinic, Ph.D.:

I refuse to perform rhinoplasty, including hump correction, when there is no indication for this, not enough time has passed after the first operation to correct the situation (if we are talking about repeated nose surgery), when I feel the patient’s emotional and mental inadequacy, and also when the patient has high expectations regarding the results of the operation. If the patient has not reached adulthood, I advise you to wait some time until his bone and cartilage tissues reach full development.

The main danger of poorly performed rhinoplasty is a poor result, both aesthetic and functional; in the end, redoing such work is much more difficult and less effective than the first time. Before going to a plastic surgeon, the patient must be sure that he is seeing an experienced, qualified specialist; for this, I advise you to follow the slogan “the tree is known by its fruit” and look at the results of operations already performed by this doctor.

Leading plastic surgeon at the Studiomed clinic, Ph.D.:

The nose is the central feature on the face and should be considered not as a separate existing figure, but in conjunction with other features. In some cases, natural noses with a hump and any other irregularities look more advantageous and interesting, giving the face originality and individuality, uniqueness, than those made surgically. Some people have to explain it and prove it. Sometimes they agree, sometimes they don’t.

Any operation performed unskilledly, without following basic techniques, leads, at a minimum, to an unsatisfactory result, and, at a maximum, to disruption of the anatomy and functionality of the nose. The main thing is a clear understanding from the patient of what he wants, what can happen and whether the doctor can achieve this. A beautiful picture on the screen in Photoshop is not the result. You can draw anything, but to do it... You need to objectively and correctly evaluate the anatomy of the face, the anatomy of the nose, the patency of the nasal passages, the correct position of the nasal septum, the elasticity of the skin and its condition.

But the most important thing is understanding between the doctor and the patient and complete trust on his part in the treating specialist. Since the most difficult period begins after the operation, when the nose undergoes changes, but has not yet been transformed to the desired state. And at this moment the alliance between doctor and patient is especially important.