Postoperative bandage is better. What is a bandage? What is a bandage and what is it for?

Keep muscles toned and promote rapid recovery The postoperative bandage helps.

Unfortunately, life often develops in such a way that a person may require surgery. Surgeries are not always successful; many of them can affect your health even after some time. For some who carefully monitor their appearance and figure, the operation may seem unnatural, since it often leaves marks on the body.

In order to maintain muscle tone and eliminate all traces of scars to the maximum, special support corsets are used - postoperative bandages.

Which bandage to choose

They all differ in their function. These braces are mainly used to support the abdomen or chest, reducing and distributing muscle load in a certain area, removing excess load on the spine and joints, help prevent the development of postpartum stretch marks.

The action of these bandages is based on the principle of compression or maintenance certain groups muscles, thereby creating conditions that prevent tissue divergence in the wound area, maintaining muscles in a certain position and maintaining their tone. Some of them perform only a fixing function. They are usually characterized by high rigidity of the material and are not suitable for everyone.

The main indications for wearing retainers are:

  • recent organ surgeries abdominal cavity;
  • childbirth;
  • painful syndromes in the joints of the spine;
  • abdominal hernias.

Bandages should not be used on persons:

  • with kidney diseases (especially those accompanied by edema syndrome);
  • with active infectious process in the area of ​​wearing it;
  • if you are allergic to components of the fabric from which it is made;
  • for some types of pathology digestive system(with exacerbation of ulcers, significant bloating);
  • in the presence of fresh wounds(no more than a week after undergone surgery).

Currently, there are quite a few types of postoperative bandages. They all differ in appearance, tailoring, size.

How to choose a product by size

First of all, you should remember that after surgery, body weight sometimes decreases. Therefore, you need to know exactly how to choose a postoperative bandage.

It is best, if the operation does not involve the removal of excess fat, to choose a retainer for yourself before the operation, since after such a selection is significantly complicated by the condition of the preservation of the sutures. Determining the size is best done based on measurements own body and fitting of bandages. If this corset is required for the abdomen or waist, the circumference is usually measured and compared with that indicated on the packaging.

The sizes are usually the same, making it quite difficult to make a mistake. However, such tactics do not always work when trying to determine the size postpartum bandage(most often used after caesarean section). After childbirth, a woman loses a significant portion of the body weight gained during pregnancy. She doesn't know what her body looks like now. Because of this, it is best to select a bandage immediately after surgery and rely on measurements with a centimeter tape.

Postoperative bandage is selected based on the requirements placed on it. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made.

Nowadays, bandages made of synthetic fabrics are widespread. They cost much less than cotton ones, but sometimes it’s better to overpay for a natural bandage and not worry about possible risk development of allergies to synthetics. Bandages made of elastane and polyester are in demand. These fabrics are elastic and allow almost everyone to use bandages, even those who were unable to choose right size because of overweight bodies.

The model of the fixator is best selected individually, since it may suit one person perfectly, but for another, this bandage after surgery will do more harm than good.

A normal retainer should not cause any discomfort when wearing it. Therefore, even with the slightest inconvenience, you should try either another model, or change the size to a larger one than you already have. You need to know exactly how to choose a postoperative bandage.

How to determine your size

A prerequisite for selecting a bandage is to try it on vertically and horizontal positions. This is necessary in order to maintain muscle tone in the postoperative period to prevent suture divergence (the risk of such divergence is high when selecting a fixator several sizes larger).

Each bandage differs in its method of fixation. There may be elastic fasteners that, due to the properties of the material, do not have any ties or fasteners. Other models may have a button fastening, or they may have a zipper or lacing. The only condition for the fastening method is that they should not cause discomfort and not be located in the area of ​​the surgical wound. If there is such a discrepancy, it is best to choose a different bandage model for yourself.

It became clear how to choose a suitable retainer, but there are also situations when you need to make a corset yourself.

How to sew a corset yourself

Sometimes a situation arises when store-bought bandages do not meet any of the above criteria. This may be a discrepancy in length or width, inconvenience in dressing or fastening, excessively rigid fixation that causes painful sensations. In such a situation, it is best not to try to buy the necessary retainer in a store, but to make it to order or sew it yourself. However, there are some nuances here too. How to choose material for the retainer:

  1. First of all, you should consider individual characteristics physique. The bandage must ideally fit all curves of the body (i.e. meet orthopedic requirements) and not hinder movement in certain joints. Because of this, when sewing a bandage, preference should be given to fabrics made from elastic materials, which, thanks to their ability to stretch, will be able to adapt themselves to your body type.
  2. It should be remembered that the bandage fasteners must be comfortable enough to fasten or fasten. In such a situation, it is best to give preference to elastic bands, since they will independently fix the bandage, and there is no need to be afraid of their significant impact on the postoperative wound, since the load on them will be evenly distributed over the entire circumference of fixation. The only disadvantage of elastic bands is that while wearing the retainer, they will be in a stretched state. If you experience weight loss, the old brace will no longer be suitable for wearing as it will not provide sufficient fixation and support.
  3. Sometimes using self-made corsets and braces can affect your health in the future. There are known cases of scoliosis developing after using homemade bandages. That is why you should look up to and take as a basis branded, certified bandages that have passed the necessary clinical researches and proven to be safe.

Therefore, for those who cannot find a ready-made bandage, the only way out is self-tailoring. However, it should be remembered that such clamps will not always have the desired effect on wounds and the figure, and therefore it is still better to give preference to branded bandages.

Compression and abdominal bandage after surgery

Buying a retainer is not a difficult task these days. Compression bandages can be sold in stores medical equipment. In this situation, everything is simple: come to the store, talk about what size compression bandage you need and for what area. If the product is available, the pharmacist selects the required model.

It’s even better if there are specialized orthopedic stores whose profile is similar to fixative clothing. These stores specialize in selling branded bandages. Only they will have enough wide choose models, and select required option the bandage will not be difficult.

Compression bandages in medical and orthopedic stores are certified and have a quality mark. It has passed the necessary tests and has proven its effectiveness in rehabilitation in the postoperative period.

The third source where you can purchase compression bandages is online stores. Usually on their websites you can see records that they cooperate with the most well-known companies and have the necessary quality guarantees. IN in rare cases this is true, and such bandages were indeed purchased from an official distributor and certified. However, most of these stores do not have such certificates. Some of them purchase defective goods, which are then sold to the consumer. Ordering and buying a bandage in such a store is a purely personal matter for everyone.

4 source - distributors. Here the situation is even more risky than in online stores. It is not recommended to buy anything through distributors, since the goods sold by them are usually stolen and do not have any evidence of their authenticity. Typically, distributors sell used goods that will not have the desired effect and can only cause harm. When buying goods secondhand, you should be aware of the high risk.

If you still purchase a high-quality and certified product, you should know which companies are in greatest demand.

Compression bandages from the German company Orlett are widely used. This company specializes in creating orthopedic clothing. It has already gained recognition in the medical goods market for quite some time and continues to occupy one of the leading places at the present time.

Among domestic manufacturers, such companies as “Crate” and “Fest” are well known. They specialize not only in the production of compression bandages, but also in the production of bandages for pregnant women.

Prices for bandages vary slightly. German bandages are much higher domestic analogues, however, are in great demand. The price depends on the area on which this bandage is intended to be used and its size. Inguinal bandages cost between 700-800 rubles, and similar bandages from Russian companies can be purchased for 300-400. average cost for an abdominal bandage from a German company is about 3,000 rubles, while Russian analogues can be purchased for about 1,700-2,000 rubles.

How much to pay for a bandage is everyone’s personal choice. Some people are ready to buy bandages made in Germany, others - domestic ones, while others prefer to make them themselves.

Many doctors recommend wearing a bandage in the postoperative period. It would seem that such a simple and inconspicuous-looking design brings quite a lot of benefits. That is why for those who strive to maintain and maintain their health high level, as well as to recover properly after surgery, a bandage is the surest remedy.

For a speedy recovery after surgery, doctors often prescribe patients to wear a bandage. What functions does a postoperative abdominal band perform? What types of it can be found on sale? How to choose the right option and how long will you have to wear it?

An abdominal bandage after abdominal surgery performs several functions at once:

  • holds organs in correct position without allowing them to move;
  • accelerates scarring of postoperative sutures;
  • reduces the risk of hernias;
  • restores the elasticity of the skin;
  • protects seams from infections;
  • reduces pain:
  • eliminates hematomas and swelling.

On a note! In many cases, a post-operative bandage helps maintain mobility. It does not restrict movement excessively, and does not allow the patient to forget or make sudden movements.

Most often, abdominal belts are used during hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), after removal of hernias and gastrectomy, as well as after plastic surgery, for example, after pumping out subcutaneous fat.

Not all doctors are in favor of using a postoperative bandage. For example, after removal of appendicitis without complications, you can apply a regular bandage.

It is worth remembering that while there are some chronic diseases, in particular those that are accompanied by swelling, the doctor may prohibit the use of a postoperative bandage. It is also not prescribed for poor condition postoperative sutures (if they bleed, fester, etc.).

Modern postoperative bandage on abdominal wall is a wide elastic belt that wraps around the waist. Depending on the model, it is used to influence certain internal organs. Multi-stage adjustment of the tension force helps to perfectly fit the bandage to your figure.

If the operation was performed on the intestines, a bandage for ostomy patients may be required. This belt has a special compartment through which waste products of the body are removed.

A separate group is represented by postoperative anti-hernia bandages. They are used both after removal of hernias and as a means to reduce the risk of tumors.

On a note! Many bandages have to be worn for quite a long time after surgery, and the product not only performs fixing and corrective functions, but also supports the spine and relieves the back muscles.

How to choose the right bandage

One of the most important criteria when selecting a bandage after abdominal surgery, the size becomes. The determining parameter is waist circumference. It is measured with a measuring tape, tightly clasping the body, but not too tight.

Attention! The height of the bandage should be such that the product completely covers the postoperative sutures.

An error with the size will lead to dire consequences. An excessively large bandage will not fulfill its functions (it will not fix the organs or support the abdominal wall), and one that is too small will cause enormous harm to health, causing disruption of blood supply and tissue death.

Materials are another parameter that you should pay close attention to. Abdominal bandages are made from hypoallergenic and well-ventilated natural fabrics that provide the desired microclimate. The skin underneath does not sweat, the seams remain dry. Such materials include rubberized latex, cotton with elastane or lycra.

It is better to pay attention to models with multi-stage adjustment. Such products are easier to adjust to the required dimensions. The first fitting of the postoperative bandage should be carried out under the guidance of the attending physician, who will adjust the tightness of the model. This often happens, because after the operation the patient remains in the hospital room for some time.

When the time comes to buy a postoperative bandage, it makes sense to go to the nearest orthopedic salon or specialized pharmacy. Often such retail outlets are located directly in clinics. They have more choice, but the price for a particular model may be slightly overpriced. You can look for a bandage at the clinic, and then instruct your relatives to purchase a similar option in the city. Russian-made Unga bandages have quite affordable prices.

A huge “plus” of visiting an orthosalon is the presence of a doctor who will help you choose the right bandage based on the doctor’s recommendations.

The ideal option is an abdominal bandage, which is attached with a wide adhesive tape. The use of hooks, fasteners, and lacing is also allowed, but in this case you need to pay attention to whether these elements cause discomfort.

Be sure to try on the bandage before purchasing. If some of its elements, for example, stitches, wrinkle the skin, it is better to refuse to purchase this product.

On a note! A high-quality orthopedic bandage is dense, but not hard. It does not deform during wear, its edges do not bend or bunch up. It evenly supports the abdominal cavity, does not compress internal organs, and does not interfere with blood supply.

How and how long to wear a postoperative bandage

  • Most often, the postoperative belt has to be worn for one to two weeks. This period is often enough for the threat of seam separation to pass, and the position internal organs has stabilized.
  • It’s worth preparing for what comes next complex operations, and if there are complications, you will have to wear a bandage for a month or even more. The decision when a patient can refuse to use an accessory is made only by the doctor.. Usually, the bandage is not worn for more than 3 months after surgery, because in the future the risk of muscle tissue atrophy increases.
  • Wearing a bandage all the time is not recommended. The average daily time should not exceed 6-8 hours, with half-hour breaks every 2 hours. However, total time and breaks can be modified to suit the patient's specific situation.
  • It is better to put the bandage on cotton clothing (preferably seamless). In some cases, the doctor may recommend wearing it on the naked body, but in this case it is worth considering a spare model in order to maintain the proper level of hygiene.
  • The first time you put on the postoperative bandage, you should lie down. You first need to relax so that the internal organs take the correct anatomical position. At the final stage of using the accessory, you can put it on while standing.
  • The bandage must be removed at night unless otherwise indicated by a doctor.

On a note! You should not suddenly stop wearing an orthosis. The time must be reduced gradually so that the body can calmly adapt to the new “rules of the game.”

Surgery is a huge stress for the body. A postoperative bandage can help him recover. However, it will only be effective if its type and size are selected correctly.


Hysterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus, which in itself very frightens women with its name, but this measure has long been practiced in Europe and is performed mainly on women who have reached the age of 40. This operation is carried out in order to protect the woman from developing oncological diseases reproductive system.

The main and frequently asked question is wearing a postoperative corset (bandage). In fact, it is the bandage after hysterectomy that is an integral part rehabilitation period after operation. Experts emphasize that a postoperative corset should be worn from the first minutes after surgery. This is necessary in order to keep the internal organs in a certain position, and most importantly, in the first days, to prevent the postoperative sutures from coming apart. An integral part of the impact of a postoperative bandage is the reduction pain syndrome in patients, but in order for it to perform its functions, it is necessary to select exactly the one that will correspond to the situation.

Bandage - belt (corset) medical purposes, which is equipped with fasteners or ties (depending on the model). It is used in the postoperative period, before and during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth, to support the pelvic organs.

Functional purpose of a medical bandage

A postoperative bandage has a positive effect on a woman’s body after surgery only when worn correctly and for a long time.:

  • reduction of pain in the first hours (days) after surgery;
  • prevention of divergence of surgical sutures;
  • fixation of internal organs;
  • strengthening the vaginal muscles;
  • fixation of the pelvic bones to provide protection from possible overloads;
  • significant reduction in the likelihood of occurrence various pathologies intestines due to surgery;
  • reducing the likelihood of postoperative hernia formation.

All these functions of a postoperative corset help a woman to endure postoperative period.

It is important to understand that the type of postoperative bandage recommended for wearing after a hysterectomy may change. For example, during laparotomy and vaginal removal of the uterus, wearing bandage panties is more comfortable and effective; during laparoscopic removal, you can get by with a postpartum belt.

For the right choice the type of gynecological product requires consultation with a specialist. The specialist also determines exactly how long you need to wear the corset.

Experts call the postoperative corset gynecological, precisely because of its direct use. The gynecological bandage for women has characteristic distinctive features in comparison with other types of products.


There are several types of postoperative bandages for women.

  • Bandage panties - wraps pelvic bones and perineum for reliable fixation of internal organs. Such a product is fixed using fasteners to control the fixation force. You need to wear such a bandage from the first hours after the operation.
  • Bandage shorts (Bermuda shorts)- a type of bandage-panties. Designed to be worn in the cold season, very comfortable and practical. The bandage is secured with Velcro, or a side zipper is possible.
  • Tape bandage- a wide elastic band that securely fixes the organs in the operated area. The bandage is secured with Velcro. This type of product resembles a postpartum belt, but is also appropriate for hysterectomy, even in the first hours after surgery. This belt should be worn within a few hours after surgery; it is the most convenient option in the early rehabilitation period.

Varieties of postoperative corsets allow the patient to choose a model in which she will be comfortable, no matter how much she wears it, and which will not restrict movement. It is a correctly selected bandage that allows a woman to live full life at a time when the rehabilitation process is in full swing.

Contraindications for using a corset

When choosing a product after surgery, you should consult a doctor, because the product has a number of contraindications for a woman’s health, especially for those who have had a hysterectomy. The product, by its design, performs the function not only of fixing and supporting, but also of tightening, thereby causing various contraindications to be worn by some patients. Doctors include such contraindications:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (the bandage is not recommended for wearing for stomach or duodenal ulcers);
  • allergic reaction to the fabric from which the corset is made;
  • various skin diseases(eczema, tumors, wounds);
  • kidney diseases, which are accompanied by swelling.

If there are such contraindications to wearing a bandage, doctors may recommend a bandage made from a different type of fabric, or select a different model that will not aggravate the woman’s condition. Doctors will also determine exactly how long you need to wear the corset, based on your individual health status.

The size of the bandage must be chosen correctly, taking into account the fact that it should not compress too much postoperative suture and the area around it. The width of the bandage should be selected so that it is at least 2 cm above and below the seam, and in no case rubs or presses through it.

The duration of wearing the bandage is determined solely by the doctor.

The correct size for the fixing product has important. If the size is chosen incorrectly and it is too small or too large for the patient, the bandage will not provide positive influence on the body, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. Of course, the best solution when choosing a size is the most ordinary fitting. If this is not possible for any reason, you need to take measurements in the widest possible area of ​​the hips and waist. The data obtained is then checked against the data on the packaging.

Right choice

When choosing a postoperative bandage that will be comfortable to wear, you need to follow simple rules.

  • Bandage material- only natural fabrics. The best solution would be to buy a cotton corset, although it costs slightly more than a synthetic one.
  • Comfort comes first. Do not rely on the advice of others, since the body structure of each woman is individual and what suits one patient may not suit another. This is especially true for the duration of wearing. Every woman should wear a corset for as long as her doctor prescribes.
  • Type of bandage. If, for example, a bandage causes discomfort, it is very important to try changing it to panties or shorts and under no circumstances endure the pain.
  • Fitting position. Each product has a certain fixation; accordingly, the position during fitting may change. After removing the uterus from the bandage, fixation of the internal organs is required; accordingly, it must be tried on in a supine position.
  • Type of fasteners. There can be any possible fastener: from strings to zippers, the main thing when choosing is to remember that the fastener should in no case rub, cause discomfort, and even more so pain. The best solution is corsets with multi-level fasteners; they allow you to freely adjust the product if necessary, no matter how long the woman spends in the corset.
  • used product - NO! Under no circumstances should you buy a used bandage, as it is no longer hygienically clean, and due to the fact that it has already been used, the tightening properties have significantly decreased and the patient is unlikely to feel the tight fit of the bandage to the body.

In order for the product to fully perform its functions, it is the correctly selected type and long wearing will help a woman endure the postoperative period without complications. In any case, if you have any questions, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist. You shouldn’t expect advice from women who have been in the same position, because each of them is individual.

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Patients are recommended to wear a bandage after kidney removal, as the belt serves as a preventive measure. postoperative complications and performs a series useful functions. But the effectiveness of an abdominal bandage depends on the correct choice of model taking into account the size. It is important not to make a mistake and choose a belt for the appropriate purpose. And without knowing the rules for wearing a support device, you can only do harm.

A bandage is a temporary measure after kidney removal, aimed at preventing complications and comfortable recovery.

What is a bandage and what is it for?

An abdominal bandage is a medical elastic belt that is used for various purposes in medicine. The retaining fabric usually has Velcro or fasteners to secure it. The misconception is that it is worn only after surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, but this is misleading. The bandage is also used after kidney surgery, in postpartum period, with prolapse of the kidneys.

Positive effects when using the belt

  • Ensures the integrity of the surgical suture, preventing divergence of the wound edges;
  • supports internal organs;
  • reduces swelling and pain at the incision site;
  • reduces the risk of developing a hernia;
  • contributes to the formation invisible scar due to compression action;
  • prevents blood accumulation at the site of the removed kidney;
  • speeds up recovery after surgery.

A bandage for recovery after kidney removal should not cause discomfort when moving or put pressure on the abdomen.

In order for a bandage to really help in rehabilitation and not cause harm to the body, you need to learn how to choose it correctly. All products differ in gradation based on abdominal circumference. The sizes indicated on the packaging of each product are: 1(XS), 1(S), 3(M), 4(L), 5(XL), 6(XXL), 7(XXXL). Manufacturers write for what abdominal circumference a particular product is intended. Therefore, for correct selection of the model, it is important to measure this parameter. The belts also differ in width, which is due to the difference in height in each patient. Products with a width of 22 cm are intended for men and women below 175 cm and 165 cm in height. 30 cm belts are also available for sale, which are needed for taller people.