When is it necessary to call a doctor? Chamomile infusion

The temperature in young children can rise quite often. This is possible both with a minor infection and with teething. The baby's immune system instantly reacts to changes in health. But how and when is it necessary to lower a child’s temperature correctly? We'll look at it in more detail in our article.

How to reduce a fever with medications?

Carry out procedures to reduce elevated temperature preferably before bed when you need to put your baby to sleep. Sleep is the key to a speedy recovery.

If your child has a high temperature, be sure to consult a doctor! You cannot hesitate in such situations. The specialist will supply correct diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Most often, doctors prescribe suppositories to children. They provide enough fast action, and are a great help if the baby does not want to drink tablets and syrups.

TO famous brands candles against high temperatures include:

  1. Panadol;
  2. Nurofen;
  3. Viferon;
  4. Tsefekon-D.

Children one year and older can be given antipyretic syrups. They taste good and children eat them with pleasure.

Among the effective ones, it is worth noting:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol;
  • panadol;
  • calpol;
  • Tylenol for children (from 2 years);
  • dofadgan.

Ibuprofen , which is contained in the preparations, not only reduces fever in children, but also relieves painful sensations. It is used for teething or headache. But we must remember that ibuprofen is contraindicated under the age of 6 months.

Most safe way reductions - paracetamol. Please note that its dose should not exceed 4 times per day. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 days in a row.

All parents should know Treatment with Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is strictly prohibited before the age of 12. Using this medication may develop Reye's syndrome: a disease that affects the brain and liver.

If a child’s temperature has risen to 39 degrees, after taking antipyretic drugs, you should not wait for the number 36.6 right away. A small fall is already the key to a successful recovery.

Don't forget, the medicine doesn't work right away. After taking the medications, you will have to wait half an hour or an hour, then the antipyretic will take effect.

How to reduce fever in children using folk remedies

Many folk remedies are as effective as medications. Comprehensive treatment is the best treatment for high fever. For advice, be sure to consult a doctor!

  • One of the popular folk methods counts cleansing enema. Toxic substances accumulate in lower section intestines, and their absorption accelerates at elevated temperatures. To prepare an enema you need to: stir 1 teaspoon baking soda in a glass of warm water. For children up to six months, 50 ml of such a solution is enough, up to 1.5 years old - 100 ml, from two years old - 200 ml. Acceptable use herbal decoctions chamomile, yarrow, with the addition olive oil. The enema should be given in a supine position on the right side.
  • To one of effective means include cooling wrap. The child should be wrapped in warm water a rag. On top, put on things made from natural fabrics and cover with a blanket. After your baby has sweated, give him a warm shower.
  • Excellent antipyretics are essential oils, for example, lavender.
  • For those who are inclined to homeopathic medicines, suitable for lowering temperatures belladonna and aconite. Your homeopath can advise you on how and what to give correctly.

For effective treatment There are a few more recommendations worth following.

  • No hot baby no need to wrap it up.
  • Don't cancel your bath. While bathing, the body cleanses itself of toxins by removing them through the pores of the skin.
  • To reduce fever you need to increase sweating. Will help drinking plenty of fluids and frequent ventilation. At the same time, the temperature in the room where the patient is located should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius. By ensuring sufficient drinking and coolness in the room, the chances of fast recovery increase significantly.

Doctors recommend adding foods containing vitamin C to your drink: prepare lime tea, add raspberries, rose hips, and currant leaves to the drink. Cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks are perfect. In this case, drinks should be warm, and in no case should they be hot or scald.

  • Skin contact with anything cold can be harmful to child's body. It can cause spasms in blood vessels. Similar treatment dangerous for children's health.
  • Applying compresses will be quite effective: some wet towels or rags soaked in ordinary cold water, placed on the forehead, arms and legs. Such procedures should be carried out no more than 3 times a day and no more than 3 days in a row.
  • During the illness It is advisable to reconsider your diet. Should be temporarily exclude meat and dairy products from the diet - they inhibit the removal of toxins and mucus from the body.

You should not self-medicate and make your own choices for children. medical supplies. This may be hazardous to your health, so be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Elevated temperature - important sign health problems. Most often it rises with colds. But in some cases, high temperature can signal an inflammatory process developing in the body. In any case, this problem is very unpleasant. We will tell you in the article how to deal with it and whether it is necessary to do it at all.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature to 39ºC?

Temperature doesn't just happen. It signals that the body has detected an infection or inflammation and has begun to fight. At elevated temperatures, the body begins to produce a special substance - the protein interferon. This substance fights microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes. The higher the temperature, the more protein produced by the body.

If you interfere natural fight body with a virus, manifested by a temperature of up to 39ºС, and take an antipyretic, interferon will not be produced. Simply put, the body will give up and you will have to fight the disease on our own. Don't forget about this when you face the problem of whether to lower the temperature below 39ºC or not.

There are only a few conditions under which any specialist will prescribe antipyretics:

  1. If a person has accompanying illnesses that cannot withstand high temperatures.
  2. When the patient cannot tolerate the heat too well.
  3. In the event that the temperature gradually approaches 39ºС.

There are many ways to get rid of fever. But not all of them are perfect. More precisely, if a certain method helped one patient, this does not mean at all that it will be effective for another patient. After several experiments and consultations with a doctor, you will be able to determine which means are most effective in reducing a temperature of 39ºC and above and help you specifically.

Of course, the first way to save yourself from high fever that comes to mind is antipyretic medications. The choice of tablets, powders and syrups that relieve fever is very large. The most popular and effective means look like this:

  1. A simple but effective aspirin. It does not help every organism, but some even after single dose feel relief from this medication.
  2. Everyone knows how to quickly bring down a temperature of 39.9ºC with paracetamol. This remedy is suitable for both adults and children, it quickly relieves fever and improves well-being. Very often combined with aspirin.

Next medicinal teas contain antipyretic components:

  • Fervex;
  • Theraflu;
  • Pharmacitron;
  • Coldrex.

The huge advantage of such tools is that they provide complex action for a cold:

  • lower the temperature;
  • treated for;
  • reduce cough;
  • relieve headaches.

How to reduce the temperature above 39ºC in an adult using folk methods?

If you're not a supporter drug treatment, then you can try traditional methods of saving from fever.

Most known method– compresses. For this procedure, it is recommended to use mint decoction, but if preparing it is problematic, you can take regular boiled water. Apply compresses to your forehead, temples and wrists, changing them every ten minutes.

Drinking plenty of fluids and citrus fruits help lower the temperature. Plain water and hot drinks will do. The latter will promote the release of sweat, which will help relieve fever. In this case, the patient must comply bed rest.

You also need to know how to bring down a temperature of 39ºC by rubbing with vinegar:

  1. Mix vinegar with water.
  2. Soak a swab in the resulting solution and wipe the patient’s temples, neck, palms, and feet.

The first weeks of life a newborn’s temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.3 degrees. Physiologically, this normal condition baby's body. Stabilization temperature regime occurs by the month, but exceeding the specified parameters should alert parents. A clear increase in temperature indicates an infection attacking the little man. Flu, ARVI, overheating, bacterial inflammation, intestinal poisoning - a pediatrician will help you find out the cause of the high temperature. The child’s body is struggling with negative invasion, but parents should know when and how to properly lower the baby’s temperature.

What temperature should I lower?

A rise in temperature to 38 degrees means that the baby’s body has turned on protection - the production of interferon has begun. By removing it, you slow down the baby’s recovery and reduce the amount of interferon. Not for all children, such a temperature means loss of strength, lethargy and severe malaise. Some children 1-3 years old already fall into apathy at 37.3, they are tormented by aches and chills. Other children continue to jump and have fun even at 40 degrees.

Taking into account such characteristics of the child’s body, pediatricians do not give clear recommendations on how to bring down the temperature, but warn that a decrease high rate mandatory when:

  • temperature 38˚C in babies up to 3 months;
  • an increase in temperature above 38.5˚C against the background of normal well-being and behavior of the baby;
  • for existing disorders in the child of cardio-vascular system, seizures, problems with respiratory organs you should start decreasing from 38˚C.

What preventive measures should be taken?

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Having discovered a rise in temperature in a child, parents should change the regime of his care and take a number of measures to alleviate the condition of the baby.

Preventive measures will eliminate psychological discomfort and ensure the correct start of treatment:

  1. Prepare a drink (dried fruit compote, fruit drink, rosehip infusion) and drink your baby in doses, giving him two or three sips every ten minutes. You can give your child weak tea or diluted juice, just boiled water. The main thing is to ensure the flow of fluid. Warm the drink to the child’s body temperature (plus or minus 5˚C) so that the liquid is absorbed quickly. The amount of liquid must be increased by adding to the usual daily norm 10 ml for each kilogram of baby's weight. We calculate the total volume for each added degree, starting from 37˚C. For example, your baby weighs 10 kg and has a rise of up to 39 degrees: multiply the weight by an additional 10 ml and by 2˚C (10 kg x 10 ml x 2). We get an increase of 200 ml.
  2. Try to reduce the temperature in the room where the child is located to 18 degrees. Ventilate the room when the child is away.

How to determine the type of hyperthermia?

If you hear an unfamiliar term, do not be alarmed in advance; hyperthermia is an increase in temperature. Doctors define the “white” and “red” types of hyperthermia. The “white” appearance occurs due to vascular spasms and is characterized by a hot forehead, cold extremities and pale skin color. You cannot resort to rubbing and cold rubbing, especially with vinegar or vodka, with “white” hyperthermia. Necessary:

  • cool the air in the room to 18 degrees and cover baby's lungs blanket;
  • use the child’s usual antipyretic medicine;
  • use No-Shpu to relieve spasms and valerian to reduce cardiac stress.

Be sure to call ambulance, to experienced specialist assessed the condition little patient and carried out the appropriate initial treatment.

“Red” hyperthermia is expressed as intense redness skin, hot limbs - the child, as they say, is “on fire.” With this type of temperature rise, it is not necessary to take No-Shpu, it is enough warm water wipe the baby's hands and feet.

What medications should I give to reduce the temperature?

The main antipyretic substance for children is paracetamol. Preparations based on it are given in any form (suppositories, syrup, suspension) in the age-specific dose specified in the instructions for the medicine. The frequency of taking Paracetamol (and its analogues - Panadol, Cefekon, etc.) is 1 dose with an interval of 6 hours. The baby’s body’s reaction to paracetamol will help you understand the nature of the disease.

A bacterial infection or complications of ARVI are accompanied by a slight drop in degrees or do not change the thermometer readings. After giving your child some medicine for fever, an hour later, set the thermometer again: if there is a decrease in temperature, then the medicine was chosen correctly and there is no serious problem. A check after an hour and a half shows that the situation has not changed - a consultation with a pediatrician is required. You may need to use other drugs.


The second line of children's antipyretics is represented by drugs such as Ibuprofen and its derivatives - Nurofen and Ibufen. Having determined that paracetamol is ineffective for 6 hours, give the child Ibuprofen in an age-appropriate dosage. Ibuprofen is taken at intervals of 8 hours, the course of treatment is up to 3 days. Be sure to adhere to the recommended dosage and frequency of use.

Let us now consider how to give antipyretics of various forms.

In what form should the drug be given?


  • The dosage of syrup for removing a high indicator is calculated based on the child’s weight; the calculation system is specified in the instructions for the drug.
  • For speed of action, the syrup must be given warmed up to warm state form. Hold the bottle in your hands or heat it in a water bath.
  • It is forbidden to take the syrup more often than recommended according to the instructions.
  • If the first antipyretic does not help (for example, paracetamol), syrup with ibuprofen is taken after 2 hours.


The area of ​​contact of the suppository with the walls of the rectum is much smaller than the amount of syrup entering the stomach, which is why it acts more slowly. In addition, not all children react calmly to the process of introducing the product, however, in some cases only suppositories help:

  • degrees rose from 37 to 39 - absorption processes in the stomach are suspended;
  • The baby started vomiting, give antipyretic medications orally impossible;
  • Taking the syrup did not change the situation - the suppository is administered two hours after taking it.

When, how and with what to reduce the temperature: summary table

Having collected information about all methods, you can create a general table for monthly and older children. We tried to make the task easier for you and included in the table the necessary information for children from a month onwards, dividing them into medication and nursing methods. Such reference material may be a useful reminder for parents of infants and older children.

Child's ageWhen to lower the temperature (more details in the article:)?How to relieve the condition using home methods?Type of medicine
From 1 month 1 yearWe do not remove until the 38˚С mark, but when this mark is exceeded, we begin to shoot down with available means.Provide plenty of warm drinks, undress the baby and cover with a thin diaper. The room must be ventilated so that the child does not feel stuffy. While airing, place the baby in another room.
  • Paracetamol - suspension or siro
  • Efferalgan syrup or suppositories
  • Cefekon D (more details in the article:)
  • Calpol suspension
  • Nurofen suspension or suppositories
From 1-3 yearsThe temperature does not drop from 37 to 38.5. Over upper limit We are taking measures to bring down the increase.Provide your child with plenty of fluids. Give us warm tea, compote, fruit juice. Prepare a rosehip decoction, pour 1 tbsp. spoon of berries with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Cool until warm. Keep your baby in a bathtub with warm water for about 20 minutes, but make sure that convulsions do not start. Dress your child in light clothing.
  • Paracetamol in syrup or suppositories
  • Nurofen - suspension or suppositories
Over 3 years oldHigh temperature, baby looks sleepy, lethargic, refuses to eat - start taking the temperature.Constantly ventilate the room, monitor the air humidity, it should not be dry. You can increase humidity by using wet towels, hung around the baby's crib. Increase the volume of drinking (warm tea, compote, fruit juice, water). Leave only panties and a T-shirt. Forbid your offspring to actively move, run, jump, let him just sit.
  • Paracetamol in any form (suppositories, syrup, suspension) (more details in the article:)
  • Ibuprofen in different dosage forms

It is important to provide a sick child with a large number of warm drink

How to properly lower a non-infectious temperature?

Non-infectious temperature is the consequences of teething, heat or sunstroke, intestinal poisoning and other diseases not caused by infection. Doctors do not recommend starting to lower the temperature to 38.5 degrees, since at this time the body itself is fighting the disease. How to remove a higher indicator:

  • Thermal and sunstroke accompanied by a rise of up to 40 degrees. To reduce the child’s temperature, it is necessary to move the child to a cool, shaded place and provide him with something to drink ( cool water) and give antipyretic drug based on paracetamol, which is most suitable for children's bodies. Place a cold compress on the baby's forehead.
  • When teething, the temperature does not rise above a dangerous limit, and therefore does not go astray. Give your baby more water, change warm clothes and put on something lighter, do not wear a diaper. If there are signs of fever, use Panadol, Efferalgan, Nurofen or Ibuprofen. Follow the dosage, give the medicine in the form of syrup or suppositories (more details in the article:). Inflammatory process on the gums, treat with Kalgel or Kamistad gels.
  • Temperature during intoxication of the body is relieved with traditional antipyretics. In addition, the child needs to take an absorbent medicine. The baby needs to be given water more often, using clean water, compotes without sugar, special saline solutions(Regidron).

What not to knock down: harmful drugs and folk remedies

When parents' anxiety grows with each additional division of the thermometer, anxiety goes off scale, they make rash decisions. Most often, to bring down the fever, adults resort to traditional methods(wiping with vinegar, taking Aspirin), which is not worth doing at all. Such actions will not help the baby, but can also cause harm. What are the dangers of taking the wrong approach to solving a problem? The choice of method of struggle is made on emotional level, when it’s difficult for mom to be calm, and they don’t think much about how literate he is. Let's consider the most traditional means.

Rubbing with vinegar

Rubbing with vinegar can be not only useless for a baby, but also toxic.

Rubbing with vodka

Cold water bath

An extreme method promoted folk healers and supported by irresponsible parents. It is proposed to lower the “hot” baby into the bath for half a minute with cold water. This execution is explained by the fact that when sudden change temperature, the body quickly copes with the “fever”. A completely wrong and criminal way. Externally, the degrees drop, but the heat collected due to the illness continues to burn the child from the inside, which can lead to serious consequences.


An effective remedy against high fever, but only for adults. The drug has many side effects, including serious complications, causing death and damage to the brain and liver. It is strictly forbidden to give it to children. Use antipyretics specifically designed for young children to relieve fever.


Analgin is banned for production in many countries around the world. The ban was adopted due to the identified negative changes in the composition of the blood that occur after taking the drug. When a person who has taken the drug suffers from liver or kidney disease, it can lead to anaphylactic shock and severe allergies. Analgin should absolutely not be given to infants under 7 months of age! It is better for the baby to take a safe children's Paracetamol.

Instead of the prohibited Analgin, it is better to use safe Paracetamol

When is it necessary to call a doctor?

Parents should be aware of situations when infant It’s simply vitally important to quickly show it to a specialist. An immediate call to the ambulance is required for the following symptoms:

  • long-term dry diaper, drowsiness, crying without tears, sunken eyes, dry tongue, sunken fontanel in infants under one year of age, bad smell from the mouth - all these are signs of dehydration;
  • appeared convulsions;
  • purple skin rash and bruising on the eyes;
  • disturbances of consciousness (drowsiness, the child cannot be woken up, he behaves apathetically);
  • repeated vomiting (more than 3-4 times);
  • frequent diarrhea (more than 3-4 times);
  • severe headache that does not go away after taking antipyretics and painkillers.

You should immediately contact an ambulance for other reasons. Let's name the main factors for which you are obliged to make an emergency call:

  • your child is less than a year old;
  • antipyretic drugs do not help;
  • doubts about the baby’s dehydration (the baby drinks little or not at all);
  • the baby is vomiting, has diarrhea and a rash;
  • the condition worsens or other painful symptoms appear.

The characteristics of a child’s body are such that children tolerate an increase in temperature differently: some have fun and play at 40, others lose consciousness at 37 degrees. “Fever” is also dangerous for the immature nervous system little man, it provokes the appearance of seizures. Prolonged high temperature leads to severe consequences. Dr. Komarovsky is definitely inclined to believe that taking an antipyretic drug is mandatory.

Among 15 NSAID groups(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) there will definitely be those that will help bring down even the most high temperature in an adult.

First of all, these are first-generation drugs - acetylsalicylic acid (Analgin, Citramon, Citramon new), paracetamol and ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Voltaren).

These medications are known for their analgesic and antipyretic effects, and correct dosage And symptomatic use do not cause side effects. Apart from Analgin, he turned out to be more than dangerous.

Analgin is one of the most allergenic drugs, which causes anaphylactic shock. This drug can also cause agranulocytosis - a decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood, which leaves the body defenseless against fungi and bacteria. After just two uses in a row, analgin can lead to electrolyte disturbances and provoke oliguria. Therefore, the use of analgin, especially at high temperatures, is not recommended even for adults.

Due to the wide distribution and easy availability of IPVS, pharmacists have taken care to create improved second-generation anti-inflammatory drugs. These are drugs such as Celebrex, Nise, Nimesil, Nimulid. They are more expensive and are most often sold by prescription, however, they have fewer side effects. They can be taken in courses without fear of complications. However, at elevated temperatures this is not relevant and you can get by with some drugs of the first group.


Ibuprofen-based medications are one of the most effective antipyretics and pain relievers. To bring down a high fever for an adult, 200 ml of ibuprofen is enough, after which the drug can be repeated (4-6 tablets per day). Contraindications to ibuprofen include: pathologies of the liver and kidneys, individual intolerance to the drug, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, poor circulation, alcohol.



Based on the majority combination drugs, incl. anti-cold soluble powders (Coldrex, Cold-flu, Fervex, etc.) include regular paracetamol.

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How to reduce fever at home without medications

It is possible to bring down a high fever in an adult at home without the use of medications. And even if it doesn’t happen so quickly, a person will feel relief and will more easily survive unpleasant symptoms while the body fights viruses and bacteria.

Time to drink tea

Liquid is an effective antipyretic agent. At high temperatures, it is important to avoid, as this can cause an additional increase in temperature. To do this, you need to replenish fluid reserves again and again in the form of warm tea (preferably natural tea - linden, raspberry or rosehip), fruit drink, broth or mineral water, which will increase sweating and urination. This way the body is detoxified and its thermoregulation improves.

Rubdowns and compresses

The use of alcohol or vinegar rubdowns and compresses is justified by the fact that they involve heat transfer and evaporate fairly quickly. Subsequently, the temperature returns to normal and long-awaited relief occurs. All you need is to prepare a solution of vinegar (in a ratio of 1:5) or alcohol (1:1) and rub it on your neck, armpits, groin, heels, elbows and hamstrings. You can apply a compress to your forehead. It is important not to cover yourself for several minutes so as not to overheat the body.

Alcohol at high temperatures

Some people prefer strong alcohol to treat colds and flu. However, the method is highly questionable, especially at elevated temperatures. If only because alcoholic drinks are energy tonics, which cannot be combined with bed rest. Also, C2H5OH (alcohol) slows down the synthesis of structural and enzymatic proteins, which include the above-mentioned interferon, which is so necessary for work immune system. In addition, alcohol leads to dehydration and increases intoxication.

If you are sick, then with pleasure

Only those with super-strong immunity can avoid fever and other symptoms of colds and flu during cold weather. And feeling slightly unwell, most of us rush to drink the miracle medicine and rush back to running errands. And there are several negative aspects to this... Firstly, relieving symptoms does not mean recovery, and the person continues to infect everyone around him. And secondly, sometimes we just need to cheer.

IN Lately doctors began to pay more attention.

psychosomatic therapist

Diseases do not come out of nowhere; most of them are caused by some unsatisfied need of the body. If it's a cold, then most likely you just need to rest. In every disease you can find a secondary benefit: attention and self-pity, the opportunity to sleep, etc. You need to understand what is behind the disease: what benefits your body expects for itself. And every symptom is an assistant that says it’s time to change something. It is impossible to recover by remaining the same. If you have a high fever and weakness, you may have been strong for too long and need to allow yourself to relax. If your throat hurts, you are probably not saying something or harboring a hidden grudge. You need everything, without rejecting traditional methods treatment, listen to the needs of your body and make a decision that will help you not only get better, but also not get sick anymore.

You might find it interesting.


Many diseases are accompanied by fever. We will also look at how to bring down the temperature at home using folk remedies.

By lowering your temperature, you “allow” the infection to spread throughout the body, create conditions for the development of complications and doom yourself to take antibiotics.

Most diseases occur with an increase in body temperature. Often people have to provide first aid to their loved ones at high temperatures. Sometimes situations arise when decisions need to be made independently and quickly. Let's look at how to bring down the temperature of 38, 39 degrees in effective ways for a short time.

Before answering the question of how to shoot down elevated temperature body folk remedies, let's figure out what it is and why temperature occurs. An increase in temperature is a protective mechanism by which the body fights infection. Heating the human body to 38.5 degrees is usually easily tolerated and does not pose a threat. When the temperature rises, the immune system quickly produces antibodies against harmful microbes, and the course of the disease accelerates. biochemical reactions, some viruses die. However, if the temperature rises to 39 degrees or higher, this is already a fever, and effective measures should be taken to avoid serious consequences.

Attention! Do not lower the temperature below 38 degrees unless necessary. When the temperature rises to 39 degrees or higher, start acting.

Urgent temperature reduction is required in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys and neurological diseases,
  • if the patient suffers from a severe headache,
  • if there are chills and aches in the joints,
  • if a small child is sick.

How to effectively reduce a high fever

  • Maintain bed rest - any stress will force your organs to work harder, which can adversely affect your health.
  • Drink fluids more often, but in small portions. Give preference mineral water without gas, compotes, berry juices, cranberry juice. Increasing temperatures accelerate the evaporation of moisture and can cause dehydration. Drinking enough fluids helps remove harmful products from the body.
  • Ensure that your body releases excess heat. Do not bundle up to avoid heatstroke. The optimal temperature in the room should be about 20-21 degrees. You can use a fan or air conditioner.
  • Wet wraps help reduce the temperature due to the high heat transfer of the skin. Soak a cotton towel in cold water and apply it to your body. When the fabric becomes warm, repeat the procedure again. Best effect They will give you wraps if you add yarrow infusion to the water.
  • Wiping with a vinegar solution can be done every 2-3 hours. Take one spoon of vinegar (9%) and five spoons of water, mix, wipe the stomach, back, legs and arms.
  • Prepare a decoction of peppermint. Cool it down, wet cloth napkins and apply them to the locations large arteries: temples, sides of the neck, armpits, elbows, wrists, groin areas, popliteal fossa. Renew compresses every 10 minutes.
  • Take an antipyretic drug. Medicines for fever contain acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen or analgin. These substances may be in dosage form individually or in combination, so please read the contents of the drug before purchasing. Preference should be given to instant tablets and powders.
  • Safe action on the body with minimal side effects has paracetamol. Single dosage paracetamol - 15 mg/kg. (1-2 tablets of 500 mg for an adult). Caution when using it should be exercised by people with liver diseases.
  • Ibuprofen can be used in children and pregnant women. Its dose is 10 mg/kg - this medicine is also effective and has a minimum undesirable consequences. If you cannot bring down the temperature to 39 on your own, you should call a doctor or an ambulance. It is not worth increasing the dose recommended in the instructions, because every medicine It has side effects, especially in case of overdose.
  • Suspensions have a good antipyretic effect. The substance in dissolved form is quickly absorbed, therefore its negative effect on the gastric mucosa is reduced.
  • Sometimes high fever may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In this case, oral medications will not be suitable. For quick removal Indomethacin suppositories are used to treat inflammation or decrease body temperature. One or two doses of an antipyretic drug are enough to normalize the temperature. A drug " Indomethacin" is available in the form rectal suppositories. Active substances the drugs act immediately

There are cases when it is necessary to bring down the temperature without using medications; such cases mainly occur in people for whom antipyretics are contraindicated.