Warming ointment for the back. Ointments of the NSAID group. Beneficial properties of warming ointments

Often, with back pain, patients try to resort to self-medication, choosing the most effective ointment"for all occasions". However, the use of ointments should in most cases be agreed with a doctor, and when choosing a drug independently, a number of conditions must be taken into account.

What should you consider when choosing an ointment for back pain?

Obviously, the effectiveness of any drug depends on two factors: the suitability of the drug for the disease being treated and the patient’s susceptibility to the drug. Therefore, when choosing a drug for back pain, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s tendency to allergic reactions and intolerance to certain active substances and avoid the use of ointments containing such components.

It is best for the patient to use ointment for back pain on the recommendation of a doctor, and not based on his own choice. A professional will be able to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe the most effective drug.

Ointments with irritating and analgesic effects for back pain

Local tissue irritation is produced using plant extracts (for example, red pepper) or chemicals. In any case, such an effect is designed to increase blood flow in the diseased area. Intense blood circulation promotes the flow of oxygen and substances to damaged tissues that promote healing and regeneration.

In addition, with intensive blood circulation, all metabolic processes are normalized. Many irritating ointments stimulate vasodilation, which is additional measure to stimulate blood circulation. Effective drugs in this category include: “Apizatron”, “Capsicam”, “Finalgon”, “Nicoflex”, etc.

Most irritating ointments can relieve pain, which is facilitated not only by intensive blood supply, but also by the inclusion of analgesic components in the composition of the preparations.

Anti-inflammatory ointments for back pain

Anti-inflammatory ointments are effective if back pain is caused by hypothermia. The composition of such drugs as active ingredients includes ketoprofen, ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac, etc. One of the most famous and effective means of this series is ointment "Fastum-gel".

Chondroprotective ointments for back pain

Ondroprotectors can relieve inflammation, but the main purpose of these drugs is to restore cartilage tissue and stop the destructive processes in them. Chondroprotectors are prescribed for arthritis and arthrosis. For back pain, chondroprotectors are used if the pain is caused by osteochondrosis. One of the most effective and very affordable chondroprotectors is ointment "Chondroxide".

Combined action ointments for back pain

Often one drug combines several types of effects. The most common practice is to add analgesics to the active substances of the ointment to relieve pain. At the same time, there are ointments, creams and gels for external use, the spectrum of which is very wide. Yes, gel "Dolobene" is able to stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues, treat inflammatory processes, and also cope with blood clots and stagnant processes. Using Dolobene gel you can also get rid of hematomas.

Herbal remedies and homeopathy for back pain

Herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies for back pain are similar to conventional medical supplies directions of influence (anti-inflammatory, analgesic, irritant, etc.). There are also products in this category complex action. Distinctive feature Homeopathic remedies have a low content of active substances, which should stimulate the mobilization of the body's internal resources. In herbal medicines, all types of effects are carried out not with the help of chemicals, but thanks to the properties of juices, extracts and extracts from plants.

When you can and when you can’t use ointments for back pain

Self-use of ointment for back pain without consulting a doctor is acceptable in cases where chronic disease, and the appropriate treatment was already recommended by a doctor and gave positive result. You can independently cure a minor cold (a “blown” back) or a slight muscle strain during physical activity.

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, specialist in foot surgery, RUDN University, 2008.

Many people periodically suffer from back pain. They occur not only in older people, but also in young people. Most often, the reason for their appearance is an inactive lifestyle, poor diet and polluted environment. Back pain ointment will help relieve painful symptoms.

In any first aid kit, it is recommended to keep ointment with you for back and lower back pain, especially if you have difficulties with the musculoskeletal system or heavy loads. To choose the right treatment, it is recommended to be examined by a qualified doctor.

Pain in the spine area can occur due to certain diseases, including hernia, curvature of the spine, degenerative pathologies in cartilage, spasms, lumbago and muscle hypertonicity. Discomfort may also be caused by deviations in work genitourinary organs, injuries and pathological abnormalities of the kidneys.

For the treatment and prevention of such ailments, all kinds of ointments, gels and creams are used. When pain syndrome and swelling, experts advise using external medications that have the following properties:

  • Reducing pain;
  • Reduced swelling;
  • Reduction in the amount of bruising;
  • Elimination of the inflammatory reaction;
  • Activation of cell regeneration.

Almost all such drugs exhibit antiphlogistic and anesthetic results.

Main components

Most external medications for low back pain use elements such as:

  1. Methyl salicylate - used in anesthetic ointments and gels. This element is made from salicylic acid. Has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. Ketoprofen is a substance produced from propionic acid. Has exactly the same properties as methyl salicylate;
  3. Diclofenac;

All these substances have a similar mechanism of action, but differ in effectiveness.

Types of drugs

Many medications have been created that are used to eliminate pain, but usually ointments and other external agents are prescribed to treat the back. They can be used in combination with other medications and individually.

Below is a description of the types of medications for external use to eliminate lower back pain and the most popular medications in each type.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs contain anesthetic and antiphlogistic components. They do not contain hormones and for this reason do not cause their characteristic adverse effects. This category is effective for patients suffering from back and spine pain. They are used for bruises, injuries, damage to the nerve trunk, inflammation and overexertion.

One of the most common drugs of this type is. Its structure contains ketoprofen and additional elements that increase the effectiveness of the main ingredient.

Typically, the gel is applied when there is pain in the lower back due to prolonged exposure to a place with low temperature, with uterine bleeding in females and colic in the kidneys, when discomfort occurs after an injury or surgical procedure.

Fastum Gel is also prescribed for lumbosacral radiculitis, lumbago and dystrophic cartilaginous abnormalities.

The Russian substitute for this remedy for back pain is Bystrum gel. They are similar in properties and components. This type also includes medications including ketoprofen, diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide and indomethacin.

  • Ketoprofen is strong, and in addition eliminates inflammatory reactions. Produced in 2 configurations: ointment and gel. Prescribed for cartilaginous dystrophic disorders, inflammatory ailments, injuries and dorsopathy. The daily norm is up to 3 applications. The list of contraindications includes hypersensitivity, skin abnormalities, late stages of pregnancy and age under 6 years.
  • Nise and Nimesulide are effective ointments for lower back pain, which are in greatest demand among patients and healthcare workers. They exhibit antipyretic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory results. Due to shallow penetration into the skin, adverse effects occur rarely. The daily norm is up to four applications. The ointments are rubbed into the epidermis and left until completely absorbed by the skin. Prescribed for chronic joint deformation, radiculitis, inflammation, etc. Consumption prohibited female during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Diclofenac - produced in the consistency of ointment, gel, cream and aerosol. The daily amount of use is 3 applications. The restrictions are identical to the two previous medications. To possible undesirable consequences burning, rashes and swelling are attributed.
  • Piroxekam is an effective ointment for back and lower back pain. Prescribed for joint and muscle disorders, dorsopathy and arthritis that has become chronic. Restrictions include diseases and damage to the skin, dermatosis, personal intolerance to the ingredients, complete or partial dysfunction, and age less than 14 years. Can cause redness, irritation and peeling.
  • Ibuprofen is another topical medication that comes in several forms. Apply with massage movements. Analogues include:

Combination drugs

Medications are considered effective treatments for lower back pain external use with the totality different properties. This type includes, which is characterized by antiphlogistic, thrombolytic, restorative and absorbable effects.

Among its components are dexpanthenol, heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide. The medication is prescribed for certain ailments in the dorsal area, including discomfort after bruises and glenohumeral periarthritis.

Anesthetic drugs

For back pain, painkillers that have an anesthetic and irritant effect are used. These include Finalgon, which contains nicoboxil and nonivamide.

This medication exhibits the following properties:

  1. Increases blood flow to the affected area;
  2. Increases the diameter of blood vessels;
  3. Eliminates painful sensations;
  4. Activates cellular nutrition and material metabolism.

Finalgon is prescribed for painful sensations that appear after general physical overexertion, for lumbago in the lumbar area, injuries and freezing.

This family of medications also includes external agents: Analgos, Capsicam, Nicoflex and Apizartron.


Chondroprotectors are drugs against lower back pain that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for dysfunction and defective pathology of muscles and ligaments in the paravertebral area.

Chondroxide, available in the form of an ointment, is in demand among supporters of this category of external medicines. It includes dimethyl sulfoxide and chondroitin sulfate. It is the 2nd element that is responsible for resuming the development of cartilage and slowing down its destruction in osteochondrosis disease. Most often, Chondroxide is prescribed for such a disease.

The same main element is used in Arthrocin cream and Teraflex M ointment.

Homeopathic medicines

If you are interested in the topic of how to treat back pain in the lumbar region, you should not discard homeopathic medicines. They effectively eliminate discomfort and malaise after overexertion, serious activity and during inflammatory reactions of the body. And natural ingredients reduce the likelihood of formation side effects to a minimum.

Ointment-like medication "Tsel T" promotes increased efficiency of material metabolism, activation of regenerating microprocesses and prevention of destruction cartilage tissue. The drug has anesthetic properties, therefore it is used for shoulder-scapular periarthritis and pathological disorders.

Trumel S ointment, which contains a complex of substances of plant and mineral origin, also corresponds to this type. It plays the role of an anesthetic and has immunostimulating and antiphlogistic effects. It is prescribed for ailments arising from inflammatory pathologies and during the rehabilitation stage.

Herbal remedies and balms for massage

Here, an effective remedy for back and lower back pain is called “Valentin Dikul’s Balm”. It consists of many concentrates plant origin, mumiyo, natural bile from bear gall bladder and bee products. And its properties include anesthesia, stimulation of material metabolism and blood flow in the diseased area, renewal of old cartilage tissue and elimination of inflammation.

This healing agent is prescribed in combination with other drugs. Used for radiculitis, inflammation of various types, lumbago, back injuries, prolonged exposure to sub-zero temperatures and overexertion. At the same time, it is recommended to use a massage balm from the same series.

Other popular external medications for low back pain include:

  • Comfrey;
  • Sophia;
  • Shungite.

This list of medications for external use is for informational purposes only. Each of its categories includes many more ointments and creams, so it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

In case of osteochondrosis disease, the patient is prescribed external medications with local irritant, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. The types of these medications include ointments, creams, gels and solutions for medicinal rubs. They affect the subcutaneous tissue and nerve endings, and because of this, blood flow and metabolism improves.

To enhance the effectiveness of the products, it is recommended to wash the required area of ​​skin with soap and water at room temperature, and then apply the drug. Finally, you can wrap the affected area with something warm. Such manipulations should be done during the day.

Do not forget that some products can cause serious skin irritation or an allergic reaction. For this reason, you should choose treatment only on medical advice or find out the components and properties of the medication at the pharmacy.

With heating properties

The best results from warming ointments for the back are observed when they contain poisonous secretions of bee or snake origin. They are also called hyperemic. Their effectiveness is ensured due to the peculiar properties of the poison, which irritates receptors and improves the absorption of substances.

Bee poisonous secretions contain enzymes, acids of organic origin, histamines, trace elements, etc. All these elements help activate the immune system.

List of the most popular ointments in this category and their components:

Warming ointments for the lower back with toxic substances have certain contraindications:

  • Personal intolerance;
  • Carrying a child;
  • Various liver and kidney dysfunctions;
  • Pathological disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fever.

The best warming ointments for lower back pain are based on poisons or pepper concentrate. Medicines containing methyl salicylate are less effective. Medicines with a warming property increase capillary permeability and blood filling, which normalizes heat exchange processes.

For scratches or open wounds, it is not recommended to immediately apply these medications to the affected area. In such a situation, a cooling property is required rather than a heating property. Warming ointments are prescribed in combination with restorative therapy in the presence of inflammation of the spinal root, peripheral nerves, joint capsules or muscle tissue, bronchitis or lumbago in the lumbar area.

Warming gels for lower back pain are prescribed for preventive measures professional athletes. They are very effective under heavy loads. To prevent discomfort in the back area after training, it is recommended to use them. But you should not abuse such medications, because they can provoke adverse effects.

Cooling agents

Anesthetic ointments for the spine with a cooling effect are often used for injuries. They give a feeling of coolness. Their main substances include anesthetics, menthol extract, anticoagulants and natural oils. They are the ones who demonstrate a calming and anesthetic effect.

It is not recommended to rub cooling ointments into areas of newly received injuries, as tissue hyperemia may develop. It is recommended to apply them to skin covering thin layer and leave until completely absorbed. It is more effective in such situations to use gels that are absorbed faster.

People with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system are prescribed cooling agents with an anti-inflammatory effect containing iodine.


Most people who are interested in what to apply to their back for pain have heard about menovazine. Its components include anesthesin, menthol, ethyl alcohol and novocaine. This medicine is characterized by anesthetic properties. Daily volume - 2-3 applications. Long-term use of menovazine is not recommended, as it can cause unpleasant symptoms (weakness, low blood pressure and dizziness).

The group of rubs includes efkamon, which has the following components:

The medication is rubbed into the affected area a maximum of 3 times a day, and then covered with a scarf or other warm cloth. Its actions include vascular dilation and improved blood flow.

For rubbing the lumbar spine, Fastum gel, Diclosan, Finalgon, salicylic alcohol 1%, formic alcohol, zinc-naphthalan ointment. Balm has been in demand among consumers for many years " Golden Star", with healing oils. Its properties include the elimination painful sensations and inflammation.


For back pain, warming, anti-inflammatory or analgesic ointments should be used. This article lists only the most popular and effective drugs that are most often prescribed by doctors.

But each organism is individual, so before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

Warming ointments for the back are very effective remedies for pain relief. Warming creams locally affect the source of pain, anti-inflammatory creams relieve swelling and inflammation, chondroprotectors restore damaged discs. The attending physician will advise which ointment to choose, based on the type and stage of the disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment for back pain - potent remedy. Any pathology of the spinal column will sooner or later begin to progress and reach a stage where sharp pain. During such a period of exacerbation, doctors prescribe to the patient non-steroidal ointments. The damaged area of ​​the spine creates pressure on the nerve endings, the muscles in this localization become more rigid, lose mobility and elasticity. Blood circulation is disrupted and the pain intensifies.

When a person uses a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment, the swelling in the affected area subsides, mobility is restored, and the pain becomes less or subsides.

The doctor warns the patient that such ointments are used for a short period of time. You should not use painkillers for more than 2 weeks in a row, they have many side effects. Thanks to the special properties, non-steroidal drugs are absorbed not only into the skin, but also into the underlying layers. Ultimately, it enters the bloodstream.

The most common indications for use are:

  • Acute pain due to osteochondrosis and its exacerbations;
  • Attacks of radiculitis;
  • Myositis (or back);
  • Damage or severe stretching of muscle tissue;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Local inflammation;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Spondyloarthritis.

Under no circumstances should you try to fight chronic diseases of the spine in this way; use it only during exacerbations. The composition contains potent substances that have not only side effects with prolonged use, but also contraindications.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Late pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Ulcers, gastritis;
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Skin wounds;
  • For elderly people.

It is necessary to apply anti-inflammatory ointments only at the site of localization, there is no need to smear adjacent areas. If the area to which the drug is applied is large, side effects are possible.

A person, due to the individual characteristics of the body, can experience various manifestations:

  • Dizziness;
  • Mild burns;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • Digestive disorders.

Prices for anti-inflammatory ointments range from 30 to 450 rubles, depending on the composition and volume of the tube. The most popular are:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Bystrum gel.

Warming and distracting

Warming ointments are often used for back pain. At the location of the pain, a muscle spasm occurs, not only the nerve endings are compressed, but also the blood vessels.

Impaired blood circulation leads not only to increased pain, muscle spasm, aggravation of the situation, but also to weakening bone tissue. In old age, people often have impaired blood circulation, which becomes the cause of many age-related pathologies of the spine.

It is the warming ointment that will help restore impaired blood circulation, reduce muscle spasms, and, accordingly, pain. By warming up the compressed muscle fibers, the drug helps reduce pressure on the nerve endings.

There are the following indications for warming ointments:

  • Damage to muscle tissue associated with power loads;
  • Sprains of varying degrees;
  • Arthrosis.

If the patient has a pathology of the spinal column that causes an inflammatory process, treatment with such ointments is prohibited. This will only worsen the course of the disease and increase the pain. It is also allowed to be used to restore blood circulation in a certain area in case of osteochondrosis and its complications. This therapy is used only in cases of remission of the disease, when there is no inflammatory process.

The most commonly used warming ointments are:

  • Finalgon;
  • Nicoboxil;
  • Preparations with snake venom;
  • Efkamon.

But you need to warm the damaged area of ​​the back wisely and always consult a doctor, because there are a number of contraindications:

  • Small children;
  • People with hypersensitivity to allergens;
  • For skin diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • For wounds on the skin at the site of application.

Distraction ointments are very effective for restoring blood circulation; it is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor, this will eliminate the possibility of worsening the disease and speed up its treatment.


Homeopathic cream, gel or ointment is a pretty good pain reliever. Some doctors do not have much hope for this type of drug, but there is still an effect, it is important to choose the right one necessary medicine and dosage.

Homeopathic ointments help normalize metabolism in the body, reduce pain, strengthen intervertebral discs and slow down the process of degenerative changes.

In case of exacerbations of pathological conditions, you will not get a positive effect; the drugs are designed for long-term use. There will be no effect in a short time.

Homeopathic medicines are indicated for the following diseases:

  • Arthritis;
  • Osteochondrosis and all its complications in chronic form;
  • Damages of the vertebrae;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Mechanical damage to the spinal column.

The following drugs are used:

  • Traumeel S. Is a complete medicinal product that helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Purpose T. The composition of the drug does not allow it to be used individually; it can only be used together with more effective medicines.

Your doctor will help you choose this or that drug; it is also important to choose the dosage. Can't be neglected individual characteristics body, after all homeopathic ointments have contraindications. Cannot be used by people with hypersensitivity to allergens or components of the drug.

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An important element in the complex treatment of spinal pathologies are chondroprotective ointments. It is important to understand that even if the pain syndrome is eliminated, blood circulation in the affected area is restored and muscle spasm is relieved, the disease will not recede, because the cartilage tissue will continue to deteriorate, albeit a little more slowly.

Chondroprotectors are indicated for degenerative – dystrophic changes in the structure of the spinal column. Diseases include osteochondrosis and all its complications, mechanical damage spine with destruction of cartilage tissue. The lumbar region is most often affected.

The composition of chondroprotective ointments includes substances such as Chondroitin and Glucosamine. Such an analogue of the components of cartilage tissue intervertebral discs helps increase the body's regenerative abilities in this regard and reduce the destruction of already damaged discs.

Naturally, such drugs also have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. But the main task of using chondroprotectors is to restore the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. Without this, remission may not occur. There are contraindications, but they are minor. You should consult your doctor about the dosage and schedule of use. It is always necessary to use drugs of this kind carefully, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The doctor often prescribes the following chondroprotective ointments:

  • Chondroitin;
  • Chondroxide.

In some cases, side effects from improper use are observed. Manifest in the form of allergic reactions.


Such ointments are multicomponent and have a diverse effect. Combined products help relieve swelling from the affected area, reduce inflammation, eliminate pain, and improve blood circulation. The most prominent representative of this kind of preparation is Dolobene - gel.

These types of drugs are indicated for the following diseases:

  • Spinal bruises with swelling;
  • Severe stretching of muscle tissue;
  • Tendon damage;
  • Any injuries and pathologies with a strong inflammatory process.

Such drugs are contraindicated:

  • For liver and kidney diseases;
  • For hypertension;
  • Small children and pregnant women.

Side effects include allergic reactions and bad smell from mouth.

Which one is more effective?

The need for a particular ointment is always discussed with the attending physician; he has a better understanding of this issue. For general development, you can find out about the effectiveness of different ointments, relying on numerous reviews from people who have tried them.

If the issue is the price-quality ratio, ointments such as Ketonal and Nurofen are an excellent option.

The latter is more effective when it comes to speed of action; the result is felt within a quarter of an hour. However, Ketonal has also proven itself well and helps a lot with pain, although a little slower. Ointments such as Finalgon or Dolpik are excellent, potent analgesics, but it is better not to apply them to a large area of ​​the body, especially when using for the first time.

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There is no such person who would never be bothered by back pain. For a long time, healers treated illnesses with compresses and rubbing, and applied heat to the lower back. It was the herbalists who prepared the warming ointment for the back area, and its recipe was passed down from generation to generation.

Nowadays, a huge range of warming ointments are produced by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical factories. They are different in composition, but the same in action - they relieve acute symptoms of back pain.

Ointments with a warming effect - general information

Warming ointment is intended for local application for diseases of the musculoskeletal and muscular system person. In addition to the warming effect, they have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

This is a universal drug that treats most of the population, regardless of age. It is applied when:

  • lumbar radiculitis;
  • Shane and thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • muscle cramps;
  • sprains;
  • muscle soreness after exercise;
  • muscle pain;
  • sports injuries;
  • pain caused by a herniated disc.

This is not a complete list of the use of warming gels and ointments, since they are in every home medicine cabinet and are used to smear bruises and joints. They are often used to rub the neck for pain caused by incorrect position during sleep. All warming ointments contain active substances: snake or bee venom, camphor, turpentine, capsaicin.

Groups of products for local effects on the spine

IN conservative therapy For the treatment of pathologies accompanied by spinal pain, external medications are widely used. This is an ointment, a balm, a warming gel. These medications have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, warming and anesthetic effect, some of them have an antispasmodic effect. The list of ointments used for lower back pain is large, but they are all divided into groups, depending on the composition and the effect produced.

The right to choose an external remedy for the treatment of back pathologies belongs to the doctor, because only he knows the full effect of the drug and individually selects the right medicine in each clinical case.

What effect does warming ointment have?

An ointment with a warming effect acts on muscle tissue. It relaxes the fibers and has a warming effect. The product contains an antispasmodic substance that reduces vascular tone. Under its influence, the capillaries expand, providing an increased flow of blood to the damaged area.

There is an increase in metabolic reactions in inflamed tissues. As a result of this action, the inflammatory process decreases and swelling decreases muscle fibers, which reduces pressure on nerve endings. As a result, a pain syndrome appears.

Which ointments are most effective for back pain

When choosing external medications for the treatment of back pain, you need to accurately diagnose. Because the effect of topical ointments is somewhat different. If the disease is caused by hypothermia and is accompanied by myositis of the back muscles, then ointments with a warming and anti-inflammatory effect are indicated. They reduce muscle swelling, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

For spinal hernias, if the pain is caused by compression nerve fibers Prescribe cooling ointments, as well as gels containing non-steroidal drugs. Under the influence of such drugs, tissues are cooled, blood flow to damaged tissues is reduced, swelling is reduced, and NSAIDs relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

If a patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis of any part of the spine, then the use of ointments with chondroitin or glucosamine is indicated. These substances promote tissue regeneration, restoration of cartilage and vertebrae.

How to choose an ointment or gel for muscle pain

To decide on an ointment, you need to determine the cause of muscle pain. The main factors of myositis are drafts and hypothermia. But there are other reasons that cause the disease:

  • pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • ascariasis;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • rheumatism.

If the pain is a consequence of the above reasons, then treatment begins with eliminating the provoking factor. In this case, the ointment is used as additional remedy treatment. For myositis caused by overload of muscle fibers due to increased physical stress, use cooling medications with an analgesic effect. An example of such a medicine is Menovazine. Its composition contains menthol, novocaine and anesthesin. The product is available in the form of an alcohol solution for topical use. Eliminates joint and muscle pain due to myalgia, arthralgia, neuralgia. Pregnancy and childhood under 12 years of age is a contraindication.

Myositis caused by hypothermia is treated with warming ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Finalgon is often prescribed to patients. This is an ointment that has a pronounced warming effect. The active substances (nonivamide and nicoboxil) dilate blood vessels, provide a rush of blood to the damaged area, and maintain a feeling of warmth on the skin for a long time.

Which warming ointment to use?

In order to correctly select the most effective ointment for treating pain in the back, you need to establish the exact cause of the discomfort. After establishing a diagnosis, the doctor selects a medicine with the required range of action, since, based on the diagnosis, he knows which structures are damaged. There is a classification of ointments, depending on their action.

Painkillers contain an analgesic. These are ointments and sprays based on novocaine, lidocaine. But they are rarely used to treat back pain. The main indication is short-term pain relief for an injury.

Anti-inflammatory external preparations contain non-steroidal agents. This is the most commonly used group of external medications that have a pronounced analgesic effect. They relieve inflammation, swelling, and pain. These are Nurofen, Fastumgel, Voltaren, Naklofen.

Warming and distracting agents contain active ingredients biological and synthetic origin. They contain bee or snake venom, camphor, turpentine, and menthol. Representatives of this series were: Finalgon, Efkamon, Apisatron, Kapsicam. The products are characterized by a long-lasting warming and irritating effect.

Homeopathic ointments are used over a long period of time. Only in this case is a therapeutic effect observed. They improve metabolic reactions in tissues and slow down the process of degenerative changes (Traumel S, Target T). The preparations contain herbal active ingredients, relieve swelling, pain, inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration.

Chondroprotectors contain a natural active ingredient obtained from animal cartilage and trachea. The facility is actively involved in metabolic processes, stimulates the restoration of cartilage cells, retains calcium in bone tissue. This ointment helps stop the destruction of cartilage and bones, reduces inflammation, reduces pain (Teraflex, Chondroxide, Structum, Chondroitin). For severe pain, they are combined with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Combined ointments contain several active substances, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain and inflammation. In addition, they promote the renewal of cartilage tissue and relieve tension from nerve fibers (Deep Relief, Dolobene, Arthrocin).

Which one is more effective?

With such a variety of ointments, it is difficult to determine the best one. After all, they differ not only in composition, but also in action. In addition, the drugs have a number of contraindications and are not suitable for everyone.

Price also plays an important role. Therefore, when choosing the right medicine All factors are compared, and the person chooses the medicine that is right for him. But there are everyone’s “favorites” - Voltaren, Finalgel, Nurofen, Dolobene, Teraflex, Arthro-active.

Features of the use of ointments

The use of warming ointments has its own characteristics that must be observed when carrying out local treatment:

Most warming ointments contain active ingredients (venom of snakes, bees, turpentine, etc.). Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a tolerability test. Apply a little ointment to the skin and after 30 minutes see if there is any hyperemia, rash or other manifestations. If everything is normal, treatment can be carried out, otherwise use drugs with less active substances.

Traditional recipes for warming ointments

  1. Mix oil mint tincture with 100 g of Vaseline and 2 tablespoons of Indian onion. Apply the ointment to the damaged area a maximum of 3 times a day.
  2. Sweet clover leaves (dry), St. John's wort, hop cones, mix everything. Take 2 tbsp of ingredients, add 50 g of Vaseline. Rub the sore spot.
  3. Burdock root (chopped), Indian onion and lingonberry (leaves) - all 2 tbsp. Mix the ingredients with vodka (40-50g), add 10g of Vaseline. Apply the resulting product to the lower back no more than once a day, preferably at night.

Before using ointments, you need to conduct a sensitivity test, and also consult a doctor about such treatment.

How to use warming ointments for children

Ointments with a warming effect for the treatment of muscle pain, as well as the elimination of back pain, are not used in pediatrics. This therapy is prohibited for children under 12 years of age. This is due to the content of active substances that have a strong local irritant effect.

Such components may cause allergic reactions in the child. There are warming ointments that are used in pediatrics to treat colds, but this is a different category of drugs.

Comparison of characteristics and prices

Most consumers, when choosing a warming ointment, want the medicine to be effective and inexpensive. The table shows prices for popular external products.

Prices for medicines depend on the packaging of the medicine and the manufacturer's plant.

Contraindications for warming ointments

Regardless of the fact that ointments are external agents, they have a number of contraindications:

If the patient has at least one factor from the list, the medicine cannot be used.

Only a doctor can choose based on test results necessary methods treatment.

Painful sensations in the muscles can occur for various reasons - severe overexertion during exercise, an accidental sprain or bruise. Professional athletes are especially susceptible to injuries to the musculoskeletal system, but also people leading a normal lifestyle, different situations may encounter this problem. To relieve discomfort, pain-relieving ointments are used for muscle pain. Depending on the composition, they can have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Read more about the different means below.

How to choose an ointment or gel for muscle pain

Special ointments help to cope with pain affecting muscles and joints, however, in order for them to have a therapeutic effect, they must be chosen correctly. It is not recommended to buy pharmaceutical drugs on your own without first consulting a doctor. Pain-relieving ointments for muscles and joints are prescribed taking into account the following factors:

  • during severe inflammation, a specialist prescribes medications containing substances that remove puffiness and swelling;
  • for muscle pain and post-traumatic syndromes, analgesic drugs are used;
  • if stagnant processes occur in soft tissues that provoke pain, ointments with a warming, irritating, cooling effect are prescribed;
  • Ointments with chondroprotectors help relieve joint pain.

Which doctor should I contact?

To begin with, if you suffer from muscle or joint pain, you need to contact a local therapist, who will conduct a preliminary examination, and then refer you to a suitable specialist for a more detailed diagnosis of the disease. Pain syndrome can be treated by a rheumatologist, if it is arthrosis, arthritis, if the patient is suffering from pain due to neuralgia, you need to consult a neurologist. And an osteopath will help you cope with pain from osteochondrosis.

Types of pain relieving ointments

There are many types of remedies that help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and relieve a person from pain. They need to be selected correctly, it is advisable to do this together with professional doctor. Below you will find out what types of painkillers there are and how much they cost in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities). Having familiarized yourself with popular drugs, you can find a suitable one or select the necessary analogue.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory

Most muscle pain is associated with inflammatory processes occurring in soft tissues. At severe inflammation It is not recommended to use medications that have a warming effect. Warming ointments are used in the next stages of treatment, after swelling has reduced. Drugs designed to relieve swelling usually contain analgesics that reduce pain. However, sometimes the disappearance of pain is achieved by a significant anti-inflammatory effect, which is provided by the components of the drug. Read more about the types of medicinal ointments below.


Ingredients: Ketoprofen, excipients.

Acts as an analgesic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps relieve swelling. Does not allow enzymes involved in the inflammatory process to be released. When applied, the active substance of the drug penetrates the subcutaneous tissue, where it causes a therapeutic effect.

Application: take a few centimeters of cream squeezed out of the tube in your hands and apply to the skin over the affected area. The layer should be thin. This amount must be applied three times a day. Without consulting a doctor, use Ketonal for no more than two weeks.

Cost: 30 grams - from 280 rubles.

Composition: Ketoprofen, additional auxiliary components.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug "Fastum-gel" helps relieve inflammatory processes in tendons, muscles and joints, reduce pain, and improve blood circulation at the site of the lesion. Thanks to the gel base, the medicine quickly penetrates into soft fabrics and relieves severe pain. Used for injuries, sprains, bruises, dislocations.

How to use: apply to the affected area a large number of product so that it lays down in a thin layer. Repeat the procedure once or twice a day. It is necessary to rub in the anesthetic until the gel is completely absorbed into the skin. The course of treatment should not exceed ten days. The product is not addictive and does not have any systemic action.

Cost: 100 grams - from 215 rubles.


Ingredients: Ibuprophenum, auxiliary components.

It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, reduces edema and swelling. The drug is intended for people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, articular syndrome due to gout, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, lumbago, tendovaginitis, sciatica. “Dolgit” is also indicated for muscle pain of a rheumatic and non-rheumatic nature. It is used for dislocations, sprains, muscle tears, post-traumatic swelling.

How to use: five to ten centimeters of gel are applied with gentle massage movements to the affected area. You need to rub in until the product is completely absorbed. Duration of use: three times a day for up to two to three weeks.

Cost: gel 5% - from 100 to 160 rubles.


Consists of: Dimethylsulfoxydum, Camphora, Terbinthinae oleum rectified, excipients.

Used for joint and muscle pain, arthritis. The active ingredient dimethyl sulfoxide promotes deep penetration of the remaining components into soft tissues. The product helps improve blood circulation, making recovery of the affected areas faster. Can be used during a warming massage for athletes, for osteochondrosis, neuralgia, radiculitis. Before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the drug.

Application: apply no more than three grams of the drug to the affected area, this must be done using a special applicator. Then you need to rub in the product. Repeat the procedure three times a day for ten days.

Cost: from 190 to 230 rubles.


Consists of: Nonivamide, Nicoboxil, excipients.

Nonivamide has an analgesic effect, nicoboxil, a B vitamin, helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation at the site of muscle pain. The combined effect of these drugs provides vasodilator effect. Thanks to it, the redness of the skin at the site of pain lasts much less. During application, a local increase in temperature appears, which indicates the penetration of these substances into the soft tissues.

How to use: Apply the cream using the included applicator (half a centimeter to an area approximately the size of your palm). To make pain relief substances more effective, you can cover the affected area with a woolen scarf. Repeat the procedure three times a day, ten days.

Cost: 20 grams from 280 rubles.

Consists of: Terbinthinae oleum rectified, auxiliary components.

Acts as an antiseptic and has an irritating effect on the affected area. The active substance of a herbal medicine, penetrating under the upper layer of the epidermis, irritates the tissue, ensuring blood flow to the affected area. It is used against neuralgia, muscle pain, radiculitis, rheumatism and neuritis.

The product is applied twice a day to the affected area, rubbing the skin during application. To enhance the effect of the drug, the skin is covered with a special warming bandage.

Price: for 25 grams from 40 to 70 rubles.


Ingredients: Capsicum annuu, ethyl nicotinate, hydroxyethyl salicylate, other excipients.

The active ingredients of the anesthetic ointment have an analgesic, vasodilating, and warming effect. The drug has an irritating effect, which promotes blood flow to the affected areas of soft tissue. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug helps to quickly reduce pain. The analgesic effect lasts about an hour after applying the product. Joint mobility improves.

Apply the cream to the area where it hurts in a thin layer, carefully and gently rubbing it in. Before and after use, wash your hands. You need to use Nikoflex once a day, for a total period of three days.

Price: 50 grams – from 200 rubles.


Ingredients: Ibuprophenum, excipients.

It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, penetrating deep into muscle tissue. When applied, it improves blood microcirculation, normalizes vascular permeability, as a result of which inflammation decreases. The drug reduces swelling and removes redness of the skin. Joints become more mobile, which is especially important for arthritis. Ibuprofen is used for muscle pain, osteoarthritis, and osteochondrosis.

Squeeze out five to ten centimeters of the product, depending on the size of the area of ​​inflammation, apply to it, and rub gently. Repeat the procedure three times every day, the duration of the course will be determined by the doctor.

Price: for 25 grams from 26 rubles.


Ingredients: Ibuprophenum, additional components.

Due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the affected area. Intended for the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, back pain, sprains and swelling, muscle pain. Effective for neuralgia. After use, upon penetration of the active substance, slight redness of the epidermis and slight tingling are possible.

Application: take the required amount of gel (up to ten centimeters), apply a thin layer to the affected area, rub. Use no more than four times a day for a maximum of two weeks. After application, wash your hands.

Cost: 50 grams from 150 rubles.


Ingredients: Diclofenac, other components.

Indications: active substance The drug helps to numb the affected areas, relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, which leads to a reduction in swelling and edema. In case of injuries, Voltaren helps regenerate connective tissue cells, restores ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The medicine is effective for lumbar osteochondrosis and thoracic spine, arthritis, muscle pain, sprains.

Application: Apply the gel to previously cleansed, dry skin. The layer should be thin. Repeat the procedure up to four times a day, the treatment period should not exceed two weeks. Wash your hands after application.

Price: from 160 to 600 rubles.

Ingredients: Nimesulidum, methyl salicylate, Menthlumi, other excipients.

Local anesthetic medicine helps relieve inflammation, remove swelling, and relieve pain. Capable of effectively combating unpleasant pain in joints and muscles. After using the drug, blood circulation in the affected area noticeably increases, and the menthol contained in the composition has a cooling and soothing effect on the upper layers of the epidermis.

Application: squeeze three centimeters of gel into clean hands, apply to the place where you feel pain, it is not necessary to rub the drug. Repeat the procedure up to four times, the treatment period is usually one to two weeks.

Cost: gel 20 grams - from 160 to 180 rubles.


Composition: Indomethacinum, excipients.

Indications: this anesthetic helps to remove the inflammatory process, relieve swelling, and get rid of swelling of the skin. For joint pain, it helps increase range of motion, and is good for arthritis during an exacerbation of gout, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, inflammation of soft tissues, and damage to ligaments.

Application: children can apply no more than a centimeter of the drug per day, from the age of twelve - a maximum of three centimeters, adults - no more than fifteen centimeters. It is allowed to use no more than twice a day. Treatment period is one to two weeks.

Cost: 30 grams - from 45 rubles.

Warming up

Warming ointments to relieve muscle and joint pain are used for injuries and bruises. Their action is to increase the filling of damaged tissues with blood. Doctors say that warming ointment should not be used directly at the time of injury. It has an effective warming effect only after a couple of days, during the rehabilitation period. These drugs are good to use to prevent injuries, before visiting the gym, for example. Read on to find out the most effective remedies for muscle pain from this group.

Composition: hydroxyethylrutosides, active ingredient – ​​rutin (belongs to the vitamin P group).

Widely used by athletes who engage in race walking, marathons, triathlons or all-around events. Used to treat varicose veins, venous ulcers, dermatitis, superficial thrombophlebitis. Additionally, “Venoruton-gel” improves the tone of veins well and is popular as effective means in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Use it if you need to relieve swelling that has occurred in a damaged area of ​​the body. It is a good remedy for muscle pain.

Application: Apply the gel to the skin in the painful area twice a day. Rub the ointment in with massage movements until it is completely absorbed into the tissue.

Cost: 150 rubles for 40 grams of warming gel.

Deep relief

Ingredients: active ingredients – ibuprofen, levomenthol.

Effectively relieves even severe pain of various origins, for example, with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, rheumatic lesions soft tissues, inflammatory processes of joints and muscle injuries. In addition to pain relief, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as an effective remedy for relieving morning joint stiffness.

Application: pierce the sealed tube with a spike in the cap with reverse side. Apply the ointment to the sore spot, rub lightly until completely absorbed by the skin. Repeat this procedure two or three times daily. Maintain an interval of use - at least four hours. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. If the doctor deems it necessary, treatment can be extended. Protect your eyes from getting the gel on the mucous membranes.

Cost: 100 grams of 5% gel costs 490 rubles.


Ingredients: sodium heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl sulfoxide, rosemary oil, trometamol, isopropanol, citronella oil.

The medium not only relieves pain, but also relieves swelling and swelling. Widely used to relieve bruises, inflammation of muscles, soft tissues, tendons. Helps well in treatment closed injuries, bruises, sprains. Prescribed for epicondylitis of the shoulder, periarthritis shoulder joint, acute neuralgia.

Apply a thin layer to the damaged area of ​​the body two to four times a day. If you are using this numbing agent with a bandage, apply the gel and allow a couple of minutes for the medication to be absorbed before you can tie the cloth tightly. The course of treatment depends on the duration of the illness or rehabilitation after injury.

Cost: for 50 g you will pay 313 rubles.


Compound: medicinal plants, oils and other excipients.

Athletes use this remedy after training to relax muscles, and before physical activity for a warming effect. Used during recovery therapeutic massage. Additionally, the cream is good for treatment various injuries muscles, tendons. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

How to use: apply a small amount to the affected area of ​​the muscle or tendon, rub well, because the medicine has a greasy consistency.

The price of a 50-gram tube is 400 rubles.


Any cooling ointment should be used immediately after receiving a closed type injury or bruise. This is a first aid that will be an effective aid in relieving pain due to its cooling effect. These drugs are also good at relieving inflammation and swelling at first. They usually contain anesthetic, anticoagulant substances, menthol, and essential oils. You can get acquainted with them in more detail further.


Ingredients: menthol, methyl salicylate.

A remedy for relieving pain in joints and muscles. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves body stiffness in the morning. Doctors prescribe ointment to eliminate pain in different parts of the spine that is caused by stretching. Ben-Gay is also called a sports balm because it relieves muscle fatigue after intense exercise. physical activity, training.

Application: squeeze out a large amount, rub into sore spots. It is quickly absorbed by the skin. The procedure is repeated up to four times a day at intervals of several hours. The course of treatment is at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the duration of symptoms.

Cost: 248 rubles for 50 g.


Ingredients: in addition to the auxiliary components of the drug - aloe vera extract, vitamin E, camphor oil, menthol.

Indications: effective remedy strong action, famous all over the world. It is used mainly in professional sports to warm up muscles before training and relieve muscle fatigue after. Great preventative method against injuries during physical activity, for example. Flexall ointment is quickly absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and immediately begins to affect sore spots. It has an anti-inflammatory, rapid analgesic effect.

Application: apply the ointment to the surface of the skin, spreading it over the concerned area in a thin layer. Do not use rubbing movements - the cream should be absorbed by itself (you should wait a couple of minutes).

Cost: 700 rubles per tube of 113 g.


Ingredients: main active ingredient – ​​ketoprofen, auxiliary – rectified ethanol, trometamol, essential oils: lavender, neroli.

Indications: effectively used for treatment inflammatory diseases joints, traumatic lesions of tendons, muscles, ligaments. Prescribed by doctors as an aid to relieve pain, inflammation, swelling due to torticollis, bursitis, arthritis, tendinitis, lumbago. An effective drug during the treatment of bruises, dislocations, damage to the ligaments or meniscus of the knee.

Application: Apply and distribute the ointment evenly into small quantity over the entire area of ​​the sore spot twice daily. Rub the product in smooth movements until it is completely absorbed into the skin. To increase the effect of the product and speed up the effect of the medicine after application, use a dry bandage.

Cost: for 50 g of gel you will pay 227 rubles.

Ingredients: escin, salicylic acid.

Indications: used during injuries, bruises of soft tissues. Effectively helps with sprains or ruptures of ligaments, hematomas. Doctors prescribe this drug during post-traumatic or postoperative hematomas. Well relieves swelling of soft tissues. Used to relieve severe symptoms of vein diseases in the legs ( varicose veins veins), venous insufficiency. It has proven itself to be an excellent remedy for severe pain, heaviness in the legs, calf cramps in the lower extremities, and swelling. Used in combination with other medications.

Application: Apply with rubbing, lightly massaging movements to the affected areas of the body. Use up to four times daily. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.

Cost: 116 rubles for 50 g.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies used with the addition of components of plant, mineral or animal origin. The principle of action of these drugs is to cause certain symptoms diseases that help cope with the existing disease. Not all doctors welcome this method, but according to reviews, many homeopathic medicines help to effectively combat muscle pain. Read below which ointments from this group will help with muscle pain.

Traumeel S

Composition: Arnica montana, Aconitum napellus, Atropa bella-donna, Bellis perennis, Echinacea, Achillea millefolium, Echinacea purpurea, Hamamelis virginiana, Hepar sulfuris, Matricaria recutita, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, Symphytum officinale, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum.

Indications: complex action product - helps relieve pain, inflammation, regenerate tissue, stop bleeding. When applied, vascular tone increases, local blood circulation improves, and it relieves pain. The product is indicated for the treatment of muscle pain, burns, injuries, operations, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the oral cavity, and skin diseases.

Application: apply a small layer over the affected area, repeat the procedure two to three times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology.

Price: from 500 rubles per 50 grams.

Goal T

Ingredients: Placenta totalis suis, Rhus toxicodendron, Sanguinaria canadensis, Acidum silicicum, Acidum Thiocticum, Arnica montana, Cartilago suis, Solanum dulcamara, Sulfur, Symphytum officinale, Coenzymum, Embryo totalis suis, Funiculus umbilicalis suis, Nadidum, Natrium diethyloxalacetic um.

Indications: anesthetic ointment is a chondroprotector, helps eliminate the inflammatory process, and acts as an analgesic. It helps well against muscle pain, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, chondropathy, rheumatic arthritis.

Application: children over six years of age are allowed to take the drug. Apply 3-4 centimeters of product onto the skin and rub in. Apply up to five times a day. The course of treatment is up to six weeks.

Price: 50 grams from 240 rubles.


Ingredients: olivae oleum, Comarum palustre, oleum de lignis abiegnis, peppermint oleum, eucalyptus oleum, oleum lini, Matricaria chamomilla, lanolin, glycerol.

Helps against tumors, edema, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Helps cleanse blood, lymph, improves blood circulation in affected areas. Doctors prescribe this drug for arthrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, inflamed lymph nodes, and muscle pain.

How to use: Apply a thin layer to skin up to four times a day. Maximum time course - thirty days.

Price: 40 grams from 250 rubles.


Composition: Symphytum officinale, Apitoxin, excipients.

Indications: Larkspur contained in the preparation “Larkskin bee venom” helps reduce the inflammatory process, restore bone tissue, heal microtraumas and remove toxic substances. Bee venom has a warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect. The substances in the ointment relieve muscle pain and help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joint pathologies.

Application: Rub a little ointment into the affected areas in a circular motion until it is completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure three times a day. Use the medicine for up to five weeks.

Price: from 70 rubles for 50 ml.


If you want to learn more about how joint restoration processes occur and what lies behind the popular methods of getting rid of joint pain, watch the following video. The presenter talks in detail about the ways in which you can get rid of severe pain, spending a minimal amount on it. Money and effort. After watching an interesting video, you will learn about the types of medications that are prescribed by doctors to reduce muscle and joint pain, and also how to help yourself restore your joints at home.