Where is turpentine used? Areas of application of gum turpentine. Treatment of joints with turpentine

Some associate this phrase with technology and paint. Others - with natural varnishes and room renovation. So, what is gum turpentine? This concept is also biological and medical significance and purpose. And also traditional healers and some official doctors treat with gum turpentine for various ailments and successfully use the drug as a preventive measure.

turpentine tree

In the Mediterranean countries, the turpentine tree (genus of pistachio) grows with small greenish color flowers and reddish fruits. But it became famous not only for its fruits. If you make an incision on its trunk, a resinous substance is released, greenish and pleasantly smelling. It is called Cypriot, or Chios, turpentine. The resin of the tree is close in properties to turpentine, which is why the tree is called turpentine.

Coniferous turpentine and resin

In our latitudes, where traditionally a lot of coniferous species trees, turpentine is made from gum turpentine. Resin is the same resinous secretion from the trunks of coniferous trees. Gum turpentine (or turpentine oil) is a volatile substance. It is this that is carried in the hot season through coniferous forests in pairs of terpenes, giving these massifs a characteristic aroma. However, oleoresin turpentine and oleoresin differ in their composition. The second substance also contains resinous acids, rosin, water and impurities.

How do you get it?

In modern industry, this substance is obtained different ways. This is a product of distillation of fresh spruce (pine, cedar, fir) resin, wood, and pine needles. Extraction is extracted with organic solvents from wood chips of stumps and trunks. Sulfate - is formed as a by-product during the cooking of wood and the production of cellulose.

Healing properties

Even in ancient times, gum turpentine was considered almost a panacea for all diseases. Some treatises on medicine even said that it cures any illness, as long as it is not chronic (no more than 3 years). It certainly looks like an exaggeration. But modern science It has been proven that purified gum turpentine has a mass useful properties, influencing wide range for the entire human body. A medicinal effects are determined by the presence of terpenes (alpha- and beta-pinenes), which are found there in abundance. The substance can have an activating effect on metabolism, normalize blood pressure, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. By the way, it has been noted that in reasonable doses, turpentine has virtually no contraindications.

Gum turpentine. Application

  1. In essence, this substance can be considered an essential oil, which is obtained from various trees (their parts) of the pine family. Historical tradition of its use in medicinal purposes dates back thousands of years. So, the Sumerians, for example, used turpentine oil to stop bleeding and heal wounds. The Egyptians and ancient Greeks gave it as a medicine to increase the overall tone and immunity of the body. The Chinese treated bronchitis, toothache, dermatitis. Hippocrates and Galen prescribed it for genitourinary infections and lung diseases, as an external remedy for healing and accelerating the recovery process.
  2. It has been proven that with regular inhalation procedures with this drug the mucous membrane is irritated and stimulated secretory functions, the sputum that occurs during pulmonary diseases(It’s not for nothing that turpentine was previously considered almost a panacea for incipient tuberculosis).
  3. For arthritis, gout, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, gum turpentine is also used. The use is due to the fact that it has an irritating and at the same time anti-inflammatory effect (this is recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by official medicine).
  4. IN Lately have become very popular (the so-called They help relieve stress caused by high speeds modern life. It has been proven that this type of procedure, carried out regularly, increases the overall tone of the body, improves performance, strengthens joints and regenerates the skin. There are white and yellow turpentine baths, depending on the consistency of the substance.
  5. Gum turpentine is also used in the production of substances such as camphor, aromatic substances, pine oil, insecticides, terpene hydrate. It is used as a solvent ingredient for varnishes and paints, and some enamels.

A spoon of tar

But not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. And the use of this substance has its own negative sides. First, you should remember before finding out where to buy gum turpentine that it is a rather toxic and concentrated substance. And it is capable, especially when local application in treatment, cause an allergic reaction and even chemical and biological burns. And when long-term use and up to benign tumors near. Be careful with inhalations: they are large quantities may cause poisoning and renal failure. And turpentine injections, which until recently were widely used in the fight against varicose veins and furunculosis, can cause an abscess.

Where to buy gum turpentine?

Today it is not possible to buy this substance for various purposes. special labor. You just have to go online and many stores will offer you their services directly with home delivery. As before, you can also purchase it in hardware stores and pharmacies.

Latin name: Common turpentine
ATX code: M02AX
Active substance: Turpentine oil
Manufacturer: Retinoids, Russia, etc.
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter
Price: from 200 to 450 rub.


Gum turpentine is made from the resin of coniferous trees, called turpentine. It contains turpentine oil, which contains terpenoids (method, borneol, camphor), terpenes, terpinolene, limonene, alpha-pinenes, alcohol.

Therapeutic effect

A positive effect is observed from the use of turpentine in the creation of Zalmanov baths.

Zalmanov's white baths dilate blood capillaries, increase temperature, raise blood pressure, and provide rhythmic contractions of the heart muscle without causing heavy sweating.

Yellow baths promote expansion blood capillaries, deepen breathing, increase temperature, lower blood pressure, stimulate sweating.

Directly, similar Zalmanov baths:

  • They have a healing and tonic effect, inhibiting the aging process.
  • Accelerate blood movement
  • Restore metabolism
  • Improves the functioning of the circulatory system
  • Strengthen joints
  • Eliminate pain syndrome in the musculoskeletal system
  • Get rid of extra pounds and cellulite
  • Treat varicose veins
  • Cleanses the skin, removes toxins and toxic substances
  • Increases performance and relieves stress.

Indications for use

  • Rheumatism
  • Lumboischialgia – pain in the lumbar region
  • Osteoarthrosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Neuralgia
  • Myalgia
  • Arthralgia
  • Consequences of brain and spinal cord injury
  • Stroke.

The oil will be beneficial for flu, sore throat, and bronchitis if used for inhalation.

Zalmanov baths are prescribed for:

  • Cataracts and glaucoma
  • Leukemia
  • Angina pectoris
  • Sciatica and lumbodynia
  • Obliterating endarteritis
  • Raynaud's and Bechterew's diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Neuritis and polyneuritis
  • Connective tissue diseases
  • Benign and malignant formations
  • Consequences of injury, stroke, heart attack and polio.

Turpentine is also used in traditional medicine: is the main component of many ointments designed to combat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The average price is from 200 to 450 rubles.

Release forms

Gum turpentine has the appearance of colorless or yellow liquid, which has a pungent taste and a characteristic pine aroma.

The drug is sold in glass bottles of 500-1000 milliliters.

Mode of application

The drug is used externally. The oil is applied with massaging movements to painful areas of the body 2-3 times a day. For colds, apply warm compresses.

Zalmanov bath product is also used.

For white baths you will need turpentine (45%), water (50%), camphor alcohol, salicylic acid, baby soap and willow bark extract.

For yellow baths take turpentine (50%), Castor oil (20%), oleic acid(15%), water (13-14%) and caustic soda.

The resulting emulsion is poured into a bath with warm water. First add 10-15 milliliters, over time the dosage is raised to 35-60 milliliters. Start taking baths from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration by a couple of minutes and bringing it to a quarter of an hour. After the bath the body is not dried. It is advisable to lie down for 1-2 hours, wrapped up.

Typically, the course of treatment consists of 10-12 baths, taken daily or every other day.


The use of turpentine is contraindicated for:

  • Individual sensitivity to ingredients
  • Inflammation or damage to the skin at the treatment site
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Under no circumstances should the product be taken orally: a dose exceeding 4 grams can cause death.

Zalmanov baths are contraindicated for:

  • Allergies to turpentine
  • Hypertension
  • Disturbances in cardiac activity
  • Heart failure
  • Inflammatory dermatological diseases during relapse
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies
  • Tuberculosis
  • Chronic nephritis
  • Liver cirrhosis and hepatitis
  • Open injuries
  • Drug and alcohol intoxication
  • Second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Precautionary measures

The drug should be used with caution in case of liver and kidney failure, as well as when treating children.

Side effects

In some cases, the use of turpentine can cause an allergic reaction, manifested as skin itching or hyperemia.

Conditions and shelf life

Store the product in a cool, dry, dark place for up to two years.


Yaroslavl pharmaceutical factory/ Moscow pharmaceutical factory/ Tula pharmaceutical factory/ Krasnodar pharmaceutical factory/ Permpharmacy, Russia, etc.
Price from 60 to 200 rub.

Available in bottles of 10 and 30 grams. Active ingredient: Levomenthol. Irritates the skin and stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain. Has an antiseptic effect.


  • Promotes effective treatment diseases of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems
  • Improves skin and hair condition


  • Contraindicated for children, pregnancy and lactation

Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory, Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, Russia, etc.
Price from 50 to 70 rub.

Available in the form of ointments of 25, 30 and 50 grams. Active ingredient: Gum turpentine. Annoys skin covering, warms, distracts and disinfects. Promotes the release of endorphins and pain relief.


  • Can be used for children
  • Affordable price


  • Possible side effects
  • Do not apply to damaged skin
  • Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Merkle, Germany
Price from 120 to 300 rub.

Available in colorless or yellow ointment 20 and 50 grams. Active ingredients: dexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium heparin. Improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and pain, promotes tissue regeneration.


  • Has an immediate effect
  • Side effects are extremely rare
  • High quality


  • Contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women
  • Do not apply to burned skin.

Gum turpentine is a substance obtained from natural raw materials - oleoresin, that is, resin, sap of trees (conifers - pine, cedar, spruce, larch). Produced using modern technology, gum turpentine must meet certain standards of purity and quality.

For example, according to appearance it should be a colorless or yellowish liquid - transparent, volatile, with a specific odor. In gum turpentine, which can be used in medical purposes, there should be no sediment present, the liquid should be homogeneous and not separate. This substance is not soluble in water, but can be dissolved in alcohol, acetone, and so on.

Application in medicine

This compound is used in folk and classical medicine for centuries. Of the various properties of this liquid, which is also called “Turpentine Oil,” its ability to cause reflex irritation is especially valued. nerve endings and lead to expansion small vessels, disinfection and pest control activities.

Turpentine baths

Most often you can find references to turpentine Zalmanov baths: turpentine emulsion is added to hot water. Taking such a bath, a person relaxes, the capillaries expand and fill with blood. Sweating increases. It is believed that such a procedure leads to cleansing the body of toxins and waste. Zalmanov's bath course supposedly restores health at the most various pathologies: from hypertension, to multiple sclerosis! (I would like to warn you in advance that hypertensive patients should take hot baths without special purpose under no circumstances is it possible to monitor the patient’s condition)

Turpentine ointments and compresses

In addition, gum turpentine is used externally, for example, as part of ointments. In this case, its ability to provide a distracting effect, and therefore slightly relieve pain, is in demand. Also, some anti-inflammatory effect of turpentine oil has been revealed. A good example of such use of gum turpentine is warming compresses for colds. By inhaling the volatile fractions of turpentine oil, the patient also receives inhalation of bactericidal substances.

This aspect of using gum turpentine is the most serious. The main thing you need to clearly understand: turpentine is toxic and should never be taken orally on its own, even in small quantities!

You can still read recipes on the Internet that suggest dripping turpentine onto sugar or milk and take it for colds, as a choleretic and so on. But if a hundred to a hundred and fifty years ago people simply did not have another means of therapy, today, when there are many more effective and safe means, following such recommendations is absurd.

Reviews of gum turpentine

Turpentine oil has its fans who believe that this “gift of nature” can heal almost all ailments. Their reviews are full of enthusiasm and stories of victory over a number of incurable diseases. But, in fairness, it is worth paying attention to the fact that these reviews were collected on those resources that are involved in the sale of turpentine-based drugs. That is why excerpts from “ letters of thanks» is inappropriate.

IN modern medicine the use of gum turpentine is not so widespread. As a rule, this happens in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation (turpentine baths, rubbing). A common sense approach to healing properties This natural substance is, in our opinion, the following: if you like the smell of turpentine, if you enjoy contact with this compound, procedures carried out according to all the rules will help you relax and feel better. IN otherwise, do not overpower yourself, since gum turpentine is not an indispensable tool treatment of any disease.

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Receiving and types

The main part of the turpentine, gum turpentine, is a product of steam distillation from resin - fresh resin of coniferous trees.

Wood (dry distillation) turpentine obtained by steam distillation or dry distillation of pine stumps or other resinous parts of pine trees.

Extraction turpentine obtained by distilling the volatile fraction from resinous substances obtained by extraction with organic solvents (usually gasoline) of chips of resinous parts of wood (stumps and trunks).

Sulfate turpentine is by-product in the production of wood pulp from resinous wood using the sulfate method.


The main components of turpentine are terpenes and terpenoids - pinenes (alpha and beta), delta-3-carene, myrcene, caryophyllene, etc. The composition of turpentine varies significantly depending on the source of oleoresin (plant type (pine, larch, spruce, etc.), on the nature of the raw materials (resin, wood, branches and pine needles, stumps), as well as on the time of procurement and raw material processing technology).

Pine turpentine Pinus sylvestris(the most common source of oleoresin) contains up to 78% pinenes, 10-18% 3-carene, 4-6% dipentene. Turpentine can be considered a genus of essential oil obtained from coniferous plants - if the source of the raw material is well characterized.



Properties of gum turpentine

Turpentine is an organic substance with moderate toxicity (TCLo inhalation, humans = 175 ppm. LD50 oral, rats = 5.760 mg/kg. LC50 inhalation, rats = 12 g/m 3 /6h. LC50 inhalation, mice = 29 g/m 3 / 2 hours). Chronic cutaneous application of turpentine in an animal model led to the formation of benign skin tumors, with oral administration turpentine is highly toxic and can cause fatal outcome, there have been cases of death of children from a dose of up to 15 ml of turpentine.

Turpentine can also cause dermatitis; until the 1980s, turpentine was the main cause of contact irritant and allergic dermatitis in artists

Turpentine may cause chemical burn, its vapors can irritate and damage the skin, eyes, and, if inhaled, damage the lungs and nervous system.

May cause kidney failure if consumed orally.

Sulfate turpentine

Sulfate turpentine, due to numerous impurities, is significantly more toxic than gum.

Precautionary measures

Turpentine is flammable. Precautions when working with turpentine as a solvent are the same as when working with other organic solvents. Work with turpentine must be carried out outdoors, avoiding contact with the skin of your hands. In case of contact, wash off with warm water and soap...



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    See what "Turpentine" is in other dictionaries: TURPENESS, turpentine, husband. A colorless or yellowish liquid with a pungent odor, obtained by distilling the resin of coniferous trees with water and used in medicine and in paint and varnish production. Russian turpentine. French turpentine. Rub your back... ... Dictionary


    Modern encyclopedia - (turpentine oil) colorless liquid with the smell of pine needles. A complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly terpenes. It is obtained mainly from oleoresin (so-called oleoresin turpentine), boiling point 153-180°C, density. 0.86 g/cm³. Solvent for varnishes and paints,... ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Turpentine oil Dictionary of Russian synonyms. turpentine noun, number of synonyms: 2 turpentine (8) ...

    Synonym dictionary Turpentine - TURPENESS, colorless or yellowish liquid with the smell of pine needles; a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly terpenes. It is obtained mainly from oleoresin (the so-called oleoresin turpentine, or turpentine oil). Solvent for varnishes, paints and enamels...

    Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary TURPENESS, a (u), husband. Liquid with a pungent odor, obtained by Ch. way by distilling resin. | adj. turpentine, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary Husband. (skip, resin distillation?), turpentine oil, turpentine, pine and strongly odorous oil distilled from resin; residue: dry resin, from which, after cleaning, rosin is prepared. Turpentine, oblap plant, Asarum, see hoof. Turpentine... ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary turpentine oil, essential oil with the smell of pine needles, obtained by Ch. arr. from resin; mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly terpenes. Solvent for varnishes and paints, raw material for the production of camphor, terpineol, terpinhydrate; purified S. is used as an external... ...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary Essential, extracted either from a living oleoresin tree or from split wood (so-called resin and osmol). S. is used for dissolving and diluting sicatives, varnishes, and paints; oxidizing, promotes their rapid drying... Technical railway dictionary

    turpentine- TURPENESS, a, m. 1. Strong, but usually of poor quality alcoholic drink. 2. Harmful, nervous, excessive emotional person. See turpentine... Dictionary of Russian argot

    TURPENTINE- TURPENESS, see Turpentine oil... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Treating joints with turpentine helps relieve pain and improve joint mobility. This product is based on pine resin has a number of useful properties. For the treatment of various joint diseases turpentine was used back in the 19th century. Compresses, poultices, and lotions were made from this product. Dr. A. S. Zalmanov proved the benefits of turpentine and helped find new ways of using it for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, muscle pain and etc.

The doctor documented the benefits of the ointment, as well as baths with this remedy. At the same time, not only is it removed muscle tension, condition improves cartilage tissue and bones, but also eliminates inflammation. Turpentine baths also affect the central nervous system.

Application of such effective means allows you to relieve a person from pain after 10 days. Immediately after the start of treatment, positive dynamics are noted. Morning stiffness in the joints disappears and your health improves. The ointment can be used at any age; the composition has a minimum of contraindications for use. The product has a slightly yellowish tint and a pleasant pine aroma.

The benefits and harms of using turpentine

Turpentine for joints is used both as an independent therapeutic component and in combination with other medications. Benefits and harms of this product obvious. To begin with, you should highlight positive properties effects that the ointment has on the joints. First of all, it is eliminated inflammatory process in the zone regular use. Unlike other means, turpentine acts faster.

Due to this, more oxygen enters the affected area. This accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue and eliminates inflammation.

The most valuable is gum turpentine. It is believed to contain maximum useful components. Before use this remedy For treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially true for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. Pregnant and lactating women should use the ointment with caution.

You can only use medical turpentine, which is sold only in pharmacies.

It is prohibited to use the industrial version, otherwise it can only cause harm. For pain, the product has an anesthetic effect. However, applying the ointment too often is not recommended, otherwise it can cause irritation of the skin.

This product may be harmful if used on open wounds and cuts. In this case, a burning sensation will occur and sharp pain. Therefore, if the skin over the sore joint is damaged, then before starting treatment, you should wait until the epidermis has completely healed.

The benefits of use can only be obtained if regular use composition. If you do this from case to case, you will not be able to achieve positive dynamics.

Methods of application

Turpentine can be used in many different ways. It helps with various diseases musculoskeletal system. It is even used to relieve symptoms rheumatoid arthritis. In the fight against diseases associated with destructive processes in cartilage tissue, the ointment can be used for rubbing. To begin with, it is enough to use the product once a day so as not to provoke irritation.

  1. Turpentine ointment for treating joints can also be used as a base for compresses. To do this, you need to dilute turpentine in warm water and, moistening gauze in it, apply it to the sore area. To enhance the effect, you can apply a plastic bag on top and secure it with a bandage (if we're talking about about knee and elbow joints). Therapeutic compresses must be left for at least 20 minutes. But it is not recommended to increase the exposure time. Turpentine-based lotions will provide maximum benefit if you additionally use medications to restore cartilage tissue.
  2. Turpentine-based baths provide excellent results. For this purpose the concentration active substance At first, it should not exceed 20 ml per 250 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you can add. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes. This is especially true for people with cardiovascular diseases. It is better to prepare the bath solution in advance in plastic bottle or glass jar. At first, you need to add no more than 10 ml of solution from the total volume. Accept this medicinal bath should be done before bed. It is not recommended to immediately sit in hot water. It is enough that the temperature does not exceed +39°C. If your health does not change and there are no side effects, then you can add a few more degrees. It is advisable to protect your face with a towel from fumes, since the skin in this area is especially delicate. This can be done using a regular towel.

Additional Information

If, while using turpentine, itching and burning suddenly appear, then use of the product must be stopped. The same remark applies to baths. Currently, it is possible to purchase a ready-made turpentine solution for baths. Although you can use the standard recipe.

We should not forget about contraindications:

  1. Baths with data medicine should not be taken by pregnant women.
  2. Heat treatments should also be avoided during menstruation.
  3. If thrombosis is present, ointment and products based on it can be used only after consultation with a specialist.
  4. Renal and hepatic failure is also a contraindication. People with availability malignant tumors or if they are suspected, it is recommended to avoid using turpentine-based ointments and solutions.
  5. It is not recommended to use the product during antibiotic treatment.

It is not recommended to use ointments with turpentine for more than 10 days.

To eliminate joint pain, you can prepare a special warming compress. You will need a turpentine solution (½ cup). You need to add it sunflower oil in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. and 500 ml of vodka. All ingredients need to be shaken, then moistened with gauze, squeezed lightly and applied to problem area. It is better to wrap the joint with a towel on top. Leave the compress on for up to 30 minutes or more.

To prevent joints from being bothered, a mixture of turpentine and is often used. However, before using this composition, it must be infused for a week. The product can be used for rubbing.