What to do with oily, thin, falling hair: advice from a trichologist

How to choose a shampoo, why hair becomes thin and brittle, is it possible to stop hair loss, said the chief physician of the Institute of Beautiful Hair clinic, president of the NP Professional Society of Trichologists, dermatologist, cosmetologist, doctor of medical sciences Aida Gadzhigoroeva.

1. Is it true that the most useful combs are wooden ones? Which is better: combs or brushes? How often do they need to be changed?

If you like an ecological style, you can use wooden combs and brushes, but they quickly absorb sebum, become dirty and do not comb your hair well. They must be washed frequently with soap or shampoo.

There is nothing better than a long-tooth comb for combing hair. If there is pain on the skin or when moving hair from one side to the other, it is better to use a massage brush with metal teeth and plastic balls at the ends of the teeth, they will protect the skin from damage.

If the brush does not break, the balls do not fall off, this comb can be used for at least ten years, do not forget to wash it with brushes and remove dirt at the base of the teeth. The main thing is that it is clean and safe.

2. Some say that you need to run a comb through your hair 100 times, others, on the contrary, advise combing as little as possible, so as not to damage or pull out your hair again. Who to believe?

Remember historical films in which they show how empresses or ladies are combed by their maids before going to bed. This ritual has been developed over centuries for a reason. When combing, the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head improves, sebum is distributed along the entire length of the hair, moisturizes and protects it from bacteria, microdamage, and environmental influences. It is advisable to comb your hair twice a day, making 30-40 vigorous movements from the scalp to the ends of the hair.

3. Previously, folk remedies like nettle were considered the most effective. Are they better than store-bought cosmetics?

There is a rational grain in folk remedies. Nettle really improves sebum secretion and reduces the appearance of dandruff. But are you ready to prepare decoctions these days?

Nettles (and you need to find stinging nettles, not ordinary stinging ones) need to be collected, dried, extracted, and if you really want to use this particular plant, you can buy a ready-made extract or infusion. Our grandparents, from whom we inherited folk recipes, lived in completely different conditions; they did not have such a polluted atmosphere, unhealthy food, or long hours of office work.

We live in a high-tech age, in which there is a beauty industry, cosmetic and medicinal products have been created that can solve problems in a targeted manner. Professional products are designed for the current condition of our hair.

6. How do you know if the shampoo is good?

A friend may like the same shampoo, but it is absolutely not suitable for you. This doesn't mean the shampoo is bad. There are no universal good shampoos. You should select a detergent taking into account many factors: hair type (dry, normal, oily), dyed, gray, coarse or not. Some people need medicinal shampoos that help with psoriasis, atypical dermatitis, and mycosis. Ask your hairdresser for advice. As for pearl powder, high-quality Japanese or Korean cosmetics sometimes contain nacre, which really adds shine.

7. The ends of your hair are split. They say they are somehow glued together. What can help?

Apply either silicone or office glue; it is impossible to glue split ends together, since the change occurs at the molecular level. The split end is only what we see, and the structure of the hair is damaged far above. Therefore, the first thing to do is to cut the hair at a height of at least 10 centimeters from the edge where the section occurs.

Stop dyeing your hair, using hair dryers, curling irons, and straightening irons. Apply moisturizing care. Recovery will take a long time, at least a year. Be sure to take vitamin complexes with amino acids containing sulfur: cysteine ​​and methionine. They are the main building material for keratins - the proteins that make up hair and nails.

8. After the birth of the child, the scalp became dry, as if tight. I tried anti-dandruff shampoos, but they didn’t help. What do you advise?

If there is no dandruff, then there is no need to use anti-dandruff shampoo. A feeling of tightness can be caused by a decrease in skin moisture. Visit your hairdresser to recommend moisturizing shampoos and moisturizing masks. As a rule, shampoos for colored hair contain ingredients with this effect. You can use masks with jojoba oil. If this does not help or you have headaches, then you need to consult a trichologist.

A feeling of tightness may appear due to constant spasm of the muscles of the aponeurosis (this is a tendon plate attached to the bones by muscles), then drug treatment is necessary, for example, injections of botulinum toxin into the area of ​​attachment of the aponeurosis (forehead and back of the head). Good procedures are mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. These procedures relieve spasms, improve microcirculation and hair growth. The feeling of tightness disappears for a long time or forever.

9. A 10-year-old girl’s hair has become very oily, even though I wash it every day. They buy her shampoos for dry hair. What else to do?

The granddaughter is entering the initial period of puberty, so increased sebum secretion, the appearance of acne, dandruff, and the smell of sweat are normal. We need to change our attitude towards regular hygiene care. If mothers usually wash their children’s hair once a week, then a teenager may need it much more often.

Even every day, if the beauty of your hair requires it. The main thing is not to overdo it and use suitable shampoos. Detergents for dry hair involve a mild degreasing effect, enveloping the hair with special ingredients that will retain moisture in the hair shaft. If your hair is oily, this will worsen its condition. Try buying shampoos for normal hair. And in matters of hygiene, treat your granddaughter like a girl.

10. The scalp is very itchy and itchy. I use Freederm pH-balance, it doesn’t help. What to do?

"Friderm" is recommended for eliminating dandruff residues that you do not need. Ask the pharmacy for indifferent shampoos. They have a neutral pH, non-aggressive surfactants (surfactants), so they carefully remove dirt from the surface of the head. For example, you can buy Vichy Mineral Doux ("Vichy delicate minerals"), Elution (Elution). Use a moisturizing mask. Try not to wash your hair frequently so as not to remove protective sebum. And contact your therapist so that he can prescribe the necessary tests for you. Itchy skin can be caused by serious changes in the body: an increase in bilirubin (one of the main components of bile), blood sugar, and taking certain medications.

11. A young woman’s hair has become brittle, thin, oily and is falling out. What do you recommend?

It is important to know that all shampoos, without exception, only affect the hair itself, but not the hair follicles from which it grows. When there is a change in diameter, hair structure and hair loss, then the problem is at the follicle level. Normally, hair develops cyclically, alternately entering one of three phases: active growth, preparation for the transition to the next stage, loss and rest, followed by growth again.

Baldness occurs when the follicle is “resting” for a long time and does not begin to grow. To restore hair growth, you need to awaken dormant follicles, which are located at a depth of 0.3−0.5 cm from the surface of the skin. No shampoo can get there. Your daughter needs to see a trichologist, he should interview your daughter in detail. The doctor will probably order a clinical laboratory test, examine the state of hair growth and, based on the examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

12. Why does hair fall out?

There can be a lot of reasons. One of the main ones is the genetic sensitivity of follicles to androgens (male hormones). It can appear in both girls and boys after reaching puberty. Under the influence of androgens, the hair on the top of the head, at the edge of the forehead and temples shortens, becomes thinner, thins out, and then stops growing. The second common cause is disruption of the endocrine organs.

If, in addition to hair loss, you experience irregular, scanty or painful periods, tearfulness, irritability, sudden weight gain or, conversely, weight loss, you should consult an endocrinologist. Lack of protein in the diet, which is often found during diets, also harms hair. A typical female problem: hair loss 3-4 months after childbirth.

This is a natural physiological process, and in a healthy woman, after some time, all hair is restored. Age-related changes in hair and skin usually begin after 35 years. Baldness during menopause (called senile alopecia) is caused by diseases that come with age, and by certain medications needed for age-related diseases: hypertension, coronary heart disease, hormonal imbalance, joint inflammation.

13. Is there a cure for hair loss?

At age 54, a woman is usually approaching or already in menopause, when a powerful negative change in the condition of the skin and hair occurs. Hair falls quickly, grows less, and some of it may not grow back at all. Go for a consultation with a gynecologist so that your hormonal levels are adjusted, taking into account age-related characteristics. If there are no contraindications, the doctor will prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

Since hair ages along with the entire body, it also requires more careful care than at a young age. And that's okay. There are effective remedies for baldness. Minoxidil-based lotions or sprays, for example Generalolon, Rogaine, improve hair growth and thickness. Depending on the concentration, they are applied to the scalp once or twice a day. But they must be used constantly, until the end of life. Visit a dermatologist to determine the indications for long-term use of these products.

14. What is the best method of combating baldness?

There cannot be a unique method. First, a trichologist must diagnose the disease, only then will he prescribe appropriate treatment. In some cases, mesotherapy is suitable; cocktails of nutritional components perfectly stimulate hair growth.

In others, plasma therapy is an injection of autoplasma rich in platelets, the alpha granules of which contain a large number of growth factors. They boost the body's own resources. And in cases of severe baldness in women or men, a natural hair transplant is indicated.

Hair is a woman’s natural adornment; it’s hard to argue with this fact. However, if well-groomed curls can transform you into a goddess, then greasy, unkempt strands will ruin the most perfect image. Today we will talk about oily hair. A trichologist's advice and recommendations for every day will help you learn how to properly care for them and look great every day. For many of us, the problem of oily hair seems almost insoluble, however, according to experts (cosmetologists, hairdressers and trichologists), this type is less problematic. Of course, heavy, sleek strands look extremely untidy, but the hair itself suffers the least from this. On the contrary, sebum protects them from external negative factors.

Who is a trichologist and when should you contact him?

If there is a problem with hair, a person most often turns to his hairdresser. This is not always correct. Indeed, based on his experience, a specialist can select the optimal care products and give your curls a well-groomed appearance. No one except the hairdresser will save you from it, since this is also exclusively within his competence. However, it cannot solve deeper problems, such as understanding why your hair is oily. A trichologist's advice may contain a lot of useful information, but only during an in-person consultation can a doctor discover the true cause of what is happening and offer you the optimal treatment. Today we will talk about proven schemes that work in most cases, which means they can help you too.

Causes of the problem

In fact, without understanding this issue, you should not go further. So, why do you? Advice from a trichologist on the selection of medicinal products will not be able to help you until you have eliminated the cause. The hair itself does not produce oil. Then why are they covered with a sticky film to the very tips? Sebum is produced on the surface of the scalp and then spreads throughout the hair shaft. We have already said that this is not bad for the hair itself, but from an aesthetic point of view it is a real disaster. The main reasons why hair becomes oily are as follows:

Each hair type has its own regime

Indeed, special care is required for oily hair. First of all, we want to warn you that washing them too often is quite harmful. Every day, or even better, twice a day, it is only permissible to comb the strands with a fine-toothed comb; you can place cotton wool on the base of the teeth so that it collects excess sebum. But the minimum interval between washing your hair is once every two days. In between, you can try using parsley seed powder and other products. More frequent washing leads to dry scalp, but this does not affect the secretion of oil.

Bath day

It is necessary to use not hot, but very warm water, otherwise you will stimulate rapid hair contamination. Cool water will also not cope with its tasks, because you need to wash off not only dirt, but also fat from the surface of the head and hair. Choose a shampoo designed specifically for your type, and be sure to lather your hair twice. The advice of a trichologist on restoring hair health must be followed on an ongoing basis; this is the only way you can achieve the desired effect. Be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any remaining foam. This is important, since the remaining soap solution will lead to rapid gluing of the strands and their contamination. It is advisable to change your shampoo from time to time to avoid addiction.

Water in your bathroom

It's no secret that tap water is very harmful to hair health. It is very hard, saturated with calcium salts and chlorine. Salts, settling on the hair and mixing with sebum, make it dull. To avoid this, you need to use filtered or melt water. If you are in a hurry, you can soften the water by adding natural acids to it. This could be apple cider vinegar or citric acid. Even the usual one added to water when rinsing can change the condition of your hair.

What's worth buying

And we continue to consider the trichologist’s advice on caring for oily hair. We present to you a line of products that are approved for use by leading experts in this field. In regular stores you can find Burdock shampoo. Good products with vitamins and antioxidants are produced by the L'Oreal company. They are designed to restore the water-fat balance of the skin, but at the same time they greatly dry out the dermis. In this regard, Vella brand products look even more interesting. They get rid of excess sebum and do not dry out the skin. Schwarzkopf shampoo has proven itself quite well. It effectively cleanses oily hair. Simple tips from a trichologist include the active use of peppermint; it is this ingredient that the products of the mentioned brand contain. Lazartik and Redken shampoos are less common on sale.

Professional products

However, all these are means of mass production, and they usually help out if the problem is not too pronounced. But if they don’t help, then you will definitely need the advice of a trichologist. According to experts, it is better to purchase hair care products (we will consider treatment with folk remedies a little lower) at a professional cosmetics store. The ideal choice would be a medicinal shampoo based on it. It is due to this that the amount of secretion released from the sebaceous glands is reduced. In addition, this component relieves skin irritation and restores it, that is, this is exactly what you need. After achieving the desired effect, your doctor may advise you to switch to shampoo for regular use, also from this series.

And we continue our investigation. To achieve a good result, you must follow the advice of a trichologist. For oily hair, treatment should be, firstly, comprehensive, and secondly, very soft and gentle. Experts warn:

  • - transparent. Cream-based products should not be used.
  • The second condition: it is better to wash oily hair in the morning rather than in the evening, since it is at this time that the activity of the sebaceous glands increases.
  • It is advisable not to use brushes for combing hair, as they distribute oil from the roots of the hair along its entire length.
  • It is not recommended to dry your hair with a hairdryer and use hard, scratchy combs, as well as metal hairpins.

In addition to the fact that you will use special care products, it is extremely important to follow the professional advice given below from a trichologist. Not all cosmetic products, masks, etc. are suitable for oily hair. Most often, to get rid of the problem, doctors recommend using zinc-based products. This may be regular zinc ointment or other formulations containing it. In addition, you need to take a closer look at your own body.

  • To put your metabolism in order, and therefore improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you need to drink a full course of mineral and vitamin complexes.
  • It is important to simultaneously establish and optimize your diet, give up sweets and fatty foods.
  • It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking alcohol, as this greatly impairs capillary blood supply, which directly affects the skin and hair.
  • Be sure to consult a gastroenterologist, since problems with the gastrointestinal tract most often cause excessive oily or dry hair. In general, comprehensive treatment for oily hair is necessary. The advice of a trichologist emphasizes the importance of the normal functioning of the whole body, which means he will refer you to a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist in order to prescribe the optimal treatment based on the conclusion.

Home care products

In fact, many of the things that are good for your hair are right at your fingertips. The most important thing is not to be lazy and take care of oily hair regularly. We will now look at care tips and the simplest recipes. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Moreover, the first one is best suited for blondes, and the second one for brunettes. They should be diluted in the proportion of one tablespoon per 0.5 liter of water. Natural acid will help neutralize the salts contained in hard water, and also includes iron and magnesium, potassium and amino acids, which will not only reduce the formation of sebum, but also make the curls beautiful.

Rinsing with mustard is very useful for oily hair. The solution is prepared from one tablespoon of dry powder and a liter of warm water. Herbal decoctions also do an excellent job of degreasing the scalp. Among them are chamomile and linden, horsetail and thyme, yarrow, and oak bark.

If your hair starts to fall out

This is also a common problem, and it often accompanies excess fat. A trichologist's advice for hair loss is that you need to optimize your diet and avoid stress. It is advisable to stop dyeing and perming your hair for a while, as this greatly damages it and causes breakage.

  • At the same time, experts recommend hardening the hair follicles. To do this, in winter it is recommended to wear not a warm hat, but a thin knit or bandage that will cover your ears. Cold is always a reason for the body to grow lush vegetation.
  • Head massage is very useful in getting rid of hair loss. It improves blood flow, which means better nutrition of the follicles. It is better to do it on damp skin while washing, or by additionally applying a skin care product.
  • It is very important to choose the right comb, preferably wooden or with natural bristles.
  • Do not use a hot hair dryer, straightener or nail polish.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All you need is patience, and excellent results are guaranteed.

Advice from a trichologist for hair loss is the basis for proper therapy and a guarantee of recovery. Self-medication often leads to an increase in the problem or a lack of positive dynamics. What advice do hair specialists give and when should you visit your doctor's office? Details in the article.

Professional approach to hair problems

Hair loss can be normal, natural, or caused by any malfunctions in the body. Finding the cause of thinning hair on your own is not always possible.

Many people act at random and use various remedies from folk to professional therapy, prescribing remedies for hair loss without consulting a trichologist. It is not surprising that from the initial stage of hair loss the problem develops into serious alopecia. The only solution is to buy a wig.

Therefore, you should not be overconfident. Professional help from a trichologist is already 95% of successful getting rid of a “mouse tail” or bald spot.

A trichologist is a specialized specialist who deals only with hair and scalp problems, and therefore knows the methods and means necessary for a patient to deal with a specific ailment.

Hair loss under a microscope

The first thing a trichologist will advise and prescribe for a patient with the problem of hair loss is to take tests to the laboratory and undergo diagnostics under a microscope. It is almost impossible to see the condition of the root part of the strands and the skin layer without strong magnification. During normal inspection, small particles are not visible until the microbes become more active. In this case, they will be able to affect a larger area of ​​the scalp.

Hardware diagnostics prescribed by a trichologist are carried out in two ways:

  1. Video examination with a camera connected to a computer. The enlarged image is displayed on a monitor, where every hair and scalp cell is clearly visible. Trichologists advise doing diagnostics on the second day after washing, so that the manifestations are not washed away by shampoo;
  2. Phytotrichogram is a more in-depth diagnosis, carried out in several stages to understand how new hairs behave. The trichologist removes a small area of ​​hair, shaving it completely. After a few days, the area is inspected, having previously colored the new hairs with eyebrow dye. The video camera records the changes and determines the type of alopecia.

Diagnostics helps the trichologist make the correct prescription of medications or recommend physical procedures to eliminate hair loss.

  • Biochemistry of hairs from different parts of the head;
  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood for hormones.

The usual practice of a trichologist is to advise the patient to refer him to other specialists.

Women are advised to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist, because the cause of prolapse may be changes associated with a previous pregnancy, feeding a baby, or age-related characteristics of the female body (menopause, taking hormones, contraceptives).

Often the cause of baldness in the crown area is an excess of male hormones androgens in the body. Some people's follicles are genetically sensitive to this hormone. The growth of new hair gradually slows down and it becomes depleted. Curls become thinner and break. Renewal does not occur, which leads to serious alopecia, but not in one day, but gradually.

A person notices this late, when it is impossible to hide the problem. With an earlier diagnosis of such heredity, it is easier for the trichologist to cope with hair loss by prescribing certain therapy in the clinic and at home.

Sometimes the problem of hair loss reaches a stage when medications and folk recipes do not provide strong stimulation for the growth of new hairs. In this case, trichologists recommend treatment in the treatment room:

  1. Mesotherapy is a massage with thin needles on the surface of the scalp. Blood circulation improves, access of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles increases;
  2. Vacuum head massage - the procedure is aimed at the root part of the curls, improving their activity;
  3. Electrophoresis - some substances cannot reach the deep subcutaneous layer. Electric currents enhance the effect of cosmetic products against hair loss;
  4. Laser therapy is also offered by trichologists for the complex treatment of alopecia.

All procedures are performed only in the clinic under the supervision of a trichologist. The number of sessions depends on the diagnosis.

Prevention is always the key to health. The same goes for curls. You can keep your hair lush, thick and beautiful until old age if you listen to the advice of specialists, which can be done at home and does not require large financial investments.

The choice of shampoo should not be spontaneous, but deliberate. Hair type is the first consideration when purchasing a product. The second point is the problem of curls - nutrition, hydration, easy combing, lack of volume. For treatment, shampoo can only be selected from pharmacy chains or representatives of companies producing medical masks, sprays, balms, and shampoos.

Homemade masks from ordinary products available in the house. The main components can be vegetable oils, honey, eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream, and onions. By adding a few drops of vitamins from group B and E to the mass, you can fill the curls and roots with the missing microelements.

Head massage, combing curls up to 3-4 times a day, rest from cosmetics and heating elements that destroy the structure. These simple rules should become the basis of home prevention.

Trimming the ends of your strands monthly will improve the appearance of your hair and stimulate new growth.

After washing your hair, your hair should dry naturally; you should not comb it while wet. After heating, the pores on the skin are steamed, the root part is weakened, and the possibility of hair loss increases many times over.

These simple hair manipulations, when performed systematically, will help you avoid serious problems. Hair loss will be within the normal limits provided by nature.

If you have had health problems in the recent past, even seasonal acute respiratory infections, your nerves are on edge, a warning sign in the form of heavy loss of hair should be the impetus for a visit to a trichologist. The sooner the source of alopecia is found, the faster it will be stopped.

In case of hair loss, self-treatment very often turns out to be ineffective, which may be due to improper use of medications, the use of inappropriate drugs and many other reasons. If your attempts to overcome baldness have been unsuccessful, try going to a medical center, where the advice of a qualified trichologist will certainly be very useful in dealing with hair loss.

A trichologist is a hair specialist - a doctor who, as a rule, also has a certificate in dermatology. A trichologist deals with various issues related to the condition of the hair and scalp: problems of baldness and hair loss, disorders of the normal condition of hair (brittleness, dullness, split ends), treatment of seborrhea, etc.

At an appointment with a trichologist

How is the appointment going?

First of all, the doctor will ask you about the disease: when and how your hair began to fall out, what you attribute it to, whether you received treatment before, what was its effectiveness. In addition to hair loss, the trichologist will be interested in other possible complaints that characterize your state of health.

The next stage will be examination is the main component of the appointment. A competent trichologist will never consult a patient in absentia without seeing his hair. Based on the results of the examination, the main conclusions are drawn, the issue of the need for additional examination is decided, recommendations are given and treatment is prescribed. The doctor will evaluate the condition of the skin, hair and nails. So that the trichologist can get a more accurate picture of your problem, do not wash your hair before visiting the doctor for at least one day and wipe off the nail polish.

Trichoscopy is another mandatory event at the initial appointment. During this procedure, the scalp and hair are examined using special instruments.

The need for other examination methods is decided in each case individually. Additionally, general and special tests, consultations with specialists, etc. may be recommended.

Already at the first appointment, regardless of the established diagnosis and the need for further examination, the doctor will give you general recommendations on hair care and activities aimed at improving and strengthening your hair.

The main tips from a trichologist on caring for your hair will be as follows:

Choosing a combing tool

All trichologists are unanimous in the opinion that It is unacceptable to use metal or plastic tools to comb hair. To avoid damaging your hair, purchase wooden combs, brushes with natural bristles, or horn combs.

When buying a comb, make sure that its teeth are without sharp ends and not too frequent. Wooden combs must be well processed: free from roughness, nicks and other defects that could damage the curls.

Choose brushes with fairly long, moderately stiff bristles, arranged in rows on a rubberized base. The tufts of bristles must be cut in a certain way - in the form of a pointed cone. These features help in achieving maximum massage effect.

Combs and brushes require careful care: immediately after purchase, and during further use, once a week they must be washed in a warm soapy solution and dried. Don't forget that a comb is a personal hygiene item, so never use other people's combs and don't give yours to anyone.

Proper combing

Proper combing prevents hair from being pulled out and provides a gentle massage to the scalp. The doctor will definitely tell and show you how to comb your hair: movements should be smooth and calm. Never comb wet hair, do not pull it if it is tangled, but carefully untangle the strands. Comb once a day, combining it with a light massage. To increase the effectiveness of the massage, ensure blood flow to the scalp by lying on a sofa with your head hanging over the edge or sitting with your head down towards your knees. Before combing, make a series of soft circular movements with your fingertips over the skin, lightly (without causing pain!) Pull the strands of hair, passing them between your fingers located as close to the roots as possible. And then, without raising your head, carefully comb your hair for one minute.

Washing head

Such a basic procedure as washing your hair also needs to be done correctly. The doctor will advise the frequency of washing on an individual basis, based on your hair type and the presence of associated problems. The selection of washing products will also be individual. Trichologists usually advise using professional shampoos, which can be purchased at a clinic or hairdressing salon. In addition, the doctor will recommend recipes for folk remedies that suit you: homemade shampoos, herbal decoctions and rinsing infusions.

The following tips will be common to everyone:

  • wash your hair with water at a temperature no higher than 45 and no lower than 35 degrees;
  • wash first with circular movements of your fingers near the roots, and then along the hair shaft to the ends;
  • do not use hard water - to soften the water, use special products, filters, or at least boil it;
  • After washing, dry your hair by wrapping it in a soft, absorbent towel for 30 minutes, and then let your hair air dry completely. Long hair should not be twisted with a towel, just wrap it around the outside.

Styling and hairstyles

Those who suffer from hair loss should be careful about the way they style their hair. The doctor will draw your attention to the fact that it is highly undesirable to use a hair dryer, straightener and styling products (mousses, foams, gels, varnishes). If this is still necessary, be sure to use high-quality styling products with heat protection, and be sure to wash your hair in the evening.

Those with long locks of hair should not pull their hair into tight ponytails or twist them tightly, as this will damage the hair roots. All kinds of weaving (African braids, weaving in artificial strands, jewelry, etc.) also have a negative effect on the condition of the hair - they deprive the hair of the ability to breathe normally, pinching it and making it heavier.

When hair loss occurs for any reason, it is necessary to provide complete and sometimes even enhanced nutrition to the remaining hair and hair follicles in order to activate hair growth. The trichologist will advise you to enrich your daily diet with animal protein (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese), vitamins, microelements and antioxidants (fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables, berries, grains, sprouted grains), polyunsaturated fatty acids (nuts, olive oil, fatty seaweed fish). Additionally, your doctor may recommend a course of vitamins or dietary supplements.

Stress, smoking, lack of rest, and infrequent walks aggravate hair loss, so the doctor will draw your attention to the need to correct your lifestyle.

The trichologist gives other advice on the use of medicinal, physiotherapeutic and other methods of influencing hair strictly individually, depending on the type, degree of baldness and the results of additional examinations.

Trichologist Galina Volkova talks about how to understand that hair loss has gone beyond the norm and how to properly care for it.

- Hair loss is a natural physiological process. But at some point in our lives we begin to realize that we are losing more and more hair or that its structure has changed. Please tell me how to determine that your hair needs a doctor’s help?

Indeed, hair falls out throughout your life - and this is actually normal, because new hair grows at the same moment. The number of hair loss is individual for everyone: someone may lose 20 hairs a day, someone – 100. You should not count them and compare them with something! The main point that should alert you is that there is more loss than usual.

The quality of hair may also vary slightly, depending on the season and our physiological characteristics. But when the quality deteriorates significantly, this is a signal that you need to understand the reasons and consult a doctor.

- There are periods during the calendar year when more or less hair falls out. Does this have something to do with the change of season?

There is no scientific evidence that the condition of the hair is really somehow connected with the change of season; we humans are still not so closely connected with nature...

- We don’t shed...

Yes, we don’t shed like animals, for which this is a protective mechanism necessary for living in conditions with different air temperatures. People do not have such a direct dependence. But throughout the year, they may indeed periodically fall out more than usual. In women, this is associated with the menstrual cycle and hormonal fluctuations. Men do not have such hesitations, but they, as a rule, turn to trichologists much less often.

Hair falling out - when to sound the alarm?

- Having noticed that hair loss has become catastrophic, we begin to take some advertised vitamins, buy medicated shampoos, masks... But we go to the doctor last, when we realize that we cannot cope with the problem ourselves...

If you read the instructions for any vitamins, external lotions and other products that are sold without a prescription in pharmacies, it will be written everywhere that they need to be used for 3 to 6 months. That is, 3 months is the period during which you can understand whether there is any therapeutic effect of this drug, vitamins, or external product on the hair. It makes no sense to purchase several products at the same time, take them for less than 3 months, and often alternate treatment methods.

Hair loss can be associated with simple stress, with some personal situation that has already passed, and you may no longer remember about it, but hair loss is still ongoing, because they usually do not immediately respond to stress. A month, or even 2-3 months after some negative events, hair may begin to fall out rapidly, and it would not even occur to you to connect these two events with each other. The condition of the hair is also very closely related to the condition of our nervous system.

If hair loss is really bothering you, you should definitely consult a doctor - at least once - to figure out whether these external manifestations are hiding more serious internal diseases.

The most important thing that the doctor should find out is whether there are any diseases that manifest themselves as hair loss, but do not yet bother the patient in any other way. The faster the root cause is found and eliminated, the faster the aesthetic problem will be solved.

- What diseases can hair loss signal?

About many. About a third of the patients who come to me for consultation are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia during the examination. It has several degrees, and in a mild degree, anemia may not particularly manifest itself in anything. Weakness, drowsiness - such symptoms occur even in absolutely healthy people. “Well, I’m a little tired, I don’t get enough sleep, I’m nervous, it’s okay,” many of us think so, not suspecting that we are sick.

If hair falls out for a long period, this is a signal to conduct basic research: take blood tests, for example. Quite often, the main cause of hair loss is diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs. Only a doctor is able to discern a much more serious disease behind the aesthetic problem that worries the patient.

- What other changes in the structure need to be paid attention to?

What else should you be wary of? Dry and brittle hair. They can arise due to illiterate care, irrational use of chemicals, frequent curling, over-drying with a hairdryer, or dyeing with chemical dyes. When girls often change their image, dyeing their hair either blonde or brunette, their hair becomes very dry, brittle, and actively falls out. I usually advise such patients to stop and stop experimenting for a while - perhaps the hair loss will stop.

But if you have not often exposed them to aggressive influences, and they suddenly become dry, brittle, begin to split, break off - this is a signal that the body lacks microelements, amino acids, there is some kind of imbalance.

- Is it possible to restore this imbalance on your own?

To restore it, you need to clearly understand the cause of the body’s malfunction. It is impossible to do this on your own, so I still recommend seeing a trichologist. Of course, you can start taking dietary supplements - vitamins, microelements, or use external agents in the form of lotions and sprays. You may actually feel better with their help. But if you use them and hair loss does not stop, consult a specialist.

How to stop hair loss?

- Please tell me what methods of diagnosing hair diseases do trichologists use today?

The initial appointment still starts with patient interview, from taking an anamnesis. The specialist first of all finds out whether there has been a climate change, whether there have been hormonal changes, emotional outbursts, and clarifies the dietary habits (for example, whether the patient was on a strict diet - poor nutrition has a strong impact on the condition of our skin and hair).

In case of hair loss, a computer diagnostic study is also carried out using special equipment - trichogramma. This procedure looks simple: a video camera that is connected to a computer, enlarges the image and displays it on the screen. Multiple magnification allows the doctor to examine the scalp, count the amount of hair, evaluate its quality... This examination does not last long, data analysis is carried out instantly, in the presence of the patient, and allows you to get a holistic picture of the condition of the hair.

Another method that allows you to accurately determine the cause of the problem is biochemical hair test. Personally, as a practicing trichologist, I really like this diagnostic method. Its essence is as follows. A small amount of hair is taken from different areas of the patient (painlessly). The strands are packed in a special envelope and sent to the laboratory for biochemical testing. This analysis makes it possible to assess the ATP (energy potential) content in the follicle bulb. With the help of a biochemical study, we can understand whether the cells of the hair follicles in different areas function normally, determine the type of hair loss, and understand in which area there is more hair loss. Biochemistry also determines the content of macro- and microelements, toxins and other substances. This study allows you to collect maximum information about the condition of the patient's hair.

I will also definitely nominate blood tests. There is no standard scheme; for each patient it is compiled purely individually, based on medical history and external symptoms. As a rule, no unusual tests are prescribed, but the doctor needs to understand whether hair loss is associated with hormonal imbalances and other factors.

There are situations when the diagnosis is clear even without clinical studies, but this happens rarely. Hair diagnostics allows us to identify diseases not only of the hair, but also of other organs.

- And when should you not panic due to increased hair loss?

There is physiological, that is, normal, hair loss. This happens a month or several months after giving birth. At this moment, hormonal changes in the body occur, and the hair, which grew wonderfully during pregnancy, suddenly begins to “fall out.” You should not be afraid of this, and no special measures need to be taken in this situation, unless the process of active loss lasts for several months. It is better to consult a doctor after you stop breastfeeding.

There are probably no other situations where active hair loss in adults is considered normal.

If your hair suddenly begins to fall out more than usual, you do not need to see a doctor right away. You need to wait, see what happens, analyze it yourself: have there been any sudden changes in your diet recently or other circumstances that could affect the condition of your hair. If after a month the process of loss is active, then you definitely need to seek the help of a specialist.

- For some, hair falls out more in the front part of the head, for others, bald spots appear altogether. Why is this happening?

- There are the following types of hair loss:
  • diffuse;
  • androgenic;
  • mixed;
  • focal.

At diffuse In this type, hair falls out virtually evenly throughout the entire scalp. This type is quite common in women.

At androgenic In this type, the anterior, fronto-parietal zone of the head is subject to active prolapse, but in the occipital zone prolapse does not occur. The androgenic type is also called “male pattern hair loss,” but it can also occur in women due to hormonal fluctuations, increased levels of male hormones, and increased sensitivity of the hair follicles.

Many patients today experience mixed type, when hair loss first occurs in a diffuse type, and then the androgenic type joins in.

At focal type on some areas of the head hair is completely absent. The focal type of hair loss is caused by an autoimmune disease, in this case, hair usually falls out unexpectedly in isolated places.

- What diseases of the scalp are often diagnosed today?

First of all, people come to a trichologist with complaints of hair loss, and during the examination, skin diseases localized on the scalp can be diagnosed. Patients develop dermatitis - this may be seborrheic dermatitis, in which the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted; contact, allergic dermatitis... Infectious diseases of the scalp leading to hair loss are extremely rare today. Psoriasis of the scalp and other diseases are often detected. Treatment in such cases is prescribed general.

Hair care as prevention

- From the point of view of a trichologist, how can you properly care for your hair?

It’s very simple: wash them in a timely manner and do not injure them again.

Hair washing. Hair should be washed when it gets dirty. Soviet textbooks contained recommendations that you should wash your hair once every 7 days; today they are considered outdated. There are no uniform requirements in this matter: everyone has different physiology, different lifestyles. I wouldn't recommend washing your hair more than once every 2 days, but if you play sports or work outside, your hair gets dirty faster, so you need to wash it more often.

Coloring. It is clear that fashion requires sacrifices from modern women: we all dye our hair. But I advise you to trust this procedure to professionals, go to beauty salons, because hairdressers know the characteristics of paints and can advise you personally, not only in color, but also in chemical composition.

Curling and styling. There are no specific recommendations on how often you can use hair dryers, curling irons, or styling products. If your hairstyle requires daily styling, curling or straightening, of course, use them. But if your hair gets worse from frequent use of hair dryers, hairsprays or foams, consider changing your hairstyle.

Hair strengthening. To strengthen and improve the general condition, I recommend using special balms - for dry hair, for split ends. But if your hair looks good and doesn’t require additional care, you shouldn’t overload it.

- How to choose shampoo? Their range today is large, new items appear all the time...

I don't share everyone's concern about the composition of shampoos. Whether they contain surfactants (surfactants) or not, in my opinion, does not matter. The choice of shampoo should not be turned into a detective story with a detailed study of its composition. Probably, almost all detergents contain some components that are not very beneficial for the body. But if you are a healthy person, then use any shampoo that you like. Its main task is to wash away dirt well.

The main criteria for evaluating a shampoo are subjective: you should feel comfortable washing your hair with it, your hair should lie well after using it, your scalp should not itch or be tight.

But if you have problems with your hair, it is better not to self-medicate: you can spend a lot of money and time on it, but will not achieve results. Contact your doctor, he will be able to correctly identify your problem and recommend a medicated shampoo and additional anti-hair loss products that are right for you.