The dangers of herbal medicine: side effects of herbal treatment. Side effects of medicinal plants

Since ancient times, medicine has used medicinal herbs and plants for treatment. various diseases. Accumulation of information about healing properties medicinal herbs and plants and their effect on human body V people's memory has been happening for centuries.

From century to century, from one historical period to another, there was a gradual formation traditional medicine , which in practice accumulated the necessary arsenal of medicines that helped people withstand the harsh conditions of nature. Treatment effectiveness medicinal plants also has been tested for thousands of years. Through this selection, many healing herbs as medical product have survived to this day and are now included in various reference books and guides to modern medicine.

Nature has generously endowed us with an abundance of plants and herbs, which are a source of longevity and health. And over the years, people have found relief from their ailments in the richness of flora.

Medicinal herbs contain a whole complex of plant biologically active components that provide beneficial effect on metabolism in the body and increasing its overall resistance.

Therefore, traditional medicine , based on the wealth of experience in healing various diseases and ailments using medicinal plants , throughout the development of modern society, occupies important place in the health care system of various countries.

Measure it seven times!

Herbs are usually safe and have no contraindications, but still, when treating with herbs, they must be handled carefully, since in the wrong doses or with incorrect diagnoses they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

The opinion that medicinal plants are completely harmless is most often an impetus to self-medicate without following any instructions or systems.

The effect of medicinal herbs and plants on the body has been fully studied. Therefore it is known that The healing components of herbs sometimes combine poorly. Thus, neutralization of medicinal properties may occur, components may be duplicated or have the opposite effect.

But if you buy herbal tea in the pharmacy, you can rest assured, since when compiling it, the properties of each plant that is part of this collection are taken into account. And when independently selecting herbs, it is very difficult to accurately select the right ones so that their use completely eliminates the occurrence of side effects that may arise due to the incompatibility of certain components. Do not buy herbs on the market, since in this case you cannot get any guarantee that these are absolutely harmless raw materials and that this is exactly the medicinal plant that you need. At first glance, dry herbs, and even more so herbs, are sometimes very difficult to distinguish by external signs.

Alas, if you use a blind treatment method, not guided by any prescriptions or systems, natural remedy can be as dangerous as taking medication incorrectly. That is why, for any disease, you need to consult with your doctor, and it is better that he observes you during the period of herbal treatment.

When we use the “correct” preparations from medicinal plants, our body receives many biologically beneficial active substances. It has been noticed that infusions, decoctions, ointments, and oils from plant raw materials have a gentler effect on the body and cause significantly less adverse allergic reactions. But only if the herbs are used correctly. This is also recognized official medicine, and therefore medicinal preparations from plants are increasingly used in complex treatment person.

Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been widely used in traditional medicine recipes and do not require large expenses. This availability also increases the popularity of herbal treatment. In general, we should not be treated, but rather prevent diseases!

On the website you will find descriptions ofmedicinal herbs and plants and their effect on the body, ways practical application, collection tips, and also a lot useful information to strengthen, cleanse, improve human health and prevent all kinds of diseases.

Think and guess! Herbal treatment arose so long ago that scientists are still arguing whether the Sumerians or Egyptians can be called pioneers in this matter, or whether we need to look even deeper into history. Therefore, herbal medicine has acquired a large number of historical and fictional facts. Can you distinguish fact from fiction?

Correct answer: 3. Yes, we can be proud of our ancestor Eupraxia, or as she was also called - Dobrodeya, - she was really the first in Rus' to approach scientific point view towards herbal medicine. The first answer is not completely correct, since Hippocrates wrote such a work, but he was not the first. Well, the story about the snake is a legend.

Currently on pharmaceutical market An increasing number of medicines made from medicinal plants are appearing. And their number is constantly increasing...
Companies that advertise their drugs often focus on their vegetable origin, knowing about the popularity of herbal medicine. In addition, due to the high cost of medicines, the population is increasingly turning to self-medication with herbs, believing that the use of medicinal plants is harmless. The uncontrolled use of medicinal plants and drugs made on their basis has led to the accumulation of data on side effects when using medicinal plants.
Without detracting from the advantages of herbal remedies compared to synthetic ones (closeness in composition to the human body, complex effect on it due to the presence of a complex of biologically active substances in plants, big choice plants with similar effects, low cost compared to many drugs of synthetic origin), it is logical to assume that if there are positive effects, then they can also be negative. The well-known statement that any substance, depending on the dose and mode of use, is absolutely fair in relation to medicinal plants and preparations obtained from them. It is also well known that a number of plants (species of aconite, hellebore, datura, henbane, etc.) contain potent substances (alkaloids, cardiac glycosides), as a result of which they are poisonous and, therefore, can be easily overdosed.
This article aims to draw attention to the reality of the emergence negative effects from the use of herbal remedies and medicinal plants.

Preventing side effects of medicinal plants

For warning side effects follows:
rationally adjust doses and strictly adhere to them;
introduce plants that remove undesirable effects into the mixture (for example, adding peppermint or lemon balm leaves to the medicinal mixture when irritability and sleep disturbances appear during treatment);
select herbal medicines or plants with a similar effect that do not have side effects (for example, instead of the herb horsetail, which irritates the renal parenchyma, the flowers of blue cornflower or the herb of orthosiphon staminate are introduced into the collection);
take mandatory breaks in treatment;
in patients prone to allergies, test (small) doses are first used herbal preparations with subsequent observation of the patient. If the patient does not have allergic reaction, then the drug can be used in the usual dose (it is advisable to carry out such a test with each of the components plant collection, which is prescribed to a patient with a tendency to allergies).

Poisoning by medicinal plants

There are frequent cases of plant poisoning that occur:
when taken orally (drug overdose, consumption, etc.);
when inhaling volatile substances from plants - their essential oils (, rhododendron, lily, etc.);
upon contact with skin ( skin reactions; for example, dermatitis from nettles; photodermatoses from plants containing coumarins; burns from " burning bush" and etc.).

If poisoning occurs, detoxification therapy is carried out, and an antidote is administered, if known.
It should also be noted that undesirable effects from the use of plants are possible due to their growth in unfavorable environmental conditions: near roads and railways, industrial and agricultural enterprises, etc. There is a known case of poisoning by blueberries growing near wild rosemary. for the deposition of toxic substances on them by the second.

Undesirable effects of biologically active substances of plants

When prescribing drugs from medicinal plants, it is advisable to clarify data on their chemical composition. It is known that plants contain a whole complex of biologically active substances, thanks to which, in fact, they exert their pharmachologic effect. However, each group of substances has both positive and negative effects, which must be taken into account when prescribing plants to a specific patient.
Alkaloids in case of overdose they cause poisoning. Plants containing large amounts of alkaloids (hebores, aconite, poppy, etc.) are potent and are used in small doses (1:400).
Plants containing a lot glucose, sucrose, starch(many berries, potato tubers) are contraindicated for decompensated diabetes mellitus.
Bitters, thioglycosides, silicic acid compounds and saponins may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of internal organs. Thioglycosides (mustard seeds, horseradish roots), saponins (soapwort roots), bitterness (iridoid glycosides, in particular, are found in the herb of yarrow, herb of motherwort and wormwood species) irritate the mucous membranes of internal organs and are therefore contraindicated in acute processes in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. Saponins, being practically harmless in Not large quantities, in large doses can cause hemolysis of red blood cells.
Tannins in case of overdose they call . Plants containing tannins(alder fruit, rhizome), in case of overdose, cause dyspeptic symptoms; and pedunculate oak bark can be used internally only in small quantities (to avoid tanning the gastrointestinal mucosa).
Essential oils- cause irritation of the mucous membranes of internal organs, increased acidity; allergic and pseudoallergic reactions. May provoke an attack of epilepsy or its equivalents. Essential oils stimulate the digestive process, increase acidity, have an expectorant and diuretic effect. However, this effect often manifests itself due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the corresponding organs. It should also be taken into account that in people prone to allergies, they can provoke an attack of bronchospasm.
Coumarins have a photosensitizing, anticoagulant effect. Some coumarins (fruits of Psoralea drupeta, leaves), which are used in the treatment of alopecia, have a photosensitizing effect. People with sensitive skin Those using such plants should be warned to refrain from exposure to open sun during treatment. Plants that contain hydroxycoumarins (clover herb), as well as some flavonoids (fruits and flowers), have an anticoagulant effect and have a negative effect on patients with hemorrhagic diseases.
Anthracene derivatives provoke diarrhea. Plants containing anthracene derivatives are indicated for constipation, but for people prone to diarrhea, they are not included in medicinal preparations.
Vitamin-containing medicinal plants(fruits, leaves and fruits of currants, etc.) are extremely useful for weakened persons suffering from vitamin deficiency. But when they are used uncontrolled in large quantities (for example, instead of tea), the body gets used to a large number incoming vitamins. If this intake is abruptly stopped, symptoms of a deficiency of one or another vitamin may appear (for example, vitamin C when using preparations from rose hips).
A number of plants contain hormone-like substances. Thus, licorice roots, grass and field grass have a glucocorticoid-like effect, clover grass has an estrogen-like effect, etc. This fact should also be taken into account when prescribing herbal medicines.

Medicinal plants contraindicated during pregnancy

Particular attention should be paid to the use of plants and preparations made from them during pregnancy. Exists whole list plants contraindicated during pregnancy. Plants that have a teratogenic and stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus are excluded. You should also avoid prescribing plants containing potent substances.

Agave americana (juice)
Calamus marsh
Aloe arborescens
Marsh rosemary
Basil (essential oil)
Common ram (moss-moss)
Common barberry
Colchicum splendid
Henbane black
Birch warty
Lingonberry (leaves, fruits)
Black elderberry
Medicinal initial letter
Cornflower blue
Verbena officinalis
Common harmala
Honey locust
Elecampane tall
Sweet clover
Angelica (high doses)
St. John's wort
Wild strawberry (leaves)
Centaury small
Calendula officinalis
Cabbage (seeds)
Cassia, or senna
Catharanthus pink
Kirkazon clematis
European hoofweed
Stinging nettle
Belladonna belladonna
Burnet officinalis
Buckthorn brittle
Yellow egg capsule
Lavender (high doses)
Cinquefoil erecta, or galangal
Lovage officinalis
Magnolia grandiflora
Soporific poppy
Common raspberry (leaves)
Common juniper
Common Mordovnik
male fern

Spring primrose (high doses)
White footstep, or bryonia
Annual capsicum
Garden parsley
Rhubarb Tangut
Rosemary officinalis (prev.)
Chamomile officinalis (oil, prep.)

Celery is fragrant
Scopolia carniolina
Licorice naked
Scots pine (buds)
Ergot (horns)
Sterculia, or firmiama
Spherophysa solonetzic
Thermopsis lanceolate
Common thyme
creeping thyme
Poplar (buds)
Thuja occidentalis
Dill (seeds, high doses)
Common fennel
Violet (large doses)
Common hop

Chilibuha, or vomiting nut
Great celandine
Great celandine
Salvia officinalis (high doses)
Horse sorrel
Echinacea purpurea

There are discrepancies in the literature on contraindications to the use of plants during pregnancy. For example, despite existing contraindications for use, B. and P. Tais suggest that pregnant women use the so-called “basic” tea, consisting of yarrow, mantle, chamomile and shepherd's purse. Therefore, the main criterion for herbal medicine should be the condition of the pregnant woman after taking it. It is recommended to prescribe a plant, collection or drug in low doses. If the patient’s condition is satisfactory and no symptoms are observed after taking the drug negative phenomena, the dose can be increased.

It should be remembered that there are plants that both stimulate and suppress lactation. common anise fruits, red clover grass, common hazel nuts, dandelion roots, kernels walnuts, garden radish roots, chamomile flowers, caraway fruits, root vegetables (earthen pear), garden dill fruits, common fennel fruits. Common hop cones and sage leaves help suppress lactation.

There are cautions when prescribing medicinal plants children. They need to choose the most harmless and proven plants. It is advisable to avoid plants containing potent substances (alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, etc.). You should definitely ask the child’s parents if there have been cases of intolerance to any plants or preparations made from them. It is important to adhere to the dosage depending on age.

When prescribing medicinal plants and herbal remedies men It is advisable to remember that they can influence. Thus, potency is increased by the roots of parsley, parsnip and fragrant celery; and the herb of oregano, lemon balm, and the roots of peony (marina root) can reduce potency and suppress libido. However, it largely depends on individual characteristics men.

In general, to prevent side effects when prescribing herbal medicines, it is recommended to take into account the following factors:
state of the cardiovascular system (level blood pressure, heart rate);
state gastrointestinal tract(character of stool, acidity level);
state of the nervous system (drowsiness, irritability, etc.);
presence of neoplasms;
age and gender;
presence of pregnancy;
chemical composition plants.

Necessary Precautions and an integrated approach to the patient will reduce the number of undesirable effects of herbal medicine to a minimum. Fundamental when treating with herbal remedies is compliance with the dosage and administration regimen.

Based on materials from an article by I. A. Dovzhenok

Herbs are included in many horse supplements, so it is important to understand what effect they have. Are they drugs or just a dietary supplement?

Most horse owners understand why glucosamine or MSM is added to horse nutrition, but what about milk thistle or slippery elm?

By definition, drugs are anything that enters the body and changes its structure or function. Using this definition, all herbs can be considered medicines. In fact, many herbs are foods and medicines. In the US, herbs are classified as food products, if they do not “claim” to treat or prevent diseases. If the producing company makes health claims, then their herbal production will automatically be regulated.

Most herbs are therefore sold as foods but are used as medicines.

The effect of herbs on the body differs significantly from the effect regular medications. Most medications begin with the prefix "anti." We have antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antitoxins. The prefix “anti” means that these drugs act against a negative substance or process in the body.

Grasses, on the other hand, tend to increase good stuff and support healthy processes in the body. In herbal medicine, disease is viewed as a general imbalance in the body. In the case of a kidney infection, instead of immediately reaching for antibiotics, a herbalist can give herbs that will inhibit the absorption of toxins from the intestines. These herbs will also tone and restore the kidneys, as well as increase the release of toxins through urinary tract and other excretory organs.

Herbs generally fall into three main categories:

  • nutritious
  • medicinal and nutritional
  • medicinal

Nutritional category herbs are not considered to act on a specific condition, but they support health through their nutritional value, providing the body with vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition to these essential nutrients, herbs also contain useful material, like flavonoids. Examples of flavonoids are essential oils, as well as saponins, which are soapy substances that support intestinal health. Nutritious herbs can be used freely without worrying about toxicity.

Herbs in the medicinal and food category are more focused on solving specific problems. They are still fairly safe, but are generally not used on a regular basis.

Herbs in medicinal category are strong and can be toxic if used inappropriately.

Food Grass: Alfalfa

Horse owners think of alfalfa as a form of hay, but it is also a bitter herb that has digestive and cardiovascular system. Thanks to its properties, it can help digestion, act as a general tonic, reduce fever, purify the blood and act as a diuretic. Alfalfa has been used by herbalists to treat inflammation in cases of arthritis. It can also help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Main action:

  • Diuretic (due to flavonoids).

Auxiliary action:

  • Thins the blood (due to coumarin derivatives);
  • Removes muscle spasms(due to flavonoids);
  • Reduces cholesterol levels (due to octacosanol);
  • Supports healthy intestinal bacteria (due to saponins);
  • Reduces blood sugar levels (due to alkaloids).

Because alfalfa contains a lot of beta-carotene, it can help strengthen the cells that line the stomach wall, which can help prevent ulcers.

Medicinal and nutritional herbs

Aloe vera

Aloe is used as local remedy, and inside. It stimulates the growth of healthy tissue. This explains its effectiveness in healing wounds and internal ulcers.

Main action:

  • Laxative (due to anthraquinones in the peel);
  • Absorbs toxins in the intestines;
  • Regulates the content of bacteria in the large intestine;
  • Sedative (sedative) for the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stimulation of healing.

Auxiliary action:

  • Antibiotic (due to polysaccharides). Aloe juice is primarily water (99.5%). The remaining 0.5% contains mucopolysaccharides (carbohydrate molecules) and anthraquinone glucosides. Mucopolysaccharides in aloe are similar to hyaluronic acid; Anthraquinone glycosides are bitter and should not be given orally.

Aloe is often combined with slippery elm to treat ulcers. Aloe perfectly complements the viscous fiber high content selenium and silicon. Both of these microelements play an important role in treatment. Aloe can be given short-term to help a horse recover from a stressful event, but it is quite safe to feed it long-term to horses with sensitive digestive tract. It is interesting to note that insulin-resistant horses, which are very sensitive to most carbohydrates, tolerate aloe very well. I have also had several horses with obvious stomach ulcers that showed no improvement on different drugs, but responded well to aloe and slippery elm.

slippery elm

This is a slimy herb, almost identical in action to aloe. The inner bark of the tree is used, which contains healing substances. slippery elm High Quality must be yellow color or tan color. Dark color indicates that the outer bark of the tree has been included, making the plant less effective. Slippery elm contains a lot nicotinic acid, riboflavins and thiamines. Although slippery elm is safe for long-term consumption, there is not much of it available in the world, so it should only be used in the short term. As an alternative for long-term use, slippery elm can be rotated with more readily available mucilaginous herbs such as marshmallow.

Medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs often have an unpleasant taste, which is not conducive to their long-term consumption by animals in the wild. Some medicinal herbs, such as foxglove, will cause vomiting if eaten in excessive (toxic) quantities. This natural protective measure is lost when the active components are extracted from herbs and converted into medicines.


This aromatic herb has a strong calming effect on nervous system and is often used for athletic or injured horses that must be limited in movement. Although the name sounds similar, this herb has no relation to the drug Valium.

Main action: (due to alkaloids)

  • CNS sedative;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Painkiller;
  • Antibacterial against gram-positive bacteria.

Even medicinal herbs have some nutritional benefits and many are safe for long-term use at low doses. In my opinion, many herbs that are needed in the long term supply nutrients, which are absent in the animal’s diet.

Author: Madalyn Ward, DVM, owns Bear Creek Veterinary Clinic in Austin, Texas. He is certified as a Veterinary Homeopath and Equine Osteopathic Specialist. Member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, American Association of Equine Practitioners, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, Texas Veterinary Medical Association and the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy. Author of several books and the monthly newsletter “Holistic Horsekeeping.”

Smoking weed - the consequences for men can be irreversible. Not only does the speed of movement and activity of sperm decrease, but erectile dysfunction also develops. Reduced hair growth rate, possibly early baldness. The harm from smoking is not observed immediately, but after long time. Therefore, it is believed that marijuana has no effect on the body.

Clinical picture

Smoking weed becomes addictive very quickly. This leads to the emergence and manifestation of various disorders not only mental, but also physical health person. Parents of teenagers should know the harm that marijuana can have on the body. Doctors agree that smoking marijuana leads to the development of schizophrenic disorders, which lead to the development of dementia and denial of pronounced mental defects by the sick person.

Young people are faced with the opportunity to try this method of relaxation more and more often. Not only the media and various films, but also literature are pushing people to take such a step. Many people believe that smoking hashish, marijuana or other synthetic analogues does not cause harm to health.

Why does society have different opinions on this matter? According to research by scientists in North America And European countries, smoking cannabis leads to the rapid acquisition of addiction. It may develop into a desire to try harder types narcotic substances. Thus, a person, unnoticed by himself, becomes dependent on the use of drugs of varying strengths on the body.

The opinion that the use of recreational drugs does not harm a person comes from European and North American countries. ABOUT pathological action Scientists from these regions say that marijuana affects the body, since such research is stimulated by the state. Central Asia also often shows sad statistics about drug addicts addicted to smoking.

A long period The entry of toxic substances into the body when smoking weed is accompanied by:
  • deterioration of human reaction;
  • decreased brain activity;
  • loss of the ability to communicate clearly;
  • decreased activity;
  • losing weight;
  • mental exhaustion;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • frequent manifestations of psychosis.

Such symptoms lead to disability, disturbances of consciousness, and sometimes coma. Every drug addict from strong varieties of cannabis goes through a state of psychopathization. Dementia soon progresses as toxic substances damage brain cells. This stage of addiction is called amotivational syndrome because the patient has no desire for any physical or mental activity.

Deterioration of the smoker's condition

Smoking is contraindicated for men suffering from vascular diseases. In such cases, the influence of weed accelerates the development of dementia. This is due to the fact that after men the blood flow slows down. Such intoxication leads to swelling of brain tissue. The walls of blood vessels are affected by blood plasma. Nerve cells shrink, which leads to their degeneration. The integrity of the structure of the cell nucleus is compromised due to chronic intoxication. Similar pathological processes occur in all parts and structures of the brain. Such symptoms lead to the development of toxic-dystrophic encephalopathy with vascular disorders.

Long-term smoking narcotic drugs Not only mental disorders are observed from cannabis. A smoker experiences physical ailments:

  • poor coordination in space;
  • weak reaction to external stimuli;
  • low eye mobility;
  • blurred vision;
  • poor color perception;
  • structural changes in the retina and optic nerves;
  • damage to the cardiovascular system by cannabinoids;
  • arrhythmia, angina pectoris;
  • pathological changes in the system respiratory tract, strong and irreversible effect on the lungs;
  • change in tongue color;
  • constant runny nose;
  • swelling of the uvula.

Smoking weed contributes to the development of respiratory tract infections and lung cancer. Toxic substances irreversibly affect endocrine system person. Hormonal and secretory functions weaken. First of all, a person ceases to feel sexual desire. Sex does not bring pleasant sensations and emotions. IN early age impotence develops.

Hemp (or marijuana) has been known to mankind for many millennia. Since ancient times, this plant has been used as a raw material for the manufacture of strong twines, threads and strings. Modern hemp, unfortunately, has fallen into disrepute. The mere mention of marijuana evokes images of a haggard drug addict with wild eyes and punctured veins.

What is the effect of marijuana on the body, what is it: a useful plant, beneficial for people or a terrible drug that brings suffering and death? How it is harmful and how it is useful, let's reveal all the cards of this amazing creation of nature.

Marijuana is the most common drug

The word “marijuana” itself means a narcotic substance made from the dried leaves, seeds and inflorescences of Indian hemp. The drug has a lot of slang names: weed, anasha, shmal, dope, ganja. From hemp, or rather from the resin of the plant, one of the varieties of the drug is prepared - hashish (known as “chocolate” or “hash”).

It has been established that hashish is 6-7 times more powerful in its effects on the body than marijuana.

The term Cannabis is also used in drug addiction. This is a collective definition that unites all narcotic derivatives of cannabis.

It doesn't matter what you call this herbal drug. The effect of cannabis on the body is enormous and, for the most part, harmful.. Hemp derivatives have powerful hallucinogenic effects. They distort a person’s perception of reality and contribute to the degradation of brain cells.

Active active substance hemp are cannabinoids

Several years ago, the popular medical publication The Lancet conducted a large-scale study of the harm of drugs. When compiling the rating, the opinion of leading experts in the field of medicine and narcology was taken into account.

The number of narcotic substances included in the list of “most dangerous” also included legal compounds, addictive– alcohol and tobacco.

Experts ranked marijuana in 11th place. In general, the list looks like this:

Place by rating Russian name English name
1 HeroinHeroin
2 CocaineCocaine
3 BarbituratesBarbiturates
4 MethadoneStreet mtthadone
5 AlcoholAlcoohol
6 KetamineKetamine
7 BenzodiazepinesBenzodiazepines
8 AmphetamineAmphetamine
9 TobaccoTobacco
10 BuprenorphineBuprenorphine
11 CannabisCannabis
12 InhalantsSolvents
13 Methylthioamphetamine4-MTA
15 MethylphenidateMethylphenidate
16 Anabolic steroidAnabolic steroids
17 ButyrateGHB
18 Ecstasy (MDMA)Ecstasy
19 Alkylnitrites (Poppers)Alkyl nitrates
20 KatKhat

Marijuana and its derivatives are among the most common drugs in the world. According to statistics, about 200 million people use this substance.

Why is marijuana so popular?

The world has hippies to thank for the widespread use of the hemp drug. It was during the heyday of the “flower people” movement that marijuana gained popularity. Its popularization is also explained by its low cost.. The main suppliers of cannabis to Russia are Tajikistan.

Types of drugs produced from hemp

The economy of this country and the global poverty of its inhabitants are pushing people to massively grow the narcotic plant and supply it to neighboring regions at an extremely low price. Cannabis is also easy to prepare; its production technology does not require any complex devices.

Composition of marijuana

The hemp plant owes its effect on the body to its composition. The chemically active components of the plant are called “cannabinoids” and are psychoactive substances. The main component of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Its content and concentration may vary in plants depending on the variety. Hemp has three varieties:

  1. Cannabis Sativa.
  2. Cannabis Indica.
  3. Cannabis Ruderalis.

The first types are used in drug production. Whereas Ruderalis does not show the expected narcotic effect. And the highest concentration of THC is observed in the Cannabis Sativa variety. Moreover, the content of tetrahydrocannabinol varies in the plant itself - the psychoactive substance is mainly concentrated in the tops of the crop during flowering.

It is from plant tops that hashish is prepared, which has more powerful action. If marijuana contains 0.5-4% THC, then hashish already contains 10-20%.

Narcotic effects

To achieve the maximum narcotic effect, marijuana is smoked. They make a so-called joint (roll-your-own). Many people use ready-made cigarettes, replacing tobacco with drugs. Although some fans thrills They also use marijuana for food.

Consequences of consuming cannabis

Once THC is in the blood, it immediately passes into tissue rich in lipids ( medulla, fatty compounds, lung and gland tissues internal secretion). Psychoactive substances the plants begin to act literally in the first minutes after consuming the drug and retain their effect on a person for 3-4 hours. What effect does the person experience?

  • euphoria;
  • slight languor;
  • increased libido;
  • talkativeness, sociability;
  • feeling of lightness and relaxation;
  • fun, a person laughs for no reason;
  • a feeling of lightness throughout the body, weightlessness;
  • impaired perception of the size of objects, as well as space and time;
  • change in taste/color stimuli: richness or paleness of color, distinct perception of faint sounds.

The effect of marijuana on the body is purely individual. It has been noticed that the effect of cannabis, to a greater extent than other drugs, is determined by a given specific attitude of a certain person. Sometimes, instead of the expected fun, marijuana has a depressing effect on a person, provoking the development of a feeling of anxiety and danger. In the slang of drug addicts this state called “treason”, they remove it with an ordinary mug of strong tea.

What happens to the body

The psychotropic substances of cannabis, acting on brain receptors, create numerous illusions in the weed lover, disrupting the ability to adequately perceive reality. TO interesting feature cannabis attribute the effect of changing time.

When smoking marijuana, the brain begins to perceive time frames in slow motion. It seems to the addict that every moment now takes on a bright color and lasts unnaturally long.

The effect of marijuana provokes the development strong appetite, and the perception of taste buds also changes. Now even familiar food seems unnaturally aromatic and incredibly pleasant to the smoker. And when an unpleasant substance enters the mouth, disgust intensifies until a strong gag reflex appears.

Effects of smoking marijuana

So how does marijuana work, what specific harm does it cause to the body? Probability negative influence cannabis on the human body is still the subject of active debate. Experts' statements were divided into two camps:

  1. Most experts are inclined to believe that marijuana, like any other drug, has a destructive effect on all systems of the body, including the mental one.
  2. There is another opinion; some scientists criticize numerous conclusions regarding the harm of marijuana.

These conflicting data do not allow us to this moment come to a final and irrevocable consensus. These difficulties in determining the real harm of a drug are caused by the following situations:

  • a person switches too quickly from marijuana to other, more serious drugs, the effect of which “masks” the effects of the weed itself;
  • cannabis lovers, whose hobby is already chronic, as a rule, fall out of socialization; tracking their well-being and condition is quite difficult, given the nuances of their existence and the rather short period of life.

How does marijuana affect the body?

Body system Negative influence Note
brain system

memory impairment;

thinking disorders;

destruction of brain receptor cells

These statements are subject to doubt; they have not yet been scientifically proven
respiratory system coughing;

development serious illnesses(emphysema, bronchitis)

such negative consequences are practically the only factors indicating the negative consequences of marijuana that have received official confirmation
reproductive and endocrine system

decreased production of sex hormones;

decreased sexual function;

phenomenon of gynecomastia

the effects of weed on these body functions have not yet been studied well, but animal studies prove the correctness of these statements
mental system loss of interest in life;


emotional lability;

loss of socialization; narrowing of interests;

deterioration of memory and attention level

It has been observed that heavy marijuana users have an increased risk of developing certain mental disorders(psychosis, schizophrenia), existing factor genetic predisposition increases this probability

Domestic narcology classifies addiction to the use of hemp products as drug addiction.

Consequences of weed intoxication

When an overdose of marijuana occurs, a person develops a number of unpleasant symptoms. Moreover, they depend on the severity of the overdose, the duration of the addiction to weed, the age and state of health of the person. Doctors divide the symptoms of intoxication of the body with cannabis derivatives into three levels.

Degree Symptoms

lethargy and clumsiness of movements;

slurred speech;

the appearance of unnatural poses (the smoker seems to freeze in strange positions);

attacks of unreasonable fear;

dry mouth;

redness of the eye sclera


causeless unbridled joy;

manifestation of talkativeness and disinhibition;

sudden mood swings;

tremor of the limbs;

nausea and dizziness;


the face takes on the appearance of a wax mask;

the appearance of delusions and hallucinations;

constriction of the pupils and their prolonged fixation on one object;

inappropriate reactions;

paranoid ideas;


increased sweating

Regardless of the degree of intoxication, the effect of the psychoactive components of cannabis lasts no more than 5-6 hours. During this time, toxins in the body are oxidized and safely removed from the body.

It is noted that persistent addiction to marijuana is observed in 25% of those who like to smoke weed. Mostly this type addiction is based on a psychological level.

How does marijuana work?

Smokers addicted to weed also experience drug withdrawal symptoms. In this case, people experience severe migraines, tachycardia, and increased blood pressure. Regular and prolonged use of the drug brings changes in appearance:

  • incoherence of speech;
  • sagging skin on the face;
  • slow ocular reaction;
  • the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • the appearance of numerous wrinkles (especially on the forehead).

In people with weaker psyches, psychosis is observed due to prolonged smoking of weed. Adolescents with their unstable mental system. It was noted that the risk of developing schizophrenia also increases by 12%.

Let's talk about the benefits

Unfortunately, against the backdrop of the perception of marijuana as a dangerous drug, people have completely forgotten about its original benefits as a useful medicinal plant. Along with everyone negative consequences consequences of marijuana use, one cannot help but recognize it positive properties, which are indispensable for the treatment of a number of diseases. The hemp plant contains many beneficial substances:

  • minerals;
  • alkaloids;
  • a number of vitamins;
  • essential and fatty oils.

The hemp plant also has its benefits

This culture is successfully used by representatives traditional medicine. Hemp fits perfectly into a number of other industries and technological areas. So what are the benefits of hemp?

  1. The plant is famous for its strong analgesic effect. Even in ancient times, it was used to create ointments that perfectly relieve pain.
  2. Hemp seeds have gained recognition in cooking. Thanks to great content proteins, fats, they are widely used in cooking, in particular to create hemp oil. The seeds also have a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. And the fats included in their composition prevent the development of certain cardiovascular pathologies. By the way, hemp seeds do not have any narcotic effects; they are absolutely safe for humans.
  3. The pulp of the culture is successfully used in the paint and varnish industry.
  4. Remember that initially, excellent quality ropes, twines and twines were made from the hemp plant. This industry has not died to this day.

Doctors successfully use medical supplies, prepared on the basis of hemp extract, in the treatment of cancer patients for pain relief purposes. Doctors found that active ingredient plants – THC acts directly on nerve endings, blocking them and preventing the spread of pain signals.

Not long ago, scientists in Spain made a sensational discovery. They found that the cannabinoids contained in hemp stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of metastases.

In addition to oncology, these medications are also prescribed to patients suffering from AIDS, central nervous system pathologies and spinal cord. These medications not only perfectly relieve painful sensations, but also restore good dream. Such drugs are also effective in the treatment of glaucoma - THC successfully reduces eye pressure. Cannabis-based medications are used in the treatment of epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.

Modern scientists devote a lot of time to studying the hemp plant in order to determine its benefits to humans. Major developments are underway to create new drugs that work for the benefit of people. And it is a pity that due to frivolous individuals ruining their health and distributing this drug, the wider use of cannabis has to be strictly prohibited.