Mammologist appointment and ultrasound. Mammalogy. When should you contact a mammologist?

A visit to an appointment with a mammologist is necessary not only if you have discovered any signs of a possible disease of the mammary glands. In general, any changes should alert a woman. However, most often such signs are the following changes in the mammary glands:

  • the presence of compactions, nodes in the chest;
  • any discharge from the nipple;
  • retraction (retraction) of the nipple;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or neck;
  • any painful sensations;
  • breast engorgement and discomfort;
  • any changes in the skin of the breast.


  • preventive examination;
  • complaints of pain in the chest;
  • the presence of compactions, retractions in the gland;
  • change in the color of the skin of the glands;
  • local increase in skin temperature;
  • discharge of fluid from the nipple;
  • the appearance of formations near the breast;
  • enlargement of the gland in males.

Consultation with a mammologist is necessary after breast injuries, before starting oral contraceptives, planning pregnancy, before mammoplasty and IVF procedures.

A special group of patients seeking mammology examinations are children and adolescents. Age-related mastopathy, fibroadenoma, hypertrophy, asymmetry, breast tenderness, trauma and inflammatory pseudotumors - this is a short list of possible problems.

A need arises and you are faced with the question - where does a mammologist see you? In most clinics and antenatal clinics there is no specialist in this profile. In the few institutions where this doctor sees, appointment tickets are sold out weeks in advance. There is a reasonable alternative - a paid doctor.

Our clinic is consulted by doctors who have sufficient experience working in leading oncology centers in Moscow. An appointment with a mammologist can standardly include various manipulations - visual and palpation examination, ultrasound of the mammary gland with regional lymph nodes. According to indications, a diagnostic set of studies may be recommended: mammography, puncture, biopsy of mammary gland formations, followed by cytological and/or histological analysis.

Oncologist-mammologist Breast examination Mammography
Puncture of formations Cytology Biopsy Tumor markers
Genetic predisposition Breast screening

At the appointment, the breast oncologist of our center, based on the patient’s detailed story about complaints and sensations, examination data, palpation, ultrasound, histological and cytological examination, medical history, will make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Our specialist can also advise a woman on issues of breastfeeding a child (maintaining lactation, stopping breastfeeding, milk stagnation, decanting lactostasis).

A mammologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the mammary glands. In Russian medical practice, doctors involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of this organ have a basic specialization in gynecology, surgery or oncology.

Pathology of the mammary glands can occur in both women and men, but in women it is detected much more often. This is explained by the fact that female mammary glands are much more developed, as well as their dependence on hormonal fluctuations. All major changes in a woman’s life inevitably affect the condition of her breasts. Breasts form during puberty. With the advent of menstruation, the mammary glands begin to respond to the menstrual cycle. Significant restructuring occurs during pregnancy: the body prepares for the fact that breastfeeding will follow the birth of a child. Despite the fact that breastfeeding is inherent in nature, it carries its own risks - mechanical damage, lactostasis (clogging of the milk ducts). A decrease in hormonal levels associated with the attenuation of reproductive function, however, like other age-related changes, also affects the condition of this organ.

Women's breasts are very vulnerable. The most dangerous threat is breast cancer. Cancer of this localization is currently considered the most common among oncological diseases. It is detected in every eighth woman over 45 years of age. Moreover, in the early stages it is curable, and the earlier the pathology is identified, the less damage to the body the treatment will be. The creation of a mammologist as a separate medical specialty is connected precisely with the need to achieve the widest possible early diagnosis.

Breast cancer also occurs in men, only less frequently (the ratio of cases in men and women is 1:100). Therefore, doctors recommend that men contact a mammologist if disturbing symptoms appear, and women over 35 years of age undergo an annual preventive examination.

If you need an appointment with a mammologist in Moscow, contact Family Doctor JSC. Below you can choose the clinic that is most convenient for you and check the prices for doctor’s services. You can make an appointment through the call center, mobile application or patient’s personal account.

Why should you contact a mammologist?

The area of ​​expertise of a mammologist includes all diseases of the mammary glands. There are two main groups of diseases:


    non-inflammatory nature.

The first group includes mastitis: lactation and non-lactation.

Lactation mastitis occurs during breastfeeding and is usually associated with lactostasis. If milk is not completely sucked out of the breast, it stagnates, which leads to the development of inflammation.

Non-lactation mastitis is an inflammation not associated with lactation.

The group of non-inflammatory diseases consists of neoplasms, which can be benign and malignant.

Benign formations include:

    mastopathy (pathological change in gland tissue, which is fibrocystic in nature. Manifests itself in the form of fine-grained compactions, usually painful);

    fibroadenoma (tumor developing from glandular tissue);

    cyst (formation in the form of a cavity with liquid contents);

    intraductal papilloma (caused by the human papillomavirus);

    lipoma (popular name - “wen”, formed from adipose tissue).

Mastopathy is considered a precancerous condition. Other formations can also degenerate malignantly - fibroadenomas, cysts, intrastream papillomas. Therefore, any lump in the gland should be a reason to contact a mammologist and undergo an examination.

The competence of a mammologist also includes gynecomastia in men (pathological increase in the size of the mammary glands), as well as malformations and injuries of the mammary glands in women.

When do you need to see a mammologist?

Doctors recommend that every woman conduct a self-diagnosis once a month. Self-diagnosis consists of visually examining the breast in front of a mirror, palpating (each breast and armpits are palpated in turn), squeezing the nipple (checking for discharge). It is best to do a self-exam within a week after your period ends.

If alarming signs are detected, you should consult a mammologist as soon as possible. Such signs may be:

    changes in the size and shape of the breast or nipple

    lumps or redness;

    soreness or feeling of tension in the gland area;

    discharge from the nipple.

However, if the examination does not reveal anything alarming, you still need to go for an annual preventive examination. The sensitivity of instrumental diagnostic methods is significantly superior to your hands. Those who belong to the risk group should be especially vigilant:

    nulliparous women over 30 years of age. The risk is even greater if you have a history of miscarriages or abortions;

    with a history of chest trauma;

    women with high levels of estrogen in the blood.

It is best to undergo a preventive examination on the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle, at which time the mammary gland experiences the least impact from hormonal levels. Women in menopause can make an appointment with a mammologist regardless of time.

Diagnostic methods in mammology

At the appointment, the mammologist will perform an examination, which necessarily includes palpation (palpation), ask about complaints, find out whether gynecological pathology has been detected previously, and whether there have been cases of oncology in close relatives.

The examination standard involves conducting instrumental studies. Women under 35 are prescribed a breast ultrasound; those over this age are referred for mammography.

Can also be done:

    radiothermometry of the breast;

    biopsy of gland tissue followed by histological examination

    laboratory tests: blood tests for tumor markers, hormones, analysis of nipple discharge (if there is discharge)

Treatment methods

Inflammatory diseases are treated with conservative methods. Treatment of mastopathy in most cases also turns out to be conservative.

Cysts, tumors and intraductal papillomas must be removed surgically. If surgery is unavoidable, doctors try to ensure that the necessary intervention is minimal. Operations are performed at the Family Doctor Hospital Center.

Choose one of 477 breast oncologists based on ratings and reviews, make an appointment by phone or online.

Mammologist-oncologist in Moscow: cost of appointment

The price of an appointment with a mammologist-oncologist in Moscow starts from 900 rubles. up to 12277 rub.

Found 592 reviews of the best breast oncologists.

Who is a mammologist

A mammologist is a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mammary glands. A mammologist examines a woman for both oncological and non-oncological diseases. These include:

  • tumor formations in the mammary gland;
  • diseases caused by hormonal disorders: mastopathy, fibroadenomatosis, gynecomastia, etc.;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland.

An initial examination of the mammary glands can also be carried out by other specialists - if necessary, they give a referral to a mammologist.

When to see a mammologist

It is necessary to make an appointment with a mammologist for hormonal disorders, breast injuries and gynecological diseases. You should also consult before starting oral contraceptives, before IVF, and when planning pregnancy.

You should consult a mammologist unscheduled if:

  • sudden change in breast shape, size or symmetry;
  • the appearance of lumps or painful areas;
  • changing the shape of the nipples;
  • nipple discharge;
  • swelling and redness of the breast;
  • chest pain even after menstruation;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes.

How is a mammologist examination performed?

Before the examination, the mammologist will collect anamnesis: study complaints, medical history, ask about concomitant diseases and genetic predisposition. Next, the doctor will use palpation to evaluate the mammary glands for homogeneity, elasticity and the presence of compactions.

If the mammologist suspects abnormalities, he will prescribe examinations. Usually this is ultrasound and mammography. In addition, the doctor may order a puncture biopsy, cytological examination of fluid from the nipples, blood tests and tumor markers.

A mammologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats, as well as prevents all kinds of diseases of the mammary glands. These days they are found very often, especially in Moscow, where women do not have time to pay due attention to themselves in the hustle and bustle of work. Even at the end of the last century, women after forty years old were sent to see a mammologist, but now even young girls of 20 years old require a visit to this specialist.

What do mammologists do?

The competence of a mammologist includes examination of the mammary glands and identification of diseases:

  • tumor (sarcoma, cancer, fibroadenomalipoma, etc.);
  • dyshormonal (mastopathy, gynecomastia);
  • congenital abnormalities in the development of the mammary glands of young girls;
  • inflammatory (mastitis).

Detection of inflammation of the mammary gland may make it necessary to refer the patient from the mammologist directly to a surgeon practicing in the field of purulent surgery.

In what cases should you contact mammologists?

A visit to a mammologist is recommended for women of any age who have discovered in the mammary gland:

  • formed nodes;
  • compactions that appear;
  • changes in the shape of the nipples;
  • noticeable skin changes;
  • nipple discharge;
  • any unpleasant sensations (pain, feeling of fullness, heaviness, etc.).
  • difficult childbirth;
  • abortion;
  • gynecological cleansing;
  • mammary gland injuries.

Each mammologist practicing in Moscow begins an appointment by listening to the patient’s complaints, and then conducts a special clinical examination through manual examination and visual examination of the mammary glands and areas of lymphatic drainage. Interviewing the patient allows the mammologist to identify the causes of the onset and development of the disease. If it is difficult to make a diagnosis, a specialist may refer you for additional examination - ultrasound, biopsy, mammography, and then prescribe a course of treatment. Additional research methods are also used:

  • ductography;
  • scintigraphy;
  • X-ray of bones, ENT organs, etc.

Where in Moscow can I get this specialty?

In Moscow today there are a number of mammology departments in research institutes and oncology dispensaries, but mammology has not yet become a specialty, but belongs to subspecialties. Nevertheless, specialists involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dyshormonal and tumor diseases of the mammary glands are trained not only in advanced training courses, but also in medical universities. Most often in Moscow, mammologists become surgeons - oncologists, and sometimes - plastic specialists. Not all medical universities in the capital have departments of clinical mammology and oncology. In Moscow, the training course can be taken at:

  • MGMSU;
  • RUDN;
  • MSMU im. Sechenov;
  • RMAPO and some other universities.

Specialist training courses are offered by clinical hospitals and research institutes.

Famous Moscow specialists

Already in the 19th century, symptoms of national degeneration were noted, which gave rise to the threat of a decline in the population of Russia. The demographic health of the nation is the sphere of interest of doctors from all countries of the world. In Moscow, protecting the reproductive health of Russian women is also a priority. In the 21st century, the pace of adoption of new technologies has accelerated. Already in 2000, the Mammology Center of Roszdrav was created on the basis of the Russian Research Center for Radiation Research, and in 2001, RAM - the Russian Association of Mammologists - appeared.

Russia has joined the World Movement against Breast Cancer. In the Moscow Society of Medical Radiologists, which was created on the basis of the Russian Research Center for Radiology, a special section of women's radiology appeared. Such prominent specialists as Bozhenko, Vasiliev, Zabolotskaya, Letyagin, Rozhkova, Semiglazov, Fomin, Vesnin, Kharchenko and many others devoted their works to research in the field of modern mammology.