Why do you dream about moldy cheese? Muslim, family and newest dream books. Common troubles - according to Miller's dream book

It is widely believed that cheese is dreamed of for a feast or family holiday.

But the dream book interprets such dreams differently.

To understand why you dream about cheese in your particular case, you need to remember all the nuances of the dream and turn to the dream book for help.

What did you see in your dream?

If you saw a big head of cheese in a dream, it means that those around you admire you. And triangular pieces speak of your courage and determination.

Thin plates of this product warn of possible deception. And grated on a grater is a sign that you will soon be able to find a more decent place of work.

  • A piece of cheese in a crow’s beak is a sign of demonstrating one’s abilities.
  • Lying on the table - to the desire to relax with your loved one.
  • A bitten piece means overcoming a psychological barrier.
  • A dream in which cheese fell on the floor means a new, mutual feeling.
  • Seeing products on display in a dream means the favor of your superiors.

If you dreamed of cheese in the hands of your friend or girlfriend, then soon you will go on a trip. And if your enemy holds it, then you will have to work for a long time to earn the respect of your boss.

According to the dream book, cheese in the refrigerator speaks of envy on the part of colleagues. And to see him in a trash can means to be an object of desire for several men.

What does it mean to eat in a dream?

If in a dream you had to eat spoiled cheese, then in reality you will easily cope with the task. And eating it moldy means missing the old days.

Eating a delicious sandwich means taking care of the well-being of loved ones.

And a dream in which cheese is dry and tasteless promises prosperity and harmony in family life.

  • Eating at home means the imminent return of your loved one.
  • Treating guests means pleasant changes in matters of the heart.
  • Eating processed cheese is a sign of a joyful event in life.
  • Trying cheese during a noisy feast means a showdown in the family.
  • Feeding it to a dog means making an informed decision.

According to the dream book, you dream of cheese on a beautiful plate as a declaration of love. And if in a dream it lies in a plastic container, then soon you will receive a lucrative offer from your employee.

Eating in a cheerful company means preparing a gift for a loved one. And eating alone, sitting in the kitchen, means the implementation of a profitable, grandiose project.

Other dreams

Big money and stability - this is what you dream of about the cheese you sprinkle on your pizza. Eating cheese soup in a dream means trying to find a profitable place of work.

Melted cheese on a chop can be seen before a scheduled interview. And preparing a cheese salad means achieving reciprocity in romantic feelings.

As the dream book explains, you dream of cheese in a mousetrap for a big, beautiful holiday in someone else’s house. And if a mouse grabbed it, then soon you will be able to improve your health.

Throwing a piece into hot tea means monitoring the life of your ex-partner. And salt or pepper the product - go on an exciting trip to familiar places.

Having correctly determined what cheese means in a dream, you will be able to plan your actions, knowing about everything that awaits you ahead. Author: Vera Drobnaya

When you go to bed, don't forget to think of something pleasant for the next day. Perhaps this is why you will have a good dream.

Why do you dream about cheese? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about cheese - basic interpretation

If you saw cheese in a dream, do not rush to rejoice that now everything will be fine in your life, there will be a lot of this tasty and healthy product in your house. You need to take into account all the details of the dream so as not to miss the most important ones.

Where did the cheese come from in your dream;

Do you eat it;

Is it tasty?

What type is it?

Is there a lot of cheese in your dream?

Who else eats cheese with you?

What feelings do you experience?

If in a dream you enjoy the aroma of a freshly cut piece of cheese, you will rest and enjoy peace for a long time. The bustle that consumed you just recently will now become a thing of the past, and you can calmly enjoy every new day.

If in a dream you enjoy the aroma of cheese and take a bite of it, you will soon become a specialist in your field and this will be appreciated by your colleagues. They will cheer you up in difficult times and support you when you really need it.

If, after taking a bite of a piece of cheese, you realize that it is not fresh, you will have to deal with the past. Something that made you nervous before will still make you nervous now. Be prepared for the fact that you will not understand what is really happening to you and your surroundings. People will change before your eyes. They will become angry and callous.

If you dream of cheese that you cut into large slices, and then put these pieces on a large plate, you will soon be faced with the fact that you will have to work hard, but for your own good. Spare no time and effort for yourself. Be vigilant, do not miss the opportunity to work well and have a good rest afterwards.

Every time you are offered another job, try to agree and not refuse anyone’s request for help in your work. If colleagues ask you to replace them, or to suggest how best to do this or that job, try to help with this too. You will only do better for yourself - you will find new friends and comrades.

If in a dream you find cheese in a trash heap, this is not a good sign. Most likely, you will have to finish someone else's dirty work. It is possible that your subordinates will completely refuse to fulfill their duties and the entire burden of work will fall on your shoulders. Try to control your work in advance so that no one can give you unnecessary trouble.

If in a dream you see someone trying to sell you cheese, but you doubt its quality, you will have a dubious conversation with a person who does not inspire confidence in you. In this case, it is better to listen to your intuition and not hope for a happy outcome of the situation. If you are worried about such a conversation, stop it in reality.

If in a dream they sell you a beautiful, aromatic and tasty piece of cheese, you can be proud of yourself. Your successes will be appreciated by others and you can easily say that you have achieved almost everything in life yourself.

This may not be important to you, but soon you will understand how correctly you should treat your work without underestimating its importance. If you dream that someone is giving you cheese, you will be ashamed of yourself and your place in life. They will point out your shortcomings from the outside. But this will not be done to offend you, but so that you understand what you are doing wrong.

Try to listen to the advice and don't get too upset. Just take note of all your shortcomings and turn them into advantages. If you steal cheese in a dream, it means you lack attention and mutual understanding. Try to get them from a loved one, but do not blackmail him, do not pressure him into pity and do not extort unnecessary attention to yourself. Just ask to be closer to you.

If in a dream you are setting a table for a holiday and cutting cheese in honor of this, be prepared for the fact that you will have to justify yourself to a large number of people. Perhaps your mistakes in the professional sphere will be made public, and you will not know what to do in this situation.

If you dream that someone is asking you to buy cheese, try not to refuse help to anyone in the near future. You may be asked to do the most unusual things, and you will be indignant about it. You will not like that they turned to you for help; you will decide that the person could have acted differently.

If in a dream you see a huge amount of cheese, it will be difficult for you to express your feelings in reality. You will begin to withdraw into yourself and be afraid that someone will criticize you. Try not to take other people's statements to heart, because they may have nothing to do with the real picture of your life.

If you dream of a slice of cheese on gray bread, very difficult times await you. You have already experienced them and remained true to yourself, did not give up, were not afraid of the trials. Now you, too, are facing some rather difficult times, which you will have to persevere through. But they will allow you to take your own life to the next level.

Why do you dream about cheese according to Freud's dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that you dream of cheese when it’s time for you to take care of the variety of your sex life. Perhaps you did not pay attention to this and did not react in any way to the comments of others that related to the imperfections of your life. Your friends may have pointed out to you the complexity of personal relationships. But you ignored their tips.

If you dream of cheese in a mousetrap, be prepared for the fact that a person will appear in your life who will decide to get you as a trophy. The relationship may be of a commercial nature. When you will simply be a profitable option, but the person will not have any feelings for you.

If in a dream you see yourself feeding cheese to your lover, take a closer look at the relationship, perhaps there is a touch of selfishness on his part and it would be good for you to stop this. Try not to indulge his desires to dominate in the relationship in any way, otherwise this will lead to you starting to quarrel a lot and become disappointed in each other.

If you dream that someone is trying to deceive you and steal your cheese, deception also awaits you in a relationship. You will simply be fooled. For a long time you will think that you are right, but in reality you will make mistakes in people.

After such a dream, your significant other may betray you, and you will not even understand why your loved one did this. But everything will turn out to be simple - greed will take over in him.

Why do you dream about cheese according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that you dream of cheese when you are exposed to temptations that will be difficult to resist. Do not rush to change the vector of your movement through life. Try to guide yourself in the right direction.

Blue cheese dreams of pleasant travels, adventures, and pleasant communication. Be prepared for the fact that you will soon be able to relax safely in the company of wonderful people. You will be able to diversify your life and fill your everyday life with bright emotions.

If a pregnant woman eats cheese in a dream, this does not mean that she will eat something tasty in reality. Rather, troubles await her, because behind the veneer of a quality life there will be strange events, rather extraordinary incidents.

If the cheese seems salty to her, she will cry;

If it is bitter, your health may deteriorate;

Black cheese - to sadness;

Green cheese means financial difficulties;

Cheese with an unpleasant smell means a difficult conversation.

Why do you dream about cheese according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that cheese dreams of a choice that can be very difficult. You may not realize how important it is sometimes to make the right choice. Very tasty cheese - to victory over your fears.

If you eat fresh and aromatic cheese, your ill-wishers will leave you alone, and you can calmly build your life in joy and mutual understanding. A dream in which you see a car loaded with cheese means that hard work and a lot of unexpected events await you.

Why do you dream about cheese? according to Aesop's dream book? To disappointment in one's own abilities, to self-doubt. Such a dream may portend tests of your emotional stability and emotional stability. Stress is inevitable now and try not to be discouraged about it. Just believe in yourself and your strength. Don't stop there, everything is ahead.

cheese in a dream

Eating cheese in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in a loved one. In the coming days after such dreams, be on guard and do not expect good events.

cheese in a dream what is it for

Seeing cheese in a dream means refined pleasures or an unexpected event. If you eat cheese in a dream or treat it to other people, you will receive increased attention. For athletes, such a dream foretells victory in competitions.

why do you dream about cheese

Freud considered cheese to be a symbol of great sexual energy that overflows. If the cheese is sliced, intimate intimacy with a person you really like is expected. If the cheese is spoiled, you may get sick or one of your family members will get sick.

why do you dream about cheese

Fresh cheese in a dream indicates your excellent health in reality, and you can live a very long time. If the cheese is moldy or smells bad, diseases may appear. Therefore, take care of your health. A dream in which you cut cheese with a knife with a sharp thin blade is not very good; you can expect serious treatment. Goat cheese – don’t waste your money anywhere in reality. If you cook some dish with cheese in a dream, then this indicates mutual sympathy and the person you like will definitely reciprocate.

dreamed about cheese

I dreamed of elite, expensive cheese - this means success in love relationships. Spoiled cheese with a bad smell portends your indignation over some unpleasant matter. Making cheese is a lucrative business deal.

why do you dream about cheese

If you make a dish with cheese in a dream, then in reality a disagreement is possible. If you eat delicious cheese, you will meet a person you like and in the future your sympathy will develop into love. Cutting cheese means a small quarrel with your husband or boyfriend. A spoiled product with mold portends bad news from children in the future.

cheese in a dream

According to this dream book, cheese in a dream indicates that there is a person in your environment from whom you want to achieve successful resolution of affairs with the help of flattery. But for an unreasonable act in reality, you will face severe retribution. Choosing cheese in a dream and trying each variety means in reality you are very careful in communicating with people and easily determine who you can deal with.

why do you dream about cheese

If you eat cheese in a dream, then in reality be prepared for a pleasant event. You see another person eating cheese - in reality, one of your loved ones will receive good news. If cheese in dreams is a gift, then an old friend will give you what you have been waiting for. Selling cheese means you want to give a present to your friends.

what does it mean if cheese is in a dream

Making cheese in a dream or seeing it means unusual events and exquisite pleasures. If you eat this product or treat others with cheese in a dream, you will be the center of attention and get great pleasure from it. This dream indicates a possible victory in competitions and exhibitions.

Food products that appear before a person in a dream have a lot of different interpretations. A dream about cheese is an important sign, and not paying attention to it would be a big mistake. Below are interpretations of dream books that answer the question of why cheese is seen in a dream.

Product varieties

Salty – bitter life period. Disappointments will bring pain and leave a residue in the soul, suffering torments the heart of the sleeper. Mental sorrows, grievances, memories gnaw at the heart.

Sweet - something strange will happen to the dreamer in the coming days. Be wary of new acquaintances, do not trust people unlimitedly.

Take care of the health of your family and friends. A dream in which you happened to see smoked cheese warns about this.

Sausage - a strong financial position, a long-term profitable project, a promising business, successful investments. With mold - the dreamer feels like something is destroying him from the inside. Try to break out of depression, otherwise it will suck you in. The sleeper needs a change of environment. Brynza is a malicious slander against a sleeping person. A deliberate lie addressed to you will cause a lot of trouble, bitter disappointment in a “friend.”

Processed cheese indicates that family well-being is at risk: be more attentive to your spouse. The dreamer risks losing his job. Unjustified risks, a tragic ending to the adventure started by the dreamer.

Chocolate - money without effort: winning the lottery, unexpected profit, a huge inheritance from a distant relative. Read more about what you dream about here.

Seeing cottage cheese in a dream means losses: money and relationships, losses, expenses; your loved one will leave you forever without regrets or hesitation.

Characteristics of dairy products

Amount of cheese

  • Answering the question of why you dream about a lot of cheese, dream books predict increased investment, constant high income, confidence in the future, well-being, and well-being.
  • Little – discomfort, trouble, poverty, life in need.
  • A huge piece - the profit will surprise you in size, a change of activity, receiving a large amount of money.

The dreamer's actions


Seeing cheese from the side means the dreamer is burning with envy towards a more successful colleague or rival. Your beloved girl may be taken away from you. Or a competitor will be appointed to take the place of the one sleeping at work.

Seeing cottage cheese from the outside means the dreamer will witness someone’s bankruptcy. However, he will not have to take part in this event.


You will have to be content with little in life: meager income, lack of prospects. This is evidenced by a dream in which I happened to eat cottage cheese.

Tasting cheese in a dream means making a profit and an excellent position in society.


In a dream, did you have to buy cottage cheese? With his own hands, the sleeper will knock the ground out from under his feet. Make a terrible mistake. Repentance and bitter tears will not fix anything.

Buying cheese in a dream - the dreamer will become a participant in a profitable business, receiving a share in the inheritance.


Making cheese means the dreamer creates a strong position for himself. The energy and enterprise of the sleeper will serve in the future.

Making cottage cheese is digging a hole for yourself, stop before it’s too late. The risk of losing the meaning of existence.

Cut, sell, sniff

Selling cheese means losing your livelihood, transfer the rights to property to a scoundrel, deception and intrigues against the dreamer.

Smelling cheese means the sleeper can only dream of well-being. You can only dream, the situation is hopeless and there is nothing to hope for.

Eat different foods

Eating with cottage cheese means well-being in the dreamer’s life is a relative concept; changes in the state of affairs are unfavorable.

Eating cheesecake with cottage cheese - intentions will encounter serious obstacles, you will have to work with what is available.

When did you have the dream?

  • From Monday to Tuesday - it won’t come true, don’t worry.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday - a dream - a meaningless set of images.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - the dream will come true with a high degree of probability.
  • From Thursday to Friday - a prophetic dream: try to remember the details.
  • From Friday to Saturday - the probability of fulfillment is not too high.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - do not attach any importance: the dream has no meaning.
  • From Sunday to Monday - it doesn't matter.

To whom did the dreams appear?

For a lonely girl - for now everything will remain unchanged.

To a girl in a relationship - do not hope for the development of the relationship - it will not happen, you are being shamelessly taken advantage of without planning anything serious.

For a pregnant woman, sleep does not matter.

Married - a big piece - to wealth; small, thin slices - to disappointment and damage.

For a lonely guy - there is no hope for changes in fate, come to terms with the current state of affairs.

For a man in a relationship - the woman you love is deceiving you with another, lies and ridicule of the dreamer behind your back.

For a married man, his wife’s infidelity will soon become apparent. Open your eyes - they don’t love you, but quietly hate you.

What do dream books think?


Failure of plans in all directions of existence. The damage, sorrows, losses, sorrows and troubles will be long-lasting.


Amazing events will happen in the dreamer's life in the coming days. Focus - what happens next is up to you.


Unexpected wealth or inheritance will fall on you: a generous gift from a sponsor, a patron will show mercy. Big money will spoil the dreamer's character. This is informed by a dream in which you were lucky enough to see a lot of cheese.


Depends on the quality of the dreamed cheese: if it is fresh, the dreamer will have the best health and powerful vitality; if the cheese is musty, illness, sorrow and disappointment await the sleeper.


A powerful wave of passion and lust will cover the dreamer. The sleeper needs to be careful - desires will overwhelm you with unprecedented force, you can drown in the abyss of pleasures, forgetting about honor and conscience.

Try not to turn off your head, otherwise you may incur reputation problems. The dreamer risks bringing condemnation from society and the disgust of loved ones onto his head - but nothing can stop him.


Take care of your reputation: they are maliciously slandering you. The dreamer has many enemies. The sleeper evokes furious, irreconcilable hatred. Protect yourself from contacts with unfamiliar people.


You should be extremely careful - a brutal attack is preparing. Enemies want to destroy the sleeping person, an attempt on the life, freedom and honor of the dreamer.


Profit, changing jobs for a better one, winning, the smile of fate.

If the meaning of the dream upset the dreamer, you should not engage in self-criticism and wait for the sword of Damocles to fall on your head. Better be positive. Accept the dream as a warning from above, behave carefully - and the danger will pass by.

Fresh - health; with a smell - illness; cut - an operation awaits you; Swiss - you will be healthy and have success in business

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Cheese

Cheese in a dream warns of the infidelity of your chosen one. If the cheese you saw in a dream turned out to be wormy, it means that people will interfere in your life and will greatly annoy you with their tactlessness. Seeing cheese in a dream is generally not good, but eating it is especially dangerous. The consequences of such a dream are extremely unfavorable: soon you will be forced to act dishonestly, and you will bitterly regret what you did.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Cheese mean in a dream?

Cheese - in your dream it may be associated with the fable “cheese and the crow”; in this case, the dream indicates that there is a person in your environment from whom you hope to achieve something through flattery. If this is the saying “free cheese…”, then this speaks of possible retribution for an unreasonable offense you have committed. In a dream, choosing cheese from several varieties, trying each one, means you are very careful in communicating with people, but you are also insightful and can easily determine who you need to deal with.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Meaning of sleep Cheese

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Interpretation of sleep Cheese

Seeing a good grade of cheese in a dream means great success in love and life. Processed cheese is a harbinger of boredom. Strong-smelling cheese is a sign of great embarrassment. Making cheese is a sign of success at work. Dry and hard cheese is a sign of unexpected money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does Cheese predict in a dream?

Cheese in a dream means wealth. Fresh cheese in a dream promises good health and well-being. But bitter, sour or musty cheese portends illness and losses. Cheese with a tart smell in a dream foretells receiving unpleasant news. Seeing a lot of cheese in a dream is a harbinger of great success and making big profits. Making cheese in a dream is a sign that your wealth will be acquired with great difficulty.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see Cheese in a dream?

To see a guy, a son will be born (to a pregnant woman), profit, wealth // quarrel, to the deceased, deception, obstacles; do - losses; there is – benefit, profit // bad, shame, disappointment, failure in love, quarrel among relatives; fresh – winning; wormy, rotten - deception, loss of trust.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Cheese

The cheese in your dream may be associated with the famous fable in which the crow, due to its vanity and stupidity, lost its breakfast, and in this case the cheese will indicate that in your environment there is a person from whom you can achieve anything with the help of flattery and toadying.

If you know the saying: “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap,” then probably your subconscious mind is sending you an impulse preparing you to pay for an unwise act you have committed or to pay off debts (material or moral).

Choosing cheese from several varieties, trying each - such a dream suggests that you are very careful in communicating with people and at the same time insightful, so you can easily determine who you can benefit from with the help of persuasion and undeserved praise.

There is cheese - in reality you will have to pay off all the bills that will be presented to you, but do not forget to thank those who, out of their modesty, keep silent about what you owe them; they are the ones who first of all deserve your gratitude.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Why do you dream about Cheese?

Making croutons or pizza with cheese in a dream is a harbinger of mutual sympathy that develops into love. Eating fresh cheese means financial difficulties; cutting it means friction with your husband. Moldy cheese means sorrow from children.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing Cheese in a dream

Eating cheese in a dream means great disappointment and sadness. For a while, it makes no sense for you to hope for anything good. Cheese is usually a bad sign, indicating the need to mobilize all your internal forces in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

See Cheese in a dream

in a dream is a sign of well-being and peace of mind. And seeing it for a belligerent and hostile person is a sign of defeat and fear of meeting the enemy. Fresh cheese is better in interpretation than dry cheese. And whoever sees that he is eating bread with cheese will live in poverty and get sick. Cheese is also interpreted as cowardice and cowardice, and such a dream is not good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What do dreams mean Cheese

Buy cheese and get a good gift. Eating cheese means health and material well-being.

Imagine that you are treating your loved one to cheese.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about Cheese

A dream in which you eat cheese portends sadness and disappointment.

In general, a dream about cheese is an incentive to mobilize the spirit.

A good variety of cheese symbolizes great success in love and life.

Processed cheese is a harbinger of boredom.

Cheese with a pungent odor is a sign of great embarrassment.

If you made cheese in a dream, you will have success in your work.

I dreamed of dry and hard cheese - money will suddenly appear.

Interpretation of dreams from