Money tree as a medicinal plant. Use in folk medicine. Money tree - indoor plant Crassula: beneficial and medicinal properties, contraindications

Crassula, another name for the plant - money tree, has medicinal use V folk medicine. In terms of application, the plant is similar to Kalanchoe; it is used:

  • to accelerate the regeneration of soft tissues, for wound healing;
  • for resorption of edema, prevention of purulent inflammatory processes.

The main thing you need to know for your own safety: the plant is poisonous, the poisonous properties spread to the trunk, leaves, and roots. The leaf is suitable only for external use; the foliage should not be chewed and decoctions or infusions should not be prepared from it. The only thing the leaf is good for is a compress. Regular pruning is required to ensure that the Crassula grows tall, healthy and attractive. The formation of the tree and pruning takes place in the spring, during the period of vegetative growth. It is better to do the transplant in May-July, first transplant, then trim the crown. The health benefits of Crassula have not been confirmed by evidence-based medicine. The beneficial properties of the plant are due to the arsenic compounds it contains. The homeland of money trees is in countries with a hot and dry climate; similar conditions require that the plants grow actively. The original homeland of the Crassula species has not been established, but the spread of the plant has occurred:

There are more than two hundred species of the genus Crassula, most of which are powerful trees equipped with thick, fleshy leaves. The leaf serves as a reservoir for moisture reserves, just like any other succulent. Water collects not only in the leaf, but also in the trunk, which is why the trees are so thick. The silhouette of the tree was the reason for the Russian-language name. The homeland of the plant is famous for its original and dangerous recipes traditional medicine. Healers in Madagascar use crassula leaf as an antiseptic and laxative. The harm from such an action is obvious; arsenic, entering the body even in small quantities, causes poisoning, nausea, headache and indigestion. The homeland of the Crassula is famous low level education and population development. Africa and Madagascar are not countries with developed medicine, so you should not use medicinal recipes Aboriginal people and make sandwiches with money tree leaves. Money Tree- This is a cozy green decoration for a room; not every flower must exhibit medicinal properties in order to earn the love and admiration of the owner. For your own safety, you do not need to treat with drops or tinctures of Crassula. At severe poisoning arsenic, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Description of the medicinal plant

At home, the species of Crassula ovata is cultivated; its botanical name is Crassula ovata. The height of the trunk reaches from 1 cm to 1.5 m. The leaf is hard, oval, the location is opposite. Without pruning, the stems stretch and the flower loses attractive appearance. All plants from the genus Crassula are perennial, blooming from 3-5 years of age. At home, flowering occurs extremely rarely. In the greenhouse it is possible to achieve flowering, the flowers are small, the color can be:

  • milky white;
  • pale yellow;
  • pale blue;
  • pastel red.

The inflorescence is a raceme, the flower has 5 petals. The homeland of money trees, Australia, Madagascar and Africa are ideal for the plant to thrive. During evolution, the fat plant has adapted to drought, but dies from excessive watering. At home, she gets sick from air humidity and is susceptible to fungal infections. Money tree has weak medicinal properties; the harm from arsenic significantly outweighs the benefits. Useful antiseptic lotions and compresses are made for external use. If you have a choice, it is better to choose plants with less toxic chemical composition.

Beneficial features

Possible at own experience check whether there is any harm from the recipes given by the homeland of the money tree. If you think carefully about the recommendations of some healers who are not particularly competent in traditional medicine, it will become clear that there is nothing useful in their advice. One of the most popular and absurd recipes is to instill poisonous fatty juice into the nose for a runny nose. Pharmacology and traditional medicine offer safe and effective drugs from a runny nose and cough, there is no need to get burns to the mucous membrane and be treated with untested methods. If the patient only wants to use natural remedies and traditional medicine recipes, it is better to choose chamomile, propolis, calendula or licorice. The beneficial properties and chemical composition of these plants have been well studied and are widely used in evidence-based medicine. For those who want to find out from their own experience whether there is any harm to health from using fatty acids - the recipe:

  • squeeze 10 leaves of crassula;
  • mix with 250 ml warm water;
  • rinse your mouth with the solution, drop it into your nose.

To prepare a compress, you need to squeeze 5 young leaves into 500 ml of water, moisten the bandage and apply for no more than 15 minutes. Therapeutic compresses cannot be left overnight. A slight numbness of the skin occurs at the site of injury, this is how the properties work plant poison. Contraindications: allergy to juice components. Every person has an allergy to arsenic, so the medicinal properties of the plant do not compensate harmful effects. The money tree needs arsenic to protect itself from the herbivores that inhabit the plant’s homeland. Crassula is not eaten anywhere except in the underdeveloped and poorest regions of Madagascar. The poisonous properties of the Crassula are sometimes used as poison; for this, a lot of juice is extracted, and then it is evaporated to a powder and mixed into the ill-wisher’s food. In the absence of an antidote to arsenic, this leads to fatal outcome. There are many beliefs associated with the money tree, one of which has reached Russia. The sign says that the owner of the fat woman will have a lot of financial resources if he creates good conditions for plant growth. The greener and healthier the Crassula, the richer the owner. In the homeland of the crassula, the population is not particularly thriving, despite the fact that money trees there reach 4 m or more. There is a version that the legend arose during the period when wild crassulas were just beginning to be offered for indoor breeding. The enterprising native who was the first to sell the money tree became extremely rich, because the flower became incredibly popular. By doing this, the seller confirmed the belief that the money tree actually brings wealth to those who sell it.

Crassula, or Crassula, is better known by the popular name “money tree”. Most often it is grown or given as a kind of amulet with the wish that “there will be money in the house.” However, the ability to attract cash flows into the home where it lives is an unproven property of this plant. But what it can actually do is help in the treatment of various diseases. We have selected for you Interesting Facts about the plant Crassula (money tree), about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

Crassula or Crassulaa tree-like plant of the Crassulaceae family, which has about 300 species. Most of the wild species live in South Africa; cultivated succulents are grown in apartments and greenhouses. The indoor plant is a low tree with a thick stem and round, fleshy, glossy leaves that look like coins.

Did you know? Crassula gets its name from the Latin word crassus, which means “thick.”

Since Crassula is not used in official medicine, researching it chemical composition were not carried out. There is only information that the leaves of the plant contain poisonous substance arsenic and a large number of flavonoids. Nevertheless, the use of money tree has been practiced in folk medicine for a long time.

The plant is known to have the following properties:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • painkillers;
  • antipruritic;
  • antifungal.

Crassula also has phytoncidal properties, which allows it to purify the air in the apartment and get rid of pathogenic viruses and microbes.

What and how the money tree treats: folk recipes and tips

When used in folk medicine, Crassula is most often used externally, but there are also several recipes for using it internally. Here are the most well-known and proven ways to use Crassula to treat various diseases.

Treatment of skin diseases with Crassula

Crassula successfully demonstrates its antibacterial, regenerating, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties in treatment skin diseases, such as herpes on the lips. To alleviate the patient’s condition and quickly cope with the sore, it is recommended to use the juice of money tree leaves to lubricate rashes on the face. To do this, take several leaves and manually squeeze the juice out of them.

Then dip a cotton swab into it and apply it to the affected area every half hour. Or you can glue the cotton wool with a patch until completely absorbed medicinal juice. It is also possible to lubricate the wounds with a fresh cut of the leaf. If these procedures are carried out on initial stage diseases - before the onset of rashes, their appearance can be completely avoided.

Crassula leaves are also used to get rid of calluses and corns. Only in this case, a paste is prepared from them, which is applied as a compress at night. You can simply attach cut leaves to the calluses.

Crassula juice is also recommended as a means of getting rid of warts. It has also proven itself well in the treatment of nail fungus. However, in in this case recommended complex treatment, which consists of two stages. At the first stage, the nail is steamed in a decoction of celandine (50 g of herb per 1.5 liters of water) with the addition of 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide (3%).

Hydrogen peroxide is added to the cooled broth. The second stage consists of applying cut crassula leaves to the affected nail at night. In this case, one tablespoon of celandine infusion is taken orally four times a day (1 teaspoon of herb / 1 glass of boiling water). The course of treatment is a week.

Money tree: benefits for the stomach and intestines

The healing properties of Crassula are used for problems with gastrointestinal tract, for this it is recommended to eat two leaves of the money tree on an empty stomach, without drinking anything. Wait one hour before breakfast.

Crassula leaves for kidney treatment

For inflammatory processes in the kidneys, you can try using a decoction of money tree leaves. It's being prepared in the following way: throw one teaspoon of crushed leaves into a glass of boiling water, stir, hold for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then leave for one hour. Take one tablespoon before meals three times a day for 10 days. Repeated course – after seven days.

Important! Crassula is an unsafe plant due to the arsenic content in its leaves. Therefore, it must be used internally with caution. Using folk recipes It is important not to deviate from the dosage.

Money tree sap for throat problems

For sore throat and tonsillitis, you can try gargling with water infusion from money tree. To prepare it, take the juice squeezed from 10 leaves of the plant and mix it with a glass of warm water. Rinsing is carried out at least three times a day. The same procedure is recommended for gum diseases, as well as for instillation into the nose for diseases of the mucous membrane. Another method that is used for throat problems is to chew 1/3 of a Crassula leaf three times a day.

Crassula in the treatment of arthritis and varicose veins

Money tree is used in folk medicine as additional remedy in the treatment of arthritis and varicose veins veins It is recommended to rub the juice of 15 leaves of the plant into sore joints before going to bed.

For thrombophlebitis, use vodka tincture. To prepare it, you need to tear off 20 leaves, wash them and chop them. Place the leaves in a glass container and pour a glass of vodka. Leave for two to three weeks in a dark place. Then apply to lubricate your feet evening time. The course of treatment is a month, three courses must be completed in a year. Traditional healers claim that the use this tool can lead to both a reduction in nodes and their complete disappearance.

Money tree - help with injuries, bruises and abrasions

A paste prepared from several leaves of Krasulla is used for skin cuts and abscesses. It is evenly applied between two layers of gauze and applied to the sore spot. To obtain the desired effect, the gauze is changed every four hours. Do the same for bruises, bruises, and minor burns. Crassula exhibits antipruritic properties by helping with bites of mosquitoes and other insects, as well as allergic dermatitis. The bite areas should be lubricated with the juice of the leaves four to six times a day. In addition to relieving itching, this remedy will help relieve swelling.

Sometimes an ingrown toenail becomes an annoying and annoying nuisance. Applying a cut money tree leaf will help soften and painlessly cut out the ingrown area. It must be wrapped with cellophane and attached with a bandage to the sore finger. Change the dressing when the sheet dries.

Important! It is recommended to use all traditional medicine only after consulting a doctor. Preparations based on Crassula are not basic treatment, but can only be additional therapy.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Crassula

Crassula also helps against hemorrhoids. It is possible to alleviate a person’s condition during an exacerbation of the disease following method: Mix four washed Crassula leaves with a small amount of Vaseline or vegetable (preferably olive) oil (1:1). Apply the mixture to a cotton swab and insert it into the anus for 10-15 minutes. After regular procedure, the nodes should decrease and the pain should go away.

Crassula is also known to true lovers of houseplants in Russia under the names “money tree” or “crassula”. This plant was originally seen in South Australia and Madagascar. It is an indoor species of a genus of succulent plants, very similar to a small tree, which begins flowering between the ages of five and ten years. Popularly it has many names, such as “monkey tree”, “tree of love and happiness”. According to Feng Shui lovers, the money tree brings success, wealth and prosperity to its inhabitants in every home; it has the ability to absorb negative energy and that is why it is very actively used in Feng Shui teachings. Krasula also has very useful medicinal properties.

It is considered popular among lovers of various plants because it is not capricious to the conditions in which it is grown. Resistant to a variety of pests and diseases, to put it in a nutshell about caring for it, Crassula requires little, just regular watering and moistening the leaves. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves begin to fall from the tree, and if it is over-watered, it will simply die. In winter, Crassula enters the recreation center; leaf growth becomes slower, so it needs to be watered much less often.

Irrigation water should be settled and at room temperature. In spring and autumn you need to feed it. In the summer, it is better to keep the tree in the garden, if possible, or on the balcony, but it must be protected from the sun's rays. When propagated, the plant produces cuttings, which are subsequently planted in the substrate.

Once a year or once every two years, an ornamental tree must be replanted; when replanting, you need to choose a larger pot in relation to the previous one. The soil needed for replanting can be bought in a store, or you can make it yourself by mixing deciduous and turf soil and sand. Here are two ways to plant the plant. Let's take the shoot and get started. It’s good to dry the stem a little in the air, for more good effect You can sprinkle it with crushed coal, then plant it and wait for it to take hold. But still the most in a reliable way It is considered traditional, it is very simple, you need to place the shoot in a jar until the first roots appear.

When choosing soil, do not forget that the plant is heat-loving and the most good option There will be cactus soil, the main thing is to take care of good drainage. This is prepared at home, three parts of leaf soil are mixed, one part of sand and the same amount of turf soil are poured in, and humus or ash can also be added if desired. Subsequently, the money tree needs to be replanted once every few years, remembering to use larger pots.

We take into account that the crown of the plant is not light and in order to prevent it from turning over, you need to choose a more stable, deep and heavy pot.

The most better conditions For the growth of indoor culture there will be those when it stands in a well-lit place, but the main thing is that it is protected from the rays of the sun. If the tree stands in the shade, this will negatively affect its development and condition. Crassula also likes to be on fresh air, therefore, the place where it is located must be constantly ventilated and, if possible, taken out to the balcony or placed in any other ventilated room.

The growth of the money tree is positively affected by the sharp transition from night to day temperatures. This is precisely why you need to take it out into a ventilated room or balcony.

For proper development Crassula is sometimes necessary provide her with peace of mind from September to March; the temperature in the room where she is located should not exceed fifteen degrees, but if it is lower, then this is even better; the plant actually does not need watering during this period.

Regarding watering, the plant has a very negative attitude towards waterlogging; it can lead to illness or, even worse, death. Therefore, when watering, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to start watering as the soil dries out,
  • take some water
  • and it must be warm

and we remind you once again that during calm periods there should be practically no watering.

The succulent does not need spraying, but you need to make sure that there are no dust accumulations on its leaves, so the leaves need to be wiped regularly.

When choosing fertilizers, give preference to liquid ones (those fertilizers that are used for cacti are good), they should be used twice a month.

The money tree practically does not get sick, and if you nevertheless notice painful signs, it means that you did not care for it enough or, on the contrary, excessively:

  • not watered enough during periods of drought
  • or, on the contrary, they were very waterlogged in winter,
  • poured cold water on
  • it grew with a lack of light,
  • in strong drafts,
  • did not observe periods of rest.

To stop the disease and save the plant, it is enough to simply change the conditions of its existence.

Money tree began to be used in folk medicine, but due to the fact that it contains arsenic compounds, its use is not so extensive and in case of overdose, negative influences in the form of vomiting, diarrhea or impaired consciousness.

Medicinal properties Crassulas are very diverse. Currently, it is most often used externally, but if there is special instructions Doctor can also be used orally. It is widely used in gynecology, for various burns and wounds, for fungus and some other diseases. To prepare medicine, a mixture similar to porridge is prepared and distributed over the entire surface of the gauze, then covered with another piece of gauze on top. Next, you need to apply the resulting medicine to the sore spots. This dressing must be changed every four hours.

For calluses

Some people also call the money tree a “callus tree.” Judging by the name, it becomes clear that it is wonderful remedy to remove calluses, even the oldest ones, thanks to the caustic properties characteristic of arsenic. You need to treat calluses like this: remove the film from the leaf, attach it to the callus with a bandage and leave overnight (the plant in this form can also be used on minor burns).

With a runny nose

The juice of ten Crassula leaves is diluted in water (150 ml). Douching should be done three to five times daily.

For hemorrhoids

You need to mix the juice with liquid petroleum jelly to form a thick emulsion. Next, soak a cotton pad in this and apply it to the hemorrhoids two or three times during the day.

For varicose veins

The use of compresses made from Crassula infusion will be effective. In order to make such a compress, you need to take a glass container and fill it one-third with finely chopped succulent leaves. Next, add vodka or alcohol. Infuse for three weeks or month.

For herpes on the lips

You need to take a few leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice out of them. Lubricate your lips with the resulting juice every thirty minutes.

For sore throat

You need to take ten Crassula leaves and two hundred milliliters of water at room temperature. Squeeze the juice from the leaves and pour warm water. You should gargle with the resulting mixture no more than five times a day.

For stomach ulcers (also suitable for treating duodenal ulcers)

Regularly, in the morning, you need to take two leaves from the tree and eat them, an hour before breakfast, chewing well.

For kidney inflammation

You need to take five leaves of the plant, crush them and pour boiling water over them, leave for an hour. Take one tablespoon fifteen minutes before eating, three times a day.

In the treatment of arthritis

Squeeze the juice from fifteen Crassula leaves and lubricate sore joints with it at night.

For insect bites

Squeeze the juice from several leaves of the tree and lubricate the areas damaged by insect bites. Can be used up to six times during the day.

For wounds, cuts, abscesses

It is necessary to take several leaves of the money tree and mix them into a paste so that they do not lose their juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the sore spot (can be done through gauze).

Studying all the reviews about the money tree, we can accurately conclude that it is indeed very effective. medicine in folk medicine and is used in various methods treatment. But still, whatever its healing properties, consultation with a specialist is very important before any use.

The benefits and harms of the money tree are of interest to many, since this indoor flower can be found on almost every windowsill. It is interesting to consider what properties are inherent in the plant and what benefits it brings.

What does a money tree look like?

The plant is easy to identify - it has characteristic rounded leaves with a fleshy structure and dense, smooth green skin. The leaves vaguely resemble coins - which is what the main name of the plant is connected with. Crassula is a succulent that grows a thick and massive woody stem over time.

Popular beliefs say that the fat woman attracts money and wealth to the house. However, it is more interesting to understand the very real properties of the plant - and understand what the benefits of the money tree indoor plant are.

Benefits of the money tree for humans

The leaves of the plant contain flavonoids and phytoncides. Therefore, the health benefits of the money tree are evident even if it is simply standing on the windowsill. The plant purifies the air, eliminates the pathogenic bacteria living in it - sleeping in a room where the fat plant grows is always easy and pleasant.

The presence of a money tree in the house increases efficiency and mood; the inhabitants of the house are much less likely to suffer from seasonal colds and viral infections. Studying the benefits and harms of the money tree in an apartment, it remains to conclude that the plant’s influence is generally beneficial - unless a person has a severe allergy.

Healing and medicinal properties of the money tree

The use of money tree in medicine is that the leaves of the tree in processed form are used to treat the following ailments:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • sore throats and dental diseases;
  • runny nose, cough and colds;
  • herpes;
  • nail fungus;
  • cystitis and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • joint diseases.

Crassula not only creates a favorable microclimate in the apartment, but also brings benefits when used externally. The beneficial properties of the plant juice relieve inflammation and promote better fast healing infected wounds, soften pain symptoms at wide range diseases, eliminate itching.

When taken orally, the juice of money tree leaves in small dosages helps improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, removes internal inflammation with cystitis. It will be very useful indoor plant during a cold - you can rinse with infusions of the leaves sore throat or instill a healing agent into the nose.

Important! The health benefits of Crassula are not diminished even because of arsenic, but not large quantities present in the leaves. Healthy juice plants and products prepared from it are consumed in such small doses that the dangerous compound does not cause harm.

Traditional medicine recipes with Crassula

For some ailments, indoor trees are used especially often. It is useful to learn the basic recipes in order to use the fleshy leaves correctly and without harm to the body.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

For cracks in anus or hemorrhoids will be extremely useful homemade ointment. Fresh Juice, squeezed from the fleshy leaves of a small tree, is added to regular Vaseline, a tampon is soaked in the product and inserted into the anus.

Cold drops

For nasal congestion, you can make useful homemade drops using Crassula juice. To do this, the juice is diluted with water (there should be twice as much water), put into a pipette and 1 drop is instilled into each nostril every hour.

If you have a long runny nose, which threatens to become chronic, you can do rinsing. To do this, the juice squeezed from 5 leaves of the tree must be mixed with 3 large spoons of water - and thoroughly rinse the nose three times a day.

For varicose veins

To cope with varicose veins, you can prepare useful tincture on alcohol. To do this, 6 leaves of the money tree are placed in a small glass container and poured with a glass of alcohol or vodka. The product is infused in the dark for 14 - 20 days, and then applied externally - lubricated and gently rubbed on the affected areas.

For sore throat and toothache

You can gargle your throat and mouth with healthy fatty juice for colds and dental ailments. To do this, the juice of 10 leaves is diluted in a glass of warm clean water and apply the rinse 3 or 4 times a day.

For the treatment of joints

The properties of money tree leaves relieve inflammation and reduce pain syndrome. For rheumatism or arthritis, bruises and sprains, you can make compresses. Several green leaves of the fat plant are crushed to obtain pulp, applied to the affected area, covered with a cloth or cotton pad and fixed with a bandage for 2 hours. You can make such useful compresses up to 3 times a day.

For nail fungus

You can get rid of the fungus using home remedies - the beneficial properties of the money tree will have pronounced effect in the fight against unpleasant illness. Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • First, the feet or fingers are steamed in hot water with the addition of soap or soda to soften the nails;
  • then, using scissors or a blade, remove dead layers from the nail - very carefully so as not to harm the tissues;
  • Money tree leaves, carefully peeled from the top layer of skin, are applied with the pulp to the affected nail and secured with a bandage or plaster.

The compress is left overnight, and in the morning is removed, the nails are steamed again and the affected areas are lubricated with a pharmaceutical anti-fungal ointment.

For cystitis and diseases of the genitourinary system

Since the money tree effectively fights inflammatory processes and infections, with the help of its properties you can treat ailments Bladder and cystitis. Several leaves of Crassula are poured with boiling water, kept for an hour, and then drunk in the amount of 1 large spoon an hour before meals - in the morning and in the evenings.

Advice! You need to continue treatment for at least 10 days, but taking the infusion longer is also not recommended - if the dosage is exceeded, the fatty acid causes harm to the body rather than benefit.

For herpes on the lips

Herpes, or “cold” on the lips - very unpleasant disease, from which the vast majority of people periodically suffer. You can cure herpes quickly with beneficial properties money tree.

All that is necessary is to grind a few leaves by hand or using a blender, squeeze out the pure juice through gauze and apply it to the inflammation on the lips several times a day. Herpes will go away in a few days, and the skin will quickly restore its healthy state.

To relieve itching from an insect bite

The properties of the money tree are very useful in summer period, because they help well against mosquito bites. Itchy places need to be lubricated with juice 6 times a day - the fatty milk will eliminate discomfort and will relieve slight swelling at the bite site.

Treatment of burns, wounds and bruises

The antiseptic properties of the fat plant make it a good assistant in the fight against wounds, burns and bruises. The leaves are crushed to a pulp, applied to gauze, bandage or cotton pad, and then applied to the affected area and fixed on top. Hold useful compress it takes 4 hours, after which the bandage is changed.

The use of money tree in cosmetology

The money tree is valued not only for great benefit Crassula for the home and for its healing properties. The powers of the money tree are used for body care. From the pulp of the leaves and juice of the fat plant you can make homemade masks and lotions for washing, and also take care of the condition of your hair.

Hair rinse

The properties of Crassula have a positive effect on hair - they contribute to more rapid growth, strengthen hair follicles, give curls additional shine and volume. For weakened hair prone to loss, it is recommended to use a rinse based on money tree leaves.

It is very simple to prepare a useful remedy - approximately 200 g of fresh leaves are thoroughly crushed, then poured with a liter of boiling water and left to steep for an hour. Rinse your hair with the strained warm infusion after washing. It is best to do the procedure for 2 to 3 weeks every few days - then the benefits will appear quickly. Valuable properties Crassula will help hair and eliminate damage caused bad environment and lack of vitamins.

Face masks

The benefits of money tree for facial skin are that its properties have a cleansing, rejuvenating and soothing effect on the skin, soften daily harm from ecology. A popular mask that helps against acne is acne and all kinds of inflammation of the epidermis.

  • A large fresh leaf is picked from the fat plant, washed, broken or cut in half so that the liquid is released.
  • At the fracture site, carefully lubricate all foci of inflammation and areas of acne.
  • The product is left to be completely absorbed.

The procedure should be carried out several times a day, then after a couple of days the inflammation will go away, leaving behind only clean skin.

You can also cook useful mask For oily skin- it will dry out the epidermis a little.

  • Several leaves of the money tree are washed, dried, then crushed into a paste to release abundant juice.
  • A teaspoon of pulp is mixed with whipped egg white chicken egg and a teaspoon of ground oatmeal.
  • The mixture is stirred until thick and homogeneous and evenly distributed over the skin.
  • After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water.

Harm of Crassula and contraindications

The benefits and harms of the money tree for humans are inextricably linked with each other - there are certain contraindications to the use of Crassula. Namely:

  • use healing agents from Crassula to medicinal purposes not if you are allergic to money tree;
  • It is not recommended to use Crassula in medicinal purposes during pregnancy and lactation - harm can occur not only to the mother, but also to the fetus;
  • Money tree infusions should not be offered to children under 16 years of age - Crassula can be harmful even to teenagers.

Any useful remedies, prepared from Crassula leaves, should not be consumed in too large quantities or for many days in a row. This leads to poisoning, the harm of which is expressed in the occurrence of diarrhea, vomiting and fever.

A distinctive property of Crassula is the presence of a certain amount of arsenic in the leaves of the plant. In small doses this substance is not dangerous to health, but in high concentration definitely causes harm. In no case is it recommended to chew whole leaves for treatment - they can only be consumed in processed form, otherwise arsenic will enter the body in significant quantities.

Treatment with money tree at home should last no more than 2 weeks in a row - to avoid the accumulation of dangerous arsenic compounds in the body.


The benefits and harms of the money tree depend on the competent and reasonable use leaves of the plant. If you follow proven recipes and do not violate the dosage, then the fat plant will become a source of valuable raw materials for home remedies.

The money tree, or Crassula, is incredibly popular not only among lovers of indoor floriculture.

It is no secret that according to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, Crassula is one of the plants - symbols that bring good luck and financial well-being to the home. And this plant received the name “money tree” due to the resemblance of round fleshy leaves to coins.

This cute tree fits perfectly into the interior of any style, and its unpretentiousness and ease of care only increases the number of fans.

Little-known properties of the money tree

Growing a money tree on their windowsills, many gardeners do not even suspect which unique plant lives in their house. The fat woman has the ability to absorb negative energy accumulated in the house, as well as release it into the surrounding space active substances, phytoncides that have a positive effect on the human body and the environment.

By purifying the air, the money tree gives strength and improves mood, helps relieve stress conditions, reduction in physical and psychological fatigue. Antivirus properties Crassulas help reduce the content of harmful microflora in the room, which means they prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

It has been noted that the money tree is sensitive to the well-being of the people living in the house. If a sick person appears nearby, the condition of the flower is noticeably deteriorating- the plant immediately begins to wither, shedding its leaves, and seems to draw in the negative energy of an unhealthy organism. After recovery, the plant is restored.

In some cases Crassula in strength healing properties it is appropriate to compare with aloe– the range of uses of this plant for medicinal purposes is so wide. At home in the form emergency assistance The money tree will be useful for treating:

1. Sore throat, tonsillitis.

2. Inflammation of the gums.

3. Herpetic manifestations.

4. Hemorrhoids.

5. Wounds, bruises, abscesses, cuts, burns.

6. Calluses.

7. Arthritis.

8. Varicose veins.

Application of medicinal and medicinal properties of Crassula

For sore throat and tonsillitis

To treat these diseases, it is recommended to prepare money tree leaves gargling solution, to do this, squeeze the juice of 10 leaves of the plant and mix them with 200 ml. warm water.

Gargle the sore throat with the resulting solution 3-5 times a day.

The same recipe is used for inflammation of the gums.

From herpis

A real salvation for those who are often overcome by herpes will be treating the affected area with the juice of crassula leaves.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure every half hour.

Or apply a piece of cotton wool moistened with plant juice to the source of inflammation and secure it with a band-aid. Treatment should begin at the first manifestations of the disease.

For hemorrhoids

To get rid of hemorrhoids, you will again need the juice of money tree leaves, which is mixed with liquid petroleum jelly.

Hemorrhoidal cones are treated cotton swab saturated with this composition. The procedure is performed in a supine position. The treatment must be carried out 2-3 times a day, after which it is recommended to lie down for half an hour.

With minor manifestations of hemorrhoids, you can quickly relieve the condition, attaching a leaf of crassula, cut in half.

Treatment of wounds

For the treatment of wounds, cuts, abscesses, several leaves grind to a paste, which, placed between two layers of gauze or bandage, is applied to the affected area using a bandage.

The bandage should be changed every four hours. You can also apply the paste to burns., but only if they are without blisters.

For insect bites Lubricating the bite site with the juice of Crassula leaves will help relieve itching and swelling.

Fighting calluses

Another popular name money tree - “callus” indicates the ability of this plant effectively fight calluses.

To do this, from a leaf of Crassula (slightly the size more callus) it is necessary to remove the thin covering film and apply the pulp to the callus, securing it securely with a bandage or plaster.

This compress should be left overnight. In the morning, the bandage should be removed, the application site should be cleaned of softened calluses and treated with an antiseptic.

You can finally get rid of the hardened callus after 5 procedures.

The same applies to ingrown toenails. The compress is changed as the leaf dries, and the nail plate softened by money tree sap is removed.

For arthritis

People with arthritis will also benefit from the juice of crassula leaves, who need to lubricate their sore joints at night.

For varicose veins

To treat varicose veins, a tincture is prepared from the leaves and green branches of the money tree, which is then used for compresses.

To do this, fill a half-liter jar 2/3 with raw materials and fill it to the top with vodka. The medicine needs to be infused for 3-4 weeks, after which the drug is ready for use. You can also use this tincture for rubbing when muscle pain occurs.

Traditional medicine knows recipes treatment with Crassula juice and some internal diseases , however, studies have revealed in it presence of arsenic.

Entry of this substance into the human body through the juice and pulp of leaves may cause poisoning with vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, which makes the use of such treatment unsafe.

The advisability of using drugs based on money tree sap can only be confirmed by consultation with your doctor.

When caring for the miracle tree, do not forget to wipe the dust from its leaves, and it will thank you in full measure, taking care of the prosperity and health of the whole family.