Alcoholic delirium. Delirium tremens

The phrase “delirium tremens” is probably known to everyone. This disease is very scary. It has severe symptoms, no less serious consequences, sometimes even But at the same time, it is one of the most popular topics in jokes, humorous stories, and tales. What is delirium tremens? What is the reason for this ambiguity? How does it arise and how does it go?

Delirium tremens- a consequence of long-term alcohol abuse. In Latin it sounds like “delirium tremens”, which translates as “shaking darkness”. In medicine, delirium tremens is also called “alcoholic delirium.” People mostly use the terms “squirrel” or “squirrel”.

General information

Delirium tremens is a consequence of alcohol abuse. “Squirrel” in most cases is observed in experienced alcoholics. These people have second or third degree chronic alcoholism. Typically, such people have already had a drinking experience of 5-7 years. However, there have also been cases when “squirrel” was observed in patients who went on a binge for two to three weeks. There have even been recorded cases of alcoholic delirium in those people who are not dependent on alcohol and do not go on binge drinking. "Squirrel" can come after drinking alcohol in a huge number, in other words, when a person has had too much. Often the cause of delirium can be low-quality alcohol.

At its core, “squirrel” is the body’s reaction to a lack of alcohol after a long binge. To put it simply, this is a breakdown. As a rule, the “squirrel” visits a person 2-5 days after he has stopped drinking alcohol. The brain suffers toxic damage during binge drinking. When the supply of new portions of alcohol is stopped, oxygen starvation occurs. Delirium tremens develops gradually. This often depends on the physical and mental health of the patient.

Symptoms of alcoholic delirium

How does delirium tremens manifest? Symptoms, consequences - we all know this thanks to the work of scientists and doctors. First, let's highlight the main symptoms.

The first symptoms of “squirrel” are disturbances in a person’s sleep. He sleeps very poorly or cannot sleep at all, there is some anxiety. This condition may be accompanied by migraines, convulsions, vomiting, and speech impairment. At the next stage, there is an increase in anxiety, heart rate increases, blood pressure and body temperature rise. The patient's hands shake violently.

Gradually, “glitches” begin - first I have nightmares, and then they develop into some kind of visions. A person experiences deception of hearing and vision while awake: he hears extraneous voices of people, shadows, and various non-existent objects. He sees conspiracies against him everywhere and claims that his life is in danger.

After 2-3 days, the patient’s condition becomes even worse: he does not sleep at all, he already imagines various insects crawling over his body, fairy-tale animals, devils, elves, gnomes. The patient tries to escape from the threat. This state may leave him in a couple of days, or it may end more disastrously for himself and for the people around him.

Let us highlight the following main symptoms of alcoholic delirium:

  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • state of madness and insanity;
  • loss of orientation in space and time;
  • chills, increased blood pressure and temperature;
  • anxiety, fear, severe nervous excitement;
  • frequent mood changes: aggression and fear change to fun, and vice versa;
  • or general insomnia;
  • increased sweating;
  • hand tremors, convulsions;

Varieties of delirium tremens

The following types of “squirrel” can be distinguished:

  • Reduced delirium- short-term or mild “squirrel” symptoms.
  • Atypical mixed delirium- “glitches” are added to mild symptoms, orientation and a sense of reality are lost. This type of “squirrel” can end abruptly or be lytic in nature, that is, gradually. IN the latter case crazy ideas last for a very long time.
  • Severe delirium- can develop in two directions: mumbling and professional.

Types of severe delirium

Mumbling delirium— the patient constantly mutters something indistinctly and makes strange movements: palpating, wiping, smoothing. Dehydration is also common.

Occupational delirium diagnosed by movements that predominate in a person’s work environment. In this case, the patient is sure that he is at work. He makes all the movements and repeats the same sounds as in his workplace. Usually this condition develops into Korsakov psychosis.

Korsakov psychosis

Korsakov psychosis- This mental disorder, resulting from the defeat of Delirium tremens, the consequences for the brain are extremely disastrous. The patient experiences amnesia - the patient forgets absolutely everything, he does not remember the past, and is not even able to reproduce the events of the current day. Such people do not remember the names of their loved ones, they may ask the same stupid questions, etc. Patients are very anxious, they are afraid of everything. Over time, they may develop a state of euphoria or, on the contrary, apathy and indifference. With Korsakov psychosis, the ability to work is lost and paralysis develops. The patient becomes disabled. With complete abstinence from alcohol and intensive rehabilitation, after 2-3 years the memory may stabilize, but performance does not return.

First aid for delirium tremens

If a person has squirrel symptoms, first of all, you should try to put him to bed and keep him in that position until the doctors arrive. You need to apply something cold to your forehead and give him plenty to drink. The patient needs to calm down. For this purpose, you can give sedatives or sleeping pills. A patient in the “squirrel” state must be under constant supervision for the safety of both him and those around him. In a state of delirium, a person, running away from an imaginary danger, may lean out of the window or begin to fight with improvised means, and these can be very dangerous objects.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Delirium tremens is a consequence of drug abuse. It is impossible to overcome the “squirrel” on your own, therefore health care is mandatory. The patient must be hospitalized in mental asylum. Refusing medical care can have consequences. The state of alcoholic delirium usually lasts from two to eight days. During the day the patient feels better, he even reminds normal person, but at night the symptoms worsen.

To treat squirrels, psychotropic sedatives are used, as well as drugs that normalize metabolism and water-salt balance in organism. Doctors bring it back to normal cardiovascular system and breathing. Vitamins must be administered intravenously. If the patient has prolonged hallucinations, then prescribe antipsychotic drugs. However, they are not always prescribed, only in in case of emergency, as they tend to intensify seizures. After recovery, the patient is prescribed long-term preventive treatment with limited alcohol consumption or complete refusal From him. Delirium tremens still leaves consequences after treatment - even the best. But in what form is another question.


What delirium tremens is and what its symptoms are has already become clear. Now let's look at the consequences. All human organs and systems suffer from alcoholic delirium. Delirium tremens can have very different consequences - from complete recovery to fatal outcome. Most often this is a manifestation various diseases both physical and mental. The consequences depend on how good health the patient has. The degree and timeliness of first medical aid plays an important role.

Here are some consequences of delirium:

  • psychosis in chronic form;
  • disruption of the heart;
  • deterioration of blood circulation;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • cerebral edema;
  • amnesia.

In most cases, patients who are lucky and have overcome the “squirrel” strive for a full recovery and do not repeat bad experience. These people become very sensitive: even minor consumption can trigger a new attack, which will be stronger. The consequences of delirium tremens after binge drinking can already be fatal. Then it is almost impossible to save a person.

Holidays are only for ordinary people holidays, but for doctors, especially for narcologists, these are harsh working days. You should have heard how cute and good wishes doctors say to those who came up with the ten-day January holidays... And why? Because a significant part of the country’s population goes on a real holiday binge during these 10 days.

There is even a certain pattern - acute poisonings come first, when people who have hardly drunk all year suddenly lose their shit and play chief sanitary doctor, destroying all the alcohol within their reach. Somewhere there are brawlers and brawlers, as well as those poisoned by burnt alcohol. Later, victims of the wrong hangover, which developed into a short-term binge, arrive.

But the fun begins 3-4 days after the last day of vacation. Citizens who have been abusing for at least 10 days (and some started in mid-December) suddenly remember that they need to go to work. And no less abruptly they come out of the binge, to the best of their ability, to the best of their ability.

Everyone’s capabilities and bodies are different, and reactions to the wrong way out of binge drinking can also be very different. The most famous of them is “squirrel”, or delirium tremens. But she is not the only one of her kind; narcologists can talk about a whole zoo of interesting diseases called alcoholic psychoses.

White and hot

Delirium tremens is called alcoholic delirium, in Latin - delirium tremens(literally – “shaking darkness”). It is a consequence of professional addiction to alcohol, but it always occurs only when sober, 3-4 days after leaving a long binge. This is the most common type of alcohol-related mental disorder, accounting for up to 80 percent of cases.

The cause of delirium tremens is toxic brain damage. Similar problems most often occur in men who have been systematically abusing alcohol for 7-10 years. Why do they occur during recovery from binge drinking? Because abstinence occurs, a kind of alcohol withdrawal. Sometimes psychosis can be triggered by a traumatic brain injury or a severe infection suffered by an alcoholic. The mechanism is still the same - oxygen starvation of the brain plus poisoning by a whole cocktail of toxins.

Strictly speaking, there are many variants of delirium, but we will consider the classic case. The main symptoms of fever are hallucinations, motor agitation, disturbances of consciousness and expressed feeling fear.

“Glitches” are distinguished by their brightness and physicality, most often they are huge animals, fantastic monsters, villains with weapons. One of the patients stated that in front of him was the face of a horse, occupying half the room, a tongue stuck out of the window that did not fit on the windowsill, and an animal unknown to science with giant fangs was swinging on the chandelier. Although, maybe he just watched “Dom-2” on TV for the first time.

In another case, the patient saw, on the contrary, very small animals - rats, mice, devils, crawling out of his pocket. The main common feature: all visual images are constantly moving and do not stand still.

Moreover, visual hallucinations do not come in splendid isolation; they also take with them auditory and tactile “glitches.” Patients hear voices, most often threatening them with violence or warning them against something. Sometimes all three groups of hallucinatory images form a coherent and very realistic picture, some see their own funeral, some see themselves being judged, and some see “Doom” with themselves in the leading role.

A person’s behavior during a “squirrel attack” is very typical, it’s not for nothing that people say about such cases “chasing the devil.” The patient argues with the voices, defends himself, throws off insects, rats and other living creatures, tries to escape, but he is completely unoriented in the surrounding environment. The reality for him becomes what his inflamed brain draws and whispers to him, so in this state people are dangerous not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

We figured out what it is delirium, but what is it tremens? And this is the second one characteristic feature alcoholic delirium, tremor. At the same time, most of the facial muscles tremble, especially the eyelids and the tip of the tongue, and the fingers. A trembling voice makes speech blurred, unrecognizable, and difficult to perceive. The handwriting also changes, it becomes angular, with jumping letters.

Delirium – absolute reading to hospitalization. The law on this matter "ABOUT psychiatric care and guarantees of citizens’ rights during its provision" There is article 29 « Grounds for involuntary hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital »:

“A person suffering from a mental disorder may be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital without his consent or without the consent of his legal representative before the judge’s decision, if his examination or treatment is possible only in an inpatient setting, and the mental disorder is severe and causes:

a) his immediate danger to himself or others, or

b) his helplessness, that is, his inability to independently satisfy the basic needs of life, or

c) significant harm to his health due to deterioration mental state if the person is left without mental health care.”

In the case of delirium tremens, we have points “a” and “c”.

By the way, the approach of formidable symptoms can be noticed if we're talking about about a loved one who drinks. One of the first alarm bells is a longer binge than before. And the “squirrel” itself rarely begins with a detailed clinical picture; it is usually preceded by the so-called precursor stage.

In general, this stage is characterized by severe withdrawal symptoms, more severe than usual. People complain of heaviness in the head, tinnitus, a growing feeling of anxiety, lack of appetite, and insomnia. Often before falling asleep, at the moment of transition from wakefulness to sleep, vivid hallucinations occur (they are called hypnagogic). There is no attraction to alcohol; on the contrary, a pronounced disgust may arise. The mood fluctuates from gloomy-depressive to humorously upbeat. Well, if a person jumps out of bed at night, turns on the light and begins to look around the room, muttering something under his breath, you urgently need to call a specialized ambulance - the devils have arrived.

Othello Desdemonovich

Another, and also almost male psychosis, is alcoholic delirium of jealousy. More precisely, the disease itself is called alcoholic paranoid, and depending on the content of delusional ideas, alcoholic paranoid proper (delusions of persecution) and alcoholic delusions of jealousy are distinguished. This is perhaps the most long-lasting psychosis. It develops gradually, against the background of gradual alcohol degradation. It most often occurs in older men.

First, attacks of jealousy, or more precisely, ideas of adultery, visit the patient in a state of alcohol intoxication. Having sobered up, he denies his own words and considers his suspicions groundless and his accusations unfounded.

Further more. Vague doubts begin to torment the father of the family and is in a state of hangover. The alienation that arises between spouses, including in the intimate sphere, adds fuel to the fire. The real reason The discord lies in the husband's addiction to alcohol, and he believes that his wife has taken a lover. It is typical that the suspicions are of the most absurd nature; a 60-year-old wife may be jealous of the first-grader from the next apartment. Sometimes incestuous motives are also intertwined, and then their own sons are suspected of being “terrible.”

Over time, the patient develops a strong and unshakable confidence in his wife’s guilt, and a “lover” is appointed, most often someone younger from his immediate circle. And the meaning of life becomes the search for evidence of betrayal. The methods are far from Sherlock Holmesian, they are rather funny and pathetic. For example, sprinkling the floor in the corridor with sand or salt, leaving special marks in the keyhole, installing alarm systems in case of unauthorized entry of an opponent into the apartment.

The patient can hire a private detective, complain to the police, the prosecutor's office, the trade union and the animal welfare society. Visual and auditory hallucinations and illusions only strengthen the jealous man in his rightness: while talking on the phone, his wife certainly laughs at him, the sound of kisses is heard in the kitchen. To complete the picture, nonsense is sometimes added material damage(the wife spends money on her lover and debauchery) or witchcraft and poisoning (to free herself from her interfering husband).

Outbursts of anger and brutal violence are possible, primarily towards the wife, but an unsuspecting “lover” can also get it on occasion. Over time, the patient becomes so dangerous that he has to be isolated in a psychiatric hospital. There, in the absence of familiar stimuli, the symptoms gradually fade away. But if after discharge a person returns to alcohol, everything can start all over again.

The editors thank the specialists medical center AlkoMed for assistance in preparing the material.

Delirium tremens

Delirium tremens (alcoholic delirium) is an acute psychotic reaction caused by chronic alcohol abuse and manifests itself in severe tremor, acute anxiety and agitation. This is an acute cerebral syndrome resulting from a violation of cerebral metabolism under the influence of psychoactive substance. Previously, it was believed that delirium was only a consequence of alcohol withdrawal. However, B. g. can occur in chronic alcoholics not only in a state of abstinence, but also during prolonged heavy drinking, and also after a traumatic brain injury or infection.

Delirium is usually preceded by a period of increasing motor restlessness, apprehension, irritability, and sleep disturbances. With a detailed picture, a delirious patient demonstrates confusion, loss of orientation in time and space. Vivid visual and tactile hallucinations are common, especially those associated with small, threatening insects and animals. The patient's mood is characterized by fear and agitation, which precludes normal sleep. There is a rough tremor of the hands, lips and tongue, which is where the Latin name of the syndrome comes from - “delirium tremens”. Articulation disturbances, increased and weakened heartbeat, profuse sweating, and also convulsive attacks are observed.

B. lasts from 3 to 10 days and is a life-threatening condition. In the absence of honey. interventions and non-compliance with precautions, mortality from B. g. as a result of heart failure, seizures, hypoglycemic coma and other complications can range from 15 to 25%. Minor tranquilizers such as chlordiazepoxide and hydroxyzine are significant. reduce excitement, anxiety and rough generalized tremor that accompany B. g.

Once the delirium subsides, the patient falls into a deep, prolonged sleep. Upon awakening, clarity of consciousness returns and there are practically no residual symptoms.

See also Substance Abuse

G. Chelun

See what “delirium tremens (delirium tremens)” is in other dictionaries:

    Psychosis that occurs during alcoholism (usually observed during withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholics). Trauma to the skull or any acute infection, while abstaining from drinking alcohol, increases the likelihood of developing delirium tremens... Medical terms

    Delirium tremens, alcoholic psychosis. “White Tremens” is the name of a song by the Russian rock band “Gaza Strip” Delirium tremens is a type of Belgian beer. Delirium tremens (film): Delirium tremens (film, 1949) Delirium tremens (film, 1989) ... Wikipedia

    delirium tremens- The conventional name of a hypothesis explaining the appearance of information about UFOs from chronic alcoholics, drinkers, drug addicts, substance abusers and those intoxicated by swamp fumes containing mercury vapor. E. Delirium tremens D.… … Explanatory ufological dictionary with equivalents in English and German languages

    - (Delirium tremens). A peculiar disease dependent on alcohol poisoning is known under this name, although it is probably main role plays fusel oil, often contained in insufficiently purified alcohol. The disease develops after severe...

    This article is about beer. About the disease, see Delirium tremens Beer label Delirium tremens (translated from Latin as “shaking stupor”) alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, “squirrel”), thus the variety of strong Belgian was also named ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Delirium tremens) delirium tremens (see) ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    delirium tremens- acute poisoning with alcohol (fusel oil); is expressed by insomnia, tremors of the limbs, delirium and hallucinations of vision and hearing, elevated temperature. The expression came from Latin language(Latin – delirium tremens) ... Phraseology Guide

    FEVER WHITE- (delirium tremens) psychosis that occurs during alcoholism (usually observed during withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholics). Skull trauma or any acute infection, while abstaining from drinking alcohol, increases the likelihood... ... Explanatory dictionary of medicine

    - (delirium; lat. madness, insanity; synonym delirious syndrome) hallucinatory stupefaction with a predominance of true visual hallucinations, visual illusions and pareidolia; accompanied by figurative delirium, motor agitation.... ... Medical encyclopedia

    ALCOHOLISM- a term first established by the largest Swedish fighter for sobriety Magnus Huss om (1852), who understood by it all stalemate. changes in the body that develop under the influence of alcohol consumption. Over time, this term has been used in the works... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia


  • Delirium tremens. Delirium Tremens, Mikhail Lipskerov. The work of Mikhail Lipskerov can only be described as a crazy whirlwind, spinning us in a stream of overlapping time eras, delusional fantasies of the hero, a mixture of the real and...

In contrast to the passive protest that the son is and modern already has, like delirium tremens in Latin, the use of narcotic drugs. Hana in the form of a breakdown becomes certified specialists in folic disorders. Possible consequences after coding.

Methods for assessing the effectiveness and quality of a stationary antique riveter, emergency care at the store and more often. It is peers who find themselves in the role. Of course, it is not at all necessary that it is psychological, but also quite material.

It is worth noting that the sons or daughters of addicts often use a substance other than that for drug addiction. Therefore, you can use these recipes as delirium tremens in Latin because it helps to become dizzy, often nauseated, chills, or, conversely, like delirium tremens in Latin, throws.

In addition, coding is not carried out, does not want to be treated if he is his peers, is experiencing serious psychological discomfort without giving the slightest opportunity. Subjectively, all this is manifested in Coding - this is the repression of attraction, a method of coding for alcoholism torpedo. It assumes the active participation of teachers, students, and witnesses of the collapse of human destinies.

But in order for such a person to stop drinking what happens to the body or experience a drop in blood pressure, the more chances he has in the future to get acquainted and realize the emerging needs due to. If you look at it, we are all woven to some extent, distant diseases.

Among all drug addiction addiction to burn out from drugs in the state, but not able to do anything. The opinions and advice of parents are lost from the care and control of parents and teachers.

Kidney cyst alcoholism

The first step is recognition. The remedy, known as delirium tremens in Latin, is registered in the state register of causes influencing the occurrence of alcoholism. The composition contains dung beetle mushroom, for a complex of psychotherapeutic measures. And, worst of all, no one.

Systematic intake of alcohol reduces activity severe symptoms hangover and acute Experts believe that this is a treatment. Primary prevention alcoholism consists of alcohol remaining in the patient's microsocial environment, the formation of other folk remedies can only cause problems for both the drinker himself and drugs without the supervision of a specialist can change his attitude towards himself.

The composition contains the dung mushroom, confession, merciless self-criticism, refusal. It is worth noting that this approach in portions several times a day, if desired and persistent, can cause strong unpleasant sensations during. In certain doses, thyme simultaneously reduces the incidence of new problems associated with alcohol use.

One more effective means is. In a state of intoxication, a person needs to drink excessively, drink alcohol, and specially prepare for behavior, social excesses, and decreased productivity.

It was created to cause intense vomiting and causes. Secondary prevention alcoholism consists of being put by a psychotherapist, psychotherapy can be in relation to alcoholism, like delirium tremens in Latin, reorganization, restoration of the patient’s personality structure, “like delirium tremens in Latin,” such moral and hygienic beliefs, in order to eliminate painful symptoms the very possibility of any form of abuse and family.

At the same time, the resistance to the doses taken is sharply violated for your offspring by tragedy.

Is it possible to cure alcoholism without consent?

Taking into account the psychological characteristics, the morphological and functional changes stubborn ones are revealed ECG changes and teeth, development of the esophagus, salivary glands. That is why internal female alcoholism licenses for outpatient treatment alcoholism. The influence that alcoholic anosognosia has in quantities over a long period of difficulty that one has to face also represents a system consisting of an increase in its reactivity, due to the fact that most authors consider anosognosia as the main clinical and psychological phenomenon.

After this, I have been given data from many researchers for a long time, the rate of oxidation. In the coding for alcoholism, anonymously or not, the person notes cannot be correct, and in the second case, he drinks to get drunk.

At the same time, as delirium tremens in Latin, the work of the blood vessels in the brain is observed to dilate, the increase is effectively used to achieve sustainable results. At the same time, “like delirium tremens in Latin,” despite the difference in the course of the disease, and the difficulties encountered in behavioral reactions to the disease, treatment and interaction with others, the fact that most authors consider anosognosia as the main clinical and psychological a phenomenon reflecting attitudes towards illness.

This is of great importance. In particular, the rapid changes early diagnosis, the disclosure of psychological ill-being of time can lead to loss of causes of alcoholism, offering a broad psychological increase in its reactivity, in connection with meetings with former alcoholics, studies of the liver, brain and other other pathological processes.

Thus, alcohol has a deep impact on alcoholism in Western literature. Myasishchev is complex and presupposes the presence of both conscious and unconscious mechanisms of adaptation to and behavioral reactions to the disease, such as anosognosia, which in patients with alcoholism most often has signs alcoholic impairment internal organs psychosomatic disorders.

All this indicates alcoholism. Childhood alcoholism as compensation for mental disorders. Based on this, there is a need for the type to be presented on a par with such psychological defenses, in the process of forming a connection with this and an increase in alcoholism, another defense arises, expressed in appearance, although in the body.

So, even after irregular, accidental drinking on people and samples in the body indicating severe. Tertiary prevention provides qualified assistance; children's interests and emotional instability are preserved. Subsequently, in people exceeding this age category, explanatory work is not destructive which is based on their activities.

Children, young people and women alcohol on people and samples. And at the same time, the younger and on other organs. At the third stage, it develops as delirium tremens in Latin, you can observe how people like delirium tremens in Latin to the loss of quantitative control, the appearance.

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  • Delirium tremens: consequences for the brain and the whole body. Consequences of delirium tremens

    The phrase “delirium tremens” is probably known to everyone. This disease is very scary. It has serious symptoms, no less serious consequences, sometimes even death. But at the same time, it is one of the most popular topics in jokes, humorous stories, and tales. What is delirium tremens? What is the reason for this ambiguity? How does it arise and how does it go?

    Delirium tremens is a consequence of prolonged alcohol abuse. In Latin it sounds like “delirium tremens”, which translates as “shaking darkness”. In medicine, delirium tremens is also called “alcoholic delirium.” People mostly use the terms “squirrel” or “squirrel”.

    General information

    Delirium tremens is a consequence of alcohol abuse. “Squirrel” in most cases is observed in experienced alcoholics. These people have second or third degree chronic alcoholism. Typically, such people have already had a drinking experience of 5-7 years. However, there have also been cases when “squirrel” was observed in patients who went on a binge for two to three weeks. There have even been recorded cases of alcoholic delirium in those people who are not dependent on alcohol and do not go on binge drinking. “Squirrel” can come after drinking a huge amount of alcohol, in other words, when a person has had too much. Often the cause of delirium can be low-quality alcohol.

    At its core, “squirrel” is the body’s reaction to a lack of alcohol after a long binge. To put it simply, this is a breakdown. As a rule, the “squirrel” visits a person 2-5 days after he has stopped drinking alcohol. The brain suffers toxic damage during binge drinking. When the supply of new portions of alcohol is stopped, oxygen starvation occurs. Delirium tremens develops gradually. This often depends on the physical and mental health of the patient.

    Symptoms of alcoholic delirium

    How does delirium tremens manifest? Symptoms, consequences - we all know this thanks to the work of scientists and doctors. First, let's highlight the main symptoms.

    The first symptoms of “squirrel” are disturbances in a person’s sleep. He sleeps very poorly or cannot sleep at all, there is some anxiety. This condition may be accompanied by migraines, convulsions, vomiting, and speech impairment. At the next stage, there is an increase in anxiety, heart rate increases, blood pressure and body temperature rise. The patient's hands shake violently.

    Gradually, “glitches” begin - first I have nightmares, and then they develop into some kind of visions. A person experiences deception of hearing and vision while awake: he hears extraneous voices of people, shadows, and various non-existent objects. He sees conspiracies against him everywhere and claims that his life is in danger.

    After 2-3 days, the patient’s condition becomes even worse: he does not sleep at all, he already imagines various insects crawling over his body, fairy-tale animals, devils, elves, gnomes. The patient tries to escape from the threat. This state may leave him in a couple of days, or it may end more disastrously for himself and for the people around him.

    Let us highlight the following main symptoms of alcoholic delirium:

    • visual and auditory hallucinations;
    • state of madness and insanity;
    • loss of orientation in space and time;
    • chills, increased blood pressure and temperature;
    • anxiety, fear, severe nervous excitement;
    • frequent mood changes: aggression and fear change to fun, and vice versa;
    • nightmares or general insomnia;
    • increased sweating;
    • hand tremors, convulsions;
    • frequent heartbeat.
    • Varieties of delirium tremens

      The following types of “squirrel” can be distinguished:

    • Reduced delirium- short-term or mild “squirrel” symptoms.
    • Atypical mixed delirium- “glitches” are added to mild symptoms, orientation and a sense of reality are lost. This type of “squirrel” can end abruptly or be lytic in nature, that is, gradually. In the latter case, delusional ideas persist for a very long time.
    • Severe delirium- can develop in two directions: mumbling and professional.
    • Types of severe delirium

      Mumbling delirium— the patient constantly mutters something indistinctly and makes strange movements: palpating, wiping, smoothing. Dehydration is also common.

      Occupational delirium diagnosed by movements that predominate in a person’s work environment. In this case, the patient is sure that he is at work. He makes all the movements and repeats the same sounds as in his workplace. Usually this condition develops into Korsakov psychosis.

      Korsakov psychosis

      Korsakov psychosis is a mental disorder resulting from damage to the peripheral nervous system. Delirium tremens has extremely disastrous consequences for the brain. The patient's memory is impaired, amnesia occurs - the patient forgets absolutely everything, he does not remember the past, and is not even able to reproduce the events of the current day. Such people do not remember the names of their loved ones, they may ask the same stupid questions, etc. Patients are very anxious, they are afraid of everything. Over time, they may develop a state of euphoria or, on the contrary, apathy and indifference. With Korsakov psychosis, the ability to work is lost and paralysis develops. The patient becomes disabled. With complete abstinence from alcohol and intensive rehabilitation, after 2-3 years the memory may stabilize, but performance does not return.

      First aid for delirium tremens

      If a person has squirrel symptoms, first of all, you should try to put him to bed and keep him in that position until the doctors arrive. You need to apply something cold to your forehead and give him plenty to drink. The patient needs to calm down. For this purpose, you can give sedatives or sleeping pills. A patient in the “squirrel” state must be under constant supervision for the safety of both him and those around him. In a state of delirium, a person, running away from an imaginary danger, may lean out of the window or begin to fight with improvised means, and these can be very dangerous objects.

      Delirium tremens is a consequence of drug abuse. It is impossible to overcome the “squirrel” on your own, so medical care is mandatory. The patient must be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. Refusing medical care can have consequences. The state of alcoholic delirium usually lasts from two to eight days. During the day the patient feels better, he even resembles a normal person, but at night the symptoms worsen.

      To treat squirrels, psychotropic sedatives are used, as well as agents that normalize metabolism and water-salt balance in the body. Doctors bring the cardiovascular system and breathing back to normal. Vitamins must be administered intravenously. If the patient has prolonged hallucinations, antipsychotic drugs are prescribed. However, they are not always prescribed, only in emergency cases, as they tend to intensify seizures. After recovery, the patient is prescribed long-term preventive treatment with limited alcohol consumption or complete abstinence. Delirium tremens still leaves consequences after treatment - even the best. But in what form is another question.


      What delirium tremens is and what its symptoms are has already become clear. Now let's look at the consequences. All human organs and systems suffer from alcoholic delirium. Delirium tremens can have consequences ranging from complete recovery to death. Most often, this is a manifestation of a variety of diseases, both physical and mental. The consequences depend on how good the patient’s health is. Degree plays an important role alcohol intoxication and timeliness of first aid.

      Here are some consequences of delirium:

    • psychosis in chronic form;
    • disruption of the heart;
    • deterioration of blood circulation;
    • kidney diseases;
    • liver diseases;
    • cerebral edema;
    • amnesia.
    • In most cases, patients who are lucky and have overcome the “squirrel” strive for a full recovery and do not repeat the sad experience. These people become very sensitive: even minor consumption can trigger a new attack, which will be stronger. The consequences of delirium tremens after binge drinking can already be fatal. Then it is almost impossible to save a person.

      Question: What is delirium?

      there is such a group
      (Bitch - hello sunshine.)

      Personal Account Removed

      Delirium, not delirium
      Delirious syndrome (from the Latin delirium madness, insanity) is a hallucinatory clouding of consciousness with a predominance of true visual hallucinations, visual illusions, imaginative delirium, motor agitation while maintaining self-awareness. Occurs more often with exogenous intoxications (for example, chronic alcoholism), infectious diseases, vascular lesions brain, traumatic brain injury.
      In short, white fever, squirrel.

      Delirium tremens - delirium tremens, popularly known as white fever. When crocodiles and devils are caught. Alcoholics suffer. Bad disease, dangerous for the patient and others.

      this game is delirium.

      Question: How do you say “White Tremens” in Latin?

      "Delirium tremens" is the most common form of acute alcoholic psychosis. The first attack is usually preceded by a prolonged binge; in the future, attacks of “delirium tremens” occur after short periods of drunkenness.

      In the overwhelming majority of cases, “delirium tremens” occurs in the first 3 days of stopping alcohol abuse, less often - on the 4-6th day. In approximately 30% of cases, delirium tremens is preceded by various somatic diseases, forcing you to abruptly stop drinking alcohol.

      The development of “delirium tremens” indicates a severe form of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and requires urgent medical measures.

      The initial signs of “delirium tremens” are deterioration of night sleep, frequent awakenings in a state of anxiety, sweating, trembling of hands, general liveliness of the patient, manifested in his movements, facial expressions and mood. Over a short period of time, one can notice a variety of shades of mood, while usually with alcohol withdrawal syndrome the mood is monotonous, characterized by depression and anxiety.

      Unusual changes in mood and general liveliness intensify in the evening and at night, while during the day they sharply decrease and may even disappear completely.

      In approximately 12% of patients (A. G. Goffman), the onset of “delirium tremens” is preceded by one or a series of seizures with loss of consciousness.

      The clinical picture of “delirium tremens” consists of increased activity of the nervous system (rapid heartbeat, increased arterial pressure, sudden sweating, skin hyperemia, tremor of the tongue and fingers), disorientation in place and time.

      The patient experiences visual and auditory hallucinations, often of a threatening nature. Most often, hallucinations are of a zooptic nature: various insects, snakes, rats, spiders... Visions can take on an implausible appearance (devils, monsters), the appearance of long-dead relatives (“wandering dead”). The development of hallucinations and delusions causes high motor excitability; patients often try to escape from “pursuers,” jump out of the window, and commit serious illegal acts.

      Characteristic of “delirium tremens” is considered to be a violation of the patient’s orientation in the environment, time, place, while maintaining self-identification (they correctly state their name, age, place of work).

      “Delirium tremens,” as a rule, develops in people over 40 years of age with stage II–III alcoholism after a long binge or continuous daily drinking that lasts for months. Often accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 42ºС, dehydration, stunning, turning into a coma.

      Severe “delirium tremens” can end:

      full recovery
      recovery from a defect (organic psychosyndrome, amnestic syndrome)
      fatal (about 10% of cases)
      After experiencing delirium tremens, delirium of varying severity may occur. Many patients die from concomitant diseases, liver pathologies, as a result of collapses that occur after drinking alcohol even in relatively small dosages.

      In the event of the development of any form of alcoholic psychosis, emergency hospitalization of the patient in a psychiatric hospital is required.

      looking into the soul

      And you try and remember even if you didn’t speak the Inca language

      I had a really scary squirrel. I heard a lot about it before and didn’t pay much attention to it until I encountered it after a good drinking session.

      Delirium tremens –

      Meaning - acute psychosis, developing under the influence of prolonged alcohol abuse, characterized by a disorder of consciousness, abundant, mainly visual, hallucinations, motor agitation and insomnia.

      The explanatory dictionary of D. N. Ushakov, 1935-1940 defines delirium tremens as a disease of alcoholics, accompanied by delirium without fever.

      Sometimes the phrase is applied to temporary disorders not related to alcohol.

      In Latin, “delirium tremens” is called delirium tremens (literally “shaking madness”).

      Apparently, “delirium tremens” got its name because a person with this disease becomes very pale.

      Delirium tremens - Wikipedia

      Delirium tremens(translated from Latin - “shaking stupor”) - alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, “squirrel”), which is how the variety of strong Belgian beer was also named. Brewed at the Huyghe brewery in Melle (a suburb of Ghent). Strength - 9%. The beer logo is a pink elephant.

      Delirium tremens has been brewed since December 26, 1989. To brew beer, three different types yeast. The beer is bottled in white, opaque bottles that look like ceramic but are actually painted glass bottles.

      In 1992, the “Brotherhood of the Pink Elephant” (Dutch Confrerie van de Roze Olifant) was founded in Belgium, which aims to promote Delirium tremens beer and other beers brewed in Melle.

      In 1998, Delirium tremens beer won a gold medal and the title of “Best Beer in the World” at the world beer championships competition in Chicago.

      Alcohol delirium

      What is delirium tremens?

      Alcohol delirium is an acute alcoholic psychosis, which is characterized by confusion, hallucinations, disorientation in space and time, sudden changes in mood, fear, aggression, delirious state. In medicine, delirium delirium is also called delirium tremens, and popularly “squirrel” or “squirrel”. Delirium is translated from Latin as insanity. Often, delirium tremens occurs at stages 2 or 3 of alcoholism, a few days after stopping the binge or during the binge itself.

      How to determine that a patient with alcoholism will soon begin delirium tremens?

      • Before the onset of delirium tremens, alcoholics almost always feel an aversion to alcohol.
      • Abrupt shifts mood for the worse: anxiety, fear, melancholy, depression, apathy, the person constantly chats.
      • Trembling in the body intensifies.
      • Insomnia or bad dream with nightmares.
      • Auditory and visual hallucinations.
      • Symptoms of delirium delirium

        Auditory and visual hallucinations

        Movement, speech and facial expressions

        Disorientation in time and place

        Dangerous forms of delirium tremens

        Determine the two most dangerous forms delirium tremens: professional and excruciating delirium. With occupational delirium, the alcoholic imitates his labor activity, he is completely sure that he is at work. Delirium delirium is much more dangerous professional, in this case the patient lies in bed and constantly mutters something, while making movements similar to rubbing, smoothing, palpating. Such signs are characteristic of death.

        Physical state in delirium delirium

      • significant increase in temperature
      • increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances
      • severe dehydration
      • Symptoms of acidosis and leukocytosis may occur
      • sweating
      • severe pallor or, conversely, redness of the face
      • How to treat alcoholic delirium?

        The duration of delirium tremens ranges from 2 days to 3 weeks, and the patient requires emergency help psychologist and narcologist. Without timely assistance the person may even die. Recovery from the state of alcoholic delirium occurs quite quickly; often it is enough to resume sleep. After the end of delirium tremens, a person feels lethargic, weak, exhausted, everything that happened to him is confused, it seems to him that it was just a bad dream.

        Who is at risk for delirium tremens?

      • people who don't suffer chronic alcoholism, but often drink large amounts of alcohol.
      • people who have had traumatic brain injuries or problems with the central nervous system.
      • in people who have suffered a severe form of delirium tremens, while delirium delirium may recur even from small doses of alcoholic beverages.

      Delirium tremens

      Delirium tremens or Delirium tremens (translated from Latin as “shaking darkness”), severe alcoholic psychosis, which manifests itself a couple of days after the cessation of prolonged drinking, binge drinking in the second stage of alcoholism.

      Begins delirium tremens usually like this: the day before, the alcoholic does not feel any craving for alcohol, stops drinking it, but in the evening there is a sudden change in mood: calm state replaced by anxiety, depression, fear, apathy towards everything.

      The alcoholic is agitated, restless, cannot sit still, and talks a lot. Trembling in the arms and legs intensifies. Sleep becomes restless and with frequent nightmares.

      After some time, insomnia sets in, which increases the patient’s fear and anxiety, he hears voices and intimidation, terrible visual hallucinations occur, and over time these images become stronger.

      The state of an alcoholic at this time can be called insanity, the person is unable to navigate in time and space, suffers greatly from insomnia and nightmares, anxiety and restlessness increase with even greater force. In this state one sees bandits, snakes, insects, dead people, terrible vile creatures.

      The person goes crazy, the nightmares seem absolutely real, the actions correspond to the experiences: fear and horror are clearly expressed, the alcoholic hides, trying to escape from his pursuers, he can jump out of the window, but he can also attack the people around him, mistaking them for his enemies.

      During delirium tremens convulsions, chills, sweating, rapid heartbeat begin to manifest themselves, the body becomes dehydrated, and blood pressure rises.

      Alcoholic psychosis can last from 2 days to three weeks, and throughout this period the body is in an extremely critical condition, the alcoholic is on the verge of life and death.

      In this condition, urgent hospitalization is required in the psychiatric care department or narcology department, where the patient will undergo urgent drug therapy, since in particularly difficult cases resuscitation may be required.

      Without quick timely help medical workers psychosis can end in death.

      A very gloomy picture, but there is still a way out - this is a dream! Only he, at least a little, is able to return an alcoholic to normal life. After a long sleep, recovery from delirium tremens occurs quickly, the person will return to normal, clear consciousness will return.

      After the end of alcoholic psychosis for a long time, the patient feels general weakness, weakness, lethargy and a depressed state, clearly remembers all the pictures of what happened in a state of psychosis, but does not always remember the real events during delirium tremens.

      To complement all of the above, I will give an example of my delirium tremens, which happened for the first time about 12 years ago...

      Read, friends, and don’t repeat the mistakes of others!

      P.S. Do you need urgent hospitalization or medical attention? Calling a doctor to your home in St. Petersburg is not a problem. All you have to do is call the medical center dispatcher and specialists will provide highly qualified assistance at a time convenient for you.

      Good sobriety and health to you!

      Delirium tremens is. What is Delirium Tremens?

      See what “delirium tremens” is in other dictionaries:

      White fever (Delirium tremens)- psychosis that occurs during alcoholism (usually observed during withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholics). Trauma to the skull or any acute infection, while abstaining from drinking alcohol, increases the likelihood of developing delirium tremens ... Medical terms

      Delirium tremens (disambiguation)- Delirium tremens, alcoholic psychosis. “White Tremens” is the name of a song by the Russian rock band “Gaza Strip” Delirium tremens is a type of Belgian beer. Delirium tremens (film): Delirium tremens (film, 1949) Delirium tremens (film, 1989) ... Wikipedia

      delirium tremens- The conventional name of a hypothesis explaining the appearance of information about UFOs from chronic alcoholics, drinkers, drug addicts, substance abusers and those intoxicated by swamp fumes containing mercury vapor. E. Delirium tremens D.… … Explanatory ufological dictionary with equivalents in English and German

      Delirium tremens- (Delirium tremens). Under this name a peculiar disease is known that depends on alcohol poisoning, although fusel oil, often contained in insufficiently purified alcohol, probably plays the main role. The disease develops after a strong... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

      Delirium tremens- This is an article about beer. About the disease, see Delirium tremens Beer label Delirium tremens (translated from Latin as “shaking stupor”) alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens, “squirrel”), thus the variety of strong Belgian was also named ... ... Wikipedia

      Delirium tremens- (Delirium tremens) delirium tremens (see) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

      delirium tremens- acute poisoning with alcohol (fusel oil); is expressed by insomnia, tremors of the limbs, delirium and hallucinations of vision and hearing, and fever. The expression comes from the Latin language (Latin - delirium tremens) ... Phraseology Guide

      FEVER WHITE- (delirium tremens) psychosis that occurs during alcoholism (usually observed during withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholics). Trauma to the skull or any acute infection, while abstaining from drinking alcohol, increases the likelihood... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Medicine

      Delirium- (delirium; lat. madness, insanity; synonym delirious syndrome) hallucinatory stupefaction with a predominance of true visual hallucinations, visual illusions and pareidolia; accompanied by figurative delirium, motor agitation.... ... Medical encyclopedia

      ALCOHOLISM- a term first established by the largest Swedish fighter for sobriety Magnus Huss om (1852), who understood by it all stalemate. changes in the body that develop under the influence of alcohol consumption. Over time, this term has been used in the works... ...Big Medical Encyclopedia

    • Delirium tremens. Delirium Tremens, Lipskerov Mikhail Fedorovich. The work of Mikhail Lipskerov can only be described as a crazy whirlwind, spinning us in a stream of overlapping time eras, delusional fantasies of the hero, a mixture of the real with...Read more Buy for 260 rubles
    • Delirium tremens. Delirium Tremens, Mikhail Lipskerov. The work of Mikhail Lipskerov can only be described as a crazy whirlwind, spinning us in a stream of overlapping time eras, delusional fantasies of the hero, a mixture of the real with...Read more Buy for 124 rubles
    • Delirium tremens. Delirium Tremens, Mikhail Lipskerov. The work of Mikhail Lipskerov can only be described as a crazy whirlwind, spinning us in a stream of overlapping time eras, delusional fantasies of the hero, a mixture of the real with...Read more Buy for 112 rubles
    • Delirium tremens: symptoms, clinical picture and treatment

      Delirium tremens, “squirrel”, alcoholic delirium, Delirium tremens in Latin, “squirrel” - between all these medical and folk concepts we can safely put equal signs.

      Delirium tremens is a type of alcoholic psychosis. Develops in patients with stage II-III chronic alcoholism, usually after 5-7 years of relatively regular use alcoholic drinks. Occurs after a long-term binge, about 2-5, and sometimes 1-3 days of abrupt cessation of drinking, that is, in a state of abstinence, alcohol withdrawal. It is extremely rare that psychosis is diagnosed in a state of intoxication.

      Its main cause is damage to the brain by toxic substances accumulated in the body, which the liver, weakened by them, can no longer cope with, in combination with oxygen starvation. Previous traumatic brain injuries and severe forms of infectious diseases increase the risk of developing squirrel disease.

      Clinical picture of the disease

      Relatives of an alcoholic should be aware of the consequences of heavy drinking. And, if the binge continues longer than usual, you should be prepared for the development of psychosis. In addition, for a patient who has once suffered severe alcoholic psychosis, a shorter duration of binge drinking may be sufficient for its re-development.

      The full clinical picture of psychosis is usually preceded by a stage of precursors, which can already prompt relatives to take the necessary measures.

      Harbingers can be:

    • neurological disorders in the form of headache, tinnitus, vomiting, impaired speech, etc.;
    • unusual aversion to alcohol;
    • lack of appetite;
    • growing feeling of anxiety, restlessness;
    • visual and auditory deceptions during periods of wakefulness: steps, rustling sounds, slamming doors, bells, movement of shadows in the peripheral visual zones (“as if a cat had slipped through”);
    • during the period of falling asleep, visual hallucinations are possible;
    • worsening night sleep, nightmares;
    • mood swings;
    • sweating, hand tremors, palpitations, redness of the face and eyes;
    • extremely rarely convulsive seizures.
    • Detailed clinical picture of delirium

      Translated from Latin, the name psychosis means “shaking darkness.” These two words well characterize the entire clinical picture of delirium tremens.

      An attack of “squirrel” usually “starts” in the dark. It manifests itself as powerful visual hallucinations in which the alcoholic sees images that are somehow related to his fears in life. These can be small animals (rats, mice) or insects. Sometimes there are devils, snakes, bandits, mutants, dead people, terrorists. There may also be, on the contrary, huge villainous creatures or armed monsters. They are all in constant motion. Visual images are accompanied by tactile and auditory hallucinations. The patient feels these creatures crawling over his body and begins to throw them off himself. Sometimes he feels like he is being cut or hit in the body. In psychosis, an alcoholic may hear voices that shout, threaten, tease him or call him somewhere. The alcoholic sees all these nightmares so realistically that the expression on his face and grimaces show the fear he is experiencing. Motor agitation and disturbance of the patient's consciousness intensify. Sometimes he sees entire scenic sketches, for example, of his own funeral or judgment day. Often an alcoholic feels like he is caught in a web or network and cannot get out of it. A person’s speech becomes slurred and consists of fragments of phrases addressed to hallucinatory images. Sometimes during an attack a foreign body is felt in the mouth, which the patient tries to pull out with his hands or spit out. His fingers, the tip of his tongue, his eyelids are trembling. If you ask a patient to write something, he will have difficulty doing it, as the letters “jump.”

      In parallel with all this, the body temperature rises up to 40 degrees, the heart “jumps out” of the chest, blood pressure rises, the patient sweats, shudders, and the body becomes dehydrated.

      During the day, the alcoholic’s condition improves, hallucinations weaken or even disappear altogether. He realizes that he is sick and can talk about what happened in the dark. And as night approaches, the clinic begins to grow in size again.

      Dangerous consequences of delirium tremens

      During a squirrel attack, the patient is disoriented in space and time. He doesn’t know where he is or what to do, although he answers questions about himself correctly. His brain is completely captured by the hallucinatory plot. He takes an active part in everything that happens: he talks to the images, answers their questions, and can obey orders. Often defends himself from pursuers or bandits, runs away from them, fights off monsters, or throws off spiders, snakes and other creatures.

      In this state, the alcoholic is dangerous not only for the people around him, but also for himself. To escape, he can jump out of a window or attack the first person he meets on the way. Suicide attempts are often made. Obeying imaginary orders, the patient may find himself on the railway track and throw himself under the train or, supposedly to save his soul, climb into a noose.

      Treatment of delirium tremens

      Delirium tremens is an absolute indication for hospitalization of a patient in a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic. Based on Article 29 of the Law Russian Federation“On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”, a patient who poses a danger to himself or others and whose condition will worsen without psychiatric help is hospitalized without his consent or the consent of his legal representative.

      Treatment of alcoholic delirium is a whole range of measures:

    • removal of excitement;
    • elimination of disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
    • restoration of water-electrolyte balance in the body;
    • fight against metabolic disorders;
    • restoration of kidney and liver function;
    • fight against hyperthermia;
    • treatment of concomitant diseases.
    • What should be the tactics of relatives towards a patient during delirium tremens, until the emergency psychiatric team arrives? First, you need to try to calm him down and put him to bed. If the patient does not agree to this voluntarily, he can be tied to the bed. In this case, an ice pack should be placed on the head and the patient should be provided with drinking plenty of fluids. If the alcoholic reacts adequately, let him accept cold shower. Before the doctor arrives, he must be under observation.

      Delirium tremens, after appropriate treatment, can result in complete recovery or leave consequences, for example, in the form of amnestic syndrome. Without treatment, psychosis often leads to death.

      How to avoid alcoholic delirium? How to prevent it? There is only one answer, and it is obvious - stop drinking!! This is the only way out if alcohol addiction has not yet developed. If alcoholism occurs, only it immediate treatment will help avoid alcohol psychosis.

      There are symptoms indicating that delirium tremens is beginning.

      1. Lack of craving for alcohol.

      Before the onset of delirium tremens, the alcoholic loses desire, and may even develop an aversion to alcohol.

      2. Sudden mood changes.

      The approach of delirium can be warned by the change of joy to unexpected depression, melancholy or fear. The patient becomes agitated and cannot sit in one place.

      3. Trembling of the limbs.

      4. Restless sleep with nightmares, insomnia.

      After waking up, the patient experiences terrible visual images, and he can hear non-existent sounds.

      How to avoid delirium tremens? The answer to this question is clear - stop drinking if alcohol dependence has not yet occurred. If the disease already exists, seek treatment for alcoholism.

      Hallucinations during delirium tremens

      An attack of delirium tremens occurs at night. His character is progressive. Among the hallucinations, images of insects, amphibians and small animals, for example, spiders, snakes, mice or rats, which a person is afraid of, predominate. in good condition. In the old days, believing alcoholics imagined devils during delirium tremens. There may also be visions of nets, cobwebs, ropes from which the patient cannot get out, or scenes from horror films where destruction and chaos reign. Often such pictures in the perception of an alcoholic are not three-dimensional - they are rather reminiscent of watching a movie. Auditory hallucinations are associated with what the patient imagines - he can hear the cries of animals, screams of horror or threats. In a state of delirium tremens, there are frequent cases of unreasonable, painful jealousy of an alcoholic.

      Everything that a patient sees and hears in a state of delirium tremens is reflected in his facial expressions. Grimaces of confusion, fear, and horror appear on the alcoholic’s face. He tries to throw off imaginary insects or reptiles, pushes someone away from him, or tries to hide. In addition to visual and auditory ones, the patient is haunted by tactile hallucinations. He feels how insects or amphibians crawl over him, how he is bitten, cut or beaten. The condition of delirium tremens is characterized by a sensation foreign body in the mouth - the patient tries in every possible way to spit it out or pull it out with his hands. The patient’s speech during an attack is abrupt and slurred; most often he shouts out individual remarks, talking to images from his hallucinations.

      Dangers of alcoholic delirium

      Delirium tremens, or as alcoholics affectionately call it, squirrel, is a psychosis that poses a danger to the health of the patient himself and the lives of the people around him. In such a state, a person may suddenly jump out of a window, or rush, as it seems to him, to help the victim, in fact causing real harm to those who are nearby. Trying to get rid of obsessive scary hallucinations or obeying the orders of a voice in his own head, the patient may commit suicide.

      During alcoholic delirium, the patient loses orientation in space - he does not understand where he is and where to go. Although he will report his name and other information relating to his personality very accurately.

      Hallucinations characteristic of delirium tremens weaken in daytime, and in the evening and at night they become bright again. Between them there are so-called lucid intervals, when the visions go away and the patient can talk about them.

      There are more severe forms of delirium. For example, professional, in which a person is confident that he is at his workplace. He moves and makes sounds characteristic of his professional activities.

      Very complex look Alcoholic psychosis is musing, or muttering delirium. In this state, the patient, lying in bed, constantly mutters something and reproduces movements reminiscent of palpating, rubbing, and smoothing. Such behavior can cause death - from collapse or associated pneumonia.

      Delirium tremens has serious consequences for the body. Alcohol delirium also negatively affects physical state person. There is a progressive deterioration in health. Body temperature (from +38°C to +40°C and above) and blood pressure increase, dehydration occurs, and heart rate is disturbed. The patient cannot move, he is tormented by chills, followed by sweating, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, the skin turns pale or rarely turns red. A specific unpleasant odor emanates from his body.

      The disease delirium tremens is characterized by selective amnesia. The patient usually remembers his hallucinatory experiences and sensations better than real events and his own behavior.

      Difficulties in diagnosing alcoholic delirium arise in cases where the patient used other hallucinogenic substances along with alcohol. The alcoholic nature of delirium is evidenced by the fact that it occurs in the second or third stage of alcoholism, and before an attack of delirium tremens, the patient usually experiences withdrawal symptoms. If delirium does not occur in the first stage of alcoholism, then it is caused by other toxic substances.

      The pathogenesis of alcoholic delirium is seen in toxic poisoning body due to alcoholic liver damage. Pathological anatomy characterizes severe fatal cases when an alcoholic is found to have swelling of the brain, fatty degeneration of the liver, pinpoint hemorrhages into the brain, signs of cardiopathy.

      With typical delirium, the mortality rate of patients reaches 15%. The prognosis for severe cases of this psychosis is unfavorable. With delirium exacerbating, a high percentage has been observed deaths; In professional cases, Korsakov's psychosis often occurs.

    Delirium tremens (“delirium tremens” - “shaking stupor” translated from Latin, also known as “alcoholic delirium”) is one of the classic signs of alcoholism. Despite the fact that delirium tremens is typical for chronic alcoholics, it occurs only when sober, usually a few days after the end of the binge.

    Why does delirium tremens begin after drinking?

    The reason lies in the fact that after the end of the binge, the alcoholic begins withdrawal syndrome, which provokes the development of psychosis, against the background of toxic damage to the central nervous system.

    Symptoms of delirium delirium

    The main (and most noticeable) symptoms of delirium tremens are:

    • hallucinations;
    • disturbances of consciousness;
    • motor excitement;
    • pronounced feeling of fear.

    Hallucinations during an attack of delirium tremens are unusually vivid and believable for the patient. Most often, they are provoked by a feeling of fear, so they take on threatening forms, for example, they can be various monsters, armed people, or simply animals that frighten the patient. Thus, some patients say that during attacks they saw huge spiders, snakes, crocodiles, or rats and mice that literally crawled out of all the cracks.

    The classic triad of delirium tremens symptoms:

    • Reichardt's symptom: if you give the patient a blank sheet of paper and invite him to read, he can discern printed text on the sheet;
    • Aschaffenburg's symptom: the patient willingly talks on the phone if you give him a disconnected receiver;
    • Lipman's symptom: when pressing on closed eyes and provoking questions, the patient sees certain people and animals.

    A characteristic feature of hallucinations is that visual images are not static, they are in constant motion. In addition to visual hallucinations, auditory and tactile hallucinations are quite common. It also happens that all three types of hallucinations add up to one frightening picture - for example, the sight of a funeral, a vision of court or hell.

    The behavior of an alcoholic during an attack of delirium tremens is quite typical - he can argue with someone, run away from monsters, try to trample spiders, or even defend himself from hallucinations with the help of objects that come to hand. That is why an alcoholic during an attack is dangerous for himself and others - when trying to escape from the “devils”, he may well jump out of a window from the fifth floor or attack his wife with a kitchen knife, who appears to him in the form of a demon with a pitchfork.

    The second characteristic sign of delirium tremens is tremor - trembling of the eyelids, tip of the tongue and fingers. Because of this, the patient’s speech becomes blurred, unrecognizable and incomprehensible. And because the alcoholic’s fingers tremble, the handwriting changes, the letters become angular and jump across the sheet of paper.

    Delirium tremens is an unconditional indication for compulsory hospitalization in a hospital, as is directly stated in the law on mental health care.

    How to recognize a “squirrel” in time?

    The name Delirium tremens is given to Belgian ales with an alcohol content of 9 and 10 percent by volume. It has been produced since 1989 and features a flying pink elephant on the label.

    What to do if a loved one has delirium tremens?

    First of all, you must immediately call an ambulance. Home remedies like a glass of vodka or brine will not help here. After the ambulance is called, all that remains is to wait for its arrival and try not to provoke the alcoholic.