What is better according to doctors: Magnelis B6, Magne B6 or Magnesium B6, what is the difference between these drugs? Comparing Magnerot or Magne B6 - which is better

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Magne B6 is a drug that replenishes the deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B 6 in the human body, regardless of the reasons that provoked it. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of magnesium deficiency and related disorders, such as sleep disorders, nervous excitability, mental or physical fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, anxiety attacks with hyperventilation, as well as asthenia.

Composition, release forms and varieties of Magne B6

Currently, the drug is available in two varieties - Magne B6 And Magne B6 forte. On pharmaceutical market in some CIS countries (for example, in Kazakhstan) Magne B6 forte is sold under the name Magne B6 Premium. The difference in names is due only to the marketing work of the manufacturing company, since Magne B6 Forte and Magne B6 Premium are absolutely identical drugs. Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte differ from each other only in dosage active ingredients, of which there are twice as many in the second preparation. Otherwise, there are no differences between the varieties of the drug.

Magne B6 is available in two dosage forms:

  • Tablets for oral administration;
  • Oral solution.
Magne B6 forte is available in a single dosage form - tablets for oral administration.

The composition of tablets and solution of both varieties of Magne B6 as active ingredients includes the same substances - magnesium salt and vitamin B 6, the amount of which is reflected in the table.

Active components of Magne B6 tablets (amount per tablet) Active components of Magne B6 forte tablets (amount per tablet) Active components of Magne B6 solution (amount per ampoule)
Magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg, corresponding to 48 mg of pure magnesiumMagnesium citrate 618.43 mg, which corresponds to 100 mg of pure magnesiumMagnesium lactate dihydrate 186 mg and magnesium pidolate 936 mg, equivalent to 100 mg pure magnesium
Vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride – 5 mgVitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride – 10 mg

Thus, as can be seen from the table, one tablet of Magne B6 forte contains the same amount of active substances as one full ampoule of solution (10 ml). And Magne B6 tablets contain two times less active substances compared to a full ampoule of solution (10 ml) and Magne B6 forte. This should be kept in mind when calculating dosages for taking the drug.

Auxiliary components of both varieties of Magne B6 are also reflected in the table.

Excipients of Magne B6 tablets Excipients of Magne B6 forte tablets Excipients of Magne B6 solution
Titanium dioxideHypromelloseSodium disulfite
Carnauba waxTitanium dioxideSodium saccharinate
Acacia gumLactoseCherry caramel flavor
KaolinMacrogolPurified water
CarboxypolymethyleneMagnesium stearate
Magnesium stearateTalc

Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets have the same oval, biconvex shape and are painted in a shiny white color. Magne B6 is packaged in cardboard boxes of 50 pieces, and Magne B6 forte - 30 or 60 tablets.

Magne B6 oral solution is bottled in sealed ampoules of 10 ml. The package contains 10 ampoules. The solution is colored brown transparent color and has a characteristic caramel smell.

Therapeutic effect

Magnesium plays an important role in various physiological processes in the body, ensuring the process of transmitting impulses from nerve fiber to muscles, as well as contractions muscle fibers. In addition, magnesium reduces excitability nerve cells and ensures the activation of a number of enzymes, under the influence of which cascades of important biochemical reactions metabolism in various organs and fabrics.

Magnesium deficiency can develop due to the following reasons:

  • Congenital pathology of metabolism, in which this element is poorly absorbed in the intestines from food;
  • Insufficient intake of the element into the body, for example, due to malnutrition, starvation, alcoholism, parenteral nutrition;
  • Malabsorption of magnesium in digestive tract for chronic diarrhea, gastrointestinal fistulas or hypoparathyroidism;
  • Loss of large amounts of magnesium due to polyuria (urine excretion in a volume of more than 2 liters per day), taking diuretics, chronic pyelonephritis, defects renal tubules, primary hyperaldosteronism or use of Cisplastin;
  • Increased need for magnesium during pregnancy, stress, taking diuretics, as well as high mental or physical activity.
Vitamin B6 is a necessary structural element of enzymes that ensure the occurrence of various biochemical reactions. Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolic process and in the functioning of the nervous system, and also improves the absorption of magnesium in the intestines and facilitates its penetration into cells.

Magne B6 - indications for use

Both varieties of Magne B6 have the same the following readings for use:
1. Identified and supported by data laboratory tests Magnesium deficiency, in which a person has the following symptoms:
  • Irritability;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Spasms of the stomach and intestines;
  • Heartbeat;
  • Muscle spasms and pain;
  • Tingling sensation in muscles and soft tissues.
2. Prevention of the development of magnesium deficiency against the background increased need in this element (pregnancy, stress, malnutrition, etc.) or its increased removal from the body (pyelonephritis, taking diuretics, etc.).

Magne B6 - instructions for use

Magne B6 tablets

Magne B6 in tablet form is intended only for adults and children over 6 years of age. Children under 6 years of age should be given the drug in the form of an oral solution.

The tablets must be taken with meals, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, and with a glass of still water.

The dosage of Magne B6 is determined by the person’s age:

  • Adults and adolescents over 12 years old - take 6 - 8 tablets per day (2 tablets 3 times a day or 4 tablets 2 times a day);
  • Children over 6 years old with a body weight of more than 20 kg - take 4-6 tablets per day (2 tablets 2-3 times a day).
The indicated daily amount of Magne B6 is divided into 2 - 3 doses per day, keeping approximately equal intervals between them.

Dosages of Magne B6 forte are determined by the person’s age:

  • Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age - take 3-4 tablets per day (1 tablet 3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day);
  • Children 6 - 12 years old - take 2 - 4 tablets per day (1 tablet 2-3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day).
Total specified su exact dosage The drug must be divided into 2 - 3 doses.

The average duration of treatment is 3 – 4 weeks. If the drug is taken to eliminate magnesium deficiency, then the course of treatment is completed when, according to the results of laboratory tests, the concentration of this element in the blood is normal. If the drug is taken with for preventive purposes, then the course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.

special instructions

In case of moderate and mild renal failure, the drug should be used with caution, constantly monitoring the level of magnesium in the blood, since due to the low rate of excretion of the drug by the kidneys, there is a risk of developing hypermagnesemia ( increased concentration magnesium in the blood). If renal failure is severe and CC (according to the Rehberg test) is less than 30 ml/min, then Magne B6 is contraindicated for use in any form (both tablets and solution).

Children aged 1 – 6 years should be given Magne B6 only in solution form. Children over 6 years of age who weigh more than 20 kg can be given Magne B6 in tablet form (including Magne B6 forte). But if a child over 6 years old has a body weight of less than 20 kg, then he cannot be given the drug in tablets; in this case, a solution should be used.

If a person has a severe degree of magnesium deficiency, then before taking Magne B6, several intravenous injections appropriate medications.

If a person has a combined deficiency of calcium and magnesium, then it is first recommended to take a course of Magne B6 to eliminate the deficiency of magnesium, and only after that start taking various biologically active additives and drugs to normalize calcium levels in the body. This recommendation is due to the fact that in conditions of magnesium deficiency, calcium entering the body is very poorly absorbed.

If a person often uses alcoholic drinks, laxatives or constantly endures heavy physical or mental stress, then he can take Magne B6 to prevent magnesium deficiency in the body without any special tests. In this case, the usual preventive course is 2–3 weeks, and it can be repeated every 2–3 months.

Magne B6 solution as excipients contains sulfite, which can increase the manifestations of allergies, which must be kept in mind and taken into account by people prone to hypersensitivity reactions.

When taking the drug in high dosages (more than 20 tablets of Magne B6 forte and more than 40 tablets or 40 ampoules of Magne B6) for a long time, there is a risk of developing axonal neuropathy, which is manifested by numbness, impairment pain, tremors of the arms and legs and gradually increasing loss of coordination of movements. This disorder is reversible and disappears completely after discontinuation of the drug.

If, despite taking Magne B6, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (excitability, muscle cramps, irritability, insomnia, fatigue) do not decrease or go away, then you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Neither tablets nor solution of Magne B6 affect a person’s ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while taking any form of the drug, you can exercise various types activities requiring high speed reactions and concentration.


An overdose of Magne B6 is possible, but, as a rule, this occurs against the background of renal failure. In people who do not suffer from kidney disease, an overdose of Magne B6 is usually not observed.

Symptoms of an overdose of Magne B are the following:

  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Nausea;
  • CNS depression;
  • Reduced severity of reflexes;
  • Changes on the ECG;
  • Respiratory depression up to paralysis;
  • Anuria (lack of urine).
To treat an overdose of Magne B6, it is necessary to give the person diuretics in combination with big amount water and rehydration solutions (for example, Regidron, Trisol, Disol, etc.). If a person suffers renal failure, then to eliminate an overdose it is necessary to perform hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Interaction with other drugs

Magne B6 reduces the severity therapeutic action Levodopa. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the combined use of Levodopa with Magne B6, however, if there is an urgent need to take these drugs, then additionally you should mandatory prescribe peripheral dopa decarboxylase inhibitors (Benserazide, etc.). In other words, the combination of Levodopa and Magne B6 is possible only with the additional use of a third drug from the group of dopa decarboxylase inhibitors.

Calcium and phosphate salts impair the absorption of magnesium in the intestine, so they are not recommended for use simultaneously with Magne B6.

Magne B6 reduces the absorption of tetracyclines (Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Doxycycline) in the intestine, so an interval of at least 2 to 3 hours should be maintained between taking these drugs. That is, Magne B6 should be taken either 2 - 3 hours before or 2 - 3 hours after taking a tetracycline antibiotic.

Magne B6 weakens the effects of thrombolytic agents (Streptokinase, Alteplase, etc.) and anticoagulants (Warfarin, Thrombostop, Phenilin, etc.), and impairs the absorption of iron preparations (for example, Fenyuls, Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer Durules, etc. .).

Magne B6 during pregnancy

Magne B6 is approved for use during pregnancy, since long-term observations and experimental studies did not reveal any negative impacts this drug on the fetus and on the mother.

Magne B6 is widely prescribed to pregnant women, since its benefits are obvious in almost all cases. Thus, magnesium, which is part of the drug, helps reduce excitation in the central nervous system, due to which the woman becomes calmer, nervousness, moodiness, mood swings, etc. disappear. Of course, the calmness of the expectant mother has a positive effect on the child.

Vitamin B 6, also included in the preparation, is necessary for normal height and development of the fetal nervous system and heart. Against the background of vitamin B6 deficiency, the fetus may develop heart defects, its valve apparatus or central nervous system. Magne B6 prevents such pregnancy complications.

Thus, it is obvious that Magne B6 improves not only physical state pregnant woman and eliminates uterine hypertonicity, but also has a positive effect on the emotional background and relieves unnecessary stress.

However, Magne B6 is prescribed to almost all pregnant women in fairly long courses, even if the woman does not have a threat of miscarriage, hypertension, tics, etc. This practice is due to the fact that during pregnancy the consumption and need for magnesium doubles, and quite often a woman does not receive the required amount of the microelement from food or vitamins, as a result of which she develops certain symptoms of microelement deficiency. Therefore, doctors consider it justified prophylactic appointment Magne B6 to prevent deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6.

remember, that Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

  • Spasms, cramps, tics in muscles, nagging pain in the lower back or lower abdomen;
  • Dizziness, headaches, sleep disorders, irritability;
  • Arrhythmia, increased or decreased arterial pressure, palpitations, heart pain;
  • Nausea, vomiting, alternating constipation with diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain;
  • Tendency to edema, low body temperature, constant chilliness.
Similar symptoms occur in large number pregnant women, which allows us to conclude that magnesium deficiency is widespread during pregnancy. Knowing this state of affairs, gynecologists managing pregnancy prescribe Magne B6 to women in regular courses of 3 to 4 weeks, even if this particular pregnant woman has not yet fully developed symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

During pregnancy, it is optimal to take 2 tablets of Magne B6 or 1 tablet of Magne B6 forte 3 times a day with meals.

Magne B6 for children

Magne B6 is prescribed to children to eliminate or prevent magnesium deficiency. In some cases, the drug is prescribed “just in case”, because clinical observations have shown that taking Magne B6 has a positive effect on the general condition of the child, who sleeps better, becomes calmer, more attentive, more diligent, and is less likely to be capricious and nervous. Of course, such effects are assessed very positively by both parents and pediatricians, and therefore Magne B6 is often prescribed to children who do not have magnesium deficiency, but adults want to make them calmer and less excitable. Despite useful action Magne B6, it is not recommended to use the drug without a doctor’s prescription and supervision, especially for children 1 – 6 years old.

Magne B6 is available in two dosage forms - tablets and oral solution. Tablets can only be given to children over 6 years old, provided that their body weight has reached 20 kg or more.

The dosage of Magne B6 for children is determined by their age and body weight:

  • Children aged 1 – 6 years with a body weight of 10 – 20 kg– take 1 – 4 ampoules per day, having previously calculated the exact dosage based on body weight, based on the ratio of 10 – 30 mg of magnesium per 1 kg of weight per day;
  • Children aged 6 – 12 years, weighing more than 20 kg– take 1 – 3 ampoules per day (1/3 – 1 ampoule 3 times a day) or 4 – 6 tablets per day (2 tablets 2 – 3 times a day);
  • Teenagers over 12 years old– take 2 – 4 ampoules per day (1 ampoule 2-3 times a day or 2 ampoules 2 times a day) or 6 – 8 tablets per day (2 tablets 3 times a day or 4 tablets 2 times a day).
Clarifying the dosage not only by age, but also by body weight is very important. The fact is that even if the child is one year old, but his weight is less than 10 kg, then he cannot be given Magne B6 solution. Also, you should not give pills to a child if he is 6 years old but weighs less than 20 years. In this case, a six-year-old child is given a solution in dosages for 1 to 6 years.

For children 1–6 years old, it is recommended to calculate the dosage individually based on body weight. For example, a child’s weight is 15 kg, which means he can be given a solution in a dosage of 10 * 15 = 150 mg, or 30 * 15 = 450 mg per day (calculation is based on the amount of magnesium). Since one full ampoule contains 100 mg of magnesium, 150 mg and 450 mg correspond to 1.5 or 4.5 ampoules. When the calculation results in an incomplete number of ampoules, it is rounded to whole numbers. That is, in our example, 1.5 ampoules are rounded to 2, and 4.5 - to 4, since the maximum permissible dosage for a child 1 – 6 years old is 4 ampoules.

Magne B6 forte can be given to children over 6 years old, provided that their body weight is more than 20 kg. The dosage of Magne B6 forte for children of different ages is as follows:

  • Teenagers over 12 years old– take 3 – 4 tablets per day (1 tablet 3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day);
  • Children 6 – 12 years old– take 2 – 4 tablets per day (1 tablet 2-3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day).
The indicated daily amount of Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte should be divided into 2 - 3 doses and drunk with meals. It is optimal to give the child all 2 - 3 doses of the drug before 17.00. The solution from ampoules for administration is pre-diluted in half a glass still water, and take the tablets with a glass of water.

The course of use of Magne B6 for children without confirmed magnesium deficiency is 2–3 weeks. For children with identified and laboratory confirmed magnesium deficiency, the drug is given until the level of the mineral in the blood rises to normal values.

  • Age under 6 years (only for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets);
  • Age under 1 year (for oral solution);
  • Fructose intolerance (for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets);
  • Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets);
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets);
  • Taking Levodopa;
  • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Analogs

    Magne B6 has two types of analogues - these are synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms include medications, which contain the same active substances as Magne B6. Analogues include drugs that have a similar spectrum of therapeutic action, but contain other active substances.

    On the Russian pharmaceutical market Magne B6 has only three synonymous drugs:

    • Magnelis B6;
    • Magwit;
    • Magnesium plus B6.
    On the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market In addition to those indicated, there are two more synonymous drugs - Magnicum and Magnelact. Previously, Magnelact was also sold in Russia, but its registration has now expired.

    The following drugs are analogues of Magne B6:

    • Additiva magnesium effervescent tablets;
    • Vitrum Mag chewable tablets;
    • Magne Positive tablets;
    • Magne Express granules for resorption;
    • Magnerot tablets;
    • Magnesium-Diasporal 300 granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration;
    • Magnesium plus tablets.

    Cheap analogues of Magne B6

    The following drugs are cheaper synonyms compared to Magne B6:
    • Magnelis B6 – 250 – 370 rubles for 90 tablets;
    • Magnesium plus B6 – 320 – 400 rubles for 50 tablets.
    The cost of Magnelis B6 and Magnesium plus B6 is almost two or more times lower than that of Magne B6.

    The only cheaper analogue of Magne B6 is Vitrum Mag - 270 - 330 rubles for 30 tablets.

    Hello girls, I was in storage for several days, today the doctor let me go home until Monday, I explained how to treat myself at home, I was in bed with abdominal pain for 18 weeks, I was told to drink magnesium B6, I already wanted to buy it myself, I drank Magnelis for a short period of time, I didn’t understand, it helped Whether it’s for me or not, a girl read here and wrote that only Magne B6 helps her, and no other analogues. So I went to the pharmacy, these drugs cost 167 rubles, 364 rubles, 600, and 900 in a row)))) I asked what the actual difference was? To which they told me no, so I took the cheapest one. It’s the same story with calcium D3, so I took the most common one, what do you think? Is there any difference?? My leg drags all day long, the doctor says I don’t have enough of these substances...

    Magnesium B6 is a vitamin complex (dietary supplement) aimed at maintaining nerve impulses and metabolism. Magnesium and vitamin B6 are found in every body, but if there is a deficiency, this medicine is prescribed. This complex will help the body cope with stressful moments in life and is useful for all ages.

    What is it needed for?

    A vitamin-mineral complex is needed to maintain the body as a whole. Without it, calcium is also not absorbed. If there is a lack of this component, causeless fatigue and irritability appear, that is, it is bad for the entire body, and especially the nervous system.

    The drug is prescribed for stress, during pregnancy, for the prevention of neuroses, when planning pregnancy and for early stages, as well as when increased tone uterus, reduces high blood pressure, from nerves.

    Composition, release form, cost

    Available in ampoules and tablets. Consists of 2 elements: magnesium lactate dihydrate plus vitamin B6.

    1 tablet contains 48 mg of magnesium and 5 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride. Their color is oval and white. Available in boxes of 36 and 60 tablets. 1 ampoule contains 100 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride. Packages contain 10 ampoules. It has been proven that liquid preparation best absorbed by the body. The contents can be either drunk, diluted with water, or given injections.

    Manufacturer: Evalar, Akvion, Sistmatik (Russian).

    How much does the drug cost? The cost of tablets (caps.) at the pharmacy is from 300 rubles for 50 pieces. And 10 ampoules from 250 rubles. Prices vary across the country.

    Analogues are cheaper

    There are quite a lot of substitutes and drugs similar to this one. Namely: Magnelis, Magne B6, Doppelhertz, magnesia, Complivit (a preparation with many vitamins, including magnesium), Magnelis, Panangin, Solgar vitamin complex, Blamomax (B vitamins), motherwort forte. Some are cheap and others are expensive. It depends who produces it.

    Some of these preparations also contain other vitamins. Magne B6 and Magnesium B6 are the same thing, but the manufacturers are different. And the second one is much cheaper. They do not differ in action. But replacing the drug should be under the supervision of a doctor. Maznesium is presented as effervescent tablets.

    It is very good to take magnesium B6 and glycine. This combination has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

    What is the difference between magnesium and vitamin B6 preparations?

    They complement each other perfectly. Magnesium in the body is a source of energy and proper operation all metabolic processes. Vitamin B6 also affects the nervous system, but through the synthesis of protein, hemoglobin and enzymes. It promotes the absorption of proteins and fats. Why talk about differences, it’s important to talk about additions.

    Instructions for use

    Adults, both women and men, need to take 3-4 tablets 2-3 times a day. You can take it for a long time.

    If used in ampoules, then 3-4 ampoules. Dissolve the contents of the ampoule in a glass of water and drink. Drink the solution 2-3 times a day.

    You need to take the tablets after meals (so they are better absorbed) and drink plenty of water.

    Instructions for magnesium in 6 forte

    Indications are the same as usual: 3-4 tablets or ampoules per day.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding how to take?

    At breastfeeding(during lactation) it is not advisable to take this drug, as it is excreted with breast milk. It is also not recommended for infants under 12 months.

    In tablets, prescription for adults

    The medicine can be taken in tablet form for children over 6 years of age. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Typically the daily dose is 2-4 tablets during or after meals.

    Adults take 3-4 tablets per day with a glass of water. On average, they take up to 30 days.

    For children dosage

    It is allowed to be given in ampoules to infants from 12 months. It is necessary to give 10-30 mg for each kilogram of the child’s weight. If you need to change the drug, be sure to consult your doctor. He will also tell you how much to drink over time. The drug is obtained as a syrup, as it has a sweetish taste.

    Reviews, contraindications

    The use of the medicine is contraindicated in case of renal failure, impaired glucose absorption, as well as intolerance to the components.

    There are many reviews about this medicine, mostly positive. Sometimes you can meet allergic reactions in children. Some doctors, for example, Komarovsky, advise taking magnesium for life, since the body will not take the required daily dose from foods. The official website will provide detailed instructions, where there is also a photo of the medicine. You can feel the benefits of vitamins after a week of taking them. There you can also find baby gel containing a vitamin complex.

    What foods do contain magnesium?

    How much depends on nutrition. Rich necessary microelements buckwheat, soy, almonds, rice, bran, spinach, eggs, oatmeal and other products containing potassium and magnesium. B6 alone will not do the job, but it should be taken as a complex for hair growth.

    Sometimes pharmacies hold a “be healthy” promotion and sell vitamin complexes cheaper.

    Side effects

    The drug rarely has Negative influence on the body. The most common is allergies. IN in rare cases There is gas formation and nausea.

    Compatibility with other drugs, alcohol

    Magnesium B6 is not compatible with taking levodopa. The absorption of the drug and its simultaneous use with calcium worsens. Alcohol flushes it out of the body. For obvious reasons, taking the medicine with alcohol becomes ineffective.

    Magne B6

    is a drug that replenishes magnesium deficiency and


    in the human body, regardless of the reasons that provoked it. The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of magnesium deficiency and related disorders, such as sleep disorders, nervous excitability, mental or physical


    Muscle pain and spasms, anxiety attacks with hyperventilation

    Composition, release forms and varieties of Magne B6

    Currently, the drug is available in two varieties -

    Magne B6Magne B6 forte

    In the pharmaceutical market of some CIS countries (for example, in Kazakhstan), Magne B6 forte is sold under the name

    Magne B6 Premium

    The difference in names is due only to the marketing work of the manufacturing company, since Magne B6 Forte and Magne B6 Premium are absolutely identical drugs. Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte differ from each other only in the dosage of active ingredients, of which the second preparation contains twice as much. Otherwise, there are no differences between the varieties of the drug.

    Magne B6 is available in two dosage forms:

    Tablets for oral administration; Oral solution. Magne B6 forte is available in a single dosage form - tablets for oral administration.

    The composition of tablets and solution of both varieties of Magne B6 as active ingredients contains the same substances - magnesium salt and vitamin B6, the amounts of which are shown in the table.

    Active components of Magne B6 tablets (amount per tablet) Active components of Magne B6 forte tablets (amount per tablet) Active components of Magne B6 solution (amount per ampoule)
    Magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg, corresponding to 48 mg of pure magnesium Magnesium citrate 618.43 mg, which corresponds to 100 mg of pure magnesium Magnesium lactate dihydrate 186 mg and magnesium pidolate 936 mg, equivalent to 100 mg pure magnesium
    Vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride – 5 mg Vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride – 10 mg

    Thus, as can be seen from the table, one tablet of Magne B6 forte contains the same amount of active substances as one full ampoule of solution (10 ml). And Magne B6 tablets contain two times less active substances compared to a full ampoule of solution (10 ml) and Magne B6 forte. This should be kept in mind when calculating dosages for taking the drug.

    Auxiliary components of both varieties of Magne B6 are also reflected in the table.

    Excipients of Magne B6 tablets Excipients of Magne B6 forte tablets Excipients of Magne B6 solution
    Titanium dioxide Hypromellose Sodium disulfite
    Carnauba wax Titanium dioxide Sodium saccharinate
    Acacia gum Lactose Cherry caramel flavor
    Kaolin Macrogol Purified water
    Carboxypolymethylene Magnesium stearate
    Magnesium stearate Talc

    Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets have the same oval, biconvex shape and are painted in a shiny white color. Magne B6 is packaged in cardboard boxes of 50 pieces, and Magne B6 forte - 30 or 60 tablets.

    Magne B6 oral solution is bottled in sealed ampoules of 10 ml. The package contains 10 ampoules. The solution is colored brown transparent and has a characteristic caramel smell.

    Therapeutic effect

    Magnesium plays an important role in various physiological processes in the body, ensuring the process of transmitting impulses from nerve fibers to muscles, as well as contractions of muscle fibers. In addition, magnesium reduces the excitability of nerve cells and ensures the activation of a number of enzymes, under the influence of which cascades of important biochemical metabolic reactions occur in various organs and tissues.

    Magnesium deficiency can develop due to the following reasons:

    Congenital pathology of metabolism, in which this element is poorly absorbed in the intestines from food; Insufficient intake of the element into the body, for example, with malnutrition, starvation, alcoholism, parenteral nutrition; Impaired absorption of magnesium in the digestive tract with chronic diarrhea, gastrointestinal fistulas or hypoparathyroidism; Loss of large amounts of magnesium due to polyuria (urine excretion in a volume of more than 2 liters per day), taking diuretics, chronic pyelonephritis, renal tubular defects, primary hyperaldosteronism or the use of Cisplastin; Increased need for magnesium during pregnancy, stress, taking diuretics, as well as under high mental or physical stress. Vitamin B6 is a necessary structural element of enzymes that ensure the occurrence of various biochemical reactions. Vitamin B6 is involved in the metabolic process and in the functioning of the nervous system, and also improves the absorption of magnesium in the intestines and facilitates its penetration into cells.

    Magne B6 - indications for use

    Both varieties of Magne B6 have the same following indications for use: 1. Identified and confirmed by laboratory test data, magnesium deficiency, in which a person has the following symptoms: Irritability; Sleep disturbances; Spasms of the stomach and intestines; Palpitations; Fatigue; Spasms and pain in the muscles; Tingling sensation in the muscles and soft tissues. 2. Prevention of the development of magnesium deficiency against the background of an increased need for this element (pregnancy, stress, malnutrition, etc.) or its increased removal from the body (pyelonephritis, taking diuretics, etc.).

    Magne B6 - instructions for use

    Magne B6 tablets

    Magne B6 in tablet form is intended only for adults and children over 6 years of age. Children under 6 years of age should be given the drug in the form of an oral solution.

    The tablets must be taken with meals, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, and with a glass of still water.

    The dosage of Magne B6 is determined by the person’s age:

    Adults and adolescents over 12 years old - take 6 - 8 tablets per day (2 tablets 3 times a day or 4 tablets 2 times a day); Children over 6 years old weighing more than 20 kg - take 4 - 6 tablets per day (2 tablets 2 – 3 times a day). The indicated daily amount of Magne B6 is divided into 2 - 3 doses per day, keeping approximately equal intervals between them.

    The duration of therapy is determined by the rate of disappearance of symptoms of magnesium deficiency and normalization of its concentration in the blood. In case of magnesium deficiency, treatment is stopped after the level of this element in the blood reaches normal values. When taking Magne B6 for prophylaxis, the course of therapy is usually 2–4 weeks.

    Magne B6 in ampoules

    Each ampoule contains 10 ml of a drinking solution, which must be taken orally, first diluted in half a glass of still water. Magne B6 solution is best taken with meals.

    The ampoules with the solution are self-breaking, so you do not need to cut the glass to open them. To safely open the ampoule, you need to place it in a thin, clean cloth. Then, with the fingers of one hand, hold the ampoule through the tissue in vertical position, and with the other, break off the tip that is at the top, making a sharp movement to do this. After this, the ampoule is freed from the tissue, turned over with the open end down so that the solution is poured into a mug, glass or other container. However, in order for the solution to flow freely from the ampoule into the glass, it is necessary to break off the second sharp tip located at the other end of the container. For this exactly the same sudden movement break off the tip, carefully holding it with your fingers so that it does not accidentally fall into the glass. After removing the second sharp tip of the ampoule, the solution will flow out quickly and freely.

    After the entire solution from the ampoule has flowed into the glass, you should dilute it with approximately 100 ml of still water and drink immediately. The ampoule with the solution must be opened immediately before taking the drug. You cannot open the ampoule in advance, pour the solution into a glass and drink it after a few hours or days.

    The dosage of Magne B6 solution is determined by age:

    Adults and adolescents over 12 years old - take 2 - 4 ampoules per day (1 ampoule 2-3 times a day or 2 ampoules 2 times a day); Children aged 6 - 12 years - take 1 - 3 ampoules per day (1/3 - 1 ampoule 3 times a day); Children aged 1 - 6 years - take 1 - 4 ampoules per day, having previously calculated the exact dosage based on body weight, based on the ratio of 10 - 30 mg magnesium per 1 kg of weight. The total daily dosage of the solution must be divided into 2–3 doses, trying to maintain equal intervals between them.

    Magne B6 solution can be given to children starting from the age of 1 year, but provided that their body weight is at least 10 kg. If the child is already one year old, but weighs less than 10 kg, then it is not advisable to give him Magne B6 in the form of a solution.

    The duration of the course of using Magne B6 solution is determined by the rate of normalization of its concentration in the blood and the disappearance of symptoms of magnesium deficiency. If Magne B6 solution is taken to prevent magnesium deficiency (for example, during pregnancy), then the course of use is usually 2 to 4 weeks. If the drug is taken to compensate for magnesium deficiency, then the course of therapy continues until the concentration of this element in the blood reaches normal values.

    Magne B6 forte – instructions for use

    Magne B6 forte tablets are intended for use by adults or children over 6 years of age, provided their body weight is more than 20 kg. If a child is over 6 years old, but his body weight is less than 20 kg, then he cannot take Magne B6 Forte. In this case, the child must be given the drug in the form of an oral solution.

    The tablets must be taken orally during meals, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a glass of still water.

    Dosages of Magne B6 forte are determined by the person’s age:

    Adults and adolescents over 12 years old - take 3 - 4 tablets per day (1 tablet 3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day); Children 6 - 12 years old - take 2 - 4 tablets per day ( 1 tablet 2-3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day). The total indicated daily dosage of the drug must be divided into 2 - 3 doses.

    The average duration of treatment is 3 – 4 weeks. If the drug is taken to eliminate magnesium deficiency, then the course of treatment is completed when, according to the results of laboratory tests, the concentration of this element in the blood is normal. If the drug is taken for prophylactic purposes, the course of treatment is 2–4 weeks.

    special instructions

    In case of moderate and mild renal failure, the drug should be used with caution, constantly monitoring the level of magnesium in the blood, since due to the low rate of excretion of the drug by the kidneys, there is a risk of developing hypermagnesemia (increased concentration of magnesium in the blood). If renal failure is severe and CC (according to the Rehberg test) is less than 30 ml/min, then Magne B6 is contraindicated for use in any form (both tablets and solution).

    Children aged 1 – 6 years should be given Magne B6 only in solution form. Children over 6 years of age who weigh more than 20 kg can be given Magne B6 in tablet form (including Magne B6 forte). But if a child over 6 years old has a body weight of less than 20 kg, then he cannot be given the drug in tablets; in this case, a solution should be used.

    If a person has a severe degree of magnesium deficiency, then before taking Magne B6, several intravenous injections of appropriate drugs should be made.

    If a person has a combined deficiency of calcium and magnesium, then it is first recommended to take a course of Magne B6 to eliminate the deficiency of magnesium, and only after that begin to take various dietary supplements and medications to normalize calcium levels in the body. This recommendation is due to the fact that in conditions of magnesium deficiency, calcium entering the body is very poorly absorbed.

    If a person often drinks alcoholic beverages, laxatives, or constantly endures heavy physical or mental stress, then he can take Magne B6 to prevent magnesium deficiency in the body without any special tests. In this case, the usual preventive course is 2–3 weeks, and it can be repeated every 2–3 months.

    Magne B6 solution contains sulfite as excipients, which can increase the manifestations of allergies, which must be kept in mind and taken into account by people prone to hypersensitivity reactions.

    When taking the drug in high dosages (more than 20 tablets of Magne B6 forte and more than 40 tablets or 40 ampoules of Magne B6) for a long time, there is a risk of developing axonal neuropathy, which is manifested by numbness, impaired pain sensation, tremor of the arms and legs and gradually increasing coordination disorder movements. This disorder is reversible and disappears completely after discontinuation of the drug.

    If, despite taking Magne B6, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (excitability, muscle cramps, irritability, insomnia, fatigue) do not decrease or go away, then you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

    Impact on the ability to operate machinery

    Neither tablets nor Magne B6 solution affect a person’s ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while taking any form of the drug, you can engage in various activities that require high reaction speed and concentration.


    An overdose of Magne B6 is possible, but, as a rule, this occurs against the background of renal failure. In people who do not suffer from kidney disease, an overdose of Magne B6 is usually not observed.

    Symptoms of an overdose of Magne B are the following:

    Decreased blood pressure; Nausea; Vomiting; CNS depression; Decreased severity of reflexes; ECG changes; Respiratory depression up to paralysis; Coma; Cardiac arrest; Anuria (lack of urine). To treat an overdose of Magne B6, it is necessary to give a person diuretics in combination with large amounts of water and rehydration solutions (for example, Regidron, Trisol, Disol, etc.). If a person suffers from renal failure, then hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is necessary to eliminate the overdose.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Magne B6 reduces the severity of the therapeutic effect of Levodopa. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the combined use of Levodopa with Magne B6, however, if there is an urgent need to take these drugs, then peripheral dopa decarboxylase inhibitors (Benserazide, etc.) should also be prescribed. In other words, the combination of Levodopa and Magne B6 is possible only with the additional use of a third drug from the group of dopa decarboxylase inhibitors.

    Calcium and phosphate salts impair the absorption of magnesium in the intestine, so they are not recommended for use simultaneously with Magne B6.

    Magne B6 reduces the absorption of tetracyclines (Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Doxycycline) in the intestine, so an interval of at least 2 to 3 hours should be maintained between taking these drugs. That is, Magne B6 should be taken either 2–3 hours before or 2–3 hours after taking a tetracycline antibiotic.

    Magne B6 weakens the effects of thrombolytic agents (Streptokinase, Alteplase, etc.) and anticoagulants (Warfarin, Thrombostop, Phenilin, etc.), and impairs the absorption of iron preparations (for example, Fenyuls, Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer Durules, etc. .).

    Magne B6 during pregnancy

    Magne B6 is approved for use during pregnancy, since long-term observations and experimental studies have not revealed any negative effects of this drug on the fetus and mother.

    Magne B6 is widely prescribed to pregnant women, since its benefits are obvious in almost all cases. Thus, magnesium, which is part of the drug, helps reduce excitation in the central nervous system, due to which the woman becomes calmer, nervousness, moodiness, mood swings, etc. disappear. Of course, the calmness of the expectant mother has a positive effect on the child.

    In addition, magnesium eliminates muscle spasms, cramps, tics and associated unpleasant pulling sensations or pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, legs, etc. The drug also reduces the tone of the muscular layer of the uterus, thereby eliminating the so-called “hypertonicity” and the associated threat of miscarriage.

    Vitamin B6, also included in the drug, is necessary for normal growth and development of the nervous system and heart of the fetus. Against the background of vitamin B6 deficiency, the fetus may develop malformations of the heart, its valve apparatus or the central nervous system. Magne B6 prevents such pregnancy complications.

    Thus, it is obvious that Magne B6 improves not only the physical condition of a pregnant woman and eliminates uterine hypertonicity, but also has a positive effect on the emotional background and relieves unnecessary stress.

    However, Magne B6 is prescribed to almost all pregnant women in fairly long courses, even if the woman does not have a threat of miscarriage, hypertension, tics, etc. This practice is due to the fact that during pregnancy the consumption and need for magnesium doubles, and quite often a woman does not receive the required amount of the microelement from food or vitamins, as a result of which she develops certain symptoms of microelement deficiency. Therefore, doctors consider the prophylactic administration of Magne B6 to be justified in order to prevent deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6.

    remember, that Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

    Spasms, cramps, muscle tics, nagging pain in the lower back or lower abdomen; Dizziness, headaches, sleep disorders, irritability; Arrhythmia, high or low blood pressure, palpitations, heart pain; Nausea, vomiting, alternating constipation with diarrhea , cramps and pain in the abdomen; Tendency to swelling, low temperature body, constant chilliness. Similar symptoms occur in a large number of pregnant women, which allows us to conclude that magnesium deficiency is widespread during pregnancy. Knowing this state of affairs, gynecologists managing pregnancy prescribe Magne B6 to women in regular courses of 3 to 4 weeks, even if this particular pregnant woman has not yet fully developed symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

    During pregnancy, it is optimal to take 2 tablets of Magne B6 or 1 tablet of Magne B6 forte 3 times a day with meals.

    Magne B6 for children

    Magne B6 is prescribed to children to eliminate or prevent magnesium deficiency. In some cases, the drug is prescribed “just in case,” since clinical observations have shown that taking Magne B6 has a positive effect on the general condition of the child, who sleeps better, becomes calmer, more attentive, more diligent, and is less likely to be capricious and nervous. Of course, such effects are assessed very positively by both parents and doctors -


    And therefore Magne B6 is often prescribed to children who do not have magnesium deficiency, but adults want to make them calmer and less excitable. Despite the beneficial effects of Magne B6, it is not recommended to use the drug without a doctor’s prescription and supervision, especially for children 1–6 years old.

    Magne B6 is available in two dosage forms - tablets and oral solution. Tablets can only be given to children over 6 years old, provided that their body weight has reached 20 kg or more.

    The dosage of Magne B6 for children is determined by their age and body weight:

    Children aged 1 – 6 years with a body weight of 10 – 20 kg– take 1 – 4 ampoules per day, having previously calculated the exact dosage based on body weight, based on the ratio of 10 – 30 mg of magnesium per 1 kg of weight per day; Children aged 6 – 12 years, weighing more than 20 kg– take 1 – 3 ampoules per day (1/3 – 1 ampoule 3 times a day) or 4 – 6 tablets per day (2 tablets 2 – 3 times a day); Teenagers over 12 years old– take 2 – 4 ampoules per day (1 ampoule 2-3 times a day or 2 ampoules 2 times a day) or 6 – 8 tablets per day (2 tablets 3 times a day or 4 tablets 2 times a day). Clarifying the dosage not only by age, but also by body weight is very important. The fact is that even if the child is one year old, but his weight is less than 10 kg, then he cannot be given Magne B6 solution. Also, you should not give pills to a child if he is 6 years old but weighs less than 20 years. In this case, a six-year-old child is given a solution in dosages for 1 to 6 years.

    For children 1–6 years old, it is recommended to calculate the dosage individually based on body weight. For example, a child’s weight is 15 kg, which means he can be given a solution in a dosage of 10 * 15 = 150 mg, or 30 * 15 = 450 mg per day (calculation is based on the amount of magnesium). Since one full ampoule contains 100 mg of magnesium, 150 mg and 450 mg correspond to 1.5 or 4.5 ampoules. When the calculation results in an incomplete number of ampoules, it is rounded to whole numbers. That is, in our example, 1.5 ampoules are rounded to 2, and 4.5 - to 4, since the maximum permissible dosage for a child 1 - 6 years old is 4 ampoules.

    Magne B6 forte can be given to children over 6 years old, provided that their body weight is more than 20 kg. The dosage of Magne B6 forte for children of different ages is as follows:

    Teenagers over 12 years old– take 3 – 4 tablets per day (1 tablet 3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day); Children 6 – 12 years old– take 2 – 4 tablets per day (1 tablet 2-3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day). The indicated daily amount of Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte should be divided into 2 - 3 doses and drunk with meals. It is optimal to give the child all 2 - 3 doses of the drug before 17.00. The solution from the ampoules for administration is first diluted in half a glass of still water, and the tablets are washed down with a glass of water.

    The course of use of Magne B6 for children without confirmed magnesium deficiency is 2–3 weeks. For children with identified and laboratory-confirmed magnesium deficiency, the drug is given until the level of the mineral in the blood rises to normal values.

    Side effects

    Magne B6 is usually well tolerated, but in rare cases it can cause the following side effects: Allergic reactions; Nausea; Vomiting; Flatulence; Diarrhea; Constipation; Abdominal pain; Paresthesia - a feeling of crawling, numbness, etc. (occurs only with long-term use in high dosages); Peripheral neuropathy (occurs only with long-term use in high dosages).

    Contraindications for use

    Magne B6 tablets and solution are contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions or diseases:
    Renal failure, in which creatinine clearance (CC) is less than 30 ml/min; Age under 6 years (only for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets); Age under 1 year (for oral solution); Fructose intolerance (for tablets Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte); Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets); Glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (for Magne B6 and Magne B6 forte tablets); Taking Levodopa; Phenylketonuria; Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug .


    Magne B6 has two types of analogues - these are synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms include medications that contain the same active substances as Magne B6. Analogues include drugs that have a similar spectrum of therapeutic action, but contain other active substances.

    On the Russian pharmaceutical market Magne B6 has only three synonymous drugs:

    Magnelis B6; Magvit; Magnesium plus B6. On the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market In addition to those indicated, there are two more synonymous drugs - Magnicum and Magnelact. Previously, Magnelact was also sold in Russia, but its registration has now expired.

    The following drugs are analogues of Magne B6:

    Additiva magnesium effervescent tablets; Vitrum Mag chewable tablets; Magne Positive tablets; Magne Express granules for resorption; Magnerot tablets; Magnesium-Diasporal 300 granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration; Magnesium plus tablets.

    Cheap analogues of Magne B6

    The following drugs are cheaper synonyms compared to Magne B6:

    Magnelis B6 – 250 – 370 rubles for 90 tablets; Magnesium plus B6 – 320 – 400 rubles for 50 tablets. The cost of Magnelis B6 and Magnesium plus B6 is almost two or more times lower than that of Magne B6.

    The only cheaper analogue of Magne B6 is Vitrum Mag - 270 - 330 rubles for 30 tablets.

    The cardiologist prescribed them to me because of the small “reserve” for prolapse mitral valve, throughout life, with adolescence I have it within the first degree (PMC 1) and some other problems (before that I took the drug Magnerot).

    Mitral valve prolapse 1st degree - in fact, it is not as scary as it sounds. It is believed that this is a feature of the structure of the heart and MVP of 0-1-2 degrees does not significantly affect health (unless there are restrictions on exercise certain types sports) and does not require treatment as such. But in medical journals and in the instructions of the Ministry of Health, medications with magnesium are recommended for such patients.

    I took this course twice a year.

    Magne B6 Forte from Magne B6- the names are similar and it’s easy to get confused.

    What is the difference Magne B6 Forte from Magne B6?

    I’ll show you in the most visual way, here’s a comparison of the two instructions, see the composition:

    These drugs, for all their similarities, even have different magnesium in their composition! And vitamin B6 in different volumes. But the tablets are the same size, quite large.

    Regarding magnesium citrate

    Magnesium citrate is considered one of the most absorbable forms of magnesium - you can learn about this, for example, from the blogs of leading popular doctors. Here's what I found on Mark Hyman's website (direct link):

    The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate

    Avoid magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements).

    So, according to this indicator, the drug can be considered one of the best that is sold in Russian pharmacies.

    Full instructions for Magne B6 Forte:

    Effect on the stomach Magne B6 Forte

    I have a weak and painful stomach, I almost feel everything right away. So, these pills are not easy for me. A bit heavy! Although, no matter how many reviews I read, I didn’t see any more similar complaints from others. Maybe it's just me who has this problem. There were times when I took them under the guise of gastroenterological drugs, otherwise I would later get problems with the gastrointestinal tract and have to have another treatment from a gastroenterologist. The drug that served as my cover was Pariet. Over the years, the situation somehow became worse and worse and, in fact, this is the main reason why I am now looking for a replacement.

    Because of this heaviness and unpleasant sensations in the stomach I sometimes replace one of the ready-made courses mineral water Donat Mg- once a gastroenterologist prescribed it to me and now sometimes I take the course like this instead of along with B vitamins.

    Admission results

    I have long noticed that after the course I become calm like a boa constrictor. In this regard, the drug actually helps a lot and sometimes I change the course of treatment if I feel stressed.

    After unsuccessful IVF He also helped me come to my senses, simply calm down and stop freaking out.

    The stool is normalized, sorry, the drug acts as a mild laxative.

    About prices

    It's very expensive! Here's what I bought in May 2015 at one of the cheapest pharmacies:

    About fakes

    I had a case when I bought a counterfeit drug and realized it about five days after I started taking it. How did you guess?

    Firstly, because of the different sensations in the stomach after taking the pill.

    Secondly, at that time my calves began to bother me a little again, and even from the start of taking pain symptoms did not go away, and in such cases the drug helped me immediately.

    I threw the pack away.


    Not a bad drug, especially if your gastrointestinal tract is strong and does not react, like mine, to taking pills. I give it four out of five.

    Review of the drug Magnerot .

    We will tell you what prompted us to write this review. Let's talk about various forms magnesium, their advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a little look at the chelated forms of minerals, producing countries and raw materials for drugs. Let us present a comparative table of magnesium preparations popular on the CIS market. And in conclusion, let’s talk about why, in fact, this was all started.

    Nowadays it is quite difficult to find something worthy. Not because there is high competition and wide choose, but because there is either no information at all, or too much useless information. At the same time, it is the necessary and significant information that is squeezed somewhere, hidden, and kept silent. To understand and delve into a question, you often have to become almost an expert on some issue.

    How do we choose which drug to buy? Some are guided by doctor’s recommendations, some are looking for information among friends, others are trying to find answers on forums on the Internet. This is in best case scenario. But often we just go to the pharmacy. There we ask for the drug we need. If it is available and the price suits us, we take it; if the price does not suit us, guided by the advice of the pharmacist, we select an analogue.

    We value things more than ourselves.

    For some reason, we devote much less time and effort to choosing what to drink and how to treat ourselves than to choosing a telephone or a kettle. In the first case, we are most concerned about the price; in the second, for some reason we think about reliability, convenience, quality and other indicators.

    One can arrogantly attribute everything to laziness and lack of education of the population, unwillingness to understand and think. But in reality, not everything is so simple. As practice has shown, it is much easier to obtain reliable data about the characteristics of the phone than to find it in the instructions medical product really meaningful information.

    The most valuable thing is information. And to get this value, you need to try.

    As for our topic, when choosing the best magnesium supplement, you will find that the drug instructions often do not indicate the content of magnesium ions. More often, the weight of the substance containing magnesium is indicated there. And these substances, believe me, are incredibly varied. Then I hear in my head the malicious laughter of the school chemistry teacher, with whom we argued about the uselessness of her subject in life.

    The best magnesium supplement. Selection criteria

    So, we have a modest task before us - to find best drug magnesium in the CIS. After much research and meditation, we conclude that the manufacturer is important to us, what substance contains the magnesium we need, the amount of magnesium itself and the price.


    1. Manufacturer.
    2. Contents of the tablet.
    3. Amount of magnesium.
    4. Price

    We'll talk a little later about why the manufacturer is important. The quality of raw materials, reliability of production and availability of the product depend on the “breeding” of the manufacturer.

    Composition of the substance. The following forms have been noticed in the vastness of our market: aspartate, citrate, lactate, oxide, orotate, carbonate, etc. Each form has its own characteristics of absorption and action.

    Manufacturers of drugs firmly believe that we, consumers, can calculate the content of magnesium ions immediately, evaluate absorption and choose the best magnesium drug for ourselves without any prompting. Modesty prevents most manufacturers from writing the phrase “the amount of pure magnesium is.”

    We will not disappoint them in our abilities, so where it is not written, we will consider it a calculator. It's your own fault.

    The best magnesium supplement. Composition of drugs

    Let's decide on the goal. We decided to choose the best magnesium preparation. We will not invent anything new. We will use the logic that is involved in choosing any technique.

    What often falls into the “best” category for us? Most often it is value for money. We don't like to overpay for a name or label, but we also don't like to throw money away by buying a dubious product at a low price. A stingy person pays twice (and in the case of health, he may not pay).

    So, we want to please our body with magnesium.

    Organic salts are good due to better bioavailability and additional effects on the body.

    First, let's introduce the most common forms where magnesium is hidden in organic compounds(organic life forms will agree with me), and then inorganic sources (silicate life forms will be accused of racism).

    When choosing the best magnesium preparation, we take into account the properties of the salts:

    1. Magnesium citrate. Citrate.
    2. Magnesium malate. Malic acid salt.
    3. Aspartate or magnesium aspartate. Salt of aspartic (aminosuccinic) acid.
    4. Magnesium orotate. Orotic acid salt.
    5. Magnesium lactate. Salt of lactic acid.
    Substance nameValue and role for the body
    Magnesium citrateCitric acid is the main intermediate product of the metabolic cycle of tricarboxylic acids. Plays an important role in the system of biochemical reactions cellular respiration. IN aqueous solution forms chelate complexes with ions of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, etc. When taken orally in small doses, it activates the Krebs cycle, which helps accelerate metabolism. The bioavailability of citrates is high.
    Magnesium malateMalic acid is an intermediate product of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the glyoxylate cycle. That is, it is an essential substance for cellular respiration and metabolism. Malic acid is found in unripe apples, grapes, rowan, barberry, raspberries, etc. The bioavailability of malates is high.
    Aspartate (magnesium aspartate)Aminosuccinic acid is one of the body's 20 proteinogenic amino acids. Plays an important role in the metabolism of nitrogenous substances, participates in the formation of pyrimidine bases and urea. Aspartic acid and asparagine are critical for the growth and proliferation of leukemia cells in some types of lymphocytic leukemia. Good bioavailability.
    Magnesium orotateOrotic acid is a vitamin-like substance that affects metabolism and stimulates the growth of living organisms, but does not have all the properties characteristic of vitamins. It is synthesized in sufficient quantities (cases of hypovitaminosis have not yet been described in the literature). Bioavailability is good.
    Magnesium lactateLactic acid is formed during the breakdown of glucose. Sometimes called “blood sugar,” glucose is the main source of carbohydrates in our body. In the food industry it is used as a preservative, food supplement E270. PLA plastic is produced by polycondensation of lactic acid. Bioavailability is good.
    Magnesium sulfateInorganic substance. Used as a saline laxative when taken orally. In a hospital setting - intravenous administration. Not suitable for replenishing magnesium deficiency.
    Magnesium oxideInorganic substance. IN neutral environment practically insoluble. In terms of bioavailability, it is tens of times inferior to organic analogues. Copes well with the task of combating constipation.

    The best magnesium supplement. Contest

    Regarding the well-known panangin and asparkam - why is there so little daily requirement coated in magnesium? The instructions clearly indicate that the maximum dosage is 9 tablets per day. This is probably due to the aspartic acid salt. According to some sources, aspartate is almost toxic to the body (not tested, but we won’t test it on ourselves). About high content magnesium in oxides - you shouldn't lick your lips. Bioavailability tends to zero. The table shows the number of tablets to obtain the average daily requirement of magnesium - 300 mg.

    NameForm of substanceAmount of ionic magnesiumNumber of tablets required to obtain 300 mgCost of daily admission in $
    (USA)Citrate+malatemg 100 mg3 0,32 $
    Magne Express
    citrateMg 150 mg2 0,94 $
    Magnelis B6 forte
    citratemg 100 mg3 0,39 $
    Panangin Forte
    aspartateMg 23 mg13 1,4 $
    aspartateMg 14 mg21 1,8 $
    (All and sundry)
    aspartateMg 14 mg21 0,35 $
    orotateMg 33 mg9 1,77 $
    Complivit magnesium
    lactatemg 60 mg5 0,41 $
    Magnelis B6
    lactateMg 56 mg5−6 0,41 $
    Magne B6
    lactateMg 48 mg6−7 1,69 $
    Doppelhertz active magnesium + B vitamins
    oxideMg 400 mg1 0,24 $
    Magne Good sleep
    oxidemg 60 mg5 1,1 $
    Magne Positive
    oxidemg 50 mg6 1,56 $

    The best magnesium supplement. A little about chelates

    Magnesium Chelate NSP is placed first in the comparison table, because of the presented options it is the only one that claims to have a chelated form of magnesium.

    Why the first? Because chelated forms have significantly better bioavailability. We want to get magnesium ions, and not chew its compounds and through gastrointestinal tract conduct.

    So, let's try to figure out what chelates are.

    Chelate compounds (from lat. chela- claw) - claw-shaped complex compounds formed by the interaction of metal ions with ligands. Ligand is an atom, ion or molecule associated with a certain center. Chelates contain a central ion, a complexing agent, and ligands coordinated around it.

    It's clear? Not good.

    If we speak without fear of getting hit over the head with a microscope, then a chelate is when metal atoms envelop large molecules tightly enough to form a stable structure. May gray-haired chemistry professors and armchair critics forgive me. As a result, a complex is formed that protects the metal ion from unnecessary interactions and ensures its delivery to the place of requirement.

    In medicine and agriculture Chelates are used to introduce microelements into food due to the high digestibility of chelate complexes compared to free metal ions.

    Chelated form - reliable delivery of valuable cargo to its destination.

    Why is this interesting in our case? We want magnesium. Magnesium is a trace element with which it can form chelate complexes. Through banal manipulations with the encyclopedia, we learn that lemon acid can be used as a weak chelate additive.

    It would seem that all magnesium citrates are chelate complexes? Then why don’t they write? Are you shy? Excessive modesty does not help increase sales. So the reason is different.

    Not every manufacturer can provide the chelated form.

    The problem is this: in order to end up with a chelate, you need to make a lot of effort at the production stage and maintain sufficient a large number of conditions (at least the strictest ratio of metal and chelate additive). Few can afford this. Hence such honesty (although it is rather determined by the size of the fines for giving incorrect information). Having the same spices, each cook will prepare the dish according to his capabilities.

    The best magnesium supplement. A little about manufacturers and raw materials

    Almost everyone in their life has faced the dilemma of which manufacturer to choose. This is often due to differences in price. Domestic is cheaper, foreign is more expensive. This has already become a habit.

    Everything about manufacturers is interesting. Form of organization (OJSC, CJSC, etc.). The location of the head office and production is valuable because the degree of responsibility to the consumer can be assessed. The number of countries where products are presented indirectly makes it clear about the quality of the product and its compliance with various standards. Optimal: sales of products in the manufacturing country and huge exports. Availability of representative offices... And much more.

    So let's take a little look at what dictates the price of drugs. We won’t go too deep; that’s not what this topic is about.

    Usually the name, brand, company is blamed. They say the company is called “Abewegedeyka”, it is world famous, and therefore it raises prices unreasonably. Is that just the point? Are we paying for a name?

    Of course, well-known companies have the opportunity to raise the price tag, because their customers are likely to tolerate and buy a familiar drug again.

    The cost of the drug also includes the cost of production, depreciation, wages and provision of working conditions (workers, doctors, medical representatives, etc.). One of the largest shares is advertising campaigns, marketing and product promotion to the market. But for us this is not important. We cannot influence this, and it does not directly affect the quality of the tablet itself.

    What do we want to pay attention to? For raw materials for drugs. Very often we come across the fact that domestic manufacturers claim that their raw materials are foreign, but they only package it, which means the drug is not inferior to the original one. They show various production certificates and well-deserved awards in the market.

    It would seem that everything is fine. They bought the raw materials, molded them here and got an equivalent product that will put the bourgeois pills in their belts, designed to undermine our economy, into their belts.

    But let's be honest. Those who had to repeatedly use the original and the analogue. Why is there often such a striking difference between efficiency and quantity? side effects? After all, the raw materials are German, the technology is English, and the workers are hardworking?

    Thinking out loud: clinical researches- a very expensive pleasure, and only a few companies can afford them. Most often they are carried out with original drugs. Therefore, records of the safety and effectiveness of analogues are often not supported by experience. Those who trusted them are the experimental sample.

    It's all so insultingly simple. Our attention is focused on the country of origin of these raw materials. And at the same time, with the grace of an experienced magician, they avert our gaze from the quality of the raw materials.

    99.99% of the cost of producing the drug is the purification of raw materials. The more thorough the cleaning, the fewer impurities of compounds similar to the desired active ingredient. In one country you can buy almost pure active substance for a tidy sum and packaged in a high-quality tablet, in the same country you can buy a kind of “broth” from chemical compounds, containing the substance we need, and make an analogue.

    The degree of purification of raw materials can only be calculated indirectly: by carefully studying the manufacturer, the fame of its products and reviews of experimental subjects.

    In both cases, we obtain raw materials from a country that is developed in a certain area. But in the second case we save significantly.

    And under the guise that the documents say that the raw materials are good, the production is good, the workers are great, any manufacturer can safely raise prices. There is nothing to complain about.

    This is, in fact, what is happening in our time. Prices for analogues are often close to the prices of originals.

    The best magnesium supplement. Let's sum it up

    So, we hope this gives readers an idea of ​​how to choose the best magnesium supplement for themselves. We do not claim to be the ultimate truth. Everyone is guided by their own criteria when choosing what they will do to improve their life.

    • First. The manufacturer is an American company with its own laboratory and confirmed production quality (GMP certificates and others). Another big plus is that it is open joint stock company. That is, the company's shares can be freely purchased on the stock exchange. What does it mean? This means that every quarter the entire production is shaken up by additional commissions and inspections. The company's policy must be open and transparent. It’s no longer easy to write it down in documents.
    • Second. Raw materials are mainly used plant origin, about 200 verification tests, almost a quarter of the raw materials are rejected due to non-compliance with our own quality standards. No, it is not unprofitable for them. Rejected products will always be bought by manufacturing companies with more loyal quality standards.
    • Third. They use forms of magnesium with the highest possible bioavailability - chelated, which, given the reasonable price, is an important reason for an informed choice.
    • Fourth. Positive results when used. But that's a completely different story.

    So, we encourage you to make informed choices and pay a little more attention to your health than to the scratch on your car.

    The heart, bones, muscles and kidneys are the organs that become most vulnerable in conditions of magnesium deficiency. Since this mineral is part of the structure of many enzymes, it is involved in the generation of intracellular energy, regulation of the level of many biologically active substances (calcium, potassium, vitamins), protein synthesis, and carbohydrate metabolism.

    Research shows a connection between the risk of developing hypertensive and coronary heart disease and the level of consumption of this mineral. Therefore, our body must receive the required amount of magnesium every day. Drugs called Magne and Magnelis will help prevent magnesium deficiency. Let us briefly consider their main characteristics.

    The pharmacological group to which both drugs belong is macroelements in combination with a vitamin. Magnesium is truly a macronutrient for our body, that is, a substance whose content makes up a significant percentage. Among the biologically significant chemical elements it ranks next after potassium, calcium and sodium.

    Magnelis B6 tablets are produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard-UfaVITA. Magne B6 is a French-made product from Sanofi-Winthrop Industrie. This drug has 2 release forms:

    • pills,
    • solution for oral use.

    Characteristics of the composition of active ingredients

    If we compare Magne B6 and Magnelis B6 in composition active ingredients, then it turns out that the tablet forms of the drugs are similar. The tablets of both brands contain 0.005 g of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and magnesium salt in the form of lactate (0.47 g), which corresponds to 48 mg in terms of “pure” magnesium.

    But in soluble form the difference between Magne B6 and Magnelis B6 is significant. In Magne B6 solution the amount of elemental magnesium is increased to 100 mg. This dose of the mineral consists of two magnesium salts:

    • lactic acid (lactate) – 0.186 g,
    • L-pyroglutamic acid (pidolate) – 0.936 g.

    There is also 2 times more vitamin B6 in this preparation than in tablets.

    The need to combine pyridoxine and magnesium in such medicines ah, like Magnelis B6 or Magne B6, stems from their physiological interaction. B6 is involved in the processes of absorption and intracellular metabolism of the mineral, and also delays its excretion from the body. It is not without reason that deficiency of this vitamin is often accompanied by magnesium deficiency.

    Magnesium+B6 has been clinically shown to reduce the risk of kidney stones, reduce the severity of neurobehavioral disorders in children with attention deficit disorder, and in some cases may even improve social and language skills in patients with autism.

    Characteristics of the composition of excipients

    Among the excipients, Magnelis B6 contains:

    • leavening agents and fillers (kaolin, talc, silicon dioxide),
    • binding components (kollidon)
    • sweeteners (sucrose),
    • stabilizers (gum),
    • tablet coating substances (gelatin, kaolin, wax, gum, dye).

    Magne B6 differs in some ways from Magnelis B6 in the composition of additional substances, although in general they are very similar. In Magna B6, instead of collidon, there is another binder - carbopol, and there is no gelatin in the tablet shell.

    Magne B6 solution contains Na saccharin sweetener, cherry flavor and sodium sulfite preservative.

    When comparing domestic and foreign drugs, we often encounter a situation where similar drugs have a serious difference in price. This is also true for the drugs described. If 50 tablets of Magne B6 can be bought at a price from 599 to 672 rubles, then the same amount of Magnelis B6 will cost almost 2 times cheaper - from 278 to 337 rubles. Magne solution (10 ampoules) costs slightly less than tablets of the same brand: from 532 to 599 rubles.

    However, before you buy any of the drugs, be sure to consult a specialist, because some substances may interact with pyridoxine or impair the absorption of magnesium. Also discuss dosage and required course taking a magnesium-vitamin complex.