Removal of the nerve from the tooth. Removing a nerve in a tooth - facts about painful inevitability. Mistakes and their adverse consequences

Every person experiences toothache. Although it seems that the tooth itself is not capable of pain, this is not so. Reason painful sensations is the presence of nerves.

The nerve is one of the parts of the tooth. Its hard part is located on the outside, and the inside is represented by soft tissues. This is pulp, that is, a fibrous substance that fills the entire cavity in the tooth, where lymphatic and blood vessels, as well as nerves. Only after their removal does the tooth cease to be alive.

A few months or years after depulping, it begins to crumble and then completely crumbles.

Main function of nerves is the provision of nutrition necessary for normal development and tooth growth. Nerves also perform a sensory function. In other words, the emerging painful sensations signal the development of a destructive process and the development of tooth or gum disease.

Why kill the nerve?

The procedure of killing the nerve is known as devitalization. Many patients are afraid of killing the nerve in the tooth. Avoid this procedure possible provided initial stage dentin destruction. If the pulp itself was affected, the doctor makes a choice between removing the nerve and prescribing treatment. In some cases, partial amputation is advisable. Thanks to it, a person gets rid of severe pain.

Pulpitis that has developed before periodontitis is considered an indication for complete removal of the dental nerve and subsequent amputation of the pulp. This also applies to advanced caries.

Depulpation is often prescribed with significant mechanical damage tooth and root and their destruction. It may not only be dental diseases, but also the result of injury.

When should depulpation be done?

To determine whether a nerve in a tooth needs to be removed, a number of tests must be performed, as well as pay attention to several factors:

  • Pain without obvious reason, which for a long time doesn't subside. Painful sensations can increase significantly when changing body position and during movement. Also, many patients complain of severe pain at night.
  • Aching pain that appears due to certain irritants. It could be cold, wet or sweet. After removing the irritant, the pain disappears gradually.

To determine the source of discomfort, a cold test is often performed. For this cotton swab placed in the freezer, and then touched to several teeth in turn.

Dental nerve removal in the clinic

For devitalization Arsenic is often used, as well as a temporary filling. This technology has been used for a long time. First, the specialist drills out the canal and places an arsenic-based substance into the cavity, which kills the dental nerve. As a rule, such treatment lasts at least 1 month. For this reason this method used less and less.

In accordance with more modern technologies, the patient is first given local anesthesia, after which the nerve is removed, and then a temporary or permanent filling is installed, under which the healing pad. The next stage is fulfillment of control x-ray . Despite this fast treatment The pain may still persist for several days. Similar discomfort gradually pass. If after a week the pain is still severe, you should consult a doctor.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the removal of nerves in children. Some people are sure that baby teeth cannot hurt because there are no nerve endings there. Actually this is not true. Doctors use special medications for devitalization, after which the canal is cleaned and filled. Naturally, arsenic paste is not suitable for this purpose.

Special preparations

To kill the dental nerve, you must use certain drugs . They are divided into 2 groups. The former are based on arsenic, and the latter on formaldehyde.

Arsenic pastes

  • Devit-ARS. This tool is used for quick and virtually painless detailing. The main ingredient is arsenic anhydride, which triggers the process of nerve death. To prevent the patient from feeling pain during the procedure, lidocaine hydrochloride is added to the drug. During the process of devitalization, it is worth ensuring that oral cavity there was no infection. To prevent inflammation, the product contains antiseptics such as metacresol and chlorophenol. Devitalization using Devit-ARS takes 1-2 days. The drug is presented in the form of paste and unidose.
  • Kaustinerv Rapid. This product is sold in a small plastic jar. It contains arsenous anhydride, lidocaine hydrochloride and menthol. The product is carefully applied to the required area. The devitalization procedure takes 2-3 days.

Today you can find other arsenic pastes on sale, namely Septodont and Pulparsen. Included similar drugs Anesthetic agents are often found.

Arsenic-free pastes

Some patients prefer not to use such remedies because they are confident that they will not work quickly. In fact devitalization will occur 1-2 days later, however, such pastes will not harm the body.

  • Devit-P. It is based on the powerful antiseptic paraform. The addition of lidocaine hydrochloride is used for pain relief. Also, when creating Devit-P, antiseptics such as menthol, camphor and chlorophenol are used.
  • Devit-S. The product is based on paraformaldehyde, which relieves pain. Also for this purpose added to the paste a small amount of lidocaine hydrochloride. Creosote acts as an antiseptic.

The choice of one of the two above-mentioned groups of drugs depends on various factors. In any case, only arsenic-free pastes can be used to remove the nerve in children.

Nerve devitalization at home

Sometimes there are cases when, for some reason, you cannot get an appointment with a dentist. Respectively, you can try one of the folk remedies.

If you decide to perform devitalization at home, and the procedure was successful, you still need to see a doctor no later than 2 weeks later. IN otherwise there is a high probability of infection getting into the tooth, which will lead to the development of an inflammatory process.

Is it painful to remove a nerve from a tooth? The procedure is considered necessary for complete healing in cases of severe caries and significant damage of mechanical origin.

Medical indications

Nerve removal: what is it? The dental nerve is a neurovascular bundle with a complex structure. In dentistry, this structure is called the pulp. It is located inside the crown and root parts of the tooth. Responsible for the tooth’s response to various external influences(sensitivity to hot, cold, sour). The pulp plays the role of a kind of barrier to the spread of infection and bacteria.

On initial stages caries does not affect the pulp. The whole process is localized only in dentin tissue. As the pathology progresses, it spreads to the elements of the pulp. Pulpitis occurs, in which the entire tooth begins to hurt. In this case, it is necessary to remove the entire pulp or amputate only part of it. It all depends on the condition of the tooth, the prevalence and severity of the disease.

The next stage of the disease is periodontitis. Wherein nerve structures are completely removed. Indications for amputation include:

  • extensive dimensions of the carious cavity;
  • mechanical injury to the tooth;
  • damage to the crown;
  • severe, prolonged dental pain.

Removing the nerve deadens the tooth. He loses the ability to perceive stimuli, including cold, sweet, sour, salty. Blood supply is lost. Dental elements slowly mineralize. Therefore, the tooth becomes brittle and dull.

Painfulness of the procedure

Is it painful to remove the dental nerve, and most importantly, is it advisable to deprive the dental structures of an important internal component? During development carious process inflammation of the nerve provokes severe pain, worsening at night. At the same time, pulpectomy - the only way help the patient. Extracting the affected pulp avoids the spread of infection beyond the root. This prevents the occurrence of dangerous complications.

Traumatic pulpitis of the anterior teeth is much less common. It requires urgent extraction of the pulp. Sometimes tooth infection occurs in a retrograde manner - through holes at the apex of the root. All inflammatory process proceeds according to standard principles.

Rarely, the pulpous substance is damaged by concretions (stones) that occur in the root canals. They compress delicate nerve elements, causing irritation. This results in nerve injury followed by inflammation. This requires urgent removal of damaged structures. The lesion does not affect the tooth itself. Outwardly he remains healthy.

Is it painful or not to remove the pulp? Modern technologies and techniques allow reliable pain relief damaged structures. This makes the procedure painless, safe and low-traumatic. The effectiveness of pain relief depends on the professionalism of the doctor, the capabilities of the clinic and the choice of analgesic:

  • not all dentists are fluent in pain management techniques;
  • not every dental institution has modern technical support for painless procedures;
  • each drug owns different strengths pain relief.

There is an opinion that depulpation is painful. This forces the patient to go to expensive clinics to perform the procedure under general anesthesia (with complete loss of consciousness). In fact, the situation looks completely different. Modern medicines for local anesthesia provide excellent results. In this case, the patient remains conscious all the time and tolerates anesthesia more easily.

Removal of teeth during deep sleep may have many complications. The patient may not always be able to tolerate general anesthesia. There is a list strict testimony and contraindications to anesthesia. Retreating from them can be dangerous for the health and life of the patient. Therefore, the choice of method and means of analgesia should be approached with all seriousness, literacy and responsibility.

No matter how painful it is to remove the nerve, it must be done. How is the treatment carried out? Since the pulp is affected in different ways, the amount of intervention depends on this. After a dental examination, the specialist decides on the partial removal pulpous substance (amputation) or complete (extirpation). Amputation involves cutting off only the crown of the pulp chamber. The root of the substance remains in the tooth. This technique is used infrequently, as it can provoke episodes of relapse.

More often, dentists resort to complete extraction of the nerve from the canalicular system. The price of the procedure depends on the number and shape of such tubules. During the manipulation, each dental canal is expanded, thoroughly cleaned of pulp residues and reliably filled. Negligent attitude towards the procedure will lead to serious consequences:

  • traumatic tissue damage in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root;
  • poor-quality canal filling provokes severe pain and swelling of the gums;
  • irritation strong anesthetics delicate root structures;
  • poor-quality channel cleaning provokes further distribution infections with the development of purulent periodontal abscesses.

Removal of the dental nerve is a multi-step process, including:

  1. X-ray examination of the tooth. The technique allows you to clarify the situation in difficult, doubtful situations. Intraoral contact radiography or physiography is used.
  2. Anesthesia. Local anesthesia is often used by injecting the medicine into the gum along the nerve branches. Anesthetics allow you to reliably and permanently “freeze” the tooth. This achieves total loss his sensitivity for a while. Under certain conditions or the wishes of the patient, a complete loss of consciousness is performed (general anesthesia). This method of pain relief is especially in demand when treating children.
  3. Isolation of the working field. In expensive private clinics, rubber dams are successfully used. This is a special latex film that allows you to protect and protect the diseased tooth from saliva getting into it during the procedure. The device creates more comfortable conditions dentist work. In more “economical” institutions, cotton wool, bandage turunds and balls are successfully used to isolate the field.
  4. Treatment of dental tissue, air-water cooling. They allow you to clean the tooth from foreign substances, disinfect and dry dental elements.
  5. Opening the pulp chamber, forming smooth vertical walls.
  6. Extracting the nerve using a pulp extractor. This disposable instrument allows you to grasp the neurovascular bundle, removing it from the canal by rotating the instrument. The presence of wide, deep channels implies simultaneous use several tools at once.

Applying files

Most often it is carried out without an extractor. This is due to the high traumatic nature of the instrument. Many experts claim that the pulp extractor roughly extracts the nerves, causing periodontal avulsions. Because of this, many complications of the intervention develop.

Universal files are used to extract the nerve. These are special tools and devices that allow you to find and expand all root canals. The technique is designed to carefully and controlledly cut off only the changed pulp. The root of the tooth remains intact. A specialist can easily control the entire ectomy process using x-rays, special instruments and tables.

Removing the nerve is only half the event. To save the tooth long years It is important to follow some steps:

  1. The cleaned canals are carefully treated with active antiseptics. This will protect the dental elements from infection and pulp residues.
  2. Permanent filling of tooth tubules, control image to confirm the correctness of the procedure.
  3. Installation of a permanent dental filling during your next visit to the doctor.

Mistakes and their adverse consequences

Nerveectomy is a very scrupulous and responsible procedure. Fate depends on her dead tooth. The slightest medical error can end disastrously and tragically for the tooth. The reasons for the errors are varied:

  • lack of professionalism of the doctor;
  • fatigue;
  • outdated equipment;
  • faulty instrumentation;
  • negligent execution of the procedure.

There are often 2 main complications of the intervention:

  • tool breakage while working in the canal;
  • canal bleeding.

Malfunction and damage to instruments - classic medical error. Occurs due to a violation of work technique or when using unsuitable (broken or defective) tools. Removing a piece of appliance from a tooth is not an easy task and requires appropriate skills. Otherwise, the tooth will have to be removed along with a fragment of the apparatus.

Canal bleeding is impossible to predict and prevent. It occurs during pulp separation at a deep level during extraction. Because of this, most doctors are gradually moving away from pulmonary extraction. It is preferable to choose files that gradually, measuredly cut off soft elements without provoking bleeding.

Separately highlight this dangerous complication manipulations as residual pulpitis. This is a relapse of the disease that occurs after negligent treatment. It is caused by residual nerve tissues that were not completely removed during cleaning.

These elements are destroyed in the tooth, causing severe pain. At first the pain is aching, but quickly turns into acute form. In this case, signs of fever are observed. The infection quickly spreads to the root, causing periodontitis. The main complaint of such patients is unbearable throbbing pain in a “dead” tooth.

When the first signs of such a complication appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Only timely treatment can save a tooth. An infected nerve is a real threat of generalization of infection and loss of many teeth.

Removing the nerve changes the tooth itself. It becomes dull, losing its shine. This is a normal option that does not harm the dental structure itself. Yellowing or blackening of the tooth indicates the development of problems. They are usually associated with poor preparation to intervention or insufficient treatment of canals and instruments.

The crown of a tooth changes its color after using certain filling substances. It has been proven that the use of Endomethasone provokes yellowing of the tooth over several years. This is also indicated in the annotation for the substance. After using Rezocin and formaldehyde paste, the teeth become pink. This remedy is used in budgetary institutions for filling baby teeth in children.

Arsenic is dangerous substance, which is successfully used to destroy damaged nerves. This method significantly speeds up therapy and makes the procedure easier. The tooth is treated in two stages:

  1. The canal is opened and widened, arsenic is placed in it, and a temporary filling is placed.
  2. After the required time, the filling is removed and the remains of the dead nerve are removed. The tooth is treated with antiseptics and a permanent filling is installed.

The technique has many advantages. Firstly, the procedure is short in duration. Secondly, the technique is safe and has no contraindications. Thirdly, it is practically painless, since most manipulations are performed with dead nerve elements.

Soreness may be observed at the first visit before arsenic placement. To prevent them, local analgesics are administered before the intervention. Anesthetic sprays or gels are often used.

Is it possible to perform a nerveectomy without anesthesia? If you are intolerant or unable to accept any kind of anesthetic, the doctor has to treat the tooth “on the spot.” In this case, significant pain and discomfort may occur. The intensity will directly depend on the individual sensitivity of the patient. But this is only if the nerve is still alive. After the death of the nerve endings, the patient may experience minimal discomfort. And this is only when processing the channel itself.

Modern treatment is painless. Before the intervention, the condition of the dental tissue and its sensitivity to pain and drugs are examined. Individual assessment, selection of method and medications allow for successful and painless depulpation.

The pain in the teeth is sometimes so severe that there is no other option but to kill the dental nerve at home. All the negative feelings that force a person to go to such lengths extreme measures, appear when the pulp is inflamed.

Irritation usually precedes acute pain syndrome - this is hot food, solid food, even cold air. Often it occurs against the background of thinning of the tooth neck and caries, so it is better to visit the dentist. The methods given in the article will be useful as urgent measures when depulpation is extremely necessary.

What is this?

The tooth consists of a crown, which is located above the surface of the periodontium, and its other part is located in the gum itself. It is only solid on the outside, but inside it has fibers, lymphatic and blood vessels, called pulp. It is in this part that a whole network of nerve endings is located. The branches are not in one place, but spread along channels and go into the roots.

From the beginning of teething to the end of the formation of the body, nerves act as the main catalyst for innervation - the process of growth and good nutrition. Afterwards, their function is reclassified as sensory: they transmit pain, which signals that dentin is being destroyed.

Devitalization leads to the death of the entire pulp inside the crown, so not only the pain stops, but also the nutrition of the tooth. If you do not take care of it in the future, it will quickly darken and crumble.

Why do you need to remove a nerve in a tooth?

It is possible to save the nerve at the initial stage of caries or when the inflammatory process has affected only part of the pulp. If you monitor the condition of the dentin and regularly visit the dentist, then similar problems and will not affect humans at all. But when the pain has become unbearable and the doctor has diagnosed pulpitis, devitalization is required.

Reasons for removing a nerve include:

  • prosthetics;
  • poor quality treatment dental problems and diseases;
  • mechanical injury.

Sometimes pulp inflammation progresses to more complex disease– . Since the consequences in this case are dangerous, it is removed. It is necessary to kill the nerve so that the patient does not experience unbearable pain during the operation.

Symptoms for depulpation

You can determine whether the soreness is actually a result of nerve irritation and not due to thinning of the enamel, based on specific signs:

  1. , the appearance of which is not associated with irritating factors. It occurs even as a result of turning or tilting the head, after changing the body. Worst of all is at night.
  2. Increased pain occurs under the influence of a sharp change in temperature. You can check the reaction by applying cold cotton wool to the tooth. Usually after such a procedure the symptom persists for a long time.
  3. Paroxysmal pain - this symptom appears at the moment of pressure or eating. It is also long-lasting and does not go away after the cessation of exposure to the stimulus.

How to kill a dental nerve at home?

“Is it possible to kill a nerve at home?” - this is the first question that is asked in this case. They don’t like dentists and are even afraid when looking for different ways self-medication. This approach is unacceptable, because it is very easy to harm yourself, also worsening your symptoms.

You can resort to folk remedies for pulp removal only in a hopeless situation, when there is really no opportunity to get qualified help. In other cases, such serious procedures should only be trusted to doctors.

It is important to carry out pulp removal yourself extremely carefully, assessing your condition and determining whether there are symptoms of periodontitis. If the gums seem swollen, and the pain is not concentrated in one tooth, but spreads to the entire periodontium, then self-medication is very dangerous and only professional dentistry can help. The fact is that a purulent process has already formed inside and if you kill the nerve yourself, this can lead to serious consequences.


In the dental office, before the devitalization procedure, the canal is thoroughly cleaned. It is also important to carry out such cleaning yourself, otherwise the accumulated deposits will provoke an infection and the wound will fester. The preparation procedures are as follows:

  • using a toothbrush and paste;
  • disinfect the blunt side of the needle and clean the hollow, being careful;
  • rinse your mouth with an antiseptic composition.

What do you put in your tooth for disinfection? If you want to protect yourself as much as possible from suppuration, then briefly put a mixture of water with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide into the hole.

An hour before depulpation, you should take a painkiller, since not everyone homemade remedies at the first stage they can relieve pain.


The tooth that is bothering you usually already has carious cavity or chipped It is in this area that a tampon soaked in a self-prepared product is applied. You can use the following recipes:

  • alcohol is not intended to depulpate, but it relieves pain well. Symptoms can be relieved for a short period by regular rinsing;
  • gunpowder is placed in the wound, but only a small amount, so as not to cause intoxication;
  • vinegar - this method is used carefully, since the essence provokes a burn of the mucous membrane. You only need to apply the tampon to the nerve, and before that it is advisable to take a pain reliever;
  • arsenic - in dentistry it is sometimes used, but only in the form of salts or ointments, carefully selecting the concentration. For home use it doesn't fit well. The desire to calm down unbearable pain strongly, but we must not forget that this is, first of all, poison and the thoughtless use of such a remedy threatens life (!);
  • zinc is the most affordable way to get this element - choose newsprint, which will have a large amount of paint on it (photo, a lot of inscriptions). It is burned, and the ashes, collected on a piece of sterile cotton wool, are placed in a cleaned canal. You need to keep the tampon in your mouth for up to 12 hours;
  • grind the garlic, add salt and apply the mixture to the sore area. The garlic clove can be replaced with ground pepper in this recipe.

After self-performed depulpation, you still need to visit dental office, it is advisable to do this within 14 days. A medical examination is necessary to prevent the risk of infection, as well as to maintain the health of the tooth and prevent its rapid destruction. If it was not possible to kill the nerve at home without consequences (intoxication, burn of the mucous membrane), then it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor.


Not only various home remedies like vinegar, alcohol or propolis, but also specialized ones can help depulpate a tooth. medicinal compositions. They are based on formaldehyde or arsenic. Depending on the percentage, the following ointments are distinguished:

  1. Crezofen - consists of expicivitis, dexamethasone, thymol, p-chlorophenol. This drug does not have an irritating effect on the adjacent gum; it can be successfully combined with pre-treatment antiseptics or taking antibiotics. It is available in the form of drops. After use, the cavity or crown on which the swab was applied should be rinsed with water.
  2. Kaustinerv Rapid - the product contains 30% arsenic anhydride, the remainder are auxiliary components that act as a conductor active substance. These include phenol, menthol, lidocaine, ephedrine hydrochloride. How long will it take to obtain the devitalization effect? It depends on how deep the nerve is under the dentin. The medication will work most quickly when direct action to the pulp. Regular term 1-2 days.
  3. Devit ARS – depulpation with this product is quick and painless. The main component is the same as Kaustinerva; it also contains lidocaine. The addition of chlorophenol, metacresol and other antiseptics also prevents the risk of infection. It is possible to kill the pulp in 1-2 days, since the complexity of the tooth structure matters here. You can purchase Devit ARS in a syringe or in the form of 100 universal doses. Their consistency is slightly different.

All pastes containing arsenic must be handled very carefully. The oral cavity is washed thoroughly, and then be sure to visit a doctor. If the pulp killed by this component is not removed in time, osteonecrosis of the jaw may begin. An alternative to such drugs are medications with a different composition. Wait desired effect it takes longer, but you don’t have to spend it after complete removal there is no nerve or danger of intoxication.

Devit-P is a paste containing not only painkillers, but also 4 components with an antiseptic effect - chlorophenol, menthol, paraform, camphor. Devit-S is another variation of the drug. He contains:

  • creosote;
  • paraformaldehyde;
  • lidocaine.

An undeniable advantage is the fact that after self-depulping, no special treatment or thorough washing of the cavity is required. Such medications should be used if there are contraindications for arsenic pastes, as well as in childhood. It will take 2-3 days longer to apply tampons, but serious complications will not happen after devitalization. But it is better to use any pastes only under the supervision of a dentist.

Not to kill, but to reduce the chance of infection and remove pain syndrome It works if you put a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide or iodine on the tooth.

Video: folk remedies against toothache.

Additional questions

Why doesn't arsenic kill the nerve in a tooth?

If arsenic has no effect individual reasons(you need something stronger, the medicine cannot penetrate the canal) and even re-filling it did not produce results, then it is better to ask the doctor for a different method of anesthesia. There are other reasons for the lack of effect when the pain does not go away:

  1. The medication can cause swelling, aggravate local blood circulation, and the body thus reacts to these symptoms. At this point, the nerve itself is depulped, and the surrounding tissues hurt.
  2. Toxic effect of the component - this reason is typical for cases when the medicine long time is located in the tooth.
  3. Intolerance.
  4. An insufficient dose of the drug, which leads to a reverse reaction - worsening inflammation.

A toothache can be caused not only by everyone listed reasons, but also due to incorrect temporary filling. Uncomfortable sensations appear when it is too dense or deformed. In any of the above cases, you need to go to the dentist after 1-2 days.

How long does arsenic take to kill a nerve?

There is no need to panic if arsenic did not kill the nerve in 1-2 days. When the effect appears sometimes depends on the tooth itself. In the root canals, which have many canals, the medicine should be placed for at least 5-6 days. Some patients have to repeat the procedure with arsenic, but the doctor will apply it to a different area of ​​the crown. You can't go with him longer than that the period indicated by the dentist, otherwise the process of infection and even the formation of purulent periodontitis will begin.

Depulpation (tooth depulpation) is the removal of pulp, connective tissue consisting of blood vessels and nerve endings. Removing the tooth nerve and cleaning the canals is designed to relieve the patient from pain, inflammation and further complications. However, the tooth, having lost its blood supply, becomes dead and, therefore, more fragile.

Tooth treatment and nerve removal is one of the most common dental procedures. This is partly because patients turn to the dentist only in case of unbearable pain, when it is no longer possible to do without depulpation. Removing the nerve of the tooth and filling the canals allows you to preserve the natural tooth, which is a priority for endodontic treatment.

Indications for depulpation:

  • extensive caries
  • classic pulpitis and infectious pulpitis (bacteria penetrate through the root apex)
  • trauma and damage to the tooth affecting the pulp
  • if it is necessary to install crowns or classic bridges

Many patients who come to the dentist's office with toothache are interested in the question: is it possible to save the pulp? Today, there are methods of biological treatment (preservation of the entire pulp) and vital amputation (preservation of the root pulp), but many favorable factors must converge for them to be carried out. Eg, biological treatment not carried out after 25 years.

Removal of tooth nerve with arsenic

Removing pulp using arsenic is considered an outdated treatment method, which is almost never used today. The procedure was quite simple: the tooth was prepared using a drill, then the root canals were expanded, medicine was applied to remove the nerve in the tooth, after which a temporary filling was installed for 2 - 3 days. Negative side similar treatment is that arsenic is a strong poison that has a detrimental effect on both the tooth and the tissues surrounding it. With the advent of new safe techniques, the need for arsenic has disappeared.

Modern method of depulpation

Today, depulpation is carried out using a pulp extractor - a thin metal rod with teeth that can penetrate even remote areas of the root canals. The apex locator device helps determine the depth of the canal to reduce the risk of injury. After the procedure, a temporary filling is usually installed, but a permanent one can also be installed if the doctor does not see the risks of complications and has high-precision instruments on hand, for example, a dental microscope.

Tooth after depulpation - complications

A fragment of the instrument remained in the dental canal

A common complication associated with negligence or inexperience of the doctor. Repeated treatment involves the removal of instrument fragments and re-filling of the canals. Due to a number of factors, removal foreign body can be quite complicated. Pain after removal of a nerve in a tooth does not occur very often, so in some cases the doctor recommends leaving everything as it is if the complication does not manifest itself.

Incompletely removed nerve or insufficient filling of dental canals

The most common reason for pain after depulpation. In such a situation, an inflammatory process develops that spreads to the root apex, provoking the formation of periodontitis, gumboil and cysts. If your tooth aches after nerve removal (several days or more), then you need to consult a doctor who can check the quality of the tooth canal filling.


Extraction of filling material beyond the root apex. In mild cases (with a small amount), the tooth hurts when pressed for some time after the nerve is removed, after which the pain goes away. If the excess material is large, then surgical intervention is necessary to avoid the development of complications.

Perforation of the wall or root

Mechanical damage that leads to the formation of a perforation (hole) in the wall, floor of the tooth cavity or root. After the nerves are removed, the tooth continues to hurt. The pain is usually aching and paroxysmal.

Darkened tooth after nerve removal

If the tooth darkens after removal of the nerve, this may be caused by poor filling material or poorly performed depulpation. Also over time dead tooth may become cracked and more vulnerable to dyes. This is partly why front tooth Once the nerve is removed, it is subsequently covered with a crown or veneer.

What to do if a tooth hurts after pulp removal?

You should definitely consult a doctor if the tooth hurts severely for a week or even longer after nerve removal, and the following symptoms do not go away for a long time:

  1. After removing the nerve, the tooth hurts when pressed.
  2. After nerve removal, the tooth hurts when tapped.
  3. After the nerve is removed, the tooth reacts to hot and cold.

It is no coincidence that many people are looking for an answer to exciting question: “Is it possible and how to destroy the nerve in a tooth on your own?” Often strong toothache appears abruptly, spontaneously, a person sometimes finds himself in a situation where he cannot immediately see a doctor. For example, he felt ill on a holiday, when neither public nor private clinics are open, etc. But even if you can’t get to the dentist that day, you can relieve the pain and improve the condition of a diseased tooth - you just need to know how to kill it yourself nerve endings.

Indications for dental nerve removal

If the patient has decided to get rid of a nerve that is causing terrible pain, then first he must find out whether the tooth really needs depulpation (nerve removal). He can determine this by the nature of the pain:

  1. Persistent pain that noticeably increases during movements.
  2. Increasing pain at night.
  3. Acute reaction of teeth to cold and hot food.
  4. Persistent pain even after taking painkillers.

Attention! Destroyed nerve endings make the tooth dead. It may still serve a person for more than 1 year, however, then the tooth will begin to lose its strength, begin to crumble, and then it will have to be pulled out. Nerves nourish the tooth and make it strong, so before you decide to remove them, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Persistent pain even after taking an anesthetic is an indication for dental nerve removal

Preparing for dental nerve removal at home

Before killing the dental nerve, you need to carefully prepare, namely:

  1. Clean the canals so that the process of suppuration does not begin. To do this you need to use with a regular brush and toothpaste, removing plaque and food debris.
  2. After disinfecting the needle in alcohol, carefully clean the hollow of the diseased tooth with the non-sharp side.
  3. Rinse your mouth with chamomile infusion or tooth elixir.

Dangerous methods of eliminating the dental nerve

Let's look at effective but risky ways to suppress the dental nerve:

Means for destroying nervesDescription
1 This substance treats the painful canal. The method is effective, but very dangerous, because if there is an excess of the substance, it can lead to general intoxication body. In addition, pure arsenic cannot be used; arsenic acid must be used. It is best to purchase an arsenic-based drug, for example, Devit-Ars, Septodont, Pulparsen, Caustitsin
2 Burn a piece of newspaper and treat the diseased canal with the resulting ash (it contains zinc). After 10 minutes, rinse your mouth. If you do not rinse your mouth enough, zinc may remain in the cavity, leading to the onset of suppuration.
3 Soak a clean cotton swab with it, place it in the hollow of the tooth, and rinse your mouth after 20 minutes. If alcohol gets on healthy tissue, it can severely burn them.
4 Make a lotion as in the method described above. Vinegar can also cause burns, so you need to use it very carefully.
5 It is not recommended to kill a nerve in this way, because gunpowder can cause severe poisoning

Attention! If, after trying to cure a bad tooth at home, the pain still does not go away, you should immediately go to the doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting infected.

Video - How to kill a dental nerve at home?

How to numb the nerve fibers of a tooth at home?

If it interferes with neutralizing the nerve strong pain, then you first need to eliminate it. The following medications will come to the rescue and can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription:

  1. Nurofen– has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Ketanov- Very strong medicine, quickly dulls the pain.
  3. Nimid– relieves inflammation and pain.

Also, to relieve painful sensations, they resort to mouth rinsing with folk remedies:

Attention! Removing a dental nerve at home should not be a reason to refuse further medical care. At the first opportunity, the patient must see a doctor.

Video - How to get rid of toothache at home

What absolutely should not be done if you have severe toothache?

Under no circumstances should you resort to the following methods of pain relief:

  1. Warming up. Hot compresses will only make the pain worse.
  2. Rest in a lying position. When a person lies down, the blood circulation process is activated, and blood flows better to the jaw. As a result, the pressure increases and the pain intensifies.
  3. Using a needle with sharp end. Do not penetrate the hole with the sharp side of the needle, otherwise you can damage the tissue and cause bleeding.

Attention! Destroying a nerve does not mean that the work is finished, because then you will also need to remove nerve fibers, otherwise infection will occur.

Complications of self-killing a nerve

When deciding to destroy a nerve, a person may encounter the following problems:

  1. An allergic reaction to a drug, a substance used to kill a diseased nerve. Allergies can cause swelling and respiratory arrest.
  2. Damage to nearby healthy tissue. Often, a person who independently decides to get rid of the dental nerve also affects healthy tissue. And then he has to spend a long time restoring his teeth and the oral cavity as a whole.
  3. Burns, taste disorder. If a person does not comply with the dosage of the product used, he applies medicinal composition V large quantities, then he can cause a burn to the mucous membrane, he will no longer be able to taste foods normally, and he will have problems swallowing.
  4. Tooth infection. It is very easy to get an infection at home, pathogenic microorganisms can easily enter the oral cavity through instruments and dirty fingers.

If there is even the slightest opportunity to visit the dentist’s office to remove a nerve, then you should not neglect it and try to cope with a bad tooth on your own. But in a hopeless situation you can try safe ways killing the nerve with vinegar and alcohol. When destroying fibers at home, extreme care must be taken to avoid infection. In the future, you should definitely go to the dentist to remove dead tissue, otherwise a strong inflammatory process and sepsis may begin.