What is dust and where does it come from? Research work "what is dust and where does it come from"

Dust refers to solid particles ranging in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. Dust particles less than 5-10 microns in size constantly float in the air, particles from 10 to 50 microns settle gradually, and larger particles settle almost immediately.

Dust comes in many different forms. Dust enters the atmosphere when burning solid fuel rich in ash substances during processing minerals. It can also be formed as a result of natural processes - such as volcanic eruptions or weathering of rocks, as well as as a result of human agricultural activities. During droughts, dust storms rage over the fields, and sand dust rises over the deserts.

Dust is omnipresent. It seeps through the smallest cracks and holes. It is everywhere: in a cave where no one has ever set foot, in an apartment whose inhabitants have left for a long time, in an airplane rushing above the clouds, and even high above the earth, in the stratosphere.

Tiny salt crystals form dust over the oceans. But its amount is negligible compared to the dust mass that occurs on land. The atmosphere over the ocean is 10 times less polluted with dust than over the continents.

House dust contains pet hair and dander, feather fragments, particles of insects, human hair and skin, spores molds, nylon, fiberglass, sand, particles of fabric and paper, tiny fragments of materials from which walls, furniture and household items are made.

Dust loves to travel, and she does it easily. Its particles are very small and extremely light. They are carried by the wind to huge distances, so in the layer of dust that has settled on your table, you can find grains of Sahara sand, crumbs of pyramids, volcanic ashes, spores of South American plants, particles of kangaroo wool, marble specks of ancient ruins, pollen of French lilies and even cosmic dust from those very “dusty paths of distant planets” that your grandparents sang about when they were young.

Dust is not as harmless as it may seem, so you need to constantly fight it.

Firstly, the main (up to 80%!) and most harmful part of house dust are microscopic dust mites. They settled in human dwellings a long time ago, they got into them with the down and feathers of birds, and some species - with food Agriculture. House ticks do not bite and are not dangerous to humans in themselves. The problem is represented by its waste products - excrement, which often causes severe allergies. Each tick excretes about 20 pieces of excrement every day.

Dust mites especially love to live in beds, since they are full of biological dust formed from the peeling scales of our skin. In a double bed you can count about 2 million mites.

Secondly, dust particles are capable of absorbing any substances on their surface, including harmful ones, so in house dust you can find almost half of the periodic table and more than 100 organic compounds that cause incurable diseases.

Thirdly, besides harmful impurities, dust particles are full of bacteria (they do not move freely in the air, but travel on dust particles). One thimble of house dust contains 5,000,000 germs. After the death of microorganisms, bacterial endotoxins are released, which can also cause allergies. For bacteria it is normal products metabolism, and they are poisonous to humans and other large animals.

Per day resident large city“passes” through its lungs up to 6 billion dust particles, which would fit in two tablespoons.

Dust interferes with the production of parts for microelectronics and high-precision devices. In such industries they fight it tooth and nail.

Municipal secondary education

institution gymnasium No. 2



(abstract of the participant of the XIII gymnasium scientific conference of young researchers “Step into the future”, section “Primary classes”)

Completed: student of 4th "B" class Denis Shakirov

Scientific adviser: primary school teacher

Surgut, 2011

1. Where does dust come from?

2. Dust composition. Sources.

3. Dust mites. Fight them.

4. Interesting facts.

5. Conclusion. Benefit or harm from dust.

1 . Dust is a mysterious thing. No matter how much you remove it, it still accumulates. Where? You go on vacation, having previously washed the entire apartment until it shines, tightly locking the windows and doors, and when you return, you find deposits of house dust on the floor!

We left, and the dust will continue to settle for a long time. Just in time for our return, the air will become more or less clean due to the settled dust, but the furniture, floors - everything will be covered with thousands and thousands of particles. Tightly closed windows and doors do not pose a particular barrier to dust. There would be a crack, but the dust, rest assured, would find it!

Dust is an integral part of the atmosphere.

Even the most thorough cleaning cannot change the composition of the air in the room.

Miracles, and that’s all! Truly miracles, if you also know what it is.

2 . "Ordinary" dust, which can be found everywhere, contains tiny particles of the of different origins. In our home, in the dust you can find particles of sand from the Sahara Desert, ash from the Japanese volcano Sakurajima, salts from the Pacific Ocean, microparticles of soil from near Voronezh, marble specks of ancient ruins, pollen from distant plants and even cosmic dust from distant planets. Or, for example, in the dust on the balcony you can find particles of bones of long-vanished dinosaurs and Neanderthals, tiny pieces amber that is over 50 million years old, traces of penguin excrement from Antarctica, as well as dog excrement from your yard, and many other interesting things. All this circles in the air and penetrates into our apartments.

So, tens of millions of tons of dust settle on Russia every year. Seventy percent of it is born by nature, and the remaining thirty by man.

So, the most significant source of natural dust is the soil. Particles of earth blown by the winds rise high into the sky and are transported for many hundreds of kilometers.

Ocean dust- small crystals of salts thrown into the air by the seas are in second place. It is not the crystals themselves that enter the atmosphere, but the smallest droplets of water that arise when the air bubbles rising from the bottom are agitated and destroyed. (By the way, this is why the air near the seas seems salty and smells of algae). The drops dry instantly, and the air is saturated with salts. Just like soil particles, the crystals rise high above the ground and float in conjunction with water vapor in the form of clouds.

Volcanoes and large forest fires– another significant source of dust. Volcanoes not only erupt, but also smoke and are in an inactive period of life. Such " smoking pipes“There are hundreds all over the planet. Thus, the slowly smoking Sakurajima volcano (Japan, Kyushu island) annually “rewards” humanity with 14 million tons of dust.

Finally, they do not leave us unattended and deserts. For example, the huge Sahara, from 60 to 200 million tons of dust of which settles every year in the mountains of Central America, is deposited in the cities of Russia, England, and distant Australia. Don't be surprised, but your house dust may contain any of the samples listed above! And… cosmic dust, falling on the planet along with meteorite showers.

"Human" It's mostly dust waste from burning mineral fuels- oil, gas, coal, wood. Everything is more or less clear with them. Important integral part turned out to be rubber dust from car tires rubbing against asphalt and concrete. As a rule, its clouds do not rise above the fourth floor, and at the level of the seventh floor it is practically gone. To this basic dust found everywhere is added dust characteristic of a particular region. If limestone is mined near your home, cement or expanded clay is produced, all this is reflected in the composition of the dust in your kitchen, on your closet or on your pillow. Also added "professional" dust: flour from flour millers and bakers, sugar and chocolate powder from confectioners, wood dust from furniture makers. A huge amount of dust is formed due to constant exfoliation dead human skin particles. We can say that each of us is surrounded by a personal “dusty aura”, which we breathe throughout our lives and spread everywhere. This includes dust particles from our hair, dandruff, clothing fibers, rubber and the leather of our shoes.

However, there is something else, and very large quantities. This… ticks - microscopic living creatures that live in house dust.

3 . These scary animals, similar to microscopic rhinoceroses, live in mattresses, pillows, bedding and upholstered furniture, in accumulations of dust on the floor and other “dust collectors”.

Today, approximately 150 species of such mites are known. They feed on dead scales of human skin. But you shouldn’t be afraid of being eaten alive - they are indifferent to living flesh. On average, there are about 100 mites per gram of dust in rooms. It is estimated that there are about two million of them in a double bed. Homes with high humidity are a favorite place for ticks. Therefore, by the way, they are not afraid of wet cleaning, but their number decreases sharply after dry cleaning. Ticks are carried from apartment to apartment by drafts, carried on clothes, shoes or with furniture, but for them to move independently to a neighboring house is the same as for a person to cross Russia on foot. Ticks are mainly found in mattresses, which provide them with a suitable climate and food (pieces of exfoliated human skin). In some people, these mites and their excrement (each excretes up to 20 microscopic peas per day) cause allergies.. A mite allergen is a relatively large particle that floats in the air.

It is difficult to fight a tick, because during its life (which is about 4 months) it lays about 300 eggs, and the amount of excrement exceeds its own weight by more than 200 times.

Traditional ways to combat dust mites:

Frost (low temperatures)

Sun (ultraviolet radiation)

Wet cleaning with a 20% solution of table salt

Steam cleaners

Regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

Special methods of fighting:

Ø Regular replacement of mattresses, pillows, bedding

Ø Replacing carpets with vinyl flooring

Ø Covering mattresses and pillows with polyethylene

Ø Lowering the humidity in the home partly helps reduce the mite population.

Ø Buy synthetic pillows. Bed mites love synthetic pillows just as much as they love down and feather pillows, but synthetic ones have one major advantage: they can be washed in hot water.

There are also x chemical agents against dust mites(laundry additives, sprays for treating upholstered furniture, etc.) The effect of the drugs begins immediately after treatment and lasts 30-60 days. However, when using them, you should follow the instructions and precautions.

Swiss scientists have also developed a vaccine against dust mite allergies.

4 . Most high concentration pollutants in the air occur at a height of 1-1.5 meters. This means that children suffer the most from harmful dust! Living rooms with smooth floors accumulate almost twice as much dust as rooms with carpeted floors. And this is not surprising: the carpet is a kind of dust collector. Where there is none, dust rises into the air at the slightest draft with every step.

Over the course of a year, a person exfoliates about 2 kg of dead skin. A person loses the most scales in his sleep.

Scientists conducted experiments, and it turned out that in a tightly locked apartment with closed windows in two weeks, about 12 thousand dust particles accumulated on a square centimeter of the floor and horizontal surfaces of furniture.

A typical city apartment contains about 100 million dust particles in one liter of air, and we inhale up to 5 billion particles per day, which is approximately two tablespoons of dust.

Our body has good protection against dust particles. They stick to the mucus covering the surface respiratory tract and together with this mucus to the exit - into the larynx. They are moved by countless cilia that line the lining of the respiratory tract. These cilia synchronously perform wave-like movements that remove all microscopic particles trapped inside the lungs out. Coughing and expectoration removes them. However, if the dust content in the air exceeds the norm, this system cannot cope.

Up to 80% redundancy immune system is spent on neutralizing dust entering the respiratory organs and into the bloodstream.

Dust is a serious matter scientific research. In libraries you can find great amount books dedicated to different types dust. Among them there is even the work “Dust and Law”.

5. This is not to say that dust is completely useless for life on Earth. Dust is an integral part of the atmosphere. It reduces the amount sun rays reaching the surface of the Earth. Heated by rays, the dust heats the atmosphere itself; By absorbing radiation, it simultaneously retains the heat of the earth's surface.

It enriches the soil with microelements, and invisible with the naked eye mites living in beds destroy exfoliated particles of our skin.

However, there is much more harm in dust than good. Individual components of dust, in particular the secretions of the same bed mite, can cause allergies, and large masses of dust lead to respiratory diseases.

The influence of “occupational” dust on human health is a separate problem that doctors are dealing with. Accumulating in the body, this or that dust can, after many years, cause changes in the human body characteristic of a given profession. Note that greatest influence Respiratory organs, skin, eyes, blood and digestive tract are exposed to dust.

Studies of the atmosphere of large cities have shown that there is always a permanent dust cap hanging over them, the height of which reaches 500 meters or more.

If a rural resident inhales approximately 40 million dust particles per minute, then a city dweller loads up to a billion dust particles into his lungs during the same time. Moreover, urban industrial dust often contains arsenic, lead, manganese, selenium and other elements that can cause chronic poisoning. Dust particles with sharp cutting edges (glass, quartz dust) cause the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the upper and middle respiratory tract.

Man has invented many methods and devices to combat dust - from a broom and a wet rag to modern vacuum cleaners, but all of them are far from perfect. Dust has always been, is and will be, you can only reduce its visible or invisible amount. We can also conclude: if dust exists, it means it is needed for something. This is necessary at least in order to accustom children to work: it’s not difficult to take a cloth and wipe off the dust from the surface of the table or bedside table. Here is another, this time educational, plus in favor of dust: it helps in education and development hard work.


1) *****›Notes›1338

3) ***** › theory/ from where-beretsya- pyl

4) ***** › articles/dust_is_in_a_house

In essence, an allergy is an incorrect reaction of the body to harmless substances entering it; This is a malfunction of the immune system, the purpose of which is to protect the body from diseases. Today allergic diseases About 10% of the world's population are affected, and the prospects for the future are very bleak. The most annoying thing is that it is becoming more and more common allergies in children literally starting from infancy. Doctors are convinced that the reason for this is bad ecology, decreased immunity and poor nutrition. Women's magazine Charla invites us to talk today about this epidemic of the 21st century.

Official medicine believes that allergies in an infant occurs due to a hereditary predisposition to this type of disease. That is, a malfunction in the immune system of an allergic person is programmed at the genetic level. Indeed, 70% of allergy sufferers have relatives who also suffer from the same scourge. It is not yet clear what causes the remaining 30% to get sick.

Will you get sick or not? allergic child, one of the parents is allergic depends on many internal and external factors. External - this is the area where he lives, water, food, plants, animals. Internal – this is the state of his immune system, the presence of infections in the body and chronic diseases. Unfavorable combination various factors leads to the fact that environment or inside the child’s body many substances are formed that can cause an allergic reaction - allergens, and the predisposition is realized in the disease.

What are allergens?

1. Plant pollen. In spring and summer there is a lot of it in the air, especially in dry, windy weather. Each region has its own allergenic plants and their timing of flowering. Typical allergens middle zone- this is poplar, oak, birch, maple, hazel, linden, field cereal grasses. Doctors consider wormwood and quinoa to be the most harmful allergens, because During their flowering period, there are especially many people with allergies. Most often, pollen causes allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchial asthma, allergic conjunctivitis.

2. House dust. Her main component, causing allergies, are bed mites. House dust also contains washing powders, dyes, wool and pet dander.

3. Mold. It appears in warm, damp places in the house, then its spores are carried into the air and cause the development of contact allergic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, immunological damage digestive tract, allergic rhinitis.

4. Some medications. Antibiotics, in particular penicillin and its preparations, are considered the leaders of “harmfulness”. Streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, cephalosporin and various serums are also highly allergenic and toxic. Special group constitute novocaine and sulfa drugs. The great danger is posed by the familiar aspirin, analgin and their preparations, which are part of many antipyretic and painkillers, as well as B vitamins.

5. Food allergens. Allergies can be caused by almost all food groups: milk, chicken eggs, fish, cereals, fruits, vegetables. Meat rarely causes allergies. Of the fruits, the most allergenic are strawberries, strawberries and citrus fruits.

How to prevent your child from getting allergies?

It is known that allergies infant can also occur in the absence genetic predisposition. To avoid this, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the mother must take care of her own food, remembering that the child actually eats what she herself eats. Highly allergenic foods such as chocolate, smoked meats, shrimp, citrus fruits, etc. should be avoided. Extend it as long as possible breast-feeding, without transferring the child to . Subsequent self-catering the child should also be healthy and rational, since it is malnutrition that most often causes the development of food allergies. Unfortunately, this type of allergy does not always go away with age and is often complicated by other types.

Do not expose your baby to close contact with pets or fish, as well as allergenic house plants such as geraniums. Vacuum, ventilate and wet clean the room more often. The child's clothing should be made from natural, but not wool or fur, fabrics. The same goes for home design. Rid your apartment of excess carpets, rugs, napkins, and bedspreads to make it easier to keep it clean.

Make sure your home is always dry and warm. Dampness promotes the growth of mold, which stimulates fungal allergies in children. Special attention In this regard, a bathroom and a basement are required.

Do not give your baby kvass, baked goods yeast dough, blue cheeses, stale foods: they contain food fungal allergens.

Protect your child from ticks, bees and other insects. An allergy to their bites acquired in childhood persists throughout life in every fifth child.

How to treat a child for allergies?

The main thing is to take the problem, if it arises, seriously. Noticing a child transparent discharge runny nose, sore eyes, repeated sneezing and watery eyes, consult an allergist. You should not treat allergies in children on your own. traditional methods or, even more so, with medications recommended by someone. remember, that Small child needs vaccinations, and they may contain allergens. This point can only be resolved with a doctor by conducting a skin test on the grafting material.

It is reasonable to implement treatment of allergies in children comprehensively so that it includes both diet therapy and drug treatment, and methods traditional medicine, aimed at strengthening the immune system, hardening and physical activity of the child.

Zoya Samoilova

The questions of a jealous person can be much more ridiculous and inappropriate. Sometimes they arise so out of the blue that they can plunge the other half into a real shock.

Jealousy. Where does it come from? According to most psychologists, this concept is on a par with envy, and perhaps even is a type of the latter. The reason is low self-esteem. In other words, a person believes that he does not have something that another has: property, position in society, abilities, external qualities. Anything can become an object of envy. In the case of jealousy, the position of the jealous person looks something like this. Surrounded by the other half, someone appears who can interest her in something that the jealous person himself does not have.

However, this feeling is often overly subjective. If something seems, then this is not a reason to throw your spouse’s things out of the window and accuse him of cheating. Perhaps nothing actually happened, just a wild fantasy and increased anxiety They painted a terrible picture. You need to calm down, analyze the situation and look for the cause of jealousy, discarding emotions. If an insidious feeling doesn’t want to go away, it makes sense to talk to your spouse. Even if some situation looked ambiguous, no one will lose anything by listening to the other and learning his version. The main thing is not to rush into accusations in such a conversation. The key phrase here is “find out the reason,” and not “run into it.”

Jealousy is inevitable where a person does not live his own life, but only does what he is interested in the affairs of others. A situation common among housewives. The husband is tired at work, stayed a little late with his colleagues, and the wife, due to excess time and lack of impressions, begins to invent something that did not happen.

Good ways to get rid of jealousy: pay attention to yourself, take care of your career, creativity, find new interests, make acquaintances.

The subject of jealousy and envy can be turned into a guide to action. For example, if a husband admires his new secretary because of her knowledge foreign language or unusual hairstyles, then you can take care of your education, take off the curlers and give up the boring ponytail.

Even if you receive “indisputable” evidence of your partner’s betrayal, you shouldn’t get too excited. Nowadays, the possibilities for fabrication and imitation of something are quite wide. For example, photographs: they will be mounted in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from the original. You need to listen to your loved one’s version. And if everything is really sad, then taking care of yourself and going through this test with your head held high is much better than crying and humiliating yourself.

Bayturina Elvira

This work traces a connection with life.

The student chose the ecological space of the school premises as the object of his research. The rationale for the problem is given, the purpose and objectives of the research are set, and the practical orientation of the work is shown.



Job title:What is dust and where does it come from?

Class: 6g

School : MOBU "Gymnasium named after T. Kusimov"

Supervisor: Basharova Aigul Mukhametovna.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part.
  3. Conclusion.
  4. Application.


At home, every day my parents force me to do wet cleaning: wash the floors, wipe the dust from the window sills, cabinets, and tables. But I don’t like this and I had questions: “Why take a rag every day? I’d rather clean it up once, when more dust has accumulated! The school also requires that the classroom be cleaned, ventilated, and dusted. And once a month, carry out general cleaning, even wiping down the walls.

At home, after another cleaning, seeing my indignant face, my grandmother started talking about dust, as if she had read my thoughts. Here's what she said: “Where do you think the dust comes from?

The causes of dust can be the destruction of materials, the street, animals and humans themselves. Dust is omnipresent. It seeps through the smallest cracks and holes. It is everywhere and in our house. House dust contains pet dander, hair and dead human skin cells. Dust loves to travel. Here we are sitting and she is next to me. Dust is dangerous to human health. It may cause various diseases. To avoid dust in the house, you need to do wet cleaning more often.”

After my grandmother’s story, I started thinking: it turns out I know nothing about the role of dust in human life. I have a question about how lush soft dust is harmful to health.

Target: determine what determines the level of dust in school premises.


  1. Find out what dust is.
  2. Consider the effect of dust on the human body.
  3. Determine the cleanest room in the school.
  4. Find out the importance of wet cleaning.

Object of study:ecological space of school premises.

Hypothesis : Dust is hazardous to human health.

Research methods:

  1. Working with literature.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Searching for information on the World Wide Web.
  1. Main part.

I started studying different sources about dust. On the Internet I found the following definitions:

Of the three definitions, only the third is clear to me. I asked my mother to explain the meaning of this definition. It turns out that she has closely settled in our houses and apartments.

From encyclopedic literature I learned that dust consists of microorganisms: mites, pieces of fluff, etc.

After studying, it became clear to me that dust leads a parallel life with us. Dust affects everything: the operation of household appliances, the condition of furniture and clothing, the air quality in the apartment, and people’s health.

After reading the literature, I learned that a family of 5 people produces about 1 kg of dust per month. This dead tissue collects on floors, beds and upholstered furniture and is the main food source for dust mites and molds.

Conducted a survey. She asked 90 students whether they knew about the dangers of dust:

Yes – 23-45% of respondents;

No – 20-39% of respondents;

Heard - 8-16% of respondents.

Thus, many people do not know what effect dust has on the human body.

My mother's friend works in a hospital. In order to obtain complete information, I asked the same questions to the health worker. The story was interesting and accessible. I learned that dust has harmful effects on the lungs, contributes to the exacerbation of chronic diseases: such as asthma, allergies, diabetes. Leads to hearing impairment, kidney disease, myocardial infarction, and skin diseases. It turns out that the great harm of dust is the spread of epidemics.

It turns out that pollen granules appear in our homes thanks to flowering plants, are often causative agents allergic reactions body.

After spring cleaning the classroom became clean. But looking at the beam sunlight, I was surprised how much dust hangs in the air even after general cleaning.

To find out what determines the level of dust in a school, I decided to carry out practical work.

For research, I hung pieces of paper smeared with Vaseline in the dining room, wardrobe and hallway. A week later, I took off these leaves, examined them through a magnifying glass and determined that the cleanest leaf was from the dining room; no particles were found on it. The dining room is wet cleaned several times a day and everyone comes in with a change of shoes. This is what it is main reason cleanliness.

And the most polluted was the entrance corridor. In my opinion, the reason is the sheer number of students, parents and teachers passing through.

To find out about the importance of replacement shoes at school, wet cleaning, harmful influence dust on the human body conducted a survey among students in grades 5-8:

  1. Do you need replacement shoes at school?
  2. What is the importance of wet cleaning?
  3. How does dust affect the human body?

Survey results:

  1. 38% of students consider changing shoes unnecessary.
  2. for holding wet cleaning Only 29% of respondents spoke out.
  3. 79% of students surveyed consider dust harmful to their body.

I believe that second shoes are necessary. Because, along with our shoes, we bring dirt from the street to school every day, which is a mixture of sand and natural fats. Hard coatings can be destroyed under the influence of sandy dirt, because... sand is a mixture of small particles of stones with sharp glass-like edges. Therefore, sand increases the dust content in the room many times


My grandmother's advice served as the basis for my scientific work. It turns out she was right.

As a result of the study, I determined that the level of dust in school premises depends on the number of people passing through, the availability of replacement shoes and wet cleaning.

I learned that dust consists of animal fluff, dead human skin cells, and pollen.

Having considered the effect of dust on the human body, I came to the conclusion that it provokes the development of many diseases.

By using practical work I determined that the cleanest place is the dining room.

Do wet cleaning more often;

Ventilate the room;

Wear second shoes;

Do not run in school.

The hypothesis that dust is dangerous to human health was confirmed.

This topic interested me very much. I will continue studying this topic in 6th grade.

List of used literature.

  1. Great Encyclopedia for Schoolchildren, Moscow “Swallowtail”, 2007 – 96 p.
  2. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Ecology - M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 1998-560p.
  3. Internet resources.