Dilute activated charcoal for your parrot. Parrot has diarrhea - what to do? Description of some diseases in budgies

Cats, like people, experience poisoning of varying severity. Before taking any action, you need to try to find out what poison your pet ate. Poisoning with drugs containing phosphorus, copper and arsenic is accompanied by vomiting, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing, convulsions and even paresis of individual muscles.

In this case, the pet’s stomach is washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, activated charcoal and saline laxatives are injected inside. Injections are given: subcutaneous caffeine-containing drugs, intravenous 10% glucose solution.

Poisoning with organophosphorus substances, such as chlorophos and karbofos, is easily recognized by coughing, drooling, diarrhea, skeletal muscle cramps, severe agitation, increased blood pressure and paralysis of the central nervous system. In this case, gastric lavage is done with a solution of baking soda, saline laxatives are given, as well as sedatives, sleeping pills and cardiac medications.

External manifestations of drug poisoning are weakness and drowsiness; in case of drug poisoning, the animal experiences constriction of the pupils, vomiting, drowsiness, and discoloration of the mucous membranes.

It is necessary to immediately cleanse the stomach with activated carbon and introduce enveloping agents inside.

Symptoms similar to those described above also appear with carbon monoxide poisoning, but in this case there is also drowsiness, convulsions and shortness of breath.

It is recommended to take the injured animal out into the fresh air, and in case of severe poisoning, perform artificial respiration using an oxygen pillow or try to revive it by holding a cotton swab dipped in ammonia to the cat’s nose.

Cats are very curious and have a habit of tasting any object they like (poison for killing rodents, matches, medications for humans, detergents and cleaners, antifreeze, some house plants), which can become a source of poisoning.

Stale food is no less dangerous.

Some rodent poisons and sulfur coatings for matches include phosphorus. A cat can eat poison out of curiosity, and chew matches while playing.

Symptoms of phosphorus poisoning include vomiting and foul odor from the mouth. In some cases, the vomit of an injured cat glows in the dark. Mercury, used to make thermometers and some ointments, often causes severe poisoning.

When poisoned by acids (acetic essence, acid-containing detergents), the cat's digestive system and respiratory tract are affected. This type of poisoning is very rare. In a sick animal, digestion is disrupted, salivation increases, breathing becomes heavy, lips and tongue swell.

When providing first aid, the injured cat should be given a soda solution to drink, which neutralizes the acid. When poisoned by toxic gases, a cat begins to vomit, the gums and lips become red, salivation increases, belching appears, breathing becomes heavy and rare, and the gait is unsteady.

Toxic gases include combustion products of wood and oil (petroleum products), exhaust gases, household and carbon monoxide.

Determine which toxic substance caused the animal’s illness. Different pesticides and medications have different chemical compositions, knowing it, the veterinarian will be able to quickly make a diagnosis.2. Try to understand how much of the toxic substance entered the cat’s stomach.3.

If your pet starts vomiting, place the sample in a separate plastic bag for analysis.4. If a cat has swallowed antifreeze or a large amount of tablets, it needs to have a gastric lavage as quickly as possible. To do this, she should be given a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.5.

If a cat has swallowed a caustic, toxic substance (acid-containing detergents, kerosene, alkali), you should not try to induce vomiting, because this will only make the situation worse. The fact is that the toxic substance will also act during its removal. In this situation, the cat needs to be given a drug that neutralizes the poison.6. To neutralize alkali, it is recommended to give your cat 3 tbsp.

If a toxic substance gets into the cat's stomach, you can give it an activated carbon tablet to partially absorb the toxins, but the animal will still have to be taken to the veterinarian.8. Milk is a product that greatly weakens the effect of poisons on the body. But you can’t give it to cats with obvious symptoms of poisoning, because... any liquid in this situation can cause suffocation.9.

Some houseplants, such as dieffenbachia, caladium, foxglove, holly, philodendron, cyclamen, dragonweed, mistletoe and azalea, can cause poisoning in cats. To do this, she does not have to swallow a leaf or part of a stem, just chewing it is enough.

When turning to a veterinarian for help, you must show a leaf of the plant that caused your pet’s illness; this will help him quickly make a diagnosis and select an antidote.10. If in the process of treating any disease you need to give your cat a certain amount of medication, you must strictly follow the veterinarian’s instructions, because

Let's see in what cases the use of Activated Carbon may not be beneficial?

Here it is worth considering all situations in which diarrhea is a symptom:

  • Intestinal blockage or injury, eating a foreign object.
  • Viral, infectious or bacterial infections.
  • Non-food poisoning - when the poison entered the body not through the mouth, for example, a cat inhaled carbon monoxide or was poisoned by contact poison.

Activated carbon is required for use:

  • If your kitten has diarrhea or vomiting after eating something. Even high-quality food can begin to rot if intestinal motility is disrupted.
  • As first aid, if the kitten suddenly becomes ill, you are going to go to the veterinarian or wait for him to arrive at your home.
  • If poisoned by poisons or missing food, the kitten will most likely require more serious therapy (droppers, injections). If you know that the cat has been poisoned after eating bait, a poisonous plant, you need to rinse the intestines, and then give Activated carbon. By the way, a cleansing enema can be done with charcoal, ground into powder.

In order for a parrot to feel good, it must always have access to mineral components. Food does not contain all the necessary substances, because the need for mineral salts, for example, can increase 3 times during molting! What can we offer a parrot?

Sand for a parrot

The digestive system of parrots is designed in such a way that the body is not able to digest food on its own, and small pebbles and sand are needed for normal functioning. Their task is to mechanically grind food in the muscular part of the stomach. Result: food is crushed and better broken down by enzymes.

If your parrot does not have sand in its cage, its digestive system will be disrupted and you will find undigested grains in the droppings.

The container with sand must be placed in the cage so that the bird cannot soil it with droppings.

Chalk for parrot

Chalk consists of 37% calcium, which means it strengthens bones, and during nesting it also forms egg shells.

Chalk is given both ground (added to sand) and in the form of a briquette (attached to the cage lattice).

Never give your feathered friend construction chalk or chalk for rodents: the first contains harmful impurities, and the second contains salt. Both are poison for birds.

Sepia for parrot

Sepia is a “product” of cuttlefish shell containing approximately 37% calcium. It is perfectly absorbed by the bird's body.

Eggshells for parrots

Bone meal for parrots

The bird “extracts” phosphorus and calcium from it. Bone meal is added to sand or wet food. It is especially useful to give flour during molting, because it provides the body with salts that are essential for feather formation.

Glycerophosphate and calcium gluconate for parrot

1 tablet of calcium gluconate contains 0.5 grams of this substance, and calcium glycerophosphate contains an additional 88% of organic phosphorus.

You can buy these drugs in regular pharmacies. A 0.5 gram tablet is enough to provide the daily requirement of phosphorus and calcium for a pair of budgerigars.

The drugs are crushed into powder and offered to pets every other day. The powder is added to the feed mixture or sand.

If the bird is severely emaciated, molts, is feeding chicks, or suffers from rickets, the “dispensing rate” is increased to 1 tablet per day.

Charcoal for parrot

Coal is ground to a powder and given along with eggshells or sand.

Charcoal absorbs heavy metal salts, poisons and harmful gases, and then removes them from the body.

Vitamins for parrots

In autumn and winter, parrots are in dire need of vitamins, because there are almost no vegetables, fruits and herbs. Vitamins are also needed when the bird is molting or sick.

There are a number of rules for choosing vitamins:

  • Choose only trusted manufacturers, avoid dubious brands.
  • Immediately check the integrity of the packaging and expiration date.
  • Ask the seller all your questions.
  • Do not get carried away with vitamins too much: follow the instructions regarding dosage and course duration.
  • An open bottle is usually stored for a maximum of 1 month, and then replaced with a new one.

Honey or lemon juice can be a vitamin supplement.

2 - 3 drops of lemon juice can be added to the drinker. It is a valuable source of carbohydrates, protein, organic acids, dietary fiber, vitamins C, E, PP, group B, as well as minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, iron, manganese, boron, fluorine, sulfur , molybdenum, chlorine. Not every juice can “boast” of such richness! Lemon juice is involved in redox processes and strengthens even the smallest blood vessels.

Honey is also added to the drinker (3 - 5 drops per 100 ml). It is an excellent source of vitamins and is also a laxative that can help with intestinal blockages.

Even just loud noise can lead to a decrease in the animal's immunity.

How to treat diarrhea

You need to know that diarrhea requires IMMEDIATE treatment. In a parrot, all processes in the body go through very quickly, so the clock literally counts.

  1. If the pet does not refuse food, sprinkle the food with karsil, rubbing half a tablet of the medicine.
  2. For liquid green droppings, use activated carbon at first, grinding the tablet and adding it to boiled rice.
  3. Drink chamomile decoction.
  4. Green droppings in a budgerigar can be stopped by adding the immunomodulator Gamavit to the treatment. It is poured into the drinking bowl at the rate of 0.5 ml per 50 g of clean water. Treat this way for a week.
  5. Sometimes they use Vetom 1.1. This is an immunomodulating drug with Bacillus subtilis microorganisms to improve digestion and restore intestinal microflora. It is added to the water at the tip of a knife.
  6. The food is also sprinkled with Linex (one capsule).

During treatment, move the cage with your feathered friend to a quiet, calm place.

Diarrhea due to stress or eating stale fruit should stop after such treatment. If troubles last five days or more, this indicates a more serious problem.

If, unfortunately, treatment does not bring results, contact your veterinarian immediately. This may indicate a serious illness in the pet.

Diseases and treatment of budgies and Karella parrots are the same. Liquid green droppings in both cases are caused by similar reasons.

They are given in parallel with the above drugs Smecta, Enterosgel. The doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics (Baytril) and immunomodulatory drugs. But this treatment is only after examination by a veterinarian.

Liquid droppings

What to do if your budgerigar has liquid droppings?

  1. Wash the area around the cloaca, clean the feathers from any remaining excrement, as they are a breeding ground for infection.
  2. Rinse the bird's eyes and cloaca with chamomile decoction. Also pour this broth into the drinking bowl, remembering to change it every two hours.
  3. Disinfect the cage.
  4. Offer your parrot rice boiled in water, which has an astringent effect for digestive problems.
  5. The liquid green droppings should stop. If this does not happen, go to the doctor.
  6. During illness, the bird freezes and sits ruffled. Install an infrared lamp above her home, blocking off with a piece of fabric a place where she could hide if desired. But this is done only if there are no traces of blood in the litter.

The temperature in the room with the sick bird is maintained at +25 degrees, humidity 65%. If there is no special lamp, then you can use a regular 60 W incandescent lamp, which generates heat!

Causes of diarrhea in parrots

Due to external or internal irritants, the parrot's intestinal walls begin to contract faster, pushing out not only undigested pieces of food, but also the liquid contents of the stomach.

What to do if your parrot has diarrhea? Keep it clean! More often the cause is poor quality food, rot, dirt on fruit, mold in nuts and seeds. Rotten water in the drinking bowl also leads to similar troubles. Even dirt in the apartment is harmful.

Sometimes such symptoms occur after spraying aerosols near the cage. The bird’s body responds to such moments with intestinal upset.

Liquid droppings in a budgie are a sign of diarrhea or polyuria. Diarrhea is, in fact, diarrhea, and polyuria is an increase in the amount of urine in the bird’s excrement. Treatment for these phenomena varies.

After examining your pet's stool, determine whether it retains its shape and is surrounded by watery discharge or whether the feces look like a liquid mass. In the first case it is polyuria. In the second - diarrhea.

If your budgie has diarrhea:

With diarrhea, a budgie sits on a perch or even on the floor of the cage, ruffling its feathers and ruffling its feathers. There are dried feathers and dried excrement around the cloaca. The bird refuses to eat, its eyes lose their shine. There is a sleepy state.

Any unusual behavior of the bird is an indicator of ill health. Watch carefully those you have tamed. At the first symptoms, consult a doctor.

The food must be of high quality!

Diarrhea in a parrot can be caused by a change in food. It happens that you get a bad batch of food. Change the food, wash the feeder, clean the cage. Try to purchase mixtures from trusted suppliers. The feed must contain millet.

The cause of diarrhea in parrots is poor hygiene and infrequent cleaning of the cage. At the first symptoms of liquid green diarrhea in a bird, disinfect her home.

Stale water is a common cause of illness in parrots. Wash the drinking bowl thoroughly and treat with disinfectants. Try to give not tap water, but baby water from store-bought bottles.

If your parrot has loose stools, it probably ate stale fruit. During treatment remove greens and juicy fruits from your diet so as not to further irritate the delicate stomach.

When you let a parrot fly around the room, it can peck indoor plants, which can be poisonous to it. Inspect the plants and make sure that the mischief maker has not eaten food that is harmful to him. Remove dangerous plants!

The placement of the cage can also cause your parrot to have loose stools. Noisy places and places where children play are excluded for the bird. She should live in a calm, quiet room.

Is your pet getting enough light? Birds love the sun and clean air. Therefore, the cage is placed in a bright, ventilated room, but so that it does not receive direct sunlight. It is sometimes necessary to place the cage outside so that the bird produces vitamin D, the lack of which also has a detrimental effect on the parrot’s digestion.

Green droppings in budgerigars often occur when lack of calcium. To prevent this, hang a block of chalk or sepia in the cage. This is also necessary for grinding down the beak, which grows quickly in parrots.

Liquid green droppings may be caused by antibiotic treatment for another disease. Taking such drugs kills both pathogenic organisms and beneficial microflora.

Diarrhea in a parrot is caused by inflammation of the goiter. This is an extension of the esophagus on the right side of the chest where food initially enters.

And if this organ is unhealthy, swallowing reflexes do not work correctly, stagnation and infection occur. The spoiled pieces of food then enter the stomach, causing upset. Food turns into a source of microbial development. This leads to irreversible consequences.

Why is diarrhea dangerous in parrots?

First of all, diarrhea is dangerous due to dehydration of the bird’s body. This leads to exhaustion, decreased body weight, and the bird loses strength. Blood thickening also occurs, circulation is impaired, which leads to a lack of oxygen. The animal dies quickly, within a few days and sometimes hours.

With frequent bowel movements, the bird's cloaca stretches, falls out, and dries out. There is itching, discomfort and pain in this place.

In this case, the bird often pecks at the dried areas, trying to relieve its discomfort. It damages blood vessels, causing bleeding. Which makes the situation worse.

During treatment, do not leave your feathered friend alone for a long time. He must be sure that his owner loves him and takes care of him. Delicious vitamins and positive emotions will speed up recovery.

Proper care and feeding of a budgie is the key to its health. Diseases of budgies are varied, but many of them have similar external manifestations. A sick bird is significantly different from a healthy one.

Signs of a Healthy Bird

A healthy parrot has bright, neat plumage and shiny eyes. The bird reacts vividly to surrounding events and even sings. A healthy parrot is resting on one leg.

A budgerigar - why not a beauty?

Signs of a healthy bird are:

  • smooth and clean beak;
  • the beak has no delaminations or cracks;
  • shiny, thin and smooth horny scales on the paws;
  • undertail – cleaned and free of droppings.

With proper care, budgies can live more than 15 years.

Often, bird owners are quite inattentive to their pets. They turn to veterinarians too late with a sick bird. Budgerigars should be examined periodically to determine their health.

General principles of treating parrots

When a budgie is sick, it shows apathy towards everything that happens around it. He cackles, sometimes trembles, often sleeps for a long time sitting on both legs, or leaning on a perch. A sick bird does not respond to sounds and movements and does not clean its plumage.

In some cases, if a parrot is sick, it may refuse to eat or drink. Budgerigars have very fast metabolic processes.

For any diseases and pathologies, the bird needs additional warmth. After isolating the sick individual, it can be warmed up with a lamp placed next to the cage, maintaining the optimal 27 degrees for it. Warming up is useful for almost all diseases (with the exception of mechanical damage, fractures, bleeding or heat stroke).

Warming up allows you to raise the temperature of a sick parrot, speed up metabolic processes, thereby increasing the body's resistance to the disease. This procedure should be carried out carefully, and when the bird spreads its wings to the sides, the heating should be reduced.

If a parrot is diagnosed with a bowel disorder, the simplest thing that can be done to treat it is to give the bird activated carbon or another adsorbent. The tablet should be crushed into powder and sprinkled with half of the portion on the food, and the second part should be added to the drinking bowl.

To support the general tone of the bird and restore its liver function, it is recommended to use ascorbic acid with glucose. Glucose itself is effectively used to combat gastric disorders in birds, especially those of viral origin. To do this, feed the bird with a 10% solution of the drug for 2-4 weeks. If necessary, treatment is repeated a month later.

Honey is also an excellent tonic; it is added to water for parrots (5-6 drops per 100 g). It is recommended to be used for various diseases: molting, vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, poisoning or liver disease. To improve the therapeutic effect, alternate honey with ascorbic acid and glucose.

If the parrot is sick, then the bird needs to be provided with a calm environment; it is advisable to place it in a quiet and cozy place.

Method of administering medicine to sick birds

The easiest way to deliver medicine to a parrot's body is to mix it into the food. It is only necessary to divide the daily dose of the drug into the entire daily diet. For one budgie, the norm of the grain mixture is 2 teaspoons.

A syringe (without a needle!) is a great way to get someone to take medicine.

It is recommended to mix medications in the morning. At this time, the bird manages to get hungry during the night and pecks the grain with the necessary medicine. To ensure even distribution, the grain can be slightly moistened (so that the crushed tablet powder sticks to it). Water-soluble types of drugs are mixed into drinking water. This method of “delivery” of drugs will be simpler.

In especially severe cases, when the parrot is sick and refuses to drink or eat, you can forcefully give the medicine.

For these purposes, take the medicine into a syringe without a needle and pour it into the mouth (in the right corner of the throat). The medicine should be given in small portions so that the bird does not choke. The parrot is taken in one hand and the opening of its beak is fixed with two fingers. Medicine is dripped into the mouth, swallowing being controlled by the movement of the tongue. When a parrot is sick, in a clinical setting, the birds can be given medications by probe or intramuscular injection. Only a veterinarian can perform such procedures.

General signs of parrot disease

The most important indicators of the health of budgies are their behavior and appearance. The most characteristic manifestations of a disease or poor health of a bird include the following:

  • the bird sleeps all the time, does not monitor or care for its plumage, does not play or actively move;
  • The exhaustion of a parrot is determined by its protruding keel. If the bird is very exhausted, it is provided with additional warmth before the veterinarian's visit;
  • the parrot is breathing heavily or sniffling, although outwardly it looks almost healthy. Such symptoms may indicate chronic diseases. This bird needs a thorough examination;
  • the bird experiences mucus discharge from the nasal passages of its beak and frequent sneezing;
  • the parrot sits on a perch, and its tail is lowered perpendicular to the floor. This symptom may indicate problems with the lungs;
  • The bird drinks a lot. This may indicate problems with digestion or kidneys;
  • The parrot has growths on its legs. The joints become inflamed, and redness and sores may also occur. Such signs have bacterial infections.

Symptoms of a serious illness in budgies may appear within a day.

Some symptoms of disorders of the internal organs of a parrot

When examining birds, pay attention to the undertail, eyes, beak and legs, as well as the texture of the droppings. It should be remembered that diarrhea in parrots is a consequence of the disease, and not the disease itself. Such a disorder may indicate inflammatory processes in the intestines or other organs of the poultry’s gastrointestinal tract.

The budgerigar suffers from diseases of internal organs quite hard. Only in cases where there is firm confidence that the parrot is not sick, and the presence of diarrhea is caused by an incorrect diet, can you try to treat the parrots yourself.

In such cases, the bird recovers after several days of taking activated carbon. Prolonged diarrhea may be accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy of the bird. When a budgie is sick, it usually does not have a normal appetite. In such cases, treatment can only be carried out by a specialist.

Identification of diseases by droppings

Normal budgerigar droppings should be in a worm-shaped spiral, most often green-brown in color interspersed with white. When feeding a bird more greens or vegetables, it may become greener in color, but its shape does not change. After eating carrots or beets, it can be tinted accordingly.

A parrot's health largely depends on its food.

If the bird's droppings are liquid, the color has changed and does not recover, then it is very possible that the parrot is sick, and this is a sign of a serious illness. If there is undigested grain in the droppings, this may be a sign of inflammation of the goiter or an infectious process in the body. If the bird still refuses to eat with such symptoms of the disease, this may indicate that the parrot is suffering from a fungal disease.

If there is no white matter in the litter and there is a lot of clear liquid in it, then this may be a symptom of problems with the nervous system or inflammation of the nerves. Such parrots often drink, but still the moisture is not retained in the body, and the bird loses a lot of fluid.

An excessive amount of liquid in the droppings may also be evidence of disturbances in the microflora. Probiotics are used to restore it. Birds are treated with the following drugs: Lactobifadol (or Linex) and Vetom.

If blood is found in the droppings, then such a bird cannot be heated with a lamp. She is prescribed 1 drop of Vikasol 2 times a day, a weak infusion of plantain or nettle tea.

Description of some diseases in budgies

Parrot diseases have different etiologies and require adequate treatment.

Food poisoning

A poisoned bird develops severe thirst, diarrhea, drooping wings and convulsions. In case of poisoning, the parrot is first given a sorbent to reduce the level of toxins: Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterodes, Enterosgel, Polyphepam, Filtrum. In case of acute intoxication, the sorbent is given 3 times a day, in especially severe cases - every 2 hours.

Activated carbon should not be given for more than 3 days; if the symptoms do not go away, then the cause of the disease is much deeper. An hour later, other drugs are administered to the bird after the adsorbent. In case of poisoning, it is recommended to warm the bird with a lamp (3-6 hours a day). You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the drinker.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

If a parrot is sick, a decoction of chamomile is used for its treatment for a week instead of water.

Depending on the symptoms, the bird is prescribed for 2 weeks:

  • tsamax - half a teaspoon per daily portion of food;
  • Karsil - 1 tablet in a feeder with grain mixture. It is given for liver diseases and poisoning;
  • vitasol - eight drops of this vitamin complex are dissolved in 100 ml of water;
  • vetom - the drug is active against a wide range of harmful microorganisms;
  • cerukal - eliminates nausea and vomiting, accelerates digestion and bowel movements.

Linex, Lactobifadol and Vetom are also prescribed to sick birds for gastrointestinal microflora disorders.


A parrot with a cold trembles, sneezes often (sometimes discharge appears from the beak). The bird is inactive, ruffled, sleeps a lot. She very often scratches her eyes or wax, and may refuse to eat or drink. The mucous membrane on the nose has an inflamed red color. The bird breathes heavily (the tail moves in time with its breathing), and often swallows.

Sometimes it can regurgitate wet grains from its beak due to inflamed mucous membranes. Such a parrot should be heated with a lamp. Chamomile infusion is added to the drinking bowl, as well as a drop of honey and lemon.

In complex cases of the disease, treatment with inhalation of eucalyptus oil or menthol, as well as “Zvezdochka” is recommended. The inhaler is placed next to the cage and covered with a loose cloth. Such procedures should be done for 20 minutes 2 times a day for a week. If during inhalation the bird breathes heavily, opens its wings wide and closes its eyes, you should reduce the procedure time and slightly open the draped fabric.


When budgies are fed monotonous food that is poor in vitamins, they often suffer from vitamin deficiency. The bird's eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes become swollen and red. If a parrot gets sick, it will show general weakness, its limbs may tremble violently, and the bird may throw its head back.

Chicks especially often suffer from a lack of vitamins; their feathers become ruffled and become dull. To combat the disease, the quality of feed is improved and vitamins (Vitasol) are added to the diet.


Poor care and sloppy maintenance can cause coccidosis in budgies. A sick bird loses weight, looks depressed, its feathers are ruffled, it has poor appetite and severe thirst. Symptoms are complicated by diarrhea with blood and vomiting. The bird may die from dehydration and exhaustion.

Having trouble making a diagnosis? The vet will help.

Treatment is initially carried out with eimerostats, which suppress the life of eimeria - the protozoa that provoke coccidosis. For these purposes, Amprolium is prescribed to sick birds. It can also be used to prevent this disease in parrots (5 g of tablets crushed into powder are added to 1 kg of grain mixture). The next stage of treatment is carried out using Baycox and Madicox.


Quite often this disease occurs in budgies. Its causative agent is Salmonella (rod-shaped bacteria). Birds can become infected through drinking water, feed, or the secretions of sick birds. An inadequate and monotonous diet can activate the pathogenic process and lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

If a parrot gets sick with salmonellosis, the disease progresses quite rapidly. In this case, he may die due to dehydration due to severe diarrhea.

The short incubation period of the disease (3-4 days) manifests itself in lethargy and depression of the bird. She has a fever and intestinal upset. In the acute course of the disease, blueness of the paws and beak is noted, which may indicate sepsis. The droppings are liquid and have an orange-green color interspersed with blood. The chronic form provokes the development of yellowness of the mucous membranes in birds. A sick bird experiences paralysis of its legs and wings and dies.

Joint inflammation (arthritis)

Arthritis can be caused by excess weight or excessive strain on the bird's limbs due to inappropriate perch size. In sick parrots, swelling of the joints on the paws is noted. Treatment of overweight birds is carried out using a fasting diet. The perch needs to be wrapped in fabric so that the fingers are placed almost horizontally.

Ulcers on the paws

An incorrectly selected perch size, lack of exercise, and a lack of vitamin A can cause calluses, sores, and ulcers to form on the paws of parrots. At the same time, the bird often raises its paw, pulls it with its beak and gnaws. To relieve swelling, it is recommended to make soda lotions or baths. This procedure softens the tissue and removes purulent formations.

A varied diet, good living conditions and adequate drug therapy will help overcome diseases in budgies. A grateful bird will delight you for a long time with its cheerful singing.

Activated carbon benefits not only people, but also parrots. This medicine belongs to the adsorbents. It is made from various organic materials, such as birch and coconut shells. Coal has a porous structure, due to which it, like a sponge, attracts and absorbs molecules of various substances. When it enters the body, it is not absorbed, but attaches to itself various “garbage” and comes out with it. It can even draw out toxins from the blood, which is why it is often used for poisoning.

Is it possible to give a parrot human activated charcoal?

Activated carbon serves as a dietary supplement and is included in many mineral mixtures for birds. But from time to time there is a need to use the substance in its pure form without impurities.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to use other types of coal, for example, for a filter, for grilling, or simply from a fire, to treat poultry. They contain various impurities that can harm bird health.

Some consider it advisable to give their parrots detoxification courses, but most often charcoal medicine is used to treat poisoning.

For these cases, both special charcoal for birds and the usual activated charcoal are suitable - the composition and properties of these drugs are identical. You just need to know when and how to give this medicine to your feathered pet.

What does it help with?

Being a sorbent, activated carbon cleanses the body, removing toxins and other harmful substances from it.

Therefore, it is the first aid for:

  • diarrhea when the bird has liquid droppings mixed with water;
  • , the symptoms of which are diarrhea, lack of activity and appetite, increased thirst, convulsions, drooping wings.

Charcoal tablets help with poisoning of various natures:

  • bad food: poor-quality food, water, spoiled food, poisoned grain, table salt in large quantities;
  • chemical substances: medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics (a bird may try these out of curiosity);
  • chemical fumes: varnishes, paints, chlorine;
  • disinfestation products from cockroaches, ants, moths, mice.

The range of action of the black adsorbent has limits; it does not remove all toxins. There is no need to give charcoal in case of poisoning with strong acids, alcohols, solvents, heavy metals and pesticides.

Did you know? The ancient Egyptians ingested charcoal to cleanse the body and spirit of filth.

How to give activated charcoal to a parrot: method and dosage

The dosage is related to the body weight of the sick bird:

  • for a person weighing 100 g, a single dose consists of 0.5–1 tablet;
  • (50 g or less) 0.25 tablets are enough.

Methods of taking the drug:

  1. If a sick parrot eats on its own, then the required dose of charcoal tablets should be crushed and mixed with soft food.
  2. Sprinkle the grain feed with water so that the medicine sticks, and sprinkle coal chips on top.
  3. If the bird cannot eat, you need to prepare a suspension: mix the crushed tablet with water. This liquid should be collected into a pipette or syringe without a needle and slowly injected into the parrot's beak through the side hole.

The medicine should be given every 3-4 hours for 3 days. If there is no improvement, you should consult a veterinarian.

Important! Activated carbon adsorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful ones. Therefore, you should not combine taking black medicine with others, for example, antibiotics. The interval between doses is 2 hours.

Contraindications and side effects

Black adsorbent is contraindicated for:

  • the presence of ulcers and bleeding in the digestive system;
  • treatment with other adsorbents and antitoxic drugs.

Your feathered friend should be treated with charcoal tablets carefully, as side effects may occur: diarrhea, constipation, dyspepsia.

Did you know? Among parrots, like among people, there are right-handers and left-handers. Some hold a piece of food in their right paw, while others hold it in their left.

With long-term use of this medication, hypovitaminosis and poor absorption of hormones, fats and proteins may occur.
Activated carbon should be in the home medicine cabinet of every parrot lover, but you should not self-medicate; you should give the medicine to your bird as prescribed by a doctor. This way the treatment will be more effective, and the bird will be healthy and cheerful.