Municipal psychological assistance. Social and psychological assistance to children

The history of the appearance of the world's first telephone for psychological assistance is connected with the United States of the early twentieth century, where one night at the Protestant priest Harry Warren the phone rang. The caller begged for a meeting, explaining that his situation was hopeless. The awakened and irritated priest replied that he would listen to the poor fellow tomorrow in the church, in the morning. And the next morning it became known that the caller had committed suicide. Struck by this situation, the priest printed an ad in the local newspaper: "Before you die, call me at any time of the day." The first "official" helpline was launched in London in the 1950s. Since then, hotlines have been operating all over the world.

Now hotlines (and especially telephones for psychological assistance) are a very important social initiative. As a rule, it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity to receive psychological counseling in moments of crisis or when experiencing emergency situations in life. It is almost impossible to predict how this or that person will behave, being in a state of stress, extreme circumstances. That is why it is very important to popularize information about the very possibility of obtaining emergency psychological assistance. After all, not everyone, alas, when experiencing difficult moments, it occurs to them to seek psychological help, albeit remote.

The most vulnerable segments of the population are, of course, children, adolescents, women (who are statistically more likely to be victims of domestic or sexual violence). Sometimes, being in a psychologically unfavorable, stressful environment that makes it impossible to “escape”, face-to-face psychological assistance becomes simply inaccessible or unattainable, namely telephone counseling - the only way get help to overcome the problem.

Telephone counseling has a number of basic principles which are strictly observed by the organizers of all such services:

  • anonymity both the caller and the consultant: the subscriber is not obliged to give his real name or other personal data. The phone number is also not fixed, which is designed to increase the degree of mutual security of the interlocutors;
  • tolerance, consisting in the fact that no matter what views the subscriber holds, they are in no way condemned or criticized;
  • confidentiality is designed to ensure complete secrecy of the information received by the consultant from third parties, and any statistical collection of information (nature of the problem, gender, age) is as impersonal as possible;
  • call control belongs primarily to the subscriber, who can end the conversation at any time.

What specialists work in these services?

First of all, these are, in some cases, volunteers (volunteers) who have undergone special training. The work of consultants is accompanied by supervisors - highly qualified psychologists or psychiatrists who help to form and improve counseling skills, conduct training sessions and correct work in general.

The main purpose of telephone counseling is to provide primary psychological assistance. Further, if necessary, specialists can provide information on the possibility of obtaining, for example, narcological and psychiatric care, including - anonymous.

Attention: services to obtain further psychiatric or drug treatment may be provided for a fee. Specify details by phone.

Psychological help telephones

For Moscow, a free round-the-clock "Telephone for emergency psychological assistance" is open - 051


The Government of Moscow, 10 years ago, decided to create the Moscow Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population. Currently, MSPPN is part of the Department social protection population of the Moscow government.


Moscow Service of Psychological Assistance to the Population 10 years TOGETHER WITH YOU!

Our Service is:

  • 400 specialists ready to help at any time;
  • 25 consultation points in Moscow;
  • 24-hour helpline 051;
  • Emergency psychological assistance - work with people in emergency situations;
  • Diagnostics - individual testing for personality traits (choice of profession, level of stress resistance and much more);
  • Rehabilitation - adjustment of emotional and physical condition with the help of modern equipment (massage chairs, hydrobaths).

Over 10 years of work, we have adapted our programs to the specific needs of Muscovites, which allows us to choose individual approach to every client.

We pay special attention to group trainings and seminars that help participants to solve psychological problems, get rid of negative emotions guiding vital energy for personal growth. We open new horizons for people and give them the opportunity to change their own lives.

Our most popular trainings and seminars:

  • “The thing that scares you the most needs to be done first”;
  • “The fear of being nobody in life is not yet a reason to become anyone”;
  • “Time management. Prioritization";
  • “Effective negotiations. Briefly and clearly";
  • "Stress resistance and self-control";
  • "Strategies for successful relationships";
  • "How to develop faith in yourself";
  • "Space of options";
  • "The house where they are waiting for you";
  • "Art of Living".

We are ready to share with each person the experience of overcoming psychological barriers that prevent you from confidently taking a step towards life success and well-being!

Life in a metropolis is fraught with numerous stressful situations which we encounter repeatedly throughout the day. Quite often, clients contact us in depressed state. Depression - dangerous state human body which can lead to irreversible consequences. The main signs of depression are inhibition of thought processes, decreased physical activity And Bad mood lasting from 2 weeks to several months.

Few people know that in addition to the medical "ambulance" in Moscow, there is an emergency psychological help by phone. By calling 051, you can be sure that they will listen to you and help you solve the problem. Like this one psychological service works around the clock, free of charge and anonymously.

In order to provide psychological assistance and support to residents of the city of Moscow, the Moscow region, as well as those who have the opportunity to call the Moscow phone number, in 2006 the "Emergency Psychological Help Phone 051"(TNPP). TNPP is a division of the Moscow Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. Single three-digit Moscow number, modern Technical equipment allows any resident of the capital who finds himself in a difficult life situation, quickly contact a specialist and get round-the-clock, free, anonymous psychological help.

Since 2015, subscribers of mobile operators "Beeline", "MegaFon", "MTS", and since 2016 - subscribers of "TELE2" by dialing the number 8-495-051, can also get a free consultation with a psychologist - only mobile services are paid for existing rates.

Life in a metropolis provokes problems of an emotional and psychological nature. Constant noise background, acting as a nervous stimulus (it is difficult to hear the interlocutor and great efforts are required to be heard). accelerated rhythm a life in which there is not enough time not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. The maximum distance of people from each other when high density population. Uncertainty in one's own safety and the safety of loved ones (the possibility of terrorist attacks and simply large-scale accidents). A bad ecological situation that "undermines" the strength of our body - and they are in many ways a resource in personal work with psychological difficulties. You can say in the words of a psychological helpline client: “How can I be creative and calm mom if I just don't have the strength."

All of the above are factors of increased stressfulness of life in a metropolis. Therefore, it is so important that people always have the opportunity to call a professional psychologist at any time, as quickly as necessary, and in a comfortable and familiar environment to discuss what is happening to them.

For 10 years of operation of the 051 service, more than 400,000 Muscovites have contacted the helpline. Here are some examples of applications for TNPP.

“Girl, you are a psychologist, right? It’s hard for me to talk about it ... In general, today I found out that my husband is cheating on me ... "

“Help me, my son… he doesn’t obey at all… the teachers complain about him, he doesn’t do well at school, he swears. I don't have the strength anymore..."

“I can't already! Everything is bad with me, not like that, I don’t know how others can live so that everything works out for them. What to do?"

“I don't even know what to do. Yesterday she broke down at her daughter, yelled, and after that she couldn’t sleep normally all night, muttered something, woke up constantly ... "

“My 20 year old son has AIDS. For what? This cannot be. He's so young!"

And these disturbing, agitated, aggressive, irritated voices keep ringing and ringing, and there are many of them, and everyone needs help. For some, it’s just presence, for some, empathy, for others, calm analysis.

Muscovites who call 051 are most concerned about five topics:

  • mental health problems, including experiencing an actual psychotraumatic situation;
  • lack of communication;
  • family and marital relations;
  • problems in love relationships;
  • relationship between children and parents.

With such a wide range of issues, telephone counselors need to be prepared for just about anything. And to immersion in the experience of acute grief, and to personal safety in the face of pathology (together with the correct redirection of such a subscriber to a psychiatrist), and to informing about the characteristics of adolescence, and to working through the breakup of love relationships.

Crisis counseling is an important direction in the work of the telephone "051" - these are suicidal calls, acute grief, violence. Calls from subscribers who are in an acute, crisis condition are received by about 8% of total psychological consultations at TNPP.

Main age category subscribers - from 26 to 60 years old (81% of callers). The most active subscribers are aged 36-50 (38%). Since the opening of the children's helpline line in June 2011, more than 60,000 calls have been received from children and adolescents (some calls from the children's helpline are forwarded to "051"). Usually calls from children last 10-15 minutes. Both boys and girls call, approximately equally. The age of those who applied is from 7 to 14 years old, children under 7 years old and boys and girls (15-18 years old) call to a lesser extent.

Such wide range calls sets high demands on the professionalism of employees working on the phone. All those who come here to work have a higher psychological education and, as a rule, additional education. various areas psychological practice, as well as experience in psychological counseling.

IN last years Muscovites use landline phones less and less, because mobile communications have become less expensive and of better quality. Now Muscovites have the opportunity to call TNPP "051" from cell phone. To do this, just dial 8-495-051. From city phones, as before - 051.


27.03.2017 19:09:32

25.03.2017 17:52:22

Comment on the article "Psychological help by phone 051: in Moscow, for adults"

Psychological help by phone 051: in Moscow, for adults. How to correctly classify suicidal statements of a teenager? A teenager and suicide. You need to consult a psychologist. Child psychology. Remembering my adolescence...


And it seems to me that you created garbage. Of course, no one knows your child better than you, but honestly, it would never have occurred to me to call an ambulance for any childish tantrum. First, because a psychodiagnosis is usually quite easy to distinguish from ordinary psychosis. Secondly, because staying in the hospital is still conditional for no one. normal child was not beneficial. By the way, as well as reception of neuroleptics. Once having received shock chemical support on stress, the body may completely stop looking for ways out of the crisis on its own. And then, with any (!) nervous shock, it can lead to a similar crisis with the obligatory use of drugs.

01/16/2019 04:57:10 PM, Epsona

Now you can relax))) If the girl drove the movie, then she will conclude that the consequences of manipulation can be unpleasant. If the girl is really depressed and suicidal, then treatment is mandatory. Therefore, there is no point in doubting the correctness of hospitalization, because. it is hardly possible to distinguish one from the other. In our hospital, I saw quite a few adequate-looking children. From the treatment they look a little emotionally extinguished. My friends were allowed to go for a walk, and we went home. Eating at home, walking fresh air walked back to the hospital. Don't worry about the hospital, your girl's behavior was a threat to herself. It was impossible to ignore this.

Psychological help by phone 051: in Moscow, for adults. A healthy person (a person free from suicidal thoughts) never uses this method of manipulation, even if he is at this point. The trick is that if you need a consultation with a psychologist. Child psychology.


Haven't read it before. Mom, what kind of psychiatrist? Classics of the genre adolescence. All soothing, the girl of the belt and a heart-to-heart talk. And everything will pass.

To a psychiatrist. Running.
If you do not want the child to go out the window.

01/15/2019 09:15:40, Passed this

If your relationship with your child has not always been as cold as it is now, then this period is difficult not only for a teenager, but for all family members without exception. Teenager: how to get closer to him? Communication of parents with a teenager: how not to lose contact with a child.


If a person talks about it, he has some important need for him. He himself does not know how serious his intention is. So the "manipulation" label is not useful. What is manipulation? You want to say that you are unhappy that he talks about suicide, but he is not going to kill himself? So thank God! It is useful to understand what the child needs and talk to him about it.

If he lives normal life and against its background - then manipulation, if you stopped getting joy from what used to bring joy, such as "nothing pleases at all", then grab your hand and drag you to a psychiatrist.

When a psychologist's consultation is useless: 4 stories. Psychologist. Psychological help by phone 051: in Moscow, for adults. Family relationships. Rules of conduct in the family: household rudeness. Psychologist's advice. Print version.


Hello! I am the editor of the project saveenashbrak.rf, how can I contact you? 89266194463 Daria [email protected]

maybe you just think about how to return the love of her husband? This is important, maybe he began to behave unacceptably, because he can afford it? I would have thought about that first. You can read more tips here [link-1], it is likely that you will be able to find the answer to your question.

You want help, teach, warm. Both of you will be disappointed. If you really want to help, help on Because there is no question of helping an orphan. More often in our region, such adult children come to their kindergarten and hang out there. But we also have a rehabilitation center...


IN genetic predisposition I don’t believe in suicide, but the patterns of behavior of relatives and their ways of solving life problems can be firmly learned by a girl. Features of the psyche and character traits are definitely inherited. Therefore, the option of suicide will always be in the arsenal and can have a significant impact on the life scenario.

Psychiatry is most likely


What did your husband and brother do to you so bad that you treat them like this? For the sake of some hmm ... a minor, are you ready to send them to prison, doom them to shame? She is exactly the same and will always be like this, certain mental disorders which lead to sexual disinhibition. Something can be done if the child is at home from birth, and then not always. And here everything is hopeless. Neither priests nor psychologists will help.
Subject: I had a childhood friend. She was raised by her father's aunt. Father from a good family, married a girl from a camp, but already settled. And after some time, his wife went on a spree, or what to call it, I don’t know. She constantly left home, wandered for weeks and months, and, moreover, did not drink and did not even walk like that. The fact that my daughter was less than a year old (my friend) did not stop her. The father took the child and gave it to his childless aunt, who raised her with great love. But ... in adolescence, the same thing began. My friend, at the age of 16, began to wander, without drunkenness, drugs and revelry (raped, there was a case, but she-no-no). She just went wherever everyone's eyes looked ... Her teacher died, she was terribly worried about everything. Moreover, a friend of her mother did not know her at all, she was raised by another woman, she met already an adult.
Now mother and daughter live together, they quit wandering. But they are more or less safe - no alcohol, no drugs, no men especially. So, will-free will in priority. And in the case of your girl, everything is much worse.

08/19/2016 09:39:16, angry

They crumpled the girl in DD, no options, I had such a case with a friend - they adopted a girl and also had the same problems, only she almost immediately blabbed that she had a connection with the teacher, and he quit a year as he left, so go and find him .. besides, the pedophile is now literate

08/18/2016 08:58:16, Alexander2016

You need to consult a psychologist. Child psychology. Children's age-related psychology: child's behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. Suddenly there was a fear: whether the child had experienced similar actions by adult relatives.


And, by the way, did the boy have problems with bowel movements, by chance, after he visited a loving relative then, a couple of years ago?

My friend had a nanny for her son. This nanny had her own child of the same age (3 years). The boys sometimes played together, under the supervision of the nanny's husband (he was the boy's stepfather).

One fine day, the son of a friend complained that he could not pee well. Mom looked and found that the boy's penis was smeared with glue, moreover, by some kind of almost "Moment" (!). When asked by his mother - how and why - the boy replied that his friend (nurse's son) played with him this way, and his stepfather taught him this "game".

They began to question the nanny's son and it turned out that the mother wipes the boy's ass, because the stepfather wipes the ass in such a way that the boy tries in every possible way to avoid this and not to poop in front of his stepfather. And so on and so forth.

Stepfather is now where there are no boys, but mostly bars and security :(

Do you remember that year that the girl was found in the analysis of sperm, and then psychologists did not like her drawing, and as a result there was a trial of her father? I honestly didn't keep track of how it all ended.

There is little information on your situation, starting with whether such a person is not suspected, there is also nothing about the situation in the family, and methods of education, and the nature of the child, etc. and so on. Without this, it is difficult to say something specific.
I would suggest that you go to a psychologist now and talk to him about everything - about the situation with your son, and about your childhood trauma, and about these experiences. It is not to bring your son, but to go yourself. Usually with young children, this helps the child too. It's like indirect work.

Center for psychological assistance to women "Yaroslavna". Free, anonymous (from Tuesday to Thursday from 10-00 to 18-00). Psychological support group for women with family problems. 282-8450
Center for assistance to victims of sexual violence "Sisters". For free. Anonymous helpline, psychological assistance, legal and medical information (daily, except Saturday, Sunday from 10-00 to 20-00). 901-0201
Helpline for narcology of the Moscow Health Committee (from 10-00 to 18-00) 249-8646
Department of psychological assistance of the association of young people with disabilities. Anonymously. Free psychological consultations (on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-00 to 18-00). 283-5901
Psychological-medical-social center "OZON" for children subjected to abuse and violence. Anonymously, free of charge (daily, except Saturday and Sunday from 9-00 to 17-00). 265-0118
Phone number for prevention of drug abuse among minors 201-7691